HALCON 21.11 Progress User Guide
- June 3, 2024
Table of Contents
HALCON 21.11 Progress
A quick access to the functionality of HALCON, Version
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More information about HALCON can be found at: http://www.halcon.com/
About This Manual
This manual introduces you to HALCON. It is intended for beginners without
prior knowledge of HALCON.
This manual can also be used as a reference guide to several other HALCON
manuals, as it interconnects them along the following topics:
Installing HALCON (page 7)
This chapter introduces the MVTec Software Manager (SOM). -
HALCON Architecture (page 9)
Some theoretical background, needed to understand what HALCON is and how it works. -
How to Develop Applications (page 15)
This chapter explains three basic approaches for developing with HALCON and guides you through a first programming example. -
How to Continue (page 19)
This chapter refers to additional sources of information.
Installing HALCON
For Linux und Windows users, we recommend downloading and installing HALCON via the MVTec Software Manager (SOM). SOM is an installation manager for software packages. It provides access to a remote cata-log of products, and supports, among other features, downloading and installation of packages. A step by step introduction on how to install HALCON via SOM can be found in the Installation Guide.
HALCON Architecture
HALCON’s basic architecture is depicted in figure 2.1. The main part is the image processing library, which consists of more than 2000 operators. You can also develop your own operators in the form of so-called ex-tension packages (page 11). You use the operators in your application via language interfaces (page 11) like HALCON/C++ or HALCON/Python. These are libraries which allow a direct use of the operators in the typical programming style of the different programming languages.
Figure 2.1: Basic architecture of HALCON.
For the access of image acquisition devices, HALCON provides image acquisition interfaces (page 13) which allow you to use quite different acquisition devices in a common way. The libraries containing the device-specific implementations are loaded dynamically when needed. In the same fashion, I/O devices are accessed through device-specific I/O interfaces (page 13).
Whenever any kind of functionality is used from the HALCON library, it is done via an operator. Most of them comprise multiple methods, which are selected via parameters. A full list of all operators can be found in the HALCON Operator Reference available in HDevelop, .NET, Python, C++, and C syntax. Important features of operators are:
- There is no hierarchy among operators. From the software architecture point of view, all operators are on the same level.
- Of course, there are logical groups of operators. For example, this can be seen by the classes offered for C++ and .NET, where operators processing the same data type are member functions of the corresponding classes.
- The design of the operators follows the rules of the open architecture. Therefore, you can create your own op-erators and thus extend HALCON (see section 2.2). The Extension Package Programmer’s Manual contains detailed information about extending the operator library.
- Many operators can make transparent use of automatic parallelization, which allows an easy way of speeding up the program when using large images on a multi-processor or multi-core computer. Detailed information on parallel programming can be found in the technical note Parallel Programming, as well as in the Program-mer’s Guide.
- Operators have standardized rules for ordering input and output parameters: input iconic, output iconic, input control, and output control (see section 2.1.1). Not all of the groups might be needed for a given operator. In general, input parameters of operators are not modified, which results in a clear and simple semantics. There are only a few exceptions to this design, e.g., set_grayval, overpaint_gray, and overpaint_region.
Parameters and Data Structures
HALCON has two basic types of parameters: iconic data and control data.
Images, regions, and XLDs (eXtented Line Description) belong to the iconic
Images consist mainly of channels, i.e., matrices containing pixel
values. All channels of an image have the same size. For detailed information
about pixels and channels, please read the chapter “Image” of the HALCON
Operator Reference.
For each image, the so-called region of interest (ROI) specifies which part of
the image is processed. The ROI can be defined very flexibly (from a simple
rectangle to a set of unconnected pixels). For details about ROI handling see
the Solution Guide I, Region Of Interest on page 27.
Regions are a set of pixels. The pixels of a region do not need to be connected. Even an arbitrary collection of pixels can be handled as a single region. With the operator connection a region can be split into its connected regions, i.e., components consisting of connected pixels.
XLDs comprise all contour and polygon based data. Subpixel-accurate operators like edges_sub_pix return the contours as XLD data. A contour is a sequence of 2D control points, which are connected by lines. Typically, the distance between control points is about one pixel. XLD objects contain, besides the control points, so-called local and global attributes. Typical examples for these are, e.g., the edge amplitude of a control point or the regression parameters of a contour segment. Besides the extraction of XLD objects, HALCON supports further processing. Examples for this are the selection of contours based on given feature ranges for the segmentation of a contour into lines, arcs, polygons or parallels.
The control data includes handles and basic data types like integer, real, string.
Handles are references to complex data structures, e.g., a connection to an image acquisition interface or a model for the shape-based matching. For efficiency and data security reasons, not the entire structure but only the handle is passed between the operators. Handles are magic values that must not be changed and can differ from execution to execution and version to version. They are automatically cleared once all references are overwritten. Examples where handles are used are graphics windows, files, sockets, image acquisition interfaces, OCR, OCV, measuring, and matching.
Extension Packages
HALCON may be extended by new operators. Although HALCON already contains an abundant set of operators for various tasks, you may wish to implement new operators, e.g., to access a special hardware or to implement an alternative algorithm. To do so, HALCON provides the Extension Package Interface, which allows the integration of new operators (implemented in C) in the form of so- called extension packages. The Extension Package Interface contains several predefined routines and macros for the easy handling of image data and memory objects in C. Once a new operator has been successfully integrated, it can be used like any other HALCON operator. The Extension Package Programmer’s Manual contains detailed information about extending the operator library.
Language Interfaces
As shown in figure 2.1 on page 9, HALCON provides so-called language
interfaces. These are native language bindings, that enable you to call
operators and use HALCON data types directly from within your application, be
it Python, C, C++, or .NET.
To start the development, we recommend to first check one of the ready-to-run
example programs. Here, you can see how the project must be set up and how
operators and types are used.
For each language interface, the names of types, classes, the naming
conventions of operators, etc. may differ to be compliant with the typical
rules that apply for the selected language. The operator signatures for the
supported programming languages are documented in the HALCON Operator
The Python interface stands out for its simplicity and its ability for rapid
prototyping. HALCON operators are called directly as standalone functions,
after importing the HALCON/Python module. Note also that operator parameters
in HALCON/Python are split into function parameters (inputs) and return values
The following code reads an image and computes the number of connected regions
(page 10) in it.
img = ha.read_image(‘pcb’)
region = ha.threshold(img, 0, 122)
num_regions = ha.count_obj(ha.connection(region))
print(f’Number of Regions: {num_regions}’)
For prerequisites and a detailed walk-through, please see Programmer’s Guide, Part 4, A First Example.
The C interface is the simplest interface supported by HALCON. Each operator
is represented by either one or two global functions where the operator name
and the parameter sequence are identical to the HDevelop language.
The following code reads an image and computes the number of connected regions
(page 10) in it.
Hobject img;
read_image(&img, “pcb”);
Hobject region;
threshold(img, ®ion, 0, 122);
Hobject connected_regions;
connection(region, &connected_regions);
Hlong num_regions = 0;
count_obj(connected_regions, &num_regions);
printf(“Number of Regions: %” PRIdPTR “\n”, num_regions);
For prerequisites and a detailed walk-through, please see Programmer’s Guide, Part 5, A First Example.
The C++ interface is much more sophisticated than the C interface. Here, the
advantages of C++ and object-oriented programming are used, i.e., automatic
type conversion, construction and destruction, or grouping functions together
with their data into classes. Like in the C interface, global functions for
each HALCON operator are provided for a procedural style of programming.
The following code reads an image and computes the number of connected regions
(page 10) in it.
HImage img{“pcb”};
HRegion region = img.Threshold(0, 122);
Hlong numRegions = region.Connection().CountObj();
std::cout << “Number of Regions: ” << numRegions << ‘\n’;
For prerequisites and a detailed walk-through, please see Programmer’s Guide, Part 2, A First Example.
C# and Visual Basic .NET use HALCON via the .NET interface.
Analogously to C++, two styles of programming are offered: procedural and
object-oriented. For the procedural style, the class HOperatorSet provides all
HALCON operators, where HObject is used to handle iconic data and HTuple is
used for control data. For the object-oriented style, classes like
HDataCode2d, HMeasure, or HShapeModel are provided for the central
functionality. In addition, classes for iconic data, e.g., HImage or HRegion,
are available.
The following code reads an image and computes the number of connected regions
(page 10) in it.
HImage img = new HImage(“pcb”);
HRegion region = img.Threshold(0d, 122d);
int numRegions = region.Connection().CountObj();
Console.WriteLine(“Number of Regions: ” + numRegions);
For prerequisites and a detailed walk-through, please see Programmer’s Guide, Part 3, A First Example.
Image Acquisition Interfaces
HALCON’s image acquisition interfaces form the bridge between software
provided by the manufacturer of the image acquisition device and HALCON. They
form a common, generic interface that requires a small set of operators only.
Please refer to the Solution Guide II-A for detailed information about this
Currently, HALCON provides interfaces for more than 50 frame grabbers and
hundreds of industrial cameras in the form of dynamically loadable libraries
(Windows: DLLs; Unix-like systems: shared libraries). Library names start with
the prefix hAcq; the libraries ending with the suffix xl are used by HALCON
The most widely used interfaces based on industry standards are already
installed together with the HALCON li-braries. Additional interfaces, as well
as the latest versions of already included interfaces can be downloaded under
https://www.mvtec.com/products/interfaces. The HALCON image acquisition
interfaces may change more frequently than the HALCON library itself. One
reason for this is that MVTec continuously develops new interfaces;
furthermore, if the software provided by the manufacturers of image
acquisition devices changes, e.g., if new features are integrated, the
corresponding HALCON interfaces will be adapted. Please also refer to the
Image Acquisition Interface Reference for a full list of supported image
acquisition interfaces.
Once you successfully installed your image acquisition device, all you need to
do to access it from HALCON is to call the operator open_framegrabber,
specifying the name of the image acquisition interface and some additional
information, e.g., regarding the connected camera. Then, images can be grabbed
by calling the operator grab_image (or grab_image_async).
I/O Interfaces
HALCON provides interfaces for several I/O devices to enable data acquisition.
These interfaces are available as dynamically loadable libraries (Windows:
DLLs; Unix-like systems: shared libraries). Library names start with the
prefix hio; the libraries ending with the suffix xl are used by HALCON XL.
The HALCON I/O device interfaces provide unified access to different I/O
devices using a small set of operators. After you have installed your I/O
device, a connection is established using the operator open_io_device, speci-
fying the name of the I/O device interface and, optionally, some device-
specific parameters. Once the connection is established, a transmission
channel can be opened by calling open_io_channel. To read and write values on
this channel, use the operators read_io_channel and write_io_channel,
Please note that the HALCON I/O device interfaces may change more frequently
than the HALCON library itself. You can find the latest information together
with downloadable interfaces (including documentation) under
https://www.mvtec.com/products/interfaces. Please also refer to the I/O
Device Interface Reference for a full list of supported I/O device interfaces.
How to Develop Applications
We recommend that you start with rapid prototyping in HDevelop, the interactive development environment for the HALCON machine vision library. You can use HDevelop to find the optimal operators and parameters to solve your image analysis task. After developing an HDevelop program according to the given requirements, it has to be translated into its final environment. For this, you can choose between the following three approaches, depending on your preferences:
- Start from Scratch: Writing your program from scratch means to translate your HDevelop code into the target programming language (C++, Python…) manually. As mentioned before, the naming conventions of operators, the names of classes, etc., may differ between programming languages. Have a look at the HALCON Operator Reference to get the HALCON operator signatures for each supported programming language. For information on how to create applications in your desired target language, please read the Programmer’s Guide.
- Export HDevelop Code: Translate your HDevelop code into the target programming language automatically using HDevelop’s code export.
- Export Library Project: HDevelop’s library export generates a ready-to-use project folder, including wrap-per code in the target language and the CMake file to build the project. HDevelop’s library export uses the HDevEngine, a library that acts as an interpreter. HDevEngine lets you directly execute HDevelop programs or procedures from an application written in C++ or any language that can integrate .NET objects. Thus, you do not have to recompile the entire application when making changes to the HDevelop code.
Of course, you can use the HDevEngine without using HDevelop’s library export function. How to use HDevEngine is described in detail in the Programmer’s Guide, Part 6 (Using HDevEngine).
Let’s take a first look at HDevelop. Figure 3.1 shows HDevelop’s user
interface, after a program has been loaded and partly been executed.
By default, these windows are visible, which are also essential for developing
with HDevelop:
- Graphics Window Displays (intermediate) results, namely iconic data (page 10) like images, regions, and XLDs.
- Program Window This is where you type your program code, using operators (page 10) to access HALCON’s image processing methods.
- Variable Window Shows all variables, namely iconic variables and control variables. Iconic variables contain iconic data (page 10) and control variables contain control data (page 10).
Detailed information about HDevelop can be found in the HDevelop User’s Guide. Our tutorial videos also offer a good introduction to HDevelop:
- HDevelop Tutorial 01: GUI and Navigation
- HDevelop Tutorial 02: Variables
- HDevelop Tutorial 03: Visualization
Figure 3.1: HDevelop’s User Interface.
Example Program
Now that you have been introduced to HDevelop’s User Interface and the basic
concepts of HALCON (page 9), let’s develop a C++ application using the Library
Export Approach.
In addition to the following step-by-step instructions, we recommend that you
watch our tutorial videos: Integrate HDevelop code into a C++ application
using the Library Project Export
Integrate HDevelop code into a C# application using the Library Project Export
The videos demonstrate the library export and provide more background
information about the topic.
Create Prototype in HDevelop
The task of the following example is to read an image and count the number of
connected regions it it.
Open HDevelop and enter the following code into the Program Window:
read_image (Image, ‘pcb’)
threshold (Image, Region, 0, 122)
connection (Region, ConnectedRegions)
count_obj (ConnectedRegions, Number) -
Test your program by clicking Run in the toolbar or pressing F5 .
To easily integrate this HDevelop code into an actual application, we encapsulate the machine vision part in a local procedure.
- Highlight the following code lines: threshold (Image, Region, 0, 122) connection (Region, ConnectedRegions) count_obj (ConnectedRegions, Number)
- Right-click to open the context menu.
- Choose Create New Procedure.
- Name it count_regions.
- Select Parameters and change Selection Scheme to First In, Last Out.
- Confirm with OK.
- Save your HDevelop program as hdev_count_regions.hdev
Prepare Visual Studio Project
In this example, we will use Visual Studio 2019. 1
- Create an empty C++ Windows Console project and name it vs_count_regions. Please activate the option Place solution and project in the same directory. 2
- Add a C++ source file (Menu Project Add New Item… C++ File) and name it vs_count_regions.cpp.
- Choose the solution platform x64 from the drop down menu in the toolbar.
- Open your project properties (Menu Project vs_count_regions Properties…) and make the following settings:
- Select C/C++ General and add the following Additional Include Directories:$(HALCONROOT)\include;$(HALCONROOT)\include\halconcpp;
- Select Linker General and add the following Additional Library Directory:$(HALCONROOT)\lib\$(HALCONARCH);
- Select Linker Input and add the following Additional Dependencies: halconcpp.lib;hdevenginecpp.lib;
Export Library Project
Next, we export our HDevelop program hdev_count_regions.hdev into our
Visual Studio project folder.
- Open the previously created HDevelop program hdev_count_regions.hdev.
- Open File Export Library Project…
- Make the following settings:
- Input file: Current Program
- Target Language: C++
- Project Name: hdev_count_regions
- Project Location: Choose the location of our Visual Studio project vs_count_regions.
- Namespace: hdev_count_regions
- Confirm with Export.
Now, your Visual Studio project folder vs_count_regions should contain at least the following data:
- vs_count_regions.cpp (Source File)
- vs_count_regions.sln (Solution)
- hdev_count_regions (Folder from HDevelop Export)
- cmake
- res hdev count_ regions
- hdev count regions. hdev
- source
- hdev_count_regions.cpp
- hdev_count_regions.h
- CMakeLists.txt
Integrate Library Project into Visual Studio
Lastly, we have to integrate the HDevelop program into our Visual Studio
Open the Visual Studio Project.
Open Project Add Existing Item… and choose the C++ file hdev_count_regions.cpp and the header file hdev_count_regions.h, created by HDevelop’s Library Export. (The files are located in the folder hdev_count_regions source.)
Enter the following code into vs_count_regions.cpp:
include “HalconCpp.h”
include “hdev_count_regions/source/hdev_count_regions.h”
int main()
HalconCpp::HImage Image(“pcb”);
HalconCpp::HTuple Number{};
hdev_count_regions::count_regions(Image, &Number);
std::cout << “Number of Regions: ” << Number.L() << ‘\n’;
} -
Execute the program. → A console opens, showing the result ’Number of regions: 43’.
How to Continue
To dive deeper into HALCON, we offer further documentation and support.
HDevelop Example Programs
HALCON provides an extensive set of example programs, not only for HDevelop but also for different programming languages. These examples can be found in the directory denoted by the environment variable % HALCONEXAMPLES% or, if the variable is not set, in the subdirectory examples of the folder into which you have installed HALCON.
To open an HDevelop example program, select the menu File Browse HDevelop Example Programs…. For beginners, we recommend to select an example from the category Application area. -
Services and Support
Our website https://www.mvtec.com/services-support offers a variety of support, for example tutorial videos, information about workshops and trainings, the developers’ corner providing tips and tricks, and many more. -
HALCON Documentation
The documentation provides a wealth of information, from beginner topics to expert knowledge. For example, our Solution Guides describe machine vision methods and how to apply them in HDevelop. A good starting point is Solution Guide I which introduces you to the main machine vision methods.
An overview of all manuals with a short description can be found on the documentation’s entry page.
- MVTec interfaces: MVTec Software
- MVTec Interfaces: MVTec Software
- Services & Support: MVTec Software
- Integrate HDevelop code into a C++ application using the Library Project Export
- HDevelop Tutorial 01: GUI and Navigation: MVTec Software
- HDevelop Tutorial 02: Variables – MVTec HALCON
- HDevelop Tutorial 03: Visualization – MVTec HALCON
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