PRECISIONARY VF 210-0Z Vibrating Microtome Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024

PRECISIONARY VF 210-0Z Vibrating Microtome



  • Advance Speed
  • Return Speed
  • Vibration Frequency
  • Vibration Amplitude
  • Z-axis Vibration
  • Compatible Blades
  • Cutting Angle
  • Thickness Adjustment
  • Micrometer Resolution
  • Maximum Tissue Diameter
  • Maximum Tissue Length
  • Minimum Slice Thickness
  • Cutting Mode
  • Cutting Bath
  • Power Source
  • Power Consumption
  • Dimension (L x W x H)
  • Weight

Product Usage Instructions

Part 1: Introduction

The product is designed for various applications including Electrophysiology, Immunohistochemistry, Organotypic culture slices, Precision cut tissue slices, and Sectioning of mature or older brain tissues. The slice thickness minimum depends on the tissue sample and organ system.

Part 2: Setup

  1. Assemble the model components according to the provided manual.
  2. Ensure all parts are securely in place before operation.
  3. Connect the power source to the control box and ensure proper power supply.

Part 3: Operation

  1. Turn on the power button on the control box.
  2. Set the desired advance speed and return speed using the respective knobs.
  3. Adjust the oscillation frequency as needed for cutting using the frequency control knob.
  4. Place the tissue sample in the specimen tube and secure it in place.
  5. Press the start button to begin the sectioning process.
  6. If needed, use the stop button to halt the vibration head during operation.

Part 4: General Information

The manual micrometer can be used for precise thickness adjustment based on your requirements. Ensure to follow safety guidelines and maintain the equipment regularly for optimal performance.


Q: How often should I update the user manual?

A: It is recommended to check for updated versions of the manual regularly on our website or by contacting [email protected] for the latest information.

Q: What is the power consumption of the device?

A: The power consumption is specified at 18 W, ensuring efficient operation while minimizing energy usage.

Thank You
Thank you for choosing the Compresstome¨ VF-210-0Z!
At Precisionary Instruments, we are thrilled to help you get started with your new vibrating microtome, and we take great pride in quality customer service. Please read the following manual to help you get started with the Compresstome¨ VF-210-0Z.

The information, numerical data, notes and value judgements contained in this manual represent the current state of scientific knowledge and state-of-the- art technology. We aim to update the present manual regularly according to the latest technical developments. Please contact us or visit our website to find the latest versions of this user manual.
Contact [email protected] for updated information.


  • Dangers, warnings, and cautions appear in a box and are marked by the warning triangle.
  • Important information for the user, such as disclaimers, appear in a box and are marked by the information symbol.
  • Caution! Follow the accompanying documentation.

Model Description


The VF-210-0Z tissue slicer model is one of the latest versions of our flagship product in the Compresstome¨ slicer family. With patented Auto Zero-Z¨ technology, the VF-210-0Z is fully automated to section both fixed and live tissues with a thickness range of 20 µm* to 1000 µm and an adjustable precision of 10µm.

The Compresstome¨ VF-210-0Z excels at sectioning slices used for:

  • Electrophysiology
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Organotypic culture slices
  • Precision cut tissue slices
  • Sectioning of mature or older brain tissues
  • And much more!

*Slice thickness minimum depends on tissue sample and organ system

Technical Specifications

Advance Speed 0-20 mm/s, adjustable
Return Speed 20 mm/s
Vibration Frequency 0-20 Hz, adjustable
Vibration Amplitude 2 mm
Z-axis Vibration -0 µm
Compatible Blades Stainless Steel, Ceramic, Tungsten Carbide
Cutting Angle 15 degrees (no need for manual blade alignment)
Thickness Adjustment Manual
Micrometer Resolution 10 µm
Maximum Tissue Diameter 6.5mm (small), 12.5 mm (standard), 15.5 mm (large),

20mm (extra large)
Maximum Tissue Length| 25 mm
Minimum Slice Thickness| 20 µm*
Cutting Mode| Single
Cutting Bath| 140 x 60 x 30 mm
Power Source| For both domestic & international customers: 100-240 V AC and 50/60 Hz for each power supply cord.

Only the original power supply unit (power cord) should be used with the CompresstomeÒ VF-210- 0Z model.

Power Consumption

| 18 W
Dimension ( L x W x H )| 330 x 240 x 190 mm
Weight| 5 kg

*Depends on tissue type and organ system.

Model Components


Figure Number Compresstome Part Part Number Function
1 Blade Holder VF-BH-VM-210-0Z-BOS Holds and stabilizes the

cutting blade

2| Buffer Tray|


| Holds buffer or solutions during


3| Vibration Head| VF-VHlJ-VM-210-0Z- BOS| Blade oscillation assembly, which includes a blade holder, and an oscillation


4| Specimen Tube|


| Two different tube sizes (15.5, and 20 mm in diameter) that hold the specimen for sectioning and embedding tissue in


5| Control Box| —| Controls for the cutting speed, oscillation frequency, and desired

thickness in microns.

6| Transportation Fixture| —| Stabilizes vibration

head for safe transport

7| Manual Micrometer| —| Pushes the specimen

tube forward for sample to be cut

8| Buffer Tray Valve| VF-BT-PL-BOS| On/off knob to keep solution in buffer tray and easily remove

solution when needed

All moving and electrical components of the Compresstome¨ tissue slicer must be kept dry, in particular the power supply unit.

Control Box Anatomy

Figure Number Control Box Part Name Control Box Function
1 Power Button Turns the VF-210-0Z on and


2| Knob that Controls Speed Setting| Knob that controls how fast

the blade holder moves along the cutting track


Knob that Controls Oscillation Frequency

| Knob that controls how high or low the oscillation frequency is of the blade

holder as it cuts


Start Button for Sectioning

| The button that will start your sectioning after you turn the machine on and set your

control settings


Stop Button for Sectioning

| The button that will stop the vibration head no matter where it is along the cutting




Figure Number Compresstome Part Part Number Function



Chilling Block

| VF-VM-CB-15.5-BOS VF-VM-CB-20-BOS| Rapidly chills agarose in

specimen tube for sectioning with the Compresstome

2a| Specimen Tube: White




| Where tissue specimen is

glued onto



Specimen Tube: Metal Tube

| End with tapered lip for compression technology- white plunger will move through the metal tube for



| Acetone Bath for Blade Holder|


| lJse to remove glue from the blade holder before reapplying a new blade



Allen Wrench for Blade Holder



| lJse to remove and tighten the small screw on the blade

holder when taking it on/off the machine


| Power Cord| VF-VM-PC-BOS| Power cord for the VF-310- 0Z model



Original Blade Holder

| VF-VH-VM-210-0Z- BOS| lJsed to glue the blades onto

and is easily attached to vibration head



Magnetic Blade Holder



| lJsed for easily adhering the

stainless steel blades to the blade holder without glue



Buffer Tray



| Holds buffer solution for the produced free floating




Plastic Cleanup Razor



| Thanks for cleaning blade

holder & specimen tube surfaces after sectioning

Starter Kit Components

Note: All of our Compresstome¨ consumables can be ordered online at: 

Contact us directly at [email protected], and we will send you a quote.

Consumable Part Number Quantity Description
Agarose Tablets VF-AGT-VM-10 10 Low melting agarose for

embedding tissue.

Blades| VF-BL-VM-SSB| 10| Double-edged stainless-steel


Pipettes|  | 2| Plastic, disposable pipettes included for easy transfer of agarose into the specimen

tubes for embedding.

Glue| VF-VM-GLlJE| 1| lJsed for securing blades to the blade holder and tissue specimens to the specimen


Forceps| VF-VM-FORCEPS| 2| Small forceps for easy manual manipulation of tissue sample.
Petroleum Jelly| VF-VM-PJ| 1| Petroleum jelly recommended for application to the inside of the tube adapter to prevent minor leaks for Compresstome® buffer trays

(0.16 ounces each packet)

Plastic Cleanup Razor| VF-BL-VM-PCR| 5| lJse to clean the edges of the white plungers after sectioning

with the Compresstome.

Only use Precisionary supplied parts for Compresstome¨ operation; this includes only using the chilling block, blade holder, specimen tubes and buffer tray supplied with your Compresstome¨ tissue slicer. Do not use parts supplied from alternate suppliers for use with the Compresstome¨.


IMPORTANT! Transportation Fixture Removal

Please remove the transportation fixture before your first-time use. This fixture will need to be securely mounted back to the machine before any future shipment.

Before using the Compresstome¨ slicer, you MUST remove the thumbscrew that holds the transportation fixture in place on the machine. This piece is screwed in at the back of the vibrating head and is there to help stabilize the Compresstome¨ during shipment. Failure to remove the transportation stabilization plate may result in damage to the vibrating head.


  1. Remove thumbscrew that is on the right side of the transportation fixture. You do not need to remove anything on the left side (leave as is).
  2. After removing the thumbscrew, the transportation fixture will fall shown in the picture above. Place the thumbscrew back into the machine so that it does not get lost and that you can reattach the transportation fixture for any future shipments.

Mounting the Cutting Blade to the Blade Holder

Double-edged razor blades and ceramic blades are ideal for this vibrating microtome. The double-edged razor blades are supplied in the Compresstome¨ Starter Kit for the VF-210-0Z. The blades should be cleaned with acetone and ethanol before use.
The sharpness of the blade can directly affect the quality of the slices. As seen in the table below, we recommend replacing blades periodically according to the razor and tissue type.

Razor Type Tissue Type Replacement Frequency
Double-edged Standard (brain, lung,

gastrointestinal, skin)

| Every 3-5 samples
Fibrous (lymph nodes, liver,

spleen, kidney)

| Every 1-2 samples
Ceramic| All| Every 3-4 weeks
Tungsten| All| Every 1-2 weeks

For each double-edged stainless steel blade, cut the blade horizontally to form two separate blades. You will only need one of the two resulting blades for each use. For ceramic and tungsten blades, remove one of the blades carefully from the pack.

PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-7 PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-8 PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-9 ![PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-10

.]( Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-10.jpg) PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-

Mounting the Cutting Blade to the Magnetic Blade Holder

The magnetic blade holder can be used without glue to adhere the stainless- steel blades only. Please follow the below directions for attaching the stainless-steel blades to the magnetic blade holder. While the magnetic blade holder can still hold ceramic and tungsten carbide blades, these blades will need to be applied via glue in the above steps on page 15, they are not magnetic. To clean the magnetic blade holder, soak in liquid overnight and dry & clean right after use.


Attaching the Gooseneck Lamp to the Compresstome®

PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-13 PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-14

Preparing Agarose for Embedding

All tissue specimens must be embedded in agarose for the Compresstome¨ to perform as designed. We recommend using our type-Ib agarose tablets. However, for larger quantities, type-Ib agarose powder can be purchased through Sigma Aldrich at:
Please see Table 1 below for using our 0.5 mg agarose tablets. We recommend using a 2.0% to 3.0% agarose solution. The ÒfirmnessÓ of the agarose gel should match the ÒfirmnessÓ of your tissue.

Solution volume needed to achieve % agarose (mL)

Agarose %| 1 tablet| 2 tablets| 3 tablets
1.5%| 33| 67| 100
1.8%| 28| 56| 83
2.0%| 25| 50| 75
2.2%| 23| 45| 68
2.5%| 20| 40| 60
3.0%| 17| 33| 50
3.2%| 16| 31| 47
3.5%| 14| 29| 43

Table 1

On Page 20 you will find Table 2 that displays the cutting parameters using the VF-210-0Z (and all Compresstome¨) models. These guidelines are starting points for the speed, oscillation, and agarose concentration needed to section the specific tissue type. Please use these cutting parameters to start, and adjust as needed as you continue using your VF-210-0Z model.


Cutting Parameters Guideline

Compresstome® Cutting Parameters

Tissue or Specimen| Advance (Speed)| Oscillation| Suggested Agarose %

•    Precision-cut lung slices

| 2-3| 3-4| 2%
Any fixed tissues| 1.5-2| 3-4| 2%
Brain: live

•    Electrophysiology

•    imaging

| 1.5-2| 3-4| 1.8-2%
Organotypic slices: Tumor research Brain culture slices| 2-3| 4-5| 2%
Retina (fixed and acute slices)

  • Infuse with agarose or gelatin to replace vitreous humor

| 1.5-2| 5-6| 2.5%
Kidney (acute slices)| 3-4| 5-6| 2.5%
Liver (acute slices)| 3-4| 5-6| 2.5%
Cardiac (fixed and acute slices)

  • Infuse with agarose or gelatin to fill up atria/ventricles

| 1.5-2| 5-6| 2.5%
Gut (fixed and acute slices)| 3-4| 3-4| 2.5%
Plants: Leaves| 3-4| 4-5| 2%
Plants: Stems| 3-4| 4-5| 2%
Plants: Seeds| 6-8| 2-3| 2.5%
Skin (Epidermis)| 2-3| 5-6| 2.5%
Muscle (fixed and acute slices)| 2-3| 4-6| 2.5%
Adipose (fixed and acute slices)| 4-5| 5-6| 1.8%
Lymph node (fixed and acute| 1.5-2| 5-6| 2.5%
slices)|  |  |

  • Use 3% agarose for more|  |  |  
    fibrous tissues|  |  |
    Spleen (fixed and acute slices)| 3-4| 6-7| 2%

Embedding Tissue in Agarose

PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-16 PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-17


Sectioning with the Compresstome® Tissue Slicer

Exercise caution if using fixatives and always remember to wear gloves and safety goggles while operating the Compresstome¨.

The Compresstome¨ tissue slicer is intended for indoor use only, 5 C to 40û C temperature. If the Compresstome¨ equipment is used in a manner not specified, the protection provided may be impaired.

PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-18 PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-19

General Information

Cleaning and Maintenance

The Compresstome¨ should be disconnected from the power source before preforming any maintenance or servicing operations.

Exercise caution when dealing with flammable substances and always remember to wear gloves and safety goggles while operating and cleaning the Compresstome¨.

PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-20 PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-21PRECISIONARY-VF-210-0Z-Vibrating-Microtome-FIG-22

Buffer Tray Maintenance and Cleaning


Auto Zero-Z Technology

Auto Zero-Z¨ is our latest breakthrough technology at Precisionary Instruments. This is a patented feature designed to allow the blade holder to operate in near zero Z-axis deflection without the need to optically align every single time.


Please ensure that you follow the special instructions for blade mounting to ensure that Auto Zero-Z¨ works every time you slice.
The advantages of the Auto Zero-Z¨ combined with Compresstome¨ techniques are:

  • Healthier slices and better surface structure preservation.
  • Thinner minimum slice thickness. By combining the Auto Zero-Z¨ and Compresstome¨ technology, it is now possible to achieve an unprecedented fixed brain slice thickness of 4 µm* without paraffin embedding or freezing.
  • No vibration marks on the fixed brain slices. The result is a very smooth and flat slice surface which is optimal for histological processing.
  • No optical alignment device is required for Auto Zero-Z¨ operation.
  • No blade alignment procedure is required when changing to a new blade.


  • Avoid trapping any air bubbles in the agarose during embedding.
  • The blade holder is a pre-aligned, delicate part. Glue residue on either side of the blade holder will deteriorate slice quality.
  • Do not bubble artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) or other buffer solutions during slicing to avoid contaminating and damaging the linear bearing of the vibration head. This is the most critical step to increase the work life of the machine.

The vibrating head unit does not move when I begin to cut for the first time.

  • When the Compresstome tissue slicer is packaged and sent to you, the vibrating head is secured in place at the top by the transportation fixture (see photo on P. 13). This transportation fixture needs to be removed before turning the machine on and cutting. If the transportation fixture is not removed, the head unit will not move beyond its attached location.
  • If the vibrating head unit does not move at all, and no noise is heard, the issue could be due to an electrical problem in the vibrating arm. If this occurs, please contact us. See page 39 for contact information.

How do I keep the buffer tray cold?

  • There are many options to keep your buffer tray cold during sectioning! They include:
    • Customers typically pre-chill or semi-freeze the buffer solution, which keeps the temperature of the solution cold during the cutting process. One huge advantage of the Compresstome is that the speed of tissue slicing is significantly faster than the speeds of other market slicers. So even without packing ice around the buffer tray, the Compresstome can slice live tissue rapidly to preserve slice health!
    • Another great option is that with the VF-210-0Z, you can easily remove the buffer tray, pour ~1mm of buffer into the tray, and place the tray in the freezer so there is a nice frozen layer at the bottom of your buffer tray, underneath your standard buffer solution, for sectioning.
    • Another option is to place cold gel packs around the buffer tray to keep the entire unit cold. Using gel packs also makes clean up easy!
    • Lastly, a great, simple option to keep your buffer tray cold is to use our CompresstomeÒ Double-Walled Buffer Tank! Our Double-Walled Buffer Tank takes the place of your standard buffer tray. There is space in the Ôdouble wall to keep ice cubes in while you section, and the ice will not go into your buffer tray or interfere with cutting! It will keep your buffer tray and solution cold during sectioning, perfect for sectioning your live tissue slices!

Is agarose safe to use for live tissue? For fixed tissue?

Absolutely! Agarose is a soft embedding medium that is safe to use for embedding both live and fixed tissues. We have diligently performed experiments in the lab to test the effects of agarose on both live and fixed tissue. Our agarose tablets are low gelling point at 36¡C, and it has been proven safe time and again because you can keep it from congealing in a warm water bath while below biological temperatures. Agarose does not harm the specimen in any case. For example, researchers at Allen Brain Institute have cut live slices of cortical tissue and performed patch-clamp electrophysiology experiments on layer I cortical neurons. The agarose helps to stabilize tissue so that cutting with the Compresstome yields slices with smooth surfaces.

What are the best cutting parameters for cutting speed and oscillation?
Thats a great question, and our most commonly asked question too! The short answer is: try a cutting speed (the Advance knob) of 1 to 3, and an oscillation setting of 4-7. This is what we generally recommend for starting guidelines. Please see P. 21 for the full list of cutting parameters for specific tissue types.

I am getting chatter marks on tissue slices. How do I get smoother slices?

The Compresstome is a unique patented tissue slicer that was designed to cut tissue quickly without chatter marks. If you are getting vibration artifacts, please try the following diagnostic steps:

  1. Set the speed slightly lower (try an advanced setting of 1 to 1.5). Also set the oscillation frequency higher (try a setting of 5-7).
  2. Make sure that you are using 2-3% agarose without any bubbles in the agarose surrounding the tissue (see the bubble removal section -P. 24- for detailed instruction on that).
  3. Try changing the blade in case the cutting blade has nicks on the edge that interfere with cutting.
  4. Stainless steel blades will only last a day or two.
  5. Ceramic blades will last 3-4 weeks depending on how much sectioning is done.
  6. Tungsten carbide blades will last 1-2 weeks, depending on how much sectioning is done.
  7. If you are working with tissue that has open cavities inside, please remember to inject the cavities with gelatin to ensure that all air spaces have been filled up.
  8. Finally, if you are still having chatter mark trouble, give us a call or email us! We are here to help.

The small screw on the blade holder is stripped and the Allen wrench won’t remove it. What do I do?
If the small screw is stripped, contact us for an immediate replacement. If you lost the Allen wrench, we will also replace it.

I am getting uneven tissue slices. How do I fix this?
Getting uneven thicknesses from slice to slice is unusual for the Compresstome. But if you are getting uneven slices, it may be because the agarose density does not match the tissue density you are slicing. For instance, agarose that is too soft (<2%) will not provide enough stability for cutting with firmer tissue (such as cardiac or lymph node tissues, which are more fibrous). When this happens, use a higher concentration of agarose (3%). Also try decreasing the speed (Advance) to 1 to 1.5 and increase the oscillation frequency to 5-7.

The agarose rim around the tissue does not fall off. How do I separate the agarose from the tissue after cutting?

  • If you would like the agarose rim to fall off after each slice, try using a higher concentration of agarose, such as 3% to 3.5%. The firmer the agarose, the more likely that it will automatically fall off the tissue after each slice is cut.
  • You can also try brushing the tissue with a 30% sucrose solution to coat it before embedding in agarose. This puts a layer around the tissue that allows the agarose rim to fall off easier after your slices fall into the buffer tray/solution.

How do I pack up Compresstome for moving and shipping?

Proper packing and stabilization of the Compresstome is crucial for maintaining its cutting alignment and preserving the oscillating cutting arm. Failure to properly stabilize the Compresstome can result in damage to the vibration arm, leading to poor cutting results. To pack a Compresstome for moving and shipment, first reattach the transportation fixture that locks the vibration head and arm in place. Take the small thumbscrew on the back of the vibration head and unscrew it, realign the transportation fixture to be horizontal (see page 13, step 1 for how it needs to be attached), and screw on the thumbscrew. Tape the Compresstome to a flat wooden base with foam padding on the bottom (the wooden base that was originally sent to you), place it inside the shipping box, and pack it completely with bubble wrap, packing peanuts, etc. The CompresstomeÒ should not be freely mobile inside the box. Now you are ready to move or ship your Compresstome!

Warranty Information

  • There is a one (1) year warranty for the VF-210-0Z CompresstomeÒ vibrating microtome. Additional years of warranty are available for purchase. Consumables, shipping fees, handling costs, and training plans are non-returnable. Delivery is considered to be completed when items arrive to the customer.
  • Shipping fees incurred from repairs for under-warranty service in the first year under warranty will be paid by Precisionary Instruments. All shipping fees both to and from Precisionary Instruments following this one year period must be paid by the customer.

Procedures for Obtaining Warranty Service
If repairs are required, the customer must contact Precisionary Instruments and provide proof of purchase.

Warranty Void Conditions
The warranty for the Compresstome¨ VF-210-0Z model is voided under the following conditions. Any attempt to repair the Compresstome¨ or tampering with the control box, moving bar, or oscillating head unit, along with any Compresstome¨ parts (gooseneck lamp, specimen tubes, chilling block, buffer trays, etc.) without reaching out to Precisionary Instruments first to receive written confirmation, and the attempt by the customer is failed within the one (1) year warranty, then the warranty is voided if the customer then chooses to reach out to Precisionary Instruments to have their model repaired after the failed attempt. In this case, the customer is responsible for all shipping and repair costs for the repair as the warranty is voided due to customer tampering in an attempt to repair the Compresstome¨ VF-210-0Z model.

Contact Information

Additional questions? Need assistance? We have multiple ways for you to contact us, including:

Mailing Address for Documents, Slicers, & Parts

Precisionary Instruments 207 Union Street
2nd Floor
Natick, MA 01760


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