LA GARD 707010 AuditGard Electronic Combination Safe Locks Instruction Manual
- May 15, 2024
Table of Contents
LA GARD 707010 AuditGard Electronic Combination Safe Locks
The AuditGard AuditView software allows the Master or Manager to view, save,
and print the audit records. The AuditGard lock maintains the last 512 lock
events in non-volatile memory. Accessing the audit records requires either a
Serial (P/N 42150) or USB
(P/N 707010) Interface adapter and an audit cable. There are two types of
audit cables used with AuditGard (P/N 42145 or P/N 43087) depending upon which
Entry Device is used.
Start the AuditView Program:
Select the AG AuditView icon from the desktop (Figure 1) or complete the
following steps:
- Select the Start icon from the Windows task bar.
- Select the Programs or All Programs menu item.
- Select the LA GARD menu item.
- Select the LA GARD AG menu item.
- Select the AuditGard AuditView icon.
Start -> Programs -> LA GARD -> LA GARD AG -> AuditGard AuditView
The AuditView Main Menu screen will be displayed (Figure 2).
Select the COM Port
When the AuditView program is started, it identifies the COM Ports that are
currently available on your PC. You must select the COM
Port to be used when communicating with the lock each time you start the
Access the Device Manager to determine which COM Port to select for the AuditView Software by completing the following steps:
a. Right click on My Computer.
b. Select Manage.
The Computer Management window is displayed.
c. Under System Tools, select the Device Manager.
d. From the Device Manager list, select Ports (COM & LPT).
The list of communication and printer ports currently identified in the PC system will be displayed.
e. Plug the USB or Serial Interface Adapter into an available USB port on the PC.
If using a USB Adapter, the list of ports will be updated to reflect the new device. The LA GARD USB Interface Adapter can be identified in the list as USB Serial Adapter. The virtual COM Port assigned to the USB port where the Adapter is currently installed will follow the device description (Figure 3).
If using a Serial Adapter, identify the standard Serial COM Port to be used. Standard Serial COM Ports are identified in the list with a description of Communications Port. -
From the AuditView software select the Configuration menu on the Menu bar (Figure 4).
Select Ports from the drop down menu (Figure 5). The list of available COM Pots will be displayed.
Select the appropriate COM port from the list (Figure 5). For a USB Adapter select the virtual COM Port assigned by the system. For a Serial Adapter select the standard Serial COM Port to be used.
Select Date and Time Formats
- From the AuditView software select the Configuration menu on the Menu bar.
- Select Date and Time Formats from the drop down menu (Figure 4). The Date and Time Format box will open in a separate window.
- Select the desired format, and click OK when the format selection is complete (Figure 6).
Audit the Lock
Plug the appropriate audit cable for the Entry Device into the USB or Serial Interface Adapter.
Connect the audit cable to the Entry Device (Figure 7).
Click the safe icon button or select Start Acquisition from the Actions menu on the Menu bar (Figure 8).
Enter Master or Manager combination and hold down last digit of combination until unit double signals and the LED stays on.
NOTE: In Dual Mode, a valid User combination must be entered first, followed by the Manager combination, to access Command 7. -
The Entry Device will beep once and the audit records will be transmitted to the PC for display on the screen (Figure 9).
NOTE: You can interrupt the transmission by clicking on the STOP sign button or by selecting Stop Acquisition from the Actions menu on the Menu bar. -
Once the audit is complete, disconnect the audit cable from the Entry Device.
Select Data
The AuditView software can filter the audit data allowing the User to select
only the specific data events needs. The record can be filtered by the
following: Date, Event, User, or any combination of the three.
To select the data use either of the two “selection” boxes above the audit
listing. The selection box on the left allows you to select audit data by a
specific event type. The selection box on the right allows you to select audit
data for a specific user. Click on the respective drop down arrows for the
available selections (Figure 10). Once a selection is made, a revised audit
list is displayed.
To limit the data by date range, click the Date Search button (Figure 11). A calendar will open in a separate window. Place the curser in the Start or End Date box and select the date using the calendar. Click OK when date range has been selected (Figure 12).
The columns Date, Event and User in the Main Screen can also be used to enable the filters. Select a row that contains your filter criteria (i.e. Lock Opened), and then right click on the field that contains the criteria. The Column will switch to red, indicating an active filter (Figure 13). Only the events that meet the filter criteria will be displayed. You can add multiple filters, using same the method.
To reset filter(s), click on Reset Filter button (Figure 14).
AuditView Audit Adjust
The Audit Adjust is a tool used to compensate for the time loss after a Real-
Time Clock (RTC) initialization, indicating a loss of power to the lock of 15
minutes or more. In the event that the RTC is initialized, the Status field
will display [ ? ] instead of [OK]. This tool allows the User to adjust the
records by inputting a “known” audit event date and time. The Status field
will display [Adj.].
Using LGView to adjust the time stamp:
Click left on the event you need to adjust. Click right on “?” (Figure 15).
Adjust the date and time using the up/down (!⁄) and side-to-side ( 1 ¡ ) arrows (Figure 16).
Or click on the drop down to open the calendar (Figure 17).
Choose date for the event in the calendar.
Status column will display [Adj.] and all other events in that sequence will
be changed automatically according the adjustment (sequence means: all events
between two RTC initializations).
NOTE : Each RTC initialization must be adjusted individually.
Lock Status
Click on the Lock Status button to display status information about the Lock.
A window is displayed showing the audit date and time, Time Delay settings,
Lock version, the status of all users, etc. (Figure 18).
User Status Detail
To verify the User(s) status click the text box Click here for user info, and
a pop-up box will open displaying the status (Figure 19).
Save Audit:
Once the audit is complete you may name and save the audit file (*.log) for
future use.
- Click the Save button or select Save from the File menu on the Menu bar (Figure 20).
- Enter the file name to be saved (Figure 21).
- Click the Save button (Figure 21).
View a Saved Audit File:
Once an audit file has been saved, it may be viewed by using the Load function
of the LA GARD AuditView software.
- Click the Load button or select Load from the File menu on the Menu bar (Figure 22).
Select the desired audit file to view and click the Open button (Figure 23).
Exit the program
Click the Quit button, or select Quit from the Files menu on the Menu bar, or
click on the red [X] in the upper right hand corner (Figure 24).
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