Harvia AFB4 FORTE Sauna Elektroofen Instructions

May 15, 2024

Harvia AFB4 FORTE Sauna Elektroofen

Harvia AFB4 FORTE Sauna Elektroofen


These instructions for installation and use are intended for the owner or the person in charge of the sauna, as well as for the electrician in charge of the electrical installation of the heater. After completing the installation, the person in charge of the installation should give these instructions to the owner of the sauna or to the person in charge of its operation. Please read the instructions for use carefully before using the heater.
The heater is designed for the heating of a sauna room to bathing temperature. It is not to be used for any other purpose.
Congratulations on your choice!


  • The guarantee period for heaters and control equipment used in saunas by families is two (2) years.
  • The guarantee period for heaters and control equipment used in saunas by building residents is one (1) year.
  • The guarantee does not cover any faults resulting from failure to comply with installation, use or maintenance instructions.
  • The guarantee does not cover any faults resulting from the use of stones not recommended by the heater manufacturer.



The Harvia Forte electric heater is the right choice for bathers who use the sauna several times a week but not necessarily at fixed times. The heater is always ready for use as long as standby heat is maintained in it. Users need not wait long as the sauna room can be quickly (5–15 minutes) heated to a pleasant bathing temperature (+50…+60 °C). This happens quite fast, when you open the heater cover, and at the same time full capacity is turned on.
The thermal insulation of the heater is very efficient, to ensure that a bathing temperature can be maintained in the stone space using as little thermal energy as possible. The daily energy consumption of the heater in standby state is only 4–6 kWh. This is converted into thermal energy for the sauna room, effectively making the sauna heater an electric heater.
The thermal power released by the heater does not go to waste as it can be used to keep a sauna room with good insulation both warm and dry. The required amount of thermal energy can be adjusted by decreasing the power of the sauna heating equipment. If the sauna room gets too hot, the temperature of the stone space can be lowered. The temperature of the chamber should not, however, fall under 250 degrees Celsius since the water thrown on the stones may run down the stone space and leave the lower stone layers moist at lower temperatures.

Technical data

  • full capacity/standby power (HI/LO): 4 kW/440 W, 6 kW/660 W, 9 kW/1000 W
  • Heating power electronically controlled
  • A K-type thermocouple serves as the temperature sensor for the sauna stones
  • Sauna stone temperature can be adjusted at the control panel. At HI-mode 220–300 ºC and at LO-mode 220–280 ºC.
  • The heater provides voltage control (230 V 1N~) for external power reduction, for example
  • Heater dimensions: width 500 mm, depth 535 mm, height 830 mm
  • Amount of stones approximately 100 kg The Forte heaters are FI approved and comply with all the regulations applicable to CE marked equipment. Proper authorities monitor that the regulations are being followed.

Operation Switches and Parts

See figure 1.

  1. Cover with silicone rubber gasket used to control the heat emitted.
  2. Handle to safely open and close the cover.
  3. The cover hinge is equipped with a spring loaded latching device that keeps the cover either open or closed.
  4. Separate control panel.
  5. Electric switch.
    Instructions For Use

Control panel

See figure 2.
Display screen (1)
From the display screen you can read operations states (LO or HI) temperatures. In the LO state, the stone space is heated up using standby heat. The heater’s three heating elements are connected in series to one phase. The HI state uses all of the heating power of the heater: the heating elements of the three-phase electric system are star-connected between phases.

I/O button (2)
The I/O button is used to switch the heater heating elements on and off. For this to happen, the electric switch must be switched on (see figures 1 and 6). The indicator light burns under the I/O button to indicate standby mode. Exit from control panel standby mode and access to other functions of the control panel by pressing the I/O button for couple seconds. When the heater is switched on, the display screen shows the factory setting 220 for a while. This is the lowest temperature that can be set. After this, the display shows a number in the range from 40 to 60, which is the lowest stone space temperature that can be displayed.

MENU button (3)
Access to adjusting the sauna stones temperature and remaining on-time by pressing the MENU button.

Standby power (LO) button (4)
In the initial state, the heater is at the lower state (LO). In this state temperature can be adjust between 220-280 ºC. The temperature can be adjust by pressing the MENU button and after that temperature can be decreased or increased with the adjustment buttons. ECO-mode: ECO-mode switches on when LO button is pressed for a couple seconds. In this state temperature drops to 150 ºC. ECO-mode should be switch on if it is known that the sauna is not used for days. Exit from the ECO-mode by pressing the LO button again.

Full capacity (HI) button (5)
In the HI-mode temperature can be adjust between 220-300 ºC. Adjusting the temperature happens same way as in the LO mode. In the HI-mode you can set the remaining on-time to the heater (10 min-2h). When the selected on-time has been passed, the heater drops to the LO-mode. Press the MENU button two times and select the appropriate remaining on-time with the adjusting buttons. If the sauna room temperature raises too high, it is necessary switch to the LO- mode.

Adjusting buttons (6 and 7)
Adjusting buttons 6 (-) and 7 (+) are needed to set the sauna stones temperature and remaining on-time. Holding the button down speeds up the setting process.

Indicator light – temperature of the stones (8)
Indicator light 8 is used to shown the stone space temperature. When the indicator light blinks, temperature can be set with the adjustment buttons.

Indicator light – remaining on-time (9)
Indicator light 9 is used to shown the remaining on-time. When the indicator light blinks, remaining on-time can be set with the adjustment buttons.

  1. Display screen
  2. Heater on/off switch (I/O button)
  3. MENU button
  4. Standby power button (LO)
  5. Full capacity button (HI)
  6. Adjusting button (-)
  7. Adjusting button (+)
  8. Indicator light (Temperature of the stones)
  9. Indicator light (Remaining on-time)
  10. Indicator light (Control panel)
    Instructions For Use

Control Panel Lock

You can lock and unlock the control panel buttons by holding buttons 3 (MENU), 6 (-) and 7 (+) pressed for three seconds. Indicator light 10 is lit when the control panel is locked.

Thermostat and Overheat Protector

Heating of the stone space is monitored by a thermostat. Because the thermocouple sensor is fixed to the casing of the stone space, the sensor is at the same temperature as the stones. Thanks to the short, pre-set connection time, the thermostat maintains the temperature of the stone space very close to the selected value. Even if the heater cover were closed and the heater turned on to full capacity, the thermostat would not let the temperature of the heater rise high enough to damage the rubber gasket. If, however, the gasket is damaged for some reason, it can be replaced.
Continuous use of standby heat (AFB4; 440 W, AFB6; 660 W ja AFB9; 1000 W) ensures that the stone space can provide heat as soon as the heater cover is opened.

Overheat Protector
If, for some reason, the temperature of the heater rises too high (over 340 °C), the overheat protector protects the heater by permanently switching off the current in the heating elements. To signify this, the error message Er3 flashes on the display.
The overheat protector cannot be reset to allow current to flow to the heating elements until the heater has cooled down and the temperature has fallen below the switch-off value. The error message Er3 must also disappear from the display. The mechanical reset button (see figure 3) is used to reset the overheat protector. Only a qualified electrician should operate the reset button. To reset the protector, press the button until you hear a click.
Instructions For Use
The reason for the malfunction must be determined before the button is pressed:

  • Are there enough stones?
  • Have the stones started to crumble and pile up more compactly in the stone space?
  • Has the heater been on for a long time at full capacity with the cover closed?

Piling of the Sauna Stones
Sauna heater stones are significant in terms of the unit’s safety. In order for the warranty to remain valid, the user is responsible for proper maintenance of the stone space in accordance with the specifications and instructions.
Important information on suitable sauna stones:

  • Suitable sauna stone materials are peridotite, olivine diabase, olivine and vulcanite.
  • Only use cleavage surface and/or rounded stones for your sauna heater.
  • If the heating elements of an electric sauna heater are in contact with the stones, rounded stones may only be used in the outer layers of the stone space, so that they do not come into contact with the heating elements.
  • Ceramic stones and decorative stones may only be used if they have been approved by the manufacturer and are used according to the their instructions.
  • Note that decorative stones are only suitable on the top layer of the stone space. Decorative stones must be placed loosely to ensure sufficient air circulation. Place any decorative stones so that they do not touch the heating elements of an electric sauna heater. If you have a wood burning stove, make sure the stones do not touch the stove’s hot inner frame.
  • The warranty does not cover any defects that have been caused by the use of decorative stones or by sauna stones not recommended by the manufacturer. Neither does the guarantee cover any faults caused by disintegrated or too small stones blocking the heater ventilation.
  • The sauna stones for a heat-storing electric heater should be 10 to 15 cm in diameter.
  • Stone dust should be washed off before piling the stones. The stones are piled on the bottom of the heater’s stone space and the grate in between the heating elements (resistors) so that the stones support one another. The stones should not be piled too tightly to allow the air to freely flow through the stone space. The weight of the stones should not lie on the heating elements. The stones should not be piled too tightly, so that air can flow through the heater. See Figure 4. The stones should be not wedged between the heating elements. The heating elements should neither be in contact with the walls of the stone space nor touch one another. See Figure 5. The entire stone space should be filled with stones, but there should be enough space for the lid to close properly.
  • Note! When the stones have been placed inside the heater, the heater should be warmed up to remove moisture from the stones. See item 1.5.
  • The heater should not be used without stones!
  • No such objects or devices should be placed inside the heater stone space or near the heater that could change the amount or direction of the air flowing through the heater, thus causing the resistance temperature to rise too high, which may set the wall surfaces on fire!
    Instructions For Use
    Instructions For Use

A. Control panel cable
B. Thermocouple connector
C. Electronic card
D. Overheat protector with reset option
E. Control contactor
F. Security contactor
G. Terminal strip for feeder cable
H. Electric switch
Instructions For Use

Repositioning and Replacing of Stones
It is recommended that the stones be repositioned every time the stone level has stopped descending or no less than once a year. Depending on the frequency of use, the stones should be replaced with new ones at intervals of every 2–3 years. When repositioning or replacing the stones, the small pieces of stone should be removed from the bottom of the heater and the stones that have become “soft” should be replaced. The heater should be warmed up to remove moisture from the new stones. See Point 1.5.

Setting the Heater in Standby Mode and Heating It for the First Time

The electronics of the heater are switched on and off using the small electric switch with a swing mechanism at the front panel (fig. 6). When the switch is in the ON position, the indicator light under the I/O button burns as an indication of the standby mode. In standby mode, the heater heating elements do not carry current. Electric switch should be switched off if it is known that the sauna is not used for a long time. The person installing the heater sets it in standby mode when making the electrical connections. When the heater is switched on for the first time after the stones have been put in place, it should be run at full capacity with the cover open (see chapters 1.5.1. and 1.5.2.). The big stone space needs at least two hour-long heating periods at full capacity to ensure that the temperature of the chamber rises high enough. When the heater is switched on for the first time, both the heater and the stones emit odour. To remove this, the sauna room needs to be efficiently ventilated. These actions should also be taken when stones are rearranged or added to the heater.

Standby Mode
Heater electric power is switched on by pressing the control panel I/O button for a few seconds. To indicate that current has been connected to the heating elements the display shows the symbol LO, and after that a number, that shows current temperature of the stone space (e. g 24). Press the MENU button and set the temperature higher (+) or lower (-) if needed.
To ensure a pleasant bath and sufficient heat, we recommend that the temperature of the chamber be set at 260–280 degrees Celsius.

Full Capacity
Full capacity is switched on by pressing the control panel I/O button for a few seconds and after that pressing the HI button. Display screen shows adjusted HI mode temperature. After a while, the display changes to show the current temperature of the heater stone space. Press the MENU button and set the stone space temperature to the maximum (300 ºC) for the first heating. After the first heating,  heater cover must be closed. If the stone space seems to emit odours, the cover should be left open for a while when the heater operates on full capacity.
To get a really good bath, wait for one full day to allow the heat to distribute itself evenly in the closed stone space.

Heating the Sauna Room for a Bath

After the heater has been properly pre-heated, the stones are ready for a bath at any time. However, a certain amount of time is needed to raise the temperature of the sauna room to a pleasant level. The size, wall materials and thermal insulation of the sauna room play a significant part in this respect. When heater is at LO mode, heater cover is opened and HI mode is switched on, a well-insulated sauna room warms up to a proper bathing temperature in about 5-15 minutes. The best bathing temperature when using this heater model is +55 …+ 60 ºC. At this temperature, enough water can be used to produce a pleasant humidity in the sauna room. The same humidity conditions cannot be reached at higher temperatures.

Throwing Water on Heated Stones

When the sauna room air warms up, it becomes dry and, therefore, it is necessary to throw water on the hot stones. The bather should throw water on the stones with a small ladle (approx. 0,2 l). The frequency will depend on the effect of the increasing humidity on the bather’s skin. Humid air is easy to breath and the skin begins to sweat. Both too high a temperature and air humidity will give an unpleasant feeling.
The maximum volume of the ladle is 0,2 litres. The amount of water thrown on the stones at a time should not exceed 0,2 l, because if an excessive amount of water is poured on the stones, only part of it will evaporate and the rest may splash as boiling hot water on the bathers.
Never throw water on the stones when there are people near the heater, because hot steam may burn their skin.
Note! Sauna water thrown on the stones cools the stones down and if thrown on the front edge of the heater’s stone space, where the thermocouple sensor that follows the temperature is also located, it may cause a sharp drop in the temperature display screen reading. However, the reading will begin to rise towards the pre-set temperature as the heat is distributed throughout the stone space.
Staying in the hot sauna for long periods of time makes the body temperature rise, which may be dangerous.
The water to be thrown on the heated stones should meet the requirements of clean household water (table 1). Only special aromas designed for sauna water may be used. Follow the instructions given on the package.

Table 1. Water quality requirements

Water properties Effect Recommendation
Humus concentration Color, taste, precipitates <12 mg/l
Iron concentration Color, odour, taste, precipitates <0,2 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) concentration Color, odour, taste, precipitates <0,10 mg/l

Hardness : most important substances are magnesium (Mg) and lime, i.e. calcium (Ca)| Precipitates| Mg: <100 mg/l
Chloride-containing water| Corrosion| Cl: <100 mg/l
Chlorinated water| Health risk| Forbidden to use
Seawater| Rapid corrosion| Forbidden to use
Arsenic and radon concentration| Health risk| Forbidden to use

Temperature and Humidity of the Sauna Room Both thermometers and hygrometers suitable for use in a sauna are available. As the effect of steam on people varies, it is impossible to give an exact, universally applicable bathing temperature or percentage of moisture. The bather’s own comfort is the best guide.
The sauna room should be equipped with proper ventilation to guarantee that the air is rich in oxygen and easy to breathe. See item 2.2.
Bathing in a sauna is considered a refreshing experience and good for the health. Bathing cleans and warms your body, relaxes the muscles, soothes and alleviates oppression. As a quiet place, the sauna offers the opportunity to meditate.

After Bathing

When you have stopped bathing, make sure that the stones are dry and the timer is turned to zero before closing the heater lid. If the stones are still wet, the lid should be left open until the stones are dry. If the heater cover is left open and the stone space temperature drops to 140 ºC, heater will turn off after 4 hours.
Due to the large number of stones in the heater, it is economical to keep the standby power switched on continuously even if the sauna is not used on a daily basis. The reason for this is that it is rather slow to raise the temperature of the nearly 100 kilograms of stones to a level suitable for bathing (+280–300 °C).

Steam Bath

The AFB heater also allows you to enjoy low-temperature steam bathing in the following manner:

  • go into the sauna room
  • turn on the full capacity (HI)
  • open the lid
  • throw a lot of water on the stones with the ladle (0,2l)

In this way, the temperature will remain extremely low, the sauna room will be filled with steam and it is as if you were in a Turkish bath.
After steam bathing, the sauna room structures should be carefully dried by keeping the heater lid and the air circulation valve open for as long as it is necessary. The sauna room should also be well ventilated to remove humidity!
Finally, set the heater power to the L0 position and close the heater cover.

Instructions for Bathing

  • Begin by washing yourself; for example, by taking a shower.
  • Stay in the sauna for as long as you feel comfortable.
  • According to established sauna conventions, you must not disturb other bathers by speaking in a loud voice.
  • Do not force other bathers from the sauna by throwing excessive amounts of water on the stones.
  • Forget all your troubles and relax.
  • Cool your skin down as necessary.
  • If you are in good health, you can have a swim if a swimming place or pool is available.
  • Wash yourself properly after bathing. Have a drink of fresh water or a soft drink to bring your fluid balance back to normal.
  • Rest for a while and let your pulse go back to normal before dressing.


  • Sea air and a humid climate may corrode the metal surfaces of the heater.
  • Do not hang clothes to dry in the sauna, as this may cause a risk of fire. Excessive moisture content may also cause damage to the electrical equipment.
  • Keep away from the heater when it is hot. The stones and outer surface of the heater may burn your skin.
  • Do not throw too much water on the stones. The evaporating water is boiling hot.
  • Do not let young, handicapped or ill people bathe in the sauna on their own.
  • Consult your doctor about any health-related limitations to bathing.
  • Parents should keep children away from the hot heater.
  • Consult your child welfare clinic about taking little babies to the sauna. – age? – temperature of the sauna? – time spent in the warm sauna?
  • Be very careful when moving in the sauna, as the platform and floors may be slippery.
  • Never go to a hot sauna if you have taken alcohol, strong medicines or narcotics.

Symbols descriptions

Read operators manual.
Symbol Do not cover.

If the heater loses its heat, check that

  • the standby heat is in the LO position.

  • the thermostat overheat protector has permanently switched off the current in the heating elements. This is the case if the heater cools down completely and the only way to solve the malfunction is to reset the heater using the overheat protector reset button. See fig. 3.

  • the electric switch is turned on.

  • the fuses in the fuse box are in good condition.
    Note! The pin of rotatable fuses does not always fly off when the fuse blows. The only way to make sure that the fuses used for the heater have not blown is to replace them.
    If the rising of the sauna room temperature has slowed down, check whether:

  • the level of the stone space has descended, ie, the stones have disintegrated and become tighter and, therefore, the air flow through the stone space is partly obstructed. Reposition the stones if necessary and replace the “soft” ones.

Error messages

ER1:| Temperature sensor measuring circuit broken
ER3:| Overheat protector’s measuring circuit broken
ER4:| Connection between upper and lower card interrupted


Sauna Room Structure

A. Insulation wool, thickness 50– 100 mm. The sauna room must be insulated carefully so that the heater output can be kept moderately low.
B. Moisture protection, e.g. aluminium paper. Place the glossy side of the paper towards the sauna. Tape the seams with aluminium tape.
C. Vent gap of about 10 mm between the moisture protection and panel (recommendation).
D. Low mass 12–16 mm thick panel board. Before starting the panelling, check the electric wiring and the reinforcements in the walls required by the heater and benches.
E. Vent gap of about 3 mm between the wall and ceiling panel.
F. The height of the sauna is usually 2100– 2300 mm. The minimum height depends on the heater (see table 2). The space between the upper bench and ceiling should not exceed 1200 mm.
G. Use floor coverings made of ceramic materials and dark joint grouts. Particles disintegrating from the sauna stones and impurities in the sauna water may stain and/or damage sensitive floor coverings.
NOTE! Check from the fire authorities which parts of the firewall can be insulated. Flues which are in use must not be insulated.
NOTE! Light protective covers which are installed directly to the wall or ceiling may be a fire risk.
NOTE! Make sure that the water dripping onto the sauna floor enters the floor drain.
The Sauna Room

Blackening of the Sauna Walls
It is perfectly normal for the wooden surfaces of the sauna room to blacken in time. The blackening may be accelerated by

  • sunlight
  • heat from the heater
  • protective agents on the walls (protective  agents have a poor heat resistance level)
  • fine particles disintegrating from the sauna stones which rise with the air flow.

Sauna Room Ventilation

The air in the sauna room should change six times per hour. Figure 8 illustrates different sauna room ventilation options.
The Sauna Room

A. Supply air vent location. If mechanical exhaust ventilation is used, place the supply air vent above the heater. If gravity exhaust ventilation is used, place the supply air vent below or next to the heater. The diameter of the supply air pipe must be 50–100 mm. Do not place the supply air vent so that the air flow cools the temperature sensor (see the temperature sensor installation instructions in the control unit installation instructions)!
B. Exhaust air vent. Place the exhaust air vent near the floor, as far away from the heater as possible. The diameter of the exhaust air pipe should be twice the diameter of the supply air pipe.
C. Optional vent for drying (closed during heating and bathing). The sauna can also be dried by leaving the door open after bathing.
D. If the exhaust air vent is in the washroom, the gap underneath the sauna door must be at least 100 mm. Mechanical exhaust ventilation is mandatory.

Heater Output

When the walls and ceiling are covered with panels and insulation behind the panels is adequate, the heater output is defined according to the volume of the sauna. Non-insulated walls (brick, glass block, glass, concrete, tile, etc.) increase the need for heater output. Add 1,2 m³ to the volume of the sauna for each non-insulated wall square meter. For example, a 10 m³ sauna room with a glass door equals the output requirement of about a 12 m³ sauna room. If the sauna room has log walls, multiply the sauna’s volume by 1,5. Choose the correct heater output from Table 2.

Sauna Room Hygiene

Bench towels should be used during bathing to prevent sweat from getting onto the benches. The benches, walls and floor of the sauna should be washed thoroughly at least every six months. Use a scrubbing brush and sauna detergent. Wipe dust and dirt from the heater with a damp cloth. Remove lime stains from the heater using a 10% citric acid solution and rinse.


Prior to Installation

Prior to installing the heater, study the instructions for installation, as well as checking the following points:

  • The heater power should be suitable for the sauna room volume. Table 2 shows the directive minimum and maximum volumes for each heater output. A precondition for the given values is that the sauna room has well heat insulated walls and a ceiling with timber cladding.
  • Are there a sufficient number of high quality sauna stones?
  • Is the supply voltage suitable for the heater?
  • The fuses and the connection cables conform with valid regulations and their dimensions are in accordance with table 2.
  • If the house is heated by electricity, does the pilot circuit (contactor) require a supplementary relay to make the pilot function potential free, because voltage control is transmitted from the heater when it is switched on?
  • The location of the heater fulfils the minimum requirements concerning safety distances given in fig. 9.
    The Sauna Room

It is absolutely necessary to ensure that the installation is carried out according to these values. Neglecting them can cause a risk of fire.
Note! Only one electrical heater may be installed in the sauna room.

Installation Place and Floor-Attachment of Heater

The AFB heater is fixed to the floor. It can be directly placed on a wooden floor provided that the effect of the heater’s weight of approx. 130 kg on the substructure is taken into consideration. Place the heater on its platform in a straight orientation on its adjustable feet, and fasten it to the platform at opposite corners using the fasteners supplied with the heater.
Install the heater so that the operating switches are easy to use and it is easy to throw water on the stones.
The heater should be positioned so that the heater lid directs the steam from the hot stones to one side and not directly towards the bathers.

Table 2. Installation details of a AFB-heater

Heater Model and dimensions| Output| Standby power| Sauna room| | Supply voltage 400 V 3N~| | Supply voltage| |
| Cubic vol.


| Connecting cable


| Connecting cable


| Fuse
Width 500 mm Depth 535 mm Height 830 mm Weight 30 kg Stones 100 kg| | | See item 2.3.| See fig. 11. The measurements apply to the connection cable only!
min| max| min| | | |
kW| W| m3| m3| mm| mm2| A| mm2| A
AFB4| 4,0| 440| 5| 8| 1900| 5 x 1,5| 3 x 10 A| 3 x 6| 1 x 25 A
AFB6| 6,0| 660| 7| 12| 1900| 5 x 1,5| 3 x 10 A| 3 x 6| 1 x 35 A
AFB9| 9,0| 1000| 10| 15| 1900| 5 x 2,5| 3 x 16 A| 3 x 10| 1 x 50 A

Installation of the Heater in a Recess

The heater can be mounted in a recess with a minimum height of 1900 mm. See figure 10.
The Sauna Room

Safety Railing

If a safety railing is built around the heater, the minimum distances given in figure 9 must be observed.

Electrical Connections

The heater may only be connected to the electrical network in accordance with the current regulations by an authorised, professional electrician. The electrical connections must be made as specified in the installation instructions. In addition to the power feed, the terminal strip of the heater also features an additional connector unit (P) for external live control of electric heating. See figure 12.
The Sauna Room
The Sauna Room

The control cable for electrical heating is brought directly into the junction box of the heater, and from there to the terminal block of the heater along a rubber cable with the same thickness as that of the connection wire. For example, a cable suitable for a 6 kW heater is 2 x 1,5 mm2 H07RN-F.
The heater is semi-stationarity connected to the junction box on the sauna wall. The connection cable must be of rubber cable type H07RN-F or its equivalent.
NOTE!. Due to thermal embrittlement, the use of PVC-insulated wire as the connection cable of the heater is forbidden. The junction box must be splash proof, and its maximum height from the floor must not exceed 50 cm.
If the connection and installation cables are higher than 100 cm from the floor in the sauna or inside the sauna room walls, they must be able to endure a minimum temperature of 170 °C when loaded (for example, SSJ). Electrical equipment installed higher than 100 centimetres from the sauna floor must be approved for use in a temperature of 125 °C (marking T125).
Further instructions concerning exceptional installations can be obtained from local electrical authorities.

Installing the Control Panel
The control panel is splash proof and has a small operating voltage. The panel can be installed in the washing or dressing room, or in the living quarters. If the panel is installed in the sauna room, see the minimum safety distances from Figure 13.
The Sauna Room
Conductor tubing (ø 30 mm) inside the wall structure allows you to thread the data cable hidden within the wall – otherwise the installation will have to be on the wall surface.

Electric heater insulation resistance
When performing the final inspection of the electrical installations, a “leakage” may be detected when measuring the heater’s insulation resistance. The reason for this is that the insulating material of the heating resistors has absorbed moisture from the air (storage transport). After operating the heater for a few times, the moisture will be removed from the resistors.
Do not connect the power feed for the heater through the RCD (residual current device)!


1. Cover WX272
2. Handle ZSF-210
3. Gasket ZSF-230
4. Control panel WX611
5. Heating element 1333 W

Heating element 2000 W
Heating element 3000 W| ZSF-20
6.| Insulation of heating element| ZSF-510
7.| Overheat protector| ZSF-710


| Contactor K1
Contactor K2| WX207
10.| Electric switch| ZSK-684
11.| Circuit board| WX612
12.| Cover hinge mechanism| WX260
13.| Data cable extension 10 m (optional)
Data cable 5 m
Data cable 10 m| WX313
14.| Hatch| WX272

Spare Parts
Spare Parts


Hello! A quick instruction guide is available for the Forte heater and can be fastened to the wall of the sauna, washing or changing room. The guide is printed on waterproof material. It is available in Finnish, Swedish, English, German, French, Russian and Estonian. Its size is 16 x 16 cm.
You can order your quick instruction guide from Harvia free of charge by phone, e-mailing your contacts or mailing this coupon.


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