MYTREX MXD-LTE Personal Emergency Response System User Manual

June 17, 2024

**MYTREX MXD-LTE Personal Emergency Response System User Manual



Congratulations! You have chosen the Mytrex MXD-LTE Personal Emergency Response System.

The MXD-LTE has been created to provide you comfort, reassurance, and peace of mind making it possible for help to be just a touch of a button away.

Pressing your water-resistant personal help button (PHB) will immediately activate the MXDLTE unit. Within seconds, your response center will be notified of your need for assistance. When a call for help is received, the response center’s computers provide an attendant with all of your personal information. The attendant will talk to you through the MXD-LTE unit’s speaker. The attendant will then telephone your family, friends, or emergency services based on the assistance needed. Even if you cannot hear or speak to the attendant, help may be summoned for you.

The MXD-LTE unit is fast and simple to install. Your service provider’s representative may connect the MXD-LTE unit during an installation visit, you may elect to do it yourself, or you may ask a friend or relative to install it for you.

To ensure that you always receive the fastest response time possible, it is important to notify your service provider of any desired changes to your personal account information. Your response center needs to be aware of changes to your address, telephone number, responder information, medical history, allergies, doctor information, hidden key location, and other information you wish to have on file.

Always wear your PHB and test the system often!

Please contact your service provider if you have any questions or concerns after reading this manual. You can enter your providers contact information here:

Company Name: __
Contact Name: __
Telephone Number: __

Safety Information

  • The MXD-LTE base unit must be placed indoors.

  • To prevent damage to the MXD-LTE base unit, do not place the MXD-LTE base unit near liquids.

  • Do not spray or wipe cleaners directly on the MXD-LTE base unit. Extensive moisture may cause damage.
    Safety Information

  • Do not abuse the power cord. Never carry the unit by the power cord or pull the cord to disconnect it from an electrical outlet. Instead, grasp the power block and pull to disconnect.

Battery Warning:
The MXD-LTE utilizes a Lithium-ion battery. Lithium-ion batteries can EXPLODE, CATCH FIRE, and/or CAUSE BURNS if disassembled, punctured, cut, crushed, short-circuited, incinerated, or exposed to water, fire, or high temperatures. To ensure optimal safety and performance of your MXD-LTE:

  • DO NOT disassemble, open, crush, bend, deform, puncture, or shred;
  • DO NOT modify, remanufacture, attempt to insert foreign objects into the battery, immerse or expose to water or other liquids, expose to fire, explosion, or other hazard.
  • Only use the MXD-LTE battery for the MXD-LTE systems for which it was specified.
  • Only use the battery with a charging system that has been qualified with the system per standard. Use of an unqualified battery or charger may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard.
  • DO NOT short circuit a battery or allow metallic or conductive objects to contact the battery terminals.
  • DO NOT keep a battery at rest for a long time. Safety may be compromised when recharging a battery which has rested longer than six (6) months.
  • Promptly dispose of used batteries in accordance with local regulations.
  • Battery usage by children should be supervised.
  • Avoid dropping the MXD-LTE or battery. If the MXD-LTE or battery is dropped, especially on a hard surface, and the user suspects damage, take it to a service center for inspection.
  • DO NOT use any batteries that have not been approved by Mytrex, Inc. The MXD-LTE was designed to function with a specific battery. Use of any counterfeit or inferior product could lead to the product being damaged and can constitute a safety hazard including the risk of fire or explosion.
  • DO NOT place loose batteries in a pocket, purse, or other receptacle containing metal objects.
  • DO NOT store batteries in extreme heat or with hazardous/combustible materials; store in a cool, dry, ventilated area.
  • Seek medical advice immediately if a battery has been swallowed.
  • Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion, or other hazard.
  • REPLACE the battery IMMEDIATELY if it has begun to BULGE or DISTORT.
  • In the unlikely event a Lithium-ion battery catches fire, DO NOT attempt to put the fire out with water—use a Class A, B, or C fire extinguisher.
  • Failure to follow these warnings and/or directions could result in damage to your MXD-LTE that may not be covered by warranty.
  • Mytrex, Inc. is not liable for any damage or harm caused by failure to follow these warnings and/or directions.

Box Contents

Box Contents

  1. MXD-LTE All in One Cellular PERS device
  2. Personal Help Button (PHB)
  3. Quick Install Guide and User’s Manual


Description of Features

Control (Figure 2)
The On/Off Switch, Reset and Mode buttons are placed on the rear of the MXD- LTE. The Reset, Mode, and the base unit HELP button on the top of the unit are used to call for help, conduct range tests, pair personal help buttons (PHBs) to the MXD-LTE, and for other uses.
Description of Features

Water-Resistant Personal Help Button (PHB) (Figure 3)
Your PHB may be worn as a necklace or a bracelet. Both styles are water- resistant and may be worn in the bathtub and shower. Your PHB uses an indicator light to display the status of its internal battery. While your PHB is being pushed, a green light will indicate that the internal battery is good. A red light indicates that the internal battery may be weak.
Water-Resistant Personal Help Button

Wireless Performance
The MXD-LTE unit is equipped with a sophisticated receiver that is carefully matched to each wireless device or accessory. The MXD-LTE unit can receive signals from paired accessories up to 600 feet away.

Two-Way Voice Communications
After connecting to the response center, your MXD-LTE unit shifts to a two-way speakerphone, allowing you to speak with the response center.

Microphone and Speaker (Figure 1)
The microphone in your MXD-LTE unit is sensitive enough to hear voice communication around corners and in other rooms of your home. You do not need to be in the same room with the MXD-LTE unit for the response center to hear you! Your MXD-LTE unit’s audio system is engineered to provide for an increase of up to 83 times the normal volume.

Battery Monitoring
Your MXD-LTE unit is equipped with an internal rechargeable battery. The battery provides constant power to your MXD-LTE unit for up to 27 hours if power is lost. The MXD-LTE constantly monitors its battery condition when the unit is being powered by its battery. The MXD-LTE can also be programmed to send notifications of when it is operating on battery power when that battery is getting low, and when the battery is no longer able to continue powering the unit. Please note: the MXD-LTE’s battery can only re-charge while the power switch is in the on (“I”) position.

Optional Features

Automatic Testing
Your MXD-LTE may be programmed by your provider to perform periodic automatic tests to monitor the readiness of the system. Your service provider decides whether such tests will be conducted, how frequent, and the type of tests to be done. These tests may include automatic voice tests, in which the MXD-LTE sends a test signal to the response center and connects you to an attendant. The MXD-LTE may also silently report the status of the cellular network, battery information, etc. Contact your service provider if you have questions.

Manual Testing
It is recommended that you manually test your MXD-LTE at regular intervals by pushing your PHB. When the response center answers, it’s important to inform them that you are conducting a test. It is important to be familiar and comfortable with your MXD-LTE and your monitoring center.

Additional Accessories
Your MXD-LTE unit is easily paired to respond to multiple accessories or devices. Each device may be assigned to one of many zones and each zone may be linked to several devices and device types.
Accessories include, but are not limited to, wall buttons, personal help buttons, medication dispensers,  Amazon’s Alexa, etc. Please see Pairing Accessories or contact your service provider for more information.

AC Power Monitoring
Your MXD-LTE may be programmed to report automatic “AC Fail” and/or “AC Restore” messages to your response center. Contact your service provider for additional information.

When your MXD-LTE is calling for help, an audible message “calling for help” will be heard through the speaker along with a series of beeps. This is to let you know that the MXD-LTE is responding to you pushing your Personal Help Button. In some installations, such as domestic violence, these audible signals can be suppressed if desired. Contact your provider to suppress these audible signals setting Up Your MXD-LTE.

Setting Up Your MXD-LTE

Your MXD-LTE allows you to request assistance 24 hours per day, seven days per week by simply pressing your Personal Help Button. Important: The MXD-LTE must be installed horizontally in a dry location indoors, out of direct sunlight. The location should be a central location that has a flat surface that does not have any items that reflect or block radio signals in accordance with the requirements of:
The National Electrical Code NFPA 70.

Installation Steps

  1. Plug the MXD-LTE power block into an AC power outlet that is not controlled by a light switch. (Figure 5)
    Installation Steps

  2. Place the power switch, located on the rear of the unit, into the on (“I”) position. The status light on the MXD-LTE will begin to flash orange.

  3. After a short time, the MXD-LTE will state “System Ready.” The status light located on the left edge of the large HELP button will appear steady green, indicating that the MXD-LTE is connected properly, and the cellular radio has been activated with the cellular company.

  4. Test the range of the PHB to make sure it works throughout the home and yard. See Testing the PHB (Range Test Mode), below.

  5. Initiate your first call to the Response Center by pressing the PHB or the HELP button.

Please contact your service provider if the MXD-LTE does not connect.

Testing the PHB (Range Test)

  1. Locate the MODE button on the rear of the MXD-LTE and press it once (Figure 5).
  2. The MXD-LTE will announce “Range Test Mode.”
  3. Immediately activate the PHB by pressing and holding down the button. A green light will illuminate on the PHB and the MXD-LTE will sound a steady tone while it is detecting the PHB being pressed.
  4. While activating the PHB, walk around all areas of the home and yard. Listen for gaps in the tone. Gaps indicate “dead zones” where the PHB is not detected. If “dead zones” are detected, try relocating the MXD-LTE and/or contact your service provider.
  5. To finish the Range Test, stop pressing the PHB. After the tone stops, press the RESET button on the rear of the MXD-LTE (Figure 5). The unit will announce the “System Ready.”

Testing the MXD-LTE
Note: The manufacturer recommends that the MXD-LTE be tested at least weekly. The MXD-LTE should have an additional test performed while the power block of the MXD-LTE is unplugged from AC power. Most response centers welcome regular testing. Attendants are available 24 hours a day to help. Please check with your provider concerning their testing policy

  1. Press the PHB and wait for the response center attendant to speak to you through the MXD-LTE.
  2. When the attendant answers, simply inform him/her that you are doing a test.

Turning off the MXD-LTE
Note: When the MXD-LTE is removed from service and/or relocated, it is very important to turn it off to preserve the battery and to keep the unit from initiating inadvertent alarms while in transit.

  1. Unplug the MXD-LTE from the AC outlet.
  2. Place the power switch in the off (“0”) position and wait until the status light stops blinking.
    Turning off the MXD-LTE

Resetting the MXD-LTE
Locate the reset button on the rear of the MXD-LTE.

  1. Soft reset: briefly pressing the reset button returns the unit to its normal standby state from an alarmed state or any of the available modes.
  2. Hard reset: hold the reset button down for 5 seconds to reboot the cellular radio.

Pairing Accessories

The MXD-LTE is capable of pairing a large number of accessories or devices to one of many available zones. Each of these accessories can be paired in the same zone or individual zones. For more information on available zones please contact your service provider. Note: information about available accessories can be found at

When an alarm call is made to the monitoring center, the MXD-LTE provides them with the device type and the zone the device is associated with. Zone is often a generic way to associate a device to a specific user or area of a house. Many users will pair several devices of the same type (such as PHBs) to the same zone. However, the monitoring center cannot distinguish which specific device was activated. The MXD-LTE may also have similar types of devices paired into separate zones, allowing the monitoring center to specifically identify which device was activated.

For example, if two individual’s PHBs are programmed to the same zone, the monitoring center will know that a PHB was pressed, but not which one. If they are paired to different zones, the monitoring center can distinguish which PHB was pressed.

Similarly, if two Smoke Detectors are paired into zone 1, the monitoring center will know a Smoke Detector was activated, but not which one. However, if the bedroom Smoke Detector is paired to zone 1 and the kitchen Smoke Detector is paired to zone 2, the monitoring center will know which Smoke Detector was activated.

Different device types may be paired to the same zone or to different zones and the monitoring center will know which was activated so long as there are not multiple devices of the same type paired to the same zone.

The following is a list of typical device types the MXD-LTE is compatible with:

  • Personal Help Buttons, Wall Mount Buttons and Fall Detectors (PHBs)
  • Medication Dispensers
  • Smoke Detectors
  • CO Detectors
  • Voice Activation Devices

Please note, Fall Detectors are paired as a PHB devices. When activated by a button press, a PHB alarm is transmitted to the monitoring center for the associated zone. If a fall is detected, a fall alarm is transmitted to the monitoring center for the same zone as if it were a PHB.

The pairing of devices is usually performed by your Dealer before you receive your MXD-LTE. The following is provided for reference. If you have questions, please contact your dealer.


Pairing Devices and Accessories

  1. With the MXD-LTE turned on, press and release the MODE button on the rear of the MXD-LTE base unit twice. The base unit will announce, “Zone One, Pair Device.”

  2. Select a zone by briefly pressing and releasing the HELP button on the base unit to advance to the next zone. The base unit will announce the next zone number. Example: “Zone Two, Pair Device.” “Zone Three, Pair Device.” etc… The zone selection will start over once the last zone is reached.

  3. Once the desired zone is selected, pair each device for the current zone by activating the device.
    The MXD-LTE will automatically detect the device type and state that the device has been paired. CAUTION: If the newly paired device has a low battery, the MXD-LTE will announce “low battery.” Please notify your provider.

  4. If other devices and/or zones are desired, repeat step two and three until all devices are paired to the desired zone. If an already paired device is activated during the process, the MXD-LTE will move it to the zone that is selected at that time.

  5. After all the accessories have been paired, press the RESET button once. The MXD-LTE will announce, “System Ready.” This completes the pairing sequence, and each device should now be paired to the MXD-LTE.

  6. Test all paired devices ONE AT A TIME by activating each and allowing the unit to call the response center. Wait to start the next device test until the unit has disconnected from the previous test call. Check carefully with the response center attendant to verify that each accessory has been paired into the correct zone.

  7. If each test call is successful, the devices are ready for service. Re-pair any devices into the desired zones that do not activate the base station when pushed.

Delete or Remove Accessories
The following describes how to remove paired devices from the MXD-LTE. It is important to remember that this procedure removes ALL devices from the list of the selected device type. Note: all the specified device types are removed at once. You cannot remove only one specific device at a time.

To remove paired accessories, perform the following steps:

  1. 1. With the unit turned on, press and release the MODE button on the rear of the MXD-LTE base unit three times. The base unit will announce “Hold help to delete Wireless help buttons.”
    2. Briefly pressing the Help Button will advance the unit to the next accessory type as follows:
    a. “Hold help to delete smokes.”
    b. “Hold help to delete CO.”
    c. “Hold help to delete Medication Device.”
    d. “Hold help to delete Aubree Voice Recognition.”
    e. “Hold Help to delete Wireless help button.”

    • The MXD-LTE continues to cycle through the this list until Reset is pressed.
  2. Once you have selected the type of accessory you would like to remove from the unit hold the help button on top of the unit until it states that devices of the specified type have been removed. This usually takes about 5 seconds. Please take in to account that all the specified device types are removed at once. You cannot remove only one specific device at a time.
    a. For example, if there are five PHBs paired, all five will be removed at once.
    b. If a specific device needs to be removed, the other four PHBs need to be paired again after they have been removed.


Use of Status Lights
The MXD-LTE speaks the system status each time the RESET button is pressed. The Status light displays the following light signals when operating:

Behavior Description Suggested Action
Fast Orange Flash The first stage of the power-up sequence (cellular radio
ispowering on). Wait for MXD-LTE to finish power-up sequence.
Steady Orange The second stage of the power- up sequence (establishingnetwork
registration). Wait for MXD-LTE to finish power-up sequence.
Steady Red The unit is currently calling thecentral station. Wait for MXD-

LTE to finish call to thecentral station.
Single Green Flash| AC power not available, theMXD-LTE is running on battery.| Check A/C power connections.
Flashing Red| The unit is not receiving a cell signal.|

  1. Move the unit to a better location. Press reset button to have the MXD-LTE to indicate its current status.
  2. Press and hold the reset button until the status light begins to flash orange to hard reset the system and have it re-establish all connections
  3. Unplug and shut down the system for 15 seconds to refresh the system.
  4. If none of the above work contact dealer support.

Steady Green| The unit is properly connected.| No action needed.
Alternating Red/Green| In the process of deregistration and turning off the cellularradio.| Wait for MXD-LTE to finish its shutdown process.
Repeating LongOrange, short Green| A firmware update is beinginstalled.| Wait for MXD-LTE to finish system update.
Alternating Red/Green/Orange| There was an error updating the firmware of the MXD-LTE. The MXD-LTE will need to be serviced. Contact your serviceprovider for assistance.| The MXD-LTE will need to be serviced. Contact your service provider for assis tance.

Use of MXD-LTE Spoken Messages
The MXD-LTE is programmed to announce status and other messages during its operation. The following table describes the meaning of those messages where it may not be obvious:

Spoken Message Meaning Suggested Action
Calling For Help The base unit has been activated and is calling the response
center. Wait for the call to be connected to an attendant. Do not press your

PHB again or attempt to disconnectthe call.
Cell Module Not Activated| Not registered with the cellular network.| If heard during initial installation, follow the instructions under Installation Steps. If received after the unit has been installed and tested, try pushing the RESET button and listen for the “…System Ready” message. If the “not activated” message persists, please contactyour service provider.
Service Suspended| The cell module has been taken outof service by your provider, and calls cannot be processed.| Contact your provider to determinewhy the module has been suspended.
“#” Bars| The MXD-LTE is announcing the current strength of the cellular signal.| It is best if at least two bars is detected. Re-position the unit in the home to obtain a better cell signal. If these steps do not correct the problem, verify that sufficient cell coverage is available at theresidence.
No Cell Service| The MXD-LTE cannot detect thecellular network.| The unit needs service. Contact yourprovider.
No Data Connection| The MXD-LTE is not detecting a dataconnection.| The unit needs service. Contact yourprovider.
Please Check Power Connection| The base unit is unplugged from thewall or the AC power circuit is not energized.| Verify the power block is pluggedinto a live AC outlet that is not controlled by a light switch
Exiting Power Saving Mode, Please Wait| The base unit has had power restored and is restoring normal functionality from power saving mode. Power saving mode keeps only critical functions active untilneeded to extend battery life.| The base unit is restoring normal functionality and will shortly announce “system ready.” It is recommended to test the system to ensure the system is functioningnormally.
Please Service Unit| The MXD-LTE has been disabled orhas malfunctioned.| Contact your service provider forfurther instructions.
Zone #, Pair device| The MODE button has been pressedtwice, the unit is ready to pair accessories into the specified zone.| See Pairing Accessories.
Paired Medication Device| The MXD-LTE has paired aMedication device such as a medicine dispenser.| See Pairing Accessories.
Paired Wireless HelpButton| The MXD-LTE has paired a newpersonal help button/ Transmitter.| See Pairing Accessories.
Paired CO Detector| The MXD-LTE has paired with acarbon monoxide detector.| See Pairing Accessories.
Paired SmokeDetector| The MXD-LTE has paired with asmoke detector.| See Pairing Accessories.
Paired SupervisedDevice| The MXD-LTE has paired withsupervised device.| See Pairing Accessories.
Hold HELP To Delete Wireless Help Button| The MXD-LTE base unit is ready to delete PHB accessories, includingFall Detectors.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Hold Help To DeleteSmoke| The MXD-LTE base unit is ready todelete smoke detector accessories.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Hold Help To DeleteCO| The MXD-LTE base unit is ready todelete C/O detector accessories.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Hold Help To Delete Medication Device| The MXD-LTE base unit is ready to delete medication deviceaccessories.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Hold Help To Delete Aubree VoiceRecognition| The MXD-LTE base unit is ready to delete Aubree voice recognitionaccessories.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Wireless Help ButtonDeleted| All wireless help buttons have beenunpaired from the MXD-LTE.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Smoke Deleted| All smoke devices have beenunpaired from the MXD-LTE.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
CO Deleted| All CO devices have been unpairedfrom the MXD-LTE.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Medication DeviceDeleted| All medication devices have beenunpaired from the MXD-LTE.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Aubree Voice Recognition Deleted| All Aubree Voice Recognition deviceshave been unpaired from the MXD- LTE.| See Delete or Remove Accessories.
Range Test Mode| The MODE button was pressed one time to place the unit into RangeTest Mode.| See Testing the PHB (Range Test).
System Ready| The system is in normal operationand ready to process alarm signals.| Press the PHB any time that help isneeded.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my response center provide 24-hour in-home monitoring?

Most response centers provide 24-hour monitoring service. Contact your service provider if you have any questions.

How can the MXD-LTE help me to be safe at home?

The MXD-LTE allows you to call for help, even if you are alone and cannot reach or use the telephone. Simply press your PHB and your MXD-LTE unit will call the response center where your unit will be identified and connected to a trained attendant. Simply press your Personal Help Button (within range) to activate your MXD-LTE unit at any time. You can also press the large HELP button on top of the base unit.

Is my MXD-LTE compatible with all cellular networks?

The MXD-LTE is only designed to operate with the AT&T and Verizon Cellular Networks. It is not designed to work with any other cell network or with any land-line telephone service. Please contact your provider if your MXD-LTE does not find a cell signal or reports that the signal is weak.

Will my MXD-LTE unit affect my personal cell phone?

Your MXD-LTE will not interfere with any aspect of your own personal cell phone. You cannot plug any telephone handset or other cellphones into your MXD-LTE.

What if I am outside and you can’t hear me?

An attendant will attempt to establish voice contact with you using the MXD- LTE’s speakerphone. If you do not respond the attendant will then follow your response center’s procedures, such as calling your home telephone, your cell phone, listed responders in the order you have provided, or call your local emergency services. Contact your service provider for more information.

Is my Personal Help Button (PHB) waterproof?

Your Mytrex PHB is water-resistant and we encourage you to wear it in the bathtub or shower because many accidents occur in these places.

Q: What kind of battery can be charged by these solar modules?

Your MXD-LTE is a wireless device that can be easily moved and used in any location in which AT&T or Verizon cell service is available. However, it does NOT have GPS capabilities and CANNOT determine a user’s location via signal transmission. Your Response Center’s personnel rely on the accuracy of the information you provide to them and will direct Emergency Responders to the address they have on file. Therefore, you must notify your service provider promptly whenever you relocate your MXD-LTE unit. Before choosing the MXD-LTE for your medical alarm needs, it is extremely important that you initiate tests of the MXD-LTE with the base unit in the locations where you plan to use it, in order to determine solid, repeatable cell service is always present


Your MXD-LTE has been registered with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in accordance with FCC Rules Part 15.

Repair information:
If trouble is experienced with this equipment (MXD-LTE personal emergency response system), please contact your provider for warranty or repair information.

Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.

Interference Information:
FCC Rules Part 15: The MXD-LTE complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Note: Your MXD-LTE has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Move the MXD-LTE away from your radio or television
  • Plug the MXD-LTE into a different power outlet than your radio or television.
  • Consult your service provider or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Important Note: The Personal Help Buttons and internal receiver supplied with your MXD-LTE are designed and tested to high and exacting specifications. However, due to the laws of physics, vagaries of radio transmissions, and the limited output power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission, the user should be aware that:

  • All receivers may be blocked by radio signals occurring on or near their operating frequencies, regardless of the code selected
  • A receiver can only respond to one transmitter signal at a time regardless of the number of codes that it has been programmed to recognize
  • Wireless equipment should be tested regularly to determine if there are sources of interference and to protect against faults.

If you experience any indications that something may be interfering with the operation of your MXDLTE, contact your service provider as soon as possible.

Notice to End User: Wireless Telephone Reliability Considerations When Using the MXD-LTE Personal Emergency Response System.

Your MXD-LTE has been designed to be very reliable when sending an alarm signal to the monitoring center and then connecting the call to a live attendant. However, the MXD-LTE must have sufficient cell phone reception to make and maintain a call using a cellular network.

Because wireless phones communicate using radio waves, you are hereby advised that the ability of the MXD-LTE to connect to your monitoring center via the wireless telephone network is influenced by many factors, including:

  • The distance between the MXD-LTE unit and the cell tower with which it is communicating. Please understand that even though you may get reliable cell service using your personal cell phone from your home, there is no guarantee that the MXD-LTE will do the same, as your personal cell phone may use a different network and/or lack LTE technology.
  • Transmission of the cell signal may also be hindered by physical obstacles between your MXD-LTE base unit and the nearest compatible base station, such as hills or large buildings; the presence of unwanted electronic signals introduced by circuit components in microwaves, computers and other electrical devices; or natural disturbances created by severe weather or even cloud coverage.
  • Cell signal connection quality to and from the local cellular networks can and does vary, sometimes substantially, from minute to minute. Moving the MXD-LTE base unit even just a few feet can affect cell signal connection quality. It is possible that your unit will not be able to complete a call because of the lack of cell service even though a connection was made without problems when the unit was first installed and tested.
  • A large number of cell phone users trying to use the local network at the same time may overload cell circuits and cause your MXD-LTE to detect a “busy” signal instead of completing its call.
  • During a local disaster, personnel from local, state, and federal emergency agencies may be given priority to use the cell system. If this happens, your alarm call may not go through.
  • While wireless service providers attempt to design their networks to eliminate dropped calls, busy signals and dead zones, no network is perfect, and coverage breaks within the general coverage areas are still possible.
  • Calls may take a little longer to be connected to the Response Center than landline calls – perhaps as much as two minutes from the time you press your personal help button – due to switching and other delays.
  • Your MXD-LTE has an internal backup battery that will allow it to continue to operate for up to 27 hours after the loss of AC power. When the unit is powered by the battery, it may take a few seconds to “wake up” and send a signal to the cell network, because the cell phone circuit may be turned off to save energy. If your AC power is off, please be patient while the MXD-LTE unit turns on its cell phone circuit and makes the connection to the network. Please note: the MXD-LTE’s battery can only re-charge while the power switch is in the on (“I”) position.

The MXD-LTE is a wireless device that can be easily moved and used in any location in which cell service is available. However, it does NOT have GPS capabilities and CANNOT determine a user’s location via signal transmission. The Response Center relies on the accuracy of the information you provide them and will direct Emergency Responders to the address they have on file. Therefore, it is imperative that you promptly notify the Response Center whenever you relocate your MXD-LTE unit. Before choosing the MXD-LTE for your medical alarm needs, it is extremely important that you press your button to initiate tests of the MXD-LTE in the locations where you plan to use it most frequently, in order to determine that solid, repeatable cell service is present at all times.

Some wireless accessories are not designed or manufactured by Mytrex. Mytrex has not tested or certified the operation of such accessories and does not condone or promote their use. These accessories may be available from your provider. Mytrex does not warranty these items or guarantee their functionality or proper operation of the MXD-LTE when used with such these accessories.

The MXD-LTE is tested and certified by the Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) against the UL 1637 Home Healthcare Signaling Equipment standard and the Canadian standard of CSA 205. Some accessories are also tested and certified while others are not. The use of non-listed accessories is passible however, it may invalidate certifications that the MXD-LTE has been certified too. Please contact your provider for more information.



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| MYTREX MXD-LTE Personal Emergency Response System [pdf] User Manual
MXD-LTE, MXD-LTE Personal Emergency Response System, Personal Emergency Response System, Emergency Response System, Response System, System


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