LOCHLY PRO PGD728F Lockly Secure Plus Deadbolt Satin User Manual

June 17, 2024

LOCHLY PRO PGD728F Lockly Secure Plus Deadbolt Satin


Z-Wave Technical Manual Manuel technique Z-Wave


V0.02 EN 24-01-17


  • This product is a security enabled Z-Wave Plus® product which uses encrypted Z-Wave Plus messages in order to communicate with other Z-Wave Plus products. A security enabled Z-Wave® controller must be used to be fully utilize.
  • This product can be operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers. All mains operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network.
  • Z-Wave is a “Wireless mesh network” and results may vary based on building construction and communication path. To assure interoperability, each Z-Wave product must pass a stringent conformance test to assure that it meets the Z-Wave standard for complete compliance with all other devices and controls. The Z-Wave identity mark assures consumers,integrators, dealers and manufacturers that their products will reliably perform with any other Z-Wave device.
    NOTE: The lock’s Z-Wave Module must be used in conjunction with a security enabled Z-Wave controller in order to fully utilize its full capability. Other modes in the Z-Wave network can function as repeaters.

Supported Command Classes


Add for Inclusion

  1. Bring the DoorLock within direct range of your controller.
  2. Carefully remove the battery compartment cover.
  3. Put your Z-Wave controller into inclusion mode.
  4. Simply press the Program button to enter programming mode.
  5. Select “2HB” to enter hub action menu.
  6. Select “AD” and wait doorlock to finish the inclusion.
  7. The DoorLock will appear on your controller’s device list and you can change its name.


  1. Program button will be disabled once synced to a smartphone.
  2. If the Doorlock has been on inclusion, it can not be on inclusion again.
  3. You need input the DSK code while on the inclusion procedure.

Remove for Exclusion

  1. Make sure the DoorLock is powered on and located within direct range of your Z-Wave gateway controller.
  2. Put your Z-Wave controller into exclusion mode.
  3. Simply press the Program button to enter programming mode.
  4. Select “2HB” to enter hub action menu.
  5. Select “DE” and wait doorlock to finish the exclusion.
  6. The DoorLock should disappear from your controller’s device list.


  1. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, please repeat the process following all steps carefully.
  2. If the Doorlock has not been inclusion,it can not be exclusion.

Z-Wave Basic Information

IF Z-Wave has been inclusion to the network successfully,you can get some basic info about the Z-Wave module in the hub action menu through select “CH”.

Lock Factory Reset

When your network’s primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable, you may need to reset the device to factory settings manually. To complete the process, make sure your doorlock has not been synced to the smart phone, then press and hold the reset button at least 3 sec to reset the doorlock and Z-Wave module. Also, you can restore the lock to factory default settings while the lock is synching with the smartphone.
When executing factory reset, Z-Wave module will issue the following instructions to smart home controller.

Group:” Lifeline Group”


NOTE: All previously recorded activity and custom settings from Z- Wave controller will be erased from the device’s memory. Please use the local factory reset procedure only when the primary controller is missing or inoperable.

Command Class Notification V4

Command Class Notification is used to report the status of the lock. The table below shows the event and the corresponding status:

Notification Type Event Event Parameter

Access Control(06)

| Manual Lock Operation(0x01)|
Manual Unlock Operation(0x02)|
RF Lock Operation(0x03)|
RF Unlock Operation(0x04)|
Keypad Lock Operation(0x05)|
Keypad Unlock Operation(0x06)| User ID
Auto Lock Locked Operation(0x09)|
All user codes deleted(0x0C)|
Single user code deleted(0x0D)|
New user code added(0x0E)|

Power Management(08)

| Power has been applied(0x01)|
Replace battery soon(0x0A)|
Replace battery now(0x0B)|

Note: The auto lock time of Lockly Smart Lock defaults to off. You can customize the auto-lock timer through the DOORLOCK CONFIGURATION_SET directive.

Instruction Parameter

  • The lock supports one association group with up to five devices per group. An association group sends an unsolicited command to the configured destinations when triggered by an event. The parameters of the command may be dynamic.
  • Group 1 for as the “Lifeline Group”, Supported command classes: BATTERY_REPORT

Manufacturer Parameter

The Lock support the Manufacturer Specific Command Class with the following parameters:MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_V2


User Codes

The lock supports User Code Command Class Version 1 with the following parameters. The User ID Status is defined as below:


Note: Supported User number 0, indicates there is NO supported number of users. You can add and support up to 10 Access Codes. Access Codes are 4 to 10 digits long.

Door Lock Operation Report

Door lock supports auto-locking timer after an access code, key, fingerprint or thumbturn unlocking by setting the DOOR_LOCK_CONFIGURATION_SET parameter.
Use the instruction DOOR_LOCK_OPERATION_SET to set Door Unsecured (0x00), Door Unsecured with timeout (0x01), Door Secured (0xFF).
The door lock operation report will always activate when the door lock status is change.

Door Lock Logging

The list below show which events types are supported by the smart door lock.


Battery Level Report

The battery level report, when a user request the current battery level on the Lock, Z-Wave responds this level by Battery Level Report command. when low battery occurs, it reports this by the same command. At the same time, Lockly logo on the interior panel will flash red to reminder users that battery is low.


If the battery level is below a given value, low battery warning is reported (0xFF).
To request Z-Wave Module battery level report, 0x00~0x64.
Note: There is a short delay on the report after doorlock operation. Perform Locking or Unlocking to send battery level information. Otherwise, the battery level will be displayed as 0.

Command Class Indicator

Command Class Indicator Support the Indicator ID 0x50 (Identify) and Property ID 0x03, 0x04 and 0x05 nodes use a visible LED for identify function.

Command Class Basic

The Basic Command Class mapped to Table


Association Command Class

  1. Grouping identifier :
    Lifeline Group

  2. Maximum number of devices that can be added to the group: 5

  3. Description of how the association group is used and/or triggered by the product :
    Lifeline Group:

  4. COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY, BATTERY_REPORT: Sent when the voltage is lower than 10% or replace the battery. COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V4, NOTIFICATION_REPORT_V4: Sent when unlocking or locking is performed.

    DOOR_LOCK_OPERATION_REPORT_V4: Sent when unlocking or locking is performed.

    DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY_NOTIFICATION:Sent when the door lock is set.

    Sent when Access Codes is set.


Fingerprint Parameter

This command is used to control the activated or deactivated state of the fingerprint. When deactivated, all fingerprint access will be blocked.

Number| Name| Format/Size| Read Only| Altering| Advanced| MIN| MAX| Default| Value Description


| Activated Or DeActivated Fp Module| 1 byte unsigned integer|












| 0- Acvated Fp Module

1- DeAcvated Fp Module


SmartStart enabled products can be added into a Z-Wave network by scanning the Z-Wave QR Code present on the product with a controller providing SmartStart inclusion. No further action is required and the SmartStart product will be added automatically within 10 minutes of being switched on in the network vicinity.
The QR Code and digits DSK can be found on welcome card inside the box. After you open the box, you can see it on flap top layer.

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