MC-MOBILE MINI GSM Mobile Phone User Guide

June 16, 2024


Product Information


  • Product Name: MC Mobile E.U.
  • Brand Name: MC-MOBILE
  • Model Name: MINI

Product Usage Instructions


To access the phonebook:

  1. Press the MENU button on your mobile phone.
  2. Select “Phonebook” from the menu options.

Phonebook View

To view the information of the current record:

  1. Select “Phonebook View” from the phonebook menu.

Send Text Message

To send text messages to the current record:

  1. Select “Send text message” from the phonebook menu.


To make a call to the current number:

  1. Select “Call” from the phonebook menu.

IP Dial

To choose SIM1 or SIM2 to make an IP dial to the current record:

  1. Select “IP dial” from the phonebook menu.
  2. Select the desired SIM card (SIM1 or SIM2).


To edit the items of the current number:

  1. Select “Edit” from the phonebook menu.


To delete the current record:

  1. Select “Delete” from the phonebook menu.


To copy the current record:

  1. Select “Copy” from the phonebook menu.
  2. Choose the desired copy option: from SIM1/SIM2 card to mobile, or from mobile to SIM1/SIM2.


To move the number from phone to SIM1/SIM2, or from SIM1/SIM2 to the phone:

  1. Select “Move” from the phonebook menu.
  2. Choose the desired move option: from phone to SIM1/SIM2, or from SIM1/SIM2 to the phone.

Send Contact

To send the current contact by SMS or MMS:

  1. Select “Send contact” from the phonebook menu.
  2. Select the desired sending method (SMS or MMS).

Copy Contacts

To copy contacts:

  1. Select “Copy contacts” from the phonebook menu.
  2. Choose the desired copy option: from SIM1/SIM2 card to mobile, or from mobile to SIM1/SIM2 card.

Move Contacts

To move contacts:

  1. Select “Move contacts” from the phonebook menu.
  2. Choose the desired move option: from SIM1/SIM2 card to mobile, or from mobile to SIM1/SIM2 card.

Delete All Contacts

To delete all the records in the SIM1/SIM2 card or the mobile:

  1. Select “Delete all contacts” from the phonebook menu.
  2. Note : You need to input the password ‘0000’ to delete records from the SIM1/SIM2 card or the mobile.

Owner Number

To edit and send your number:

  1. Select “Owner number” from the phonebook menu.

Preferred Storage

To choose the storage position for the phonebook:

  1. Select “Preferred storage” from the phonebook menu.


To access the message options:

  1. Press the MENU button on your mobile phone.
  2. Select “Message” from the menu options.

Write Message

To write a message:

  1. Select “Write message” from the message menu.
  2. Edit the content of the message.

Send To

To input the number you will send to or find it from the phone book:

  1. Select “Send To” from the message menu.
  2. Enter the desired number or select it from the phone book.


To send the finished message to a certain number:

  1. Select “Send” from the message menu.

Edit Recipient

To edit the input number of the recipient:

  1. Select “Edit recipient” from the message menu.


To save the SMS to the outbox:

  1. Select “Save” from the message menu.

Writing Language

To choose the input method for writing messages:

  1. Select “Writing language” from the message menu.
  2. Choose the desired input method.


To view received text messages of SIM1 or SIM2:

  1. Press the MENU button on your mobile phone.
  2. Select “Inbox” from the menu options.

Reply by SMS

To reply to a received message directly:

  1. Select “Reply by SMS” from the inbox menu.

Call Sender

To choose SIM card one or two to call the sender:

  1. Select “Call Sender” from the inbox menu.
  2. Select the desired SIM card (SIM1 or SIM2).


To forward the message to others:

  1. Select “Forward” from the inbox menu.


To delete the SMS in the current SIM card:

  1. Select “Delete” from the inbox menu.

Delete All

To delete all the SMS in the current SIM card:

  1. Select “Delete All” from the inbox menu.

Del SMS by Num

To delete the SMS sent from the same number:

  1. Select “Del SMS by Num” from the inbox menu.


To read and modify the messages stored in the Outbox of SIM1 and SIM2:

  1. Press the MENU button on your mobile phone.
  2. Select “Outbox” from the menu options.

SMS Settings

To set the relative parameters for messages:

  1. Press the MENU button on your mobile phone.
  2. Select “SMS Settings” from the menu options.

Profile Settings

To configure profile settings:

  1. Select “Profile settings” from the SMS settings menu.
  2. Choose one of the available profiles (Profile 1, Profile 2, Profile 3, or Profile 4).

SC Address

To configure the Service Center (SC) address:

  1. Select “SC Address” from the SMS settings menu.

Valid Period

To set the valid period for messages:

  1. Select “Valid Period” from the SMS settings menu.

Message Type

To configure common settings for message types:

  1. Select “Message Type” from the SMS settings menu.
  2. Turn on or off the function of sending a report, returning path, and choose whether to save the sent messages.

Memory Status

To view the memory status of the SIM card or the phone:

  1. Press the MENU button on your mobile phone.
  2. Select “Memory status” from the menu options.

Voice Mail

To choose SIM1 or SIM2 to receive voice mail:

  1. Press the MENU button on your mobile phone.
  2. Select “Voice mail” from the menu options.
  3. Choose the desired SIM card (SIM1 or SIM2).


Q: How do I delete all contacts?
A: To delete all the records in the SIM1/SIM2 card or the mobile, select “Delete all contacts” from the phonebook menu. Please note that you need to input the password ‘0000’ to delete records from the SIM1/SIM2 card or the mobile.

Product Name : GSM Mobile Phone |
Brand Name : MC-MOBILE Model Name: MINI

Thank you for purchasing this mobile. For the best performance, we recommend that you read the manual carefully


  • View: View the information of current record
  • Send text message: send text messages to the current record
  • Call: Make a call of current number.
  • IP dial: Choose SIM1 or SIM2 to make the IP dial to current record.
  • Edit: Edit the items of current number.
  • Delete: Delete the current record
  • Copy: Provide two ways of copying: from SIM1/SIM2 card to mobile, and from mobile to SIM1/SIM2.
  • Move: Move the number from phone to SIM1/SIM2, or from SIM1/SIM2 to the phone
  • Send contact: send the current contact by SMS,MMS.
    • 【Copy contacts】: Provide four ways of copying: from SIM1/SIM2 card to mobile, and from mobile to SIM1/SIM2 card.
    • 【Move contacts】: Provide four ways of moving: from SIM1/SIM2 card to mobile, and from mobile to SIM1/SIM2 card.
    • 【Delete all contacts】:Delete all the records in the SIM1/SIM2 card or the mobile. Note:You need to input the password ‘0000’ to delete records from the SIM1/SIM2 card or the mobile.
    • 【Owner number】: edit and sent my number
    • 【Preferred storage】:Choose the storage position for the
    • 【Memory status】:Check the storage capacity of the SIM card and phonebook


【Write message.】: Edited the content you have options of Sim1 and Sim2 to send. You have options of Sim1 and Sim2, and also can Finish:The message have finished and you can send it to your receiver. You have options of SIM1 and SIM2, when the message have finished you can send it to you receiver by SIM1 or SIM2.

  • Send To: input the number you will send to or find it from the phone book.
  • Send: The message have finished and you can send it to certain number.
  • Edit recipient: edit the input number
  • Save: save the SMS to the outbox.
  • Writing language: Choose the input method


  • View: View received Text messages of SIM1 or SIM2.

  • Reply by sms: Reply the message directly.

  • Call Sender: Choose the SIM card one or two to call the sender.

  • Forward: Forward the message to others.

  • Delete: Delete the SMS in the current SIM card.

  • Delete All: Delete all SMS in the current SIM card.

  • Del SMS by num: Delete the SMS sent from the same number.

  • Save to Phonebook: save the number which send a message to you to the phone book.

  • Mark several

    • Mark: chose the corresponding SMS to delete , copy or move,
    • Mark All: chose all the SMS to delete , copy or move,
  • [Outbox]:Read and modify the messages stored in the Outbox of SIM1 and SIM2。

  • [SMS Settings]: Set the relative parameters for messages

  • Profile settings:Profile 1/2/3/4.
    Note :The menu display changes depend on the SIM card.

    • SC Address.
    • Valid Period
    • Message type
  • Common settings:Turn on or off the Function of Sending a report,returning path,chose whether to save the sent messages.

    • [Memory status]: View the memory status of SIM card or the phone.
    • [Voice mail]: Choose SIM1 or SIM2 to receive voice messages.
    • [Call voicemail]: Quickly connect current voicemail number.
    • [Edit]:Add or modify the number of the voicemail.

Note :The voicemail function needs support from the network.

Broadcast message

The broadcast is a network service sending information like weather forecast, traffic status, etc to all the GSM users in the zone by the network vendor. You have options of SIM1 or SIM2.

  • [Receive mode]: Activate or deactivate the broadcast function.
  • [Channel settings]:Set the channel of the broadcast message.
    Note : The voice mail function needs support from a network

Call logs

You can view your recent call situation.

【Call history】

View the call log of the current SIM card, press the left softkey, and display like following:
[All calls]: show all missed, received, and dialed phone list, can select a particular view of the phone the last time did not happen then the date and time, telephone number frequency.
[Sim1/Sim2 Missed calls] Display the missed calls about the latest time and date, caller‟s number and calling times. [Sim1/Sim2 Dialled calls] Display the dialed calls about the latest time and date, caller‟s number and calling times. [Sim1/Sim2 Received Calls] Display the answered calls about the latest time and date, caller‟s number and calling times. Press the right softkey to enter the options menu can be more than the number of call records in the following

  • View: see the current record
  • Call: call the current number.
  • Send text message: send text messages to the current record
  • Save : save to SIM or phone
  • Edit before call: on the current record for editing
  • Delete: choose to delete the current record


User profiles
[Tone settings]:

  • incoming call: Set ring for incoming calls.
  • message: Set up the alert style of new message of SIM
  • Keypad: Set up the keypad tone


  • Ring tone: Set the ring volume
  • Key tone: Set the volume for pressing the keys.

[Alert type]: There are ringing, vibration, the vibration and ringing and ringing after the vibration of the four methods prompted calls for you to choose from
[Ring type]: Out there, or continuous ringing crescendo of the three types available.

Note : except for specific function keys (such as on / off button, etc.).

[ Time and date]:

  • Set time/date: Set the display date and time
  • Set format: Choose the time and date format
  • Update with time zone:you can turn off or turn on it.

【Phone settings】:
[Language]: Display Language for your mobile. The mobile provides Simple English languages, and so on [Shortccuts]: Customizable key.
[Auto keypad lock]: choose the keypad lock for 5 sec.,15 sec.,30 sec.,1 min.,5 min.


  • Wallpaper:Set the stand-by wallpaper.
  • LCD backlight:time of LCDbacklingt can be set up

【Call settings】

Setup the current SIM card.

[SIM1/SIM2 call settings]: Call transfer call waiting and other functions can be set in the menu.

  • Call waiting: Select the functions of open, close or inquire call waiting.
  • Call divert: Choose to open, close or enquire the call forwarding function.
  • Call barring: Select to restrict some talking function. Note: network support is required.
  • Line switching: select line 1 or line 2.Note:if line 1 is selected it may lead to failure to dial out and the menu will decide the display because of the different categories of the SIM card used.

[Common call settings]

  • Auto redial
    • Choose whether automatic redial will be implemented when the called party is in busy or has no response.
  • IP number:
    • Select to open or close IP dial and edit IP number Choose to activate or inactivate the SIM1/SIM2 IP dial, and edit the IP numbers
    • Answer mode: Select whether to answer the incoming call by pressing any key.
  • 【Network settings】Choose setup SIM1 or SIM2 network [Network selection]: Select an automatic or manual method to search the network. [Preferrences]: Set prior network.
  • 【Security settings】[SIM1 or SIM2 Security settings]
    • SIM1/2 Lock: Activate or deactivate the SIM or SIM2 lock
    • Fixed Dial: If the function is activated (which needs to input PIN2 code), you can only call the numbers stored in the fixed dialing list, while the phonebook will be out of use.
    • Barred dial: Set barred outgoing calls. This function needs the support from network.
    • Change password: Set new passwords including PIN1, PIN2, and phone password. Note: Please remember your password firmly in time after changing.
  • [Phone Lock]:: Activate or deactivate the keypad lock and lock duration. [Change password]: Set up the new password of the phone.
    Note : Please remember your new password after modifying it


  • [Power] Activity the Bluetooth function.
  • [Inquire audio device] : Choose and the handset auto search the device nearby (within 10 m)
  • [My device]: Display the Bluetooth earphone and another device, and search the equipment [Active devices]: Display the connected Bluetooth


  • Visibility: to choose whether or not may be to search for other Bluetooth devices.

  • change device name: amend the local Bluetooth device name

  • Audio path: to “stay in the mobile phone” or “go-free device.”
    Note : Due to this Bluetooth headset has the voice channel switching function, so when set to “remain in the mobile phone”, click the multi- function Bluetooth headset button can also be connected to telephones, voice, but remain in the mobile phone side.

  • Please refer to the specific operational guidelines of the Bluetooth headset, and recommended that users use standard headphones

  • Storage : to preserve choice in the mobile phone or memory card to receive the document

  • Music Light to open Light, calls, play music, Mobile phone switch machine unit Light

    • According to “ON” is open
    • According to “OFF” is closed
  • Restore factory settings:Restore the default setting of the phone. You need to enter the phone lock password, and the default password is „1122‟.

File mgr

  • Phone: Open: Unfold a selected folder.
  • New folder: Built up a new folder
  • Sort by: L ine the folders according to you selected
  • Format: Format the file system note: You‟ll lose all information in the file system.
  • 【Memory card】: Need the T-flash card support.
  • Games 【games】: Offer interesting little game.


【Image viewer】:View or modify photos saved in the album.

  • View: View the selected images:View: View the selected photos
  • Send:you can send the phone by Bluetooth.
  • Use as:use the phone as wallpaper,screen saver,boot animation,shutdown animation or call picture.
  • Rename: Rename the current picture. Note: If the picture has set up to the wall paper\ screen picture and so on, it will back to the default settings
  • Delete: Delete the picture chosen
  • Delete all files: Delete the all pictures

[Adio player]

[play]:play the music. [Refresh list]:Update the items of songs (updating shall be implemented after the name/names of song(s) are changed or some of the songs are deleted) [Settings]:Set up relevant information of music player.

  • Pre.playlist: Play music from handset or T-Flash card
  • List auto gen.: Display as “Refresh Play List ” when set to “ON” ,or “Add” when set to “OFF”
  • Repeat: Can be set to “OFF”, single song repeat ,or all songs repeat .
  • Shuffle: Songs will be played random when this option set to “ON”,otherwise ,songs will be played by order they displayed in the list.
  • Background play: As this option set to “ON”,Songs will be played in background when idle screen is displayed,otherwise ,the music is stopped when display idle screen.


Taking a picture:When you are taking a picture, the screen acts as a viewfinder, you can tune the focal length by pressing the up and down navigation keys; tune exposure compensation by pressing the left and right navigation keys; You can access the „Option‟ menu to set and save these settings. Position the scene in the viewfinder and press „„OK key‟ to take the picture, and you will hear a shutter sound at the same time. To guarantee the image quality, please hold the camera steadily. The image will display on the screen after you shoot (the current status is called still status).

  • Photos:View the photos that you saved
  • Camera setting:Set related parameters of the camera.
  • Image settings:Set the size and quality of the photos
  • White balance: Choose the mode to keep white balance.
  • Scene mode: Choose the Auto or Night mode
  • Effect settings:Set the special effects of photos.
  • Storage:Choose the position where the photos will be saved.
  • Restore default:Restore the camera settings to default.

Video Recorder

Video settings:Set related parameters for the video clip.

  • White balance: Choose the mode to keep white balance.
  • Effect settings:Set special effects of the video clip
  • Storage:Select the position where video clips will be saved.
  • Restore default:Restore the video camera setting to defaults.

Video player

  • Play: Play the current video files.
  • Send: Send the current video file to bule tooth.
  • Rename: Rename the current video file.
  • Delete: delete the current video file
  • Delete all files: delete all of the video files in the video player.
  • Storage: Select to play the video files in the cell phone or memory card.

Sound Recorder

  • New record: Start recording
  • Play: Play a selected record.
  • Append: Make additional recordings for the selected record in .amr format.
  • Rename: Rename a selected record. Note: Renaming a record that has been set as incoming ring will make the settings back to defaults.
  • Delete: Delete a selected record.
  • List: View the recording of .amr files.
  • Settings:Set the position and the file format to save records.
  • Use as:Use the record in a situation mode.
  • Send: or send the record by BT
    Note : The recording time depends on the memory capacity of the mobile.

【FM radio】: This phone support the FM radio function, choose and receive the programs and you also can insert the earphone. Press the left/ right direction key to search the channel at the FM interface; and press the side key to adjust the volume,; press the “*” key to switch on/of the FM radio player.

Press the left soft key to “options”, display as following:

  • [Power on]: Click “ok” is on or off
  • [Channel list]: Set up the channel list and frequency
  • [Manuel input]: In put the frequency by manual [Volume]: Used to adjust the volume
  • [Auto search]: choose the “yes” then auto searching the channels
  • [Settings]: Activate or inactivate the background and the speaker
  • [Append]:On the choice of a particular. Amr format sound recordings for additional recording.



  • Jump to date: Jump to the appointed date quickly when you input a date to search.
  • Go to today: View the same day date
  • Go to weekly view: View the date according to weeks

TORCH: Add records as needed.

  • According to “ON” is open
  • According to “OFF” is closed


You can set5alarm times with this mobile. For each of them, you can set the alarm status to be open or not, set the alarm time and alarm frequency ( once, daily or on several self-defined dates).


The cell phone supports continuous four mixed arithmetic operations and the operation is simple, practical, and convenient.


You can Enter each menu quickly enter for you to use

WARNING!! Read this information before using your phone
In August 1986 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States with its action in Report and Outer FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standards previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies. The design of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines and these international standards. Use only the supplied or approved antenna. Unauthorized antenna modifications or attachments could impair call quality, damage the phone, or result in a violation of FCC regulations. Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor burn may result. Please contact your local dealer for a replacement antenna.


This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the phone kept 1.5cm from the body. To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance of 1.5cm must be maintained between the user’s body and the back of the phone, including the antenna, whether extended or retracted. Third-party belt-clips, holsters and similar accessories containing metallic components shall not be used. Body-worn accessories that cannot maintain 1.5cm separation distance between the user’s body and the back of the phone, and have not been tested for typical body-worn operations may not comply with FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided. For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC website at
Your wireless handheld portable telephone is a low power radio transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sends out radio frequency (RF) signals. In August, 1996, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for hand-held wireless phones. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standards previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies:

< ANSIC95.1> (1992) / <NCRP Report 86> (1986) / (1996)

Those standards were based on comprehensive and periodic evaluations of the relevant scientific literature. For example, over 120 scientists, engineers, and physicians from universities, government health agencies, and industry reviewed the available body of research to develop the ANSI Standard (C95.1). Nevertheless, we recommend that you use a hands-free kit with your phone (such as an earpiece or headset) to avoid potential exposure to RF energy. The design of your phone complies with the FCC guidelines (and those standards).
Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the phone and may violate FCC regulations.

Hold the phone as you would any other telephone with the antenna pointed up and over your shoulder.


For your phone to operate most efficiently:

  • Extend your antenna fully.
  • Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when the phone is in use.

Contact with the antenna affects call quality and may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed.

RF Exposure Information

FCC RF Exposure requirements: The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification for use next to the body with the minimum separation distance of 1.5cm is 0.183W/kg, next to the head is 0.236W/kg. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause harmful interference
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

NOTE : The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE : This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules


These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

Do not use the device with the environment which below minimum -10℃ or over maximum 50℃ ,the device may not work.
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.


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