opentext CX-E Voice Accessibility Conformation Report Website User Guide

June 16, 2024

opentext CX-E Voice Accessibility Conformation Report Website


Product Information


  • Product Name: OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4
  • Conformance Standards: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Revised Section 508 standards published January 18, 2017 and corrected January 22, 2018
  • Accessibility Conformance Level: Level A (Yes), Level AA (Yes),Level AAA (No)

Product Usage Instructions

Web Accessibility

The OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4 partially supports the following Web Accessibility criteria:

  • There are images missing a descriptive label.
  • Captions may not be complete for all videos.
  • Audio description for visual video content may not be available.
  • There is content missing labels and not programmatically determined. There are missing headings and not all include semantic markup.
  • There is functionality which requires a mouse or other pointing device.

Electronic Documents Accessibility

The OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4 supports the following Electronic Documents Accessibility criteria:

  • Web: Supports
  • Electronic Docs: Supports
  • Software: Supports
  • Authoring Tool: Supports

Software Accessibility

The OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4 supports the following Software Accessibility criteria:

  • Web: Supports
  • Electronic Docs: Supports
  • Software: Supports
  • Authoring Tool: Supports


For full accessibility compliance, it is recommended to ensure missing labels, captions, and audio descriptions are provided.
Additionally, semantic markup and alternative ways to access functionality should be implemented.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What accessibility standards does the OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4 conform to?
A: The OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4 conforms to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and Revised Section 508 standards published on January 18, 2017 and corrected on January 22, 2018.

Q: What level of accessibility conformance does the OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4 achieve?
A: The OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4 achieves Level A and Level AA conformance, but does not achieve Level AAA conformance.

OpenText Accessibility
Conformation Report Revised
Section 508 Edition
Based on VPAT®1 Version 2.4REV
Name of Product/Version: OpenText CX-E Voice v. 22.4.0 (Web Client)
Report Date: November 2022
Product Description: OpenText™ CX-E Voice adds new functions to existing infrastructure to improve communications efficiency, mobility, security and customer satisfaction. The unified communications solution delivers unified messaging, voicemail, transcription, interactive voice response (IVR), call center, a speech-driven personal assistant and automated attendant as well as automated call and text notifications.

Contact Information: [email protected]
1“ Voluntary Product Accessibility Template” and “VPAT” are registered service marks of the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

Evaluation Methods Used: Manual and automated testing based on the DHS TTv5 testing protocols.

Applicable Standards/Guidelines

This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibility standard/guidelines:

Standard/Guideline Included In Report

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0| Level A (Yes)

Level AA (Yes) Level AAA (No)

Revised Section 508 standards published January 18, 2017 and corrected January 22, 2018| (Yes)


The terms used in the Conformance Level information are defined as follows:

  • • Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
    • Partially Supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.
    • Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.
    • Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
    • Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can be used only in WCAG 2.0 Level AAA.

WCAG 2.0 Report

T ables 1 and 2 also document conformance with Revised Section 508:

  • • Chapter 5 – 501.1 Scope, 504.2 Content Creation or Editing
    • Chapter 6 – 602.3 Electronic Support Documentation

Note: When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria, they are scoped for full pages, complete processes, and accessibility- supported ways of using technology as documented in the WCAG 2.0 Conformance Requirements.

Table 1: Success Criteria, Level A


Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

1.1.1 Non-text Content(Level A)|  | Web:
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

· 501 (Web)(Software)

· 504.2 (Authoring Tool)

· 602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| There are images missing a descriptive label.

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)(Level A)|

Web: Not Applicable Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

Also applies to: Revised Section 508

· 501 (Web)(Software)

· 504.2 (Authoring Tool)

· 602.3 (Support Docs)

1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded)(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

· 501 (Web)(Software)

· 504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web: Captions may not be complete for all videos. Electronic Docs:

Software: Authoring Tool:

1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)(Level A)|

Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web: Audio description for visual video content may not be available.

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

1.3.1 Info and Relationships(Level A)|


| Web:

There is content missing labels and not

Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Partially Supports

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

| programmatically determined. There are missing headings and not all include semantic markup.

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence(Level A)| Web:|
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

· 501 (Web)(Software)

· 504.2 (Authoring Tool)

· 602.3 (Support Docs)

| Supports

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics (Level A)| Web:|
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

· 501 (Web)(Software)

· 504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Supports

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

1.4.1 Use of Color(Level A)| Web:|
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·   504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·    602.3 (Support Docs)

| Supports

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

1.4.2 Audio Control(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·    504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·    602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web:

Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

2.1.1 Keyboard(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·   504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·    602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web: There is functionality which requires a mouse or

other pointing device. Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·    501 (Web)(Software)

·    504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

2.2.1 Timing Adjustable(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·    504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·    501 (Web)(Software)

·   04.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold(Level A)|

Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:



Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·    602.3 (Support Docs)

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks(Level A)|  |
Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software

·   504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

| Web: Does Not Support Electronic Docs: Authoring Tool:| Web: No skip to main content present. Electronic Docs:

Authoring Tool:

2.4.2 Page Titled(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·   504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web: The specific content on page is not included in

page title. Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

2.4.3 Focus Order(Level A)|  | Web:
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Focus order may not be logical and intuitive.

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)(Level A)|  | Web:
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Link purpose and descriptive label may not match in

some instances.

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

3.1.1 Language of Page(Level A)|  | Web:
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·   504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Video tutorial pages may not have language attribute.

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

3.2.1 On Focus(Level A)| Web:|
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Supports

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

3.2.2 On Input(Level A)| Web:|
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Supports

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

3.3.1 Error Identification(Level A)| Web:|
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Supports

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions(Level A)| Web:|
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

| Supports

Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

4.1.1 Parsing(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   01 (Web)(Software)

·   504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Not Applicable Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value(Level A)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

Table 2: Success Criteria, Level AA


Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

1.2.4 Captions (Live)(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·   504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Not Applicable Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded)(Level AA)|

Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web: Audio description for visual video content may not be available.

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

Criteria| Conformance Level| Remarks and Explanations
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·   504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·   602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

1.4.4 Resize text(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

1.4.5 Images of Text(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

2.4.5 Multiple Ways(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

· 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software

· 504.2 (Authoring Tool)

· 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

| Web: Partially Supports Electronic Docs: Authoring Tool:| Web: There may not be multiple ways to visit a specific web page within the application.

Electronic Docs: Authoring Tool:

2.4.6 Headings and Labels(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  02.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

2.4.7 Focus Visible(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

3.1.2 Language of Parts(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·   501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Not Applicable Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:

| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

3.2.3 Consistent Navigation(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Authoring Tool:

3.2.4 Consistent Identification(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Authoring Tool:

3.3.3 Error Suggestion(Level AA)|  |
Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)

| Web: Supports Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:| Web:

Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)(Level AA)|

Web: Not Applicable Electronic Docs: Software:

Authoring Tool:



Electronic Docs: Software: Authoring Tool:

Also applies to: Revised Section 508

·  501 (Web)(Software)

·  504.2 (Authoring Tool)

·  602.3 (Support Docs)


Revised Section 508 Report


Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services


Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations
601.1 Scope Heading cell – no response required Heading cell – no

response required
602 Support Documentation| Heading cell – no response required| Heading cell – no response required
602.2 Accessibility and Compatibility Features| Supports|
602.3 Electronic Support Documentation| See WCAG 2.x section| See information in WCAG 2.x section
602.4 Alternate Formats for Non-Electronic Support Documentation| Supports|
603 Support Services| Heading cell – no response required| Heading cell – no response required
603.2 Information on Accessibility and Compatibility Features| Supports|
603.3 Accommodation of Communication Needs| Supports|

Legal Disclaimer
The enclosed data documents a product’s conformance with VPAT accessibility standards from Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and 29 U.S.C. § 794(d). Data in this report reflects results which were obtained under a controlled environment. As such, duplication of tests may yield different results. Deviation from the data presented in this report may result from user error, software updates, differing legal jurisdiction, internet browser utilized, device used, or any other alteration, however slight, of the testing environment. Renfro Consulting does not guarantee that results will be identical in every scenario and is not responsible for any inconsistencies. Questions regarding results can be directed to Laura Renfro, at [email protected].

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