TEETER FitSpine XT1 Inversion Table User Guide

June 15, 2024

TEETER FitSpine XT1 Inversion Table

Important Safety Instructions



  • Read and understand all the instructions, review all other accompanying documents, and inspect the equipment before using the inversion table. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the proper use of this equipment and the inherent risks of inversion if these instructions are not followed, such as falling on your head or neck, pinching, entrapment, equipment failure, or aggravating a pre-existing medical condition. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that all users of the product are fully informed about the proper use of the equipment and all safety precautions.

  • DO NOT use until approved by a licensed physician. Inversion is contraindicated in any medical or health condition that may be made more severe by an elevation of blood pressure, intracranial pressure or mechanical stress of the inverted position, or that may impact your ability to operate the equipment. This may include injury or illness, but also the side effects of any drug or supplement (prescribed or over-the-counter). Specific conditions may include, but not be limited to:

  • Any condition, neurological or otherwise, which results in unexplained tingling, weakness or neuropathy, seizure, sleep disorder, lightheadedness, dizziness, disorientation, or fatigue, or impacts strength, mobility, alertness, or cognitive ability;

  • Any brain condition, such as trauma, history of intracranial bleeding, history or risk of TIA or stroke, or severe headaches;

  • Any condition of the heart or circulatory system, such as high blood pressure, hypertension, increased risk of stroke,
    or use of anticoagulants (including high doses of aspirin);

  • Any bone, skeletal, or spinal cord condition or injury, such as significant spinal curvature, acutely swollen joints, osteoporosis, fractures, dislocations, medullary pins or surgically implanted orthopedic supports;

  • Any eye, ear, nasal, or balance condition, such as trauma, history of retinal detachment, glaucoma, optic hypertension, chronic sinusitis, middle or inner ear disease, motion sickness, or vertigo;

  • Any digestive or internal condition, such as severe acid reflux, Hiatal or other hernia, gallbladder or kidney disease;

  • Any condition for which exercise is specifically directed, limited, or prohibited by a physician, such as pregnancy, obesity, or recent surgery.

  • ALWAYS be certain the Ankle Lock System is properly adjusted and fully engaged, and that your ankles are secure before using the equipment. HEAR, FEEL, SEE, and TEST that the Ankle Lock System is snug, close-fitting, and secure EVERY TIME you use the equipment.

  • ALWAYS wear securely tied lace-up shoes with a flat sole, such as a normal tennis-style shoe.

  • DO NOT wear any footwear that could interfere with securing the Ankle Lock System, such as shoes with thick soles, boots, or any shoe that extends above the anklebone.

  • DO NOT use the inversion table until it is adjusted properly for your height and body weight. Improper settings can cause rapid inversion or make returning upright difficult. New users, and users who are physically or mentally compromised, will require the assistance of a spotter. Make sure the equipment is set to your unique user settings before each use.

  • DO NOT sit up or raise your head to return upright. Instead, bend your knees and slide your body to the foot-end of the inversion table to change the weight distribution. If locked out in full inversion, follow the instructions for releasing from the locked position before returning upright.

  • DO NOT continue using the equipment if you feel pain or become light-headed or dizzy while inverting. Immediately return to the upright position for recovery and eventual dismount.

  • DO NOT use if you are over 198 cm / 6 ft 6 in or over 136 kg (300 lb). Structural failure could occur or the head/neck may impact the floor during inversion.

  • DO NOT allow children to use this machine. Keep children, bystanders, and pets away from the machine while in use. The inversion table is not intended for use by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities unless they are given supervision and instruction concerning the use of the machine by a person responsible for their safety.

  • DO NOT store upright, lay flat on the floor, and ALWAYS secure to prevent unintentional rotation if children are in the home.

  • DO NOT store outdoors.

  • DO NOT use aggressive movements, or use weights, elastic bands, any other exercise or stretching device, or non-Teeter® attachments while on the inversion table. Use the inversion table only for its intended use as described in this manual.

  • DO NOT drop or insert any object into any opening. Keep body parts, hair, loose clothing, and jewelry clear of all moving parts.

  • DO NOT use in any commercial, rental or institutional setting. This product is intended for indoor, home use only.

  • DO NOT operate equipment while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication that may cause drowsiness or disorientation.

  • ALWAYS inspect the equipment before use. Make sure all fasteners are secure.

  • ALWAYS replace defective components immediately and/or keep the equipment out of use until repair.

  • ALWAYS position equipment on a level surface and away from water or ledges that could lead to accidental immersion or falls.

  • Refer to additional warning notices posted on the equipment. If a product label or User Guide should become lost, damaged or illegible, contact Customer Service at 800-847-0143 for replacement.

Read or Watch Follow along with these instructions or scan to watch the User Guide video.


Starting Your Journey to Relief
Welcome to your complete guide to investing with Teeter FitSpine! Learn everything you need to achieve an effortless inversion practice and experience the real, natural benefits of spinal decompression. In this manual, you will learn how to:

Inversion Basics

How Long to Invert
Begin with 1–2-minute sessions to allow your body to adapt to inversion. Over time, work up to 3-5 minutes per session. Inversion is about relaxation and enjoyment, so take it slow and easy. Listen to your body and only do what is comfortable to you.

How Far to Invert
Start at a 20-degree angle so your body can adjust to being upside down. Eventually, try working your way up to 60 degrees, otherwise known as the “magic angle”. At 60 degrees, the pressure in your discs is at or near zero and your spine can fully decompress.

How Often to Invert
For best results, try inverting multiple times per day, and remember, the frequency of sessions is more important than the session duration.

Consistency is Key
Think of your inversion practice like brushing your teeth: a daily dose of inversion can help you best maintain a healthy spine.

WARNING: Failure to set these adjustments correctly may result in too rapid inversion or difficulty returning upright.
Before you begin: Getting started with the FitSpine is as easy as 1-2-3! While you learn the settings and how to properly use your FitSpine, ask someone to assist you as a spotter.

Set Height

  • Setting to your proper height controls the speed and ease of rotation into and out of inversion.
  • Stand on the same side as the Height-Selector Locking Pin. Lift the Main Shaft so it is parallel with the floor and pull the pin out (Figure 1). Slide the Main Shaft to your target height, making sure your height can be read. Release the pin so that it fully engages in the hole.

TIP: Weight distribution plays a part in balancing your FitSpine. You will experience the best rotation control when your body is evenly balanced with 50% of your weight on each side of the pivot point. You may need to adjust the Main Shaft 1-2 inches in either direction from your actual height to achieve better control. See page 8 for more on how to fine-tune your settings.

Set Angle

  • Presetting your Angle Tether lets you determine your maximum inversion angle from 0-60 degrees.
  • Attach the Angle Tether clip to the U-bar on the back of the Main Shaft (Figure 2). Slide the buckle to set your desired inversion angle.

TIP: Start at a shallow angle. Your body needs time to adjust to inversion. Rotating too far, too early, could cause disorientation or muscle soreness.

Lock Ankles

  • Locking your ankles properly ensures a secure and comfortable inversion experience.

  • Holding onto the inversion table handles to steady yourself, step one foot over the Ankle Lock System so your feet are on the ground on each side of the Main Shaft (Figure 3).

  • Lean only your bottom on the backrest behind you. Sliding in from the side, insert one foot at a time into the Ankle Lock System with soles on top of the Ankle Comfort Dial.

  • Press your ankles back firmly against the rear ankle cups. Pull the T-Pin Lock to close the Front Ankle Cups until the ankle cups fit snugly against the smallest part of your ankles (Figure 4). Release the T-Pin and adjust the Front Ankle Bar until the T-Pin fully engages into a hole setting (Figure 5a & 5b). Use the “Hear – Feel – See – Test” method below to ensure a proper, secure fit. TIP: If there is too much distance between the ankle cups and tops of your feet, adjust the foot platform (Ankle Comfort Dial) by rotating to either the high or low setting to move foot placement up/down (Figure 6).

Every Time You Secure Your Ankles

  • HEAR the T-Pin Lock click into place;

  • FEEL the T-Pin Lock to make sure it is fully engaged and locked in its setting, and FEEL that the Ankle Cups are snug and close-fitting around the smallest part of your ankles;
    SEE there is NO space between the T-Pin Lock and its base, and SEE there is NO space between your ankles and the Ankle Cups.

  • TEST the Ankle Lock System enclosure to ensure that it is snug, close-fitting and secure by wiggling and attempting to pull your feet through the Ankle Cups. Ensure that you CANNOT disengage from the Ankle Cups each time before attempting to invert.

To Improve Ankle Comfort:

  • For safety and comfort, always wear socks and shoes.
  • Ensure the ankle cups are close-fitting and secure to the ankle, but not so tight that they restrict blood flow.
  • Relax your feet while inverted.
  • Check your Ankle Comfort Dial setting.
  • Try reducing your inversion angle while your body adjusts to the new sensation.
  • Experiment with the Lumbar Bridge which reduces load on the ankles

To unlock your ankles after inversion, pull up on the T-Pin so the pin disengages. Push down with the balls of your feet while lifting your heels to push open the Front Ankle Cups (Figure 7).

WARNING: FAILURE TO PROPERLY SECURE THE ANKLES COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH! ALWAYS check that the Ankle Lock System is fully engaged, with the Cups fit snug and close against the smallest part of the ankles. ALWAYS wear securely tied, lace-up, flat-soled shoes (like a tennis shoe). DO NOT wear shoes with thick soles, boots, or any shoe that extends above the anklebone, as this type of footwear could interfere with properly securing your ankles. NEVER use the inversion table face down. DO NOT attempt to invert or lean your upper body against the Table Bed before securing your ankles.


Now that your FitSpine is set properly, you are ready for your first inversion session.

Rotate into Inversion
With your head resting against the backrest, slowly raise one arm over your head (Figure 8). Then, slowly raise your second arm until you have reached your preset inversion angle (Figure 9).

TIP: The FitSpine rotates in response to your arm movements controlling your weight distribution. When your weight moves toward your head, you will rotate into inversion. When your weight moves toward your feet, you will return upright. Go slow. The faster your arm movements, the faster the rate of rotation. Going too fast can cause disorientation or discomfort.

Rest and relax your arms over your head. Focus on allowing your entire body to elongate.

TIP: Relaxation is the key to decompressing your spine and relieving back pain. You may find deep breathing and light stretching helpful to eliminate tension and loosen up your muscles.
If you aren’t comfortable at the angle you selected, then adjust your Angle Tether to a lesser degree.

Optional Full Inversion

  • You never need to go into full inversion to get all the benefits, but once you are comfortable at 60 degrees, you may wish to try full inversion for a deeper stretch or inverted exercise.
  • Disconnect the Angle Tether and rotate into inversion. If you are not fully upside-down, use your hand to push on the A-frame and continue your rotation backwards until the backrest stops against the Crossbar (Figure 10).
  • With the correct balance setting, the backrest will remain securely “locked” in this position until you are ready to return upright. Relax and allow your body to release from the backrest so that you are freely hanging.

TIP: Avoid full inversion until you can fully relax in partial inversion.

  • While locked out in full inversion, you will have freedom of movement for more advanced stretching and exercise (Figure 11).
  • Start with simple torso rotations and gentle neck stretches. Over time, you may want to add strength work like ab crunches, full-range sit ups and even reverse squats. This is a great way to add benefits while you decompress.
  • Be sure to listen to your body. When you feel you’ve had enough, take a break.

Release Full Inversion

  • To release from full inversion, reach behind you and grasp the very top of the backrest with one hand.
  • With the other hand, grasp the center of the A-frame in front of you.
  • Pull your hands towards each other until you have released the locked position (Figure 12). Take care to avoid pinching your elbows between the A-frame and the Table Bed.
  • Do not lift your head or try to sit up. Follow the steps to return upright.

TIP: Ask a spotter to assist you the first time you fully invert to ensure you can easily release and return upright.

Return Upright

  • Return one arm back to your side.
  • Then, slowly return your second arm (Figure 13a). If you do not rotate fully upright, DO NOT lift your head or try to sit up (Figure 13b).
  • Instead, bend your knees and slide your body toward your feet until you have returned to the upright position (Figure 14).

TIP: Before returning upright and dismounting, stop just above horizontal and allow your body to readjust to being upright (Figure 13a).

DO NOT lift your head or try to sit up. Avoid relying only on the handles to pull yourself up. This will only cause stress on your back and will not aid you in returning upright.
If your FitSpine isn’t responding as you desire, see Troubleshoot: Find Your Balance on the next page.


Find Your Balance

Your FitSpine is designed to effortlessly rotate in response to your arm movements. If this is not occurring, you may need to adjust your settings to achieve perfect balance. There are two ways to fine-tune your balance settings:

  • Adjust your height setting (Figure 15; see ‘Set Height’ on page 4);
  • Adjust the Roller Hinges, which are the 3-hole hinges that connect the backrest of your FitSpine to the A-frame (Figure 16).

The Roller Hinge hole closest to the pivot pin is “A,” the most responsive (quickens rotation). The hole at the far end is “C,” the least responsive (slows rotation). Refer to the Assembly Instructions for further details on the Roller Hinge adjustment.

WARNING: Do not use Setting A for users over 220 lb (100 kg).

  • Problem:
    You are rotating into inversion˝too fast or you are not returning fully upright when you put your arms to your sides.

  • Solution:
    Lengthen the height on the Main Shaft 1-2″ and/or adjust your Roller Hinges to the B or C setting.

  • Problem:
    You are not rotating enough and/or you are not staying in full inversion.

  • Solution:
    Shorten the height on the Main Shaft 1-2″ and/or adjust your Roller Hinges to the A or B setting.

  • Problem:
    Your rotation responsiveness changes after you invert.

  • Solution:
    As you decompress, your body lengthens. To offset this stretch and easily return upright, bring your arms to your sides. Bend your knees and slide your body toward your feet until you have returned to the fully upright position. You may find that with regular use, your ideal balance settings will change.

Customize Your Relief

Lumbar Bridge
An optional accessory to add deeper decompression and alignment benefits, simply insert the notches of the Lumbar Bridge into the slots of the Table Bed and adjust the height and position to fit comfortably at the small of your back (Figure 17).

Acupressure Nodes
Relieve muscle tension by placing the optional Acupressure Nodes in the slots of the Table Bed that best align with your targeted area (Figure 18). Start with the smallest and work your way up to taller nodes.

TIP: For more about these Accessories, refer to the Assembly & User Instructions.
Personalize the intensity and target zone by experimenting with the height and placement of the accessories. You may discover that you prefer one or both, or opt to not use them at all. It’s about finding what feels good and achieving the results you desire.

Secure When Not in Use

  • If left in the in-use position (unfolded), you can prevent unintentional rotation by either looping the Angle Tether around the Main Shaft and Crossbar and then attaching it to itself with the clip (Figure 19) or securing
  • it with a Key Lock (available at teeter.com). Test to ensure the inversion table cannot rotate.

Fold for Storage

  • Your FitSpine easily folds for compact storage in seconds and stands in an upright position.
  • Disconnect the Angle Tether. Slide the Main Shaft in and lock the Height-Selector Locking Pin into the last hole. Rotate the backrest forward (the opposite of inversion) until it rests on the Crossbar. Fold the A-frame, leaving it slightly open for upright stability (Figure 20). If there are children or animals in the house, lay flat on the floor for storage.

WARNING: Tipping Hazard: Leave A-Frame open wide enough to remain stable, or secure to a wall to prevent tipping. If children are present, store flat on floor, not upright, and secure to prevent unintentional rotation.

Maintain Your FitSpine
Wipe with a damp cloth to clean. Prior to every use, check for wear and tear. Replace damaged or worn parts immediately. Keep out of service until repaired. Contact Teeter for service recommendations.

Access Inversion and Stretching Classes with the Free Teeter Move App Whether you’re a beginner or advanced inverter, get help to improve flexibility, mobility, and functional strength on your Teeter.


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Specifications are subject to change without notice. Teeter and Teeter’s logo are registered trademarks of Teeter. © 2023 Teeter. International law prohibits any copying. XT1130 0623-2

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