ROSELLE PARK DISTRICT 2023 Winter Spring Break Camp User Manual

June 15, 2024

Winter/Spring Break Camp
Parent Manual 2023-2024


This handbook should be used as a guideline to answer your questions about our camp program. If you have additional questions, please call the Recreation Supervisor at 630-894-1037.
We are looking forward to having your child in camp this year. Roselle Park District offers winter break camp for children ages 6-14 years. Camp builds confidence and independence, as well as, a sense of responsibility, community, and an awareness of nature. Campers will meet new friends and develop social skills and patience. Camp also allows children the opportunity to express themselves through a variety of activities that may include crafts, nature, games, sports, special events, field trips, cook outs, and themed weeks. This parent handbook is for all children attending Roselle Park District Winter/Spring Break Camp.


For matters that require immediate attention during program operating hours, along with late drop-offs and early pick-ups, contact the Camp Coordinator via cell phone: 630-940-7172. This phone is staffed from approximately 6:30am-6:00pm. This phone is active as of the first day of camp.
For issues that do not require immediate assistance, including registration matters, contact the Camp Supervisor’s desk line at 630-894-1037. This phone is staffed from approximately 8:00am-4:00pm. In order to reach the Camp Supervisor prior to the first day of camp, call 630-894-1037.

Roselle Park District Front Desk 630-894-4200

Camp Coordinator
[email protected] 
630-940-7172| Recreation Supervisor
[email protected]
630-894-1037| Michael Wold
Superintendent of Recreation
[email protected]


The key to an amazing camp at Roselle Park District is our dedicated and talented Camp Team. Camp Team Members create a safe and positive environment for our campers. The Camp Team consists of the Recreation Supervisor, Camp Coordinator, Lead Counselors, and Counselors. Camp Team members are certified teachers, adults, college students, and high school students.
Roselle Park District’s number one priority is the safety and supervision of each camper. The ratio of campers to counselors is 10:1. All staff members have attended a comprehensive staff training program.
Examples of material covered includes positive reinforcement strategies, special needs training, and developing camp activities for all ages and ability levels. Counselors are required to be First Aid, CPR and AED certified, and all staff are required to undergo a criminal background check.
Everyone works together as a team in all activities, projects, and events that are happening at camp.
Camp Team Members are responsible for getting to know each camper in their camp as an individual and create daily plans that allow campers to express themselves through crafts, games, sports, nature, music and more. We look forward to serving your child’s camp needs. If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact the Recreation Supervisor or Coordinator.


Location Information
Clauss Recreation Center
555 W. Bryn Mawr, Roselle 60172
Drop Off/Pick Up – Clauss Recreation Center
Campers must be signed in and out by an authorize adult

Camp Hours
AM Care – 6:30am-8:30am
PM Care – 3:30pm-6:00pm

Winter Break Camp Rates
R $60/NR $70
AM Care – $14/NR $16
PM Care – $16/NR $18
Spring Break Camp Rates
R $60/NR $70
AM Care – $14/NR $16
PM Care – $16/NR $18

Tips for a Successful Registration

  • Register for age-appropriate camp
  • Be sure to complete all information on the forms (ePACT Pre-Requisite)
  • Submit completed registration to the Roselle Park District
  • Select specific days your child would like to attend
  • If your child requires special assistance, please notify us upon registration.

Register Online

  1. Log on to your WebTrac account at 3.1 WEB Splash (
  2. Select the Activity Type “Camps”
  3. Add ePACT Pre-Requisite to your cart
  4. Select days of attendance (Don’t forget AM/PM Care if needed)
  5. Add to Cart
  6. Complete ePACT once emailed to you

Registration : DON’T WAIT! Camp registrations must be made 7 business days in advance!
Refunds & Transfers: Day before and day of registrations are no longer accepted.


When dropping off or picking up your camper, you must sign the attendance sheet, and fill in the time of day. The camper will not be accepted into the program or released without an authorized adult.
Authorized adult will need to have their ID with them to show counselor.
Campers will not be released until 3:30 p.m. If your camper needs to leave before the program ends, please send a note informing the camp counselor of the time you will be picking up your camper.
Pick up is at 3:30 pm, you must pick up your child within 10 minutes of the end of camp or you will be charged for PM Care that day.


What to Bring Each Day

  • Backpack
  • Gym Shoes
  • Water bottle
  • NUT free lunch *Refrigerators and microwaves are not available
  • Medication (if needed)
  • Children attending AM/PM Care should bring additional snacks for the day
  • Children should not bring money for vending machines


Please label all belongings your child brings to camp. Children should wear comfortable clothing;

appropriate for the weather. Please do not send campers to camp with favorite outfits or special clothing as camp activities can get messy. Proper footwear should be worn each day.

  • Dress for the weather – Layer clothing for comfort in case the day gets warmer or colder or send additional layers.
  • Wear gym shoes for safety during activities.
  • No clothing that depicts violence or inappropriate scenes is allowed.

Personal Belongings

  • Bringing personal belongings and toys from home is strongly discouraged.
  • Any toys that are brought from home must have prior approval from the Camp Coordinator.
  • Electronic handheld games (Nintendo DS, etc.) and MP3 players (iPods, etc.) are only allowed as designated by staff.
  • The trading of Pokémon cards, and similar items, is not allowed at camp.
  • Campers are not to exchange money with other campers.
  • Personal Belongings may not be shared with other campers.
  • Mark your child’s name on all personal belongings.
  • Staff is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items, including backpacks, swimsuits, towels, glasses, toys and phones.
  • Staff may restrict or withhold inappropriate items.

Any extra money that the camper brings is not the responsibility of the camp staff. As a result, please do not send your camper with a large sum of money. Staff is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
Lost and Found
Items not claimed by the last day of camp week will be given to charity.
Daily activities consist of gym games, arts/crafts, team building activities, as well as daily field trips.
Movies may be shown. All movies shown are rated “PG” or “G.”
Participants with Special Needs
Please notify the Roselle Park District of any medical condition, or special needs requiring attention from our staff. If a child has an aide or companion during the school day, the Park District highly recommends and encourages the same for camp participation. The district works closely with the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association (WDSRA) to ensure that students with special needs receive proper attention. An Inclusion Notification Form should be completed and submitted with registration.

Field Trips
Camp will participate in off-site field trips daily. Parents should visit the Roselle Park District website for their child’s field trip schedule, these are located in the brochure. Campers will ride the bus to/from field trip locations. All camp rules apply at outside sites. Campers may not bring money for candy, souvenirs, etc. on trips, unless noted otherwise by the Camp Coordinator. Campers are responsible for any money/ items purchased while on field trips. Campers must stay with their group/buddy while on field trips.
Transportation of Children
Roselle Park District provides bus transportation for all field trips, whether that be utilizing our own busses or bringing in a bus company (This is all dependent on how many campers we have register. All staff driving passengers in Park District vehicles are 18 years of age or older. All drivers have submitted a driver’s background check that is given to our human resources department which shows they maintain a good driving record. Drivers have also gone through vehicle safety training.


Be Safe
Our number one priority during camp hours is to ensure that your camper will be safe. All campers will be made aware of our specific guidelines for safety during the first few weeks of camp.

Be Responsible

  • Treat both our staff and fellow campers with respect.
  • Be tolerant of differences.
  • Use good manners, no bad language.
  • Be considerate of others feelings.
  • No threats, hitting, or hurting anyone.
  • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements.
  • Campers should be trustworthy.
  • They should try their best to be responsible and consider the consequences of their actions.

Have Fun!
For all campers to have fun during camp, we need everyone to be kind and caring to one another.
Campers should be fair during all games and activities that camp will be participating in.
Bus Rules
Yelling, throwing items, littering, standing, and other unsafe behaviors are not permitted. Refrain from eating and drinking in the bus and van. Remain seated until directed to disembark. All participants must wear a seat belt at all times.
Pool Field Trip Rules
Children listed as Swimmer or Unsure are swim tested. Based on the results, campers who are unable to swim 25 yards unassisted are restricted to certain areas of the pool.
Children must wear color-coded bracelets indicating those who are restricted swimmers. All regular pool rules apply. Running and horseplay in the pool and on deck are not permitted. Campers should not linger unnecessarily in the locker room. Label swimsuits, towels, bags, shoes and all personal items with your child’s name using a permanent marker.


The Roselle Park District expects program participants to always exhibit appropriate behavior.
The following guidelines have been established to ensure the program is safe and enjoyable for all participants.

  1. Be respectful to participants, volunteers, and staff
  2. Respect the facility, equipment, and supplies
  3. Treat others the way you would like to be treated
  4. Physical aggression towards other participants or staff is prohibited
  5. Refrain from using profanity, derogatory language or put downs
  6. All school rules, both indoors and outdoors, apply

“Bullying” or “harassment” is defined as any gesture or written, verbal, graphic, or physical act that is reasonably perceived as being dehumanizing, intimidating, hostile, humiliating, threatening, or is otherwise likely to evoke fear of physical harm and/or emotional distress. It may or may not be motivated either by bias or prejudice based upon any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression; or a mental, physical, or sensory disability or impairment; or by any other distinguishing characteristic or is based upon association with another person who has or is perceived to have any distinguishing characteristic.
Bullying and harassment also include forms of retaliation against individuals who report or cooperate in an investigation under this procedure. Such behaviors are bullying or harassment whether they take place on or off park district property, at any park district sponsored function, or in a park district vehicle or at any place or time where a staff or participant’s imminent safety or overall well-being may be an issue.
Bullying or harassment, like other forms of aggressive and violent behaviors, interferes with a participant’s ability to learn and limits their involvement. Staff, parents, volunteers, and participants are expected to refuse to tolerate bullying and harassment and are to demonstrate behavior that is both respectful and civil. It is especially important for adults to model these behaviors to provide positive examples for participant behavior.

The Roselle Park District believes that standards for an individual’s behavior must be set through interaction among the participants, parents and guardians, staff, and community members of the park district, producing an atmosphere that encourages participants to grow in self-discipline and their ability to respect the rights of others. The development of this atmosphere requires respect for self and others, as well as for district and community property on the part of individuals, staff, parents, and community members.

Consequences for a participant who commits an act of bullying and harassment shall vary in method and severity per determining factors. Parents and guardians will be notified of the bullying incidences and of the district’s plan. The consequences and remedial measure may include, but are not limited to, the examples listed below:

Examples of consequences:

  • Verbal warning
  • Temporary removal from the program
  • Loss of privileges
  • Program suspension
  • Removal from program
  • Legal action

The Roselle Park District prohibits any person from falsely accusing another as a means of bullying or harassment. The consequences and appropriate remedial action for a person found to have falsely accused another as a means of bullying or harassment will be dependent on determining factors.


A direct and positive approach will be used regarding discipline to help children develop self-control and learn to assume responsibility for their actions. Staff will use positive statements and reinforcements to redirect inappropriate behavior. Staff will periodically review rules with participants during the program session. If inappropriate behavior occurs, a prompt resolution will be sought specific to individual situations. Documentation will be maintained regarding any problem behaviors.
In the event participants do not adhere to the established rules and guidelines, disciplinary procedures will be followed. The Roselle Park District reserves the right to bypass one or all steps listed below based on the severity of the infraction. Behavior reports will be issued by staff when a participant has broken the rules. Any child receiving three behavior reports will receive an immediate suspension from the rogram. For the safety of all our children, the Roselle Park District reserves the right to terminate a participant’s enrollment in a program at any time.

A child’s continued misconduct will be handled as follows:
First Notice: Inappropriate behavior documented and discussed with parents by program staff.
Second Notice: Continued inappropriate behavior documented and discussed with the parent by program staff and supervisor. A behavior plan will be put in place to set the child up for success.
Third Notice: Continued inappropriate behavior documented and discussed with the parent by program staff and supervisor. A suspension based on Program Supervisor’s discretion will be set.
Immediate time-out and parental notification will be given if:

  1. A child disturbs or hurts others, verbally or physically.
  2. A child damages equipment or property.
  3. A child places himself/herself or others in a dangerous situation.

If a participant engages in behavior which poses a threat of bodily harm to her/himself or others (including physically or verbally abuses a staff member), an immediate meeting with the parent or guardian may be called, or based on the severity of the incident, the individual will be immediately suspended or expelled from the program or facility.
Although not required or guaranteed, progressive discipline may be used if deemed appropriate by the Park District. Your child may be suspended or dismissed, however, after a progressive disciplinary action has not changed any substandard performance or misconduct on your child’s part. Notwithstanding the Park District’s option to use progressive discipline, the Park District is not required to do so and may, in its sole discretion, forego lesser forms of discipline at any time and proceed immediately with your child’s suspension or dismissal. Please also note that behavior and discipline are cumulative and apply to all District programs and activities. In other words, a behavioral issues or discipline in one program will be consider and applied across all District programs and activities, and a suspension or dismissal from one program may affect your child’s ability to participate in other District programs.
The Park District’s failure to strictly adhere to the time limits or the procedure in this policy related to behavior and/or discipline shall not affect the resolution of any behavioral or disciplinary action.


Any parent/guardian who displays any of the following behaviors, including, but not limited to: physical abuse, shaking, grabbing, hitting, pushing, verbal abuse including inappropriate language or threats to a child, family, or staff; or is in possession or under the influence of alcohol or illegal substance will be asked to leave the premises and may no longer be allowed on site.
If staff suspects a person of substance abuse or view any act of child abuse or its effects, the police will be notified.
The staff’s first responsibility is the safety of the children.


All children enrolled in camp are required to have a current health record on file. This requirement protects your child and the other children from the spread of communicable diseases. It is recommended that parents make certain their child is immunized according to the schedule published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Your child’s health is of major importance to us. Children must stay home if he/ she has a communicable illness or any of the following: fever, a cold that is less than 4 days old, heavy
nasal discharge, constant heavy cough, diarrhea, or vomiting. Child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to preschool.

Roselle Park District utilizes ePACT to store all your child’s important information. Upon registration you will receive an email from ePACT that must be completed before your child attends camp.

ePACT includes, but is not limited to:

  • General Information
  • Participant Information
  • Emergency Information
  • Authorized Pick-Ups
  • Health Care Provider/Insurance
  • Medications and Medications Dispensing Information
  • Allergies
  • Participant Conduct Agreement
  • Parent/Guardian Agreement

This not only saves paper, but it allows 24/7 access for our parents to update and change information as needed, always providing our staff with the most up- to-date information. Any changes made to ePACT must also be emailed to the recreation supervisor to inform the Roselle Park District of those changes.
Communicable Diseases
(Head Lice/Strep/Ringworm/Impetigo/Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease/Conjunctivitis)
If your child is diagnosed with any communicable disease, please notify the teachers. A child that is diagnosed with a communicable disease must be non- communicable before return. A doctor’s release may be necessary. The Roselle Park District staff will notify all participants in the program of the communicable disease.


If your child is ill or has a fever, he/she should not attend camp. If your child becomes ill during the program, a parent or listed emergency contact person will be notified and asked to pick the child up.
Children should not return to camp until they have been fever-free for 24 hours. In cases of a contagious disease, contact the Recreation Supervisor immediately, so that other families in the program can be notified.

Medical Emergencies
All Camp staff are CPR and First Aid certified. In the event of a serious injury that requires more than basic first aid, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Staff calls EMS
  2. Parent or Guardian is contacted (or listed emergency contact)
  3. If necessary, paramedics will transport the injured child to the nearest hospital, accompanied by a Camp staff member.

Guardians are responsible for any emergency medical charges. Park District Employees are not allowed to transport injured parties in Park District or personal vehicles.


In the event a child must take medication during the Club Kids program, please complete the Medication Dispensing and Medication Information form via ePACT. All medication must be hand-delivered to the Recreation Supervisor (this includes Epi-Pens and allergy medication) in a gallon-sized baggie clearly labeled with your child’s first and last name.
All medication must be in its original container. Under no circumstance may medication be shared, including siblings. Please let the Recreation Supervisor know if the medication will stay at school or if it should go home each day. If your child is prescribed a short-term medication, a Medication Authorization Form must be completed. The Park District cannot administer some medicines in which case a care plan will be developed between you and the Recreation Supervisor.


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