HULT Undergraduate External Examiner Reports User Guide

June 15, 2024

Undergraduate External Examiner Reports
Academic Year 2022-23
User Guide

Undergraduate External Examiner Reports

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/17/2023 16:16
Browser: Chrome / OS X
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1153210663
Location: 51.5026, -0.066
First Name Kirk Plangger
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| Yes, the academic standards are appropriate for the awards
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| In my opinion, the standards are comparable to other academic standards Ihave seen in my experience.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| The student performance is comparable to other high education institutions.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| In general, the administration of the external marking process has been outstanding over the past several years.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| No general recommendations. Please see the specific reports for more details.
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| N/A
7. Any additional comments?| None

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/18/2023 7:04
Browser: Chrome / OS X
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1153517079
Location: 56.9496, 24.0978
First Name Mark Spokes
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| Yes, I agree that the academic standards are appropriate for the award.
The new program has improved the quality of education and the changes throughout the academic year have added further value.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| If anything, the academic standards have perhaps superseded some of the US higher education institutions I have worked with. The requirements for students to develop an array of competences across diverse courses makes for a rigorous education.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| As always, there is a wide range of student performance. This year, some of the very best student work was outstanding. Although there was a long tail of struggling students, the introduction of frequent and small assessments means that students are being identified when failing to submit or submitting poor/plagiarised work.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| Firstly, I would highlight the investment of senior leaders, teachers and student support staff. Even on our end-of-semester calls, everyone from campus dean to student counsellor is ready to engage in conversation and focus on improving the overall learning experience. The new program was no small undertaking but it is impressive to see how everyone has bought into the ethos and is working hard to develop the program.
From a long list of areas we have reviewed and discussed this year, I would also highlight two major changes that I consider to be potential game- changers: a) the shift in focus away from narrow subject matter knowledge and towards competence development; b) the investment in student counselling and coaching. Both of these changes recognise and support each learner as a whole person with unique interests and needs.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| Again, there is a long list that could be discussed, but I will focus on two points raised above.
I appreciate the positive shift towards small and frequent assessment, but there is a a still range of use value to some of the assessments that have been designed. I would work with some of the instructors, such as Stefania Cassar, to develop guidelines and models of assessment for learning (rather than assessment of learning). There is more work to do in some courses to ‘constructively align’ the initial demonstration of lower order competences with the higher order that is required by the end of the semester. There are also more opportunities to build assessments with stages and draft reviews throughout the semester.
I also think that the foundations are now well-established and a useful next step would be to work with instructors to identify  how domain-general competences are mapped to domain-specific experience. There are some courses where I am not sure that students know enough about a specific subject to be ready to demonstrate working at higher levels of communication and collaboration.
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| N/A
7. Any additional comments?| As ever, thank you to Ian and everyone involved in the administration of this review, as it is extremely easy to engage with.

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/18/2023 8:33
Browser: Chrome / Windows
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1153534963
Location: 37.9842, 23.7353
First Name Nikos Tsorakidis
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s)| Undergraduate
Academic Year| AY2022-23
1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| Yes, the academic standards are high and appropriate for the award.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| The new BBA offers  students a unique educational experience. The structure of the program is innovative and the academic standards are high. I have no doubt academic standards are at the same high level as other top universities in the UK and US.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| The level of student performance observed is comparable to the student performance in other institutions I have been associated with both in the UK and US.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| The new curriculum is an great example of innovation in education.
Students have the opportunity from day 1 of their studies to see and engage with business issues from a holistic point of view.
In addition, there is -great emphasis to link theory and practice in all courses I have reviewed -personalized and detailed feedback on assignments -evidence of good communication among course leaders of the same unit in different locations
7. Any additional comments?| I would like to complement senior management and all faculty for delivering successfully the new BBA. Suggestions for improvement from external examiners have been immediately taken into consideration and any minor updates have been incorporated. This shows willingness for constant improvement and commitment to always drive excellence in education.

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/18/2023 11:38
Browser: Chrome / Windows
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1153567771
Location: 51.7155, -1.2926
First Name Simon du Plock
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| I can confirm that academic standards on the programme are appropriate for the award.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.|  The standards applied on this programme are appropriate to the qualification to which it leads, and they are broadly comparable to those of equivalent UK Higher Education programmes, and to those US programmes with which I am familiar.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| The level of student performance is comparable with other bachelor-level degree programmes at UK Higher Education institutions with which I am familiar.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| I am consistently impressed by the calibre of the great majority of tutors, as evidenced by:
1. The enthusiasm and expertise they bring to bear in generating engaging and accessible courses, often on novel and intellectually stimulating topics, 2. their ability to provide detailed, yet focussed feedback to students that both acknowledges strengths and identifies areas for improvement and specific strategies that will allow students to make these improvements.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| I have no specific recommendations to make at this time.
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| N/A
7. Any additional comments?| I have no additional comments to make at this time.

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/18/2023 14:15
Browser: Safari 16.6 / OS X
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1153604955
Location: 51.4412, -0.1833
First Name Robert  Carty
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| The academic standards on the program are appropriate to the award.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| The academic standards are comparable with those of other higher academic institutions.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| The level of student performance is comparable with those of other higher academic institutions.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| Exemplar courses this year are MGT 370  Management BOS1, MGT 345 Managing Human Resources BOS1, and (as last year) MGT448 Events Management BOS1.
These 3 courses are well documented, with syllabi and tailored rubrics. All students’ work is uploaded where possible. Feedback is thorough and helpful rather than generic.
The teaching material is relevant and up to date, with the opportunity for students to reflect on their own experience.
There is a variety of assessment methods, many innovative.
As previously mentioned, other course tutors can learn from these examples.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| Recommendations are largely as before:

  1. Positive internal moderation would remove several areas of concern to external examiners.
    This would include an abnormal marks distribution, lack of double marking, and non-compliance with institutional guidelines. I am please to find such instances are relatively rare.
  2. Can GradeBook provide a marks analysis?
  3. There are far more instances of over generous marks than under generous marks. Again, tutors are encouraged to follow institutional guidelines.
    6. If relevant, please comment on action
    taken regarding recommendations from
    any previous report(s).| The redesign of the UG degree includes more inter campus commonality which I am pleased to see.
    Feedback to students continues to improve.
    7. Any additional comments?| The UG degree remains tailored to the needs of students and practitioner based. Students will continue to benefit from such an approach.

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/19/2023 10:06
Browser: Safari 16.0 / OS X
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1153958845
Location: 51.536, -0.0925
First Name Ana-Maria Pascal
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| Yes, the academic standards on the BBA programme are appropriate for the award – at both subject and level. They reinforce the need to ensure continuity of assessment (matched with taught material and style). This in turn is based on a multi-stakeholder, interdisciplinary, real-life approach, which lends itself well to business and management studies in modern world. Pedagogically speaking, the sheer diversity of assessments helps hone multiple skill-sets, from the more academic to the more practice focused.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| Academic standards at Hult are similar to those in other higher institutions I have worked with, especially those at Regent’s University London – a small, private institution with a liberal education type of ethos and a focus on practice.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| Student performance at Hult is also similar to that of students at Regent’s and other institutions I worked with.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| The increased focus on interdisciplinarity, which is at the core of the new curriculum, adds not only dynamism, but also sophistication, to the pedagogical approach, as it allows for multiple interpretation and perspectives on any given topic.
As noted in my report for the Fall semester, the increased consistency between delivery at different campuses is an element of good practice, which was not there before.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| Continue to watch the amount and frequency of assessment components. Whilst the principle of continuous assessment is key and healthy, it is also important to give students a chance to take in the material learnt, and reflect on it; too much fragmentation in the assessment structure might have the opposite effect, preventing deep learning.
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| The inclusion of new elements focused on study skills (academic writing etc.) in some courses. This responds to comments on student level of critical analytical and research skills (as demonstrated in student work). I would encourage further developments on this.
7. Any additional comments?| I would like to command the team (all those involved both in the management and the delivery of the new programme), for their sheer effort – and the degree of cohesion within the team. It is easy to underestimate the effort involved in designing, delivering, and monitoring such a complex and revolutionary curriculum.

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/19/2023 11:04
Browser: Chrome / Windows
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1153968087
Location: 55.867, -4.2621
First Name Timothy Jackson
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| The academic standards compare well. Professional approach to the academic delivery and administrative support. Things have improved over the five years I have been examining at Hult.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| The academic standards compare well. Professional approach to the academic delivery and administrative support. Things have improved over the five years I have been examining at Hult.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| Standards of students’ performances compare well with similar higher academic institutions (i.e. USA oriented marking systems).
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| The assessments across the courses are appropriate for the level and consistent with those in other peer universities. There is a good mix of traditional assessment types along with innovation case studies, which challenge students. I particularly like the COLT HBC Business Challenge, which also required students to consider new technologies. Assessments generally allowed for a mix of group and individual student performances.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| None beyond those already made….greater attention to academic referencing and use of academic journals where appropriate.
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| Range of marks being awarded has broadened, which is consistent with other HEIs
I note the following range of marks for each module:
Hult Business Challenge ALP 445 LON: 77%-96.4% Hult Business Challenge ALP 445 BOS: 48%-96% (good use of marks
range) Global Strategy LON1 London: 82.3%-96.1%
Global Strategy BUS-420 BOS1: 66.5%-95.5%
Global Culture and Business GLO-320 BOS1: 57%-96.5%
Gender & Development GLO-330 LON1: 66.3%-97.3%
There is a better use of a wide range of marks across the courses than when I began examining five years ago. Marks for individual students are similar across assessments indicating a consistent approach. This is great to see and suggests that teams have taken on assessments board previous recommendations. Good and fair grades for the work.
7. Any additional comments?| It is enjoyable to work as an examiner on this courses. It’s also interesting to see work from US students and how it compares with that of the UK students. Pleasure to work with Ian.

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/19/2023 13:09
Browser: Chrome / Windows
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1153994073
Location: 51.5776, -0.1947
First Name Charles O’Dean
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| I consider the academic standards to be appropriate for the level of the award based on the the materials which have been made available to me.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| The academic standards, based on the assessments and other documentation I have seen has led me to the conclusion that the standards at this institution are comparable with those offered at the same level within other higher education institutions.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| The student performance at this level of study compares favourably with other higher education institutions whilst reflecting the maintenance of robust academic standards.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| These are identified as follows:
1. The articulation between the assessments and the learning outcomes of the modules
2. Evidence of internal moderation
3. The quality of student feedback and feedforward on submitted work
4. The content of the support material for the modules which I consider at the right depth and breadth for the level of study.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| None at this stage.
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| All previous recommendations have been considered and acted upon.
7. Any additional comments?| Only to commend the team for their efforts in supporting students and to express thanks for the support provided to me as an External Examiner.

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/20/2023 16:58
Browser: Chrome / Windows
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1154480580
Location: 56.5292, -3.0745
First Name Richard George
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| Yes, academic standards suitable for the BBA level
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| yes, comparable with other quality HE institutions
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| I would say above the level of student performance of other HE institutions
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| Excellent, varied and authentic (and varied) assessment methods.
excellent and comprehensive feedback.
Innovate use of Google Garage Digital Marketing course where students had to submit badges earned from completing modules
5. Please detail any recommendations.| assessments methods to assess students with limited use of AI assisted tools (mainly used assignments).
Use of podcasts and individual presentations to authenticate work
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| excellent creative assessment methods employed – photo assignments/visual assignments
7. Any additional comments?| creative, innovative and varied assessment methods.  Overall, very good and comprehensive feedback

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/22/2023 15:48
Browser: Chrome / Windows
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1154961937
Location: 53.8109, -1.637
First Name Lee Jones
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| Yes
The assessments continue to be very well designed. The assessments are clearly aligned to the development of employability skills and I saw some really good work which evidenced this in all the modules.
Students continue to demonstrate a very good conceptual understanding of the subject matter. This is evidenced in the application of theory in their assessed work. The development of employability skills is particularly evident and students will be well equipped for a career in industry upon graduation. Students with the lower grades struggle with grasping academic conventions and the application of theory but these are in a minority.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| I am satisfied academic standards are being maintained at the appropriate level. Indeed, the achievements of students is broadly comparable with similar institutions elsewhere.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| The performance of the students on the modules that I have responsibility was undoubtedly comparable to that at other institutions.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| There was some good work from the higher achievers and good guidance and advice for those students needing extra help.
I am especially impressed by the range of assessment types, creating a diet that is varied but not unnecessarily so. In particular the less traditional assessments feel purposive which is crucial, and with many of these the skills and employment focus is good.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| It would be useful to understand the wider information which is available to Hult External Examiners including;
External Examiner Handbook Induction arrangements for new Externals at Hult including mentor arrangements for new External Examiners A guide to using Canvass
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| nA
7. Any additional comments?| In future years I would like an opportunity to meet with students

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 10/23/2023 16:13
Browser: Chrome / Windows
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1155250056
Location: 50.2243, -5.2586
First Name William Ryan
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Both
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| The standards of both teaching and student level of assimilation are in my opinion appropriate for the award. As a business degree, the courses and their development tend to be towards the forefront of current industry/ business practice as illustrated with the inclusion of evolving content within the areas of Communication and Collaboration and Business influence and Persuasion.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| The standards of both teaching and student experience are comparable to other institutions with similar courses and electives . These provide specific interest areas that may not be available in other institutions.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| The standards achieved by Hult students are comparable and could indeed exceed those of other institutions. This is arguably helped by the mix and variety of both teaching content and the interaction of group and individual assessment. Students are seen to be competitive and work well together.
Student support and good practice continues to improve with a variety of feedback to students. This could include intext comments , class room feedback , rubric comments and detailed individual  subject/tests feedback
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| Good progress and visibility of feedback to both group  and individual re work completed. This involves using aspects of the Rubric facilities to assess both class participation and aspects such as positiveness in the approach to questions raised in class and assessing a more proactive approach to class discussion. In keeping with the more qualitative nature of actual business context, there is increasing emphasis on the need for students and staff to focus on explanatory analysis, as in for example, Financial/ Accounting courses.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| In line with the increasing individual contribution nature of business and the more qualitative aspects of management of performance, I would suggest a continuation of the emphasis on the need for advice/ recommendations based on the numerical results. Some evidence of students having difficulty in moving from the numerical assessment of results to explaining the “Why”
/ How or What we can do about them, what to do to improve the organisational results.
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| Good signs of course developments with the inclusion of the more qualitive aspects / courses related to, for example, the need for persuasion/ influence in business context (example, communication and collaboration).
7. Any additional comments?| The School continues to present a well balanced and innovative series of courses  that allow engagement for the students with a  changing business context.

Form Name: External Examiner End-of-Year Report
Submission Time: 11/12/2023 19:14
Browser: Firefox 119.0 / OS X
IP Address:
Unique ID: 1162951944
Location: 51.5158, -0.4234
First Name Michael Talalay
--- ---
Level of Degree Program(s) Undergraduate
Academic Year AY2022-23

1. Are the academic standards on the
program appropriate for the award?| On the whole yes.
2. Please comment on the comparability
of the academic standards with other
higher education institutions.| They are comparable. I am concerned with grades being too high, but this is a general problem and not specific to Hult.
Grade inflation hurts the better students, who no longer stand out the way they should.
3. Please comment on the comparability
of the level of student performance with
other higher education institutions.| It is varied, which is what to be expected from a diverse student body.
4. Please comment on any instances of
good practice.| I would like to single out ECN379, Economics of Money and Banking, in London. It is an excellent course which deserves to be praised as an example of best practice.
5. Please detail any recommendations.| Where courses rely to a significant extent on presentations, it is necessary to make videos of those prrsentations available to externals. Otherwise, all we have to go on are the PowerPoints which are of minimal value, at best, for judging presentations.
6. If relevant, please comment on action
taken regarding recommendations from
any previous report(s).| I still have my doubts about the grading in Boston. I have raised this several times.

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