KIPP ZONEN DustIQ PV Soiling Monitoring Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

KIPP ZONEN DustIQ PV Soiling Monitoring Instruction Manual
Soiling Monitoring


  • Allen key 6 mm

  • USB to RS-485 converter

  • Spanner 13 mm

Cable connection

Wire Function Connect with
Yellow Modbus® RS-485 Data +
Grey Modbus® RS-485 Data –
White Power 12 to 30 VDC
Black Power ground
Blue Modbus® common / Ground Ground*
Shield Housing Ground*
  • Connect to ground if DustIQ is not grounded


  • Modbus® baud rate 19200
  • Data bits 8
  • Parity even
  • Stop bits 1
  • Address 1
  • Factory dust profile Common desert dust

Push-Pull: Connect the supplied cable to the socket labelled ‘Host’
Connect the supplied cable

Positions and options

Positions and options




Needed before tare

  1. Connected, working clean DustIQ with software version 2.15 or higher
  2. DustIQ must be operative for minimal 3 minutes
  3. Modbus registers 20-40 must be read and logged for soiling ratio’s, transmission losses, status flags, dust slopes etc. (see manual section 4.2)
  4. A person on-site and a remote person reading DustIQ data and the manual .
  5. If moving from the back of the DustIQ to the front takes more than 20 seconds, then consider adding a third person, just to push the button

Time Time needed is 15 minutes

clouds No clouds

sunny Clear, sunny

Time Between 2 hours before and after solar noon

Cleaning Tool Clean, demineralised water and a sponge

dry cloth Clean, dry cloth

DustIQ LED light interpretation
Regular operation, 5 seconds of blue led light with a 60 second interval

Feedback during the Tare or field calibration are given by the 2 sensors and the calibration button. There are 2 cases:

  1. Slow blinking is 1x per second, confirmation and DustIQ awaiting next input
  2. Fast blinking is 10x per second, this is the error signal for further information see error code in register 27

Both signals last 30 seconds in total, before normal operation restarts.


Validate installation| During the procedure:

Do not cast a shadow on the DustIQ
Do not cover the sensors

  1. The DustIQ is mounted properly as per instructions.
  2. Power cable is connected to the DustIQ.
  3. DustIQ is cleaned.

No action needed
Wait| Wait 3 full minutes for the DustIQ to stabilize| No action needed
Push button 3 times| Push the Calibration button on the underside of the DustIQ 3 times in rapid succession.
Parts Instruction
Do NOT block the sunlight on the DustIQ| No action needed
Wait| Sensors and button light up continuously for 1 minute.| No action needed
Check sensors or button| Slow blinking = OK and finished. Inform person 2 of successful completion.| Confirm successful calibration in register 27 (manual section 4.2.2.)
| Fast blinking = error. Inform person 2 .| If unsuccessful read error code in register 27 for possible reasons and solutions.

Parts Instruction
Parts Instruction


Needed before calibration

  1. Connected, working, soiled DustIQ (3% transmission loss) with software version 2.15 or higher
  2. DustIQ must be operative for minimal 3 minutes
  3. Modbus registers 20-40 must be read and logged for soiling ratio’s, transmission losses, status flags, dust slopes etc. (see manual section 4.2)
  4. A person on-site and a remote person reading DustIQ data and the manual .
  5. If moving from the back of the DustIQ to the front takes more than 20 seconds, than consider adding a third person, just to push the button.
  6. A clear sunny sky
    • Time Time needed is 15 minutes
    • clouds No clouds
    • sunny Clear, sunny day
    • Time Between 2 hours before and after solar noon
    • Cleaning Tool Clean, demineralised water and a sponge
    • dry cloth Clean, dry cloth

The sky must be free of clouds and airplane contrails for at least 10 minutes.

| On-Site
During the procedure:

  • Do not cast a shadow on the DustIQ
  • Do not cover the sensors

| Remote office
Remote office
Contact Remote Office| Contact Remote Office| Check register 26 for enough soiling and sun and inform on-site person 1. (the expected value is 3), for further details check the cheat sheet
Local Check| Check for clear sky and no clouds. Inform person of start of calibration when OK. Do not cast a shadow on the DustIQ during the calibration process!| No action needed.
Push calibration button for 3 seconds| Parts
Instruction| No action needed.
Check sensors or button flash| Slow blinking = proceed with next step Fast blinking = stop and inform person| During calibration 0 will be presented in register 27. If an error occurs register 27 is updated with a specific code. (manual section 4.2.2)
Push button again (for 3 sec.)| Do NOT block the sunlight on the DustIQ!
Parts Instruction| No action needed
Wait| Sensors and button light up continuously for 1 minute Do not cast a shadow on the DustIQ Do not touch the DustIQ| No action needed. Wait for update from on-site person .
Check sensors or button| Slow blinking = OK and finished Inform person of successful completion| Confirm successful calibration in register 27 (manual section 4.2.2). and optionally read and use new dust slopes. (manual section 4.1).
| Fast blinking = error
Inform person| If unsuccessful read error code in register 27 for possible reasons and solutions.

REMOTE OFFICE cheat sheet

Value Meaning Remarks
0 There is not enough sun light and not enough soiling on the sensors On-

site check for clear sky and local time is between 2 hours before and after local solar noon. Check if there is >3% transmission loss in registers 21 and 25.
1| Enough sunlight| There is > 500 W/m² solar irradiation on the DustIQ. But not (yet) enough soiling so wait for more soiling
2| Enough soiling on both sensors| There is >3% transmission loss in registers 21 and 25. But not enough sunlight (yet).
3| Enough sunlight and soiling on both sensors. Calibration possible| Contact people on-site to check readiness, time window and sky conditions and if OK they can start the 2 minute waiting time followed by pushing the button and cleaning.
4| Unstable soiled measurements| Before calibration the DustIQ, must have had 2 minutes of stable sunlight 4 and the two sensors must have had 2 minutes of stable soiling.

Register 27 after tare

Value Meaning Remarks
3000 Tare successful Tare procedure is completed.
3006 Attempted to start tare procedure without waiting the required

2minutes to allow for stabilization
3010| Hardware error| Signal is to low possible hardware failure.

Register 27 after calibration

Value Meaning Remarks
1 Successful calibration The dust slopes in registers 36 and 38 have

changed. Refer to chapter 4.1 to see how older data or data from other DustIQs on the same PV plant can be updated with the new calibration values. Valid values for register 36 and 38 are from 30 (extreme white soiling) to 300 (very dark soiling)
1000| Attempted to start without enough sun| Calibration was halted. Nothing has been changed. Register 26 should be checked before pushing the button.
1001| Attempted to start without enough soiling| Calibration was halted. Nothing has been changed. Register 26 should be checked before pushing the button. 1002
1002| Attempted to start with unstable sunlight on PV cell| Clouds or a person has blocked the sunlight. the sunlight in the 2 minutes before pushing the button.
1003| Attempted to start with unstable dust measurement| On-site personnel touched the glass area of sensor 1 or 2 during the 2 minutes before pushing the button.
1004| Button pushed but too short. This prevents accidental start| Push the button 3-5 seconds for the calibration to start.
1005| Time out. The button hasn’t been pushed a second time within 2 minutes from first push.| Could be by accident. Not pushing the button a second time is also a safe escape from the calibration procedure.
1006| Field calibration started withing 3 minutes of start-up (without waiting)|
2010| Sensor 1 showed too little soiling change.| Sensor 1 not properly cleaned or dried
2020| Sensor 2 showed too little soiling change.| Sensor 2 not properly cleaned or dried.
2030| PV cell showed unreliable little change.| PV cell not properly cleaned or dried. Or PV cell much cleaner than the sensors by e.g. accidental cleaning. OR Clouds or a person has blocked the sunlight.
2040| Clean measurement unstable|  Disturbance during clean measurement.
2050| Dustslope out of range| Dustslope is higher than expected but procedure was correct.
2060| Dustslope factor out of range| Dustslope is higher than expected but procedure was correct.


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