Vernonia Library Policies Handbook User Manual

June 13, 2024

Vernonia Library Policies Handbook

Vernonia Library Policies Handbook

Important Information

Approved by the City Council
Adopted by City Council October 15, 2018 with Resolution No. 15-18
Amended by City Council May 2, 2022 with Resolution 2022-07
Amended by City Council May 1, 2023 with Resolution 2023-03


This handbook is designed as a guide to the City’s policies, procedures and practices relating to the Vernonia Public Library. We ask that you familiarize yourself with its contents and keep it handy as a periodic reference source.

By its nature, this handbook contains only general information and guidelines. It is not intended to be comprehensive or to address all the possible applications or exceptions to the general policies and procedures of the Library. The information provided in this handbook is based on the belief that common sense, good judgment, respect and consideration for the rights of others are paramount to our ability to serve the City and ourselves.

The City reserves the right, to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portion of the handbook from time to time as it deems appropriate, in its sole discretion. Only the City Council has the ability to adopt any revisions to this handbook.

This handbook supersedes all prior versions and any other prior oral or written provisions, descriptions or understandings of the Library’s policies and rules. No oral statements or representations can change or alter the provisions of this handbook.


Vernonia Public Library Behavior Policy

The Vernonia Public Library is committed to providing an atmosphere where people of all ages may come to enjoy its services and programs. Please respect the right of everyone in the Library to enjoy a pleasant environment. As the Library offers programs for all ages and has varying levels of activity in a small space, quiet cannot be expected by patrons at all times.

We ask that all Library patrons and visitors use the Library for its intended purpose. Please do not disturb others, interfere with Library operations or the rights of other patrons, monopolize Library resources, damage materials, or otherwise engage in any other behavior generally considered unacceptable in a public place.


  1. Smoking: Smoking, using tobacco products or other nicotine delivery devices is prohibited in the Library and within 10 ft. of the entry and walkways.
  2. Food/Drink: Non-alcoholic beverages in closed containers are allowed. Small amounts of snack foods are allowed at table areas. Food and drink are not allowed in the computer areas of the library.
  3. Minor Children: Be responsible for children or minors in your care in the Library. Guardians must remain with children under age 10.
  4. Personal Possessions: Do not leave personal possessions unattended in the Library. Do not use outlets for personal devices unless within your work space.
  5. Phone Use: Talking on speakerphone or the equivalent with a laptop, tablet, or other electronic device is prohibited. The volume of personal electronic equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets should be low enough to not interfere with the ability of others to use the Library.
  6. Computer and Internet: See the Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
  7. Staff Areas: Patrons are not allowed in staff areas.
  8. Hygiene and Clothing: Patrons may be asked to leave if their personal hygiene interferes with the ability of others to use the library. Patrons will be told to leave if they are not wearing shoes, shirt and pants (or the equivalent) in the library.
  9. Library Grounds: Users of the Library grounds may not obstruct sidewalks, doors, or the book return. Bicycles, skateboards, and the like must remain outside.
  10. Library Property: Do not destroy, deface, or abuse Library property. Do not take any items from the Library unless checked out, paid for, or specifically marked as Free.
  11. Soliciting and Distributing Materials: Soliciting, petitioning, or distributing written materials is prohibited in the Library or on Library grounds, unless permitted by the Library Director. Materials to post on the bulletin board or to leave as a handout must be approved by Library staff.
  12. Animals and Pets: Animals, with the exception of service animals, are prohibited in the Library. Library staff may ask a pet owner to attend a pet leashed outside if it causes a disruption to other patrons.
  13. Weapons: Weapons are not allowed in the Library.
  14. General Conduct: Do not engage in disruptive or unsafe behavior that interferes with others use of the library or with the ability of staff to perform their job duties. Examples include running, loud conversations, pushing and shoving, using inappropriate language or sexual conduct. In addition, do not lie down, sleep, or monopolize space in the library.

In addition, violation of any Federal or State statute or local ordinance will be regarded as a violation of Library rules. Library staff reserve the right to ask any person to leave the Library immediately for violating the Library Behavior Policy. The City of Vernonia reserves the right to suspend or trespass an individual from Library grounds if they willfully violate Library rules and do not respond to staff warnings and requests.

Circulation and Membership Policy


Residents of the City of Vernonia are eligible for a free membership at the library (pre-paid through City taxes). City property and business owners are also eligible for a free card.

As the library is paid through City taxes, individuals and families who live outside the city limits pay an annual non-resident fee. See Master Fee Schedule.

Residents must have cards renewed every two years to update contact information. Other member types renew annually.

Applying for a Library Card

Opening a membership at the library requires a completed application (one per applicant), photo ID, and proof of address. Applicants must be present to be issued a library card. The following is considered acceptable proof of identification and address:

  • a valid Oregon Driver’s license or identification card with current address

Other current photo id (Passport, School ID, Veteran ID) or an Oregon DL or ID without a current address may be accepted with an additional proof of address. The following are considered acceptable proofs of address:

  • mail postmarked within the last week: telephone, utility, rent, tax bills, or rental agreement


Youth age 5 and above are eligible to apply for a library card. For applicants under the age of 18, the parent or legal guardian must accompany the applicant, accept responsibility for the use of the child’s library card, and sign the application form.

Other Membership Types

Juvenile Non-resident: Youth between the ages of 5 and 17 who live outside of the city limits may obtain a free, limited borrowing card. Borrowing limit: 10 total items, 1 DVD. Parent/guardians are not permitted to check-out their own items on this card. Parent or legal guardian must accompany the applicant, accept responsibility for the child’s library card, and sign the application.

Passport: Patrons who live outside of the city limits may obtain a free, limited borrowing card if they have an active membership at a participating Oregon Passport Library. Borrowing limit: 3 items. In addition to other identification, passport patrons must show their home library card. Membership at the home library will be verified by staff.

Books on Wheels: Community members who are homebound or physically unable to come to the library may access materials through the Books on Wheels program. The program is facilitated by volunteers who will deliver and return books for patrons. Borrowing limit is set by the Library Board. Fines are waived but patrons are responsible for lost/damaged fees and, if applicable, a non-resident fee.


A visitor or non-member may access a family member’s account or an account of another member of the same household if the following conditions are met:

  • Does not have his/her own library account
  • Has permission documented on the patron’s account. Original permission must be given by the card holder for staff to document on the patron’s account.
  • Is a parent/guardian checking out for a minor and accounts are associated.
  • Renewing items, paying fines, or picking up a held item for another patron (in this case it is ok for the person picking up to have a membership as long as a permission is documented)


The patron is responsible for all library materials checked out on his/her library card. For patrons under the age of 18, the adult who signed the registration form takes responsibility.

Purging Accounts

An account will be purged from the system when it is inactive for 3 years.

Circumstances requiring photo ID and/or proof of address

  • To renew an expired account, the patron (or parent/guardian) must show ID and update contact information to reactivate.
  • If a patron reports a new mailing address, proof of address must be shown at or before the next check-out.
  • If a patron reports a name change, photo ID with the new name must be shown at or before the next check-out.
  • If a patron is listed as a minor and is now 18 or over, photo id must be shown at or before the next check-out.


Materials may be checked out on a patron’s account as long as the following conditions are met:

  • Owes $10.00 or less in fines or replacement costs
  • Contact information is up to date
  • No account blocks from Library Director or staff

If the account is suspended for any of the above reasons, library privileges will be restored once the account is clear.

Loan Periods

Most Circulating Material 21 days
New DVDs and Blu Rays 7 days
Cultural Passes 2 days

Check-out Limits Per Account

  • 4 DVDs or Blu-Ray, no more than 8 per household
  • 1 Cultural Pass
  • 1 Board Game
  • 25 Total Items

Renewal Periods

With the exception of Cultural Passes and New DVDs and Blu Rays, a circulating item may be renewed up to 3 times if it is not on hold for another patron. Items may be renewed in the library, by telephone, or online. Cultural Passes and New DVDs and Blu Rays cannot be renewed.

Fines and Fees

See the Master Fee Schedule for current rates.
Library staff may waive or reduce overdue fines if they determine there are extenuating circumstances. Requests to reduce or waive lost/damaged fees or requests for refunds must be handled through the Library Director.

Overdue Materials Policy

Patrons are responsible for returning all library materials by the due date assigned. If items are overdue, patrons receive the following notifications:

7 days overdue: Phone/email/text notification sent according to the preference set on the patron account.
14 days overdue: Phone notification using the contact number(s) on the patron account.
21 days overdue: A letter will be mailed to the patron, listing the overdue items now considered lost and requiring return or payment. A copy of the Overdue Materials Policy will be included with the letter.
28 days overdue: A letter will be mailed by the City, signed by the Finance Director, notifying the patron that the account will be referred to a collection agency if the notice is not responded to within 14 days. Library Director will also call the patron.
42 days overdue: Patron account, or the account of parent/guardian responsible for the account, with a balance of $25 and above will be referred to collections. Patron will be responsible for charges owed to the library and the additional fee charged by the collection agency. Items returned after an account is submitted to collections must be approved through the Library Director. There is no guarantee that returned items will be accepted for a credit to the account.


The Vernonia Public Library does not accept any responsibility for damage caused to patron’s equipment as a result of using borrowed media.

Interlibrary Loan and Purchase Request Policy

Interlibrary Loan – Vernonia Public Library Patrons

If an item is not available in the Library collection, patrons can request to borrow an item from another Library. The following borrowing rules apply:

  • Fees: The Vernonia Public Library collects a fee for each ILL item requested to cover return shipping costs. Refer to Master Fee Schedule. Refunds are only given if an item cannot be found or if the patron later declines to pay any additional lending library fees requested by the owning library. No refunds if the item is not picked up by the patron.
  • Lending Library Fees: The Vernonia Public Library will always try to borrow from libraries that lend free of charge. If a free source is not available, the patron will be notified and given opportunity to accept/decline the requested materials and the lending library fees.
  • Who May Borrow: The library will only process ILL requests for patrons, age 18 or over, who have library accounts in good standing – no fines or overdue items. First time ILL users must have an active check-out history within the past 12 months. Passport Patrons are not eligible for ILL.
  • Number of Requests: There is a maximum of two (2) active requests at any time. A request is considered active from the time it is initiated until three days after the material is returned.
  • Borrowing Limitations: The library is unable to borrow items published in the past twelve months, bound periodicals (magazines), video games, or items printed before 1900.
  • Use of Materials: Copyright laws apply to all materials.
  • Due Date: Materials must be returned by their due date. Due dates, fees and fines are set by the lending library. The patron will be responsible for any fines or fees for late or lost items. The Vernonia Public Library does not have the ability to modify any charges or due dates.
  • ILL Agreement: All patrons who make Interlibrary Loan Requests must have a signed ILL Agreement on file.

Purchase Requests

If an item is not available in the Library collection, Vernonia Public Library patrons can make a purchase request. Purchase requests should only be made for current year titles, classics, and/or items believed to be of interest to the Vernonia Community.

Selections for the permanent library collection are at the discretion of the Library Director. Filling out a purchase request does not guarantee an item will be ordered for the collection. Please contact the Library if you want to know the status of a request. Otherwise, you will only be notified if the item is ordered and on hold for you.

Interlibrary Loan – Outside Borrowing

Items owned by the Vernonia Public Library may be borrowed by an outside patron through another Library at no cost. Requests must be made through an established public, school, or academic library. Email requests to library The borrowing library is responsible for return shipping costs and any lost / late fees that apply. The Library will not lend current year titles. The Library Director will determine whether or not an item is lendable and set a due date for the item.

Computer and Internet Policy

The Vernonia Public Library offers public computers and internet access to all library users. Patrons are expected to be considerate in their use of the computers and the Internet. Users understand that information obtained from the Internet is used “at your own risk” and the library makes no guarantee as to the accuracy or validity of information obtained from the Internet.

  1. Sign in upon arrival and sign out upon leaving with your first and last name.
  2. Log off or restart the computer after each use. Any documents saved to library computers are available to others until the computer is rebooted.
  3. Each patron is allowed a one hour time slot per day. The computer marked “Express” has a 30 minute time slot per day. Patrons who need more time must notify a staff person ahead of time. Staff will accommodate requests when possible, but there are no guarantees. No time extensions on the Express Computer.
  4. Printing costs are listed in the Master Fee Schedule. Pay at the circulation desk after printing.
  5. Children under 10 years of age must be supervised by a parent/legal guardian or adult caregiver while using the computer. Parents/legal guardians who wish to restrict computer access for a minor (age 17 or younger) may do so at any time by requesting a Minor Internet Access Restriction form.
  6. Patrons are asked to respect the privacy of other patrons. If assistance is needed, ask at the Circulation Desk for a staff member. Do not solicit help from other patrons
  7. Computers are in a public area and privacy cannot be guaranteed.
  8. No more than two patrons per computer.
  9. Computer monitors are visible to minors. Users may not display any picture, or image of a person, or portion of a human body that depicts nudity, sexual conduct, or other image as prohibited by ORS 167.080.
  10. Users must follow all local, state, and federal laws when using library computers. The City of Vernonia is not responsible for any user’s misuse of copyright or other violations of local, state or federal law or regulation.
  11. Users are not permitted to add, delete, or modify any hardware or software and may not load personal software on library computers.
  12. If any rule(s) listed in the Library Policy Handbook is broken, you will be asked to end your session and/or leave the library. Patrons who ignore the rules or engage in illegal activity will lose library privileges.
Display Space Policy

As an educational and cultural institution, the Vernonia Public Library welcomes exhibits, flyers, and displays of interest, information, and enlightenment to the community.

Display Space

The Library has a display case, funded and managed by the Friends of the Vernonia Public Library. Preference for display space is given to displays prepared by Library staff, City staff, Friends of the Vernonia Public Library, and organizations partnering with the Library to provide public programs.

When the above-mentioned groups are not using the display, space will be made available to the public on equal terms. There will be no charge to use the display space. Individuals or groups using the display case must sign (or have a representative sign), the City of Vernonia’s Personal Property Waiver, prior to displaying materials. If a minor (under the age of 18), requests the use of the display case, a parent/guardian must sign the Personal Property Waiver

Display space is available to organizations and individuals in educational, cultural, intellectual, and charitable activities. Commercial organizations may use the space to promote an educational or cultural activity, as long as such activity cannot be considered as promotion for monetary gain.

Displays must be appropriate for all ages.

Scheduling will be limited as necessary to ensure equitable access to the space for the entire community.

The Library does not assume responsibility or liability for materials displayed in the Library. The provision of display space for public use does not constitute Library endorsement of the beliefs or viewpoints of topics advocated by exhibits or the individuals or groups responsible. Displays will not be publicized in such a manner that suggests Library sponsorship or affiliation.

The display must inc lude a clearly visible sign identifying the individual or group responsible for the display, what is being displayed, and the significance of the material. Monetary value of items should not be included with the display.

Users assume responsibility for removing the display at the time and in the manner agreed upon with Library staff. Dates for display delivery and removal are identified in the Personal Property Waiver.

The Library reserves the right to cancel a reservation for a display if the space is required for use by the Library or related organizations. The Library retains the right to deny the space to any user whose planned use of the space does not comply with these terms.

Bulletin Boards

In the Library lobby, bulletin boards are provided for posting activities, events, and notices of interest to the community. Flyers and postings must be appropriate for all ages. All notices will require a date to determine when they should be removed. Material will not be posted for more than 60 days.

All bulletin board postings must be approved by Library staff. Library staff will determine where to post the information. Political ads and campaign literature will not be approved for posting. Notices posted without authorization will be removed.

Material Collection Policy for Vernonia Public Library

Library Mission Statement: The mission of the Vernonia Public Library is to provide access to materials that meet the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community we serve.

Purpose: In support of this mission, this material collection policy provides guidelines for the selection, evaluation, and removal of materials for our collection.

Goals and Objectives:

  1. To build and maintain a collection that reflects the diverse interests and needs of the community we serve.
  2. To provide materials that are accessible to all members of the community, regardless of reading levels, race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation.
  3. To provide materials that support the educational and informational needs of the community.

Selection Criteria: The library staff will consider the following criteria when selecting materials for the library’s collection:

  1. Relevance to the needs and interests of the community.
  2. Accuracy of the information.
  3. Literary, artistic, or technical merit.
  4. Availability and cost of the material.
  5. Format and durability of the material.
  6. Demand for the material.
  7. Balance and diversity of viewpoints and opinions.
  8. Potential for use in programming and outreach.

Selection Sources: The library staff will use the following sources to select materials for the library’s collection:

  1. Reviews in professional library journals, newspapers, and magazines.
  2. Recommendations from patrons, staff, and community organizations.
  3. Bestseller lists and literary awards.
  4. Publisher and vendor catalogs.
  5. Online databases and resources.
  6. Expert opinions from professionals in the field.

Removal Criteria: The library staff may remove materials from the library’s collection if they:

  1. Are outdated, inaccurate, or no longer useful.
  2. Are damaged or worn beyond repair.
  3. Are no longer in demand or have not circulated in a long time.
  4. Are superseded by newer editions or formats.
  5. Are not aligned with the library’s selection criteria.
  6. Insufficient space and availability.

Reconsideration Procedure: If a patron wishes to challenge a material, they must fill out a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Material” form, which is available at the library. The completed form will be reviewed by the Library Director, who will evaluate the material and make a timely decision. The patron will be notified of the decision.

Confidentiality Policy

The Vernonia Public Library maintains the privacy and confidentiality of its patrons and follows all guidelines outlined by the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics. In accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes 192.355(23), the following records are exempt from disclosure:

The records of a library, including:

  • (a) Circulation records showing use of specific library materials by a named person.
  • (b) The name of a library patron together with the address or telephone number of the patron.
  • (c) The electronic mail address of a patron.

The library may gather and retain the following information about current library users:

  • (a) Information required to register for a library card, including:
    • (i) Name
    • (ii) Address
    • (iii) Phone number
    • (iv) Email address
    • (v) Birthdate
    • (vi) ID number
  • (b) Records of material checked out, fees owed, and payments made.
  • (c) Electronic access information.
  • (d) Requests for interlibrary loan and reference services.
  • (e) Registration for library classes and programs.

Records may be disclosed to other parties in the following instances:

  • (a) To the legal guardian of a minor.
  • (b) With the consent of the authorized user(s) of the patron account.
  • (c) To contracted employees of the Vernonia Public Library.
  • (d) Upon court order, upon order of the district attorney, or where otherwise required by law.

The library takes reasonable steps to ensure data security, including:

  • (a) Purging or shredding records no longer needed.
  • (b) Automatically removing records of browsing history, files downloaded, passwords, etc. from public computers at the end of each session by restarting the computer.

These practices comply with federal, state, and local laws, as well as with the City of Vernonia’s professional ethics policy.

Vernonia Library Policies Handbook

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