NextVision AV-AC103-2R Antares Systems User Manual

June 13, 2024

NextVision AV-AC103-2R Antares Systems


CC Series is a standalone for two doors, support card, pin, card+pin access way. It is with 2 relays to control 2 doors and supports up to 2000 users in total,each user can possess one card and one pin. It can directly drive Lock, Alarm, Ring Bell, and also can connect with Exit Button and Door Contact.

There are 7 working mode with this device

  1. Wiegand Reader.
  2. Standalone for single door.
  3. standalone for two doors.
  4. with external reader for two doors.
  5. two units interlocked for two doors.
  6. Anti-passback for single door.
  7. Anti-passback for two door.

Besides, it also supports 1 Master code, 2 Manager card, 2 Anti-duress Card users and 2 Anti-duress PIN users, providing users with easy operations and safety reliability


  1. Pure Zinc alloy case; waterproof conform to IP 68.
  2. Built-in 125KHz OR 13.56MHz card reader (CC1). Built-in 125KHz and 13.56MHz card reader (CC2).
  3. Perfect digital backlit key, the back light can be set to Normal ON, Normal OFF or Human-Approach ON.
  4. With anti-tamper Alarm, door contact Alarm, Anti-duress Alarm function.
  5. Add and delete card user quickly With Manager cards.
  6. Can register and delete user via keypad.
  7. Master can open the door when entering the setting status.
  8. Multi working modes: reader, one door, two door, interlock, anti-passback and so on, suitable for many occasions.


  • Input Voltage AC/DC 12
  • V Idle Current<25mA
  • Lock output load<1A
  • Alarm output load 1A
  • Ring bell load<1A
  • Card reading distance 40mm Max
  • Card Frequency
  • 125KHz for EM and HID
  • 13.56MHz for Mifare
  • Card transmission format 26-37 bit wiegand
  • Keypad transmission format : bit, 8bit and Virtual card number
  • Operating Temperature: -45°C ~ 55° C
  • Operating Humidity: 0% ~ 95%


  • Remove the back cover from the keypad using the supplied special screw driver.
  • Drill 2 holes on the wall for the Self tapping screws and I hole for the cable.
  • Put the supplied rubber bungs to into the two holes.
  • Fix the back cover firmly on the wall with 2 Self tapping screws.
  • Thread the cable through the cable hole.
  • Attach the keypad to the back cover.


NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems 111

To Reset to Factory Default

  • Disconnect power from the unit.
  • Press and hold # key whilst powering the unit back up.
  • On hearing two “Di” release# key. system is now back factory settings.

Please note only installer data is restored, user data will not be affected.

Packing List



| Model /size


| Quantity


| Remarks
User manual| CC1/CC2| 1|
Self tapping screws| Cl>4mmx27 mm| 2| Used in fixing
Rubber plug| < 1>6mmx30 mm| 2| Used in fixing
Star screw driver| < 1>20mmx60mm| 1| Special for Keypad
two-electrode valve| 1N4007| 1|

Warm Tip

  • Please do not to repair the device privately, if have problem, please return to the supplier.
  • Before installation on wall, please check carefully concealed wiring or wire tube, in case of the trouble from broken concealed wiring etc when drilling, please use safe glasses, when drilling or fixed line clip.

Set open mode of Zone 1 as card+PIN
Rapid increase consecutive numbers 1000 cards (start with 00987865 ID is 005)
Ret working mode as reader mode
Ret card output format as WG3.
Set master open lock 1

Simple Troubleshooting

Sound and Light Indication

Quick Programming Guide

Administrator Setting User setting for Zone 1

s ;d “o”J:r Menu Setting Remarks Functions
F :ih Red Red Orange


Master code#

| 11| Read card| Users can be added continuously

without exiting

ga amming

| To add card users
User ID number#

read card

Card number#
ID number#
u gr 70  ter#


| To add PIN users
12| Read card| : dd r

t             f g ga amming

| To delete users
User ID number#
Card number#
13| 0#| Default 2| Entry by Card

Entry by card+PIN

Entry by either Card or PIN

14| 0-99#| Default 5| Set door relay time
15| | Default o| Relay Setting-Pulse mode

Relay Settmg- loggle mode

16| 1-10#| Default 1| To set open door by multi cards
17| User ID number#,

card number#, card quantity#

| | To add a series cards users

User setting for Zone 2

s ;d sJ:r Menu Setting Remarks Functions
F :ih Red Red Orange


Master code#

| 21| Read card| Users can be added continuously

without exiting programming mode

| To add card users
User ID number#

read card

Card number#
ID number# card


User ID number#


| To add PIN users
22| Read card| : dd r continuously

;           e \ g mode

| To delete users
User ID number#
Card number#| |
23| 0#| Default 2| Entry by Card

Entry by card+PIN

2#| Entry by either Card or PIN
24| 0-99#| Default 5| Set door relay time
25| 0#| Default o| Relay Setting-Pulse mode
1#| Relay Setting-Toggle mode
26| 1-10#| Default 1| To set open door by multi cards
27| User ID number#,

card number#, card quantity#

| | To add a series cards users

CC Series metal access control Manual

Instance Operations
Modify master code as 20120( Set Anti-duress PIN of Zone 1 as 12012000

Add last 8 digit card number as 00967865 and 86998736 user of Zone 1

Add first 10 digit card number as 0098786500 and 8699873600 user of Zone2

Add ID user 006. PIN 201200. Zone 2 user

CC Series metal access control ManuNextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares
Systems \(13\) NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems

Composite Diagram 2
Mode With external reader for two doors diagram Mdoe Standalone for two doors diagram DC12V special power 1 Mode Two units interlocked for two doors diadram Mode Anti-passback for two doors diagram

System Setting



| Master


| M


| Setting| Remarks| Functions


| Red| Red| Orange| |

| Master code#| 30| 0-15#| Default 0| To set facility code


| 0#| When device reset to factory default, the setting is still valid| Wiegand reader
1#| Standalone for single door (Factory

default setting)

2#| Standalone for two doors
3#| With external reader for two doors
4#| Two units interlocked for two doors
5#| Anti-passback for single door
6#| Anti-passback for two door
32| 26-37#| Default 26| To set Wiegand format
33| 0-2#| When device

reset to factory default, the setting is still valid

| To set keypad transmission format
34| 1-3#| Default 1| To set alarm time


| 0#| Default O| Safe mode O
1#| Safe mode 1
2#| Safe mode 2

User optional setting



| Master


| Menu| Setting| Remarks| Functions


| Red| Red| Orange| |

| Master code#| 41| 0#| | Buzzer will be be in silence except enter

the programming mode

1#| Default 1| Buzzer will sound when press the key


| 0#| | Disable keypad backlight
1#| | Enable keypad backlight
2#| Default 2| Automatic mode,Normally it is off

(sleeping mode) but wake up with human approach

43| 0#| | LED Light Disable when stand-by status
| 1#| Default 1| LED flash when stand-by status


  1. Master code must be 6-8 digits, Anti-duress PIN must be 8 digits, user PIN is 4-6 digits, The 1st digit of user PIN and Anti-duress PIN in Zone1 must be 1; The 1st digit of user PIN and Anti-duress PIN in Zone 2 must be 2.
  2. The user ID number is any number among 1-2000,lnvalid 0 can be omitted; card number must be 8 or 10 digits.if the card number is less than 8 or 10 digits, input 0 before the card number.
  3. Door open time is 0-99 second,0=50mS
  4. When register one card user into the device, the device will automatically generate a PIN 1234 , this PIN cant open the door door.
  5. When an invalid master pin is pressed the device will go back to the standby status after 5 seconds, when a valid PIN is entered it will go back to standby status after 30 seconds.
  6. In operating the keypad, pressing # means to confinm the input digits ,In operation of a cycle adding or deleting cards, pressing # means to end the cycle operation and back the up operation; pressing * means to exit the operation.
  7. When add a series cards, this unit will make the ID number and card number initial value; after adding one user, then it will increase the ID number and card number automatically ,Until the specified number of card is added. the card number must be consecutive card quantity is between 1-2000.
  8. Working mode and keypad transmission format have been set before shipping, customer can change according to requirement, but when device reset to factory default, the setting is still valid.
  9. When users of Zone 1 is registered successfully, LED will turn green; when users of Zone 2 is registered successfully, LED will be green flash.

Administrator setting

Administrator setting on keypadNextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems
Change the master code
NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems \(16\)
Note: Master Code length:6~8 digits

Set Manager card
Set manager add card

Set manager delete card Note: when add the new manager card, the new one will automatically cover the old card, only one manager card for one device

Set Anti-duress card
Set Anti duress card for Zone 1

Set Anti-duress card for Zone 2 Note: when add the new anti-duress card, the new one will automatically cover the old card. onlv one anti-duress card for one device

CC Series metal access control Manual NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares
Systems \(21\)

Composite Diagram 1
Mode With external reader for two doors diagram mode Standalone for two doors diagram DC12V special power 1 Mode Two units interlocked for two doors diagram Mode Anti-passback for two doors diagram descries metal access

control manual NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems
\(22\)Mode With external reader for two doors diagram Mdoe Standalone for two doors diagram AC12V common power Mode Two units interlocked for two doors diagram Mode Anti-passback for two doors diagram

Set Anti-duress PIN
Set Anti-duress PIN for Zone 1
Set Anti-duress card for Zone Note

  1. the 1st digit must be 1 for Zone 1
  2. the 1st digit must be 2 for Zone 2
  3. when set the new anti-duress PIN, the new one will automatically cover the old anti-duress PIN, only one anti-duress PIN for one device.

Delete all users

Note: both zone 1 and zone 2 will be deleted. This is a dangerous option, so use with care.

Set administer open lock
Set administer open Lock 1

Set administer open Lock 2 Use ID Number and read card to add user

Use ID Number and read card to add user NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares
Systems \(29\)

Use ID Number and read card to add userNextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares
Systems \(30\)


  1. Card number must be 8 or 10 digits, if the card number is less than 8 or 10 digits, input 0 before the card number
  2. Automatically increases, the user ID will be generated by the machine automatically, the range is 1 ~ 2000, and automatically search from 1 to 2000

Use ID number and card number to add user


  1. ID number is 1~4 digits, the range is 1~2000, 1,01,001,0001, all these mean ID number 1.
  2. add card user will generate one “1234 “PIN, this PIN cant open door, only for user modify PIN.

Use ID number and PIN to add user

Note: this fit PIN user, pin is irrelevant with card, the PIN is any 4-6 digits, 1st digits must be 1 for Zone 1 with the exception of 1234 which is reserved.

Delete user
Read card to delete user

Use ID number to delete user

Use card number to delete user

Delete all users

Note: both zone 1 and zone 2 will be deleted.

Set opening door mode 1
Entry is by card onlv

Entry is by card and PIN together

Entry is by card or PIN (factory default)

Set door relay time

Note: 0~99 is to set the door delay time 0-99 seconds, factory default is 5 seconds.

Set Relay mode
Relav setting -pulse mode Every time a valid card/tag read or PIN input, the relay will operate, for the pre-set relay pulse time. (Factory default setting)

Relav setting-Toaale mode

Every time a valid card/tag read or PIN input, the relay changes state, which will not turn back until read card/tag or input PIN again.

CC Series metal access control Manual NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares
Systems \(82\)DC12V common power

  • Mode With external reader for two doors diagram
  • Mdoe Standalone for two doors diagram
  • Mode Two units interlocked for two doors diagram
  • Mode Anti-passback for two doors diagram

CC Series metal access control Manual

NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems \(83\)

Mode Standalone for single door diagram AC12V common power Mode Anti-passback for Single door diagram

Set opening door by multi cards

NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems \(84\)

Note: the door will be opened only after reading all the valid multi cards up to the card quantity setting. It is only for card entry mode(Factory default setting :1)

Add a series consecutive cards users Note: the card number must be consecutive card quantity is between 1~20000; card number is 10 digits or 8 digits.

User setting for Zone 2
The method is the same with Zone 1, corresponding menu should be 21,22,23,24, 25,26,27

system setting
To set facility code

Note: code should be 0-15, factory default setting :0

Wiegang Reader Standalone for single door(Factory default setting) Standalone for two doors

With external reader for two doors

Two units interlocked for two doors

Anti-passbook for Single door

Anti-passbook for two doors

To set winging format

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chosenNote: factory default setting :26

Setting keypad transmission format Note: keypad transmission format is 0 1 2, factory default is O; when device reset to factory default, the setting is still valid.

Setting alarm time


  1. factory default is 1 minute
  2. when device reset to factory default, the setting is still valid.

Setting safe mode
Normal mode (factory default) Dead mode If read invalid card or input wrong PIN 10 times in 10 minutes, system will be dead for 10 mins

Alarm mode if read invalid card or input wrong PIN 10 times in 10 minutes, external alarm and built-in buzzer will work.

User optional setting

  • Setting keened tone OFF or ON

The device will be in silence except enter the programming mode

The device will give the voice when press the keys (Factory default setting)

Setting keypad backlight
Disable keypad backlight NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems
\(103\)Enable keypad backlight NextVision-AV-AC103
-2R-Antares Systems \(104\)Automatic mode (factory default setting) Normally it is off(sleeping mode) but wake up with human approach

Setting LED light (stand-by status)
Disable LED light

NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems \(106\)

Flash LED light (factory default setting) Manager card operation

Add user for Zone1
Read Manager Add Card, read user cards continuously, read Manager Add card again.

Delete user for Zone 1
Read Manager Delete Card, read user cards continuously, read Manager Delete card again.

CC Series metal access control Manual NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares
Systems \(109\)

special powerwith Lock 1 diagram

DC12V special power Mode Standalone for single door diagram

Anli-passback for Single door
In this mode, this unit install outside is for entering door, external reader inside for exiting door, the users can only enter door when read valid card on the machine, and exit from the inside external reader. If without the entering record from the machine, the users can not exit from the inside reader, also the Users can’t enter in twice without the first exit record.

Remark: this is only for card users of Zone 1.PIN users of Zone 1 an all users of Zone 1 are invalid.

Anti-passback for two doors
In this mode, this unit on door 1 is anti-passback master unit, and external reader on door 2 aa the anti-passback auxiliary unit. then they build up a two doors anti-passback system, which is normally used for parking lot.
The users can only enter door 1 when read valid card on this unit, and exit from door 2 when read valid card on external reader. If without the entering record from door 1, the users can not exit from the door 2, also the users can’t enter in twice without the first exit record.

Remark: this is only for card users of Zone 1,PIN users of Zone 1 and all users of Zone 2 are invalid.

Diagram for 7 working modeDC12y common power Mode Standalone for single door diagram

NextVision-AV-AC103-2R-Antares Systems \(110\)

User Operation

Entry by card mode, Set multi cards to open door when card quantity is 1
Read user card, lock will be unlocked

Entry by card mode, Set multi cards to open door when card quantity is 2-10
Read these cards one by one, present each card in 5 seconds, lock will be unlocked

Entry by card and PIN
Present card, then press PIN(4 to 6 digits),#, lock will be unlocked

Entry by card or PIN mode
Present card, lock will be unlocked
Or Press PIN(4 to 6 digits),#, lock will be unlocked

Relay mode
Relay setting -pulse mode.
Every time a valid card/tag read or PIN input, the relay will operate, for the pre-set relay pulse time.

Relay setting-Toggle mode
Every time a valid card/tag read or PIN input, the relay changes state, which will not turn back until read card/tag or input PIN again

Modifyuser PIN {no need enter programming mode)

  • read user card, press old PIN,#, new PIN# new PIN# Or*, press ID number# old PIN# new PIN# new PIN#

Notice: user who dont have user card must get ID number and origin PIN from Admin, Zone 1 users PIN must start with 1, Zone 2 users PIN must start with 2.

Alarm function

Anti-tamper alarm
If the device is disassembled illegally, the buzzer and the external alarm will operate.

Door contac1 alarm
When connect with door contact, if the door is opened illegally, the buzzer and the external alarm will operate.

The Anli- <luress alarm
When read zone 1 anti-duress card/input 8-digit anti duress PIN or zone 2 anti-duress card/input 8-digit anti duress PIN, then press#, The corresponding lock will open, at the same time, the external alarm witll operate,but the device buzzer will not operate.

Remove alarm
Read valid user card, manager card or input master code, then alarm will be removed. If no any operation, alarm will be removed automatically after 1 min.

Multi working mode

There are 7 working mode with this device.

  1. Wiegand Reader.
  2. Standalone for single door.
  3. Standalone for two doors.
  4. with external reader for two doors.
  5. two units interlocked for two doors.
  6. Anti-passback for single door.
  7. Anti-passback for two door. The factory default is Standalone for single door (we can change the default model according to customer order). User can modify the working mode, when the device reset to factory default the setting is still valid.

Wiegand Reader mode
In this mode, the access control works as reader, connected with the common access controller, it has following function.

  • Modify master pin
  • Set facility code
  • Set the card transmission format
  • Set the keypad transmission format
  • Set optional setting
  • Anti-Tamper alarm

When LED level is low, indicator light(LED) will turn into green, after 30 seconds or LED level rising, LED will back to normal.
When BZ level is low, the buzzer will beep, after 30 seconds or BZ level rising, the buzzer will back to normal.
When it used as the reader, both card number and keypad transmits in Wiegang format, the output data are shown by the low level of DO&D1
wire: DO: Low level means O,green wire
D1: Low level means 1,white wire
The Pulse width of low level is 100uS, bit period is 1.6mS
The digits of card number can be set to 26-37 bit, should be matched with the controller.
(Factory default is 26Bit) Keypad transmission can be set in the following 3 modes(modes can be set by user)

Model 0: Virtual card number
The reader will transmit the PIN data when it receives the last key#) press after PIN code.

  • Format: Decimal card number with 10 digits, Facility code(1st~4th digit)+ PIN Code (5th-10th digit).
  • Facility code is any digits between 0~15, PIN code is 4~6 digits.
  • Example: facility code: 15
  • PIN cod e: 9999
  • Press 9999 #. then output format will be 0015009999
  • PIN code : 999999
  • Press 999999#, then output format will be 0015999999

Model 1: 4 Bit
The output data is provided in following format after every key is pressed

key Output in hex Output in Binary
0 0 0000
2 2 0010
3 3 0011
4 4 0100
5 5 0101
6 6 0110
7 7 0111
8 8 1000
9 9 1001
A 1010
# B 1011

Model 2: 8 Bit
The output data is transmitted in following format after every key is pressed

key Output in hex Output in Binary
0 0 11110000
2 2 11010010
3 3 11000011
4 4 10110100
5 5 10100101
6 6 10010110
7 7 10000111
8 8 01111000
9 9 01101001
A 01011010
# B 01001011

Standalone for single door
In this mode, the device supports connecting external card reader for exiting door. The users of Zone 1 or external can open the door by valid card or PIN

Standalone for two doors
In this mode, users are for controlling two doors. Read valid card or input PIN of Zone 1 on this unit, door 1 will be opened; reading valid card or input PIN of Zone 2 on this unit, door 2 will be opened. Remark: the common card for Zone 1 and Zone 2 can only open door 1.

With external reader for two doors
In this mode, this unit is for entering door 1, and external reader is for entering door 2. Read valid card or input of Zone 1 on the machine, door 1 will open; read valid card or input PIN of Zone 2 on external reader, door 2 will open. Remark: the common card for Zone 1 and Zone 2 can open door 1 on this unit, and open door 2 on external reader.

Two units interlocked for two doors
The interlock function is mainly used in banks prisons, and other places where a higher level security is required. When and only door 2 closed, read valid card / input PIN on this machine, door 1 will open; when and only door 1 closed, read valid card / input PIN on external reader, door 2 will open.

Remark: The valid card /PIN is only for users of Zone 1,users of zone 2 are invalid.

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