POND KING Own Boat + Pontoon Boat Kit Instruction Manual
- June 12, 2024
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POND KING Own Boat + Pontoon Boat Kit
Product Information: Build Your Own Boat + Pontoon Boat Kit
Thank you for purchasing the Build Your Own Boat + pontoon boat kit. This boat kit is designed for smaller bodies of water without heavy wave action. Please note that building boats outside of these recommendations will void the warranty.
Recommended Materials:
- (2) 2×4 Boards @ 90 inches
- (1) Plywood @ 93 x 46 inches
- (7) 2×4 Boards @ 43 inches
- (2) 2×4 Boards @ 46 inches
What’s Included:
The Build Your Own Boat + pontoon boat kit includes the necessary 2×4
boards and plywood for building the frame and deck.
Product Usage Instructions: Building the Boat
Step 1: Building the Frame
Cut all the 2×4 boards and plywood to the specified lengths:
- (2) 2×4 Boards @ 90 inches
- (1) Plywood @ 93 x 46 inches
- (7) 2×4 Boards @ 43 inches
- (2) 2×4 Boards @ 46 inches
Step 2: Arranging the Frame
Arrange the 90 and 46-inch 2×4 boards to form the perimeter of the frame. The
46-inch board should be on the outside of the 90-inch boards, resulting in an
overall length of 93 inches.
Step 3: Screwing the Perimeter
Screw the perimeter together at the four corners using 2 screws on each
corner. Make sure to pre-drill the holes first to avoid wood splitting.
Step 4: Adding Cross-Bracing Boards
Mark the 93-inch lengths for placement of the cross-bracing boards, indicating
the center of the 2×4 cross-braces. Mark these measurements from each end,
measuring from the outside of the frame.
Step 5: Arranging the 43-inch Boards
Arrange the (7) 43-inch boards inside the perimeter, lining the center of each
board up with your mark. Measure each diagonal of the perimeter to ensure the
frame is square. Adjust as necessary until both diagonals match.
Step 6: Attaching the Boards
Ensure the boards are straight and flush with the top of the perimeter. Pre-
drill holes or use self-tapping screws, and attach each board using 2 screws
on each end.
Step 7: Installing the Deck
Lay the cut sheet of plywood on top of the frame, ensuring all edges are
flush. Once in place, screw down each of the 4 corners to secure it.
Step 8: Securing the Deck
To fully secure the deck, add more screws in the middle. Make a grid on the
deck using the same measurements used when building the frame. Use a marker or
chalk line to mark the grid.
Step 9: Making Lines
Use a straight edge and marker or a chalk line to make lines across the
plywood deck according to the marked grid.
Step 10: Attaching the Plywood
Use screws to attach the plywood at each intersection of the lines on the
Step 11: Installing the Carpet
Using a trowel, spread a thin, even coat of carpet glue to the plywood deck.
Step 12: Centering and Rolling Out the Carpet
Center the carpet at the 46-inch end of the deck, leaving a little overlapping
on each side. Roll out the carpet to cover the entire deck. If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at: (940)668-573
Thank you for purchasing the Build Your Own Boat + pontoon boat kit. This size boat is best suited for smaller bodies of water without heavy wave action. Boats built outside these recommendations will void all warranty. Here is how we recommend you build your deck and finish out your pontoon boat.
What You’ll Need
- Circular Saw
- Cordless Drill
- 1/4” Drill Bit
- 3/8” Drill Bit
- Measuring Tape
- Chalk Line or Marker
- 7/16” Wrench and Socket
- 9/16” Wrench and Socket
- Utility Knife
- Ear & Eye Protection
- A friend to help hold/lift pieces
Recommended Materials:
- (7) 8’ Pressure Treated or Marine Grade 2” x 4”s
- (1) 4’ x 8’ x 1/2” sheet of pressure treated or marine-grade plywood
- (72) 2-1/2” Spax Exterior Wood Screws
What’s Included
- (4) Pontoons
- (6) Piece Railing Kit
- (1) Trowel
- (1) Tub of Carpet Glue
- (1) Roll of Pre-Cut Carpet
- (1) Transom & Spacer
Pontoons-to-Deck Hardware:
- (8) 3/8” x 4” Galv. Bolts
- (8) 3/8” Flat Washers
- (8) 3/8” Lock Washers
- (8) 3/8” Nuts
Transom Hardware:
- (2) 3/8” x 4.5” Galv. Bolts
- (4) 3/8” Flat Washers
- (2) 3/8” Lock Washers
- (2) 3/8” Nuts
Rail-to-Rail Hardware:
- (6) 1/4” x 2” Hex-Head Bolts
- (6) 1/4” Locking Nuts
Rail-to-Deck Hardware:
- (12) 3/8” x 2-1/2” Hex-Head Bolts
- (12) 1/2” Flat Washers
- (12) 3/8” Lock Washers
- (12) 3/8” Nuts
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at: (940)668-573
Assembly Instruction
First, you’ll build the frame.
Step 1: Cut all 2×4 boards and plywood to length.
2”x4” Boards: Plywood:
(2) @ 90” (1) @ 93” x 46”
(7) @ 43”
(2) @ 46” -
Step 2: Arrange the 90” and 46” 2x4s to form the perimeter of the frame. The 46” board will be on the outside of the 90” boards making your overall length 93”.
Step 3: Screw the perimeter together at the four corners using 2 screws on each corner as shown in Figure 1. Make sure to pre-drill the holes first to avoid wood splitting!
Step 4: Mark the 93” lengths for placement of the cross-bracing boards indicating the center of the 2×4 cross-braces. Mark at these measurements from each end, measuring from the outside of the frame. See Figure 2. 10.5” | 22.5” | 34.5” | 46.5”
Step 5: Arrange the (7) 43” boards inside the perimeter, lining the center of the board up with your mark as shown in Figure 2. Measure each diagonal of the permiter to make sure your frame is square. Adjust as necessary until you get matching numbers for both diagonals.
Step 6: Make sure the boards are straight and flush with the top of the perimeter. Pre-drill holes or use self-tapping screws, and attach using 2 screws on each end.
Now, you’re ready for the deck. -
Step 7: Lay the cut sheet of plywood on top of your frame making sure all edges are flush. Once you have it in place, screw down each of the 4 corners to keep it from moving around.
Step 8: To fully secure the deck, you need to add more screws in the middle. So you know where the bracing is, make a grid and mark it with either a marker or chalk line. You will use the same measurements for the 93” sides as you did when building the frame. 10.5” | 22.5” | 34.5” | 46.5”
To make your marks on the 46” sides, use these measurements from each corner: 11.5” | 23” -
Step 9: Use a straight edge and marker or a chalk line to make your lines across the plywood as shown in Figure 3.
Step 10: Use screws to attach the plywood at each of the intersections of your lines as shown in Figure 4.
Next, you’ll install the carpet.. -
Step 11 : Using the trowel, spread a thin, even coat of carpet glue to the plywood deck as shown in Figure 5.
Step 12 : Center the carpet at the 46” end of the deck leaving a little over lapping on each side. Roll out the carpet so it’s covering the entire deck as shown in Figure 6.
Step 13 : As you can see in Figure 7, use a pipe or other similar object, and press firmly to roll out any bubbles in the carpet and make sure it’s adhered to the plywood.
Step 14 : Take a utility knife and carefully trim the excess carpet so it’s flush to the edge of the deck as shown in Figure. 8
Now it’s time to assemble and install the railing.
Step 15 : Lay the sections of railing onto the frame as shown in Figure 9. They’ll only fit one way.
Step 16 : Bolt the railing together using the included 1/4”x2” Hex-Head bolts and lock nuts. Use a 7/16” socket & wrench to tighten as shown in Figure 10.
Step 17 : Next, you’ll bolt the railing to the deck. Using a 1/4” drill bit, drill through the pre-punched 1/4” holes in railing into the 2”x4” wooden deck frame. Bolt the railing to the deck using the included 3/8”x2-1/2” Hex-Head bolts, 1/2” washers, 3/8” lock washers and 3/8” nuts.
Next, you’ll attach the pontoons to the deck.
Step 18 : Arrange your pontoons to be the four corners of your boat and set your deck on top of it. Use a piece of wood to chock the pontoons so they don’t roll away on you. The frame should fit in between the bracket and the square tube spacer. The short edge of the deck should be flush with the ends of the brackets on the pontoons as shown in Figure 11.
Step 19: Attach the pontoons to the deck using a 9/16” wrench and socket and the (8) sets of bolts, flat washers, lock washers and nuts as shown in the diagram on the left.
You’re almost there! Last, but not least, you’ll attach the transom to the deck!
Step 20: Center the transom on one end of your deck frame. Make the bottom of the transom flush (even) with the bottom of the deck frame.
Step 21: Using a 3/8” drill bit, drill through the pre-drilled holes on the transom mount into the deck frame 2”x4”.
Step 22: Following the diagram below, bolt the transom to the deck frame using the included 3/8” x 4.5” Hex-Head bolts, 3/8” flat washers, 3/8” lock washers, and 3/8” nuts. We’ve included a spacer so the transom sits flat. Secure with a 9/16” socket and 9/16” wrench. See Figure 12.
Congratulations! You are now ready to use your brand new pontoon boat!
DIY Boat Seat Mount Placement
When adding your own seats to the boat, the center of the seat mount should be positioned 27” from the end, and centered, left to right.
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