BAN DAI 89470 Viral Hero Batman Smartwatch Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

BAN DAI 89470 Viral Hero Batman Smartwatch


Product Information

  • Product Name: Batman VITAL HERO
  • Product Number: #89470
  • Distributed by : Bandai Namco Toys & Collectibles America Inc.
  • Address: 23 Odyssey Irvine, CA 92618
  • Phone: 949-553 8800
  • Power Source: Lithium-ion polymer batteries

Product Usage Instructions

  1. This product is intended for ages 8 and older. Do not give the product to anyone below the specified age.
  2. Please read the instruction manual carefully before use.
  3. Each VHM Card works for one VITAL HERO device only. Ensure that the VHM Card is compatible with your device.
  4. Make sure to follow your local district and area rules when discarding the product, especially regarding lithium-ion polymer batteries.
    • Caution: Magnets are used on the product’s electronic components. Do not use the product if you have a pacemaker.
  5. Avoid staring at the LED screen or the flashing sensor lights for an extended period to prevent discomfort.

Content Description

  • VHM card…1
  • Charging cable…1
  • VS VHM card…1BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(1\)

Turning the power on and charging the VITAL HERO

  • Push the power switch on the back of the VITAL HERO toward the “・” part until you hear a click.
  • Do not look directly at the sensor light. It may damage eyesight and nausea/dizziness.
  • Please use the product after it has been fully charged. When charging, please use the included charging cable. The power may not turn on if the product has not been sufficiently charged.

How to charge the VITAL HERO

BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(3\)

Setting the Date and Time

  1. Press the Select Button to set the date and time.
  2. Use the Confirm Button to set the year, day, and time.

Use the Select Button to choose the “Year”, and then press the Confirm Button to transition to the “Month” and the “Day”. Use the Confirm Button to choose “OK” to transition to the time setting. Choose “NG” to return to the “Year” setting. You can cycle between “Year”, “Date”, and “Time” by holding down on the Select Button. Clock precision: approximately ±10 seconds daily.

Initial VHM User Registration
The VHM registers the user information used within the VITAL HERO when initially inserted. Once used, the VHM cannot be used on other VITAL HERO devices.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

  • Use the VITAL HERO fully charged. Do not use the VITAL HERO on low power.
  • Do not turn off the power while the VHM is inserted.
  • Do not remove the VHM until notified as you may lose your character data.

A character is bornBANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

The Home Screen

Please note that the “Mile” noted refers to the “Milestone Point” gained from the number of steps taken.

Character’s mood

The character’s mood is broken into 3 levels. The character’s attack power during battle, and the amount of VITAL points you gain from exercise and training changes depending on the character’s mood. The conditions required for the mood to change differs between characters. ****

Character’s status
Your character’s condition will change depending on your activity and Milestone Point.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

The character will be idle when you are not exercising or having any major physical activity while you have the VITAL HERO on.

Screen Information

Press the Select Button to cycle through the icons. Press the Confirm Button to view details of the selected icon.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-
Smartwatch-fig-1 \(10\)

Sleep Mode — Character’s Sleep Hours

  • Press and hold the “Select Button” and “Confirm Button” at the same time while on the Home Screen to make your character go to sleep.
  • Press and hold the “Select Button” and “Confirm Button” at the same time while the character is asleep to wake up your character.
  • The character will not sleep on their own.
  • The VITAL value does not change while the character is asleep.
  • You cannot hold battles or take on missions while the character is asleep.
  • The Power Up Timer will count while the character is asleep.
  • Removing the VITAL HERO will not affect the VITAL value if the character is asleep.
  • It is recommended to charge the VITAL HERO while the character is asleep.

Status Information

****Press the Select Button to cycle through the screen within the menu.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

You can gain VITAL points from the increase of your heartbeat, the Miles detected, and your character’s battle results.

  • Your heartbeat is checked every 5 minutes. The VITAL value increases depending on your base heartbeat rate and your current heartbeat rate. The base heartbeat rate is different depending on the person as it is determined by that person’s heartbeat rate.
  • ny heartbeat rate lower than “65” will be displayed as “65”.
  • The heartbeat rate is strictly a game based rate, and is not medically accurate.
    1. How does the effect of your Miles impact your VITAL value: You gain 1 VITAL point for every 50 Miles. *The amount of Miles you gain is checked every 3 minutes.
    2. How does the effect of your character’s battle results impact your VITAL value: The amount of VITAL points you gain varies depending on the character’s generation.
  Enemy character’s Generation
Your character’s Generation Victory
Defeat Victory
PHASE3 100
PHASE4 100

The character’s mood will add a correction value to the VITAL points gained.

Mood Good Normal Bad (Injured)
Correction Value x2.5 x1.0 x0.5

The maximum VITAL point that can be accumulated depends on the character’s generation.

Maximum value 2500 5000 7500 9999

Up to 9999


  • Your VITAL value will go down by 50 points for every 5 minutes the VITAL HERO is not worn.
  • The VITAL HERO determines that it is not worn if the number of Miles gained is 30 points or less after 3 minutes and no heartbeat can be detected after 5 minutes.
  • The VITAL value does not change while a character is being transferred between the VITAL HERO and a VS VHM card.

Character InformationBANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

Missions are available when the character reaches its PHASE3 generation.

  • While on the normal mission screen, press the Confirm Button to check on the mission for that day.
  • Only 1 mission can be done per day.
  • The word “CLEAR” appears on the screen if the mission is cleared. The mission will be available when the date changes.

Hard mission
While on the normal mission screen, press the Select Button to switch to the hard mission screen. Select the mission and press the Confirm Button to take on the mission. Each mission has specific conditions such as time limits, goal amounts, and heartbeat rate goals that determine the number of trophies you can gain. “GOOD” will get you 1 trophy and “GREAT” will get you 2 trophies.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

  • You can challenge yourself with each mission once a day. Clearing a mission will bring up the next mission. Once all missions are cleared, they will become available again when the date changes.
  • You can select “CRUNCH” after clearing “SQUAT”. The missions will then move to “PUNCH” and then “DASH”.

Special mission

While on the hard mission screen, press the Select Button to switch to the special mission screen. Special mission can be selected by using the app. For details on using the app, please see “ Using the App”.

  • The conditions for clearing the mission and the amount of trophies gained will vary depending on the app.
  • You can transfer each mission category up to a maximum of 4 from the app to the VITAL HERO.
  • If all 4 categories are cleared, the VITAL HERO will return to its normal state before communicating with the app.
  • The app may change, update, or end its service at any time.

Adventure mission

Adventure mission has a set mile goal for each stage. You can face enemy characters in battle only after reaching the mile goal.BANDAI-89470-Vital-
Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(24\)


Battles are conducted by leaving the home screen on and then touching the VITAL HERO screen onto an NFC enabled device, or when challenging yourself in adventure missions (see 9 Missions).

  • NFC enabled device: devices with card reading functions such as credit/debit card payment terminals, vending machines, other ‘tap to pay’ locations and most smartphones.
  • Battles are available once the character reaches its PHASE3 generation.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(25\)

The battle results are determined by your character’s status, attribute, mood, and your VITAL value.

  • Status …….. Determines your character’s hit rate.
  • Attribute ….. Applies a correction value based on the enemy character’s attribute.
  • Mood………. Affects the character’s attack power.
  • VITAL……… Affects the character’s Hit Points.


  • Be careful of your surroundings when playing outside.
  • Confirm that the NFC enabled device is working before touching the device. Please also confirm that the VITAL HERO has the home screen on.
  • Some NFC enabled devices are not compatible with the VITAL HERO. Please try another NFC enable device if you encounter problems connecting.

Each character has an attribute.
The 4 Types are “Technic(TN)”,“Power(PW)”,“Speed(SP)”,and“Free(Fr)”.

  • Above image shows a sample of attribute priorities.
  • Characters classified as “Free (Fr)” do not have any strengths or weakness against the other attributes.

Death and Injury

Healing injuriesBANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

Character’s death

Death notification: The character has died if the images on the right appear.

  • The character will die if it loses 3 battles in a row while injured.
  • The character will die if the VITAL HERO is left off for more than 24 hours.
  • The countdown is paused and the character will not die, even after 24 hours have passed, if the battery dies or while the power is off.
  • The next character will not inherit any of the previous character’s VITAL value, Mile value, battle records, and trophies.

Result confirmation

Press the Confirm Button to move to the character’s result screen.

Loading data

Start reading the data once you press the Confirm button.

Transition to the home screen

Your new character appears.

Power Up

The character will power up based on your VITAL value, trophies, win rate, and Power Up Timer.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

Power Up Timer

  • The timing of when a character can power up varies depending on the character’s generation.
  • The character may power up into a different form depending on the VITAL value, trophies gained, and the win rate.
  • The Power Up Timer will start counting from when the character power ups. If the character doesn’t meet the requirements needed to power up when the time comes, the timer count resets to “0”.
  • The Power Up Timer varies depending on the VHM used on the VITAL HERO.
  • The Power Up Timer doesn’t not count while the character is sleeping.

Battles and missions can be done when the character reaches its PHASE3 generation. The chart below is a sample of how a Power Up Timer works.


How to Save Your character to Backup

When no data is found in backup

BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(37\)

When you already have a saved backup data & when you want to replace the backup dataBANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

  • The flow above is replacing BATMAN with BATWING who is in backup.
  • You can raise up to 2 characters in your VITAL HERO by saving one of the characters in backup.
  • The character’s VITAL value, status, battle results, days trained, and trophies are also saved to backup.

Using the App

  • The app may change, update, or end its service at any time.
  • Follow the instructions noted below for proper use of the Vital Bracelet app.

Transferring data from the VITAL HERO to the app

BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(40\)

Transferring data from the app to the VITAL HERO (return the saved character on the app)BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

  • Please connect using your subscribed Internet provider.
  • The app may change, update, or end its service at any time.

How to Use the VHM
The VHM registers the user information used within the VITAL HERO when initially inserted. Once used, the VHM cannot be used on other VITAL HERO devices.

  • Area Gain access to areas and missions
  • Character Gain access to the character data that lives within the area
  • Graphic Gain access to area graphics that are used as backgrounds


  • Use the VITAL HERO fully charged. Do not use the VITAL HERO on low power.
  • Do not turn off the power while the VHM is inserted.
  • Do not remove the VHM until notified.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(44\)

Using the VS VHM

You can battle other VITAL HERO devices using the VS VHM card.

How to send your character ① (Saving to the VS VHM)
Sends the character on VITAL HERO A to the VS VHMBANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-
Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(45\)

How to send your character ② (Reading the VS VHM)
Used to battle the character in VITAL HERO B with the character in a VS VHM. The battle will display on VITAL HERO B.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-
Smartwatch-fig-1 \(46\)

Reading the win and loss data
The battle results for the character on VITAL HERO B will appear on screen.BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1

Your character returns *Remove the VS VHM, and insert it into VITAL HERO A. Please insert the VS VHM to the original VITAL HERO within 10 minutes after the battle is over to avoid loss of the character data.BANDAI-89470-Vital-
Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1 \(48\)

What happens if the VS VHM is inserted after 10 minutes has passed since the end of the last battle? BANDAI-89470-Vital-Hero-Batman-Smartwatch-fig-1


  • Do not leave the VS VHM inserted in VITAL HERO A.
  • After inserting the VS VHM to VITAL HERO B, do not remove and reinsert back to VITAL HERO B or to other unrelated VITAL HERO devices.
  • The character may disappear from the screen if above noted cautions are done. The character will appear back on the screen before it was sent to battle after 10 minutes have elapsed.

Unlike normal character battles, the losing character is not injured in VS VHM battles. You can gain bonus VITAL points battling in VS VHM battles. The amount you gain differs depending on your character’s generation. The VITAL HERO will not detect Miles, heartbeats, detect VHM cards, or any other elements while in battle.


Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment of and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV / technician for help. Shielded cables must be used with this unit to ensure compliance with the Class B FCC limits. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B).

All DC characters and elements © & ™ DC. WB SHIELD: TM & © WBEI. (s23) ©BANDAI

  • Images used in the instruction manual may not reflect the actual product.
  • Sample images only.

Notice Please read before use

  • The product is intended for ages 8 and older. Do not give the product to anyone below the specified age.


  • Please read the instruction manual.
  • Magnets are used on the product’s electronic components. Please do not use the product with pacemakers.
  • Do not stare on the LED screen or the flashing sensor lights for an extended period.<Improper use of the device’s batteries may lead to overheating, exploding, fires, and fluid leakage. Please read the following Caution content.>
  • Do not short circuit the product under any circumstance.
  • Do not leave plugged in for extended periods of time.
  • Do not wet, place in fire, take apart, or solder the product.
  • Do not place the product near open flames or charge/store, and store under extreme temperatures and conditions.
  • Recharging only under adult supervision and never recharge the device unattended.
  • Charge the product in a visible location and away from combustibles.
  • Check the product and power cable before charging. Do not charge if the product or the power cable is broken or worn.
  • Remove the power cable and stop use of the product if the product is hot, an unusual odor can be smelled, the product warps, smoke can be seen, or any other anomalies are detected while charging or using the product.
  • Remove the power cable and stop use of the product if the product does not show that it is being charged, or the product does not charge after 4 hours of charging.
  • Do not leave the power cable connected to the product after the product is charged.
  • Do not wrap fingers with the power cable as it can strangle blood flow.

< Usage Warnings>

  • Discard plastic packaging immediately after opening.
  • Do not place the product on resin treated products such as sofas, seats, and tiles. Long-term exposure may discolor the product.
  • Do not forcibly pull or bend moveable parts or attachments.
  • The product is composed of various electronic components. Do not drop, wet, dirty, or dismantle the product. Do not use or store the product under extreme temperatures.
  • Turn the power off and back on again if the product encounters an error.
  • Use the power cable specific to the product. Do not use any other charging cable that was not packaged with product.
  • Do not tug on the cord when removing the power cable as it can break or lead to complications.
  • Do not use the product under cold temperatures. The cold may affect the battery, and prevent proper function of the product.
  • We are not responsible for the loss of data from product usage.

What is the VITAL HERO?

VITAL HERO is the interACTIVE device that allows you to train your character as you move. The VITAL HERO device senses your movements and activity as uses the data to power up each character inside the VHM card. The more you move, the stronger your character gets!


  • Made in China
  • Actual size, colors, styles and decoration may vary.
  • Distributed by Bandai Namco Toys & Collectibles America Inc.,
  • 23 Odyssey Irvine, CA 92618.
  • Phone: 949-553 8800
  • All DC characters and elements © & ™ DC. WB SHIELD: TM & © WBEI. (s23) ©2023 BANDAI
  • Each VHM Card works for one VITAL HERO device only
  • App and Device in English only

This product is powered with lithium-ion polymer batteries. Please follow your local district and area rules when discarding the product.

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