Burmester 089 TOP LINE CD PLAYER Owner’s Manual

June 12, 2024

Burmester 089 TOP LINE CD PLAYER Owner’s Manual
Burmester 089 TOP LINE CD PLAYER


CAUTION: The CD player 089 is shipped inside a plastic protective cover. Make sure that children do not play with it to avoid the danger of suffocation.


To avoid damaging the housing, please do not use pointed or sharp tools to open the box. Please make sure that the content of the box is complete. If something is missing or you notice any damage while unpacking, do not hook up the unit. Instead, contact your authorized dealer.

Content of boxes

The two boxes should contain the following:

  • 1 box with the CD player 089
  • 1 CD clamp
  • 1 AC power cord
  • 1 Remote control
  • 1 owner’s manual


We recommend to keep the original packing in case the unit needs to be shipped in the future.

Setting up

Too low or too high temperatures may cause damage inside of the CD player. Therefore we recommend you leave the unit to adapt to room temperature, before using it for the first time.

Carefully remove the unit from its packaging and set it up in an appropriate location. To protect the 089 from overheating make sure that the location offers sufficient air circulation around the unit. Also, avoid excessive exposure to sun, dust and humidity. Please make sure that your desired location for the preamp is stable enough to carry its weight.

Ventilation ducts and openings in the housing serve to keep the unit cool. They must not be covered up with magazines, table cloth, curtains etc. If the 089 has to be operated in an extremely warm environment it may be necessary to supply additional ventilation. Avoid operating the unit in an excessively humid environment like bath rooms etc.



Front Panel

  1. Sliding cover

  2. INPUT LEDs indicate the selected input

  3. SYNC LED indicates a correct data stream input

  4. TRACK display indicates the current track

  5. OPERATING MODE display

  6. REPEAT display

  7. TIME display shows elapsed or remaining time

  8. SCAN- and REPEAT AB display

  9. VOLUME display shows the current volume

  10. INPUT button for input selection

  11. DISPLAY button selects display brightness

  12. SKIP |<< button for selecting the previous tracks

  13. SKIP >>| button for selecting the next tracks

  14. PROGRAM LED illuminates when a music program has been selected and saved

  15. IR receiver for commands of remote control

  16. AUDIO LED shows up sampling of 192kHz

  17. STOP button

  18. PLAY/ PAUSE button

  19. VOLUME down button decreases the volume

  20. VOLUME up button increases the volume

  21. POWER switch

  22. POWER LED lights up red when the unit is on
    Rear Panel

  23. BURLINK interface RS-232 with check LEDs

  24. BURLINK interface USB with check LEDs

  25. ) BURLINK interface USB with check LEDs

  26. MMI slot for future upgrades

  27. Analog audio input left channel (bal.)

  28. AC mains switch

  29. AC mains terminal

  30. REMOTE output

  31. REMOTE input

  32. Digital audio output TOTX for optical fiber cables

  33. Digital audio output RCA (75Ω)

  34. Digital audio input TORX for optical fiber cables

  35. Digital audio input RCA (75Ω)

  36. Analog audio output right channel (bal.)

  37. Analog audio output (unbal.)

  38. Analog audio output (unbal.) for analog recording unit (TAPE)

  39. Analog audio output left channel (bal.)

  40. CD clamp


CAUTION: Before connecting the unit, please check if the input voltage data on the rear panel, underneath the AC mains terminal (29) is equal to the local voltage of your wall outlet. Make sure the ground lead in your power outlet is working correctly. A missing or faulty ground is extremely dangerous! In case of doubt contact a licensed electrician. or your power supply company

  • Connect your preferred in- and outputs of the CD player with your HiFi system. Please refer to the chapter CONNECTIONS.

  • Make sure, that the AC mains switch (28) on the rear panel of the CD player is set to OFF position.

  • Connect the AC power cord into the AC mains terminal (29) and plug it into the wall outlet.

  • Switch the AC mains switch (28) to ON position.

  • With the POWER switch (21) on the front panel of the CD player the unit is switch on.

  • During the first startup, you have to decide if the ANALOG OUTPUTS (36), (37), (38) and (39) will run with defined (FIX) or adjustable (VARIABLE) volume level.
    CAUTION: If the CD player is connected directly to a power amplifier or active loudspeakers, you must choose the setting VARIABLE ! ! ! The setting FIX may destroy your loudspeakers, because the CD player delivers the maximum volume level to the outputs ****

  • Open the sliding cover (1) on the top of the CD player, put a CD onto the turntable with the printed side upwards and afterwards put the CD CLAMP (40) onto the CD.

  • After closing the sliding cover, the CD player reads the information track of the CD and shows the number of tracks and the total playing time of the CD on the display.

  • By pushing the PLAY/PAUSE button (18) on the front panel of the unit or on the remote control, the CD player starts playing.

  • If you have chosen the VARIABLE setting, the volume level can be regulated with the buttons VOLUME+ and VOLUME- on the front panel of the unit or on the remote control.

  • Detailed information about the manifold functions of the CD player, are available in the following chapters of this owner’s manual


All connection terminals are located on the rear panel. While connecting the CD player, all components of the music system must be turned off.

CAUTION: Before connecting the unit, please check if the input voltage of the 089 is equal to the localvoltage of your wall outlet. Make sure the ground lead in your power outlet is working correctly. A missing or faulty ground is extremely dangerous!  In case of doubt contact a licensed electrician.

AC mains terminal
Make sure the AC mains switch (28) is set to OFF. Connect the appliance connector of the power cord to the AC mains terminal (29). Then plug the power cord into the wall outlet.

There are various possibilities to connect the CD player, depending upon the kind of audio components and auxiliary devices used. For the best connections please refer to the owner’s manual of your audio components or auxiliary devices. Following the various connection possibilities are explained:


Analog outputs

To connect an analog preamp, integrated amp or power amp the 089 offers balanced as well as unbalanced outputs (ANALOG OUTPUTS). If your amplifier provides balanced inputs, connect them to the terminals BALANCED R (36) and BALANCED L (39). Unbalanced connections can be made using the terminals UNBAL (37). An analog recording device may be hooked up to the terminal TAPE (38). For reasons of superior sound we recommend using balanced connections whenever possible. If you connect the CD player to an analog preamplifier or integrated amplifier, we recommend choosing the setting FIX in the SYSTEM-SETUP. You will find this setting in the menu item OUTPUT.

CAUTION: If the CD player is connected directly to power amplifiers, you must choose the setting VARIABLE ! ! ! The setting FIX may destroy your loudspeakers, because the CD player delivers maximum level to the outputs ! ! !

The pinning of the balanced outputs are: PIN1=GND, PIN2=NEG, PIN3=POS.


Digital outputs

The player provides two DIGITAL OUTPUTS for connecting a digital amplifier:

The terminal TOTX (32) sends optical signals via optical fiber cable with plugs according to TOSHIBA norm.

The terminal RCA (33) requires a 75ohms coax cable with RCA plugs.

Choose whichever connection sounds best to you if your amplifier allows both types of hookup.

CAUTION: The terminal RCA (33) must not be connected to the analog input of an amplifier because this could damage the amp or the loudspeakers.


Digital inputs

The CD player 089 offers two DIGITAL INPUTS for the connection of external digital source components such as DAT recorders or CD players: The terminal TORX (34) receives optical signals and requires an optical cable with plugs according to TOSHIBA norm. The terminal RCA (35) receives electronic signals and requires a 75ohms coax cable with RCA plugs.

Choose whichever connection sounds best to you if your amplifier allows both types of connection.

CAUTION: The digital inputs of the 089 can process PCM stereo data with a sample rate up to 192kHz. For sample rates above 96kHz the player needs to be switched to 192kHz mode by pressing the AUDIO button on your remote control.


Analog inputs

The CD player 089 offers a balanced ANALOG INPUT for the connection of external analog source components such as a phono preamplifier or a FM-tuner for example. The analog input terminals (26) and (27) are balanced connectors. If your analog source component offers only unbalanced connectors, you need two RCA to XLR connectors, which you can order at your local dealer.

The pinning of the balanced inputs are: PIN1=GND, PIN2=NEG, PIN3=POS.



Connecting DC OUT (30) to the corresponding DC IN jack of another BURMESTER- unit offers to switch on or off this other unit simultaneous by the 089. In this case, the 089 has the master function. Connecting DC IN (31) to the corresponding DC OUT jack of another BURMESTER-unit offers to switch on or off the 089 simultaneous by the other unit. In this case, the 089 has the slave function.

MMI slot (optional)

The MMI slot (25) offers to integrate future developments into the CD player 089, for example a multi media interface.


To the BURmester-LINK interface plugs (23), (24) a computer system like PC, CRESTRON, AMX e.g. can be connected to the CD player 089. The computer system allows a comfortable control of your HiFi system using an individual programmable touch panel for example. With the LEDs beside the plugs named T and R (Transmit and Receive) you can check whether data exchange is working.


With the exception of the AC mains switch, which is located on the rear panel, all operating controls are located on the front panel of the CD player.

AC mains switch

The AC mains switch (28) which turns AC power to the unit on and off is located on the rear panel of the power supply unit above the AC mains terminal. By switching to the ON position the standby transformer is powered up.

POWER switch

The POWER switch (21) switches the CD player on and off, provided the AC mains switch is in the ON position. With the POWER switch (21) set to “OFF“ all functions of the CD player are powered down. Flipping the POWER switch (21) from “OFF“ to “STBY“, the POWER LED (22) lights up orange. This shows that the unit is in standby mode. When the POWER switch is in “STBY“ position the unit can be turned on and off by pushing up the POWER switch, by pushing the POWER button on the BURMESTER remote control, the BURLINK interface or by the DC IN jack.

In operating mode (ON) the POWER LED (22) lights up red and all functions of the CD player are activated.

PLEASE NOTE: Always switch off the 089 with the POWER switch first before bringing the AC mains switch into OFF position.

INPUT button

Pushing the button INPUT (10) sequentially changes the digital signal source between the external inputs ANALOG INPUTS, RCA, TORX, MMI (optional) on the back panel or the internal CD transport. The selected input is indicated by an illuminated INPUT LED (2) on the front panel of the CD player.


Pushing the button PLAY/PAUSE (18) starts playback of the CD. Playback of the CD can be interrupted by pushing the button PLAY/PAUSE (18) again.

STOP button

Pressing the button STOP (17) will stop playback of the CD. To restart the CD from the beginning, press the PLAY/PAUSE button.

SKIP >>| button

By briefly pressing the button SKIP >>| (13) playback is advanced to the beginning of the following track. By pressing it several times you can skip ahead one step at a time.

SKIP | << button

By briefly pressing the button SKIP |<< (12) playback is returned to the beginning of the playing track. By pressing it several times you can skip back step by step.

VOLUME buttons

With the buttons VOLUME + (20) and VOLUME – (19) you can select the volume of the analog outputs. This can only be done, if the menu item OUTPUT in the SYSTEM-SETUP is set to VARIABLE (refer to chapter SYSTEM-SETUP).

The selected volume will be shown on the right of the alphanumeric display.

DISPLAY button

Pushing the button DISPLAY (11) varies the brightness of the alphanumeric display in four steps between “max. brightness“ to “off“.

If brightness is selected to “off“, the display will light up only when any controls are used to change settings. After a few seconds it automatically switches off again. In SETUP mode display lights up on “max. brightness“ permanently.



The POWER LED (22) of the CD player lights up orange, if the CD player is in standby mode. The LED lights up red, when the unit is switched on.


The AUDIO LED (16) illuminates, when the internal sample rate of the D/A converter is switched to 192kHz.


The PROGRAM LED (14) illuminates, when the PROGRAM function has been activated. (see chapter “ HOW TO PROGRAM A FAVORITE TRACK SELECTION”)


The SYNC LED (3) indicates a correct data stream input


The INPUT LEDs (2) shows, which input is selected

Alphanumeric display

The alphanumeric display shows the current track of the CD in the TRACK display (4) and the playing time in the TIME display (7).

The TIME display (7) can be switched to:

  • lapsed time of the current track
  • lapsed time of the CD
  • remaining time of the CD by pushing the MODE button on the remote control.

If you have set up the volume regulation, the VOLUME display (9) will show you the current volume.

You have the possibility to display the operating mode (Play, Pause, Stop) of the internal CD drive. For it you must set the menu item DISPLAY in the SYSTEM SETUP to MAXIMUM.


The SYSTEM SETUP menu of the CD player 089 allows the easy programming of certain basic settings.
All settings of the SYSTEM SETUP will be saved automatically after leaving the SETUP and remain after switching off the unit.

The SYSTEM SETUP can be operated only with the button MENU and the navigation buttons ▲, ▼, ►, ◄ of the remote control.

If the unit is switched off inadvertently while the SYSTEM SETUP menu is active, all settings that were made will be saved.


Activating SETUP

Press the button MENU to activate the SYSTEM SETUP. The alphanumeric display will show SYSTEM-SETUP for approx. two seconds, followed by the first menu item.

Select menu item

With the navigation buttons ► and ◄ you will choose the menu item you want to change

Change settings

With the navigation buttons ▲ and ▼ you change the setting of the selected menu item.

Leaving SETUP

Pressing the button MENU deactivates the SETUP and all settings will be saved. The CD player switches off and then on again. Whatever option for AUTOPLAY is selected the CD player will only read the CD’s content (AUTOPLAY = OFF) or start playing immediately (AUTOPLAY = ON).

The SETUP deactivates automatically, when no command is sent for app. 15 seconds.


AUTO The CD player automatically starts playback of the CD after switching on
(ON) or not (OFF) OFF
OUTPUT You can choose between defined (FIX) or adjustable (VARIABLE) output
level of the analog outputs. VARIABLE
SERIAL-NR. After switching on it shows the type and the serial number of the
unit, when item is set to ON OFF
DISPLAY You can select the quantity of information shown in the alphanumeric
display MINIMUM
RC-INPUT Setting YES enables the buttons STATION+/- of the remote control to
change the inputs NO
INIT-VOLUME You can select the initial volume level, if you have selected the
adjustable output (VARIABLE) in the menu item OUTPUT. 01
DEFAULTS Press the button OK, when you want to load the default settings



You can choose, if the CD player should start playback directly after switching on the unit

OFF The unit reads only the table of content and remains in STOP mode.
ON The unit begins playing the CD directly after switching on.


You can choose between defined (FIX) or adjustable (VARIABLE) output level of the analog outputs

CAUTION: If the CD player is connected directly to power amplifiers, you must choose the setting VARIABLE ! ! ! The setting FIX may destroy your loudspeakers, because the CD player delivers maximum level to the outputs

VARIABLE The CD player has an adjustable output level.
FIX The CD player has a defined output level.


You can choose, if the type and the serial number of the unit will be shown in the alphanumeric display after switching on the player.

OFF The type and the serial number will not be shown.
ON The type and the serial number will be shown after switching on


During playback the alphanumeric display shows the current track number, the playing time and, if activated (OUTPUT = VARIABLE), the current volume level. Additionally, you have the possibility to display the operating mode (Play, Pause, Stop) of the internal CD drive. Therefore you have to set this menu tem to MAXIMUM.

MINIMUM The display shows only track, time and, if activated, the volume level.
MAXIMUM The display shows additionally the operating mode of the CD drive.


If you want to change the inputs of the CD player with the buttons STATION +/- of the remote control, you should set this item to YES. Is this item set to NO, you can change the inputs with the INPUT buttons on the front of the unit only.

NO Change of inputs with the remote control is not possible..
YES Change of inputs can also be done with the remote control.


You can select the initial volume level in this menu item. This adjustment is only valid, when the menu item OUTPUT is set to VARIABLE. The setting range is between volume level 01 to the maximum of 20. If set to LAST, the 089 remembers the last volume right before turning off the device, limiting the value to 20 for safety reasons.


If you want to set all menu items to default, incl. the display brightness, you should press the button OK of the remote control after selecting this menu item. The alphanumeric display will show CHANGED to confirm the setting.



The POWER button switches the CD player on or off, provided the Mains switch is set to ON and the power switch on the front panel is set to STBY.


Pressing the DIM button varies the brightness of the alphanumeric display in four steps between “max. brightness” to “off”. If brightness is selected to “off”, the display will light up only when any controls are used to change settings. After a few seconds it automatically switches off again.


With the AUDIO button you can choose the rate of the internal sample rate converter: 96kHz and 192kHz respectively. The setting to 192kHz will be indicated by the illuminated AUDIO LED (16)


Pressing the REPEAT button once or several times causes a track or the complete CD to be
repeated. The repeat mode is shown in the alphanumeric display:

  • a simple arrow shows the repeating of one track
  • a returning arrow shows the repeating of the complete CD


With the MENU button you can activate or leave the SYSTEM SETUP.

Numbers 0 to 9

The numerical keypad serves to select a track directly. The playback of the selected track begins automatically after the selection.

Navigation buttons

With the navigation buttons ▲ ▼ ► ◄ you can select and set menu items in the SYSTEM SETUP (see chapter SYSTEM SETUP) and programming a favorite track selection of a CD.


Pressing the PLAY/PAUSE button starts playback of the CD. The playback can be paused by pressing the PLAY/PAUSE button again.


The playback of the CD can be stopped by pressing the STOP button. For a restart of the CD at the beginning, press the PLAY button.


By briefly pressing the SKIP >| button playback is advanced to the beginning of the following track. By pressing it several times you can skip ahead one track at a time.

SKIP | <

By briefly pressing the SKIP |< button playback is returned to the beginning of the playing track. By pressing it several times you can skip back track by track.


Briefly pressing the button SEARCH >> alternately activates the slow or the fast forward mode. To switch back to normal playback mode, press the button PLAY/PAUSE.


Briefly pressing the button SEARCH << alternately activates the slow or the fast backward mode. To switch back to normal playback mode, press the button PLAY/PAUSE.


By pressing either the VOLUME + or VOLUME – buttons you can adjust the sound level. The level is shown in the VOLUME display (7). Pressing the corresponding button on your remote control lowers or rises the output volume. Remember that this feature is only available if the menu item OUTPUT in the SYSTEM SETUP is set to VARIABLE.


With the buttons STATION + and STATION – you can select the external inputs ANALOG, RCA, TORX, MMI (optional) or the internal CD drive. A lit INPUT LED (2) indicates the selected input. Input selecting with the STATION buttons is only possible, when the menu item RC-INPUT in the SYSTEM SETUP is set to YES.


The TIME display (7) can be changed by pressing the MODE button between:

  • showing the elapsed playing time of the current track
  • showing the elapsed playing time of the current CD
  • showing the remaining playing time of the current CD


With the button PROGR. you can activate or deactivate the programming mode for an individual track selection of a CD.


This button confirms your selection of a track while programming a favorite track selection of a CD. Confirming the SETUP DEFAULT item resets the device to factory setting.

With the button CLEAR you can delete a favorite track program

All other buttons of the remote control have no functions in respect to the 089.


A total of 50 tracks from a CD can be programmed for playback in a selected order. Programming can only be done using the remote control. The program plays the tracks in the selected order.

Activating the programming mode

To start the program function, press the PROGR. button of the remote control. The alphanumeric display will show PROGRAM shortly and then the programming mode starts. The display shows now PRG: 01 TCK: 00 whereby PRG stands for program space, TCK stands for the track which should be programmed on this program space.

Arranging a program

The selection of a track will be done with the arrow button ▲ for the following tracks and ▼ for the previous tracks. Press the button OK of the remote control, if you selected the desired track. This track will be saved on the selected program space. The display shows then SAVED to confirm the programming. Afterwards the following program space will be activated for programming.

Saving a program

To save your favorite track program and leave the programming mode press the button
PROGR. of the remote control.
If your programming is invalid, because the content of all program spaces is 00 for example,
the PROGRAM LED (14) remains dark.
If your programming is valid, the PROGRAM LED (14) will light up.

Playback of the program

When you have left the programming mode and the PROGRAM LED (14) is on, you can start your favorite track selection by pressing the button PLAY/PAUSE.

Selecting a defined program space

Press the button ◄ of the remote control. In front of the program space number an arrow → shows you that you can select a program space. The selection will be done with the arrow button ▲ for the following program spaces and▼ for the previous tracks.

Programming a track

Press the button ► of the remote control. In front of the track number an arrow → shows that you can choose a track for the selected program space. The selection of a track will be done with the arrow button ▲ for the following tracks and ▼ for the previous tracks Press the button OK of the remote control, if you got the desired track. This track will be saved on the selected program space. The display then shows SAVED to confirm the programming. Afterwards the following program space will be activated for programming.

Deleting a program

A programmed track selection can be deleted by pressing of the button CLEAR of the remote control or by opening the sliding cover. If the program is deleted, the PROGRAM LED (14) turns dark.

If you wanted to delete a program while being in the programming mode, you must also press the button CLEAR. Afterwards the display shows CLEAR?. If you want to delete the program really, you have to press the button OK.


Connecting to the BURLINK interface can be either done with the 9 pin D-SUB connector (RS-232) or withthe USB connector. RS-232 configuration: 9600Baud, 8bit, parity: none, 1 stop bit, no hardware handshake A USB device driver needs to be installed when using the USB connector. System requirements for using the USB software are either WINDOWS 2000 or WINDOWS XP operating system.


Following are listed the possible commands to control the CD player 089. All commands needs to be sent in capital letters finished with a “carriage return“ \r

Following are listed the possible commands to control the CD player 089. All commands needs to be sent in capital letters finished with a “carriage return“ \r

POWON\r switches the unit on
POWOFF\r switches the unit to standby mode
VOLUP\r increases the volume by one step
VOLDN\r decreases the volume by one step
PLAY\r starts playback of the CD
PAUSE\r pauses playback of the CD
STOP\r stops playback of the CD
SKIPFW\r skips forward to the following tracks
SKIPBW\r skips backward to the beginning of the current and previous tracks
FORW\r starts search forward slow
BACKW\r starts search backward slow
FORWR\r starts search forward fast
BACKWR\r starts search backward fast

KEY0 to KEY9\ r for direct track selection

REPEAT\r switches on the repeat modes (Track, Disc) or off
CLEAR\r deletes a favorite track selection program
AUDIO\r switches between a sample rate of 96kHz and 192kHz
AUDIO96\r switches to a sample rate of 96kHz
AUDIO192\r switches to a sample rate of 192kHz
DMODE\r opens and closes the SYSTEM SETUP
INP+\r switches the inputs of the CD player
INP-\r switches the inputs of the CD player
DIM0\r switches the display brightness to maximum
DIM1\r switches the display brightness to middle
DIM2\r switches the display brightness to low
DIM3\r switches the display to off mode
DIM\r switches the brightness step by step (0,1,2,3,0,1,2….)
TYPE\r shows the type of the unit
VERSION\r shows the software version of the unit
INFO\r shows the content of the alphanumeric display


Please read these instructions and the owner´ s manual carefully and keep these instructions safely with the owner´ s manual of your component. If you have any questions, we ask you to contact your dealear.

Operating temperature
An operating temperature that is too high or too low may cause malfunctioning. We therefore recommend letting the unit sit for a while after unpacking and before connecting and operating it.

Setting up

When choosing a place for your equipment please observe the following:

  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Do not subject the equipment to excessive heat, cold, humidity or dust.
  • Provide adequate air circulation; avoid placing the equipment in enclosures.
  • Slots and other openings in the housing are for ventilation. They must not be covered up.
  • Please note that the component is not exposed to dripping water or splash water, also don´ t place boxes with liquid in onto your component.
  • Open flames like candles should not be placed on top of any electronic unit.

Mains voltage

  • Check before operating the unit to see if the mains voltage setting shown on the back panel below the AC mains input conforms to the voltage of your household power supply.  Any change should only be done by an expert only.
  •  For AC connection please use only the three-pronged power cable provided. The grounding pin should not be bypassed under any circumstances. Connect the component only to a wall outlet with fully functional grounding pin.

Comm. Operation

Check before operating the unit to see if the mains voltage setting shown on the back panel below the AC mains input conforms to the voltage of your household power supply. Any change should only be done by an expert only. – For AC connection please use only the three-pronged power cable provided. The grounding pin should not be bypassed under any circumstances. Connect the component only to a wall outlet with fully functional grounding pin.

Comm. Operation

Before installation switch off all components of a stereo system. Switch them back on only after making sure that any and all connections have been made correctly and completely. Never try to operate the equipment when it has obviously been damaged or if liquid has gotten into it.


The pins of the connecting terminals on the back panel should not be touched by fingers under any circumstances. Static discharges may damage the electronic circuitry inside the unit


We supply custom-made balanced as well as unbalanced interconnect cables and speaker cables of any length to ensure highest-quality signal paths for our components. The impedance of our cables is ideally matched to all BURMESTER components. For the cleanest power supply we recommend our triple-shielded power cord BURMESTERPOWER.

IR receiver

The IR receiver receives signals from the BURMESTER remote control and must not be covered up by objects.

Heat development

Be careful when touching the housing – it may get quite warm during operation


If the unit does not react when pressing the control buttons on the front it may be reset to normal operation by switching it off and back on using the AC mains switch in the back.

Lightening strikes

During the summer months, malfunctions often occur due to voltage spikes in the power lines after lightning strikes. Completely unplugging the power cord offers the only effective protection. Merely switching the unit off does not suffice since voltage spikes are able to arc over separated contacts.


The fuses are located inside the unit and should be changed only by a qualified technician


We offer warranty for this unit provided the unit has been hooked-up and operated correctly, is mechanically undamaged. Opening the unit, modifying it or dismantling outlets will void the warranty.


Never clean the housing with a wet cloth or chemical cleaning agent. Always make sure that no liquid gets into the housing.

Battery hazard

The remote control contains batteries. Do not expose them to excessive heat. Improper use may result in overheating, fire, explosion, smoke and gas. Have the batteries replaced by your dealer. Swallowing the batteries can be fatal! Always keep children away from small parts that can  be swallowed!

  This symbol on the equipment points to important orders which can be found in the owner´ s manual.

 This symbol on or inside the equipment warns of dangerously high voltage.

If the unit and its accessories is to be put out of operation definitively, take it to a local recycling plant for a disposal which is not harmful to the environment.


The unit should be opened by qualified experts only. Opening brings with it the chance of encountering dangerously high voltage. Therefore the power cord must always be unplugged before opening the equipment.


Dimensions (W x H x D) 482 x 112 x 331 mm
(17.7 x 6.3 x 13.4 inches)
with opened sliding cover 482 x 112 x 376 mm
(17.7 x 6.3 x 14.8 inches)
Weight app. 11,5kg
(app. 25.3 lbs)
Mains voltage and fuses F1, F3: T 50mA E
for 220-240 V~, 50/60 Hz F4: T 500mA E
for 100-120 V~, 50/60 Hz F2, F5: T 1A E
Power consumption ON 44 W
STBY (Mains switch ON) 2,4 W

PLEASE NOTE: The dimensions do not include the length of binding posts and the space needed for plugs of interconnect cables.

The technical data and design of this product are subject to change without notice.

This unit contains a CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT inside.
Don’t look into the laser light, when the unit is powered up.


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