Consultix Company PathFinder CW Receiver User Manual
- October 30, 2023
- Consultix Company
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Consultix PathFinder CW Receiver
User Manual
PathFinder CW Receiver
Copyright©2022 Consultix
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No part of this manual may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any
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in this manual do not constitute the warranty of any kind, expressed or
The PathFinder™ is Consultix supreme receiver which presents unparalleled
performance when it comes to outdoor measurements.
The compact battery-operated device is engineered particularly for outdoor CW
drive-test applications and RF environment scanning. Hence, the instrument is
designed to deliver very high sampling speeds with superior immunity to
interference in crowded RF ambiance.
The receiver is supported by the company’s WALKVIEW™ data collection
applications to automatically test & scan multiple CW signals. Its sampling
speed allows scanning multiple bands in parallel while coping with the 40-λ
Lee Criteria.
The test results including RSSI levels & location information are mapped on
the software and can be archived or exported into a variety of radio planning
software tools.
This instrument comes in 2 variances; either multi-band single-port or multi-
band dual-port.
And both versions have optional odometer interface for the utmost distance
sampling accuracy.
You no longer have to bring a complex scanner with a bulky setup on-site when
performing outdoor CW testing.
The Pathfinder together with its WalkView™ android App allow you to view live
measurements, plot RSSI levels on google maps or export all data samples with
geo-tags to your radio planning software of choice… all from the comfort of
your tablet.
Alternatively, you can use the Walkview Windows version when performing multi-
band scanning for higher efficiency.
Key Features
– Frequency Range: 200 MHz to 3900 MHz
– Amplitude Accuracy: ±1.5 dB
– 40-λ lee Criteria Conformance: Up to 550 samples/second
– Multi-Channel Scanning up to 12 Channels
– Distance Sampling Mode with Wheel Trigger Support
– Extreme rejection of interference
Safety Compliances & Precautions
In order to avoid damage to your receiver and to ensure efficient operation of
your test receiver, please make sure to follow the following recommendations
and best practices:
A. To avoid hazard or damage, only use original accessories with the receiver.
B. Don’t touch the antenna during operation as it may alter the radiation
C. Do not operate in Wet/Very Damp Conditions.
D. Do not operate near flammable or explosive materials.
E. If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it inspected only by
authorized service personnel or service centers.
F. For best accuracy,
• Warm up the unit for 20 minutes prior to use
• Having the battery always full gives the best performance. So, try to keep
the device usually connected to the car charger.
Getting Started
Package contents
Please unpack and inspect the shipping package to make sure that you have
received all the parts without damage; the shipping package is shown in table
12 VDC Power Adapter|
Documentation CD|
USB mini-B Cable|
Table 1: PathFinder Receiver Packing List
For any issue regarding the shipment package, please contact your nearest
Consultix distributor or contact us directly at
PathFinder Front Panel
Technical Background
Consultix PathFinder captures and samples at 550 Samples/Second which is more
than enough to satisfy Lee’s Criteria (Minimum 36 samples/distance of 40
Lambda) for any practical frequency and vehicle speed Combination in single
channel mode. In this document, we will outline the sampling & averaging
mechanism of Consultix WalkView™ SW along with CW Receiver
Lee Criteria Theory
Fading is a natural phenomenon that causes variations in received signal
level, fading occurs due to changes in the transmission channel or propagation
There are two types of fading:
- Slow fading (also called large scale fading or terrain based fading) which is due to path-loss and shadowing effects. This is the parameter that we’re ultimately looking to characterize here.
- Fast fading (or Rayleigh fading) which causes rapid (hence fast) variations of the received signal strength over short distance and short time periods (this is the component that we seek to filter out in order to accurately measure the path loss)
To avoid the effects of fast fading, William C. Lee proposed a method for
obtaining the local mean values of the received signal along a route, this
method has since been recommended and adopted by ITU and CEPT among others. It
is based on an averaging process (commonly referred to as 40 Lambda averaging)
applied to the envelope of the received signal.
Simply put, a number of samples (N) collected along the route over a certain
distance (L) are all averaged together to produce a single point. The number
of samples (N) and the distance (L) are essential parameters to ensure that
the averaged value:
- Filters out fast fading effects
- Remain, representative of the real signal / within acceptable error limits Lee obtained the values of the parameters as follows:
- Distance L = 40 x Wavelengths (40 Lambdas)
- N = 36-50 points
In other words, in order to remove the effects of fast fading in compliance
with Lee’s criteria your receiver must be capable of collecting a minimum of
36-50 points in the time, it takes the test car to cover a distance of 40
lambdas. Then, all the samples belonging to this 40 lambda distance are
averaged together to produce a single point.
Device Configuration
- Connect the PathFinder receiver with a Mini USB-B cable
- Click on the desktop shortcut Consultix WalkView
- Connect the GPS receiver
- Navigate to the Tools menu and press Settings menu
- Under General submenu adjust the following:
a- Select MRX-Pro COM Port according to your computer device manager
b- Select the hardware model to be PathFinder
c- Set device sampling speed to any value between 100 to 600 Samples/Second according to your operating frequency and driving speed
Note: the sampling speed should be calculated carefully to match Lee criteria. you may set this value to 250 Sample/Second, this will comply with Lee criteria with a car speed up to 90Kmph and up to 3GHz
d- Select GPS COM port and Baud Rate
Note: that WalkView is compatible with GPS receivers operating with NMEA standard only.
The PathFinder receives these configurations from the WalkView software before
session start
- Operating Frequency
- Sampling rate
- No f channels
- Operating port for each channel
The MRX includes high speed core that can duel between all configured channels while conserving the configured sampling rate, configured sampling rate is divided equally on selected channels, i.e. when the MRX is working with 600 samples/second on two channels then every channel will be sampled with 300 samples/second.
Steps of Operation
Once Consultix receiver is commanded by the WalkView application to start
operation, the receiver autonomously collects and sends samples to the
software. All collected samples are stored along with GPS coordinates and
timestamp in a raw data file. If the car stopped moving (Speed = 0) anytime,
the SW would command the receiver to stop measurements, this guarantee that
your raw data file size is not filled with static useless measurements.
According to Lee Criteria, every 40 wavelengths, WalkView SW plots one point
on the map with the average of all samples collected within this distance and
stores the original (raw) RF samples to the raw datafile.
RAW data files are saved automatically to the Android device, while the user
still can export average points plotted on the map to an average data file
with different file format such as a CSV format, ASSET format, or Planet
WalkView™ Averaging Process
The GPS Receiver reports the location every 1 second, then the application
records RF samples with GPS Readings and stores it in the raw data file, the
WalkView™ SW performs live distance calculation from the GPS readings then
groups the collected RF samples into blocks corresponding to 40 lambda
The block size and number of samples in each block, will vary depending on the
sampling rate and driving speed, also number of blocks vary with the distance
traveled during every GPS report, Samples corresponding to each 40 Lambda
distance is then averaged to one point then presented as one point on the map,
Optionally the user can export presented points to averaged data file Examples
Assuming a CW drive test with the following configuration,
RX Frequency = 2140 MHz
Lambda = 14 cm
40 Lambda = 5.6m
RF Sampling Rate = 150 samples/second
Ex. 1: with a car speed of 60 Km/hr, the car will finish a distance of 40
lambda (5.6 m) in 336 ms and WalkView™ SW gets 50 samples.
The application then will have 3 x (40 lambda) blocks between every 2 GPS
reports (1 second). Samples corresponding to each block will be averaged and
presented as one point on the map – this is done assuming a constant velocity
during the one second GPS reporting interval. Ex. 2: with a car speed of
10 Km/hr, the car will finish a distance of 40 lambda (5.6 m) in 2.02 s and
WalkView™ SW gets 303 samples, this happens after 2 GPS reports, and after
this period the WalkView™ SW will average all samples corresponding to this
block (2.02 seconds and 303 samples) as one point presented on the map
Guidelines for CW Measurement Surveys
- Inaccurate measurements → inaccurate calibration → inaccurate model
- The area under test must be scanned against interference exists
- Selected frequency must have a clearance of 400kHz from radio interference
- Measurement surveys should be obtained for distances up to 10km (or until the noise floor of the receiver has been reached).
- Equal number of samples should be conducted near as well as far from the transmitter
- CW measurement surveys should be well documented with a ‘Station Measurement Form’ (position, antenna height, transmit power, gains and losses)
Odometer interface option (PIN assignment)
Pin 1 Red ====> +5V VCC
Pin 2 Black ====> Ground
Pin 3 Green ====> Data
Further Help
For any support inquiry, kindly contact:
Or contact our distributor covering your region (check )
For any information about prices, specifications, future developments,
recommendations, customizations, or general question, kindly contact:
Building 57, Zone 2, District 6, El-Teseen St.,11835, New Cairo City,
Cairo, Egypt. t.
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