Auhagen 13 349-1 Bus Station Instructions
- October 30, 2023
- Auhagen
Table of Contents
Auhagen 13 349-1 Bus Station
Product Information
The text-extract from the user manual seems to describe a model train set or a miniature town layout. The product is manufactured by Auhagen GmbH and the manual provides information about the different components and parts of the product, including the model numbers and specifications of each piece. The product consists of various buildings, roads, and other decorative components that can be assembled to create a miniature town or train set. The manual also includes instructions for assembling the various pieces and provides information about replacement parts that can be ordered directly from the manufacturer.
Product Usage Instructions
Assembling the product requires carefully following the instructions provided
in the user manual. The different components and parts are labeled with model
numbers and specifications that must be matched to ensure proper assembly.
The manual also provides information about replacement parts that can be
ordered directly from the manufacturer. If any part is damaged or missing, it
is recommended to contact the manufacturer to order a replacement before
continuing with assembly. It is important to assemble the product on a sturdy
surface and to use caution when handling small parts. Some parts may require
drilling or other modifications to fit properly, so it is recommended to have
the necessary tools and equipment on hand before beginning assembly. Once the
product is assembled, it can be used as a miniature town or train set. Care
should be taken when handling the components to avoid damage or breakage. The
user manual may also provide additional information about recommended
maintenance or cleaning procedures for the product.
This assembly kit has been carefully examined and packaged. It may still be
possible that a part is missing or defective. In such case, please let us have
the article number and the designation of this assembly kit as well as the
item number of the part concerned. We shall immediately replace it. The
numbered parts are assembled in accordance with the assembly instructions.
Please use adhesive that is suitable for polystyrene. Improvement suggestions
and recommendations concerning our assembly kits are always welcome. Our
catalogue is available for a fee.
Auhagen GmbH
OT Hüttengrund 25
D-09496 Marienberg/Erzgeb.
+49 (0) 3735.668466
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