SwabTek Cannabis Test Kit User Manual

June 11, 2024

Cannabis Test Kit
User Manual
SwabTek Veriteque USA, Inc.
User Manualswabtek cannabis test kit - Figure

Liability Notice and Terms of Use

Thank you for purchasing products from Veriteque USA, Inc. (“SwabTek”, “we”, and “us”). Unless otherwise agreed in writing by us, your purchase and use of SwabTek products (“Products”), and our supply of Products to you, are exclusively subject to and governed by these terms and conditions (“Terms”).

  1. Contract Terms. These Terms constitute the entire contract between you and SwabTek (“Agreement”), and supersede all other representations and understandings between the parties, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter of these Terms. When you place an order for Products through our website (each an “Order”), this constitutes your commitment to purchase the Products identified in your order, and by ordering Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms. This Agreement is created when we accept your Order, either by sending a written confirmation or by shipping the ordered Product.

  2. Payment. You must pay for all Products in full at the time of your Order; we will not ship Products for which we have not received payment in full.

  3. Delivery. We deliver all Products FCA (INCOTERMS 2020) our shipping point. We may, in our discretion, make partial shipments and invoice each shipment separately. Our delivery dates are approximate only, and we are not liable for any penalty, loss or damage resulting from any delay in delivery. If we delay delivery for a cause beyond our reasonable control, we may terminate the affected Order or reschedule the delivery within a reasonable period of time. You may not refuse delivery or otherwise be relieved of any obligations as the result of a delay. Once you have placed your Order, you cannot cancel or change it unless we consent in writing, in which case you will pay cancellation charges or an adjustment in the purchase price, as specified by us. You may not return Products without our prior written consent. Products are considered delivered when we load them onto the commercial carrier at origin. At this point, you are responsible for risk of loss and damage, and title to purchased Products will pass to you.

  4. NOTICE TO USERS. You are solely responsible for your use of Products and for making sure that the way you use Products complies with applicable laws, regulations and governmental policies and Product documentation. You must obtain all necessary approvals and permissions you may need to use the Products. It is your responsibility to make sure the Products are suitable for your particular use.
    You may not resell Products. Results of Products are presumptive only and, as such, they indicate the presumed presence of chemical groups and precursors which may be present in a given sample. ALL RESULTS SHOULD BE CONFIRMED BY AN APPROVED ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. All Products must be administered in strict accordance with the specific instruction and reference materials that accompany the products for best results. SwabTek cannot anticipate all conditions for use of Products and does not accept responsibility for use or misuse in any particular application. Products have been designed for a variety of applications, under a variety of conditions, but are not designed or manufactured as a product for lethal or harmful purposes. You must exercise your reasonable judgment to determine Product suitability for any specific use-case, and application of the Products’ presumptive analysis for their particular purposes. We advise you to review the reference materials relevant to the Product and complete the online training and certification process prior to use of any Product. Reference materials are available for all of Veriteque USA, Inc.’s products at the following link: www.SwabTek.com/resources. Veriteque USA, Inc.’s online training and certification portal is available at the following link: www.SwabTek.com/certification. If SwabTek’s test swabs are used to collect a sample from a consumable item such as plant material or food, such item should NOT be consumed, regardless of outcome of the test, and should be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws. If SwabTek’s test swabs are used to collect a sample from a reusable product that users come into direct contact with such as a vape pen or pipe, such item should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and wiped dry prior to use.

  5. Limited Warranty and Disclaimers.
    1. We warrant to you, our direct customer, that each Product manufactured by us and sold to you under these Terms will be free from material defects in workmanship and materials under normal use for one (1) year from the date of delivery (“Warranty”). You may not return a Product unless authorized by our Returns Authorization (RA) Department. If you believe your Product does not meet the Warranty, cease use immediately and contact SwabTek. If a Product proves to be defective in materials or workmanship within the Warranty period, we will repair or replace the defective Product and send it to you at our expense.
    2. The Warranty does not cover, and we have no responsibility, liability or obligation with respect to: (a) normal wear and tear, including chemical corrosion or decomposition; (b) accident, disaster or acts of nature (including extreme temperature, humidity, abrasives, dirt or corrosive material); (c) your fault or negligence or use of the Product other than as expressly permitted herein, or use in contravention of its documentation; (d) causes external to the Products; (e) storage, or handling in an improper, inadequate, or unapproved manner; or (f) modifications to or tampering with the Products.
    3. The Warranty extends to only the original purchaser. The remedies identified in this Section 5 are your sole and exclusive remedies, and our only liabilities, under the Warranty. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTY DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION 5, WE DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL OR WRITTEN, WITH RESPECT TO PRODUCTS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR RELATING TO CUSTOM, USAGE OR TRADE. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT PRODUCTS ARE ERROR-FREE OR WILL ACCOMPLISH ANY PARTICULAR RESULT. You acknowledge that you are responsible for your use of Products, including reliance upon results from such use, and that you will use professional care and judgment in using our Products and relying upon results. We have no liability or responsibility with respect to your reliance upon results from use of Products. You agree that you are not purchasing any Product from us in reliance upon any representation or warranty not specifically set forth in this Agreement, nor on the completion of the representations and warranties set forth herein or in any document or instrument referred to herein.

  6. Your Indemnity. You will indemnify, defend with competent and experienced counsel acceptable to us, and hold us and our subsidiaries, affiliates and divisions, and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, agents and employees, harmless from and against any and all damages, liabilities, causes of action, suits, claims, demands, losses, fines, penalties, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees) suffered or incurred by any of the foregoing entities or individuals arising from or in connection with (a) your negligence, misconduct, violation of applicable laws, breach of this Agreement, or noncompliance with Product documentation; (b) your misuse of Products.

  7. Intellectual Property. As between you and us, we exclusively own all intellectual property rights relating to, covering, claiming, included and/or embodied in, our Products. Our license, sale, loan or lease of Products to you grants you only a limited, nontransferable right under our intellectual property only for the specific intended use of the Products you bought, licensed, borrowed or leased from us and strictly in accordance with and for the term of this Agreement. You will not modify, change, remove, cover or otherwise obscure any trademarks, logos, trade or service marks on Products, and you will not reverse engineer Products. Nothing in this Agreement limits our ability to enforce our intellectual property rights.


  9. Export Restrictions. You acknowledge that each Product and any related technology, including technical information we supply you, including those contained in product documents (collectively “Items”), is subject to U.S. government export controls. The export controls may include, among others, those of the Export Administration Regulations of the U.S. Department of Commerce (the “EAR”), which may restrict or require licenses for the export of Items from the United States and their re-export from other countries. You must comply with the EAR and all other applicable laws, regulations, laws, treaties, and agreements relating to the export, re-export, and import of any Item.

  10. Miscellaneous. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the parties hereto, and no other person or entity shall be a direct or indirect beneficiary of, or shall have any direct or indirect cause of action or claim in connection with this Agreement. The Agreement and performance under it will be governed by the laws of the State of California, United States, without reference to choice of law provisions, and all actions brought to enforce or interpret the  greement and any all disputes hereunder or in connection herewith, including any negotiations relating thereto, shall be heard exclusively in the state and federal courts located in San Diego, California, which courts have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes relating hereto. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is hereby expressly excluded. IN THE EVENT ANY REMEDY HEREUNDER IS DETERMINED TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, ALL LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AND EXCLUSIONS OF DAMAGES SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL REMAIN IN EFFECT TO THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW. We will not be responsible or liable for failing to perform our obligations under the Agreement to the extent such failure is caused by, or to the extent we cannot perform due to, circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation acts of God and nature, embargoes, war, acts of war (whether war be declared or not), terrorism, insurrections, riots, civil commotions, strikes, lockouts, or other labor disturbances, government actions, fire, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, pandemics (whether declared or not), and any actions we take to comply with applicable laws, directives, pronouncements or guidelines issued by a governmental entity relating to pandemics, such as quarantines and sheltering in place. In certain situations, we may use our reasonable judgment and apportion Products then available for delivery fairly among our customers, or may terminate your order without liability to you. Our failure to exercise any rights under the Agreement is not a waiver of our rights to damages for your breach of contract and is not a waiver of any subsequent breach. If any provision or part of the Agreement is found by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceable will not affect the other provisions of the Agreement. This Agreement binds the parties’ successors and permitted assigns. Headings are for convenience only and shall not be used in the interpretation of these Terms. Any notice or communication required or permitted under these Terms must be in writing and will be deemed received when delivered by commercial courier, or 3 business days after being sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, to a party’s specified address. Notices to SwabTek must be sent to the attention of its General Counsel. No waiver, consent, modification, amendment or changes to the terms of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by both parties. Our failure to object to terms contained in any subsequent communication from you is not a waiver or modification of this Agreement.

SwabTek Testing Standards

SwabTek test kits meet or exceed the testing standards established by:

| National Institute of Justice| | Standards Council of Canada
| United Kingdom Home Office Scientific
Development Branch| | European Civil Aviation Conference

SwabTek’s tests are validated against these standards by third-party testing authorities. Independently prepared reports from this third-party testing are available upon request.
As presumptive color tests, SwabTek Test Kits are classified as a Category C analytical technique for analysis of seized drugs under the guidelines outlined by SWGDRUG. As Category C forensics tools, SwabTek’s tests are admissible in court for determining selectivity through General/Class chemical identification.

SwabTek Kit Relevant Standard Testing Authority
Dry Explosives Test Kit ASTM E2677-20

Liquid Explosives Test Kit| ECAC
SCC| Armasuisse
Narcotics Test Kits:
Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Fentanyl+, Heroin| ASTM E2329−17
ASTM E2548−16
ASTM E2882−19
NIJ Standard–0604.01
SCC| MRI Global


The SwabTek Cannabis Test Kit is a simple, single-use test kit that is designed for cannabis detection. The test can be used to detect cannabis in any kind of sample, including vape pens, edibles, plant material, surfaces, etc. The test will detect any cannabis compound (cannabinoid) present in a sample, including THC, CBD, and others.
The test consists of two separate pieces — a test swab and a test card — that come sealed in air- and water-proof packaging. In original packaging, the test kit components should last a minimum of five years from the date of delivery.
The test swab is used to collect your sample, and the test card contains the reagent that is used to conduct your test. The entire testing process takes less than 20 seconds to produce a result.
The solvent and reagents used in SwabTek’s products are non-toxic and non- hazardous. Although you do not risk exposure to any chemicals from the SwabTek test, users may opt to use gloves to protect themselves from the sample they are testing.
SwabTek’s Cannabis Test Kit is an updated format of a previous version that delivered the test reagent in a strip format. The previous version is referred to as the “Generation 1 Cannabis Test Kit” or the “Marijuana/THC Test Kit.” The Cannabis Test Kit is a part of SwabTek’s line of law enforcement presumptive tests that are deployed by departments at the local, state, and federal level around the world.

Cannabis Testing for Educators

The SwabTek Cannabis Test Kit enables schools and communities to protect their youth against the use of cannabis and cannabis extracts. The test kit has already been deployed in more than 1,200 schools across the United States, and by dozens of Drug-Free Communities groups. The tests are the perfect solution for schools that face issues with vape pens or food and beverages suspected of containing cannabis.
The tests are free of any toxins or hazardous materials, meaning they are safe to carry and deploy in schools without putting any students or staff at risk. The sample swab uses a non-toxic and non-corrosive solvent for collection which allows samples to be extracted from student belongings and school property safely, and without causing any damage.
The tests are simple to use, and training is available for free online, meaning any school resource officers, administrators, principals, and teachers can become certified users of SwabTek’s Cannabis Test Kit.
The tests can be effectively deployed to screen confiscated vape pens, in tandem with vape detection devices, or with SROs and dog teams that may be present on school campuses.
Administrators who choose to deploy the test kits themselves can avoid involving police in everyday enforcement of campus drug policy and can limit offending students’ involvement with the criminal justice system at their own discretion.

How the Test Works

SwabTek’s test is designed to detect cannabinoids, meaning any compound derived from cannabis, including Δ-9 THC (the major psychoactive component of marijuana), Δ-8 THC, Δ-10 THC, CBD, CBC, and CBN. The test will presumptively check if these cannabinoids are present in the portion of the sample that is tested. This means that a positive test result indicates that it is presumptively likely that at least one cannabinoid is present in the sample, in a detectable quantity.
This test cannot be used to discern which cannabinoid is present in the sample, or how many different cannabinoids may be present. The test will not show how much of the test target is present, how it is distributed across the sample, or how strong the sample is. Presumptive tests are not designed to give certain results and cannot replace a full lab analysis of your sample. A presumptive test cannot be used to assert that substances are safe and cannot be used to assert that substances are legal or illegal.
If you get a:

  • Positive Result – It can be presumed that a cannabinoid is present in a detectable volume in the test sample.
  • No Result – A cannabinoid cannot be identified in a detectable volume, so it cannot be presumed to be present. In the case of a negative, it is possible that the test target may not be present, may be present in an undetectable volume, or that it may be present and may be undetectable for another reason (a false negative result).

What the Test Detects

SwabTek’s Cannabis Test is designed to screen for cannabis by testing for cannabinoids, which are the chemical components of cannabis plant. Since the test screens for cannabinoids, it can be used on both plant material, or on any derivative product that contains cannabis oil. Common derivatives that this test can detect include extracts, tinctures, oils, creams, and gels that contain cannabis, as well as any food product that uses cannabis oil — cookies, brownies, gummies, candies, etc.
The test can also detect cannabis oil in vape pens, including residual oil that remains even after the oil cartridge appears empty.
A list of common cannabinoids that the test will detect is as follows:

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Δ-9, Δ-8, Δ-10
  • Cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Cannabichromene (CBC)
  • Cannabinol (CBN)

Test Kit Packaging

The new SwabTek Fentanyl+ Test Kit is sold in boxes of 25.
Each carton is labelled with the variety of test, and the number of total tests found in the carton.
In addition, each box is marked with information about the manufacturing lot, including the lot number. This information is found on the side of the box, and on the label.

Cannabis Test Sachet

The test consists of two pieces delivered in a single, air-tight sachet. Each sachet is equivalent to one, single-use test.
The front of the sachet is labelled with the SwabTek logo, and the name of the kit in the top right corner.
The sachet is also marked with basic information that is standard to all SwabTek Test Kit products, including the URL to the products’ terms of service (www.swabtek.com/terms).

swabtek cannabis test kit - Test Sachet

The sachet measures 4.25” x 4.50”, and is divided into two compartments. The narrower compartment on the left side of the sachet houses the Test Swab, and the right side houses the Test Card.
To open the sachet and access the components of the test, the user must tear open the sachet along the dotted line at top.
The top of the sachet must be removed completely to access the two separate compartments.


The SwabTek Cannabis Test Kit consists of two pieces, delivered in a single, sealed sachet.
1 x pre-treated SwabTek Test Swab
1 x reagent-treated dry paper SwabTek Test Card
Dual-Compartment Sachet

swabtek cannabis test kit - Compartment Sachet

Test Card

swabtek cannabis test kit - Test Card

Test Swab

The SwabTek Cannabis Test Card is a 3.5” x 2” paper card that consists of three separate sections. The top right corner of the test card is printed with the name of the test.

  1. Instruction Panels: These six images illustrate the steps in the testing process, and are available here for the user to reference. A complete description of the stages is available in the later sections of this manual.
  2. Test Zone: This is the site of the reagent that will be used in conducting the test. When combined with the sample from a test swab, this reagent will be responsible for the color change that will indicate the presumed presence of cannabis. Since the reagent is printed onto the test zone in a powder form, it may be inadvertently removed from the paper strip by physical abrasion or rubbing or contaminated by contact with another object. To avoid abrasion or contamination, the user should avoid holding the card by the test zone.
  3. Color Reference Panel: This color panel provides a quick reference guide for the colors that are indicative of a positive test for the presumed presence of the narcotic in question. Though the user should be familiar with the full color reference materials available in the manual, this panel can provide a quick reference for field-use of the test kits.swabtek cannabis test kit - Color Reference Panel

Test Swab
The test swab is provided to help isolate and collect suspect residues and transfer the samples to the test card’s test zone for analysis. Each test swab is prewetted with a solvent to assist in the collection of the sample.
To avoid contamination of the test swab, the user must hold the swab by the shaft only, and must not set the swab down on any surface prior to testing.
To aid in this, SwabTek recommends leaving the swab within its compartment of the sachet until the user is ready to start sample collection.
If the tip of the test swab is dry, it may be an indication that the test’s sachet has been compromised. A dried swab may hinder the ability of the user to collect an appropriate sample. In this case, it is recommended that the tester use a new swab.

General Procedure When residue containing cannabis or a cannabis derivative is combined with the dry reagent zone on the test card, the reagent will produce a dark red color change. Depending on the nature of the sample, this color change may occur on the test swab, on the test card, or on both surfaces. For this reason, it is essential that you check both the swab and card for indication of color change. The color development for a positive result should be rapid and will often be permanent. Depending on how much residue is collected, the intensity of the red color could range from weak to very strong. If you are unsure of whether the color you are seeing is considered a positive result, consult the color reference panel on the test card.
After a few minutes, the color on the test may fade or change, so it is important to collect results as soon as possible.
Since SwabTek’s tests rely on a color change, there are a number of factors to consider about the use of the test. The following can result in mistaken readings that are based on human or procedural error, rather than an error with the color chemistry:

  • Improper/non-white lighting used in the test procedure
  • Partial to full color blindness of the operator
  • Highly colored/colorproducing samples used in testing (wet or dry paints, dyes, tea leaves, etc.)
  • Highly viscous or thick samples used in testing (candle wax, silicone oil, engineering grease, etc.)

Cannabis Test Zone

The reagent responsible for the color change reaction in this test is printed in the test zone on the card. The reagent in the test zone for the Cannabis Test is indicated by a rectangle of reagent that is white/grey in color. If the test zone on your card does not contain the rectangle of reagent, or the reagent rectangle is not as expected, try using a different test. If the issue persists, contact a member of the SwabTek team and be prepared to submit pictures.
The presence of the white/grey color of the reagent, or a water-diluted hue of this color, does not indicate a positive result during testing. The color development indicative of a positive result will be distinct and separate from the color present in the reagent before the test. It is recommended that users trial a negative result using a blank swab and card in order to assess the color effects of the reagent during testing.
The Cannabis Test produces the following results, based on third-party testing of the tests to the standards established by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ):

Test Target| Level of Detection| NIJ False Positive Rate| Known False Positives
Cannabichromene| 7 μg| 0.00%| None
CBD| 12 μg
THC| 6 μg

Sample Collection

The test swab will be used to collect your sample. During collection, you should use the tip of the swab to dab, swab, or rub the surface that you are testing, depending on the nature of the sample. This process should take up to 10 seconds.

You are aiming to collect as much potential residue as possible, and concentrate it on the tip of your swab. If you are testing a visible residue like oil, plant matter, or crumbs, you should be able to see the residue picked up on the swab’s tip.

swabtek cannabis test kit - Sample Collection1

For testing vape pens, if possible, you should dab the tip of the swab into the oil well of the cartridge. If you are unable to access the cartridge, you should aim to swab the surfaces with the most potential residue, the mouthpiece and oil cartridge. For testing edibles, it is advised to swab firmly and in the same spot to ensure you can collect a sample through any external coating (paraffin wax, sugar, etc.)

Conducting the Test

Once you have collected your sample, you will combine it with the reagent printed in the reagent zone of the SwabTek Test Card. This is done by dabbing the tip of the swab across the card’s reagent zone. This process should take no more than 10 seconds.
If a detectable cannabis compound was picked up in your sample, the reagent should produce a vibrant, dark red color. This could happen immediately, or take up to 30 seconds. Be sure to check both the reagent zone and test swab tip for any signs of color development.
If any dark red develops within 30 seconds, the result of the test is positive for cannabis.
If no dark red color develops within 30 seconds, the result of the test is negative for cannabis.

swabtek cannabis test kit - Conducting the Test

Analyzing Color Results

When analogizing the results of the test, the user can refer to the color reference panel on the test cards, as well as the corresponding color indication table in this manual as a reference guide for the color analysis.
Following the sample testing phase, the user should immediately look for evidence of a color change that would indicate a positive test result. The color development may occur on either or both of the test card and test swab, and the user should carefully inspect both for evidence of this result. An absence of color on either the test card or test swab does not in itself constitute a negative result, as the color change could be present on the other

swabtek cannabis test kit - Red ColorThe color change of a positive result should be very rapid and permanent, and though the color may vary in intensity and hue due to the potential varied nature of sample compounds, it should contain the color red. The development of this color indicates a positive result for the presumed presence of cannabis.
The absence of any color change, or a color change that is not red is classified as a negative result for the presumed presence of cannabis.

swabtek cannabis test kit - NEGATIVE

Color Reference Guide

Compound Group Primary Color Reaction for Positive Result

Cannabis Compounds:
• Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabichromene,
Synthetic Cannabinoids, etc.| Instant Development of
Red Color/Hue|
Cannabis Plant Material:
• Cannabis Leaves, Stem, Seeds, etc.| Instant Development of
Red Color/Hue|
Cannabis Extracts:
• Cannabis Oils, Resins, Plant Extract, Including Those Found in Consumables (Candies, Brownies, Cookies, etc.)| Instant Development of
Red Color/Hue|
Substance| Color Reaction
Control| | NEGATIVE
Cannabis Plant Residue| | POSITIVE
THC/CBD Cannabis Oil| | POSITIVE

After the Test Following the testing procedure, it is recommended that users take a picture of the test result for reference, both the test card and test swab, as well as the sample itself.
Following the completion of this procedure, the test card, test swab, and sample in question can be disposed of in the garbage if not required for evidence. The test card and test swab do not contain any dangerous or hazardous materials, and do not require any special disposal procedures.
If the test was used to collect a sample from a consumable good — i.e. pills, powder, needles, etc. — said item should NOT be consumed, regardless of outcome of the test. If the test was used to collect a sample from a reusable product that users come into direct contact with — i.e. vape pens, pipes, etc. — said items should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and wiped dry prior to use.
If the user is ever unsure about the procedure or result of a test, the test should be re-done. If the user is uncertain about an element of conducting or analogizing the test, and cannot find answers in the reference materials, they should contact a member of SwabTek’s team with relevant support (photographs, descriptions, test information) if applicable.

Veriteque USA, Inc. (SwabTek)
8920 Kenamar Drive, Ste. 202
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: + 1-775-277-7997
Website: www.SwabTek.com
Contact: Support@SwabTek.com
Version • 1.0

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