The Duel Test Drive II Game Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024
The Duel

Test Drive II Game Instruction Manual

**The Manual for commodore cassette

Test Drive II Game

Designer: Distinctive Software, lnc.
Gommodore 6,41128 version Kris Hatlelid, Kevin Pickell
Producer: Shelley Day
lester: Gyndi Kirkpatrick
Arù John Boechler, Theresa l{enry
music: Kris Hatfield
manual: Jelf off

Imagine the desert. Flat. Hot. Roads that drill straight ahead into perpetuity. A driver’s dream. Now, imagine yourself at the wheel of a silver gem known as the Porsche 959. The world’s fastest production car. That’s what they told you when you plunked down your quarter-of-a-million dollars, anyway. You’re cruising at 200 KPH, feeling very royal, very king-of-the-road.
Nothing in these parts can touch you. Or so you think.
Suddenly, there is a blur in the passing lane.
You blink. Whatever it was had to be going at least 240 KPH. You put your pedal to the metal and investigate. Up ahead, in a perfect red haze of automotive harmony cruises a machine unlike any you’ve seen before. Your jaw drops. It’s the legendary Ferrari F40 – as sleek a piece of Kevlar and carbon- reinforced plastic as ever rolled off a production line.
You pull even. The other driver looks you over. He raises his thumb… then roars ahead, finding another 40 or 50 KPH in the bowels of his 478-horse, twin-turbo V-8. You glance at your instrumentation. You’ve always wanted to explore the depths of that famous Porsche 6th gear. You shift. You rocket, head to head, down the desert chute. You wind up treacherous mountain curves. You hurtle through lush woodland corridors.
And the cops are out in droves.


Commodore 6,4n2A

  1. Connect your joystick to Port 2. Remove any cartridges.
  2. Turn on your computer and cassette player.
  3. Insert The Duel: Test Drive ll into the cassette player, label side up, and close the door.
  4. Press and hold the SHIFT key, then press the RUN/STOP key.
  5. At the prompt, press the play button on the cassette player.


Your choices include (and it’s good to choose them in this order):

  1. Your Car
    • A picture of the current selection is displayed on the Setup screen. To choose other cars, highlight then press the fire button.
    • After the screen dissolves to the Car Selection screen (like the ones pictured below and on page 2), use your joystick to scroll through the available cars. When your favorite appears, press the fire button and the screen dissolves back to the Setup screen. The Fenani F40: Anything that can put a quarter-mile behind you in 11.8 seconds should be classified as top secret, but here are the specs. Everything except what the pit of your stomach feels like, cornering at 200 KJH. (Hint: lt has been described as ” the Ferrari shriek.” )

  2. The Other Car

• This displays your competition if you elect to race the computer. Highlight, press the fire button and the screen diss. loves the Car Selection screen. Choose the computer’s weapon and press the fire button to return to Setup.

The Porsche 959: is it truly the production zenith of modern automotive engineering?
Get it up to 240 kph on a straight stretch of road. Then try to figure out if or just the that’s a shimmy you the – racing of your insane, babbling heart.
(Hint: Porsches don’t shimmy. Ever.)

  1. Do you want to race against the clock?
    • Highlight the stopwatch, press the fire button and you’re off to the Skill Selection screen.

  2. Or battle the relentless, icy cool driving hand of the computer?
    • Highlight the computer, press the fire button and you go to the Skill screen.


The Skill screen: After choosing your car and competition, it’s time to honestly assess your talent. From wimp to stud.
There are 12 levels of difficulty. Here’s a quick breakdown of the range for the different variables:

Skill level| 1,2 3 4 5 6 7 I 970 7772|
Auto shift| xxxx|
Opponent speed| 90 MPH| Up to Max Speed
Cop speed| 120 MPH| 2OO MPH
Traffic densiÿ| 50Vo| 1.00V0
Traffic speed| 30 MPH| 60MPH
Scoring| 33Vo| l00Vo

• Move your joystick left or right to choose a level, then press the fire button.


  • At the prompt, if you will be using the scenery that comes with The Duel, remove the cassette, flip it to side B and insert it into the cassette player. Rewind to the beginning of the tape, press play, then press the fire button.
    If you will be using the California Challenge scenery cassette, remove The Duel, insert California Challenge, press play, then press the fire button.

Need a Change of Scenery?
The Duel comes with a richly-varied road scape, but another Scenery Disk – California Challeng{M with seven additional roads – is available. To find out more, visit your favorite software store.


To shift your car with these controls, accelerate or decelerate until you’re ready to change gears, then simultaneously press the fire button.


| Makes the Gear Shift appear and disappear on the screen
| Pauses the action- press any key to continue
| Toggles music off and on
| Togglesgamesoundsoffandon
| Takes you to the Setup screen
SAVE| There is no way to save a race.
| Fast mode – The game drives faster, but you lose some resolution/detail. Toggles on and off.


The Cockpit: everything you need to get into a heap of trouble.

Large gauge in the center of the dashboard. Registers in thousands of revolutions per minute (RPMs) of your drive shaft. The bigger the number, the harder your engine is working. If you work it too hard, or “red line” that is, push the tach – needle into the red area you’ll blor^/ all your precious horsepower right out the – tailpipe.

Steering Wheel
The joystick turns the wheel left or right. The dot on the top moves to show you how far off of sight you are.
Radar Detector
Located on the sun visor in upper left of the windshield. Blinking light means it’s on.
If the light flashes and beeps, slow to the speed limit, because lurking nearby is your worst nightmare: A state trooper with (1) an attitude and (2) a shortfall on his weekly ticket quota.
Of course, you could try to outrun the toast. But you better be good.
A cop will chase you until you either outrun him or he passes you. In the latter case/ you must stop and get a ticket. (Getting a ticket is not a good thing. Not only do your insurance rates go up, but the clock is still running and you lose valuable time.) If you crash into a cop, the game is over. That’s justice.

Near the middle of the dashboard. You can’t miss it. Your speed is measured in KPH (kilometers per hour).
Trip Meter and Clock
Critical info. The meter goes down, telling you the distance left in the leg. The clock goes up, tracking how long it takes you to negotiate the leg.
Gear Shift
To make it appear and disappear from the screen, press D. If the display is off, the gear shift appears only briefly when you shift.
Rear View Mirror
Monitor it well. Especially at higher levels, watch out for your zealous highway idiot of an opponent. A keen eye to the glass will help you keep on top of ol’ Smokey too.


Lives. You start with five, which is less than a cat gets, but still pretty generous.
You lose a life every time you crash or get a penalty. But you gain one each time you refuel.
Penalties. You lose a life and get 2O-second penalties (added to your time) if you crash, blow an engine or run out of gas.
Gas. Elixir of the road gods. When you see a sign like the one in Diagram 19.5, start thinking about filling it up. When the two white lines pop up beside the gas station (like the ones in Diagram 42.76), stand on the brake and pull onto your side of the road. If you don’t stop between the lines, you can’t refuel. That’s not good and you’ll find out why in a few miles.

Diagram 19.5: Your car may begin to pant when it spots the universal symbol for petrol.
Diagram 42.76: A guy named Vern owns this station which he calls “Eat Here and Get Gas.”
Go. Rev the engine, fool. You are now in gear. If you’re on a manual shift level, pop it into gear and go.
Shift. To shift up, hit the fire button while holding the joystick up. To shift down, hit the fire button and while holding the joystick down.
Resurrections. After each crash or penalÿ, press the fire button to continue the duel. If you run out of lives … well, cheer up, even Rome fell. Don’t quit. Ignore the callous insults flung at you by the computer and take another shot.


One or two score screens that resemble Z1 and 22will appear after each leg of the race is finished.

The stopwatch never lies: Wen you race alone, a screen like 27 appears to reward or scold. Three stats are featured – Best Time, Aoe. Speed, and Total Points, The best of your current playing session will be recorded. They are kept independently and may not come in the same run. When you race against the computer, the screens appear in sequence- from only – 22 first. You start with a clean score screen each time you power up your com- puter.

If you need help with thts or any other Accolade product, please give us a call Be sure you are at your computer when you call we’ll do everything can to solve your problem or answer your question. Write to us at:

Accolade Eurolrc Ltd.
Attn! Customer Service
5O Lombard Road
London will 35V

Accolade, Inc. warrants for a period of ÿ0 days from the date of purchase by the original purchaser of the Software that the recording medium on which it is recorded will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. Defective media which has not been subjected to misuse, excessive wear, or damage due to carelessness may be returned during the 90-day period without charge.

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