FUTURECOM 8A083X02 Battery Pack and Charger User Guide

June 9, 2024

FUTURECOM 8A083X02 Battery Pack and Charger

Rev Date By Notes & References
0 Dec. 2004 FC Preliminary Release
1 Sept. 2007 FC 220V Voltage Added
2 May 2009 FC Added user tips for prolonged battery life
3 Oct. 2010 FC Fixed typo on spec sheet (Appendix 1)
4 Nov. 2012 FC Added New Company Logo
5 July 2015 AJK/SN New charger operation and indicators
6 Feb. 2019 AJK/SN New FC template., Added PDR8000 and cable details
7 July 2019 AJK/SN Added Backup time for TRS with Booster
8 Feb. 2023 KS Updated Logo

Proprietary Statement

© 2022, Futurecom Systems Group, ULC Printed in Canada. All Rights Reserved No part of this document, or any software included with it, may be reproduced and distributed without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Futurecom Systems Group, ULC reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the equipment, software or specification described in this document at any time and without prior notice. These changes will be incorporated in the new releases of this document. This document may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Futurecom Systems Group, ULC waves responsibility for any labour, materials or costs incurred by any party as a result of using this document.

About this Operator’s Manual

This Operator’s Manual provides detailed operating procedures for Transportable Repeater System (TRS) Battery Pack. This document is not intended to cover the operation details of the Transportable Repeater System or the Mobile Radio.

For operating instructions and programming details of the Transportable Repeater, please refer to the Maintenance Manual. For instructions on how to operate the mobile radio, please refer to the operator’s manuals supplied by radio manufacturer.

Notes, Cautions, Warnings, Dangers
Throughout this manual, you will see Notes, Cautions, Warnings and Dangers. Their meaning is as follows:

A clarifying statement that expands on the text that follows.

An important statement that must be considered and / or implemented in order to achieve adequate equipment operation.

Describes a potentially hazardous situation, which may lead to equipment damage, death or injury.

Describes an imminently hazardous situation, which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Notational Conventions

  • Terms used in this manual

Transportable Repeater System (TRS)

| Includes the Mobile Radio, Control Head and its

accessories or PDR800 with optional Booster pack.

Transportable Repeater| Describes Transportable Repeater that uses a 13.8V DC power supply.

Safety Information


  • There are NO user serviceable parts inside the Battery Pack or the FutureCharge Battery Charger. DO NOT OPEN THE BATTERY PACK AND THE CHARGER AS LETHAL VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT INSIDE! Only Futurecom Systems Group can service the Battery Pack and the charger.


  • To ensure that Radio Frequency (RF) energy exposure to bystanders external to a repeater or mobile radio is lower than the recommended safety standards, transmit with any repeater or mobile radio only when bystanders are at least 2 meters away from a properly installed externally mounted antenna for radios with less than 50 Watts output power, or 3 meters away for radios with 50 Watts or greater power output. Refer to the TRS Users Manuals for exact distances.
  • Never use the Battery Pack or attempt to charge the Battery Pack if it is damaged in any manner. If it is damaged, contact Futurecom Systems Group.

Only use chargers provided by Futurecom Systems Group for the Battery Pack. Use of any other charger could damage the Battery Pack or result in fire, electric shock or electrocution. DO NOT store or charge the Battery Packs in locations with a warm environment. Keep the Battery Pack dry. DO NOT incinerate the Battery Packs.


  • DO NOT enclose the Battery Pack in an airtight casing or environment. During charging and discharge the Battery Packs must have ventilation. Airtight environment could cause explosion.
  • DO NOT operate the Battery Packs in explosive atmospheres, i.e., presence of flammable liquids, gases, dust or in an area where the Battery Pack could be exposed to sparks or any burning material.

Before disposing of the Battery Pack, check with your State/Province Environmental Protection Agency. If the Battery Pack should ever become warm when charging or if it should emit a pungent odour, disconnect the charger from an AC outlet immediately and contact Futurecom Systems Group.


  • Before each use and before charging the Battery Pack check ventilation holes provided on the Battery Pack to make sure that holes have not been blocked or obstructed. Clean or clear any obstruction such as dirt that may obstruct ventilation.


  • Do not operate charger with damaged AC power cords or DC output cords or accessories – call manufacturer to have the charger replaced immediately.
  • NEVER charge a frozen Battery Pack.
  • Locate the charger as far away from the Battery Pack as is allowed by the length of the output cable harness.
  • NEVER set the charger on a surface constructed from combustible material.
  • The charger body and power cord are waterproof. However, do not expose the AC and DC electrical connections at the ends of the power cords to rain or snow.
  • When handling electric power cords, always pull by the plug rather than by the cord. This will reduce the risk of damage to both the plug and the cord, and it will minimize the likelihood of electric shock resulting from that damage.
  • Make sure that all electric power cords are located so that they cannot be stepped on, tripped over, or otherwise subjected to damage or stress.
  • When leaving a battery charger connected to the Battery Pack for extended periods of time (weeks, months, etc.), periodically check the battery to see if it is unusually warm, if it is releasing an excessive amount of gas, or is emitting an unpleasant odour. If any of these things occur, disconnect the charger from the AC electrical outlet and contact the manufacturer immediately.


  • NEVER smoke or allow a source of electric spark or open flame in the vicinity of the battery or charger.

Battery Pack Overview

Principle of Operation
The Transportable Repeater System (TRS) consists of a Futurecom Repeater and a Mobile Radio or PDR8000 (with an oAptional Booster pack) in one portable package. The TRS package contains an internal 117V AC (or optional 220V AC) to 13.8V DC power supply. The Battery Pack is used to supply nominal 13.8V DC power to TRS where AC supply is not available.

TRS and Battery Pack Block Diagram
Figure 1 shows TRS and Battery Pack block diagram. The Battery Pack consists of 3 components: the main Battery Pack enclosure, a DC output cable (7W077X11-01 or 7W077X12-01 or 7W088X11-01) and the FutureCharge Battery Charger (3P077B01-01).FUTURECOM-8A083X02-Battery-Pack-and-Charger-

Battery Pack Description

Battery Pack
The main Battery Pack enclosure contains batteries, a battery voltage indicator and a DC input/output connector. The DC output connector is connected directly to the batteries without any internal fuses. The internal batteries are used to supply DC power to the TRS where AC supply is not available. The AC to DC FutureCharge battery charger is used to charge the internal batteries from a 117V AC source. (step-down transformer and an AC plug adapter (if required) are supplied for countries with 220V to 240V AC mains.)FUTURECOM-8A083X02-Battery-Pack-and-Charger-

DC Input/Output Connector
The “MIL-C-5015” style 2-contact connector is located on the side of the Battery Pack. It supplies power to the TRS (see Figure 2). The DC cable (7W077X11-01 or 7W077X12-01 or 7W088X11-01) plugs into this connector. The other end of the DC cable plugs into the Transportable Repeater System (TRS) DC input connector. The FutureCharge battery charger connects to this connector for charging.

Battery Voltage Indicator
A Battery Voltage Indicator is located on the Battery Pack Cover. The indicator shows the battery voltage:

  • RED Flashing Indicator – battery voltage is less than approximately 10.9V.
  • Do not use the Battery Pack when the Battery Voltage Indicator is Flashing RED. Recharge the Battery Pack as soon as possible! Using or leaving the Battery Pack with RED Flashing Battery Voltage Indicator will severely shorten the battery life and is not covered by the Battery Pack warranty!
  • GREEN Flashing Indicator – battery voltage is greater than 10.9V. This is the normal operating range of the Battery Pack.


Charge the Battery Pack fully before first use! The Battery Pack must be charged whenever the Battery Voltage Indicator is Flashing RED! The Battery Pack must be charged at room temperature (20C-25C)! The FutureCharge battery charger must stay connected to the Battery Pack even after the battery is fully charged (float charging). This guarantees that the Battery Pack is fully charged whenever it is needed and that the Battery Voltage Indicator does not discharge the Battery Pack over a period of time.

Preparing to Charge


  • Be sure that the area around The Battery Pack and the charger is well ventilated while the Battery Pack is being charged.
  • NEVER charge or store the Battery Pack in a warm environment.
  • NEVER charge the Battery Pack if it is damaged in any manner or if it has been dropped.
  • NEVER charge the Battery Pack if it is damp or wet – keep it dry.
  • NEVER charge or use the Battery Pack if any terminals located on the DC charging plug or the Battery Pack DC Connector are damaged in any manner or are missing.FUTURECOM-8A083X02-Battery-Pack-and-Charger-FIG-3


  • Disconnect the DC output cable from the Battery Pack.
  • Plug the DC charger plug into the Battery Pack DC Connector. The DC charger plug is locked onto the Battery Pack DC Connector by rotating the locking ring clockwise.
  • Plug the AC cord into a 117V AC outlet (or into a 220V to 240V AC outlet with a step down transformer and an AC plug adapter (if required)).
  • A steady AMBER light on the FutureCharge battery charger indicates charging.
  • A Flashing GREEN light on the FutureCharge battery charger indicates that the Battery Pack is 80% charged.
  • A steady GREEN light on the FutureCharge battery charger indicates that the Battery Pack is fully charged. The battery charger is in float charge mode. It takes approximately 10 hours for a fully discharged Battery Pack to be charged.
  • A flashing AMBER light on the FutureCharge battery charger indicates that the charger is connected to an AC outlet. If the AMBER light continues to flash, the battery voltage is either too low (less than 3V) or the DC charger plug is not plugged into the Battery Pack properly. Terminate the charging process immediately if the Battery Pack voltage is below 3V and contact Futurecom Systems Group! The most likely cause is either a sulphated battery or a high resistance connection between the charger and the Battery Pack.
  • Leave the Battery Pack connected to the battery charger even after it has been fully charged (float charging). Periodically check the Battery Pack during float charging to see if it is unusually warm, if it is releasing an excessive amount of gas, or if it is emitting an unpleasant odour. If any of these things occur, disconnect the charger from the AC electrical outlet and contact Futurecom Systems Group immediately.
  • Unplug the AC power cord from an AC outlet ONLY when the Battery Pack is needed to be used.
  • Disconnect the DC charger plug from the Battery Pack DC Connector.
  • Place the DC connector cover on the Battery Pack DC Connector.
  • The Battery Pack is ready for use.


The Battery Pack is NOT waterproof. Make sure that the Battery Pack is not submerged into water! Discontinue using the Battery Pack whenever the Battery Voltage Indicator is Flashing RED! Use the Battery Pack between -15C and +50C ambient temperature.

  • Remove the DC connector cover from the DC connector.
  • Connect the Battery Pack DC output cable to the DC output connector.
  • Connect the Battery Pack DC cable to the TRS and turn on the TRS.
  • The normal Battery Pack operating range is indicated by the GREEN Flashing Indicator on the Battery Pack.
  • Discontinue using the Battery Pack whenever the Indicator is Flashing RED!Recharge the Battery Pack as soon as possible.
  • Turn off the TRS and disconnect the Battery Pack DC cable from the TRS.
  • Disconnect the Battery Pack DC output cable from the DC output connector.
  • Place the DC connector cover on the DC connector.

Cycle Life

The Battery Pack cycle life is dependent on numerous factors: depth of discharge during each use, charging habits and ambient temperature. Providing an exact number to the cycle life versus depth of discharge is impossible given all variables that may apply. However, in general terms, the following is achieved on a consistent basis: for depth of discharge 80% or greater – 100-200 cycles, for 50% depth of discharge – 500 cycles, for 30% depth of discharge – up to 1000 cycles.

For the longest cycle life:

  1. The user MUST recharge the battery pack after every use, even if the green light is still flashing.
  2. The user should leave the battery pack on the charger permanently until he/she has to use it.
  3. If the user does not want to leave the battery pack on the charger permanently, he/she has to introduce a maintenance schedule: Every 2 months discharge the batteries about 20% and then fully recharge them.
  4. The user must send the battery pack for refurbishing every 3 years. This will guarantee that the battery pack will not fail during use.


Recommended storage temperature is 25°C (77°F). Do not store the Battery Pack under direct sunlight or in high temperatures exceeding 60°C (140°F). The Battery Pack will self-discharge during storage. It should be charged at least once a month or preferably left float charging.

If the Battery Pack has been stored for a long period in a discharged state (without monthly recharge), it may not be able to regain capacity even if it is recharged. It is recommended to periodically use the Battery Pack and recharge it even if in a stored state. Recharge the Battery Pack at least once a month.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I charge the Battery Pack?
The Battery Pack should be placed on charge after every use regardless of the discharge status of the Battery Pack.

Failure to charge the Battery Pack after every use, regardless of discharge status, will shorten the life cycle of the Battery Pack.

How long will it take to charge the Battery Pack?
Recharge time is a function of the depth of discharge. A fully discharged new Battery Pack is recharged in about 10 hours.
How long will the Battery Pack power the Futurecom Transportable Repeater System? The TRS back up time depends on many variables: TRS Tx-Rx duty ratio, temperature, age of batteries, previous depths of discharge, charging patterns, etc. A new Battery Pack will supply over 3 hours of power to TRS operating with 50:50 Tx-Rx duty ratio.

Can I leave my Battery Pack on charge?
The FutureCharge battery charger is an automatic charger and as long as AC input is provided, it should be left on charge when not in use. However, always periodically monitor charger and the Battery Pack. Check the Battery Pack to see if it is unusually warm, if it is releasing an excessive amount of gas, or is emitting an unpleasant odour. If any of these things occur, disconnect the charger from the electrical outlet and contact Futurecom Systems Group immediately.

APPENDIX 1-Battery Pack and Charger Specifications

General Specifications

Backup Time for TRS (without Booster

pack)                           (50:50 Tx-Rx Duty Ratio, with New

Battery Pack)

| ****

3 hours

Backup Time for TRS (with Booster

pack)                           (50:50 Tx-Rx Duty Ratio, with New

Battery Pack)

| ****

2 hours

Dimensions Height / Width / Depth

Battery Pack Battery Charger

| ****

245mm (9.65”) / 280mm (11.0”) / 175mm (6.9”)

51mm (2.0”) / 127mm (5.0”) / 124.5mm (4.9”)

Weight Battery Pack Battery Charger| ****

13.0kg (28.5lb)

1.8kg (4.0lb)

Battery Charger AC Input Voltage| 100V AC – 132V AC, 50Hz – 60Hz

200V AC – 240V AC with Step Down Transformer

Battery Pack DC Output Voltage Range| ****

10.9V DC – 13.8V DC

Output DC Cable 7W077X11-01



| ****

TRS Cable Motorola DC Power Cable

PDR8000 DC Cable

Charging Temperature| +20°C to +25°C (+68°F to +77°F)
Operating Temperature| -15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage Temperature| +25°C (+77°F)
Charger Compliance Charger DC Plug Compliance| UL 1236 and CSA 22.2 MIL-C-5015
Connectors Battery Pack DC Output Charger AC Input

Charger DC Output

| ****

CA3102E16-11SB, “MIL-C-5015” Bayonet

NEMA 5-15P Three Prong AC Plug CA3106E16-11PB, “MIL-C-5015” Bayonet

Battery Pack Output Voltage Indicator

Flashing RED Flashing GREEN

| ****

< 10.9V DC approx.

10.9V DC approx.

Charger Indicator


Flashing GREEN


Flashing AMBER

| ****


Battery Pack 80% Charged Battery Pack Charged, Float Charging


Charger Features| Short Circuit Protection Spark Proof
Charging Time| 10 hours approx.
Float Charge| Required


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  • Futurecom Systems Group, ULC. 3277 Langstaff Rd
  • Concord, Ontario L4K 5P8 Canada
  • 1-800-701-9180
  • Futurecom Systems Group, ULC 2016

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