WorthPoint Allied 83Y261 Knight Crystal Set User Manual

June 8, 2024

WorthPoint Allied 83Y261 Knight Crystal Set

Knight Cryst.al Set

Building the KNIGHT Crystal Set


The Knight Crystal Set ia easily con• atructed and operated, It provides aiq,le approach to set building and to the elea,enh of radio coanunication, A fine operating  aet, it uses f- parts, needs no power supply, has a mi ni111.1m of adjustments and will 1ive clear reception over a limited area. Thia cryatal set ia deaianed to give an areas where several powered radio station Building the KNIGHT Crystal Set


Carefully examine both dla1ra1111 before ba1innin1 co nstruction. The pictorial dia1ram ahon the parts aa they actually appear, The schematic dia1ram lndicatea all puta by means of atandard aymbola, It ia beat for the be1inneT to uae the durtn1-actual construction since it clearly show the position of each part, wire and connection, in addition to the identity of the part, The schematic diagram should be used to re•check the connection and for studying the operating principles.


Assembly of the crystal should begin with the winding of the coil, The moat important part of this receiver and should be very carefully constructed. Do not try to rush the winding of the coil•• it will only result in a poorly constructed one, which will not function properly in the completed receiver,two holes for mounting the coil should be drilled in the coil form first. These two holes amy be made with a drill or a pocket• knife. 1bey should be 3/8″ from each end of the coil form and may be just large enough to pass the 5/16″ machine screws, which are provided for mounting the coil. The two holes shown at •A• in the pictorial diagram are then drille d in the coil form. The first hole is located 3/8″ from the end of the coil form as mentioned above and the second hole is 1/8″ from the first one. Unwind 5 to 10 feet of the enameled coil wire furnished, being careful not to kink  the wire as a kink may cause it to break while the coil is being wound. Pass approximately S• of wire through the second of the two small hole  in the coil form from the outside of the coil form towards the inside. Next pass the same wire through the first of the holes from the inside of the coil form, and pull taut the small loop on the inside of the form. Fasten the coil of wire to a stationary object or have someone hold it, being care• ful not to cause any sharp bend in the wire. Pull the wire taut and slowly rotate the coil form, thus winding the wire on the form. Wind twenty turns on the form for the primary winding. Stop every few turns and press the turns of wire together so that the coil form cannot be seen between the turns of wire. After twenty turns have been wound n the coil, leave approximately s•of exc ess wire and cut off the remaining portion.
Drill the three smaU holes at point •B• and fasten the end of the primary winding through two of these holes in the same manner as the beginning of the coil winding, using two of the holes. Use the center and remaining hole at “lJ” to fasten “‘the 15etin• ning of the secondary winding. Start the secondary in the same -nner as the primary, with a 5, lead coming from the coil, and place thirty turns on the coil form. The tap •T• is placed at 30 turns from point •B• on the coil and is made by forming a small loop in the wire. This loop is made by scraping the black enamel coating from the wire and twisting and soldering the wire together. The remaining eighty turns of the 110 turn secondary may now be placed on the coil form and the end of the winding fastened through two small holes as shown in the pictorial diagram. If the builder wishes to be able to adjust the sensitivity and selec\ivity of this crystal set, taps should be placed every ten to fifteen turns while winding the secondary winding. No taps -.hould be place on the secondary before the first thirty turns. There is n)re than enough wire furnished with the kit for winding the coils. Row• ever, any wasteful use of the wire furnished may result in the builder not having enough to complete the coil. The coil mounting feet should now be mounted on the coil form. Be careful not to cause any damage to the coil when mounting the feet on the coil form.
Mount the variable (tunin1) condenser with angle brackets as shown. Be sure to place a solder lu1 under the condenser mounting screw, as shown in the pctorial diagram, when mounting the tunln1 condenser, Mount the coil in the position shown in the pictorial diagr-. Fasten the clips to the baseboard with the screws provided,


Solder all connections, using rosin core solder only. Avoid acid core solder or flux to prevent corrosion. Pre-heat parts for easier, better work. Do this by holding the solderin1 iron against the wire and terminal to be joined for a few seconds. Then apply just enough solder to cover the connection and fill crevices between the wires. Remove the iron but do not move wires solder has set; this takes only a few seconds. Be sure to scrape the enamel coating from the wire furnished. with this kit before endeav­oring to solder any connections. -aten more than one wire is to be connected at a par­ticular point, do not solder and re-solder, Install all wires at that point before soldering.


To get the best results, use a good antenna, good ground, and a pair of high­resistance headphones (1000 ohms or higher. In most cases a long antenna is unnecessary. However, if stations are weak, or if the nearest one is a ireat distance from you, you may need a long, high antenna and -y need to adjust the set for maximum sensi­tivity by moving the connection at point over to point •c•. The antenna should be at least SO• long and as high as possible. Use glass or porcelain insulators at the ends and rubber-covered wire for a lead-in to prevent contact with grounded objects, If taps are made on the secondary winding when the coil is constructed, the connection to the crystal diode should be moved up and down the coil until a tap is found which will give the best performance for the station being received. The best ground is a few feet of metal rod or pipe, driven into moist earth, A Good connection to a cold water pipe or to a radiator will  make an efficient ground.




  • 1 4 x 5 coil form
  • 1 55 coil of No. 22 enamel wire
  • 1 381.4 mfd midget single gang condenser
  • 1 IN34 germani um crystal diode
  • 1 1″ pointer knob
  • 1 Fahnestock clips
  • 1 4% x 6x 3/8 plywood base
  • 1 Package of hardware consisting of: 8 No. 6 x ood screws; 2 6-32 x 1/8 machine screws; 2 6-32 hex nuts; 2- coil mount ing brackets: 1- solder lug: 2 condenser mount ing brackets; 2 6-32 x 5/16″ machine screws
  • 1 Instructiion sheet

83-261 COMPLETE KIT. Shipping weight, 2 lbe.


  • 2000 ohm headset. Shipping wt,, 8 07.,
  • Antenna kit. Shlgping wt., 4 lbs.

1953 by ALLIED RADIO CORP. Prlntacl In U.S.A.

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