FRONT PORCH 53911 Classic Lawn Darts User Manual

June 8, 2024


FRONT PORCH 53911 Classic Lawn Darts


Game Contents

4 Darts 2
Target Rings


Be the first player or team to score 21 points by landing Darts inside or closest to the ring.
Setup: Assemble rings and place 25 apart.



The game consists of rounds where players alternate tosses at opposite target. For team play, team mates play at opposing targets. Select a player or team to start play. The player or team that scores the most points in previous round begins the next round.

Hold the Dart on the handle behind the fin and toss in an underhand motion with enough arc so that it will land near the ring.


Play Lawn Darts safely outside. Never throw darts directly at people or pets. Always be aware of your surroundings when playing and make sure the area is clear before tossing darts. Do not throw darts overhand or sidearm and do not toss darts directly above players. Do not play with broken or damaged darts.


Dart inside ring 3 points
Dart closest to ring 1 point

The position of Dart tip determines if the dart lands inside the ring or closest to it. See illustrations below:

  1. The tip of Team A’s dart Iands inside the ring and scores 3 points. The tip of Team B’s dart has landed outside the ring and is not scored as a “ringer”. A dart is considered inside the ring if any part of the tip is in the ring

  2. The tip of Team B’s dart lands closest to the ring and scores 1 point.

Fast Play Scoring
3 pts for any dart that lands in ring(Figure A) 1 pt. for the dart closest to the ring(Figure B) First team to 21 wins

Classic Scoring
3 pts for any dart that lands in ring(Figure A) pt. for the dart closest to the ring(Figure B) Only one team scores per round. The team with the most points in the round receives a score of the difference between the two point totals.

Team A (3 pts) – Team B (1pt) = 2 pts for Team A First team to 21 wins

2020 University Games Corporation, San Francisco, CA 94110. Front Porch Classics is a registered trademark of University Games Corporation.
All Rights Reserved. University Games UK, 31 Newington Green, Islington, London N16 9PU. U. Games Australia, Level 1, 10 Willoughby Rd., Crows Nest NSW, Australia 2065. Retain this information for future reference. MADE IN CHINA. B012433 06/20

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