KIDSFIT Cardio Kids 660e Elementary Fully Recumbent Bike Owner’s Manual

June 9, 2024

**KIDSFIT Cardio Kids 660e Elementary Fully Recumbent Bike Owner’s Manual



  1. 1. Make sure the machine is in a neutral position as seen in picture A.
    Using Instruction

  2. Slip feet into foot pedals while keeping hands firmly gripped on handlebars.

  3. Begin to pedal slowly as seen in **Picture B.


  1. As you become more familiar with the movements, begin to gradually increase speed.
  2. You may switch the location of your hands from high to low depending on where it is most comfortable for the user as seen in **Picture C.


  * Note the upper handgrips are what give the pulse reading on the computer display.
  1. Instructor should have each user:

    • a.) Before exiting the machine come to a full stop as seen in Picture D

    • b.) While still holding onto the arm grips step off the machine.

Operating Instructions for the training computer with digital display

  1. Start Without Previous Knowledge You can start your training without requiring any previous knowledge. The necessary information will be displayed in your display. For effective training and for setting your personal training defaults, please read and follow these operating instructions.
    After switching on the unit the user display (U 1-4) U=\ USER will appear.
    Data for up to 4 different users can be stored which can be retrieved upon restart. The individual training can be continued by 4 different people with their personal data being stored over a longer period of time.
    You can select your user memory by turning the UP/DOWN turning knob into the appropriate direction and confirm your choice via the MODE key

  2. Function Keys
    START / STOP Via this key, you start your training without any presetting, or after entering certain default values and/or selection of one of the automatic training programs.
    Pressing this key again causes the computer to stop the counting function. Settings can be changed without interrupting your training. If START is pressed again, the computer starts counting down again after the new setting has been fixed.

The MODE key is combined with the UP/DOWN turning knob. By pressing the MODE key, you confirm the settings and functions selected via the turning knob.
In order to display the information or to input your personal settings, choose between the functions [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES and PULSE] by briefly pressing the MODE key

The UP / DOWN turning knob is combined with the MODE key. By slowly turning the knob, the settings are changed step-by-step. Turning the knob quickly makes possible a quick counting sequence of the settings. By pressing the MODE key, you confirm the settings and functions selected via the turning knob.

  • The default values are set via the UP / DOWN turning knob. To this end, the unit must be in a STOP position > top left symbol will blink. During your training, you can reduce or increase the overall performance range via this turning knob > graphic display.
  • In the pre-selection, the desired user setting (USER) can be selected via UP or DOWN.
  • The training program selection (MANUAL, PROGRAM, USER or TARGET H.R.) is also carried out via the UP or DOWN turning knob.

DOWN downward setting of default values. By slowly turning the turning knob downwards to the left = DOWN , you will reduce the setting values of the various functions > [TIME; DISTANCE, CALORIES, and PULSE]. If you turn the turning knob quickly, the settings can be achieved by a quick counting sequence.

UP upward setting of default values. By slowly turning the knob upwards to the right = UP, you will increase the setting values of the various functions > [TIME; DISTANCE, CALORIES and PULSE]. If you turn the turning knob quickly, the settings canbe achieved by a quick counting sequence.


By briefly pressing the RESET key, you reach the selection of the different training program settings > top bar in the display [MANUAL, PROGRAM, USER, TARGET H.R.] Keeping the RESET key pressed causes the computer to restart: time setting and user selection (U1-4)

With the RECOVERY key, you reach a recovery pulse measurement at the end of the exercise session

GENERAL: the display is divided into three fields:

  1. In the top line, the status or selection of the training program and the status symbol for age are displayed.

  2. The large display area represents the graphic display of the performance range (route profile) and serves for simple orientation within the training sequence. One bar segment = low performance; eight bar segments on top of each other= maximum performance. The braking levels are shown next to the bar display, on the left as odd numbers (1,3,…,15) and on the right as even numbers (2,4,…,16).

  3. In the bottom display area, several segment displays can be found next to each other where the different training functions are shown. If these functions are pre-set, the respective function description will blink > e.g. TIME.
    After finishing your training, the training data is stored and can be retrieved when starting a new training sequence. The new data is then added.
    Training program (top display line)
    The different training programs are chosen by pressing the RESET key and then selected via the UP / DOWN turning knob. Afterwards, the selection must be confirmed via the MODE key.
    The differences in the programs are defined as follows:
    MANUAL Manual Training
    This setting is selected fora simple training sequence. The route profile remains linear and can be increased or reduced during your training via the UP or DOWN keys.
    PROGRAM Pre-set programs for training Here, 6 factory pre-set training programs are available. By means of the route profile you can see the difficulty level of each setting. USER training program via user setting (User)
    This program selection allows you to set your individual route profile. At least one default value must be selected > [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE].
    TARGET H.R. Training by means of target heart rate (THR) In this program, setting the performance is controlled by the preset heart rate. To this end, your pulse must be registered during your training.
    See > 6. Possibilities for pulse measurement
    Default values (Bottom display line)
    The bottom display line includes individual segment displays with various default values and units
    RPM / SPEED (Left)
    Speed-This alternating display (display interval of 6 seconds presents the step frequency as RPM (Round per minute= revolution per minute and the speed as SPEED in km/h. Display range: min 0.0 to max. 99.9 km/h
    TIME (2nd on the left)
    Training Period In this display, the training period is measured in minutes and seconds. Display range: min. 00:00 to max. 99:00
    DISTANCE (Center)
    Training Distance The covered distance is measure in km. The counting of the distance starts with >0< and can be continued up to a maximum of 99.99 km. Gradation for counting is effected in intervals of 0.01 km = 10m
    CALORIES (2nd on the Right)
    Calorie & energy consumption. This display shows the calculated calorie consumption. The value is is established during the training by means of the resistance and time measurements. Display range: min. 0 to max. 990. The data only serves as a rough guideline when comparing the different exercises and cannot be used for medical purposes.
    PULSE (right)
    Pulse / Heart Rate If the pulse is measured during training, the heaart symbol in this segment display will blink and the pulse rate displayed as heartbeats per minute. Display range: min. 30 to max 240. If the target pulse rate is reached during your training, the computer will send an alarm signal.
    Sleep Mode (empty)
    If no RPM or PULSE is registered or if no manual settings are made within 4 minutes, the unit will switch to sleep mode. In this mode, time and temperature are displayed in the bottom display area

  4. Personal Training Defaults

    • Without any special pre-settings, the values in the individual defaults [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES and PULSE] count upwards, starting from >0<.

    • For effective training it is sufficient to only set one target value in one of the defaults [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE].

    • If a personal target value is set as a training default, the computer will count downwards from this value. When reaching the target value >0<, an audible signal will sound.
      If the training is continued after this without setting a new target value- the computer will again count downwards from the pre-set value in this mode on the pressing of the START key.

    • Once set, target values cannot be changed during your training. They can only be changed if you press the STOP key first.
      Target default Value
      Setting a target value is identical for all defaults: e.g. DISTANCE

    1. Press the MODE key until the designation > DISTANCE< is blinking in the display segment.

    2. By slowly turning the knob upwards, you will increase the value, e.g. DISTANCE in 0, 1km intervals. If you turn the turning knob quickly, the setting value is counted more quickly.

    3. If you want to reduce the target value again, turn the turning knob slowly (or quickly) downwards. The value is again counted downwards from the previous value.

    4. If you have set the target value, press the MODE key.
      The value is then stored in this function and you reach the next function, e.g. CALORIES.

    5. If possible, enter only one default value, as otherwise the training targets will overlap. For example, you might reach the pre-set target time earlier than the pre-set target distance.

    6. The other defaults [TIME, CALORIES or PULSE] are also entered as described in items 1-4 via the keys SET, RESET and MODE.
      After having finished setting your defaults, you can start your training. During the training, all current values are displayed in parallel next to each other. The pre-set value is counted downwards until >0< is reached.

  5. Training
    After switching on the unit(see chapter 1) and selecting the user (U 1-4, the program line at the top display area will blink.You may also reach the program line in the top display area by pressing the RESET key briefly without restarting the computer.

    • Select the training program (MANUAL, PROGRAM, USER or TARGET H.R.) via the turning knob UP or DOWN and confirm again via the MODE key.

    • If the training mode you select is MANUAL, PROGRAM or USER and you pre-set a target value for your heart rate, the computer will activate an optical and acoustic alarm as soon as the current heart rate value reaches the target value.
      Training > Manual
      The route profile is represented evenly as a line. All default settings can be made individually [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE]. Training start pressing the START key an active training. Via the UP and DOWN turning knob, the entire route profile can be increased or reduced prior to the start of or during the training.
      By means of the set training period (TIME, the computer counts the training progress in the route profile (bar graph) from left to right with a blinking bar. If the pre-set value [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE] is reached, an acoustic signal will sound for 8 seconds. The training data is not counted further. You have reached your training target! By pressing the START key, it is also possible to continue your training.
      Training > PROGRAM Pre-set programs for your training In the training mode PROGRAM you can select one of six different factory pre-set training programs:
      PROGRAM 1:   Fitness 1
      PROGRAM 2:   Short interval program
      PROGRAM 3:   Long interval program
      PROGRAM 4:   Fitness 2
      PROGRAM 5:   Fitness 3
      PROGRAM 6:   Step Program
      By turning the turning knob upwards or downwards, you can move from one program to the next. The alternating display shows the program number (P1-6) for about 1 second and then the route profile can be increased or reduced either prior to the start of our during the training. By means of the set training period {TIME}, the computer counts the training progress in the route profile (bar graph from left to right with a blinking bar. If the pre-set value [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES, or PULSE] is reached, an acoustic signal will sound for 8 seconds. The training data is not counted further. You have reached your training target! By pressing the START key, it is also possible to continue your training
      Training program via setting (User) In the training mode USER you can design your individual route profile. The setting is made via the turning knob UP/ DOWN in order to adjust the profile height. You reach the next bar via the MODE key; then UP or DOWN again for height, etc. Program all 16 bars. Training- start by pressing the START key and active training.
      If you have designed your individual route profile, you can additionally set the default values. To this end, press the START STOP key. All default values can be set individually [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES, or PULSE]. At least one default value must be selected. After completing the setting of the default values, you can start your training by pressing the START key and start your active training.
      The entire route profile can be increased or reduced via the UP and DOWN keys either prior to the start of or during the training.
      By means of the set training period (TIME), the computer counts the training progress in the route profile (bar graph from left to right with a blinking bar). If the pre-set value [TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES or PULSE] is reached, an acoustic signal will sound for 8 seconds. The training data is not counted further. You have reached your training target! By pressing the START key, it is also possible to continue your training.
      Training> TARGET H.R. Training via target heart rate (THR) In this training mode, the route profile is automatically adjusted to the setting values (age and THR as well as the measured heart rate.
      If you have selected the training mode TARGET H.R. via the RESET key; the UP / DOWN turning knob and the MODE key, a number appears in the large display. This number and the designation AGE will be blinking. Enter your age via the turning knob UP or DOWN and confirm with the MODE key. Finally, the value 55% will appear in the large display. You can either select 55, 75 or 90% and/or enter your individual setting of the target heart rate.
      The percentage defaults 55%, 75% and 90% refer to the maximum pulse rate (220-age) and predetermines 3 general training intensities for the fitness training.

    • 55% of the max. heart rate (220-age) corresponds to the starting phase of the general fat burning trainings. this default can then also be increased manually to 65%.

    • 75% of the max. heart rate (220-age) corresponds to the phase for a general fitness training.

    • 90% of the max. heart rate (220-age) is only suited for shorter sub-maximum exertion intervals for performance increase in interval training. After selecting your THR value, confirm it via MODE. You then reach the default setting. In this training mode it is not possible to set a PULSE value. All other default values can be set freely. [TIME, DISTANCE or CALORIES]. Training-start by pressing the START key and active training.

    • The computer compares your currently measured heart rate with the pre-set target value and accordingly adopts the braking level during your training.

    • If the current heart rate is lower than the target value, the braking level will be increased by one step every 30 seconds, until the maximum value of the resistance or the set heart rate is reached.

    • If the braking level has been reduced to 1, but the value for the heart rate still exceeds the target value for 1 minute, the computer will stop and an acoustic alarm signal will sound as a warning.

    • Over the set training period [TIME] the computer counts the training progress in the route profile (bar graph) from left to right with a blinking bar.

    • If the pre-set value [TIME, DISTANCE or CALORIES] is reached, an acoustic signal will sound for 8 seconds. The training data is not counted further. You have reached your training target! By pressing the START key, it is also possible to continue your training.


The below guidelines are small, everyday tasks,- yet, they are VITAL to extend the life of the bike and avoid any service issues. In general, issues that arise with this equipment is usually due to loose parts or unsupervised use. Please keep in mind the importance of these regular check-ups.

__ Make sure bolts are tightened at all times. This includes all screws around base, on seat back, and pedals. An allen key set and Phillips head screwdriver will be sufQicient for bike upkeep.

____ CLEAN COVERS, FRAME, – Use disinfectant and towel after each use to wipe down entire unit, including seat pad, computer cover, handlebars, and pedals. We do recommend an antibacterial/”disinfectant only” cleaner. We do NOT recommend alcohol or phenol based cleaners -After prolonged use there is potential threat to corrode the equipment.

_____ CHECK BATTERY (A low battery will cause the computer to malfunction. If you begin to notice any issues with the computer, your Qirst step needs to be replacing the batteries AA)

_____ INSPECT CRANKS and Alternator Brushes- If any part of the bike feels loose, DO NOT USE the bike until the proper bolts are fully tightened. Using the bike with loose bolts will cause further damage, and will cause other parts of the bike to break or malfunction. www.k

_____ CHECK FOR PROPER RESISTANCE LEVELS + ADULT SUPERVISION IS REQUIRED (It is very important the child is supervised while using the bike at all times. An appropriate resistance level should be determined by the supervisor. All fully-recumbent bikes come with a heart rate sensor on the handles, this will automatically moderate the resistance level for the child. Please be sure to make sure this is properly functioning before the user begins the workout)

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