hergom 8392 Craftsbury Wood Stove Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024

hergom 8392 Craftsbury Wood Stove Instruction Manual


If the device is not installed correctly, it will not provide the excellent service for which it has been designed. Please, read these instructions in full and trust the work to a specialist.
The surface of your device is protected by a coat of special anti-heat paint that resists high temperatures. When lighting the fireplace for the first few times, the said paint may emit some fumes.
This is normal and is due to the evaporation of certain components of the paint while it adapts to the heat. We, therefore, recommend ventilating the room until this phenomenon ceases to appear.


IMPORTANT! All local regulations, including those that refer to national or European regulations, must be applied when installing this device.
The way the Craftsbury Stove is installed will decisively affect safety issues and its correct operation. It is important to install the fireplace correctly. For the correct installation of the Craftsbury stove and chimney, we recommend the installation be performed by a professional.
The Craftsbury Stove provides heat by radiation; directly heating walls, ceilings.


  • The Craftsbury wood burning heater has the following main characteristics:

  • It is constructed in cast iron, with assembled parts, sealed and screwed together.

  • Cast iron lined.

  • It is designed for use with firewood only.

  • A hearth that allows to burn wood logs of up to 40 cms. long.

  • Primary air regulation valve.

  • Indirected system of primary air supply, that descends down the inside plan of the glass (self cleaning) towards the bottom of the hearth.
    Supplied, as well, with a primary air hole located in the low central of the hearth to favour the lighting.

  • Glass self-cleaning.

  • Hinged front door with glass.

  • Optional horizontal or vertical smoke exit Ø150 mm. (6”)

  • Leveling screws.

  • It lets of its heat by radiation, directly heating the walls, roofs, etc. .

  • Fully factory assembled, with top smoke flue.

  • Optional outside air connection.

  • Optional rear shield.]


Once your stove has been installed and connected to the chimney, you are ready to light the fire.
Although your stove is easy to use, the combustion process of solid fuels is complicated, as it involves several factors and it takes time and experience to understand the process.
Before lighting your stove for the first time, please take time to become familiar with the different control systems and parts of the unit, how to choose the wood, how to light it and use it on a daily basis.
ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND that the stove generates heat and, therefore, keep children, clothing, furniture… at a distance to prevent burns from direct contact with the appliance.
Below, we have included some advice on your stove and on its use. Please read with care.

Door handle

The front door allows you to access the inside of the hearth to load the wood logs in your heater and to clean it, and it provides a view of the fire through the glass. To open the door, lift up the control handle up to the position (as on a clock) of 10 o’clock and pull from the door. To close the door, push the door against the frame lowering the control handle to the position (as on a clock) of 8 o’clock. (Fig.4)

Primary air control

The primary air control permits to regulate the amount of air that enters the hearth. Moving the control outwards the primary air entrance increases. (Fig. 5)


It is essential that the first lighting is carried out in a slow way.
The cast iron must be warmed up: Excessive heat on a new heater may cause cracks in the iron or cause damages to other parts of the heater,
When you light the fire for the first time, your heater will let off some smoke and gases.
This is normal due to the evaporation of the paint components and the oils used to manufacture your heater.
If you consider it necessary, open a window to ventilate the room. The smoke and gases normally persist during the first 10 or 20 minutes of the lighting. The smells and smoke will disappear when the heater is “cured”.
During the first lightings there may be other smells of materials that are in the nearby area to the heater. These smells will disappear in time. You may reduce these smells opening the windows or by other means, creating ventilation around the heater.

•  IMPORTANT! The total height of the fire load should not exceed 50% of

the height of the combustion chamber.

  • The heater must be closed at all times during combustion to prevent smoke from leaking out. Only open to add

First lighting

  • Open the door and place a couple of lighting tablets on the Put some crossed splinters on the tablets. The splinters should be approximately about 10 pieces of 10/15 mm in diameter and 25/40 cms. long.
  • Fully open the primary air control sliding the control
  • Light the tablets. Leave the front door half open, without fully closing it, until the splinters start to burn and the draught begins to
  • Close the door and let the fire light. Keep the door closed while the heater is working. Ensure the ash pan door is firmly
  • AT ALL TIME KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR HEATER to keep a low fire. The first fire must heat the heater but it should not burn when you touch You should add some pieces of wood to the fire to reach an adequate temperature in the first lighting.
  • Once the heater is hot, but does not burn to the touch, close the primary air by sliding the control to the limit inwardly, and let the fire completely go
  • Let your heater cool down

The first time you light it and the first lighting of each season, must be carried out as previously described. Your patience will be compensated by years of a good operating of your heater.
NOTE: as the gas temperatures have been low during the first lighting, the creosote has formed quickly. The glass on the door has probably got dirty. A subsequent hot fire will clean it.

Daily use

Before carrying out a regular lighting operation, if your heater has not been used often, for a long time, it is recommendable to follow the first lighting procedure, at least, to minimize the tensions of a strong fire on a cold heater.
Before loading the heater, ensure the ash pan door is closed and the ash pan is in its place. If the ash pan door should open, the heater could over-heat and get damaged.
To perform a normal lighting, do so in the following way:

  • Open the door and place a couple of tablets on the hearth’s base. Put some crossed splinters on some The splinters should be approximately about 10 pieces of 10/15 mm in diameter and 25/40 cms. long.
  • Fully open the primary air control by moving the control towards the
  • Light the tablets up. Leave the front door half open, without fully closing it, until the splinters start to burn and the draught begins to
  • Close the door and let the fire light.
  • Once the splinters have caught fire, open the door and add logs, first small ones, to form the Make sure the logs are far from the glass, so that the glass’s cleaning system works correctly. On the other hand, keep the front door and the ash pan door closed while the heater is operating.
  • Once the fire is well lit, use the primary air to regulate the level of operating desired. Moving the control towards the front, to obtain a high level of operating, and inwardly for a low level of

Note: When you open the door to load the wood or replace the logs in your heater, it is recommendable to first open only a little, wait a few seconds and then after open it wide. This procedure will permit the hearth to be free of smoke when you open the heater door wide and so it does not fill the room. Likewise, to reload on a bed of hot and red embers reduces the smoke and will intensify the combustion rapidly.

Combustion levels

HIGH COMBUSTION: Fully load the hearth with wood on the hot and red ember bed or on the flames and entirely open the primary air control. A high level is recommended once or twice a day to heat the chimney and the heater up well, preventing the creation and accumulation of creosote.
MEDIUM COMBUSTION: Place the primary air control lever at the middle of the run, appropriate for the heating needs of the area to be warmed. This level is adequate when the heater is going to be unattended.
LOW COMBUSTION: Close the primary air control for a slow combustion. A low combustion level during excessively long periods is not convenient as it stimulates the creosote accumulation.
The flue system must be often checked if the low combustion level is used on a continuous basis.

Excessive fire precaution

Excessive fire means that the heater is running at higher temperatures than those previously recommended. Excessive fire must be carefully avoided as it may cause damages to your heater.
Overheating is the result of excessive draw, due to any of the following reasons:

  • The Primary Air Valve is excessively open for the type of wood being
  • The chimney is too
  • Improper maintenance of the stove, which may result in air infiltration.
  • Inappropriate fuel that produces high
  • Door not closed


During operation of the heater, the door should remain closed.
Any uncontrolled intake of air produces overheating that can damage the stove.


In the case of stoves enamelled in Majolica, it is normal for slight fissures to appear in the glazing, providing the product with its characteristic appearance, once the heater is lit.
However, in the event of uncontrolled overheating, these fissures caused by the different expansion levels of the cast iron and the Majolica enamel with vitreous components, can cause the enamel to chip.
To avoid this inconvenience, control combustion and never overheat the heater.
INDUSTRIAS HERGÓM S.L. may not be held liable for the deterioration of the stove’s enamel if these instructions are not followed.


Your heater is a device that is subjected to extreme temperatures and to the corrosive effects of combustion residual materials. Regular maintenance is essential for a longer life and improved user experience. We recommend performing the following inspections frequently.


  • Perform a visual inspection of the chimney. Clean soot and tar if they have begun to accumulate on the inner walls of the
  • Check whether the doors close tightly; adjust if


  • Inspect and clean the
  • Use the vacuum cleaner to clean inside the heater and inspect
  • Any soot and tar (creosote) that has accumulated on the walls of the heater will hinder performance.
  • Inspect door These should be replaced when they no longer seal the door perfectly.
  • In the case of painted heaters, paint the cast iron parts again if necessary


Cleaning should always be performed when the heater is cold.
Preventions against the creosote and its cleaning. To avoid the creosote formation:

  • Keep the heater with the primary air control fully open during 30 minutes daily to burn the creosote deposited in the inside of the heater and of the flue
  • After reloading the wood, keep the combustion with the primary air control fully open during 20 or 30 This way of operating ensures, beforehand, the operating of the secondary combustion, which, when functioning, minimises the creosote formation in the chimney.

The connector tube to the chimney must be inspected at least every month during the season the heater is in use to determine if creosote has formed. If the creosote residue is of 6 mm in accumulated depth, you must eliminate it to reduce the fire risk.

If the glass often gets dirty, the combustion temperature level is low; this indicates the risk of creosote formation.
The flue system must be checked at the heater connection and in the chimney’s top end. Cold surfaces tend to create deposits rapidly, that’s why it is important to check the chimney at the top end, as it is the coldest area, as opposed to the heater connection. The accumulated creosote must be eliminated with a specific cleaning brush designed for this use.
This is why it is recommended that before each season of use a professional inspection is carried out of all the system, clean it and repair it, if necessary.


The joints normally must be changed every 2 or 3 used seasons, depending on the heater’s use. If the sealing of the door is missing, a new joint ensures an adequate sealing and improves the heater’s operating. Contact your supplier to provide you with a set of joints for your heater.
To replace the door joints proceed in the following way:

  1. First take away the old one with a tool or knife tip.
  2. Clean all the joint channels with a wire brush, to eliminate the cement and fibre residue.
  3. Put the new joint in its without spreading out the
  4. Close the door immediately to put pressure on the joint in its place and ensure a correct

The use of the following joints is required:
FRONT DOOR: 1.50 m long, 9,5 mm in diameter. Low density black cord (Code J38)
GLASS: 1.30 m long 6,35 mm. In diameter (Code J14)


Do not use the heater with the door glass broken. Do not knock or slam the front door when shutting.
If deemed necessary, you may clean the door glass with a Hergóm Window Cleaner that is provided by your supplier.
Never try to clean the glass when the heater in operating or the glass is hot.
Most of the particles deposited, may be cleaned following the cleaner’s use instructions.
To clean the difficult particles, open the door, remove the arch placed under the top, pull the door upwards and detach it from the heater.
Place the door on a table or working surface and apply the cleaning product on the glass letting it work during a few minutes.
Leave the door in a horizontal position, to allow the cleaning product to better penetrate the glass surface. Dry the cleaning product with a soft cloth.

Important: to knock or scratch the glass will deteriorate its integrity. Do not use blades or metal sponges, or other abrasive materials as tools to clean the glass.
The door glass is ceramic, manufactured specially for the use of wood heaters.
Do not use any other glass that is not ceramic manufactured for the use of these wood heaters. Make the replacement of the glass through your supplier.
If the door glass breaks it must be replaced immediately.
Contact your supplier to request a glass and necessary parts for its repair.
Should you replace the glass yourself, use working gloves and safety glasses.
The procedure to change the glasses and glass joints is the following:

  1. Open the door, remove the arch placed under the top, and pull the door upwards and detach it from the

FIG. 6

  1. Place the door front down horizontal on a flat
  2. Apply penetrating oil on the glass cramp Withdraw the screws and lift the cramps and the ceramic fibres that may be under them.
  3. Carefully lift the door’s damaged glass and throw it away in the rubbish
  4. If you deem necessary, replace the ceramic fibre Tear it out from its position and clear the leftovers of it. Place the new ceramic fibre cord with the measurements before detailed.
  5. Place the glass on the joint in its position on the
  6. Screw in the glass fastening cramps once again, placing the corresponding ceramic fibres under
  7. Fit the door in its position again, and after that, fit the arch.

Cleaning ash.

The ashes will be cleared when the heater is cold. Use a protecting glove when the ashes are hot. Be very careful when you handle, store or throw away the ashes.
To remove the ashes from the hearth proceed in the following way:

  1. Open the hearth door and remove the ashes with a scraper and a shovel or another adequate
  2. The ashes must be thrown away from the hearth into a metal container with an appropriate hermetic Do not introduce any other object or rubbish inside the container. Cover the container with the top and let the ashes cool down. Do not place the container on combustible surfaces or vinyl floors, as the container may be very hot.
  3. While you get rid of the ashes, place the closed ash container on a non combustible floor or on the ground outdoors, far from all combustible
  4. If necessary clean the

The ashes must be kept in the closed container until the embers are completely cold.
NEVER place the ashes in wooden or plastic containers, or in paper or plastic bags, regardless of the time elapsed since the fire has been put out. The embers inside the ash bed keep heat during a long time once they have been removed from the hearth.

Cast iron

The external cast iron parts are vitrified with majolica enamel.
The enamels may be cleaned with a normal window cleaning product. Generally all needed is to clean it with a slightly damp cloth. (Do not wet the painted parts as oxidation will appear if it is not quickly dried.)
The enamel with which your Craftsbury heater is treated, while operating, most specially in high combustion moments, may show changes in its texture and colour, causing fine cracks that go back to their natural state when the heater cools down.
This process occurs due to the different expansion coefficients of the materials used in the elaboration of this special high quality enamel. Do not use damp cloths to clean the painted parts.
The paint used is an anti caloric 600ºC one which is specific for heaters. If you decide to repair your heater, contact your supplier to purchase the special paint.


Industrias HERGÓM, S.L. places a range of products for the preservation of your heater and chimney at your disposal: heat resistant paint, refractory putty, glass cleaning products.



Gas/log/pellet units get hot when in use.

Consequently, owners must act with precaution and keep at a distance. Especially keep children, the elderly and other people who require special supervision, as well as pets, away from the fireplace when it is in use.

Make sure that children or other people who are not familiar with how the device works are supervised by responsible people when they are near the fireplace.

In order to prevent burns or children or other people from coming near

the appliance, use a fire grille or screen.

A number of possible risks are present when operating your solid fuel oven with fuel of any brand. The said risks can be minimised if the instructions and recommendations included in this manual are followed.

  • When installing the stove, observe the necessary safety distances for the oven and chimney from combustible surfaces (wooden or papered walls, wooden ..). Safety distances must be respected when the lining on walls or nearby areas may be damaged or deformed by temperature (varnish, paint, PVC…). Fig. 7
  • The base where you are going to install your heater must be flat and provide a perfect seat. The said base must also be capable of supporting the weight of the heater. The base must be built using heat resistant
  • All the area around the heater should must be heat If not, they must be protected by fire- proof material.
  • Ash should be emptied into a metal container and immediately removed from the house.
  • Do not use flammable liquids to light the stove. Keep any type of flammable liquid (petrol, gasoline, alcohol,. ) at a distance from the
  • Never use coal or fuels that are not recommended for the operation of this product.
  • Periodically inspect the chimney and clean whenever Also inspect the state of joints, glass, screws…

•  Protect your hands with a glove or other insulating material because,

during operation, the opening and closing handle will be hot.

  • Never use coal or fuels that are not recommended for the operation of this product.

  • Periodically inspect the chimney and clean whenever necessary. Also inspect the state of joints, glass, screws…

  • Protect your hands with a glove or other insulating material because, during operation, the opening and closing handle will be hot.\

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