GH G4 Shot Scope User Guide

September 17, 2024

G4 Shot Scope

Product Information


  • Model: Shot Scope G4
  • Charging: USB port or USB compliant wall charger
  • Navigation: Four buttons
  • Compatibility: Android and iOS devices

Product Usage Instructions

1. Build Your Watch

To assemble your G4 watch:

  1. Receive in packaging: 1 x G4 watch case, 2 x Quick release

  2. Attach straps by sliding the bar on each strap and clipping it
    into the holes on the watch case legs.

  3. Ensure the buckle strap is at the top of the watch face and the
    S logo strap is at the bottom.

2. Charging Your Shot Scope G4 Watch

To charge your G4 watch:

  1. Use the provided USB charging cable.

  2. Plug the charger into the port on the back of the watch

  3. The screen will indicate charging has started when connected

3. Main Menu and Navigation

The G4 watch navigation:

  1. Power on and access main menu with the top right button.

  2. Main menu options include Play Golf to start a round and
    Settings for watch adjustments.

  3. Buttons for navigation: Up, Down, Confirm/Main Menu, Back.

4. Setting up Your Shot Scope G4

To set up your G4 watch:

  1. Charge the watch and skip connect to app screen to start using
    it immediately.

  2. For optimal experience, connect G4 to Shot Scope app to update
    courses and firmware.

  3. Steps: Download/install app, register an account, complete
    tutorial on app to pair with watch and sync firmware.


Q: Can I use any USB charger to charge my Shot Scope G4?

A: It is recommended to use the USB charging cable provided with
the G4 for charging to ensure compatibility and safe charging.

Q: How do I update the golf course data on my Shot Scope


A: Connect your G4 watch to the Shot Scope app to update golf
course data to the most recent map information available.

User Guide

Inside your box Build your watch Charging your Shot Scope G4 Main menu and navigation Setting up your Shot Scope G4 Starting a round During play Terms and conditions

Inside your box


Thank you for buying a Shot Scope G4. Before turning

on the device, please read our full user guide to ensure


the correct set up.

05 1 x Shot Scope G4
07 1 x Shot Scope charging cable




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Build your watch

Build your watch
Your G4 will need to be assembled before you use it on the golf course, it is simple and easy to assemble your G4 watch.
In your G4 packaging box you will receive: 1 x G4 watch case
2 x Quick release straps.
Attach your straps by simply sliding the bar on each each strap and clipping it into the holes on the legs of the watch case.
Ensure the strap with the buckle (and two securing loops) is attached to the top of the watch face and the other strap (with the S logo) to the bottom of the watch case.

1x Watch case
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Charging your Shot Scope G4 watch

Charging your Shot Scope G4 watch
Your G4 can be charged from any USB port or USB compliant wall charger. Please only use the USB charging cable provided with the G4 for charging. Plug the charger into the charging port on the back of the watch face; the screen will show charging has commenced if connected successfully.
Additional chargers can be purchased at:

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Main menu and navigation

Main menu and navigation
The G4 watch has four buttons for navigation
Press the top right button to power on the device and access the main menu. You will then be shown the following options:
Play Golf = Start a round.
Settings = Change settings on your watch such as turning scoring on/off or changing yards to metres.

Navigate up Navigate down

Confirm / Main menu
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Setting up your Shot Scope G4

Setting up your Shot Scope G4
The G4 watch is ready to play straight out of the box for quick and simple set up. All you need to do is charge the watch and skip the connect to app screen (top left button) to start using your G4 device.
We do however recommend connecting your G4 watch to the Shot Scope app before you play for the best user experience. This will allow you to update the golf courses you play to the most recent map data and check for any firmware updates. Running the latest firmware will ensure you have the best experience using G4.
Step 1: Download and install the mobile app
Shot Scope provides both an Android and iOS app.
To download and install the Shot Scope app, simply search for Shot Scope on either the App Store or the Google Play Store.
To register an account, open the app and then click on the Register’ button. Complete all sections and then pressContinue’. Your password must contain at least one letter and one number.

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Step 2: Complete the tutorial on the app
The first time you enter the Shot Scope app, after registering, you will be taken through a tutorial showing you how to use the watch and app. During this process, you will turn on your G4 and pair the device with the app. You will choose the settings for your device and sync the watch to ensure it has the latest firmware installed.
Step 3: Connecting the watch to the app
If you have just completed the tutorial the watch will reset, you then need to reconnect the watch to the mobile app. Ensure Bluetooth is turned on in your phone settings, log into the app and then press the `Connect’ button at the top of the screen. The watch screen will then change to show the connection has been secured.

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Step 4: Check course maps
We recommend that you check the mapping status of any courses you intend to play 48 hours before your tee off time. This is to ensure that the course is in the system and has been mapped.
While most courses will be mapped and already downloaded to the watch, occasionally there will be a new course that isn’t on the system or your course may have an update pending.
To view the list of mapped courses on the Shot Scope system, navigate to the `Courses’ section in the app. This is located on the tab bar of the iOS app and the main menu of the Android app.

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Step 5: Searching for, subscribing, and adding a course
You can search our course database by entering the name of the course or using your location to find nearby courses. Either use the search bar or the filter at the top right of the screen to find courses by proximity to your current location.
To make sure you always have the most up to date course maps, subscribe to any course that you play frequently to get notifications when the map has been updated. To subscribe, tap on the Subscribe’ button next to the course name and it will be added on the sync waiting list if there’s an update available for the course. If your course is mapped but not yet on the watch, the course will have an add’ button beside it, tap this and the course will be added to your ready to sync waiting list.
We may have your course in the database but it has not yet been mapped. In this situation, the course will have a `request’ button beside it, tap this to request the course be mapped. This will notify the mapping team who will endeavour to get any course mapped within 48 hours.


Request Subscribe

If you can’t find the name of the course, press the `Request’ button at the bottom of
the screen. This will bring up a form that can be filled out and sent to our mapping
team who will map your course.

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Step 6: Syncing course changes
If you have any course maps that need to be uploaded to the watch, or any updates that need to be transferred to the watch, you should see a red notification at the top of the courses screen. If you wish to perform a sync then tap on the Ready to Sync’ button to navigate to the ready to sync waiting list. On the resulting screen, you will see the list of courses that require a sync. Press theTap to Sync’ button next to the course you want to update and sync will begin. You can sync as many, or as few, in this waiting list as you wish.

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Starting a round

Starting a round
If you do not connect the G4 to the app, the first time you play it will ask you to set the time and date. Select the time by adjusting the digits shown on the screen to the correct time. Follow the same process to set the date.

Enter time Use the up / down button
to adjust each digit

Move to next digit Use the select and back button to
navigate through the digits

Confirm time Press the select button when the tick
appears to confirm your time

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To start a round
Switch on the watch by pressing the top right button. If lock is enabled, press the bottom left button to unlock the watch. Once the watch is unlocked, press the select button (top right) to enter the main menu where you can select `Play Golf’.
The watch will then search for a GPS signal, it should get a fix within a few minutes, but it will be slightly longer the first time you use the watch.
We suggest that you start a round just prior to arriving at the first tee to allow the watch time to acquire a strong GPS signal.

Power on
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Selecting a course
The G4 will display any golf courses within 1km of you. The nearest two courses will be displayed on screen, to view other nearby courses navigate up and down using the buttons on the left. Once the course you would like to play is highlighted in white, confirm your selection by pressing select.
Select tees
You will have to confirm which tees you are playing from. Navigate through the list until you see the correct selection.
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Keep score
G4 will prompt you to choose whether or not you want to add your score while playing the round. Scoring can be toggled on / off in the settings menu – for example if you never want to keep your score then you can turn this feature off altogether.

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During play

During play
F/M/B screen diagram
You are now ready to play golf. The main screen will show you F/M/B distances to the green.
The large number representing the middle of the green.
The bottom left number representing the front of the green.
The bottom right number representing the back of the green.
This screen will also display what hole you are on, the par, and your current score versus par (when scoring is enabled).

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Lock during play
The lock feature locks the buttons whilst in play to avoid pressing accidentally. The buttons will lock after 15 seconds of inactivity. To unlock, press the bottom left button with the padlock symbol.
You can disable the lock screen feature in the settings menu.
Press to unlock

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To view hazards during play, unlock the watch and press the hazards icon (bottom left).
Fairway bunker
Greenside bunker
Water hazard
The screen will then display distances to all bunker and water hazards that are on that hole. Two values are provided for each hazard.

The bottom number indicates the distance to the front of each hazard, and the top number indicates the distance to the back of each hazard.
The first two hazards will be displayed on the screen, but you can navigate through all the hazards on that particular hole by pressing the up / down buttons.

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Doglegs and Layups
Whilst in the hazard menu, you can view the layup points and dogleg distances (if available) on that hole by pressing the top right button to scroll through the screens. The layup screen will display three distances to layup points (100 yards, 150 yards and 200 yards) Simply press the up / down buttons to view all distances available.
Navigate up & down
To navigate back to the yardages screen after analysing these distances, press the back button (bottom right).

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G4 allows you to record your score whilst you play. You will be asked to confirm your total score at the end of each hole including putts. Use the up / down buttons to add your score and confirm your selection.
If you would like to view or edit your score mid-round, navigate to the scorecard via the game menu.

Within the scorecard, you can select any hole using the up / down buttons. You can adjust your score if required by selecting a hole and editing to the correct sore. Each hole will display your total strokes per hole.
Your score versus par will be clearly displayed at all times on the F/M/B screen allowing you to quickly check your score anytime.
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Game menu
The game menu can be accessed by pressing select when the watch is unlocked on the F/M/B screen. This menu will give you more options and features to access during your round such as; ending a round, the distance of your last shot hit, and the option to change hole.
Change hole
When you finish a hole and walk to the next tee, the watch will automatically change to the subsequent hole. If you need to manually change the hole, you can do so on the watch by navigating to the game menu and selecting change hole. Use the up / down buttons to scroll through the holes, then select the hole you are about to play.
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Last Shot
When standing on the tee or beside your ball before hitting a shot, navigate to the last shot screen. You can access last shot within the game menu.
Select the play icon (top right) to start recording a shot, as you walk towards your ball, the number shown on the screen will increase. To reset the distance back to zero, press the reset icon. Should you wish, repeat this process every time you hit a shot. To exit this screen, press the back button.

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End round
After playing the 18th hole you will automatically be asked if you want to end the round. If you wish, to end the round select End Round’, if you do not want to end the round selectResume Round’. You can manually end a round at any point by navigating to the Game Menu and selecting `End Round’. Once your round has ended, your round time and score will be displayed on the screen to review.
Play back 9
If you are playing a 9 hole course but wish to play another 9 holes: Navigate to “Play Back 9” on the End Round Screen, by selecting this option the watch will allow you to play another 9 holes on your watch.
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G4 has a choice of three customisable clockfaces that can be used to display the time when the watch is not in golf mode. To change the clockface, navigate to the settings menu and select “Clockface”. You can then scroll up / down to
change the clock face and press select to confirm a selection.
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F/M/B layout

Default G4 F/M/B layout The standard layout for Shot Scope GPS watches.

Stacked layout An alternative layout that shows yardages stacked.

Large layout Middle distance displayed in a larger font.
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To shutdown your G4, unlock the watch and navigate to the main menu
from the clockface screen.

Then press the `up’ button to navigate to “Shutdown” and
press select to confirm.

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Shot Scope Technologies Ltd
LIMITED WARRANTY & SAFETY INFORMATION FOR CONSUMERS PROTECTED BY CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS OR REGULATIONS IN THEIR COUNTRY OF PURCHASE. THE BENEFITS CONFERRED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY ARE IN ADDITION TO ALL RIGHTS CONVEYED BY SUCH CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Shot Scope Technologies Ltd products are warranted to be free from defects in materials, components and workmanship through normal use. The Warranty Period begins on the date of purchase from Shot Scope Technologies Ltd and lasts for a period of (24) months for a new product.
If a defect in material, component or workmanship is discovered within the Warranty Period you must notify Shot Scope Technologies Ltd in writing. In no event shall such notifications be received by Shot Scope Technologies Ltd later than 14 days after the expiration of the Warranty Period. Shot Scope Technologies Ltd will, at its sole option, repair or replace any materials or components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the customer for parts or labour, provided that the customer shall be responsible for any shipping and transportation cost. All returns must be shipped to Shot Scope Technologies Ltd service centre for assessment prior to repair or replacement.
The product is intended to be used only as a performance tracking device for sport and must not be used for any other purpose requiring precise measurement of direction, distance, location or topography. Shot Scope Technologies Ltd makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of map data in this product.
Shot Scope Technologies Ltd retains the exclusive right to repair or replace (with a new or newlyoverhauled replacement product) the device or software or offer a full refund of the purchase price at its sole discretion. SUCH REMEDY SHALL BE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY. Contact for a returns form and further instructions. A copy of the original sales receipt, is required as the proof of purchase for warranty services. The customer is responsible for all shipping and transportation costs, for shipping details contact Shot Scope Technologies Ltd.
EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS This limited warranty extends only to products purchased from Shot Scope Technologies Ltd or an authorized reseller.
This warranty does not apply to: (i) cosmetic damage such as scratches and dents; (ii) consumable parts, such as batteries, unless product damage has occurred due to a defect in materials, component or workmanship; (iii) damage caused by accident, abuse, water, flood, fire, or other acts of nature or external causes; (iv) damage caused by service performed by anyone who is not an authorized service

provider of Shot Scope Technologies Ltd; (v) damage to a product that has been modified or altered without written permission of Shot Scope Technologies Ltd; or (vi) damage to a product that has not been charged or powered in accordance with the charging and powering instructions provided by Shot Scope Technologies Ltd; (vii) the product is supplied or licensed for beta, evaluation, testing or demonstration purposes for which Shot Scope Technologies Ltd does not charge a purchase price.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. All software and services provided by Shot Scope Technologies Ltd, including factory loaded software is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind. Without limiting the foregoing, Shot Scope Technologies Ltd does not warrant that the operation of the product, software or services will be error free. Shot Scope Technologies Ltd does not warrant that any equipment, system or network that the product software or services are used in conjunction with will be error free.
To the extent not prohibited by applicable law, in no event will Shot Scope Technologies Ltd be liable for; (i) lost or erased data in connection with repair or replacement of a device; (ii) loss of revenue or profit; (iii) loss of the ability to use third party products or services; (iv) or for special, indirect, consequential, incidental or punitive damages, regardless of the theory of liability (including negligence). In the event where Shot Scope Technologies Ltd has been advised of the possibility of damages. To the extent not prohibited by applicable law, in no event will Shot Scope Technologies Ltd liability exceed the amount paid by you the consumer for the product.
Unless modified in writing by Shot Scope Technologies Ltd this limited warranty is understood to be the complete and exclusive agreement between you and Shot Scope Technologies Ltd. Superseding all prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between you and Shot Scope Technologies Ltd. No Shot Scope Technologies Ltd employee, agent or reseller is authorized to make any verbal or written modification, extension or addition to this limited warranty.
ONLINE AUCTION PURCHASES Products purchased through online auctions are not eligible for warranty coverage. Online auction confirmations are not accepted for warranty verification. To obtain warranty services, an original or copy of the sales receipt from the original retailer is required.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT This limited warranty is neither a service nor a support contract. Answers to technical support questions can be found at:

SAFETY INFORMATION & HEALTH WARNINGS For your personal safety and to avoid damage to device follow safety information guidelines detailed below. Failure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations could result in serious injury: ·Always consult your Physician/Doctor before beginning or modifying any exercise program. If you have a pacemaker or other implanted electronics device, consult your Physician/Doctor before using any electronic devices from Shot Scope Technologies Ltd. ·Do not clean or wear the device when you are charging it. Always unplug the device first before cleaning it. ·Do not expose the device or any other electronics product used to charge the device to liquid, moisture, humidity, or rain whilst charging the device. Exposure to water or moisture during charging could result in damage to the electronics circuits and may result in failure or explosion. ·Only use the device as detailed in the user manual.
BATTERY WARNINGS If these guidelines are not followed, the internal lithium- ion battery may experience a shortened life span or may present a risk of damage to the device, fire, chemical burn, electrolyte leak, and/or injury. ·Do not charge or use the unit in a car or similar place where the inside temperature may be over 45 degrees Celsius (113oF). To prevent damage, remove the device from the vehicle or store it out of direct sunlight, such as in the glove box. ·Do not disassemble, modify, re-manufacture, puncture or damage the device. ·Do not short circuit the battery or device by bringing the terminals in contact with metal or another object. This could cause personal injury, explosion or fire. ·Do not immerse or expose the device to water, other liquids, fire, explosion, or any other hazard. ·Do not shock the battery by dropping or throwing it. ·Do not operate the device outside of the temperature ranges specified in the temperature specifications in this manual. ·If the device or battery shows any type of damage, such as bulging, swelling or disfigurement. Discontinue use immediately and contact Shot Scope Technologies Ltd. ·Keep any exposed battery out of reach of infants or small children.
CARE GUIDELINES ·Avoid extreme shock and harsh treatment, because it can degrade the life of the device. ·Only use a damp cloth or paper towel with water to clean the device. Do not spray with any chemicals to clean the device. ·Do not expose the device to extremely high or low temperatures. ·Do not bring the device into contact with any sharp objects. This could cause damage or scratches. ·Do not attempt to repair, modify or disassemble your Shot Scope device; it does not contain any userserviceable components and doing so will void the warranty. ·Use the supplied usb cable to charge the Shot Scope device with usb compliant ports. ·If the device becomes submerged in a liquid, turn the device off, wipe excess liquid from the surface of the device and place the device in a dry area for 24 hours. In most cases the device should power up and function properly once completely dried. If the watch does not power up after following these steps contact customer support if your warranty period is still active. · If the device comes into direct and prolonged contact with chemicals or suncream its appearance may be altered. ·Do not pull or apply excessive strain or force on either the watch or the strap. Damage to the watch strap may cause damage to internal electronic circuits.

GPS NOTICE The device may experience degraded performance if you use it in proximity to any device that uses a terrestrial broadband network operating close to the frequencies used by any Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), such as the Global Positioning Service (GPS). Use of such devices may impair reception of GNSS signals. RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION EXPOSURE This device is a mobile transmitter and receiver that uses an internal antenna to send and receive low levels of radio frequency (RF) energy for data communications. The device emits RF energy below the published limits when operating in its maximum output power mode and when used with Shot Scope authorized accessories. To comply with RF exposure compliance requirements, the device should be used as described in the user guide. The device should not be used in other configurations. This device must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other transmitter or antenna. The device should only be used for the intended application as stated by the manufacturer.
BATTERY The device has an internal Lithium Polymer rechargeable battery. The battery should only be replaced by authorized Shot Scope Technologies Ltd approved personnel. A customer should never attempt to replace the battery.
TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature: 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F) Charging Temperature: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F) Storage Temperature: -10°C to 45°C (14°F to 113°F)
PRODUCT DISPOSAL Dispose of the Shot Scope device, battery and packaging in the accordance with local regulations. Do not dispose of the battery with regular household waste. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) STATEMENT This equipment radiates radio frequency energy and if not used properly ­ that is, in strict accordance with the instructions in this manual ­ may cause interference to radio communications and television reception.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communication. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ·Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ·Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ·Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ·Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. FCC ID: 2AHWR-SS09
CE MARKING & EUROPEAN UNION COMPLIANCE Products intended for sale within the European Union are marked with a (CE) mark which indicates compliance to applicable directives and European norms (EN) as follows.
Products intended for sale within the United Kingdom are marked with a (UKCA) mark which indicates compliance to applicable directives.
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Shot Scope declares that this device complies with the essential requirements and relevant provisions of Directive RED 2014/53/EU.
Go to to view the Declaration of Conformity.
Shot Scope Technologies Ltd Unit 27, Castlebrae Business Centre, 40 Peffer Place, Edinburgh, EH16 4BB, United Kingdom

SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT BY USING THE DEVICE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THE FOLLOWING SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. Shot Scope Technologies Ltd grant you the user a limited license to use the software embedded in this device (the “Software”) in binary executable form in the normal operation of the device & product. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software remain with Shot Scope Technologies Ltd. You acknowledge that the software is the property of Shot Scope Technologies Ltd and is protected under international copyright treaties. You further acknowledge that the structure, organization, and code of the software, for which source code is not provided, are valuable trade secrets of Shot Scope Technologies Ltd. You agree not to decompile, disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or reduce to human readable form the software or any part thereof or create any derivative works based on the software. Go to for the latest terms and conditions, returns and privacy policies.

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Version 1 – 070824


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