Bluevua ROPOT Countertop RO Systems User Manual

September 9, 2024

Bluevua ROPOT Countertop RO Systems


Thank you for choosing Bluevua!

From a young age, we are taught that water is good for us.  But is all water good for us? The harsh truth: no. Tap water often contains hundreds of toxic chemicals that can cause numerous health problems.  At Bluevua, we believe you deserve the best things in life, including easy access to clean water. Founded in 2021, we aim to make hydration a simple, safe process. That is why we turned the reverse osmosis water system into a countertop variation – no plumbing or installation required. This innovative product yields purified water, a user-friendly experience, and convenient features that remind you when it is time to have a glass of water. Now, you and your family can hydrate the right way every single day.

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For your peace of mind, quickly scan the QR code above or hop over to to register for your 1-year manufacturer warranty.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about your RO drinking water system. Your health and well-being are super important to us! We truly hope that our product adds a splash of health and happiness to your life!



We’ve gathered some important safety information to ensure your experience with our product is smooth and worry-free. Please make sure to follow these guidelines


  • Do not expose to an environment below 0°c.
  • Do not store flammable items near the machine.


  • When the machine breaks down, please cut off the power supply quickly.
  • Keep out of reach of children. Please do not let children operate the machine.


  • Do not disassemble the machine by yourself as to prevent water leakage and damage to the machine.
  • Please make sure the temperature of water source is 41-100°F.
  • If the machine will be inactive for more than 24 hours, please pour out the left water and turn off its power supply.
  • In order to run the machine smoothly, please use accessories and filter cartridges from Bluevua

Product Specifications



The filtration rate is affected by water pressure and water temperature. The pure water rate on the table is measured under 30PSI and 25°C. When input water pressure and temperature fluctuate, the pure water rate also fluctuates.

Product & Accessories List

Bluevua-ROPOT-Countertop-RO-Systems-fig \(3\),,...

  1. RO Water System with 5 in 1 Filter Assembled
  2. High Borosilicate Glass Bottle x 1
  3. Cleaning Tool x 1
  4. User Guide x 1
  5. Filter Wrench x 1

Product Overview


Before Using

Unbox your new machine and take a moment to lay out all the accessories. Give everything a quick check against the list to make sure it all arrived safely. If you spot anything damaged or missing, don’t worry! Just reach out to the Bluevua Support Team, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Online Video Instruction

If you prefer video instructions.just visit our website, or scan the code to watch a step-by- step tutorial video on how to set up your RO POT Travel system!

Required Tools

Rinse Before Use

Give the water tank and glass bottle a good wash before their first use.

Close to a Power Outlet

Find a nice flat and stable spot for your machine, ensuring it’s close to a power outlet


Flush ROPOT Travel

  1. Plug it in and let’s get started!
  2. Fill the water tank with tap water, stopping when you reach the MAX fill line.
  3. Check that both the water tank and glass bottle are securely in place.
  4. Press the water-making button to kick off the automatic water flush. This will clean out the system. The flashing outer ring indicates that an automatic water-flushing process is underway.
  5. Pour out any remaining water from the tank and bottle, once the cycle finishes.
  6. Repeat step 2 to 5 three times to completely flush out the protective liquid in the filter. Remember, the water isn’t safe to drink during this flushing process.
  7. The water-making button is on, which means you can make your own filtered water now!


  • During the first three cycles, the input water in the tank takes on the job of filling the filters. So, don’t be surprised if no purified water shows up just yet.
  • Spotted any black or grey water? No worries! In the first three cycles, it’s totally common. This is because the activated carbon particles are making their exit as the filters get a nice rinse.


Filtering Water

  1. Add tap water to the water tank, stopping at the MAX fill line.
  2. Press the water-making button to start filtering, producing 18 oz of pure, clean water directly into your bottle. Press the button again to stop the process.
  3. Continue filtering if you need more RO water until the ROPOTTravel emits TWO QUICK BEEPS and the water level is below the dotted line on water tank.
  4. Empty the tank of RO reject water. The remaining water in the tank is called RO reject water, which contains impurities from the input water. For optimal performance, don’t reuse this water for another filtering cycle.

For more information on RO reject water, please refer to “3.2 Why ROPOT Travel produces RO reject water•.


How to reuse RO reject water: In the reverse osmosis process, some amount of water is discarded to flush away impurities. This is normal and necessary to ensure the purest water possible. However, you don’t have to waste this water! Feel free to use it for other purposes such as watering plants, cleaning, or even flushing toilets. Let’s make the most of every drop! Got clever ways of reusing your RO reject water? Share your brilliant ideas with us!

Why ROPOTTravel produces RO reject water

An RO water purifier NEEDS to produce wastewater: The Reverse Osmosis process filters out dissolved solids like dust, heavy metals, and microbes to give you clean drinking water. To prevent these solids from sneaking back into your water, the system sends the impure water to the drain. Simply put, wastewater is necessary to keep your water pure and safe. With the RO POT Travel, a handy countertop model, pure water fills your glass bottle, while the wastewater collects in the water tank

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Hardest standard as a benchmark: The reason why we suggest users discard RO reject water after two quick beeps and when the water level is below the dotted line on water tank, is because our RO reject water disposal rule is designed to be universally applicable. We use the hardest standard as a benchmark. This approach is based on the assumption that some customers may have extremely hard source water, with Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) levels ranging from 800-1000. By adopting this stringent standard, our goal is to guarantee the highest water quality for all our customers, irrespective of the varying conditions of their source water.

Using TDS to Identify Drinkable Water

What is TDS?

TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids. It is a measure of the combined content of all inorganic and organic substances contained in a liquid. It can help determine if water is suitable for direct consumption.

TDS DrinkinR; StandardBluevua-ROPOT-Countertop-RO-Systems-fig


  • Why TDS can’t be O? The ROPOT Travel uses reverse-osmosis technology to greatly diminish the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in your water. typically slashing them by 90-95%. Now. you might wonder. “Why doesn’t it bring the TDS to zero?” Great question! Reverse osmosis (RO) is incredibly efficient. but it’s not absolute. Some smaller ions might slip through the RO membrane. Plus, a minute level of TDS is not necessarily bad and can provide a natural taste to the water. Pure water with zero TDS can sometimes taste flat or have an odd taste. So, if you’re using water with a startingTDS of 300, the RO POT-Travel can bring it down to an approximate TDS of 15-30. This ensures you’re getting cleaner, safer.yet still tasty water.
  • ROPOT Travel test results, proven to serve you safe drinking water: For more detailed third-party test results, please refer to the annex pages 20-23 for the ROPOT Series Performance Data Sheet.

Automatic Backflushing

To maintain optimal performance and provide you with cleaner, safer water, the RO POT Travel system is designed to initiate automatic backflushing in the following scenarios. When the outer ring flashes and the water-making button is on, that means the system is in automatic backflushing mode.

Power activation

Upon powering on, the system will automatically engage in a 30-second backflushing cycle.

Post-30-minute inactivity

If the water-making button is pressed after a 30-minute period of inactivity, the system will perform a 30-second backflushing cycle prior to filtering the water.

After each filtration cycle

The system will perform an automatic backflushing for 15-second once a filtration cycle is completed.

Extended inactivity of 12 hours or more

To provide additional protection, a 30-second automatic backflushing cycle will be initiated if the system has not filtered any water for over 12 hours.


  • Press the water-making button to halt flushing: If you wish to halt the backflushing process at any point, simply press the water-making button.
  • Please be aware that if the water tank is low on water, the unit will detect this and promptly halt the backflushing process.

Control Panel

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Acoustic Alerts

Double Beep Alert

Two quick beeps indicate that the remaining water in the tank requires replacement or the water tank isn’t properly seated on its base.

Malfunction Alert

Three successive 1-second beeps indicate a malfunction with the device. In such instance, please reach out to the Bluevua Support Team for assistance.

Reset Confirmation Alert

A single, 1-second long beep indicates the successful completion of either Filter Reset or Factory Reset procedure.

Reminders to Hydrate

Let’s make hitting your hydration goals a breeze with our easy-to-follow timeline!

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Fantastic, you’re all ready to go!

With your Bluevua Glass Bottle in tow, you can hit the road without ever needing a single-use plastic bottle again. 1 Remember, two Bluevua Bottles a day keeps you perfectly hydrated and feeling great.


Filter Replacement Cycle Replacement Filter: RO Five-In-One Filter Replacement Cycle: Every 6 months


  • Actual lifetime of the filters may differ depending on the input water quality, season and the real running time of product. The figures above are evaluated on a general basis, please replace the filters according to the water-making button’s color.
  • If the filter expires, it is critical to replace it as soon as possible to prevent decreased efficiency and impaired performance.

Filter Replacement Steps

  1. Unplug the unit and twist the filter housing cover in a counter-clockwise direction to remove it.
  2. Use filter wrench to twist the expired filter in a counter-clockwise direction, then pull out the expired filter.Bluevua-ROPOT-Countertop-RO-Systems-fig \(23\)
  3. Use filter wrench to insert the new filter, push down and simultaneously twist in clockwise direction.
  4. Twist the filter housing cover back in a clockwise direction, then plug in the power supply.
  5. Reset the filter by long pressing the reset button* and the water-making button simultaneously for 5 seconds
  6. Flush the filter, please refer back to steps on page 6 to flush your new filter. The filter’s replacement cycle will be reset after 3 cycles of flushing


Do not remove the filter during the flushing or the water-making process to avoid water spillage.

  • The reset button is behind R0P0TTravel’s water outlet.


Q: Why there are droplets on a new unit after opening the package?

A: We make sure all our Bluevua products are top-notch before we pack them up! Every single filter gets checked with air pressure to make sure it can really do its job, and the whole filtration system gets a good look-over with sterile water too.just to be extra sure it's working perfectly. Sometimes, a few water droplets might hang around and show up when you open your package, but don't stress - they're totally harmless

Q: What steps should I take if I'm not going to use my unit for an extended period?

A: No worries! Your system is designed to self-clean every 12 hours. But, if you're planning on unplugging the system for a long trip, we recommend placing your filter in the refrigerator and storing your unit in a cool, dry place to prevent any microbial growth. And just a little tip - it's best to avoid drinking the first round of filtered water when you return. Safe travels

Q: What should I do if I experience TDS spike in my RO system?

A: Ah, what you're experiencing is known as TDS creep. This happens when your RO system has been sitting idle and no pressure is applied to the unfiltered side of the membrane. This can allow salt to sneak into the treated side, causing a higherTDS. But no worries! This extra salt isn't harmful. If it bothers don't have to throw away the first batch of water. You can just put it back in the tank to filter it again.

Q: Can I use the remaining water in the tank for the next filtration?

A: Yes, you can continue to filter water until the RO POT Travel emits two quick beeps, and the water level is below the dotted line on water tank. The remaining water is RO reject water, which contains all the impurities removed from the input water. This water should be discarded. Concerns about water wastage? We understand concerns about water wastage, we recommend discarding the water in the tank at least once per day to maintain optimal water quality. However, it's important to know that discarding RO reject water can avoid contaminating your drinking water and potentially damaging the unit and filter over time.

Q: What's the pH level of water filtered through reverse?

A: Well, when water (H2O) reacts with carbon dioxide (CO2), it forms carbonic acid (H2CO3). The purer the water is, the more CO2 it can absorb, making it more acidic. So, the water from your ROPOTTravel might start off at a neutral pH of7 but can drop to around 6.2 after filtration.

Q: Why does my filtered water have a bitter taste?

A: The bitter taste could be due to low levels of calcium and magnesium. To improve the taste, consider using a re-mineralization bottle or an alkaline water pouch. Both options can effectively add essential minerals back to the water, raise the pH, and provide you with a better-tasting experience


The system does not work after pressing the 0 water-making button.

  • Checkl Does the floating tablet in the water tank float up?
  • Solution Take off the silicone sealing cap, then clean up the clogged floating tablet rail and floating tablet.
  • Check Does input water level goes below the cylinder in the water tank?
  • Solution Discard the remaining water left in the tank and refill it to the MAX line for the next cycle.
  • Checkl Is the water tank stably placed on the water tank base?
  • Solution Lift up the water tank, and place it back onto the water tank base.
  • Check Has the filter replacement cycle passed?
  • Solution Check the filter lifetime indicator, and then refer back to steps on to replace the filter if necessary.
  • Check Have you finished the 4 cycles of flushing for your new filter?
  • Solution Refer back to steps on page 6 to flush your new filter.

Output water exceeds standard volume.

  • Check Is this occurring during the colder seasons?
  • Solution Cold input water can slow down the production of pure water, causing the flowmeter sensor to misjudge and not cut off water flow in time, resulting in overflow. Filter again using warm water (a bout 77°F/25°C).
  • Check Are air bubbles trapped inside the system?
  • Solution Unplug and restart the unit to initiate automatic backflushing, which will remove any air bubbles from the system.

The TDS number is out of the 90% TDS reduction range.

  • Check Do you discard the RO reject water remaining in the water tank?
  • Solution Pour out the RO reject water left below the separator and refill the water tank with new tap water for another cycle of filtering.
  • Check Has the system been unused for days?
  • Solution Unplug and restart the unit to initiate automatic backflushing, please discard the filtered water from the first cycle.
  • Check Is the filter tightly connected to the filter base?
  • Solution Refer back to the steps on page 14-15 to detach and re-insert the filter. Make sure the filter is fully inserted with no gap.

Booster pump makes noise or the water volume is not accurate.

  • Check Do air bubbles get trapped inside the system?
  • Solution Unplug and restart the unit to initiate automatic backflushing, which will remove any air bubbles from the system.

Water leakage occurs.

  • Check  Do leaks happen from the bottom of water tank?
    Solution Lift up the water tank slowly and gently.

  • lilffil Is the filter tightly connected to the filter base?
    Solution Refer back to the steps on page 14-15 to detach and re-insert the filter. Make sure the filter is fully inserted with no gap.



Not all water will contain contaminants listed. Testing performed under standard laboratory conditions; actual performance may vary.

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