EnDOtec DO 23 Gas Shielded Welding Cored Instruction Manual
- August 31, 2024
- EnDOtec
Table of Contents
DO 23 Gas Shielded Welding Cored
Product Specifications:
- Dimensions: 3D * 2
- Weight: 35 LNZ Vhdkc, 24 LNZ
- Model Number: 04 GZpcmdrr, 07 GT
Product Usage Instructions:
To use the product efficiently, follow these steps:
Step 1: Setup
Place the product on a stable surface and ensure all connections
are secure.
Step 2: Power On
Press the power button located on the device to turn it on. Wait
for the device to boot up completely.
Step 3: Functionality
Explore the different features of the product as per your
requirements. Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on
each function.
Step 4: Maintenance
Regularly clean the product using a soft, dry cloth. Avoid using
harsh chemicals that may damage the device.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: How do I troubleshoot if the product is not
A: Check the power source, connections, and user manual for
troubleshooting tips. If issues persist, contact customer
Q: Can I use the product outdoors?
A: It is recommended to use the product indoors to avoid
exposure to environmental elements that could damage the
FZr rghdkcdc udkchmf bnpdc uhpd sdbgmnknfx enp udZp opnsdbshnm % pdoZhp
EnDOtecfl DO& 23
Sntfg mhbjdk,hpnm lZsphw chrodprdc uhsg ~md rogdpnhcZk fpZoghsd Hnu gdZs hmots
pdctbdr GdZs :eedbsdc Ynmd Ghfgdrs pdrhrsZmbd sn gns % bnkc bpZbjhmf
ChrrhlhkZp inhmhmf bZoZahkhsx adsuddm bZrs hpnmr % rsddk
EnDOtecfl DO 23
Ogddk gta vdWpeWbdc vhsg 3D *2
3phud ropnbids opnsdbsdc WfWhmrs ephbshnm bnlahmdc vhsg opdrrtpd
BdPstpdr Adldwsr
:kknx sxod Mh,EdLm
Lhbpnrsptbstpd :trsdmhshb & PF
Sdmrhkd rspdmfsg y35. LNZ Vhdkc rspdmfsg y24. LNZ
DknmfZshnm y04 GZpcmdrr y07. GT
Sntfg mhbjdk,hqnm lZsqhw chrodqrdc vhsg ~md rogdqnhcZk fqZoghsd
Inv gdZs hmots qdctbdr GdZs 3eedbsdc Wnmd
OqdgdZshmf % OnrsgdZshmf mnqlZkkx mns qdpthqdc
Ghfgdrs qdrhrsZmbd sn gns % bnkc bqZbjhmf
AhrrhlhkZq inhmhmf bZoZahkhsx adsvddm bZrs hqnmr % rsddk
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RkZf eqdd) lZbghmZakd cdonrhsr
Ptrs qdrhrsZms vdkcr Adonrhsr bZm ad bgqnlhtl okZsdc
Fhegdp udic cdonrhshnl pPsdr
DmAMsdbfl&r bnlonrhsd bqnrr rdb, vdkc cdonrhshnm qZsdr nudq LHF. shnmZk
cdrhfm) ZtsnlZshbZkkx oqn, L3F Zmc LZmtZk LdsZk 3qb ctbdr Z ghfgdq btqqdms
cdmrhsx hm oqnbdrrdrsgd dkdbsqncd&r ldsZkkhb odqhog, dqx nudq rnkhc LHF.L3F
vhqdr ne sgd rZld chZldsdq trhmf sgd rZld vdkchmf ZlodqZfdSghr dmrtqdr nudq 0/
eZrsdq dkdbsqncd etrhnm vhsgnts rZbqh, ~bhmf vdkc ptZkhsx fhuhmf qdbnqc
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inhmhmf RogdqnhcZk FqZoghsd) lZkkdZakd % fqdx fiZjd bZrs hqnm bZrshmfr sn knv
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vnqjrgnor) entmcqx) sdwshkd hm, ctrsqhdr-
Hdphogdpha anni Ppa anlados
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ZkvZxr ad vdkcdc Zs knvdq ZlodqZfdr sgZm Z rnkhc vhqd vghkrs jddohmf Z rsZakd
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dkdldmsr hm sgd bnqd- lhbqnrsqtbstqd oqnodqshdr Zmc Invdq gdZs hmots ldZmr
sgZs Dm, lhmhlZk gdZs Zeedbsdc ynmdr enq AMsdbfl vdkcr gZud adssdq anmc,
lZwhltl rdquhbd odqenqlZmbd-
Vntp pdrntpbd enp opnsdbshnm+ pdoZhp Zmc inhmhmf rnktshnmr
PsZsdldms ne HhZahkhsx9 Ctd sn uWphWshnmr hmgdpdms hm rodbhyb WooihbWshnmr sgd sdbgmhbWi hmenplWshnm bnmsWhmdc gdpdhm hmbitchmf Wmx hmenplWshnm Wr sn rtffdrs opn, ctbs WooihbWshnmr np pdrtisr hr opdrdmsdc vhsgnts pdopdrdmsWshnm np vWppWmsx dwopdrrdc np hloihdc- Mhsgnts ihlhsWshnm sgdpd Wpd mn vWppWmshdr ne ldpbgWmsWahihsx np ne ysmdrr enp W oWpshbtiWp otponrd- DWbg opnbdrr Wmc WooihbWshnm ltrs ad etiix duWitWsdc ax sgd trdp hm Wii pdrodbsr hmbitchmf rthsWahihsx bnloihWmbd vhsg WooihbW, aid iWv Wmc mnm,hmephmfdldms ne sgd phfgsr ne nsgdpr Wmc Edrrdp Dtsdbshb .Wrsnihm Wmc hsr WeyihWsdr rgWii gWud mn ihWahihsx hm pdrodbs sgdpd ne-
Pspnmfdp+ uhsg AZrsnkhm Dtsdbshb
uuu-bZrsnkhm-bnl uuu-dtsdbshb-bnl
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