Nokta FINDX Metal Detector User Manual

June 14, 2024

**Nokta FINDX Metal Detector User Manual



Comply with applicable laws and regulations governing use of metal detectors while using this detector. Do not use the detector without authorization in protected or archeological sites. Do not use this detector around unexploded ordnance or in restricted military zones without authorization. Notify appropriate authorities with details of any historical or culturally significant artifacts you find.

FINDX is a state-of-the-art electronic device. Do not assemble or operate the device before reading the user manual.
Do not store the device and search coil under extremely low or high temperatures for extended periods. (Storage
Temperature: – 20°C to 60°C / – 4°F to 140°F)
The FINDX Pro version is designed to be fully waterproof up to 5 meters (16ft) according to IP68 standards. In the FINDX version, only the search coil is waterproof. The headphones included in the package in both versions are not waterproof!
Pay attention to the items below after using the FINDX
Pro version especially under salty water:

  1. Wash the system box, shaft and the coil with tap water and be sure no salt water is left in the connectors.
  2. Do not use any chemicals for cleaning and/or for any other purposes.
  3. Wipe the screen and the shaft dry with a soft, nonscratch cloth.

Wash the search coil only in the FINDX version, the other parts of the device are not waterproof!
Protect the detector against impacts during normal use.
For shipping, carefully place detector in original carton and secure with shock resistant packaging.
FINDX may only be disassembled and repaired by Nokta Authorized Service Centers. Unauthorized disassembly/ intrusion into the metal detector control housing for any reason voids the warranty.

Do not use the device indoors. The device may constantly give target signals indoors where there are many metals present. Use the device outdoors, in open fields.
Do not let another detector or an electromagnetic device
come in close proximity (10m (30ft.)) to the device.
Do not carry any metal objects while using the device.
Keep the device away from your shoes while walking. The device may detect the metals on you or inside your shoes as targets.


  1. After inserting the washers on the lower shaft, place the lower shaft in its location on the search coil. Secure by tightening the screw and nut. Do not over tighten.

  2. To join the middle rod with the upper and lower rods, open the lever latches and engage the pieces together.
    After adjusting the length of the device to your height, press the latches to secure.

  3. Wind the search coil cable on the shaft without stretching too much. Then, plug the connector to the search coil input socket on the system box and secure by tightening the nut. While tightening, you may hear clicks indicating that the connector is secured.



  1. If you want to adjust the armrest, first remove the screws. After sliding the armrest up or down one level, align the holes and secure by tightening the screws. You can attach the spare screw to the empty hole if you do not want to lose it.

  2. Insert the armrest strap as shown in the picture and adjust it to your arm size and tighten.


  1. LCD Display

  2. Sensitivity Button

  3. Notch Discrimination Button

  4. Pinpoint Button

  5. LCD Display & Keypad Backlight Button

  6. Volume Button

  7. Power & Mode Button
    Press the button once to turn the device on. To turn 0off the device, press and hold it for around 3 seconds.
    For a hard reset in case of any unresponsiveness of the system, press and hold down for about 30 seconds.

  8. Speaker

  9. Search Coil & Charger Input Socket

  10. Wired Headphones Input Socket

  11. Search Coil Input Socket

  12. Wired Headphones & Charger Input Socket
    IMPORTANT! When the connector is not in use, keep it closed with the cap!




  1. Target ID Scale Shows the ID of the detected target on the ID scale. It also indicates the IDs filtered by Notch Discrimination setting.
  2. Search Modes
  3. Sensitivity Indicator
  4. Section which shows the Target ID upon target detection, pinpoint mode as well as the warning icons.
  5. Battery Level Indicator
  6. Volume Level Indicator
  7. LCD Display & Keypad Backlight Indicator
  8. Instant Depth Indicator


FINDX has an internal 2300mAh Lithium Polymer battery.
Battery runtime is approximately 12 hours. Factors such as usage of speaker or wired headphones, display backlight etc. will affect battery runtime.
Charge the FINDX before initial use.
Charging will take approximately 3 hours.
To charge the battery, insert one of the ends of the cable to the charger input socket and the other end to a USB charging adapter.

Operating with a Powerbank

You can also power and charge the battery with a powerbank. To do this, just insert one of the ends of the cable the charger input socket and the other end to the powerbank. Please note that you will not be able to attach wired headphones to the FINDX Pro version when a powerbank is attached to the device.
In the FINDX version, since the search coil and the charger input socket are common, the device cannot be used while charging.
IMPORTANT ! Do NOT use the FINDX Pro underwater while connected to a power bank.

Low Battery Level
Battery icon on the display shows the battery life status.
When the charge decreases, the bars inside the battery icon decrease, too. A battery icon with an exclamation mark (!) appears on display when the batteries are depleted and after flashing 6 times, the device shuts down.

Do not expose the device to extreme temperatures (for example a car’s trunk or glove compartment)
Do not charge the battery in temperatures over 35° C (95° F) or below 0° C ( 32° F).
The FINDX battery can only be replaced by Nokta
Detectors or its authorized service centers.


To use your wired headphones with the FINDX version, plug it into the 3.5mm headphone socket. For the FINDX Pro version, use the supplied 6.3mm headphone jack and the headphone adapter. The headphones are not waterproof so avoid contact with water.



FIND X PRO Headphones Adapter


Shaft height is wrong
It is very important to adjust the shaft to your height correctly to be able to search without discomfort and fatigue.

Shaft height is correct
Adjust the height of the shaft so that you are standing in an upright position, your arm is relaxed and the search coil is approximately 5cm (~2’’) above the ground.


Wrong search coil angle

Correct search coil angle

Incorrect way of sweeping

It is important to keep the search coil parallel to the ground in order to get accurate results.
Correct way of sweeping
The search coil must be parallel to the ground at all times.


  1. Assemble the device as per the instructions .

  2. Press the Power & Mode Button once to turn on the device.

  3. When the device is turned on, it will start in the Field mode. You can change the mode based on ground conditions. For instance, if you are detecting on wet beach sand, you may want to select the Beach mode.
    You can find more details on search modes further in this manual.

  4. You can increase the sensitivity if needed. Increasing the sensitivity will offer you greater depth. However, if the surroundings or the ground cause excessive noise in the device, you need to lower the sensitivity setting.

  5. Testing the device with various metals would be helpful for getting familiar with the sounds produced by the device.

  6. Use the Notch Discrimination setting to eliminate unwanted metals from detection such as trash. Please refer to the section titled Notch Discrimination in the manual.

  7. You can now start searching.

  8. Since your device operates with the motion principle, swing the search coil right and left maintaining 5cm (2”) distance above the ground. If the search coil does not move, the device will not provide any audio responses even if the coil is over a metal target.

  9. When a target is detected, the ID of the target will be displayed on the screen. The device will also produce an audio response according to the search mode selected.

  10. Upon target detection, you can pinpoint the exact location of the target by pressing and holding the Pinpoint button. The audio volume will increase and the audio pitch will also increase as you approach the target.


TARGET ID is the number produced by the metal detector based on the conductivity of the metals and gives an idea to the user about what the target may be.
Target ID is shown with two digits on the display and ranges between 03-99.

NOTE : Keep in mind, large targets will ID higher than expected, even though they may be of lower conductance.
In some cases, the device may produce multiple IDs for the same target. In other words, the IDs may be jumpy.
This may result from several factors. Target orientation,
depth, purity of the metal, corrosion, mineralization level of the soil etc. Even the direction of the search coil swing may cause the device to generate multiple IDs.
In some cases, the device may fail to provide any ID.
The device needs to receive a strong and a clear signal from the target in order to provide an ID. Therefore, it may not be able to provide an ID for targets at fringe depths or smaller targets even if the device detects them.
Keep in mind that target IDs are “probable”, in other words, estimated values and it would not be possible to know the properties of a buried object exactly until it is dug out.

IDs of non-ferrous metals such as copper, silver, aluminum and lead are high. Target ID range of gold is wide and may fall within the same range of metal wastes such as iron, foil, screw caps, and pull tabs.
Therefore, if you are looking for gold targets, digging out some trash metals is expected.

Coins searched throughout the world are made of different metals and in different sizes in different geographical locations and historical eras. Therefore, in order to learn the Target IDs of the coins in a specific zone, it is suggested to perform a test with the samples of such coins, if possible.

It may take some time and experience to make best use of the Target ID feature in your search area.
Different brands and models of detectors produce different target ID numbers. The numbers vary even more depending on target depth, ground mineralization, and adjacent metals. But after some practice, you will quickly become comfortable with the meanings of the SIMPLEX’s Target IDs.



FINDX has different number of search modes based on the version but all designed for different terrains and targets. There are 3 search modes in the FINDX and 4 in the FINDX Pro version. You can navigate between the modes easily by using the mode button. The selected mode will be highlighted in black.
Field Mode**
Recommended especially for relic hunting. It produces good results particularly on clean sites which do not contain waste metal. More depth can be obtained on sites which are rocky or trashy, by using the notch discrimination setting and swinging the search coil more slowly (one right/left pass per approximately 1 second).
In this mode, the device produces a low tone for ferrous targets with IDs between and including 01 and 14. For non-ferrous targets with IDs 15-99, it produces a higher tone which increases in pitch as the coil approaches the target.

Park Mode
It is a 3-tone search mode designed for coin and jewelry hunting in urban areas and parks where there are lots of modern trash (aluminum foil, pull- tabs, bottle caps etc.) present.
In this mode, the device produces a low tone for ferrous targets with 01-14 IDs, a medium tone for gold and nonferrous metals with IDs 15-41 and a high tone for nonferrous metals with IDs 42-99 such as silver, brass and copper.
Jewelry Mode (Only FINDX Pro)
It is a 4-tone search mode. In this mode, the device produces a low tone for ferrous targets with 0-14 IDs, a medium tone for gold and non-ferrous metals with IDs 15-70, a mediumhigh tone for metals with 71-80 IDs, and a high tone for
non-ferrous metals with IDs 81-99.
Beach Mode
This is a special mode of the FINDX developed for conductive grounds (salty wet sand beach, grounds with alkali soil etc.). The feature of this mode presents the ability to ignore iron and similar targets in this group.
Different than the other modes, targets with 0-15 IDs are notched out by default and cannot be changed in order to ignore ferrous metals or ground noise. In this mode, the device produces a medium tone for gold and non- ferrous metals with IDs 15-99.
Salt water and alkali grounds are significantly conductive due to high ionization and cause effects similar to that of iron in detectors. These effects may make it impossible to search for metals with a standard detector.
FINDX’s beach mode eliminates such effects and ground noise. Aspects to be taken into consideration while searching on conductive grounds are explained in more detail in the section titled Detection on the Beach and Underwater.


Sensitivity is the depth setting of the device. It is also used to eliminate the ambient electromagnetic signals from the surrounding environment and noise signals transmitted from ground.
Sensitivity setting consists of 5 levels and is predefined for each mode. All modes start at the default
setting. They can be manually modified when necessary.
Sensitivity adjustment applies to the selected mode; the modified setting does not affect the sensitivity setting of the other modes.

Sensitivity setting is a personal preference. However, It is important to set the sensitivity to the highest level possible where no major popping sounds are heard to avoid missing smaller and deeper targets. For example; if the noise level is suitable for searching and is the same at level 4 and 5, then 5 should be preferred.

You can increase and lower the setting by using the Sensitivity Button. The bar on the left indicates the level of sensitivity.

When you turn off and on the device it will start with the last sensitivity level you used. The sensitivity level can be adjusted separately in all modes. Changes made in any mode do not apply to the other modes.


The device provides an estimated target depth according to the signal strength during detection.
Depth Indicator: It shows the target’s proximity to the surface in 5 levels during detection. As the target gets closer, the levels decrease and vice versa.

Shallow Target

Deep Target

Because each mode of the FINDX has different depth, the depth indicator will display a different depth level for the same target in different modes.
Depth detection is adjusted presuming that the target is a 2.5cm (1’’) coin. Actual depth varies according to the size of the target. For instance, the detector will indicate more depth for a target smaller than a 2.5 cm (1’’) coin and less depth for a larger target.


This control allows you to increase or decrease the device’s volume based on your preference and environmental conditions. Volume setting consists of 5 levels and is adjusted by using the Volume Button.

When you turn off and on the device it will start with the last volume level you chose. This setting is common to all modes; changes will take effect in all modes.
When wired headphones are connected to the FINDX, the sound comes directly from the headphones.
Because the volume level affects power consumption, we recommend you not to increase it more than necessary.

Notch Discrimination

Use the Notch Discrimination setting to eliminate unwanted metals from detection such as trash.

FINDX’s ID scale consists of 50 boxes and each box represents 2 IDs.

In both versions, IDs 0-3 are rejected in Field and Park mode as well as in the Jewelry mode of the FINDX Pro.

When you press the Notch Discrimination button once, IDs between 0-15 will be rejected. This region is the ferrous range. If you want to reject another region with the Notch Discrimination function, the ferrous range of 0-15 will also remain rejected.

Upon the second press, you will also reject IDs between 15-20.

On the third and subsequent presses, you can reject any consecutive 10 IDs of your choice from 20 to 99, with the ferrous range of 0-15 remaining rejected.

In the Beach mode, IDs between 0-15 are rejected and cannot be accepted. This region is the ferrous range.

Pressing the Notch Discrimination once in this mode rejects IDs between 15-20.

On the second and subsequent presses, you can reject any consecutive 10 IDs of your choice from 20 to 99, with the ferrous range of 0-15 remaining rejected.

To accept the rejected IDs, simply continue pressing the Notch Discrimination button until you reach the beginning of the ID scale.

Notch Discrimination setting is restored to the final saved setting when the device is turned off and on again. This setting is mode specific; changes made in one mode doesn’t apply to the other modes.

Back light

It enables you to adjust the display brightness and the keypad backlight level according to your personal preference. It works in 3 different ways: Off, continuous lighting, and automatic lighting. You can adjust the brightness with the LCD Display & Keypad Backlight button.

It ranges from 0-5 and 6A-10A. At level 0, the display and keypad backlight are off. Between 1-5, it remains continuously on. When set between 6A-10A, it lights up only for a short period when a target is detected or a button is pressed, and then it turns off.

To switch from continuous lighting to automatic lighting level, just keep pressing the LCD Display & Keypad Backlight button.
The continuous operation of the backlight will affect power consumption, which is not recommended.
The backlight setting is restored to the final saved setting when the device is turned off and on again. This setting is common in all modes; change made in any mode also applies to the other modes.


Pinpoint is to find the center or the exact location of a detected target.
FINDX is a motion detector. In other words, you are required to move the search coil over the target or the target over the search coil in order for the device to detect the target. The pinpoint mode is a non-motion mode. The device continues to give a signal when the search coil is kept stationary over the target.
When the pinpoint button is pressed and held down, a graphics consisting of a dot surrounded by 4 circles will appear in the middle of the screen. As the target is approached, the circles will disappear one by one and when the center of the target is reached, only the dot will be left on screen. In the pinpoint mode, the signal tone increases in pitch and volume as the search coil approaches the target. In this mode, the device does not discriminate or give target IDs.
To perform pinpoint:

  1. After a target is detected, move the search coil aside where there is no target response and push the pinpoint button.

  2. Keep the button pressed down and bring the search coil closer to the target slowly and parallel to the ground.

  3. Signal sound becomes stronger and changes in pitch while getting closer to the target center and the circles start disappearing in the pinpoint graphics.

  4. At the spot which provides the loudest sound, the circles will all disapper and only a dot will be left. Mark this spot using a tool or your foot.

  5. Repeat the above procedure by changing your direction 90°. Actions to be performed from a couple of different directions will narrow the target area and provide you with the most exact details of the target location.

NOTE : Inexperienced users may put the search coil on the ground, press the pinpoint button and then scan over the target until they get experienced to perform the above pinpointing method.

Targets which are near the surface may give multiple different signals to the device. If you suspect a target near the surface, lift the search coil and swing it more slowly until a single signal is received.

Sometimes, the device may produce signals which are similar to a target signal although no metal target is present. There are various reasons for the false signals received by the device. The most common ones are ground mineralization or rocks with high mineral content, surrounding electromagnetic signals, operation of another nearby detector, rusted or corroded iron or foil in the soil or sensitivity value set too high.
Surrounding electromagnetic signals can be eliminated by reducing the gain. If another detector is operating nearby, you may attempt to shift the frequency or perform your search at a distance where no interference occurs.
In the FINDX version, only the search coil is waterproof.
The FINDX Pro, on the other hand, is designed to be entirely waterproof up to 5 meters (16ft) according to IP68 standards. This provides convenient use underwater and on the beach.
As explained before, salt water and alkali grounds are significantly conductive and cause effects similar to iron in detectors. FINDX’s Beach mode is specially designed for such conditions. You can perform your search easily using the Beach mode without requiring any special settings.
Beach mode is ideal for salty wet beach sand. You can use the other modes while performing search over dry beach sand.

You should consider the following while performing search over wet beach sand or underwater:

  1. When you swing the search coil over the holes you dig in wet beach sand, you can receive metal signals, this is a normal condition.
  2. The search coil may give false signals when going into and coming out of the water so please try to keep the coil either in or out of the water.
  3. While detecting on wet beach sand, avoid rubbing or hitting the search coil on the ground. Otherwise, the device may give false signals.
  4. When going from wet sand to dry sand or from dry sand to wet sand while detecting on the beach, the device may emit false signals. Ground balance the detector after you switch from one another.

Pay attention to the items below after using the device especially under salty water:

  1. Wash the system box, shaft and the coil of the FINDX
    Pro with tap water and be sure no salt water is left in the connectors.

  2. Do not use any chemicals for cleaning and/or for any other purposes.

  3. Wipe the screen and the shaft dry with a soft, nonscratch cloth.

IMPORTANT ! Wash the search coil only in the FINDX version, the other parts of the device are not waterproof!
It indicates an interruption in the search coil transmitter signal. The search coil connector may be unattached, loose or disconnected. If you own another detector with the same coil connector, please be sure that you have not attached the wrong coil by mistake. If none of the above exists, the search coil or its cable may have a defect. If the issue continues when you change the search coil, there may be an issue in the coil control circuit.


Operating Principle :   VLF
Operating Frequency : 15 kHz
Search Modes : FINDX: Field / Park / Beach
FINDX Pro : Field / Park / Jewelry / Beach
Pinpoint : Yes
Sensitivity Setting : 5 levels
Target ID Scale : 00-99
Search Coil : 28cm / 11” DD
Display : Graphic Mono LCD
Backlight : Yes
Keypad Backlight : Yes
Weight : 1.2 kg (2.6 lbs) including the search coil
Length : 63cm – 132cm (25” – 52”) adjustable
Battery : 2300mAh Lithium Polymer
Battery Watt-Hour Rating : 0,84 W
Warranty : 2 years

Nokta Detectors reserves the right to change the design, specifications or accessories without notice and without any obligation or liability whatsoever.
For Consumers within the European Union : Do not dispose of this equipment in general household waste.

The crossed wheeled bin symbol on this equipment indicates this unit should not be disposed of in general household waste, but recycled in compliance with local government regulations and environmental requirements.


This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


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