Networker TS700 Intruder Alarm Control Panel Instructions

June 6, 2024

Networker TS700 Intruder Alarm Control Panel Instructions
Networker TS700 Intruder Alarm Control Panel

Glossary Of Terms

  • Bell Test – A facility to test the operation of the external bells, strobes and the internal sounder.
  • Chime – An optional facility which allows detectors or door contact devices to generate a two-tone “chime” if activated whilst the system is unset.
  • Digicom – (Digital Communicator) A remote signaling device fitted to the system which will transmit alarm information via the telephone line to the alarm receiving centre.
  • Duress – A means of entering a passcode (first two digits of a passcode reversed) which will generate a “silent” alarm via the remote signalling device (if fitted) to the alarm receiving centre.
  • Exit/Entry Route – The route which must be used for entering or leaving the protected premises when the system is being set or unset.
  • Entry Time – A preset time delay to allow the user to enter the protected premises and access the remote keypad without causing an alarm.
  • Exit Time – A preset time delay to allow the user to leave the protected premises or area when the system is being set by the timed exit method.
  • Exit Terminator – An external push button switch used to complete the setting of the alarm system.
  • Full set – State of the system when it is protecting all of the premises.
  • Final Exit – The door or detector that is used for leaving and entering the premises.
  • Log – A record of system activity (200 events) which is stored in memory.
  • Master User – The person in overall charge of the system i.e., the person who allocates the passcodes to all other users.
  • Night Circuit – A circuit that armed when the system isfullset or partset (if programmed).
  • Omit – To intentionally exclude the monitoring of one or more detection circuits when setting the alarm system.
  • Part Set – The state of the system when it is protecting part of the premises.
  • Passcode – A unique four digit code number allocated to each user by the master user which must be entered before the system can be operated.
  • P.A.(Panic Alarm) – An emergency push button switch used to trigger an alarm. The alarm signal will also be transmitted to the alarm receiving centre if a remote signaling device is fitted.
  • Remote Keypad – A device located away from the main control panel that is used to operate the alarm system.
  • Reset – Action required to return the system to its normal state after an alarm.
  • Tamper Alarm – An alarm caused by the system being physically interfered with.
  • unset – State of the system when it is not monitoring the activity of Night circuits.
  • Users – Those people allocated a passcode which allows them to operate the alarm system.
  • Walk Test – A facility for testing circuits without sounding the external sounder.
  • 24 Hour Circuit – A circuit that is continuously monitored.

System Overview

The TS700 intruder alarm control system uses state of the art electronics to provide a comprehensive but flexible protection for both domestic and commercial premises.

The system comprises a number of components linked to a central control unit which is concealed from view but accessible for maintenance. All system operations are carried out from one of the remote keypads (up to four may be connected). Detection devices such as door contacts or movement sensors are allocated to detection circuits which are identified on the remote keypad displays. Each alarm installation is specific to the site and its occupier, and may differ from other TS700 installations. This manual describes in detail all the functions and procedures available to the user. To avoid unnecessary operating errors please discuss the details of the system with your installation company before attempting to use it.

Operating the System


System operation can only be carried out after entering your passcode. Up to twelve passcodes can be allocated and they can only be defined by the “master user” (user 1). Users A, B and C can only set and unset their respective areas. Entering a passcode with the first two digits reversed will cause a “Duress Alarm”. Each key press is acknowledged by the keypad sounder.
Pressing the [ESC] key takes the user back to the previous step in the menu. When the system is not being used the keypad display shows the current time. The “ENG ON SITE” message is displayed after an engineer has left his menu and is cleared the next time a user passcode is entered.
This is the normal display when the system is set or unset. The time is displayed and the “dot” segment flashes

Enter user passcode to clear
Operating the System

Full Setting the System

Ensure that all monitored areas are secured. Enter your passcode (users 1 to 9 only) and the display will show “Func”. After five seconds the display will show how much time is left before the system is set and the sounder makes a continuous tone. Leave via the normal exit route and close the final exit door (pressing the Exit Terminator button if fitted). The system is full set when the exit sounder stops, the display will show ‘SET’ for five seconds then reverts to showing the current time.

WARNING: If an attempt is made to set the system whilst any circuits are active (such as a door being open), the display will indicate the circuits that are in fault and the internal sounder generates an interrupted tone. The fault must be cleared before the setting procedure can be completed. If the system is set by ‘Timed Exit’ and the fault is still present at the end of the exit time an internal alarm will be generated. If fitted, the external strobe light will flash indicating the system has failed to set. To prevent this alarm simply re-enter your passcode before the time expires.
User passcode entered
Operating the System
This figure indicates the time to set in secs. 9999 indicates the system is being set by Last Exit or Exit Terminator. Any other figure is timed exit
Operating the System
The display will show set for 5 seconds, then revert to only displaying the time.
Operating the System

Part Setting the System (users 1 To 9)

Ensure that all monitored areas are secured. Enter your passcode (users 1 to 9 only) and within 5 seconds press [A] or [B] or [C] (depending upon the part set area required). If the five seconds is exceeded the system will full set. The display shows the selected group/area that will be omitted and the sounder makes a continuous tone. If required leave via the normal exit route and close the final exit door, (pressing the Exit Terminator button if fitted). The system is part set when the exit sounder stops, the display will alternate between the group/area that is omitted and the current time.
User passcode entered
Operating the System
Omit button [A] is pressed
Operating the System
The display shows the group that has been omitted (A)
Operating the System

Part Setting using Part Set Codes

Ensure that all monitored areas are secured. Enter your passcode, the exit sounder will make a continuous tone. If required leave via the normal exit route and close the final exit door, (pressing the Exit Terminator button if fitted). The system is part set when the exit sounder stops, the display will alternate between the group/area which has been armed and the current time.
User passcode B entered. Group/area B will set in 15 seconds.
Operating the System
Group/area B is now armed.
Operating the System

Setting with Circuits Omitted

It may sometimes be desirable to omit a circuit when full or part setting the system.
User menu 1’ selected.
Operating the System
Circuit 01 will not be omitted.
Operating the System
Press 0 to change the status. Circuit 01 will now be omitted
Operating the System

Enter your passcode (users 1-9) and press ENT within 5 seconds.

Press 7 and the display will show the circuit number followed by its omit status. N = not omitted and Y = omitted.

Press 0 to change the status of the circuit and ENT to confirm the change. A low tone will indicate that the circuit cannot be omitted or a high pitch multi-tone indicates that the change has been accepted. Continue with the next circuit if required.

Press ESC to quit to “user menu 1” and continue with setting by pressing 0 for full-set or A or B or C for part-set (see 2 and 3)

Silent Setting

The system can be full set or part set silently except for the final system set sound. Enter your passcode (users 1-9) and for full set press 8 within 5 seconds. For part set press A or B or C then press 8 .
Enter your passcode (users 1-9) and press ENT within 5 seconds.
Press 8 and the display will show SIL -. Enter 0 for silent full set or A or B or C for silent part set.
“User menu 1” selected
Operating the System
Press [0] for silent full set or [A] or [B] or [C] for silent part set.
Operating the System

Setting and Unsetting With a Keyswitch

Operate the keyswitch (or door lock) and leave via the exit route.
The system will be full set or part set when the exit sounder stops.
To unset the system, operate the keyswitch (or lock) again.


Enter the premises via the normal entry route and go directly to the keypad. Enter your passcode. The display will show “OPEN” and then revert to displaying the current time. The sounder will sound at entry and will stop when the system is unset. If the entry time is exceeded an internal alarm is generated and the entry timer is restarted. If at the end of the second entry timer the system has not been unset a full alarm will occur.
Enter passcode before entry timer expires.
Operating the System
System is now unset (OPEN)
Operating the System

Unsetting after an Alarm

Enter the premises via the normal entry route and go directly to the keypad. Enter your passcode. The sounder will sound at entry and will stop when the passcode is entered. The display will show the circuit that caused the alarm and the system must be reset.
Circuit Alarm 03.
Operating the System

Resetting after an Alarm

Your system is programmed as EITHER User Reset or Engineer
reset, consult your installation company if you are not sure.

User Reset

  1. Enter your passcode.
  2. Press ESC within 5 seconds.
  3. The display will show “OPEN” and then revert to the current
    System is now reset.
    Operating the System

Engineer Reset

  1. Enter your passcode.
  2. Press ESC within 5 seconds.
  3. The “CALL ENG” message is displayed and the engineer must now be called to reset the system.
    System requires an engineer to reset or Remote Reset.
    Operating the System

Remote Reset

  1. Enter your passcode.

  2. Press ENT within 5 seconds, the display shows “1 -“.
    “User Menu 1” selected.
    Operating the System

  3. Press 3, the display will show a four digit ‘seed’ code.

  4. Telephone your central station or installation company and quote the “seed” code. They will quote you a four digit “Reset” code in return.
    The four digit “seed” code. Note: This code is only an example.
    Operating the System

  5. Enter the “Reset” code and press ENT. A low tone indicates the “Reset” code was either incorrect or incorrectly entered. A high tone indicates the code was accepted.

  6. Press ESC to return to the “OPEN” condition.
    The four digit “Reset” code entered.
    Operating the System

User Menus Quick Reference

The system is unset, the display shows the current time. Enter user passcode.
The display shows “Function”. Press [ within 5 seconds to select “User Menu 1”.
“User Menu 1” selected.
User Menus Quick Reference the System

  • ESC Return To Open – Abandons “User Menu 1” and returns the system to the unset (OPEN) condition.

  • 1 Bell Test – Allows the internal sounders, external sounder and strobe to
    be tested

  • 2 Walk Test – Allows all detection circuits to be tested without generating
    an alarm.

  • 3 Remote Reset – Reset the system by exchange of 4 digit codes.

  • 4 Change Passcode – Change your passcode.

  • 5 Enable Chime – Enable or disable the chime option.

  • 6 Omit 24 Hour Group – Omit a pre-defined group of 24 Hour circuits.

  • 7 Omit Circuits – Select circuits to be omitted before setting the system.

  • 8 Silent set – Select “silent” full set or part set.

  • 0 Full-set – Full set the system.

  • A Part-set Group A – Part set the system with group A omitted.

  • B Part-set Group B – Part set the system with group B omitted.

  • C Part-set Group C – Part set the system with group C omitted.

  • ENT User Menu 2 – Select “User Menu 2” (master user only).
    “User Menu 2” selected
    User Menus Quick Reference the System

  • 1 View Circuits – View the status of all detection circuits.

  • 2 Change Time – set the system clock.

  • 3 Change Date – set the system date.

  • 4 Define User Passcodes – Define, delete user passcodes.

  • 5 Change Chime Circuits – Select circuits that will chime.

  • 6 Change 24hr Group – setup a group of 24 Hour circuits that can be omitted.

  • 7 Print System Log – Print the contents of the system log (200 events).

  • 8 Configure Part-set Groups – Configure part-set groups A, B & C.

  • 9 View System Log – View the contents of the system log.

  • ESC User Menu 1 – Return to “User Menu 1”.

☞ Options 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 in ‘User Menu 2’ are only available if programmed by the installation company

User Menus


In addition to setting and unsetting the system, users 1 – 9 may carry out other operations. These are selected via two user menus, “User Menu 1” is available to users 1 – 9 and “User Menu 2” which is only available to the master user. To access “User Menu 1” enter your passcode and then press ENT within 5 seconds. Pressing ESC returns the user to the previous position in the menu.

Bell test

This test allows the user to test the bells, sounders and strobes.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 1” is selected.

  2. Press 1 to select the Bell Test option.

  3. The sounders, bells and strobes will operate sequentially for 9 seconds each.
    Count down display for Bell Test.
    User Menus

  4. Testing may be stopped by pressing ESC or advanced to next test by pressing ENT
    Test completed. “User Menu 1” selected.
    User Menus

Walk Test

This test allows the user to test the function of individual circuits without creating an alarm. As each circuit is activated its number and status are displayed and the internal sounder generates a two-tone sound. As more circuits are tested they are added in turn to a scrolling display showing the status of each tested circuit.
Walk Test selected, but no circuits have been tested.
User Menus
Circuit 05 is now active
User Menus
Circuit 05 is now healthy
User Menus

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 1” is selected.
  2. Press 2 to select the Walk Test option.
  3. Activate circuits in turn by opening doors with contacts and walking in front of detectors.
  4. Check the display to verify which circuits have been tested.
  5. On completion press ESC to quit the Walk Test option.

Change Passcode

All users can change their own passcode.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 1” is selected.
    Waiting for new passcode.
    User Menus

  2. Press 4 to select the Change Passcode option.

  3. Enter your new passcode and press ENT .

  4. A high pitched multi-tone indicates that the new passcode has been accepted. A low tone indicates that the passcode is already in use and has not been accepted. Try again with a different number.
    New passcode 2305 entered. Press [ENT] to accept.
    User Menus

Enable Chime

The enable chime option allows a user to switch the chime facility on or off. This will only affect circuits that have been programmed as chime in “User Menu 2” option 5.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 1” is selected.

  2. Press 5 to select the Chime option.

  3. Press 0 to toggle the Chime ON or OFF.
    The Chime option is off. Press [0] to change.
    User Menus
    The Chime option is on.
    User Menus

  4. Press ENT to accept.

Omit 24hr Group

This option allows 24 Hour, circuits to be omitted when the system is unset so that they will not alarm if activated but will alarm if tampered with. Only the circuits programmed by the engineer or master user (“User Menu 2” option 6) will be omitted.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 1” is selected.
  2. Press 6 to select the 24Hour Omit option.
  3. The display will show “CCTS ISOL” (circuits isolated)
  4. Enter your passcode to reinstate the omitted circuits
    24hour circuit isolated. Enter passcode to cancel.
    User Menus
    User Menus

User Menu 2 (master user only)

The master user may access this menu by pressing [ when “User Menu 1” is selected. Options 4 to 9 are only available to the master user if programmed by the installation company.
‘User Menu 2’ selected.
User Menus

View Circuits

This option allows the user to view the status of each detection circuit. The circuit status conditions are H=Healthy, A=Active, S=Shorted or T=Tamper.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.
  2. Press 1 to select the View Circuits option.
  3. Circuit status will be displayed.
  4. Select circuits either by entering the number or by pressing ENT to scroll through the circuits.
    Press ESC to leave this option and return to ‘User Menu 2’.
    Circuit 03 is Healthy
    User Menus
    Circuit 03 is Active.
    User Menus

Change Time

The system clock may be changed using 24 hour clock format.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.
  2. Press 2 to select the Change Time option.
  3. Enter the time in 24 hour notation (e.g., 1805).
  4. Press ENT to accept.
    Waiting for time entry.
    User Menus
    Time entered 1805 (6:05 pm)
    User Menus

Change Date

The system calendar may be changed by entering the date as four digits representing the day and month e.g., 0207 is the 2nd July.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.
  2. Press 3 to select the Change Date option.
  3. Enter the date as four digits.
  4. Press ENT to accept.
    Date entered (02 July)
    User Menus
    Waiting for date entry.
    User Menus

Setup New Users

Up to 12 users can be allocated to operate the alarm system. The master user (user 1) can change all user passcodes. If a passcode is entered with the first two digits reversed, a “Duress Alarm” is generated. If this facility is not required ensure that the 1st and 2nd digits are the same, (e.g., 1123). If a passcode is entered with the last two digits reversed, the “Access Control” output is operated. If this facility is not required ensure that the 3rd and 4th digits are the same, (e.g., 1233).

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.

  2. Press 4 to select the Setup New Users option.

  3. Enter the user number (1 to 9 or A,B,C).

  4. Enter the new passcode then press ENT to accept.
    Waiting for passcode type [1] – [9] or [A] or [B] or [C].
    User Menus

  5. A high tone will indicate acceptance. A low tone sound will indicate that the passcode is already in use.
    To delete a user passcode from the system, select the user number you wish to delete at step 3, then enter your own passcode (master user) at step 4.
    Waiting for new passcode to be entered.
    User Menus
    New passcode 5750 entered. Press [ENT] to accept.
    User Menus

Passcode Types

  • Master User Code (1) – This passcode allows setting and unsetting of the system and allows entry to both user menus.
  • Standard User Codes (2-7)- These passcodes allow setting and unsetting of the system and entry to “User Menu 1”.
  • Cleaner Code (8) – This passcode allows only setting of the system and entry to “User Menu 1”.
  • Holiday Code (9) – This passcode allows setting and unsetting of the system and allows entry to “User Menu 1”. The code is erased from the system when the master user code is next used to unset the system.
  • Part Set Code A (A) – This passcode allows the setting and unsetting of group A.
  • Part Set Code B (B) – This passcode allows the setting and unsetting of group  B.
  • Part Set Code C (C) – This passcode allows the setting and unsetting of group C.

Configure Chime Circuits
This option is used to select the circuits that will chime.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.
  2. Press 5 to select the Chime Circuits option.
  3. Circuits will be displayed as Y =chime or N= not to chime. Change status by pressing 0 (“toggle” action).
  4. Press ENT to accept (high tone) and go to next circuit. Circuits may be selected by number. Press ESC to quit.
    Circuit 01 will not chime. Press [0] to change.
    User Menus
    Circuit 01 will chime. Press [ENT] to accept.
    User Menus

Configure 24hr Omit Group
This option allows the master user to select the 24 hour circuits
that will be omitted when the 24 hour omit option is selected in
“User Menu 1” option 6.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.
  2. Press 6 to select the 24Hour Omit Group option.
  3. Circuits will be displayed as O=Omitted or A=Armed. Press 0 to change (“toggle” action).
  4. Press ENT to accept (high note) and go to next circuit. A low tone indicates that the circuit cannot be omitted.
  5. Circuits may be selected by number. Press ESC to quit.
    Circuit 02 will remain Armed . Press [0] to change.
    User Menus
    Circuit 02 will be omitted. Press [ENT] to accept.
    User Menus

Print System Log
A printer may be connected to produce a print-out of the last
200 system events.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.
  2. Press 7 to select the Print Log option.
  3. Enter the number of events to be printed.
    Press ENT to start printing. To stop printing select the menu again and enter 000 as the number of events to be printed.
    Enter the number of events to be printed. Press [ENT] to start.
    User Menus

Configure Part Set Groups
When the system is part-set certain circuits are omitted. This
option allows the master user to select those circuits to be
omitted when part-set A or B or C is selected.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.
  2. Press 8 to select the Part Set Groups option.
  3. Select the part-set group A or B or C.
  4. Circuits will be displayed as O=Omitted or A=Armed. Press 0 to change (“toggle” action).
  5. Press ENT to accept displayed status (high tone) and go to next circuit. Circuits may be selected by number.
  6. Press ESC to go to step 2 and ESC again to go back to “User Menu 2”.
    Enter part-set group A, B or C
    User Menus
    Circuit 01 will remain Armed for the selected part-set group. Press [0] to change.
    User Menus
    Circuit 01 will be omitted for the selected part-set group. Press [ENT] to accept.
    User Menus

View System Log
The time, date and nature of the last 200 events on the system
may be viewed starting with the most recent event.

  1. Ensure that “User Menu 2” is selected.
  2. Press 9 to select the View Log option.
  3. The most recent event will be displayed (see Table 1)
  4. Press A to scroll backwards and C to scroll forward.
  5. Press B to show the time of the event (first press), the date (second press) the time in minutes and seconds (third press) the event again (fourth press).
  6. Press ESC to quit.
    Log event showing ‘Circuit Alarm 01’. Press [A] to scroll back or [C] to scroll forward. Press [B] to view time and date.
    User Menus

Table 1. Event Log Codes

AA| Action alarm (Alarm output activated)| LT| Lid tamper, Aux tamper or SAB tamper
Ac | Access passcode (user code entered

with the last two digits reversed)

| OP| System open (unset)
AD.**| Alarm delayed (the system is part set

and circuit ** was activated)

| Or| Omitted circuits reinstated
Au.| Auxiliary alarm from circuit | PA.| PA alarm from circuit
BF| Battery Fault| PF| Power failure (remote power LED flashes)
BT| Bell test operated| Pr| Power restored
CA.| Circuit alarm from circuit | PS.| Part set (area )
cc| Comms successful| PT.| Code tamper (from remote keypad )
cF| Comms failed| rA| System re-armed
CI| Circuits isolated (24 hour circuits)| rc| System reset by REMOTE CODE RESET
CO.| Circuit omitted| rr.| Remote Keypad removed or lost
Dc| Date changed| rT.| Remote Keypad case tamper
DF| Default user code 1 to 5678| SF| System failed to set
Du.| Duress alarm from user code | Sr| System on-site reset (LK1 open on power


EA.| Entry alarm from circuit | ST.| Area set using part set codes
En.| Entry from circuit | So.| Part set keyswitch operated
FA.| Fire alarm from circuit | TA.| Tamper alarm from circuit
FB 01| Auxiliary fuse blown| Tc| Time changed
Fn.| First knock from circuit | TF.| Circuit failed test
Fr| Factory reset (LK1 closed on power up)| To| All circuits on test removed from test
FS| Full set| Un.| Area unset using part set codes
LB| Low battery voltage (10.5V or below)| Ur.| User code entered
LF| Telephone line fault| —| No event
Lr| Telephone line restored|  |
Service Record

Date| Engineer| Action
 |  |
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 |  |
 |  |
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 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
Installation Company:


For Service Telephone:
For Remote Reset Telephone:

User Record

User No.| User Type| User Name
01| Master|
02| Standard|
03| Standard|
04| Standard|
05| Standard|
06| Standard|
07| Standard|
08| Cleaner Code|
09| Holiday|
10 (A)| Part-set A|
11 (B)| Part-set B|
12 (C)| Part-set C|
System Configuration Record

Entry Time:|
Exit Time:|
Bell Delay:|
Bell Duration:|
System Reset By:| Engineer: User:____ Remote Reset:
Circuit Designation Record

No.| Location| Omit| Chime| A| B| C
01|  |  |  |  |  |
02|  |  |  |  |  |
03|  |  |  |  |  |
04|  |  |  |  |  |
05|  |  |  |  |  |
06|  |  |  |  |  |
07|  |  |  |  |  |
08|  |  |  |  |  |
09|  |  |  |  |  |
10|  |  |  |  |  |
11|  |  |  |  |  |
12|  |  |  |  |  |
13|  |  |  |  |  |
14|  |  |  |  |  |
15|  |  |  |  |  |
16|  |  |  |  |  |

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