WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone User Guide

June 5, 2024

WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone

WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone-fig1


We have designed PRISM to be the most versatile aircraft possible. We understand the challenges that professional Drone Operators face on a daily basis, so we created this aircraft with the pilots in mind. We hope that it serves you and your organization well in all of your future endeavors.
Please feel free to reach out any time with critical feedback, feature requests and suggestions. Thank you for your support and trust in our products.
Bobby Watts


DRY WEIGHT 15.6 lbs (7.08 kg) 20.3 lbs (9.21 kg)
WEIGHT WITH BATTERIES See values scaled for battery weights, below
Tattu 6s 8,000mAh x 4 (10.6lbs) 26.2 lbs (11.88 kg) 30.9 lbs (14.02 kg)
Tattu 6s 10,000mAh x 4 (13.75lbs) 29.4 lbs (11.29 kg) 34.1 lbs (15.47 kg)
Tattu PLUS 6s 16,000mAh x 4 (19 lbs) 34.6 lbs (15.69 kg) 39.3 lbs (17.83
Tattu PLUS 12s 16,000mAh x 2 (21.5lbs) N/A 41.8 lbs (18.96 kg)
MTOW 37 lbs (16.78 kg) 54.9 lbs (24.9 kg)*
MAXIMUM USER PAYLOAD See values scaled for battery weights, below
Tattu 6s 8,000mAh x 4 (10.6lbs) 10.8 lbs (4.89 kg) 24.0 lbs (10.88 kg)
Tattu 6s 10,000mAh x 4 (13.75lbs) 7.6 lbs (3.44 kg) 20.8 lbs (9.43 kg)
Tattu PLUS 6s 16,000mAh x 4 (19 lbs) 2.4 lbs (1.08 kg) 15.6 lbs (7.07 kg)
Tattu PLUS 12s 16,000mAh x 2 (21.5lbs) N/A 13.1 lbs (5.94 kg)

*The PRISM X8 configuration is technically capable of an MTOW of 55 lbs or more, but may not operate at an MTOW of 55 lbs or greater by law while remaining in its weight and performance category.


    ALT HOLD mode is the base flight mode of this PRA, and provides the most manual control over the aircraft. In this flight mode, the aircraft uses the onboard sensors to only stabilize its attitude and altitude.
    Pitch and roll are commanded by manipulating the respective control sticks.At neutral control input (center pitch and roll stick position) the RPA will remain level and not increase or decrease altitude.
    Altitude rate of change is controlled by the amount of deviation from center point of the throttle stick. The higher the throttle stick position, the faster the climb. Conversely, the lower the throttle stick position, the faster the RPA will descend.

    This flight mode uses GPS inputs to maintain position during flight. Pilot inputs via the pitch/roll sticks command changes in ground speed. Pitch and roll stick deflection will command fore/aft and left/right ground speeds respectively. Controlling altitude in POSHOLD mode is the same as in ALTHOLD. With pitch and roll controls centered, the RPA will attempt to hold its current position and altitude. The aircraft will self-correct for disturbances that may force it from the desired position.

    Auto mode instructs the RPA to follow the waypoint mission plan uploaded to the autopilot system.
    The pilot will only have manual control of the RPA heading while the mission is being carried out. The autonomous mission can be paused at any time by toggling the flight mode switch on the RPS. To exit AUTO mode, the user can simply flip the switch into either ALTHOLD or POSHOLD.


    • This mode can be selected in an emergency situation, and will command the aircraft to automatically return to home and land. The home position is recorded automatically when the aircraft is armed and the aircraft will return to this exact original takeoff position. For this reason, ensure that the drone may safely be landed in extreme circumstances, especially operating from a moving platform (such as a truck, boat, etc).
    • As part of the preflight planning, the pilot should identify the height of all tall objects in the flight operations area. The RTL ALTITUDE should be set to a height that is greater than that of the tallest object with a comfortable margin of error (10-20%). This is done to ensure that the aircraft can always maintain separation from all objects while autonomously returning to land. This is set in the SAFETY menu of WattsQGC.
    • Once the RPA has arrived above the home position, it will automatically descend and perform a landing. This situation is described in detail in the Emergency Procedures section.
    • The RTL altitude and behaviour can be set via the GCS prior to flight.

WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone-fig2


  1. Remove the main aircraft body from its transport container and place it on a flat, level surface.
  2. Slot the T-shaped landing gear into their receptacles on the underside of the central airframe and turn the cam lock until it is in the locked position.
  3. Depress the release pin on each of the collapsible GPS masts and tug gently on the GPS disk to extend the masts until they lock in their extended positions.
  4. Remove the four red plastic arm protectors at the four corners of the aircraft body where the booms attach. This will expose the data and power pins that make up the Propulsion ID system, so do not leave these pins exposed for a long time, particularly in dusty or wet environments. Store the red plastic protectors where they will not become dirty or lost.
  5. Release the arm-locking pins by lifting the knob to the left of each corner of the airframe. Swing each arm outward into the extended flight position, one at a time, until the Propulsion ID power pins are fully engaged with the contact points at the bases of the arms, and the arm is flush against the central airframe. Ensure each arm is correctly locked into flight position and the bolts are firmly set by pressing down on each locking knob.

WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone-fig3

  1. Ensure the data uplink/downlink antennas on the left and right sides of the aircraft are positioned outward and up at about a 45-degree angle.
  2. Remove the protective cloth covers from each of the motors and set the covers aside where they will not be blown away by the propwash during operations. Unfold the propellers on the motors.
  3. On the battery tray receptacle, pull the locking pin away from the battery tray and rotate a quarter turn to allow the pin to lock in the extended position. Slide the battery tray into the battery tray receptacle, ensuring that the battery leads are facing the power distribution plugs emerging from the side of the main aircraft body, and that the locking holes in the battery tray are lined up with the locking knobs on the airframe. Release the locking knobs by rotating each one clockwise a quarter turn so that the springs push the bolts through the holes in the battery tray. This will ensure the battery tray is properly secured. Test the battery tray by pulling forcefully on the battery to ensure it is properly secured.
  4. Continue assembly of PRISM by attaching the payload, first performing the physical installation, then connecting the data and power connectors.

WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone-fig4



  1. Power up payload and ensure it is functioning correctly.
  2. Power on the ground control station.
  3. Connect each battery plug to the aircraft.
  4. Open the WattsQGC application.
  5. Verify no errors in the overall system status.
  6. Verify the RTL failsafe altitude & ensure that the aircraft will clear any obstacles.
  7. Ensure the Low Voltage RTL warnings are set for your particular application, flight envelope & payload.


  1. Observe the RPA is has acquired GPS lock.
  2. Verify sufficient RPAS battery voltages.
  3. Observe the wind conditions have not changed significantly and are still within operational limits.
  4. Observe VMC for the intended area of operation.
  5. Verify the launch area and pad is level, totally clear and secure.
  6. Position RPA nose into wind, PIC standing behind RPA.


  1. Select either ALTHOLD or POSHOLD flight mode with the three position switch. Complete the pre-flight checklist in WattsQGC application.
  2. Arm the RPA (Throttle stick DOWN, yaw to the RIGHT). The WattsQGC application will audibly announce “Armed”.
  3. Observe all motors spool up correctly.
  4. Apply power to lift off and ascend quickly out of ground effect (1-2 meters).
  5. Confirm RPA is stable and reacting correctly to stick inputs.
  6. Enter POSHOLD mode and confirm the RPA holding its current position.
  7. Observe battery voltage has not dropped significantly under load. Verify RPAS ready to commence flight operations.


  1. Check battery voltage on the display at regular intervals.
  2.  Ensure both video telemetry & control link signal strengths are within acceptable levels.
  3. Ensure RPA is within predetermined flight boundaries.
  4. Be aware of any meteorological changes during the flight.
  5. Be aware of any aircraft entering the operations area.
  6. Ensure sufficient battery capacity remaining to return safely to base.


  1. Ensure landing area is clear.
  2. Payload operator to prepare payload for landing.
  3. Command a steady, angled flight path towards the landing area.
  4. Bring the RPA to a hover roughly 15 ft (3 m) above landing area.
  5. Slowly lower RPA to touch down, ensuring minimal horizontal movement after landing gear has made contact to avoid dynamic rollover.
  6. “Disarm RPA (Throttle stick DOWN, yaw to the LEFT). The WattsQGC application will audibly announce “Disarmed”.
  7. Observe all propellers stationary before approaching.


  1. Power down RPA by disconnecting the battery plugs.
  2. Remove the battery tray from RPA. Aircraft is now “safe”.
  3. Power down RPS.
  4. Power down Payload.


  1. Inspect each motor for excessive heat buildup.
  2.  Inspect each propeller for damage or play.
  3. Inspect each boom for flex, displacement, or play.
  4. Inspect each battery for excessive heat or swelling.
  5. Log the flight time and observations.


WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone-fig5

[1]: WattsQGC Application Settings| [10]: Artificial Horizon & Heading Indica- tor (magnetic)
[2]: PRISM Vehicle Settings| [11]: Real-Time Telemetry Values
[3]: Automated Flight Setup| [12]: Camera Input Source Selector
[4]: Main Fly Screen / Fly Menu| [13]: Picture-in-Picture
[5]: MAVLink warnings/notifications| [14]: RTL/Land button
[6]: GPS Satellite Status| [15]: Takeoff button
[7]: RSSI for RC/Video Link| [16]: Arm Motors button
[8]: Battery % remaining| [17]: Pre-flight Checklist
[9]: Flight Mode| [18]: Warning text


  1. After operations are complete, power down and remove the payload.
  2. Before folding the arms of PRISM, the propellers should be folded and secured, and the motors covered with their dust covers. Fold the arms by pulling up on the round release knob on the left side (as-facing) of the attachment point, then folding the boom arm against the side of the main airframe. Lift the attaching pin at the point of contact and allow the arm to lock in place in its folded position. At this time the arm socket covers may be installed to prevent dirt and other particulates from entering into the arm socket.
  3.  Remove the landing gear by loosening the cam locks on each of the landing gear tube clamps. Set the airframe on a flat and level surface.
  4. When not in use, the aircraft should be stored inside its case in a climate-controlled environment at room temperature. The covers should remain in place over the arm sockets as well as the propellers, and the arms should be folded in and locked in storage position. The case should be stored upright.
  5. Batteries should be serviced and stored separately according to their manufacturer specifications. They may be kept secured to the carbon-fiber battery tray as a set.

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PRISM’s accelerometers are calibrated from the factory and should not require an additional calibration before flight. It is important to note however that operations in extreme temperatures may require an additional accelerometer calibration. In order to calibrate the accelerometer, simply enter into Sensors -> Accelerometer, then follow the instructions. After placing the vehicle in each position, hold the aircraft still and press “Next”, until complete. Once this is finished, a vehicle reboot must be completed in order to fly.

PRISM’s compasses are calibrated from the factory and should not require an additional calibration before flight. It is important to note however that periodically, a user may wish to calibrate the compasses for the best performance possible. In order to calibrate the onboard compasses, simply enter the Settings -> Sensors -> Compass menu. Then click OK to begin compass calibration. While the calibration is underway, hold the drone in the air and spin it around on all axes slowly in a circular motion. The aircraft can be rotated at random. It is important that the aircraft be rotated so that all axes are rotated during the calibration process. This may take up to a few minutes to complete, so please be patient. During the compass calibration, a status bar will be displayed. Once the calibration is complete, a readout will be shown to show the health of all three compasses.

NOTE: Because Compass #3 is located inside the flight controller and surrounded by EMF, it is not uncommon for Compass #3 health to be in the RED after a calibration. This is not unusual and will not cause any in-flight issues.
PRO-TIP: Because the aircraft can be configured with a heavy flight battery, during a compass calibration it may be easier for the operator to only plug in 1 battery in an effort to save weight. In addition, this may be performed with two people to make the process easier.


  1. Ensure the aircraft and RPS are powered on with sufficient power for the duration of the update.

  2. Connect PRISM’s onboard companion computer to a wireless network. This is done by entering the network SSID and password into the Network Access fields in PRISM menu of the Vehicle Settings, and tapping
    “Connect.” The SSID and the word “Connected” in green will display upon successful connection.

  3. Select “Check for updates” under the Update Utility. The system will prompt the user to power off the EchoSky Mobile to prevent interference with the WiFi data download.

  4. Power off the EchoSky Mobile by tapping the power button, then tapping it and holding it until the handset powers off.

  5. Restart the EchoSky Mobile. During the rebooting process, the companion computer will download the update and cache it for transfer to PRISM. Restart the WattsQGC application and allow it to fully connect to the RPA (about 30 seconds).

  6. Access the Aircraft Settings and PRISM menu again. Verify that the new firmware version shows in the drop-down menu under the Update Utility.

  7. Select the new firmware version from the drop-down menu and tap on “Update,” then slide the slider to confirm. This will now begin the updating process.

  8. The update will take approximately 5 minutes to install and initiate the new firmware. During this process, it will disconnect from the EchoSky Mobile RPS. Do not disconnect the power from PRISM during the update process! Once the process is complete, the drone will restart and the vehicle will become connected again. Now verify that the new firmware is active by verifying the PRISM Version on the same menu screen.


Watts Innovations will frequently release new versions of the WattsQGC Application for the EchoSky Mobile handset. These updates will include new feature implementations, improvements and bug fixes. It is highly recommended that users continually update both WattsQGC as well as the onboard PRISM firmware to ensure optimal performance and the best user experience possible.Updating the WattsQGC app will not cause any information such as cached maps, automated missions, or telemetry data to be erased. Upon opening the WattsQGC application, a pop-up will appear asking the operator if he would like to update the application. Simply press “YES” and the application will begin to update.

WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone-fig7


WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone-fig8

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| WATTS INNOVATIONS PM-5694 Prism Quadcopter Drone [pdf] User Guide
PM-5694, Prism Quadcopter Drone


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