MELTA SYSTEM DEFCOM 3.1B Automatic Electronic Design User Manual

June 5, 2024

DEFCOM 3.1B Automatic Electronic Design
User Manual

Apply here the white self-adhesive label that seals the alarm control unit package. Keep these indications in a safe place, they will be useful for product updates and optional accessories.

MELTA SYSTEM DEFCOM 3.1B Automatic Electronic Design -

Dear Customer,
the DEFCOM 3.1B alarm has a set-up that allows it to be installed on your vehicle quickly and in compliance with current regulations, at 12th paragraph of this manual are indicated the possible operating options and if you desire to change the original set-up, you could request to the customization to your installer.
The product has been designed for Keyless activation and deactivation pairing the optional CARD B9.5 that you can require to your installer, the operations in Keyless mode are described in the 16th paragraph of this manual.


The DEFCOM 3.1B alarm provides different signals (led, siren, and flashing of the vehicle indicators) according to the different commands received from the remote control and different conditions which it is, following are reported the main signals. Some acoustic signals from the siren during arming and disarming of the alarm (highlighted in bold) will be emitted only enabling the Buzzer Function, this is possible by changing the product factory set-up during installation (see the paragraph “12. MAIN PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS”).

Passive arming| Slow flashing| 1 Short flash| 1 BEEP
Arming by remote control| Slow flashing| 2 Flashes| 2 BEEP
Arming without an internal tilt sensor| Slow flashing| Flashes 2 + 1| 2 BEEP + 1 BEEP
Arming with active contact| Slow flashing| 2 Flashes| 2 BEEP + 1 BOOP
Initial immunity phase| Fast flashing| |
Testing during the initial
immunity phase| Fast flashing| | 1 BEEP
Central unit armed| Slow flashing| |
Alarm cycle| Switches off| Flashing| Sounds
Disarming without alarms| Switches off| 1 Flash| 1 BEEP
Disarming when the
The motorcycle’s battery is flat| Switches off| | 4 BEEP
Disarming when alarms
have been memorized| Switches off briefly
every 6 sec.| | 1 BEEP + 1 BOOP
Pre-alarm phase| Switches off| | 5 BEEP
Service Mode| Flashing very fast
with ignition key ON| |

If various alarms have been triggered, the memory will signal them in a sequence with 3-second pauses and will repeat the sequence every 6 seconds. The memory is reset when the motorcycle is started up or when the alarm system is armed with the remote control again. NOTE: Using the CARD B9.5 with KeyLess mode, the alarms memory stays available for one minute also after instrument panel activation.

Internal movement sensor 1 Flash
Contacts 2 Flashes
Ignition key sensing 3 Flashes
Tampering with cables or battery 4 Flashes


The central unit arms automatically in 50 seconds after executing one of the following operations:

  • After the motorcycle’s key has been turned OFF.
  • After the remote control has been pressed to disarm the alarm system.
  • After the alarm system has been disarmed using the ‘OVERRIDE’ CODE.

The passive arming is signaled by a short flash of the direction indicators and a slow flashing of the LED, only the engine immobilizer is armed.
It is also possible to select the passive arming of all the alarm systems (see the paragraph on configuration). In this case, the signals given are the same as those of arming using the remote control.


Press the A BUTTON of the remote control briefly within 50 seconds of turning the motorcycle’s ignition key OFF; the direction indicators flash twice. All the central unit’s functions have been activated and the LED is flashing.


Press the A BUTTON of the remote control for approximately 2 seconds and within 50 seconds of turning the motorcycle’s ignition key OFF; the direction indicators flash 2 + 1 times and the siren emits 1 BEEP sound.
All the central unit’s functions have been activated except the movement sensor. During the immunity phase, the LED flashes fastly and after flashes normally.


Press the A BUTTON of the remote control briefly: the direction indicators flash once, and the LED switches off if no alarms have been triggered while the alarm system was active. If the LED remains  ON and the siren also emits a BOOP sound, this means that the alarm system was triggered; To find out how the alarm was triggered, consult the “MEMORISED ALARMS” table in the chapter “1. NOTIFICATIONS”.
If visual and acoustic signals are given during arming or disarming that are different from those described above, consult the chapter “1. NOTIFICATIONS” table to find out what they mean.


For the first 26 seconds, after the alarm system has been armed with the remote control, the LED flashes fastly to signal that it is possible to test the protection functions of the system.
Any alarm triggers do not provoke an alarm but just BEEP sounds by the siren together with the resetting of the initial immunity phase which starts again. When this phase is over, the LED flashes normally, and any alarm triggers will provoke an alarm.


This is when the alarm system is armed and after the initial immunity, phase is over. Any alarm triggers will provoke an alarm cycle that lasts 26 seconds: the direction indicators fl ash, the siren emits a  distinctive modulated sound, the horn will sound continuous and it will be impossible to start the engine.


The alarm central unit protects the motorcycle against being started and an alarm cycle will be triggered every time:

  • The ignition key is turned ON
  • An attempt is made to remove or move any part of the motorcycle which is protected by specific switches (for example if the seat or the storage compartment is opened…)
  • The motorcycle is moved
  • The alarm system’s supply cables are disconnected or cut or if the motorcycle’s battery is disconnected.


It is possible to trigger a 10-second alarm cycle by pressing the B BUTTON on the remote control.
This alarm cycle can be interrupted by pressing the same button again.


If needs to exclude the alarm system for a time period, it’s possible to enable the SERVICE MODE modality using its remote control.
To enable the SERVICE MODE turn ON the motorcycle’s key and immediately after press holds the A BUTTON of the remote control at least 6 sec., the feature enabling is indicated by the LED flashing very fast when the motorcycle’s key is ON.
To disable the SERVICE MODE turn ON the motorcycle’s key and immediately after press holds the A BUTTON of the remote control for at least 6 sec., the feature disabling is indicated by the LED goes OFF.


This product has 2 different timed operation options to protect the vehicle battery (STOP MODE and DEEP SLEEP MODE) and an additional system to fast shut off if the battery voltage level goes down than 10,5V.
It is activated 5 days after the system was armed by remote control or automatically (passive arming) if no alarms were triggered in this time.
The behavior of this operation option it’s very similar to the STOP MODE and the main diff hence it’s the vehicle protection that stay active during the DEEP SLEEP phase.
To exit from DEEP SLEEP MODE , turn the ignition key ON: the siren will emit a series of BEEP sounds. Press the remote control within 20 seconds of the BEEPS to disarm the alarm system.
If the remote control is not pressed within 20 seconds, an alarm cycle will be triggered.
The alarm system automatically switches off in order to limit the consumption of current in the motorcycle’s battery, automatically excluding the alarm functions but maintaining the immobilization of the engine: in this condition current consumption is nil. STOP MODE is activated 5 days after the system was armed by remote control or automatically (passive arming) if no alarms were triggered in this time or if the motorcycle’s battery is almost flat (battery voltage level under 10,5V).
To exit from STOP MODE, turn the ignition key ON: the siren will emit a series of BEEP sounds. Press the remote control within 20 seconds of the BEEPS to disarm the alarm system. If the remote control is not pressed within 20 seconds, an alarm cycle will be triggered.


It is possible to set some alarm functions to adapt the alarm system to the motorcycle and its driver’s needs. All possible set-ups are described in the table below wherein bold are highlighted the factory set-up.

Passive arming Enabled Disabled
Passive arming type Only immobilizer Immobilizer and
switches alarm Immobilizer,

switches alarm and tilt sensor
Horn alarm output| Continuous| Alternated|
Buzzer Arm./Dis.| Enabled| Disabled|
Direction indicators
Arm./Dis.| Enabled| Disabled|
Alarm line Yellow/Green wire| Active if removed the
earth connection| Active with
earth connection|
Alarm line Purple wire| Active if removed
the earth connection| Active with
earth connection| Arm./Dis. switch
input using CARD
Remote control
buttons| Button “A”:
Arming/Disarming| Button “A”: Arming
Button “B”: Disarming|
Panic alarm| Enabled| Disabled|
Override Code length| Only first 3 digits| 5 digits|
Type of low consumption mode| Stop Mode| Deep Sleep Mode|
Activation timing of low consumption mode| 5 days| 10 days|

Use only the PRG007 PROGRAMMER V3 to select the various functions of the product. Software updates for the PRG007 PROGRAMMER V3 and information about the programmable functions are available ONLINE in the TECH AREA/VEHICLES AREA of the website.

To enable or disable the buzzer during the alarm Arming/Disarming execute the following procedure:

  • Enable the SERVICE MODE and after pressing 6 times the A BUTTON of the remote control, one Beep will confirm the buzzer change.
  • Then restore the normal operation of the alarm unit by deactivating the SERVICE MODE.


If the remote control is lost, stolen, or damaged, it is possible to disarm the alarm system with a 5-digit emergency code called the ‘OVERRIDE’ CODE, and this code is found on the label applied on the alarm central unit body.
Remove the label from the alarm unit body and places it on the dedicated plate that you can find in the accessory bag, this plate must be kept in a safe place and not with the motorcycle.
The procedure is operational only after the initial immunity phase is over, and if the alarm functions are operational, alarm cycles will be triggered while the override code is inserted.
Perform the following procedure.
With an armed alarm system activate the instrument panel and immediately deactivate it; the LED will turn ON, turn off and then start to flash after 2 seconds.

MELTA SYSTEM DEFCOM 3.1B Automatic Electronic Design - figure

WARNING: if the standard ‘OVERRIDE’ CODE length (5 digits) will be changed in 3 digits the alarm unit disarms after entering the third digit instead of the fifth one.
If 3 attempts to insert the wrong code are detected, the central unit will be blocked for 10 minutes in order to prevent attempts to search for the code.


It is possible to customize the ‘OVERRIDE’ CODE so that it is easier to remember in case of an emergency. The ‘OVERRIDE’ CODE customizing and the length reduction in 3 digits can be performed by the installer only using the PRG007 V3 PROGRAMMER.


The alarm system is usually supplied with 2 remote controls.
To add or remove remote controls from the memory, gather all the remote controls together that are to be included in the alarm system’s memory and proceed as follows:

  1. Disarm the alarm system and turn the ignition key ON 3 times within 3 sec and keep it ON the last time (a BEEP sound confirms selection)
  2. Turn the ignition key OFF within 10 sec and insert the ‘OVERRIDE’ CODE.
  3. When the last digit has been confirmed a series of BEEP–BEEP-BOOP-BOOP sounds to confirm the code was correct and the LED starts flashing very fast.
  4. Within 60 seconds press simultaneously the 2 buttons on the first radio remote control; one BEEP sound and the LED turns OFF for 2 seconds to confirm pairing. Repeat the operation for all of the other radio remote controls to be paired, each time checking that they have been stored successfully (any remote controls that are not paired during this phase will be excluded).
  5. To complete the pairing phase turn the ignition key ON or wait 60 seconds, a series of BEEP–BEEP-BOOP-BOOP sounds confirms the end of the procedure and the LED turns OFF.


For this kind of functioning its necessary to pair the CARD B9.5 optional, with them is possible arming and disarm the alarm system without pressing the remote control buttons, and Mycro remote controls stay operative; after pairing the CARD using the PRG007 V3 PROGRAMMER to activate the CARD B9.5 press it’s button 5 times.

Alarm system activation in the passive arming mode selected:
It occurs by moving the CARD B9.5 away from the vehicle with the instrument panel OFF, after 15 sec. of missing signal from the CARD B9.5 the alarm system arms itself and will be signaled as described in paragraph 1.

Alarm system disarming:
It occurs by turning ON the instrument panel with CARD B9.5 close to the vehicle, and disarming will be signaled as described in paragraph 1.
If the CARD B9.5 is still close to the vehicle at the end of the initial immunity phase all the protections will be activated only after 15 seconds of missing signal from the CARD B9.5.

Alarm system arming: when the button is used to arm the system by pressing the CARD B9.5 button all the protections will be included, the alarm system arm immediately and the protections will be active after 26 seconds of immunity time if the CARD B9.5 will not be close to the vehicle. If the CARD B9.5 is still close to the vehicle at the end of the initial immunity phase all the protections will be activated only after 15 seconds of missing signal from the CARD B9.5.
Alarm system disarming: when the button is used to disarm the system by pressing the CARD B9.5 button the disarming will be a few seconds after pressing the button and the next passive arming will be after 50 seconds instead of 15 seconds.


Power supply ………………………………………………………………………………………….12Vcc (10V-15V)
Consumption …………………………………………………………………………………………..1,0 mA
Consumption in DEEP SLEEP MODE ………………………………………………. 0,3 mA
Consumption in STOP MODE ……………………………………………………………… 0 mA
Operating temperature …………………………………………………………………………….- 25°C + 85°C
The sound level of the siren ………………………………………………………………………….(1 mt.) 114 dB
Self-supply autonomy …………………………………………………………………………….5 minutes
Remote controls ……………………………..72 million billion variable codes (lithium battery)
Sensitivity of internal movement sensor ……………………………………….1,5° per second
Frequency of Mycro remote control …………………………………………………..433.92 MHz
Frequency of CARD B9.5 ………………………………………………………………………2.45 GHz
EMERGENCY ‘OVERRIDE’ CODE to reset immobilizer and alarm functions


Starter motor relay …………………………………………………………………..10A
Direction indicator relay …………………………………………………………5A + 5A
Horn control ………………………………………………………………………….Negative electronic 300mA


Initial immunity phase ……………………………………………………………………..26 seconds
Duration of alarm cycle ……………………………………………………………………..26 seconds
The interval between alarm cycles ……………………………………………………………5 seconds
Passive arming delay ………………………………………………………………………..50 seconds
STOP MODE delay ………………………………………………………………………….5 days
Intermittence of direction indicators …………………………………………0,4 sec. Off /0,4 sec. On


Contact alarm inputs ………………………………………………………………….10 cycles
Tilt sensor ………………………………………………………………………………….10 cycles
Ignition sensing …………………………………………………………………………10 cycles
Cable tampering …………………………………………………………………………9 cycles

Hereby, Meta System S.p.A. declares that MotorBike Alarm types DEFCOM 3.1B/3.2B, ID-TAG type B9.5, and Remote control type Mykro are in compliance with Radio Equipment Directive  2014/53/EU.

Frequency Bands in which the radio equipment operates:
433.05 MHz – 434.79 MHz <10mW e.i.r.p.
2402.0 MHz – 2480.0 MHz <10mW e.i.r.p.

The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available at the following internet address:
Certifi cate Holder’s Address:
Meta System S.p.A. – Via Galimberti 5, 42124 Reggio Emilia (Italy)

Designed, engineered and manufactured in Italy by
Meta System S.p.A. – Via T. Galimberti 5, 42124 – Reggio nell’Emilia (Italy)
Vertrieb und Service in Deutschland
M+S Solution GmbH, Bogensraße 1, 90530 Wendelstein


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