SLIMDUCT SD-77-W Lineset Covers Instruction Manual
- June 4, 2024
Table of Contents
- SD-77-W Lineset Covers
- Product Specifications:
- Product Usage Instructions:
- Condensate Management:
- Compressor Maintenance:
- Air Diffusers:
- LLiinnLLeeiinnsseeeeststeCeCttsoosvv&e&errss:
- Locking Refrigerant Caps:
- Equipment Mounting:
- Speciality Chemicals, Air Conditioning Chemicals, Heating
- Q: What are the weather resistance specifications of the
- Q: How do I choose the right size for the duct?
SD-77-W Lineset Covers
Product Specifications:
- 3 sizes available: 3 3/4, 4 1/2, and 5 1/2
- 3 colors to choose from: white, ivory, or brown
- 15 fittings included for installation flexibility
- 78 lengths available with 5 lengths per box
- 10 fittings per box
- 1-year warranty
Product Usage Instructions:
Condensate Management:
Ensure proper drainage of condensate to prevent water
Compressor Maintenance:
Regularly check and maintain the compressor to ensure optimal
Air Diffusers:
Install air diffusers in appropriate locations for efficient air
Secure lineset covers for protection and aesthetic purposes.
Locking Refrigerant Caps:
Use locking refrigerant caps to prevent unauthorized access to
refrigerant lines.
Equipment Mounting:
Properly mount equipment to ensure stability and safety.
Speciality Chemicals, Air Conditioning Chemicals, Heating
Chemicals, Other Related Products:
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for usage and safety
Q: What are the weather resistance specifications of the
A: The product is made of weather-resistant PVC, UV stabilized,
and fire-resistant. It has been tested to withstand over 2,000
hours of exposure.
Q: How do I choose the right size for the duct?
A: Choose the duct size based on your requirements – SD77,
SD100, or SD140. Note that dark colors may fade in sunlight sooner
than lighter colors.
Condensate Management
Compressor Maintenance
SLIMDUCT® LINESET COVERS Attractive lineset ducting system for the
professional installer.
Heavy weight professional grade · Gloss finish
3 sizes. 33/4″, 41/2″ and 51/2″ 3 c olors. Choose white, ivory, or brown 15
fit t ings. Assures complete flexibility of installation 78″ le ngt hs. 5
lengths per box 10 fittings per box. 1 ye a r w a rra nt y.
Air Diffusers
Locking Refrigerant Caps
Equipment Mounting
Speciality Chemicals
Air Conditioning Chemicals
Heating Chemicals
Other Related Products
Contact: RectorSeal® P 713-263-8001 800-231-3345
F 713-263-7577 800-441-0051 W
Condensate Management
Compressor Maintenance
LLiinneesseettss && LLiinneesseett CCoovveerrss
Locking Refrigerant Caps
Equipment Mounting
Air Diffusers
RS# (ref. #) White 85004 (SD-77-W) 85104 (SD-100-W) 85204 (SD-140-W) 86010 (SJ-77-W) 86110 (SJ-100-W) 86210 (SJ-140-W) 86016 (SW-77-W) 86116 (SW-100-W) 85216 (SW-140-W) 85014 (SP-77-W) 86114 (SP-100-W) 85214 (SP-140-W) 86007 (SE/SEN-77-W) 86107 (SEN-100-W) 86207 (SEN-140-W) 86011 (SK-77-W) 86111 (SK-100-W) 85211 (SK-140-W) 85012 (SKF-77-W) 86112 (SKF-100-W) 85212 (SKF-140-W) 86002 (SC-77-W) 86102 (SC-100-W) 85202 (SC-140-W) 85000 (SCF-77-W) 86100 (SCF-100-W) 85200 (SCF-140-W) 86015 (ST-77-W) 86115 (ST-100-W) 85215 (ST-140-W) 85106 (SDR-100-77-W) 86206 (SDR-140-100-W) 86018 (SIF-77-W) 86118 (SIF-100-W) 85008 (SF-77-500-W) 86108 (SF-100-800-W) 85208 (SF-140-800-W) 85009 (SFJ-77-W) 85109 (SFJ-100-W) 86105 (SWC-100-W) 85205 (SWC-140-W) 86005 (SWC-77-W) 85080 (SN-77-W) 86001 (SFS-77) 86101 (SFS-100) 86201 (SFS-140) 86299 (SL-300)
RS# (ref. #) Ivory 85024 (SD-77-I) 85124 (SD-100-I) 85224 (SD-140-I) 86030 (SJ-77-I) 86130 (SJ-100-I) 86230 (SJ-140-I) 86036 (SW-77-I) 86136 (SW-100-I) 85236 (SW-140-I) 85034 (SP-77-I) 86134 (SP-100-I) 85234 (SP-140-I) 86027 (SE/SEN-77-I) 86127 (SEN-100-I) 86227 (SEN-140-I) 86031 (SK-77-I) 86131 (SK-100-I) 85231 (SK-140-I) 85032 (SKF-77-I) 86132 (SKF-100-I) 85232 (SKF-140-I) 86022 (SC-77-I) 86122 (SC-100-I) 85222 (SC-140-I) 85020 (SCF-77-I) 86120 (SCF-100-I) 85220 (SCF-140-I) 86035 (ST-77-I) 86135 (ST-100-I) 85235 (ST-140-I) 85126 (SDR-100-77-I) 86226 (SDR-140-100-I) 86038 (SIF-77-I) 86138 (SIF-100-I) 85028 (SF-77-500-I) 86128 (SF-100-800-I) 85228 (SF-140-800-I) 85188 (SF-77-1000-I) 85029 (SFJ-77-I) 85129 (SFJ-100-I) 86025 (SWC-77-I) 85085 (SN-77-I) –
RS# (ref. #) Brown 85064 (SD-77-B) 85164 (SD-100-B) 85264 (SD-140-B) 85370 (SJ-77-B) 85470 (SJ-100-B) 85570 (SJ-140-B) 85376 (SW-77-B) 85476 (SW-100-B) 85576 (SW-140-B) 85374 (SP-77-B) 85474 (SP-100-B) 85574 (SP-140-B) 85367 (SE/SEN-77-B) 85467 (SEN-100-B) 85567 (SEN-140-B) 85371 (SK-77-B) 85471 (SK-100-B) 85571 (SK-140-B) 85372 (SKF-77-B) 85472 (SKF-100-B) 85572 (SKF-140-B) 85362 (SC-77-B) 85462 (SC-100-B) 85562 (SC-140-B) 85360 (SCF-77-B) 85460 (SCF-100-B) 85560 (SCF-140-B) 85375 (ST-77-B) 85475 (ST-100-B) 85575 (ST-140-B) 85466 (SDR-100-77-B) 85566 (SDR-140-100-B) 85378 (SIF-77-B) 85478 (SIF-100-B) 85368 (SF-77-500-B) 86468 (SF-100-800-B) 85568 (SF-140-800-B) 85369 (SFJ-77-B) 85469 (SFJ-100-B) 85395 (SN-77-B) –
Description SD Slimduct 78″ length 77 SD Slimduct 78″ length 100 SD Slimduct 78″ length 140 SJ coupler 77 SJ coupler 100 SJ coupler 140 SW wall inlet 77 SW wall inlet 100 SW wall inlet 140 SP soffit inlet 77 SP soffit inlet 100 SP soffit inlet 140 SEN end fitting 77 SEN end fitting 100 SEN end fitting 140 SK 90° flat ELL 77 SK 90° flat ELL 100 SK 90° flat ELL 140 SKF 45° flat ELL 77 SKF 45° flat ELL 100 SKF 45° flat ELL 140 SC 90° vertical ELL 77 SC 90° vertical ELL 100 SC 90° vertical ELL 140 SCF 45° vertical ELL 77 SCF 45° vertical ELL 100 SCF 45° vertical ELL 140 ST TEE 77 ST TEE 100 ST TEE 140 SDR reducer 100-77 SDR reducer 140-100 SIF 2″ fixed offset 77 SIF 2″ fixed offset 100 SF flexible ELL 20″ length 77-500 SF flexible ELL 31″ length 100-800 SF flexible ELL 31″ length 140-800 SF flexible ELL 39″ length ivory 77-1000 SFJ flexible adaptor 77 SFJ flexible adaptor 100 SD 3.75″ Slim wall flange 100 SD 5.5″ Slim wall flange 140 SD 2.75″ Slim wall flange 77 SD 2.75″ Twist ELL 77 SFS saddle for flexible ELL 77 SFS saddle for flexible ELL 100 SFS saddle for flexible ELL*140 SL strap kit for line sets
L 78″ 78″ 78″ 2″ 21/2″ 31/2″ 8″ 83/4″ 11″ 51/8″ 53/8″ 53/4″ 13/4″ 41/2″ 6″ 5″ 6″ 71/2″ 41/2″ 51/4″ 61/4″ 4″ 45/8″ 5″ 41/8″ 43/8″ 45/8″ 61/2″ 77/8″ 97/8″ 21/2″ 4″ 71/8″ 71/8″ 191/2″ 311/2″ 311/2″ 23/4″ 13/8″ 11/2″ 55/8″ 71/8″ 41/2″ 51/2″ 13/8″ 11/2″ 11/2″ –
W 27/8″ 4″ 53/8 33/8″ 41/4″ 53/4″ 43/8″ 5″ 61/2″ 43/8″ 53/8″ 67/8″ 31/4″ 41/4″
53/4″ 25/8″ 3″ 33/8″ 31/4″ 41/4″ 53/4″ 31/4″ 41/4″ 53/4″ 31/4″ 41/4″ 53/4″
47/8″ 6″ 77/8″ 41/4″ 53/4″ 31/4″ 41/4″ 3″ 4″ 53/4″ 3″ 31/4″ 41/4″ 15/8″ 15/8″
15/8″ 51/2″ 31/4″ 31/4″ 41/4″
H 23/8″ 23/4″ 31/4″ 25/8″ 3″ 33/8″ 3″ 33/8″ 37/8″ 51/8″ 53/8″ 53/4″ 25/8″ 3″
33/8″ 5″ 6″ 71/2″ 25/8″ 3″ 33/8″ 4″ 45/8″ 5″ 25/8″ 3″ 33/8″ 25/8″ 3″ 3″ 3″
33/8″ 31/4″ 41/4″ 21/2″ 23/4″ 33/8″ 21/2″ 31/4″ 41/4″ 67/8″ 82/3″ 5″ 33/16″
21/2″ 3″ 3″
- (stainless steel)
Contact: RectorSeal® P 713-263-8001 800-231-3345
F 713-263-7577 800-441-0051 W
Speciality Chemicals
Air Conditioning Chemicals
Heating Chemicals
Other Related Products
Condensate Management
Compressor Maintenance
Air Diffusers
Liinneesseettss&& Linesseett CCoovveersrs
SlimDuct® Quick Installations Functional & Professional Appearance
Applic at ion. Slimduct® is perfect for mini-splits, high velocity and
conventional ducted split air conditioning systems.
St rong. Slimduct® ducting is extruded with our special formula rigid
polyvinyl chloride. Slimduct is UV, weather & fire resistant, with a
temperature range from -4°F to 140°F. The result is a long lasting quality
product that will remain attractive and provide protection for many years.
Prot e c t ive . Slimduct® protects lineset, wiring and drain hose from
weather, vandalism, pet and pest damage.
Ea sy t o inst a ll. Slimduct® installs quickly, and can be easily accessed
for repairs or replacement of the lineset.
St ylish. Slimduct® offers three duct sizes. Each size is available in three
neutral colors – white, ivory, and brown. Slimduct colors are designed to
compliment any natural stone, brick, wood, stucco, vinyl or painted facade,
and can be used for both residential or commercial Installations.
qSecure inlet base. ePlace lineset.
wSecure duct base. rSnap on covers.
SD77 SD100 SD140
27/8″ 4″ 53/8″
Technical Information
23/8″ 23/4″
Weather Resistance Weather resistant PVC, UV stabilized & fire resistant. Tested to over 2,000 hours.
Temperature Range -4°F to 140°F
SlimDuct® Options 3 Colors for Residential & Commercial Applications
Locking Refrigerant Caps
Equipment Mounting
Speciality Chemicals
Air Conditioning Chemicals
Heating Chemicals
Other Related Products
Size Specifications – Choose duct size SD77, SD100 or SD140.
NOTE: Dark colors fade in sunlight sooner than lighter colors
SLIMDUCT is a registered trademark of Inaba Denki Sangyo Co.
Contact: RectorSeal® P 713-263-8001 800-231-3345
F 713-263-7577 800-441-0051 W
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