Haier MVHQ072ME2CA1 Series System Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Owner’s Manual

June 1, 2024

Haier MVHQ072ME2CA1 Series System Heat Pump and Heat Recovery



  • Model Numbers: MVHQ072ME2CA1, MVHQ096ME2CA1, MVHQ120ME2CA1,

  • Design: May vary by model number

Product Usage Instructions

Record Keeping

Thank you for purchasing this Haier product. This installation manual will help you get the best performance from your new heat pump.

Model number: Record the model and serial number located on the label on the side of your air conditioner/heat pump, and the date of purchase. Staple your proof of purchase to this manual for warranty service if needed.

Serial number:

Date of purchase:

To register your new Haier Duct Free system go to HaierDuctless.com/product- registration and input the model/serial number information on this page. Registration is required within 60 days of installation to receive a 10-year compressor and parts warranty.

Important Safety Information

Warning: For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury.

Warning: Risk of electric shock. Could cause injury or death.

Warning: Risk of fire. Could cause injury or death.

This appliance should not be used by persons with reduced physical, sensory, or mental capabilities unless supervised.

Avoid suffocation risks by keeping packaging materials away from young children.

Ensure foreign materials do not enter the refrigerant piping and use only prescribed parts for installation to prevent accidents like unit falling, water leakage, electric shock, or fire.


Q: How often should I clean or maintain the heat pump?

A: It is recommended to clean and maintain the heat pump at least once a year to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Q: Can I install the heat pump myself?

A: Installation of the heat pump should be done by a qualified technician to ensure proper setup and safety compliance.

Owner’s Manual and Inst allat ion Inst ruct ion Manuel d’ut ilisat ion et inst ruct ions d’inst allat ion Manual del propiet ario y inst rucciones de inst alación
MRV 5 System Heat Pump and Heat Recovery
Thermopompe et récupérat ion de chaleur du système MRV 5
Sistema de Bomba de Calor y Recuperación de Calor MRV 5

Design may vary by model number.

L’aspect peut varier selon le numéro de modèle.

El diseño puede variar según el número de model.

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Thank you for purchasing t his Haier product . This inst allat ion manual will

help you get t he best performance from your new heat pump.

Model number

For fut ure reference, record t he model and serial number located on t he label on t he side of your air condit ioner/ heat pump, and t he date of purchase. St aple your proof of purchase to t his manual to aid in obt aining warrant y service if needed.

Serial number Date of purchase

To register your new Haier Duct Free system go to HaierDuct less.com/ product- regist rat ion and input t he model/serial number informat ion on t his page. To receive a 10- year compressor and part s warrant y, regist rat ion is required wit hin 60 days of inst allat ion.

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WARNING For your safety, t he informat ion in t his manual must be followed to minimize t he risk of fire, elect ric

shock, or personal injury. · Use t his equipment only for it s int ended purpose as
described in t his manual.

For any service which requires ent ry int o t he refrigerant sealed syst em, Federal regulat ions require t hat t he work is performed by a t echnician having a

· This heat pump must be properly inst alled in accordance

Class II or Universal cert ificat ion.

wit h t hese inst ruct ions before it is used.
· All wiring should be rat ed for t he amperage value list ed on t he rat ing plat e. Use only copper wiring.
· All elect rical work must be complet ed by a qualified elect rician and complet ed in accordance wit h local and nat ional building codes.
· Any servicing must be performed by a qualified individual.

· All air condit ioners cont ain refrigerant s, which under federal law must be removed prior t o product disposal. If you are get t ing rid of an old product wit h refrigerant s, check wit h t he company handling disposal.
· These R- 410A heat pumps syst ems require t hat cont ract ors and t echnicians use t ools, equipment and safet y st andards approved for use wit h t his refrigerant .

DO NOT use equipment cert ified for R22 refrigerant only.

WARNING RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. Could cause injury or deat h.

· An adequat e ground is essent ial before connect ing t he power supply.
· Disconnect all connect ed elect ric power supplies before servicing.

· Repair or replace immediat ely all elect rical wiring t hat has become frayed or ot herwise damaged. Do not use wiring t hat shows cracks or abrasion damage along it s lengt h or at eit her end.

WARNING RISK OF FIRE. Could cause injury or deat h.
· Do not st ore or use combust ible mat erials, gasoline or ot her flammable vapors or liquids in t he vicinit y of t his or any ot her appliance.

This appliance is not int ended for use by persons (including children) wit h reduced physical, sensory or ment al capabilit ies, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless t hey have been given supervision or inst ruct ion concerning use of t he appliance by a person responsible for t heir safet y. Children should be supervised t o ensure t hat t hey do not play wit h t he appliance.
To avoid danger of suffocat ion, keep t he plast ic bag or t hin film used as t he packaging mat erial away from young children.
Be sure not t o allow foreign mat erials (oil, wat er, et c) ent ering t he refrigerant piping. Seal t he ends of refrigerant piping before st orage.
For inst allat ion purposes, be sure t o use t he part s supplied by t he manufact urer or ot her prescribed part s. The use of non- prescribed part s can cause serious accident s such as t he unit falling, wat er leakage, elect ric shock, or fire.

The rat ed power supply of t his product is 208/ 230 VAC/ 60hz/ 1PH. Verify t he volt age is wit hin 187~253 range before t urning t he equipment on.
Supply power t o t he heat pump should be from a dedicat ed circuit t hat meet s branch circuit ampacit y requirement s.
Use a special branch circuit breaker and recept acle mat ched t o t he power circuit capacit y of t he heat pump. (Inst all in accordance wit h local t echnical st andard for elect rical equipment .)
Do not ext end t he power cord.
Perform wiring work in accordance wit h st andards so t hat t he air condit ioner can be operat ed safely and posit ively.
Inst all a leakage special branch circuit breaker in accordance wit h t he relat ed laws and regulat ions and elect ric company st andards.


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It is highly recommended t hat you do not open or close t he st op valves when t he out door t emperat ure is below – 5°F (- 21°C) as t his may cause refrigerant leakage.
Make sure power is t urned on for at least 12 hours aft er periods of being powered down in an 32 °F (0° C) environment or lower.
Do not t ouch t he fins of t he coil. Touching t he coil fins could result in damage t o t he fins or personal injury such as skin rupt ure.
Ensure t he power circuit capacit y is adequat e for all loads connect ed t o t he elect rical service panel. Increase t he conduct or and panel capacit y if t he t ot al elect rical loads exceed t he power source capacit y.
Cont act t he power ut ilit y if t he power provided is below equipment rat ing plat e requirement s.
Be sure t o inst all a breaker of t he specified capacit y.
Regulat ion of cables and breaker differs from each localit y, refer in accordance wit h local rules.
Do not use exist ing refrigerant lines.

Use refrigerant t ubing t hat is clean and free of any cont aminat ion which may cause damage t o t he syst em including sulfur, copper oxide, dust , met al chips, powder, oil or wat er.
Avoid brazing lines t oget her. Use a cont inuous lengt h of copper t ubing as oxides formed during improper brazing t echniques can damage t he equipment .
Do not use copper pipes t hat have a collapsed, deformed, or discolored port ion (especially on t he int erior surface). Ot herwise, t he expansion valve or capillary t ube may become blocked wit h cont aminant s.
Improper line sizing will degrade performance. Peak pressure of R410A is much higher t han R22. Use copper t ubing wit h adequat e wall t hickness.
To prevent breaking of t he pipe, avoid sharp bends. Bend t he pipe wit h a radius of curvat ure of 4 in. (100 mm ) or more.
If t he pipe is bent repeat edly at t he same place, it will break.



Read t hese inst ruct ions complet ely and carefully.
· IMPORTANT ­ Save t hese inst ruct ions for
local inspect or’s use.
· IMPORTANT ­ Observe all governing
codes and ordinances. · Note to inst aller ­ Be sure t o leave t hese inst ruct ions
wit h t he Consumer. · Note to consumer ­ Keep t hese inst ruct ions for fut ure
r ef er ence. · Skill level ­ A licensed cert if ied t echnician (t o handle
refrigerant R- 410A, recovery, et c) and a qualif ied elect rician are required for inst allat ion and service of t his split heat pump syst em. · Proper inst allat ion is t he responsibilit y of t he inst aller. · Product failure due t o improper inst allat ion is not covered under t he limit ed warrant y. · For personal safet y, t his syst em must be properly grounded. · Prot ect ive devices (fuses or circuit breakers) accept able for inst allat ion are specif ied on t he nameplat e of each unit . · Make sure t o avoid wiring or plumbing inside t he wall when inst alling.

CAUTION Aluminum elect rical wiring may present special problems – consult a qualif ied elect rician.
· When t he unit is in t he STOP posit ion, t here is st ill volt age t o t he elect rical cont rols.

Operat ion Condit ion:
The unit must be operated in t he operat ion range as follows. · MRV 5 adopt s “simult aneous cont rol” t ype, all indoors
should be heat ing or cooling simult aneously. · To protect compressor, before st art up, t he unit should be
elect rified for over 12 hours.

Operat ing Range of Air Condit ioner Cool Dry Indoor Max. DB:89.6°F(32°C)
Min. DB:64.4°F(18°C) Outdoor Max. DB:122°F(50°C)
Min. DB:- 4°F(- 20°C) Heat ing Indoor Max. DB:80.6°F(27°C)
Min. DB:59°F(15°C) Outdoor Max. DB:59.9°F(15.5°C)
Min. DB:- 22°F(- 30°C)

WB:73.4F(23°C) WB:57.2F(14°C) WB:78.8F(26°C)

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At t ent ion

· This manual should be given t o and kept by t he equipment owner. · Before inst allat ion, please read “Safet y precaut ions” carefully t o confirm t he correct inst allat ion.
· The inst alling t echnician should preform a t est run and t rial operat ion t o confirm performance and a complet ed inst allat ion. Provide t he users guide and inst allat ion manual t o t he equipment owner.
· Take appropriat e measures t o insure t hat t he building st ruct ure can bear t he weight of t he equipment . St ruct ural failure can cause damage or personal injury.
· The inst allat ion should include measures t o prot ect t he equipment against severe weat her and eart hquakes.
· Use only Haier accessories and component s wit h t his equipment . Failure t o use unapproved or 3rd part y accessories could result in wat er damage, elect rical shock or fire.
· Terminat e all condensat e drains in accordance t o local or nat ional codes. Improper connect ion t o building drains can int roduce poisonous gasses or object ionable odors.
· Condensat e drain lines should be inst alled according t o t his manual. Be sure t o insulat e drain lines t o avoid condensat ion and wat er damage.
· Bot h t he liquid and gas refrigerat ion lines should be insulat ed or condensat e wat er damage could occur.
· All refrigerant flare connect ions must be properly t orqued using a t orque wrench wit h a back up. Torque specificat ions are list ed in t his manual. Improperly t ight ened flare fit t ings can cause leaks and displace oxygen in confined spaces.
· Considerat ion should be given for locat ing t he out door equipment . Air discharging from equipment can damage plant s and veget at ion.
· Follow equipment clearance requirement s when inst alling t his equipment . Adequat e clearance should be given for service access and maint enance.
· Refrigerant lines should be insulat ed ot herwise loss of capacit y or wat er leakage could result .
· Refrigerant lines should be t horoughly leak t est ed according t o t his manual using dry nit rogen. Refrigerant leaks in confined spaces can cause personal injury or deat h.
· Connect ions on t his equipment have been adapt ed for use wit h R410A refrigerant including valves sizes and flare fit t ing sizes. Use t ools designed for use on R410A syst ems as seen in t he t able below.

R410A specified tools


1 R410A manifold guages

Range: HP >653 psi, LP>290psi

2 charge hose

Pressure: HP: 768psi, LP:507psi

3 electronic scale for charging R410A

Do not use charging cylinders

4 Torque wrench and metric crows foot adapters

5 R410A flare tool

6 Copper tubing cutter

7 Vacuum pump adapter

Hose must contain check valves or shut-off valves

8 R410A Leak Detector

Leak detectors must be designed for R410A

· Charge R410A in liquid state only.

· Maintain 4 ft clearance from televisions and radios when installing indoor and outdoor equipment to avoid signal interference.

· Fluorescent light fixtures can disrupt equipment control signals. Please keep control and power wiring away from fluorescent fixtures.

· You can get a frostbite if contact with leaking refrigerant.

· The flare fitting tightening torque values are listed in the following table.

Operating valve size in (mm) Fastening torque lb.ft(N.m)

Fastening angle(°)

1/4 (6.35)

10.33~13.28 (14~18)



25.08~30.98 (34~42)



36.14~44.99 (49~61)



50.15~60.48 (68~82)



61.96~72.28 (84~98)


· Charge system using liquid refrigerant. · Maintain 4 ft clearance with radio and TV cables to avoid signal interference or noise.

Recommended tool length in(mm) 5-29/32(150) 7-7/8 (200) 9-13/16 (250) 11-13/16(300 11-13/16(300)


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Inst allat ion Requirement s Checklist
· Is t he t ot al indoor unit capacit y wit hin t he allowable capacit y rat io? · Does t he refrigerant line size and lengt h fall int o t he allowable range per t he design soft ware? · Are t he refrigerant lines inst alled according t o t his inst allat ion guide? Are t he branch fit t ings laying flat and have proper
clearance bet ween t hem?
· Are all branch fit t ings inst alled on horizont al runs? · Was addit ional refrigerant added per t he design soft ware? · Was t he syst em properly leak t est ed? · Are t he indoor unit s on a common circuit breaker? · Is t he power supply volt age wit hin t he accept able range per t he equipment name plat es? · Have all indoor and out door unit dip swit ches been properly set wit h t he correct address?

Combinat ions and Opt ions
1. Before inst allat ion, check if t he model, power supply, pipe, wires, and part s purchased are correct . 2. Check t o see if t he indoor and out door unit s are properly mat ched according t o t he following t able.

Out door

Model(T) Cooling Norminal Capacit y Combinat ion Type

































Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Combinat ion (10+12) Combinat ion (12+12) Combinat ion (12+14) Combinat ion (12+16) Combinat ion (14+16) Combinat ion (16+16) Combinat ion (16+18) Combinat ion (18+18)

Indoor Maximum Number of Connected Indoor Unit s 15 18 21 24 33 36 39 42 51 54 57 60 63 64 64 64

Tot al indoor capacit y kBt u/ h 36- 94 48- 125 60- 156 72- 187 84- 218 96- 250 108- 281 120- 312 132- 343 144- 374 156- 405 168- 437 180- 468 192- 499 204- 530 216- 562

Combined range
50%- 130%

· The t ot al indoor unit capacit y should be less t han or equal t o t he t ot al out door unit capacit y if all indoor unit s are operat ing at t he same t ime. The allowable rat io is 50 t o 130%. Please consult t he manufact urer if your needs exceed t his limit at ion.
· The t ot al indoor unit capacit y should be less t han t he t ot al out door capacit y if syst em operat ing condit ions are below 23°F or above 105°F.
· All elect rical conduct ors should be sized according t o t he load t hey will carry.
· Only for 2 unit ODU combinat ion (X+Y), use piping kit : HZG- R20B

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Do not discard any of t he accessories unt il inst allat ion is complet e. Mat erials provided are needed for inst allat ion work. Please check t o make sure t he accessory bag is complet e.

No Definit ion


Qt y.


Place Posit ion


Inst allat ion Inst ruct ions


2 Rubber Plug


Sheat h





Single Line Protect ion


Power Line Protect ion


Accessory Bag

4 Reducing Pipe





Reducint Pipe


Zip Ties

Gas Liquid


Pipe Insulat ion


Overview of Unit
· The t ot al indoor unit capacit y should be less t han or equal t o t he t ot al out door unit capacit y if all t he out door unit s operat e at t he same t ime in one syst em. Overloading operat ions may occur in bad operat ing condit ion or some special condit ions. The t ot al indoor unit s capacit y should be no more t han 130% of t he out door unit capacit y.
· The t ot al indoor unit s capacit y should be less t han t he t ot al out door unit capacit y if t he syst em operat es in high heat load or very cold areas. (ambient t emperat ure below 14° F (10°C).
· To choose wire combinat ions and swit ch disconnect ions, refer t o t he unit specificat ion guide.


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Inst allat ion Locat ion Select ion
Be sure t o provide for adequat e measures in order t o prevent infest at ion by rodent s. Rodent s making cont act wit h elect rical part s can

cause radio or TV int erference in a domest ic environment .

This equipment cannot be inst alled in areas t hat cont ain flammable gasses t hat could cause fire or explosions

This equipment should only be inst alled in areas t hat are well vent ilated. There should be no obst acles blocking air inlet and out let s and t he equipment should be shielded from st rong winds.

St ruct ural support should be adequate to properly support t he equipment or vibrat ion and noise may occur.

The unit should be inst alled at t he place where t he cold/ hot air or noise will not interfere t he neighbors.

· Condensate drainage can freely flow. · Snow levels will not obst ruct air flow t hrough
t he unit . · Vibrat ion pads or springs can be inst alled under
t he unit .

· The equipment should be elevated off t he ground or it may becomedamaged.
· Areas free of corrosive gasses. · Direct exposure to off shore winds · Areas t hat cont ain smoke. · Exposure to steam. · Exposure to high frequency magnet ic waves. · Areas provided wit h an unst able power supply.

1. Choose a place t hat can carry t he weight of t he unit for inst allat ion and service, so t hat t he unit will not shake or fall. The unit shall be inst alled on a level surface (below 1/ 100).
3. Indoor and out door equipment should be as close t o each ot her as possible t o reduce t he lengt h of t he refrigerant pipeline and t he number of bends while maint aining required clearances.
4. The inst allat ion should offer reasonable prot ect ion from t he element s, dust , weat her and eart hquake. Equipment should be inst alled above average snowfall levels.
5. Make sure t hat t here is adequat e clearance for maint enance. 6. Children should be prevent ed access t o t he equipment . 7. There should be at least an 8 inch gap under t he unit when using bot t om piping access for refrigerant lines.

Snow cover (opt ional accessory)

Wind shield (opt ional accessory)
Seasonal wind
The base height should be above t he expected maximum snowfall locally.
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Clearance above unit should be 8in. minimum.
IMPORTANT: Please use M12 fixed anchor bolt s, each machine 4, and use shock absorbers t o reduce noice.


66-1/2in Fixed opening
distance 29-11/16 in.

Dimensions and Service Clearances
Out line and Inst allat ion Dimensions MVHQ072ME2CA MVHQ072ME4CA
Fixed opening distance 31-1/2in.
Drain opening

38-19/32 in.

2-13/16 in.
Exhaust duct connection position


Signal wire opening diameter 1in. (Use attachment rubber plug for Line protection

Power line outlet (According to the choice of the power line diameter size. The export, use the attached wire into the sheath)

Refrigerant pipe outlet (Three pipe)

Signal line and power line outlet

Line protection


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Fixed opening distance 29-11/16in.


Dimensions and Service Clearances
Out line and Inst allat ion Dimensions MVHQ096 ­ 144ME2CA MVHQ096 ­ 144ME4CA

Fixed opening distance 39-13/32in. Drain opening

55-1/2 in.

2-13/16 in.
Exhaust duct connection position

55-1/2 in 29-1/2 in.

66-1/2in d

Signal wire hole diameter 1in. (Use attachment rubber plug for Line protection

Power line outlet (According to the choice of the power line diameter size. The export, use the attached wire into the sheath)

refrigerant pipe outlet (Three pipe)

Signal line and power line outlet

Line protection

0ut line and Inst allat ion Dimensions MVHQ168 ­ 240ME2CA MVHQ168 ­ 240ME4CA

Drain Opening

Fixed Opening Dist ance – 47.24″

(Mixed Inst allat ion) Dist ance – 29.72″
Fixed Hole Dist ance – 32.6 ”

70.28 in

73.15 in

Signal Wire Hole Diameter 1″. (Use at t achment rubber plug for line protect ion.)
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Refrigerant Pipe Out let (Three pipe)

2.8 in

32.68 in

Exhaust Duct Connect ion Posit ion

Power line out let (According to t he choice of t he power line diamet er size. The export , use t he at t ached wire into t he sheat h).
Signal line and Refrigerant power line out let Pipe Out let



Dimensions and Service Clearances
Space requirement for inst allat ion · There should be no obst acles wit hin 78.7 in. (2000mm) above t he t op of t he out door unit . · Keep t he area from t he base t o 36 in. clear of any obst acles. · Mult iple out door unit s should be inst alled in order of size so t hat t he smallest unit is fart hest away from t he first piping
branch fit t ing. 1. Single Inst allat ion

11-13/16in. >11-13/16in. Right

Air outlet



2. Combinat ions inst allat ion Unit can be inst alled in t he same or opposit e direct ion.

Back >11-13/16in. Left
Front >39-13/32in.

11- 13/ 16 in.

7- 29/ 32 in.

7-29/32 in. >11-13/16 in.

11-13/16 in. >39-13/32 in.

11- 13/ 16 in. >39- 13/ 32 in.


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Dimensions and Service Clearances
3. Wall higher t han t he out door condenser Place wit h air inlet opening NOTES: · Fan Speed Vs at air inlet is 4.9ft / s (1.5 m/ s) or below. · Air out let height HD=H- h and below 3.28ft (1000mm). · The air inlet opening needs less t han 39.4in height and 29.5in widt h.



External air


LQ 11-13/16in.


H h

Place wit hout air inlet opening NOTES: · Set a 39- 13/ 32 in. bracket . · Air out let height HD=H- h and below 39- 13/ 32 in.

11-13/16in. LQ

11-13/16in. LQ


External air duct

H h



4. The impact of seasonal winds should be considered when choosing a locat ion for t he out door unit . Do not allow t he prevailing wind t o blow direct ly int o t he inlet or out let of t he unit .
5. Must be arranged t o follow t he following principles in t he exhaust duct .
· Inst all exhaust duct before t he unit is t aken out of t he wind prot ect ion net work, ot herwise it will affect t he out put of t he unit . This can lead t o a decline in performance, and even cause failure.
· Air out let louvers may be used, Do not exceed a 15° angle or 3.25 in gap above t he air inlet .
· Duct ing t he out let fan is allowed but do not use more t han one 90° elbow. This can result in a high st at ic drop.
· Inst allat ion of a flex connect or t o eliminat e noise and vibrat ion bet ween an out let duct and t he out door unit is highly recommended.
· Exhaust air duct s must be independent ly inst alled in mult i unit inst allat ions. Do not combine t he out let of mult iple unit s t oget her.

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Inspect ing and Handling t he Unit
Inspect ion The unit must be checked when delivered for any damage. Report any damage immediat ely t o t he freight carrier. Transport at ion · Please do not dismant le t he unit packaging for t ransport at ion. Remove t he packaging only when rest ing near t he final
inst allat ion locat ion. · Do not suspend t he unit from less t han 4 point s and cushion t he cables at t he t op edge of t he equipment . Do not sit on
t he unit during lift ing. Always keep t he unit upright . Use t he openings in t he unit base for t he forklift handling.

Forklift Opening Dist ance 18 – 29/ 32 in.
Hoist ing Opening Diameter 1- 9/ 16 in, Dist ance 28- 3/ 4 in. MVHQ072ME2CA MVHQ072ME4CA

Forklift Opening Dist ance 18- 29/ 32.
Hoist ing Opening Diameter 1- 9/ 16 in, Dist ance 41in. MVHQ096/ 120/ 144ME2CA MVHQ096/ 120/ 144ME4CA

Steel Cable Cushion

Forklift Opening Dist ance 31.5″
Hoist ing Opening Diameter 1- 27/ 32″, dist ance 55- 5/ 42″. MVHQ168/ 192/ 216/ 240ME2CA MVHQ168/ 192/ 216/ 240ME4CA


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Snow Guard Inst allat ion
Please inst all t he opt ional snow cover in aoreas where heavy snow fall is expect ed. It is import ant t o inst all t he unit above t he average level of expect ed snow fall. Adjust t he syst em defrsot set t ings, as necessary, for colder climat es using dip swit ches.

Out let Snow Cover

Inlet Snow Cover

NOTE: The lengt h of t he fixed screw for inst alling t he snow hood cannot be longer t han 0.59″.
Panel disassembly Inst ruct ion
Please refer t o t he following figure for t he repair board t o remove. 1. Remove screws A, B, and C by repeat edly t urning
count erclockwise wit h wrench or screwdriver.
2. The access panel can be opened by removing t he screws along t he left side, and swinging t he door open about 40 degrees. The t ab- lat ches can t hen be disengaged and t he door removed.

Air Duct Inst allat ion

There must be a duct ed fan out let when t here are obst acles obst ruct ing airflow above t he unit .
Channel size (pat t ern1) Unit : in.

A The inner diameter 38- 19/ 32
B The inner diameter 29- 1/ 2
D E+29- 1/ 2

MVHQ096/ 120/ 144ME2CA MVHQ096/ 120/ 144ME4CA
The inner diameter – 55- 1/ 2

MVHQ168/ 192/ 216/ 240ME2CA MVHQ168/ 192/ 216/ 240ME4CA
The inner diameter – 70- 35/ 127

The inner diameter – 29- 1/ 2 The inner diameter – 32- 86/ 127

E+29- 1/ 2

39- 47/ 127 E+55- 1/ 2


14- 13/ 16


12- 12/ 32







Channel size (pat t ern 2) Unit : in.

A The Inner Diameter – 29 1/ 2
B The Inner Diameter – 38 19/ 32
D E+38 19/ 32

MVHQ096/ 120/ 144ME2CA MVHQ096/ 120/ 144ME4CA The Inner Diameter – 29 1/ 2 The Inner Diameter – 55 1/ 2
E+55 1/ 2


MVHQ168/ 192/ 216/ 240ME2CA MVHQ168/ 192/ 216/ 240ME4CA The Inner Diameter – 32 86/ 127
The Inner Diameter – 70 35/ 127
39- 47/ 127 E+ 70 35/ 127 14- 13/ 16 12- 19/ 32







NOTE: The air out let fan grille of t he unit must be removed before inst alling t he air duct . At t he same t ime, t he out door air duct st at ic pressure is set up t o “have st at ic pressure” mode. The lengt h of t he out let duct should be calculat ed according t o t he shape of t he air duct .

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1. Refrigerant Pipe Connect ion
Pipe Connect ion Met hod:
· The refrigerant lines should be as short as possible t o ensure efficiency.
· Lubricat e t he flare fit t ings wit h refrigerant oil prior t o assembly.
· Always use a t ubing bender when creat ing bends in t he refrigerant t ubing.
· Align t he t ubing wit h t he flare fit t ings before at t empt ing t o t hread t he flare nut . Cross- t hreading can damage t he fit t ing. Always st art t hreads by hand.
· Please refer t o fast ening t orque in t he “Pipe Specs and Fast ening Torque” sect ion.
· Seal any t ubing t hat is not being used t o avoid mat erial damage.
Pipe Inst allat ion Precaut ions
1. Add dry nit rogen at 2- 3 psi t o t he inside of t he copper t ubing for brazing t o prevent oxidat ion and cont aminat ion of t he syst em.
2. Copper refrigerat ion t ubing should be clean and free of debris before brazing. Run dry nit rogen t hrough t he t ubing at about 2 t o 3psi wit h t he t ubing ends part ially obst ruct ed t o prevent oxidat ion and cont aminat ion.
3. The piping inst allat ion should be execut ed aft er closing t he st op valves.
4. Use a proper t ubing cut t er t o cut copper t ubing.
5. It is recommended t o use a 15% silver brazing mat erial when joining copper t ubing. Flux is not necessary when joinging copper t o copper and is not recommended.

Backup Wrench

Connect or

1. Refrigerant Pipe Connect ion
Pipe Mat erial and Specs Select ion
1. Please select t he refrigerant pipe following t he mat erial below.
Mat erial: Type L or Type K copper refrigerat ion t ube.
Model: C1220T- 1/ 2H (diamet er is over 3/ 4″ (19.05mm)): C1220T- 0(diamet er is below 5/ 8″ (15.88)).
2. Thickness and Specs:
Confirm t he pipe t hickness and specs according t o t he pipe select ion met hod (t he unit is charges wit h R410A).
3. Use only branch and gat er fit t ings made by Haier.
4. Refer t o t he operat ing inst ruct ions when inst alling st op valves.
5. Follow t he inst allat ion guide or t he select ion soft ware for piping inst allat ion inst ruct ions.
6. Follow t he inst allat ion manual for branch and gat her pipe inst allat ion inst ruct ions.
Piping St orage Requirement s
First , clean t he pipe.

Posit ion
Out door

Inst allat ion Period
More t han 1 mont h Less t han 1 mont h Not hing t o do wit h period

Flat t he pipe end
Flat t he pipe end or seal wit h adhesive t ape

Torque Wrench


6. To avoid personal injury and propert y damage, ensure pipeline refrigerant has been evacuat ed before service is complet ed.
NOTE: Always use a backup wrench when t ight ening and loosening flare nut s. Tubing will t wist if not properly support ed. The flare nut or flare fit t ing will be damaged if t he t ubing is not properly aligned wit h t he flare fit t ing when st art ing t he flare nut . Do not use t ools t o st art t he flare nut , but use hands only t o begin t hreading t he nut .


49- 5000878 Rev. 0

Outdoor Unit
Outdoor Unit
Outdoor Unit

Pipe Specificat ion





aaa b

Outdoor gather pipe




d c












The first branch pipe

a aa




Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit

Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit

1. Pipe “A” diamet er (bet ween indoor and branch pipe) (depends on indoor pipe)

Indoor kbtu/h 5
7~18 24~54
72 96

Gas pipe in(mm) 3/8(9.52) 1/2(12.7) 5/8(15.88)
1-1/8(28.58) 1-1/8(28.58)

Liquid pipe in(mm) 1/4(6.35) 1/4(6.35) 3/8(9.52) 3/8(9.52)

As st ands for high wall indoor unit s:
· AS072, AS092 gas pipe / liquid pipe: Ø1/ 2(12.7mm) / Ø1/ 4(6.35mm). · AS182 gas pipe / liquid pipe: Ø5/ 8(15.88mm) / Ø3/ 8(9.52mm).

Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit

Ø3/ 8(9.52mm).
When18kbt u/ h (5.3kW) < rat ed refrigerat ing < 57.3kbt u/ h(16.8KW), change specificat ions of gas pipe / liquid pipe t o Ø3/ 4(19.05mm) / Ø3/ 8(9.52mm).
When rat ed refrigerat ing < 57.3kbt u/ h(16.8KW), change specificat ion of liquid pipe t o Ø1/ 2(12.7mm).

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Pipe Specificat ion (cont.)
2. Pipe “B” diamet er (bet ween branch pipe)
Tot al indoor capacit y aft er t he branch pipe KBt u/ h (kW)
X < 57.3 (< 16.8)

Gas pipe in(mm)

Liquid pipe in(mm)

NOTE: Adjust t he diamet er on field (changing pipe is needed)

3. Pipe “C” diamet er (bet ween VP and branch pipe, depends on VP pipe)

112B 180B 280B

Suct ion gas pipe in(mm) HP gas pipe in(mm) Liquid pipe in(mm)

4. Pipe “D” diamet er (bet ween VP branch pipes)

Tot al indoor capacit y before gat her pipe KBt u/ h (kW)
X < 57.3 (< 16.8kW)

Suct ion gas pipe in(mm)

HP gas pipe in(mm)

Liquid pipe in(mm)


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Pipe Specificat ion (cont.)
5. Pipe “E” diamet er (main pipe, bet ween out door gat her pipe and t he first branch pipe)

Outdoor Outdoor Capacity Capacity
(Ton) KBt h/ h

Suct ion Gas Pipe in(mm)

Main Pipe
HP Gas Pipe in(mm)

Liquid Pipe in(mm)

Enlarged Main Pipe

Suct ion Gas Pipe in(mm)

HP Gas Pipe in(mm)

Liquid Pipe in(mm)



7/ 8 (22.22)

7/ 8 (22.22)

3/ 8 (9.52)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

7/ 8 (22.22)

1/ 2 (12.7)



7/ 8 (22.22)

7/ 8 (22.22)

1/ 2 (12.7)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

7/ 8 (22.22)

5/ 8 (15.88)



1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

1/ 2 (12.7)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

5/ 8 (15.88)



1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

1/ 2 (12.7)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

1- 1/ 8(28.58)

5/ 8 (15.88)



1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

5/ 8 (15.88)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

3/ 4 (19.05)



1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

5/ 8 (15.88)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

3/ 4 (19.05)



1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

5/ 8(15.88)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

1- 1/ 8 (28.58)

3/ 4 (19.05)



1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

5/ 8 (15.88)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

3/ 4 (19.05)



1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

3/ 4 (19.05)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

7/ 8 (22.22)



1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

3/ 4 (19.05)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

7/ 8 (22.22)



1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

3/ 4 (19.05)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

7/ 8 (22.22)



1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

3/ 4 (19.05)

1- 5/ 8(41.3)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

7/ 8 (22.22)



1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

3/ 4 (19.05)

1- 5/ 8 (41.3)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

7/ 8 (22.22)



1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

3/ 4 (19.05)

1- 5/ 8 (41.3)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

7/ 8 (22.22)



1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

3/ 4 (19.05)

1- 5/ 8 (41.3)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

7/ 8 (22.22)



1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

3/ 4 (19.05)

1- 5/ 8 (41.3)

1- 1/ 2 (38.1)

7/ 8 (22.22)

NOTE: It is recommended t o inst all according t o t he pipe diamet er specificat ions in all t ables. When t he dist ance from out door t o t he longest indoor is over 296ft (90m), t he main pipe should be t he enlarged diamet er.

6. Pipe “F” diamet er (bet ween gat her pipes)

Tot al indoor capacit y before gat her pipe Suct ion gas pipe in(mm) HP gas pipe in(mm) 14 Ton 16~24 Ton 26~36 Ton
7. Pipe “G” diamet er (bet ween out door and t he gat her pipe)

Outdoor capacity (Ton) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Suct ion gas pipe in(mm) 7/ 8 (22.22) 7/ 8 (22.22)
1- 1/ 8 (28.58) 1- 1/ 8 (28.58) 1- 1/ 4 (31.8) 1- 1/ 4 (31.8) 1- 1/ 4 (31.8) 1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

HP gas pipe in(mm) 7/ 8 (22.22) 7/ 8 (22.22)
1- 1/ 8 (28.58) 1- 1/ 8 (28.58) 1- 1/ 4 (31.8) 1- 1/ 4 (31.8) 1- 1/ 4 (31.8) 1- 1/ 4 (31.8)

Copper Pipe Select ion:

Liquid pipe in(mm)
Liquid pipe in(mm) 3/ 8 (9.52) 1/ 2 (12.70) 1/ 2 (12.70) 1/ 2 (12.70) 3/ 4 (19.05) 3/ 4 (19.05) 3/ 4 (19.05) 3/ 4 (19.05)

Mat erial

O type; Soft Type

Pipe diameter in(mm)

Thickness in(mm)






Mat erial

Hard Pipe

Pipe diameter in(mm)

Thickness in(mm)








49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Allowing Piping Lengt h and Drop Bet ween Indoor and Out door
Pipe lengt h bet ween out doors
1. The piping connect ing out door unit must be placed horizont ally or in accordance wit h t he inst allat ion of a cert ain angle (level angle less t han 15 degrees), connect ed wit h a concave not allowed.
2. All piping cannot connect t he out door unit is higher t han t he height of t he machine out let (valve int erface part ).

Proper Inst allat ion

Wrong Inst allat ion The lubricat ing oil will migrate to t he lowest outdoor unit .

Proper Inst allat ion

Proper Inst allat ion

Proper Inst allat ion

Wrong Inst allat ion

Reverse oil t rap height should conform to t he schedule in column listed in t he t able

Compressor oil will flow into t he lowest unit

The radius of t he bend should conform t o t he drawing and chart dat a t o avoid damage t o piping.






Pipe diameter D in (mm) 3/4(19.05)

Bending radius R in (mm)

Vertical heigh H In(mm)


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Allowing Piping Lengt h and Drop Bet ween Indoor and Out door (cont .)

2. Allowable piping lengt h and drop bet ween indoor and out door unit .

Det ail view for stop valve of HRunit

Outdoor 3
Out door is only one

High pressure gas pipe
Low pressure gas pipe Liquid pipe

Service port Charge value













V4 L22 L10

L12 L13

L14 L15




Outdoor 1
The outdoor is more t han one unit .
· Only for 2 unit ODU combinat ion (X+Y), use piping kit : HZG- R20B










When t he dist ance bet ween outdoors(L1, L3) is over 6- 9/ 16 ft ., t he oil t rap must be set (upright project ing pipe, 7- 7/ 8 in. high), as t he figure :

Outdoor 2

Outdoor 3

L1 Over 7- 7/ 8 in.

L2 Below 6-9/ 16 ft.
Over 7- 7/ 8 in.

L4 Below 6-9/ 16 ft.

L3<32- 13/ 16 ft . L1+L3<32- 13/ 16 ft . L2+L3<32- 13/ 16 ft .

Not e: V1- – -V4: VP unit A- – – F: indoors (coling / heat ing select ion possible) G- – – H: indoors (cooling only)



L7 L8 L9


L16 L18 L20




V4 L22 L10

L12 L13 L14 L15 L17 L19 L21










The connect ion sketch of stop valves and pipes

1 2 34

1 2 34

1 2 34

49- 5000878 Rev. 0







1 —- High pressure gas pipe stop valve A – – – – High pressure gas pipe

2 —- Low pressure pipe stop valve B – – – – Low pressure pipe

3 —- Liquid pipe stop valve

C – – – – Liquid pipe

4 —- Charge valve

Liquid pipe

Liquid pipe Gas pipe Connect ion


Gas pipe Liquid pipe

Liquid pipe Gas pipe

Gas pipe

Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Unit




Allowing Piping Lengt h and Drop Bet ween Indoor and Out door (cont .)

,WHP0RGHO Single way total pipe length


Single way pipe length

0D[IWIWPP (correspond length)



Outdoor is upper


indoor and outdoor

Outdoor is lower







When outdoor is only one,


///««/ //
////// / + +

  • ///// H2

please refer to “Outdoor pipe selection table”


Tot al Indoor Capacit y kbt u/ h(100W)
less t han 114 (335) more t han114 (335), less t han173 (506) more t han173 (506), less t han 249 (730) more t han 249 (730)

Model (opt ional)
FQG- R335A FQG- R506A FQG- R730A FQG- R1350A

Branch Pipe Branch Pipe Select ion Out door Unit Type The main unit will choose t he closest one t o t he 1st branch pipe. NOTES: 1. Please double check t he pipe sizes at t he gat her fit t ing when inst alling mult iple OD unit s. 2. Please adjust t he piping sizes connect ing t he out door unit s according t o t he inst allat ion inst ruct ions or t he select ion
soft ware. 3. Inst all t he gat her pipes eit her vert ically or horizont ally and not at angles. 4. Always purge copper lines wit h dry nit rogen when blazing t o prevent copper oxidat ion and damage t o syst em
component s.

Adhesive side

Prepare on field

Seal t he connect ion and wrap t he heat insulator wit h adhesive t ape
49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Allowing Piping Lengt h and Drop Bet ween Indoor and Out door (cont .)

Cut off pipe wit h t he cut ter
Cut off at t he middle
Example of connect ions

Branch fit t ings should always lie flat


Horizont al




Indoor Unit Side (2 Pipes)
Gas Pipe 58/ 8″ ( 15.88)


Outdoor Unit Side (3 Pipes)
HP Gas Pipe 1/ 2″ ( 12.7)
Suct ion Gas Pipe 5/ 8″ ( 15.88) Liquid Pipe 3/ 8″ ( 9.52)

Liquid Pipe 3/ 8″ ( 9.52)

Indoor Unit Side (2 Pipes)
Gas Pipe 5/ 8″ ( 15.88) Liquid Pipe 3/ 8″ ( 9.52)


Outdoor unit side (3 pipes)
HP Gas Pipe 5/ 8″ ( 15.88)
Suct ion Gas Pipe 5/ 8″ ( 15.88) Liquid Pipe 3/ 8″ ( 9.52)

Indoor Unit Side (2 Pipes)
Gas Pipe 7/ 8″ ( 22.22) Liquid Pipe 3/ 8″ ( 9.52)


49- 5000878 Rev. 0

Outdoor Unit Side (3 Pipes)
HP Gas Pipe 3/ 4″ ( 19.05) Suct ion Gas Pipe 7/ 8″ ( 22.22)
Liquid Pipe 3/ 8″ ( 9.52)



Pipe Inst allat ion

Import ant

· Do not allow pipe t o come in cont act wit h equipment .

Vibrat ion will cause leaks and noise.

· Close valves fully when brazing. Before burning t he

sealing t ube off, remove valve cap and confirm t he

valve is closed complet ely, t hen remove charge cap and

connect charge pipe t o pressure gauge by using hose t o

confirm t here is no residual refrigerant pressure.

· Prot ect service and access valves wit h a wet clot h while


· Seal ends of piping prior t o brazing t o prot ect from

moist ure and debris.

· Use a t ubing bender t o make changes in direct ion. Try

t o maint ain a radius at least 4 t imes t he diamet er of t he

t ubing.

· All flare joint s must be made wit h flaring t ools designed

for R410A refrigerant . All fit t ings must be t ight ened wit h

a t orque wrench t o specificat ions list ed in t his manual.

· This equipment uses PVE oil; please handle accordingly.

· Use a t orque wrench wit h a back up wrench when

t ight ening flare nut s t o t heir proper t orque. Torque

specificat ions are list ed in t he t able below.

Pipe Out er Diamet er (in) A°- 0.4

1/ 4


3/ 8



1/ 2


5/ 8



Pipe Out er Diamet er (in)

When it is hard pipe
Special t ool The former for R140A t ool

1/ 4

3/ 8

1/ 2

0- 0.5


5/ 8

· The out door gas pipe and t he refrigerant dist ribut ing pipe should be brazed wit h hard solder.
· Always purge lines wit h dry nit rogen while brazing t o prevent oxidat ion. Copper Oxide will cont aminat e t he refrigerat ion syst em.
Operat ion Procedure · Braze t he pipe wit h nit rogen t o prevent oxidat ion.
Copper Oxide wit h form in t he presence of oxygen and cont aminat e t he refrigerat ion syst em. · Seal t he pipe end wit h adhesive t ape or a st opper t o increase t he resist ance, adjust nit rogen flow t o about 2 t o 3 IWC.
· Only nit rogen gas can be used.
N2 Taping

· Prot ect t he pipe end against moist ure and impurit ies (welding aft er being flat t ened, or being sealed wit h adhesive t ape).

Pipe Inst allat ion (cont .)




· The refrigerant pipe should be clean. The nit rogen

should flow under t he pressure of about 2 t o 3 IWC and

when charging t he nit rogen, rest rict t he flow at t he open

end of t he pipe. Turn off t he valve at t he opposit e end t o

force t he nit rogen t o flow in t he correct direct ion.

· Close all valves fully when brazing all pipes. Before burning

t he sealing t ube off, remove valve cap and confirm t he

valve is closed complet ely, t hen remove charge cap and

connect charge pipe t o pressure gauge by using hose t o

confirm t here is no residual refrigerant pressure.

· Prot ect service and access valves wit h a wet clot h while


1st side 2nd side Source valve


Leakage Test
1. The out door unit has been leak t est ed at t he fact ory. Test field inst alled refrigerant lines and indoor unit s separat ely from t he sealed refrigerat ion syst em of t he out door unit . Do not connect refrigerant piping t o st op valves of out door unit when t est ing leakage.
2. Never use chlorine, oxygen, or flammable gasses when t est ing for leaks. Apply nit rogen t o bot h liquid and vapor refrigerant lines while t est ing.
3. Apply t he pressure increment ally t o t he t arget pressure. a. Apply t he pressure t o 75 psi for more t han 5 minut es,
b. Apply t he pressure t o 220 psi for more t han 5 minut es,
c. Apply t he pressure t o t he t arget pressure 500 psi, record t he t emp. and t he pressure.
d. Leave it at 500 psi for 24 hours t o verify st able pressure. Not e t hat a t emperat ure change of 1 degree can cause a 1.45 psi change in pressure.
e. Use a t race amount of R410A refrigerant or soap bubbles t o confirm leaks if pressure t est fails. Ret est aft er any repairs are made.
4. Evacuat e t he syst em aft er a successful pressure t est .


To indoor

Gauge manifold

Lo Lo handle

Hi Hi handle

49- 5000878 Rev. 0

Leakage Test passed Evacuat ion Begins Evacuat ion Ends Check Vacuum Change Refrigerant ENGLISH

Evacuat ion
Connect t he vacuum pump at bot h liquid and suct ions valves Operat ion Procedure:

After reaching 0.007psi or less t han 350 microns, let t he vacuum run cont inuously

Vacuum should not rise above 500 microns

If t he vacuum pointer rises, it shows t here is water or leakage in t he system. Please check and modify it , t hen evacuate again.

· To prevent t he oil going int o t he pipe, please use t he special t ool for R410A, especially for gauge manifold and charging hose.
· To prevent t he oil from going int o t he refrigerant cycle, please use t he ant i- count er flow adapt er.
· Release t he refrigerant check valve during out door unit maint enance. Set t he relat ive dip swit ch when evacuat ing syst em.
Tight en t orque as t he t able below shows:

Stop valve diameter (in.) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4

Fastening torque (ft.lb)
10.33 to 13.28 25.08 to 30.98 36.14 to 44.99 50.15 to 60.48 61.96 to 72.28

Fastening angle (°)
45~60 30~45 30~45 15~20 15~20

Recommended tool length in(mm)
5-29/32(150) 7-7/8 (200) 9-13/16 (250) 11-13/16(300) 11-13/16(300)

Check valve operation
Open/ close method:
· Take down the valve cap, suction gas pipe, HP gas pipe turns to “open” · Turn the liquid pipe and the oil equalization pipe with hexangular spanner until it stops. If opening the valve strongly, the
valve will be damaged. · Tighten the valve cap.


Tighten torque as the table below:
For suction gas pipe and HP gas pipe For liquid pipe
For oil equalization pipe

Tighten torque N·m

Shaft (valve body)

Cap (cover)

Less than 7

Less than 30

7.85 (MAX15.7)

29.4 (MAX39.2)

4.9 (MAX11.8)

16.2 (MAX24.5)

T-shape nut (check joint) 13
8.8 (MAX14.7) 8.8 (MAX14.7)

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Addit ional Refrigerant Charging
· Charge t he addit ional refrigerant as liquid using a digit al refrigerant scale and manifold gauges.
· Charge t he syst em in t rail mode. Compressor failure can occur if t he syst em runs for a prolonged period of t ime while undercharged.
· Charging must be complet e wit hin a 30 minut e period.
· The unit is only part ially charged from t he fact ory and will need addit ional refrigerant . Refer t o t he report generat ed by t he syst em design soft ware. W1: Refrigerant charging volume t o out door unit at fact ory.
· W2: Refrigerant charging volume t o liquid pipe base on different piping lengt h calculat ion. W2=act ual lengt h of liquid pipe×addit ional amount per ft liquid pipe=
· (L1×3.76)+(L2×2.69)+(L3×1.83)+(L4×1.18)+(L5×0.58)+(L6×0.24) L1:Tot al lengt h of 7/ 8 (22.22) liquid pipe; L2:Tot al lengt h of 3/ 4(19.05) liquid pipe; L3:Tot al lengt h of 5/ 8(15.88) liquid pipe; L4:Tot al lengt h of 1/ 2(12.7) liquid pipe; L5:Tot al lengt h of 3/ 8(9.52) liquid pipe; L6:Tot al lengt h of 1/ 4(6.35) liquid pipe
· Tot al refrigerant volume charging on sit e during inst allat ion=W2
· W: Tot al refrigerant volume charging on sit e for maint enance.

072 096 120 144 168 192 216 240

W1: Refrigerant charging volume to outdoor unit at factory
511.5 oz
754.8 oz
754.8 oz
783.1 oz
1040.6 oz
1040.6 oz
1040.6 oz
1040.6 oz


W2: Refrigerant charging volume to liquid pipe base on different piping
lengt h calculat ion

Liquid pipe Diameter in(mm)

Addit ional refrigerant amount Oz/ ft

1/ 4(6.35)

0.24 Oz/ ft ×ft = Oz

3/ 8(9.52)

0.58 Oz / ft ×ft = Oz

1/ 2(12.7)

1.18 Oz / ft ×ft = Oz

5/ 8(15.88)

1.83 Oz / ft ×ft = Oz

3/ 4(19.05)

2.69 Oz / ft ×ft = Oz

7/ 8(22.22)

3.76 Oz / ft ×ft = Oz

Tot al refrigerant Volume charging
on site during inst allat ion

W: Tot al refrigerant volume charging on Liquid pipe site
for maintenance

W2=___ Oz

W1+W2=___ Oz

NOTE: · Do not use manifold gages and hoses t hat were used on equipment wit h oil ot her t han PVE. Cross cont aminat ion can
occur. · Refrigerant R410A is ident ified by a pink t ank color or label. · Charging cylinders cannot be used because R410A refrigerant will fract ionat e. · Always charge R410A refrigerant using liquid. · Writ e t he final charge weight on t he unit near t he name plat e for fut ure reference. This product cont ains fluorinat ed greenhouse gasses and it s funct ioning relies upon such gasses.


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Insulat ion
· HP gas pipe, suct ion gas pipe, and liquid pipe should be heat insulat ed separat ely.
· The insulat ion mat erial for t he hot gas and suct ion lines should wit hst and a t emperat ure of 248°F (120°C). The liquid line insulat ion should be able t o wit hst and t emperat ures over 158°F (70°C).
· The mat erial t hickness should be over 1/ 2in.(10mm), when ambient t emp. is 86°F (30°C), and t he relat ive humidit y is over 80%, t he mat erial t hickness should be over 3/ 4in.(20mm).
· The mat erial should fit over t he pipe closely wit hout gap, t hen be wrapped wit h adhesive t ape. The communicat ion wire should not run t oget her wit h t he insulat ion mat erial and should be spaced at least 8 inches.
Connect ion Wire

Liquid Pipe

Over 8in. (200mm) Adhesive Tape Heat Insulator

HP Gas Pipe

Suct ion Gas Pipe

Secure t he refrigerant pipe. · The refrigerant lines will expand and cont ract during operat ion
so it is import ant t hat t hey be support ed properly. · Support lines every 7 t o 10 ft . · Check leakage on t he pipe connect ions when inst allat ion is
finished. · When checking leakage of refrigerant or reinst alling t he
syst em, make sure t o t urn t he compressor off and t hen disconnect t he pipe. · Do not operat e t he compressor in condit ion of unconnect ed pipe, refrigerant leakage and incorrect ly connect ed pipe. If not it may cause air t o flow int o compressor and lead an explosion or malfunct ion. · If t here’s any possibilit y of small animals ent ering t he pipe from out let , t hen block it .

Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions
1. Please follow all nat ional and local elect ric codes. All wiing mat erials should comply wit h local and nat ional codes. All work should be done by professional elect ricians.
2. Power supply must be provided at t he rat ing plat e level. Fluct uat ions in t he power supply must be less t han 2% phase t o phase. Out door and indoor unit s must have t heir own dedicat ed power supply.
3. Elect rical connect ions from disconnect s t o equipment should be properly secured.
4. Power conduct ors should be sized in accordance wit h nat ional and local codes. Equipment must be properly grounded t o eart h t hrough t he circuit breaker panel.
5. Equipment elect rical circuit s must be prot ect ed by t he properly sized breaker per codes.
6. Do not add filt er capacit ors t o t he power supply servicing t his equipment .
7. Follow t hese inst allat ion inst ruct ions when wiring t he equipment t o avoid injury or accident s.
8. The unit must be reliably grounded t o meet t he nat ional requirement s.
9. All elect rical inst allat ions must be carried out by professionals in accordanve wit h local laws, regulat ions, and corresponding inst ruct ions.
Power Cont rol Cabinet
Circuit breaker

Circuit breaker

Circuit breaker

Circuit breaker

Outdoor 1

Outdoor 2

Outdoor 3

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions (Cont .)


Power Source
208/ 230V60Hz 3PH
460V- 60Hz 3PH
208/ 230V60Hz 3PH
460V- 60Hz 3PH

Maximum load Circuit current (A) breaker (A)

































Each model circuit breaker
(A) 40 50 60 80 20 25 30 40 90 110 125 125 60 60 70 80

Leakage current (mA) response
t ime (S)
30mA, below 0.1s

Minimum sect ional area of power line AWG
(mm2) 7(10) 7(10) 7(10) 3(25) 9(6) 9(6) 9(6) 7(10) 7(10) 7(10) 7(10) 3(25) 9(6) 9(6) 9(6) 7(10)

Minimum sect ional area of eart hing line
AWG (mm2) 7(10) 7(10) 7(10) 3(25) 9(6) 9(6) 9(6) 7(10) 7(10) 7(10) 7(10) 3(25) 9(6) 9(6) 9(6) 7(10)

Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
1. Unit power conduct ors must be 4 core copper cable, t he operat ing t emperat ure can not be great er t han it s
2. Increase t he wire size accordingly if t he dist ance from t he circuit breaker t o t he disconnect is great er t han 66 feet .
3. Volt age drop from breaker t o disconnect indicat es wire sizing issues. Follow t he Nat ional Elect ric code inst ruct ions for wire sizing.
4. The unit circuit breaker and disconnect sizing should be done per local and nat ional codes. Be sure t o follow wire sizing st andards when choosing conduct or sizes.
Power Line Inst allat ion Inst ruct ions
1. This equipment must be properly grounded per local codes. Please t ake reliable measures when connect ing equipment t o ground.
2. Eart h resist ance should meet t he nat ional st andard.
3. The yellow and green double color line of air condit ioning unit is ground wire, do not move, splice or use it for any ot her purpose. Unit ground t erminal cannot be connect ed wit h a self- t apping screw or risk elect ric shock.
4. The user’s power supply must provide reliable grounding. Please don’t connect t he ground wire t o t he following places. (1) wat er pipe (2) gas pipe; (3) drainage pipe; (4) The ot her places where profesionals t hink are unreliable.
5. The elect rical conduct ors and t he communicat ion line should not be int erwoven t oget her. The dist ance should be great er t han 8 inches apart , or it may cause disrupt ion in t he syst em communicat ion.

Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
Please follow t he following guidelines:
NOTE: Please connect t he power wires wit h t he appropriat e circular t erminal. PQ is non- polar, ABC has polarit y, and must be correct when connect ing t he rout e is as follows.

Indoor and

Outdoor and

outdoor unit

outdoor unit

communication communication

The power cord shall be bound to the left column with a tie.
Use attachment’s sheath for walking protection.
The power line Signal line Use the rubber plug of attachment for walking protection.


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
Power Line Inst allat ion Inst ruct ions NOTE: Please leave enough slack in t he elect rical wiring for t he elect rical cont rol panel t o be easily opened. · For maint enance, remove t he five screws from t he elect rical panel cover and rot at e open. Use t he light cable t o secure
t he door.

Remove t he 5 mount ing screws and lift t he cont rol cabinet up gent ly to remove t he slot s on t he cont rol cabinet from t he hooks of t he inst allat ion plate before servicing. Take use of t he t hin met al st aff wit h hook to suspend t he cont rol cabinet and keep it open by fixing t he hook to t he proper suspension slot as illust rated bellow. Ret urn t he met al st aff back and secure t he covers when completed.


Left Column


Suspension slot for unit wit h double fans
Suspension slot for unit wit h single fans
Power wiring from t he unit disconnect must have sufficient lengt h to allow t he cont rol panel assembly to swing open. The main power conductors L1/ L2/ L3 need to be clamped and secured in place so t hat out side forced cannot pull t he wires out of t he terminal block. Make sure t he communicat ion line is also clamped and secured.

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .

Communicat ion Wiring Figure (Wired)
Outdoor 1

Outdoor 2

Outdoor 3

Only one end of the shield should be

VP 1

connected to the earth. Control wire for wired

controller with polarity

Indoor 1

Indoor 2

Communication wire with polarity

VP 2

Indoor 3

Indoor 4

VP 3 Indoor 5

VP 8 Indoor 10
VP 9 Indoor 11 Indoor 16

VP 7 Indoor 9

VP 6 Indoor 8

VP 10 Indoor 12

VP 11 Indoor 13

Indoor 17

Indoor 18

VP 5 Indoor 7
VP 12 Indoor 14 Indoor 19

VP 4 Indoor 6
VP 13 Indoor 15 Indoor 20

IMPORTANT · Outdoor unit s are in parallel t hrough 3 polar wires. The outdoor and all VP(cooling and heat ing swit hing device)and all
indoor unit s are in parallel t hrough 2 non- polar wires. · Each VP can be connected to 1~8 indoor unit s. For t he wiring, please refer to t he above pict ur: VP1 is connected to indoor
1~3, and t he capacit y of all t he indoor unit s can not be more t han t he VP’s. Indoor unit s which are not conneted to VP just have cooling operat ion, and t he wiring can be referred to indoor 16~20 on t he above pict ure. · The communicat ion line must be daisy chain serial connect ion, not using st ar connect ion. · There are t hree connect ing ways bet ween wired cont rol and indoor unit s: A. One wired cont roller cont rols mult iple unit s, as shown in t he above figure (1~3 indoor unit s). The indoor unit 3 is t he
wired cont rol main unit (direct ly connected to t he indoor unit of wired cont roller) and ot hers are t he wired cont rol sub unit s, 1~3 indoor unit s are t he DC fan motor model. The wired cont roller is connected wit h t he main unit and DC fan motor models t hrough t hree lines wit h polarit y. Ot her indoor unit s and t he main unit ar connected via t wo lines wit h polarit y, SW01 on t he main unit is set to 0 while SW01 on ot her sub unit s are set to 1, 2, 3 and so on in t urn. (Please refer to t he dip switch set t ing) B. One wired cont roller cont rols one indoor unit , as shown in t he above figure (indoor unit 6~19). The indoor unit and t he wired cont roller are connected via t hree lines wit h polarit y. C. Two wired cont rollers cont rol on indoor unit , as shown in t he figure (indoor unit 20). Eit her of t he wired cont rollers can be set to be t he main wired cont rol while t he ot her is set to be t he sub wired cont roller. The main wired cont roller, sub wired cont roller and indoor unit s are connected via t hree lines wit h polarit y.


49- 5000878 Rev. 0


Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
· Maint ain polarit y t hroughout t he ent ire communicat ion net work. The system will malfunct ion if not properly wired. · Always create an as- built wiring diagram cont aining t he exact sequence in which all t he indoor unit s / valve box unit s are
wired in relat ion to each unit . Update t his as needed to keep it current . · Do not include splices or wire nut s in t he communicat ion cable. Maint ain an uninterrupted lengt h of wire t he ent ire lengt h
bet ween devices. Splices in t he communicat ion cable can cause communicat ion issues. · Always verify t he communicat ion cable is connected to t he correct communicat ions terminal on t he unit (s). · Never apply line volt age power to t he communicat ion cable. This could result in, t he PCBs being damaged. · Never use a mult iple- core communicat ions cable. Each communicat ions bus must be having a separate cable (i.e.,
bet ween outdoor unit (s), valve box(s), indoor unit s, outdoor unit s and cent ral cont roller(s). If communicat ions cables of separate systems are wired using a mult iple- core cable, it will result in poor communicat ion, and unaccept able system operat ion.) a
From Main Outdoor Unit to Cent ral Cont rollers
· Communicat ion cable from Primary Outdoor Unit to Cent ral Cont roller is to be 18 AWG, 2- conductor, t wisted, st randed, shielded. Ensure t he communicat ion cable shield is properly grounded to t he Primary ODU chassis only. Do not ground t he communicat ion cable at any ot her locat ion. Wiring must comply wit h all applicable local and nat ional codes.
· Connect all cent ral cont rol devices on t he same cable if cable requirement s are t he same. · Maint ain polarit y t hroughout t he communicat ion bus. · Route t he cable as needed bet ween each device. · Connect shields toget her at each terminat ion point to maint ain a cont inuous shield t hroughout t he communicat ions
t runk. · Add insulat ion material as required by local code. Cable requirement s could differ depending on ot her inst alled
component s: · Ensure t he communicat ion cable shield is properly grounded to t he Primary ODU chassis only. Do not ground t he
communicat ion cable at any ot her point . Wiring must comply wit h all applicable local and nat ional code.
From Indoor Unit s to Remote Cont rollers
· Communicat ion cable from Indoor Unit to Remote Cont roller(s) is to be 22 AWG, 3- conductor, t wisted, st randed, unshielded. Wiring must comply wit h all applicable local and nat ional codes.
· Indoor unit cont roller connect ions depend on t ype of indoor unit being inst alled.. Refer to t he wiring diagram schemat ic found in t he indoor unit it self, or to t he indoor unit wiring diagrams in t he Engineering Manuals for more informat ion.
· NEVERsplice, cut , or extend cable lengt h wit h field provided cable. Always include enough cable to run t he ent ire dist ance bet ween t he indoor unit and t he remote cont roller.

49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
Communicat ion Cable Specificat ions Form Outdoor Unit s/ Indoor Unit s / Valve Box Unit s
· Communicat ion cable from Primary Outdoor Unit to Indoor Unit s / Valve Box Unit s is to be 18 AWG, 2- conductor, t wisted, st randed, shielded. Ensure t he communicat ion cable shield is properly grounded to t he Primary Outdoor Unit chassis only. Do not ground t he Outdoor Unit to Indoor Unit s / Valve Box Unit s communicat ion cable at any ot her point .
· Wiring must comply wit h all applicable local and nat ional codes. · Cable shields bet ween t he connected devices must be connected toget her and cont inuous from t he main outdoor unit
to t he last component connected. · St art t he communicat ion cable at t he main outdoor unit and route to t he indoor unit s / valve box unit s in a daisy chain
configurat ion. Do not inst all in a st ar configurat ion. · Indoor Unit / Valve Box Unit Communicat ion Bus: The communicat ion terminals are labeled different ly among t he indoor
unit s, depending on t ype. Refer to t he wiring diagram schemat ic found in t he indoor unit it self, or to t he indoor unit wiring diagrams in t he Engineering Manuals for more informat ion. · Insulat ion as required by NEC and local codes. · Rated for cont inuous exposure of temperat ures up to 140°F. · Maximum allowable communicat ion cable lengt h is 3,281 feet .
From Main Outdoor Unit to Sub Outdoor Unit (s), VP Boxes Mult i- Frame Systems Only
· Communicat ion cable from Main Outdoor Unit to Indoor Unit s / Valve Unit s is to be 18 AWG, 2- conductor, t wisted, st randed, shielded. Ensure t he communicat ion cable shield is properly grounded to t he Main Outdoor Unit chassis only. Do not ground t he Outdoor Unit to Indoor Unit s / Valve Box Unit s communicat ion cable at any ot her point .
· Wiring must comply wit h all applicable local and nat ional codes. · Cable shields bet ween devices must be connected and cont inuous t hroughout t he daisy chain · St art t he communicat ion cable at t he main outdoor unit and route to t he indoor unit s / valve box unit s in a daisy chain configurat ion. Do not inst all in a st arburst configurat ion as communicat ion problems will arise. · Indoor Unit / Valve Box Unit Communicat ion Bus: The communicat ion terminals are labeled different ly among t he indoor unit s, depending on t ype, Refer to t he wiring diagram schemat ic found in t he indoor unit it self, or to t he indoor unit wiring diagrams in t he Engineering Manuals for more informat ion. · Insulat ion as required by NEC and local codes. · Rated for cont inuous exposure of temperat ures up to 140°F. · Maximum allowable communicat ion cable lengt h is 3,281 feet . · Never ground t he shield of t he communicat ions cable to t he indoor unit frame or ot her grounded ent it ies of t he building.
Inadequate connect ions will generate heat , cause a fire, cause communicat ion issues and physical injury or deat h. · Always verify t he communicat ion cable is connected to a communicat ions terminal on t he outdoor unit (s). Never apply
line volt age power to t he communicat ion cable connect ion. If volt age is applied, t he PCBs will be damaged. · Never use a mult iple- core communicat ions cable .Each communicat ions bus must be provided a separate cable (i.e.,
bet ween outdoor unit (s) valve box(s) and indoor unit s, outdoor unit s and cent ral cont roller(s). If communicat ions cables of separate systems are wired using a mult iple- core cable, it will result in poor communicat ions and unaccept able system operat ion.


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
Communicat ion Wiring Figure

Outdoor 1

Outdoor 2



Outdoor 3

When t he out door unit is combined, and t he sub machine is connect ed wit h t he main machine t hrough t he communicat ion t erminal of t he A/ B/ C.

NOTE: If t he syst em unit adopt s Zigbee wireless communicat ion, it must adopt wireless and wired hybrid mode, t hat is, wired communicat ion bet ween t he host out door unit and t he first valve box, wireless communicat ion bet ween t he valve box and t he connect ed indoor unit s. Wired communicat ion is used bet ween t he valve box and t he valve box and bet ween t he valve box and t he single cold indoor unit s (t he indoor unit s not connect ed t o t he valve box).

Communicat ion Wiring Figure (Wireless Indoors Unit s)

Indoor 1

Indoor 2

Indoor 3

Indoor 4

Indoor n






49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
Int ernal Layout of Elect ric Box

Compressor Drive Module
Capacit or Plat e

Filter Board

Power Terminal

Communicat ion Terminal


Main Cont rol Board

React or

Transformer (only for unit s applied volt age wit h 460V)

Out door Dip Swit ch Configurat ion: · Main Unit : Main Unit is ident ified by set t ing dip swit ch BM1- 7, 8 t o zero. · Funct ion main unit : The out door unit , whose priorit y is set as 0, operat es wit h t he highest priorit y. · Physical sub unit : By set t ing t he dip swit ch, t he unit number is not 0. · Funct ional sub unit : The out door wit hout t he highest priorit y of running, t he priorit y class is 1- 3. · Group class set t ing: Physical main unit set t ing is valid, which can be used for all unit s. For example, silence, snow- proof,
piping lengt h, et c. set t ing. Set all kinds of st at e on t he physical main unit as a represent at ive. · Single class set t ing: Only be used for t he single unit , inst ead of t he whole group. For example, sensor backup running,
invert er board select ion et c. · In t he following t able, 1 is ON, 0 is OFF.


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



BM1 Int roduct ion


Out door searching af t er st art up

BM1_2 BM1_3

Indoor searching aft er st art up
St art up aft er pre- heat ing for 6 hours


Out door mode set t ing

BM1_5 BM1_6

Out door fan st at ic pressure select ion
Communicat ion prot ocol bet ween IDU & ODU

BM1_7 BM1_8

Address set t ing


Begin t o search out door

1 0 1 0 1







BM1_7 BM1_8









St op searching out door and lock t he quant it y Begin t o search indoor St op searching indoor and lock t he quant it y Allow (must be elect rified for 6 hours) Wit hin 6 hours when oil t emp. meet s t he allowed value (allowed value lower t han t he st andard value Normal (default ) Only cool No st at ic pressure, high speed (default ) Ult ra high- speed New prot ocol (default ) Old
Unit Number 0# (Physical Main Unit )
1# 2# 3#

Group Class (Physical Main Unit is Valid)

BM2 Int roduct ion

BM2_1 BM2_2
BM2_3 BM2_4 BM2_5 BM2_6
BM2_7 BM2_8

Indoor and out door unit new prot ocol communicat ion t ype set t ing (BM1_6 select ion of t he new agreement is valid for 0)
OUt door unit heat mode set t ing (BM1_4 = 0)
OUt door machine lock sub wireless module MAC address
Complet ely empt y t he wireless ext ernal mode EEPROM
Communicat ion conversion board chaging module (wireless communicat ion) Reserve

0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1


Indoor and out door unit communicat ion cat egory set


Wired 9600bps General Agreement (ex fact ory default )

Group class (physical main unit is valid)


Wired 9600bps New2 upgrade prot ocol


Wired 9600bps Communicat ion



Normal (default )

Only heat

Lock sub wireless midule address (default )

Allow new sub wireless module t o join

Normal (default )

The t hree dials of t he digit al t ube are first dialed t o 1- 1- 1, which is cleared aft er OFF_ON

No (default )



49- 5000878 Rev. 0




BM3 Int roduct ion

BM3_1 BM3_2 BM3_3 BM3_4
BM3_5 BM3_6 BM3_7 BM3_8

Outdoor model setting
Out door capacit y set t ing

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 BM3_5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 BM3_6 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 BM3_7 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 BM3_8 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

Out door
Normal Updat e use Heat pump model Heat recovery model Heat pump model for US(230V) Heat recovery model for US(230V) Heat pump model for US(460V) Heat recovery model for US(460V) Model mark
072 096 120 144 168 192 216 240

BM4 Int roduct ion: Group class (physical main unit is valid)

BM4_1 BM4_2
BM4_4 ~ BM4_8

ModeBus Cent ralized cont rol prot ocol select ion

0 0 1

0 1 0

ModeBus centralized control communication address

1 BM4_4 BM4_5

1 BM4_6 BM4_7

























































Prot ocol select ion
Third part y st andard MODBUS prot ocol Comput er management prot ocol Specific cent ralized cont rol prot ocol (default ) Reserve ModeBus set cont rol communicat ion address (IGU02 using t he address in bracket s) Address 1(0) Address 2(1) Address 3(2) Address 4(3) Address 5(4) Address 6(5) Address 7(6) Address 8(7) Address 9(8) Address 10(9) –Address 32(31)
49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
Out door Machine Digit al Tube Display Set t ing The cont ent s of t he display are defined as follows: · Key part s: long press t he left START (SW5) cont rol t o ent er, short press UP (SW4) dat a scroll up, short press DOWN
(SW7) dat a scroll down, long press t he right STOP (SW6) ent er dat a and exit . · DIal: SW1, SW2, SW3: set t he rot ary dial swit ch is 0- 15. · NOTE: The dial plat e, wit h t he let t ers A for 10, B for 11, C for 12, D for 13, E for 14, F for 15. · Display part s: LD1, LD2, LD3, LD4:4 digit al t ube from left t o right .

1. Indoor Machine Paramet er View
You can view t he indoor machine 128 set s of paramet ers: SW1 and SW2 represent t he indoor machine address, SW3 range 3- 14 can view t he indoor machine paramet ers.

0 1 2 3 7 8 9 10

0- 15

1 t o 16 (address 0# – 15# ) 17 t o 32 (address 16# – 31# ) 33 t o 48 (address 32# – 47# ) 49 t o 64 (address 48# – 63# ) 65 t o 80 (address 64# – 79# ) 81 t o 96 (address 80# – 95# ) 97 t o 112 (address 96# – 111# ) 113 t o 128 (address 112# – 127# )

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (A)
11 (B) 12 (C)
13 (D)
14 (E)

Funct ion
Indoor unit communicat ion check and program version
Indoor unit failure Indoor unit capacit y Indoor unit expansion valve opening Indoor unit environment t emperat ure Tai Indoor gas t emperat ure Tc1 Indoor liquid t emperat ure Tc2 Indoor unit boot mode, t he act ual operat ion of wind speed and SCODE code
Indoor set t emperat ure Tset Indoor unit consist ancy cont rol set t ing
Low t emperat ure aut omat ic running funct ion of indoor unit
Forced indoor unit cooling / heat ing / shut down

Digit al Tube LD1 ~ 4 Display
Communicat ion normal display indoor machine program version (1 decimal), t he communicat ion int errupt ed normal display ” 0000″ (5 consecut ive rounds of “no Communicat ion” success,), communicat ion has not been normal display “- – – – – – – -” “. Such as 3.9, said t he machine version number is V3.9
Display indoor unit fault code, no fault display 0
The indoor unit capacit y (t onnage, 1 decimal places), 1.5 t onnage show 1.5
expansion valve opening (pulse)
zone t emperat ure (°F )
gas t emperat ure Tc1 (°F)
liquid t emperat ure (°F)
LD1 said t he boot mode O: st op C: refrigerat ion H: heat ing LD2 said t he act ual operat ing speed of t he indoor machine (0- st op, 1- low speed, 2- Middle speed , 3- high speed), LD3 and LD4 are represent ed by SCODE codes (0 ~ 15)° Such as C311 said t he cooling operat ion of high speed, SCODE 11°
Indoor set point t emperat ure (°F)
Display t he indoor unit corresponding t o t he same cont ract use (0 unallocat ed group number, t heir cont rol) Met hod of set t ing group and t he (Not e: all in t he unit at t he same t ime can be set by a dial 15- 0-2 set “in t he same unit drive out side unit cont rol”, 0- indoor unit according t o t he number of aut omat ic cont rol, 1- indoor unit wit h all cont ract , all wit hin each 2- indoor unit cont rol, banned from drive of f )
Indicat es if machine has t his funct ion or not ; 0=no, 1=yes Use E2 cont rol paramet ers display and set t ings. Access by set t ing dial swit ches t o 15- 1- 2. Set low t emperat ure and aut omat ic operat ion at t he same t ime. 0=aut omat ic cont rol, 1= all machine set t ings valid, 2= all machine set t ings not valid
(2) according t o UP (SW4) or DOWN (SW7) () adjust ment inst ruct ions (COOL/ HEAT/ OFF). (3) aft er t he adjust ment is complet ed, according t o STOP (SW6) for 2 s,t he implement at ion of

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
Out door Machine Digit al Tube Display Set t ing 2. Out door Unit Paramet er View SW1 0- 3 is used t o select t he out door unit number, To select a different unit ; SW3 set t o 0- 15 (out door unit number). (The host can display t he paramet ers of t he ot her out door unit and t he indoor unit paramet ers, and t he sub unit only displays t he unit paramet er SW1 is 0).

  1. The first boot , t he first sub search engine, from left t o right circular display 1:0, if found a t able display 2:01 t wo t able
    display 3:012 “3:012” means a t ot al of 3 unit s of t he syst em, 012 said t he address of t he machine (“.” t he act ual display ” =” ). 2. Lock machine unit s, st art t he search wit hin t he machine number, cycle “- in- machine unit s”, such as “- 6- ” said t he syst em connect s t he 6 st at ion machine.
  2. Aft er t he search is complet ed, t he display of t he machine’s fault code, t he machine has no fault when t he display is 0.

Out door unit address 0- 3



Funct ion
Display out door unit fault code

Digit al t ube LD1 ~ 4 Display
Ext ernal machine bus dat a t ransfer fault code. If t here is no fault display on t he compressor crankcase heat 6 hour count down t ime t o form a st opwat ch. Press START (SW5) for 2 s, 1111, int o t he fault query st at e, can query t he last 10

plus 1 serial number, each by 1 DOWN (SW7) serial number minus 1; 2 min aut omat ic exit . St eady st at e Press STOP display; The dial in 13,0,0, press START (SW5) 2 s, 1111, can clear t he hist orical record of failure



Display out door unit priorit y LD1: Display priorit y of out door unit

and out door unit capacit y

LD2: Display “- ”

LD3- 4: Display out door unit capacit y (Horse)



Display operat ion mode

LD1 said O: st op C: refrigerat ion H: heat ing

and out door unit operat ion LD2- LD4 said: 60 of t he abilit y t o express t he out put of 60%

out put rat io



Out door fan speed 1



Out door fan speed 2

345 represent at ion 345 rpm Press START each by 1 UP (SW4) level of wind speed increased by 1 per level, by 1 DOWN (SW7) wind speed increased by 1 grade; 5min aut omat ically exit t he set t ing st at e Press STOP (SW6) for 2 s, display 0000, quit t he set st at e, st op



Frequency convert er INV1 110 represent at ion 110.0Hz

current frequency

Press START (SW5) for 2 s, display 1111, ent er t he set st at e:



Frequency covert er INV2

UP (SW4) frequency rise

current frequency

1Hz, every 1 t imes DOWN (SW7) frequency drop 1Hz; 5min aft er

aut omat ically quit t he set st at e.

Press STOP (SW6) for 2 s, display 0000, quit t he set st at e, st op


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .

Out door unit address 0- 3

7 8 9 10 (A)

0 0 0 0

Funct ion
Out door unit LEVa1 open degree Out door unit LEVa2 open degree Out door unit LEVb open degree Out door unit LEVc open degree

Digit al t ube LD1 ~ 4 Display
0- – – 470pluse Press START (SW5) for 2 s, 1111, ent er t he
UP (SW4) valve fully open, according t o DOWN (SW7) 2min aft er t he valve is fully closed; aut omat ically exit t he set t ing st at e Press STOP (SW6) for 2 s, display 0000, quit t he

Out door unit address 0- 3
Out door unit address 0- 3

11 (B) 0 12 (C) 0 13 (D) 0

Out door unit out put elect romagnet ic valve Out door unit out put elect romagnet ic valve Out door unit out put elect romagnet ic valve

LD2: SV1: 1 open 0 close LD3: SV3: 1 open 0 close LD4: Reserved, Display “- ”
LD2: SV9: 1 open 0 close LD3: SV10: 1 open 0 close LD4: SV11: 1 open 0 close LD1: SVX: 1 open 0 close LD2: SVY: 1 open 0 close LD3: Reserved: Display “- ” LD4: Reserved: Display “- ”

14 (E) 0

Heat ing belt out put

LD1: CH1: 1 open 0 close LD2: CH2: 1 open 0 close LD3: CHa: 1 open 0 close LD4: Reserved: Display “- ”

15 (F) 0

Program version

1 represent at ion Ver1.0

SW2 SW3 Funct ion

















14 (E) 1

15 (F) 1

Pd Ps Td1 Td2 Tdef Toil1 Toil2 Toci1 Tsacc Th

Digit al t ube LD1 ~ 4 Display
Unit : psi, 1 decimal place
Unit : °F

SW2 SW3 Funct ion

0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 (A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 (E) 15 (F)

15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F) 15 (F)t

Reserved Tao Pd_t emp Ps_t emp Tliqsc Tsco Frequency conversion press INV1 running t ime Frequency conversion press INV2 running t ime Frequency conversion press INV1 current CT Frequency conversion press INV2 current CT Frequency conversion compressor INV1 DC volt age Frequency conversion compressor INV2 DC volt age Frequency convert er INV1 module t emperat ure Frequency convert er INV2 module t emperat ure

Digit al t ube LD1 ~ 4 Display
25 Unit : °F
Unit : Min Unit : Min Unit : A, 1 decimal place Unit : A, 1 decimal place Unit : V Unit : V Unit : °F Unit : °F

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
3. Syst em St at us Display and Cont rol (host )

0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 0

0 1

2 2

Funct ion
Refrigerant t ype The same out door unit t ot al number and t ot al capacit y















10 (A) 2

11 (B) 2 12 (C) 2
13 (D) 2 14 (E) 2 15 (F) 2

Tot al indoor unit capacit y The indoor unit s wit hin t he same syst em Number of indoor unit s working
Wit h t he out door unit running mode t he same indoor unit number Cooling t arget t emperat ure Heat ing t arget t emperat ure Aut omat ic recovery of refrigerant NOTE: t he end of t he recovery must be canceled or reset
Test run set up NOTE: t he end of t he t est run must be canceled or reset
Out door unit mode Indoor unit expansion valve fully open
All t he indoor unit for cooling All t he indoor unit for heat ing Cancel all manual cont rol (running class)

Digit al t ube LD1 ~ 4 Display
410A represent s 410A refrigerant
LD1: The t ot al number of out door unit LD2: Display “- ” LD3/ LD4: Tot al out door unit capacit y (unit : Horse) For example: 3- 48 said 3 out door machines, wit h a t ot al capacit y of 48 horses 50 represent s 50 kbt u/ h
For example: 64
Temperat ure sensor ON as a sign of t he work of t he indoor unit For example: 13
Unit : °F
When t he out door st ops, press START (SW5) for 2 s, display 1111, st art . (t he out door is set t o work in a st at e of operat ion) Press STOP (SW6) for 2 s, display 0000, st op When t he out door st ops, press START (SW5) for 2 s, display 1111, st art . (t he out door is set t o work in a st at e of operat ion) Press STOP (SW6) for 2 s, display 0000, st op 0- normal, C- only cool H- only heat
Press START (SW5) for 2 s, display 1111, indoor valve fully open 2 minut es, 2 minut es aft er t he aut omat ic shut down valve Press START (SW5) for 2 s, display 1111, fully open; Press STOP (SW6) for 2 s, display 0000 closed
Press START (SW5) for 2 s, display 1111 cancel; or press STOP (SW6) for 2 s, display 0000, cancel Remove all manual cont rol (part ), closed indoor unit


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Elect ric Wiring and Applicat ions Cont .
4. E2 cont rol paramet ers display and set t ing Each need t o be set , set t ing met hod: 1. Press START (SW5) for 2 seconds. Display will show 1111, ent er t he set st at e. Flashing display t he current value. 2. Press UP (SW4) or DOWN (SW7) t o adjust t he paramet ers. 3. Aft er t he adjust ment is complet ed:
In t he current st at e of code, effect ively set t he t ime by pressing STOP (SW6) for 2 seconds, showing 0000. Keep t he current set t ings and exit t he set st at e, st op flashing display, wait ing for 2 minut es aft er t he power off and t hen power up again.
The cuurent set t ime is not set by STOP (SW6) or change t he dial select ion, do not save t he current set value, exit t he set st at e, st op flashing display.

Effect ive t ime set t ing: t he machine wit h t he cont ract number and set off a low t emperat ure aut omat ic operat ion funct ion for 10 minut es, t he ot her for 30 seconds.

15 (F)
15 (F) 15 (F)
15 (F)

10 (A)
11 (B) 12 (C)
13 (D)

1 1

Funct ion

Digit al t ube LD1 ~ 4 Display

Select ion of t he maximum allowable out side circumst ance t emperat ure for IDU’s elect rical heat ing. (IDU ent ering auxiliary elect ric heat ing mode based on t he out side t emperat ure select ion).

0 – No limit 1: Force off t he elect ric heat ing 2: – 20°F 3: – 15°F 4: – 10°F 5: – 5°F 6: 5°F 7: 15°F 8: 25°F 9: 35°F 10: 45°F 11: 55°F 12: 65°F

The maximum allowable use of t he out side circumst ance t emperat ure remove’s t emperat ure difference select ion for IDU’s elect ric heat ing. (IDU exit ing auxiliary elect ric heat ing based on t he t emperat ure difference select ion) ODU heat pump lock out side circumst ance t emperat ure select ion. (ODU heat pump ent ering lockout mode based on out side t emperat ure select ion).
ODU heat pump lock – – – out side circumst ance t emperat ure remove’s t emperat ure difference select ion. (ODU heat pump exit ing lockout mode based on t he t emperat ure difference select ion)

0: 5°F 1: 10°F 2: 15°F
0 – No Locking Funct ion 1: Forced heat pump shut down 2: – 23°F 3: – 20°F 4: – 15°F 5: – 10°F 6: – 5°F 7: 0°F 8: 5°F 9: 10°F 10: 15°F 11: 20°F 12: 25°F
0: 5°F 1: 10°F 2: 15°F

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Failure Codes
Failure code descript ion: (failure code of t he whole syst em is showed as 8 bit s, so 256 codes. Indoor failure code is list ed in t he t able and by unit number) · Out door failure code exist s in EEPROM, in which 5 failure codes can be kept . · Indoor failure code exist s in EEPROM, in which 5 failure codes can be kept . · Can clear failure code by indoor or out door. Failure codes are dist ribut ed as following: 0~19: indoor failure code 0~19: indoor failure code 20~99: out door failure code 100~109: DC mot or failure code 110~125: invert er module failure code 126~127: soft aut o- check failure code
Physical main unit : Dip swit ch SW9, SW10, SW11 are at 0, 0, 0, digit al t ube displays failure code 20~127, it is t he main failure code. Dip swit ch SW9, SW10, SW11 are 1, 0, 0, digit al t ube displays failure code 20~127, it is failure code of No. 1 sub unit . Dip swit ch SW9, SW10, SW11 are 2, 0, 0, digit al t ube displays failure code 20~127, it is failure code of No. 2 sub unit .
Physical sub unit : Dip swit ch SW9, SW10, SW11 are at 0, 0, 0, digit al t ube displays failure code 20~127, it is single sub unit failure code.
Out door failure code display principle on wired cont roller: When out door compressor is running, indoor wired cont roller will display t he failure code of out door wit h higher priorit y.

invert er board failure, fan mot or driving board failure, any prot ect ions et c.

Digit al t ube indicat ion on main unit
20- 0
21 22- 2 23- 0 23- 1 24- 0
24- 1 24- 2 25- 0
26- 0 26- 1
26- 2

Failure code definit ion
Defrost ing t emp sensor Tdef failure
Ambient t emp sensor Ta failure Ts(acc) failure Discharging t emp sensor Td1 failure Discharging t emp sensor Td2 failure Modular heat sensor Th failure
Oil t emp sensor Toil1 failure Oil t emp sensor Toil2 failure Inlet t emp of heat exchanger Toci1 failure Indoor commuicat ion failure

Failure descript ion


AD value is below 11(open circuit ) or over 1012(short circuit ) for 60 seconds, in cooling mode, if t he sensor is abnormal, t he unit does not deal wit h it , besides, in defrost ing and wit hin 3 minut es aft er defrost ing, no alarm.
AD value is below 11(open circuit ) or over1012(short circuit ) for 60 seconds.

Resumable Resumable

AD value is below 11(open circuit ) or over1012(short circuit ) for 60 Resumable seconds.

AD value is below 11(open circuit ) or over1012(short circuit ) for 60 seconds.
AD value is below 11(open circuit ) or over1012(short circuit ) for 60 seconds.


AD value is below 11(open circuit ) or over1012(short circuit ) for 60 seconds.
For cont inuous 200 cycles, can not find connect ed indoors.
For cont inuous 270 s, t he searched indoor quant it y is less t han t he set quant it y.
For cont inuous 170 s, t he searched indoor quant it y is more t han t he set quant it y.

Resumable Resumable


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Failure Codes

Digit al t ube indicat ion on main unit
26- 3
26- 4

Failure code definit ion
Out door unit and VP- box communicat ion failure

27- 0 27-1

Oil t emp t oo high prot ect ion Toil1) Oil t emp t oo high prot ect ion (Toil2)


High pressure sensor Pd failure


Low pressure sensor Ps failure

Failure descript ion


The searched VP- box quant it y is less t han set quant it y for cont inuous 5 minut es.
The searched VP- box quant it y is more t han set quant it y for cont inuous 5 minut es.
shut down alarm; t he alarm condit ion af t er st opping t he oil t emperat ure below 10 °F, aut omat ic recovery af t er 2min 50s. Four t imes an hour t o conf irm t he fault AD value is below 11 (open circuit ) or over 1012 (short circuit ) for 30s AD value is below 11 (open circuit ) or over 1012 (short circuit ) for

Resum able
Once conf irmed un- resumable Resum able

30- 0 30-1 32- 0 32- 1 33- 0 33- 2 33- 3 34- 0 34-1 35- 0
36- 0 36-1 39- 0

High pressure swit ch HPS1 failure High pressure swit ch HPS2 failure

If disconnect ed for 2s cont inuously, alarm. If alarm 3 t imes in an hour, t he failure is conf irmed.

Heat exchanger out let t emp. Tsco failure
Liquid pipe SC t emp. of subcooler Tliqsc failure

If AD value is below 11(open circuit ) or over 1012(short circuit ) fo 60 seconds, alarm, sensor has no alarm when abnormal in heat ing mode.

EEPROM failure

AT24C04 EEPROM communicat ion failure

AT24C04 EEPROM dat a check failure (model code, check sun et c.)

AT24C04 EEPROM dat a check failure (dat a beyond limit , reverse sequence et c.)

Discharging t emp t oo high prot ect ion (Td1)
Discharging t emp t oo high prot ect ion (Td2)

t he alarm condit ion af t er st opping t he oil t emperat ure below 50 °F(10 °C), aut omat ic recovery af t er 2min50s. Four t imes an hour t o conf irm t he fault

4- way valve reversign failure

If below condit ions are met for more t han 10 seconds af t er t he 4- way valve is energized for 10 minut es, reversing is f inished.

Once conf irmed un- resumable Resumable
Once conf irmed un- resumable
Once conf irmed un- resumable
Once conf irmed un- resumable

4- way valve reversin failure
Oil t emp t oo low prot ect ion (Toil1) Oil t emp t oo low prot ect ion (Toil2) Low pressure sensor Ps t oo low prot ect ion
Compression rat io t oo high prot ect ion
High pressure sensor Pd t oo high prot ect ion

is conf irmed if t he syst em alarms more t han 3 t imes in one hour.
If t here is 4- way valve of sub unit not elect rif ied af t er main unit heat ing det ect ion st art s up for 20 min, Failure is conf irmed if det ect ion occurs more t han 2 t imes in one hour.
In normal operat ion,if Toil < CT+ 50 °F(10 °C) for cont inuous 5 minut es,t he unit is st opped and alarmed 2 minut es and 50 s lat er, t hen is resumed aut omat ically. If it occurs 3 t imes in an hour, t he failure is conf irmed.
Af t er compressor is running (except for residual operat ion), if in cooling, Ps < 1 psi or in heat ing, Ps < 7 psi for cont inuous 5 minut es, alarm and st op. 2 minut es and 50 s lat er, resume aut omat ically. If it occurs 3 t imes in an hour, t he failure is conf irmed.
cont inuous 5 minut es, st op and alarm. 2 minut es and 50 s lat er, resume aut omat ically. If it occurs 4 t imes in an hour, t he failure is conf irmed.
aut omat ically. If it occurs 3 t imes in an hour, t he failure is conf irmed.

Once conf irmed un- resumable Once conf irmed un- resumable
Once conf irmed un- resumable
Once conf irmed un- resumable

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Failure Codes

Digit al t ube Failure code definit ion indicat ion on main unit

43- 0

Discharging t emp sensor Tdi t oo low prot ect ion


Discharging t emp sensor Td1 t oo low prot ect ion


Communicat ion failure bet ween out doors

46- 0

Communicat ion failure wit h INV1 module board


Communicat ion failure wit h INV2 module board

46- 4

Communicat ion wit h fan 1 module board

46- 5

Communicat ion wit h fan 2 module board


Communicat ion failure wit h wireless module

51- 0

LEVa1 over current prot ect ion


LEVa2 over current prot ect ion

52- 0

LEVa1 disconnect ion fault


LEVa2 disconnect ion fault


Emergency St op

75- 0

High and low pressure dif ference is t oo small

76- 0 76-1 76- 2 83 99- x

Incorrect out door address or capacit y set t ing
Incorrect paramet er set t ing or incorrect mat ch of out door unit Program self default

Failure descript ion


In normal operat ion, If Td < CT + 50 °F (10 °C) for cont inuous 5 minut es, t he unit st ops and alarms. 2 minut es and 50 s lat er, resume aut omat ically. If it occurs 3 t imes in an hour, t he failure is confirmed.

Once confirmed un- resumable

Cont inuous 30 s no communicat ion


Wireless module can not det ect 2 minut e alarm

LEV drive chip det ect ion


Ext ernal int erface cont rol(The machine will st op quickly aft er swit ch cut off) Pd – Ps = 51 psi for 3 minut es, if t he out door prot ect ive st op. Prot ect st op aft er 5 minut es, t hen rest art .
The number of sub machine and host dat a does not mat ch t he EERPOM set The address of sub machine and host dat a does not mat ch t he EEPROM set The capacit y set t ing of sub machine and host dat a does not mat ch t he EEPROM set Out door machine t ype dial code set t ings error or wit h t he host model does not mat ch X=0~5

Once confirmed un- resumable
Non recoverable Resum able


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Failure Codes

Digit al t ube indicat ion on main unit
108 109 110 111
113 114
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125- 0/ 1
125- 4/ 5

Failure code definit ion

Failure descript ion


Module rect ifier- side soft ware t ransient overcurrent Module rect ifier- side current det ect ion circuit anomaly Module hardware overcurrent Compressor out of st ep
Module heat sink over t emperat ure
Module overload Invert er input power abnormal
Module DC bus DC overvolt age
Communicat ion error bet ween module and cont rol board
Modular soft ware overcurrent Module boot failure Module current det ect ion circuit error
Module power supply error
Module cont rol board power supply abnormal Module radiat or t emperat ure sensor abnormal Module rect ifer side hardware t ransient overcurrent Three phase power supply failure Compressor frequency mismat ch
Fan speed mismat ch (locked rot or)
MCU reset fault

The rot or posit ion can not be det ect ed 6 t imes in a row while st art ing or running, and t he INV cont rol board is aut omat ically rest ored aft er st opping 5 s.
The t emperat ure more t han 201 °F(94 °C) fault alarm. Aut omat ic recovery of INV cont rol board when t emperat ure is 201 °F(94 °C)
P/ N volt age<420V, alarm P/ N volt age>420V, aut o recovery
P/ N volt age>642V, alarm P/ N volt age<642V, aut o recovery
Ivert er input power volt age sags and brief int errupt ions
When t he supply volt age is great er t han DC642V, t he fault alarm. When t he volt age is less t han DC642V, t he INV cont rol board is aut omat ically rest ored.
For 30 s, t he communicat ion signal is not det ect ed, and t he INV cont rol board is recovered immediat ely aft er det ect ion.
Compressor 5 consecut ive st art failure.
Abnormalit y of current det ect ion sensor, no connect ion or connect ion error.
Invert er cont roller power supply inst ant aneous int errupt .
Invert er cont roller board power supply inst ant aneous int errupt .
Temperat ure sensor resist ance is abnormal or not connect ed.
The current frequency is great er t han or equal t o INV or +3Hz t arget frequency t arget act ual frequency > 0 & & = 0 for 5 minut es
20 rpm run below t he 30 s, or t he t arget value of 70% t o run for up t o 2 minut es aft er t he shut down, aut omat ic recovery aft er 2 minut es and 50 s, one hour and four fault confirmed.
If t he host det ect s sub machine MCU reset , and t he machine is in operat ion, t he host MCU reset t he fault , t he whole syst em down; if in t he heat ing mode, t hen rest art t he 4WV power, t he syst em re 4WV reversing operat ion. Four fault confirmed for one hour

0: compressor module 1; 1: compressor module 2; – 4: fan module 1; – 5: fan module 2; Four fault confirmed for one hour, Once confirmed un- resumable
Resumable Once confirmed un- resumable Once confirmed un- resumable

49- 5000878 Rev. 0




Failure Codes
In t he case of no fault , if t he syst em does not meet t he st art – up condit ion, t he host digit al display st andby code.

555.1 555.2 555.3
555.5 555.6

Indoor machine capacit y beyond t he out door machine capacit y of 150% or less t han 50%, st andby syst em 79 °F(26 °C) st andby Low pressure (gas) st andby 125 °F(54 °C) above t he cooling out door machine is not running Power rest rict ion Password lock
No t rial running

Indoor machine capacit y beyond t he out door machine capacit y of 150% or less t han 50%, st andby syst em
Ambient t emperat ure above 79 °F(26 °C) indoor heat can not boot Refrigerat ion Ps < 33 psi or heat ing Ps < 17 °° st art , syst em st andby 125 °F(54 °C) above t he cooling out door machine is not running
Power inhibit set t ing maximum capacit y out put is 0% Password lock syst em t o set t he maximum operat ing t ime t o t he syst em st andby No t rial running

Resum able

Indoor failure code list

Indicat ion on main unit
01 02 03 04 05 06

Indicat ion on wired cont roller
01 02 03 04 05 06

Flash t imes of LED5 on indoor PCB/ t imer LED on remot e receiver
1 2 3 4 5 6
















Out door failure Out door failure code



Failure code definit ion
Indoor ambient t emp sensor Ta failure Indoor coil t emp sensor Tc1 failure Indoor coil t emp sensor Tc2 failure Indoor TW sensor f ailure Indoor EEPROM failure Communicat ion bet ween indoor and out door failure Communicat ion bet ween indoor and wired cont roller failure Indoor drainage failure Indoor repeat ed address Indoor repeat ed cent ral cont rol address 50Hz zero crossing fault Out door corresponding failure


49- 5000878 Rev. 0



Equipment Commissioning and Performance

5- minut e delay funct ion
· The compressor has a 5- minut e delay for rest art ing.
Cooling/ heat ing operat ion
· Indoor unit s can be cont rolled individually, but cannot run in cool and heat mode at t he same t ime. The unit will run in t he mode, heat ing or cooling, t hat was set first . The unit will t hen run in t he opposit e mode when t he first mode is sat isfied. The unit cannot run in ot her modes if t he cont rol is set t o run only in t he select ed mode.
Heat ing mode charact erist ic
· Indoor fan will t urn t o low speed or st op when t emperat ure approaches set point .
Defrost ing in heat ing mode
· Out door defrost cycles will affect heat ing efficiency. The unit will aut omat ically defrost when needed. Defrost cycles last from 2 t o 10 minut es. Wat er will drain off t he out door coil as t he frost melt s; t his is normal. Indoor fans will run at low speed or st op, and out door fans will st op.
The unit operat ion condit ion
· Operat e t he syst em wit hin t he t emperat ure limit s specified in t his manual. Operat ing out side t he specified range may cause errors or safet y swit ch prot ect ions.
· The relat ive humidit y should be lower t han 80%. Operat ing t he unit at humidit y levels above 80% for an ext ended period may cause condensat e wat er t o blow off t he indoor coil.
Prot ect ion device (such as high pressure swit ch)
· High pressure swit ch is t he device which can st op t he unit aut omat ically when t he unit runs abnormally. The high pressure swit ch will st op t he unit immediat ely, but t he running LED on t he wired cont roller will st ill be lit . The wired cont roller will display failure code.
The prot ect ion devices will operat e when t he following incident s occur:
· When t he out door coil is clogged, or if t he out door fan inlet or out let is blocked while in cooling mode.
· The indoor filt er is blocked wit h dust and dirt or if t he indoor unit out let is blocked while in heat ing mode.
· Please reset t he power aft er correct ing t he cause of t he prot ect ion device act ion.
Power failure
· All operat ions will st op during a power failure.
· Machine will st art aut omat ically when power is rest ored provided it is configured t o do so. Syst em will need t o be manually rest art ed if aut o rest art is not enabled.
· Abnormal operat ion during power int errupt ions or RF int erference will require a manual power reset .

Heat ing capacit y · Heat pumps inherent ly experience a reduct ion in capacit y
during very cold out door t emperat ures. The invert er in MRV syst ems helps t o compensat e for t hat phenomenon. Syst em marks · Out door unit power disconnect swit ches should be marked wit h t he unit ID number especially when mult iple syst ems are inst alled. See example below:
Indoor model:
Room No. e.g. Indoor A, system 1, Floor 2 2F-1A
Trial Operat ion · Before t rial operat ion:
Measure t he resist ance bet ween L1 and L2 and ground
t he unit cannot operat e. The out door unit must be powered on at least 6 hours prior t o operat ion in order t o prot ect t he compressor.
Open all t he refrigerant service valves fully before operat ing out door unit s or compressor failure will occur. Check t o make sure all indoor unit s are powered up, and all isolat ion valves are open or unit freezing can occur. Use manifold gauges when first t urning on t he equipment t o check for normal operat ing pressures. · Trial operat ion Run t he syst em in t rial mode t o st art syst em at mild t emperat ures. Move and scrap t he air condit ioning unit · When moving, t o disassemble and re- inst all t he air condit ioning, please cont act your dealer for t echnical support . · In t he composit ion mat erial of air condit ioning, t he cont ent of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominat ed biphenyls and polybrominat ed diphenyl et hers are not more t han 0.1% (mass fract ion) and cadmium is not more t han 0.01% (mass fract ion). · Please recycle t he refrigerant before scrapping, moving, set t ing and repairing t he air condit ioning; for t he air condit ioning scrapping, should be dealt wit h by t he qualified ent erprises.

49- 5000878 Rev. 0





49- 5000878 Rev. 0



49- 5000878 Rev. 0




St aple your receipt here. Proof of t he original purchase date is needed to obt ain service under t he warrant y. Models: MVHQ MVHR , MVAB , MVAL , MVAM , MVAW , MVAD , VP1 , VP4

For The Period Of:
10 year limited part s warrant y From t he date of t he original inst allat ion date
10 year compressor warrant y from t he date of original inst allat ion

Haier Will Replace:
This limited warrant y cover all defect s in workmanship or material for t he mechanical and elect rical part s cont ained in t he Product (“Defect ive Part s”) for a period of 10 years from t he date of original inst allat ion. Haier will provide new or refurbished part s, or a replacement for all or part of t he unit , at it s sole discret ion, to your licensed HVAC technician inst aller. This warrant y also covers all defect s in workmanship or material for t he unit cont roller for a period of 1 year. The remote cont roller is covered by 1- year accessory warrant y. Haier will provide new or refurbished cont roller, at it s sole discret ion. The compressor cont ained in t his product is warrant ied for a period of 10 years from t he Date of Purchase. Haier will provide a new or refurbished compressor, or a replacement for all or part of t he unit , at it s sole discret ion, to your licensed HVAC technician inst aller.

WHAT IS THE DATE OF ORIGINAL INSTALLATION The “date of original inst allat ion” is t he date t hat t he unit is originally commissioned by t he cert ified Haier technician or inst allers and all product st art- up procedures have been properly completed and verified by t he inst allers’s invoice. If t he inst allt ion date cannot be verified, t hen t he Date of Original Inst allat ion will be sixt y days after t he manufact urer date, as determined by t he Product ‘s serial number. WHAT IS THE DATE OF PURCHASE

The “Date of Purchase” is t he date t hat t he original inst allat ion is complete and all product st art- up procedures have been properly completed and verified by t he inst aller’s invoice. If t he inst allat ion date cannot be verified, t hen t he Date of Purchase will be sixt y (60) days after t he manufact ure date, as determined by t he Product ‘s serial number. You should keep and be able to provide your original sales receipt from t he inst aller as proof of t he Date of Purchase. In new const ruct ion, t he Date of Purchase will be t he date t he owner purchased t he residence from t he builder.
10 Year part s and compressor warrant y will be qualified if t he following condit ions are met . Ot herwise, t he unit will be covered for 1 year Part s/ Compressor warrant y. · Complete t he inst allat ion and commissioning per Haier’s inst ruct ions · All pipe- work including brazing was performed per Haier’s inst ruct ions · Correct refrigerant charge was weighed and calculated at t he t ime of commissioning The warrant y will not be cont inued if t he equipment is removed from t he original inst allat ion site.

Cont act your licensed HVAC technician inst aller. All inst allat ion and service must be performed by a licensed HVAC technician. Failure to use a licensed HVAC technician for inst allat ion of t his Product voids all warrant y on t his Product ..

THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER · Damage from improper inst allat ion. · Damage in shipping. · Defect s ot her t han from manufact uring (i.e., workmanship
or materials). · Damage from misuse, abuse, accident , alterat ion, lack
of proper care and/or regular maint enance, or incorrect elect rical volt age or current . · Damage result ing from floods, fires, wind, light ning, accident s or similar condit ions. · Damage from inst allat ion or ot her services performed by ot her t han a licensed HVAC technician. · Labor and related services for repair or inst allat ion of t he Product .

· A Product purchased from an online ret ailer. · Damage as a result of subject ing Product to an at mosphere
wit h corrosives or high levels of part iculates (such as soot , aerosols, fumes, grease). · A Product sold and/or inst alled out side of t he 50 United St ates, t he Dist rict of Columbia, or Canada. · Bat teries for t he cont roller and ot her accessories provided wit h t he Product for inst allat ion (e.g., plast ic hose). · Normal maint enance, such as cleaning of coils, cleaning filters, and lubricat ion. · For Product inst alled in non- owner occupied applicat ions, Product t hat has not been maint ained annually by a licensed HVAC t echnician (proof required).
49- 5000878 Rev. 0



All “Indoor and Outdoor Product s,” ident ified in At t achment 1, registered by t he inst aller or t he Original Owner wit hin 60 days of t he Date of Purchase shall receive a St andard Registered Limited Warrant y, which shall be ident ical to t he St andard Base Warrant y, except t hat t he Limited Part s Warrant y shall be for a term of 10 Years and t he Limited Compressor Warrant y shall be for a term of 10 years. All Product not registered wit hin 60 days of t he Date of Purchase shall be subject to t he St andard Base Warrant y. Some st ates and provinces do not allow warrant y terms to be subject to regist rat ion; in t hose st ates and provinces t he longer terms for Limited Part s Warrant y and t he Limited Compressor Warrant y apply.
The remedy provided in t his warrant y is exclusive and is granted in lieu of all ot her remedies. This warrant y does not cover incident al or consequent ial damages. Some st ates and provinces do not allow t he exclusion of incident al or consequent ial damages, so t his limit at ion may not apply to you. Some st ates and provinces do not allow limit at ions on how long an implied warrant y last s, so t his limit at ion may not apply to you. This warrant y gives you specific legal right s and you may also have ot her right s which vary by st ate and province. This warrant y covers unit s wit hin t he 50 United St ates, t he Dist rict of Columbia and Canada. This warrant y it provided by GE Appliances a Haier company, Louisville, KY 40225.
The “Product ” is defined as Haier brand Duct less Split Unit s. The “Product ” cont ains 2 sub- categories of goods: “Indoor and Outdoor Product s” and “Selected Inst allat ion Product s,” which are furt her defined below: “Indoor and Outdoor Product s” can furt her be ident ified by t he following model number descript ions: 1U , 2U , 3U , 4U , AB , AD , AL , AM , AW , AF , MVA MVH “Selected Inst allat ion Product s,” ident ified by t he following model number descript ions: PB- FQG- , AH1- , MS1- and MS3-

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