Codelocks Support CL4500 Series Electronic Smart Lock User Guide

June 1, 2024
Codelocks Support

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Codelocks Support CL4500 Series Electronic Smart Lock

The C3 Smart App replaced the K3 Connect App on February 14, 2023. For more information on how to download, set up and use C3 Smart with your Codelocks Smart Locks, visit: or contact Codelocks Support.

About CL4500

The CL4500 and CL5500 locks can be operated and managed directly via the keypad or a compatible smartphone by downloading the C3 Smart App.  This Programming and Operating Instructions provides the basics to get you started plus the full details on how to program and operate the CL4500 range of locks.

The Basics

  • Master Code
    The factory set Master Code is #12345678. This should be changed immediately after installation (Program 01). The Master Code (and Sub-Master Code if set) always start with the # button. This puts the lock into Programming Mode.

  • Programming
    Each programming sequence starts with the #Master Code or #Sub-Master Code. The singular • blue dots throughout the sequence represent an acceptance flash; the keypad will illuminate blue to confirm a correct input. At the end of a sequence, the keypad will flash twice • • confirming it’s complete and programming has been successful.

  • Access Methods
    The lock supports a maximum of 350 Clients (users): User Codes (100), User Cards (150) and User Compatible Phones (100).

  • Keypad
    The lock has a 12-button, backlit keypad which includes and # buttons. The # button is only used for programming. The button is used in some programming sequences and with NetCodes.

  • Code Free
    Code Free can be configured via Program 04 or Key-in-Lever by changing the cylinder tailpiece (refer to Installation Instructions ).

  • NetCode ®
    This function allows temporary access. Create time-sensitive codes via the Codelocks Connect Portal or your application with our simple API (application programming interface). For more information about Codelocks NetCode ® Technology, visit:

  • Locked/Unlocked Status
    By default, when the lock is locked, there is no visual indication. Program 08 can be used to enable locked indication.

  • Remote Release
    The lock has two sets of terminals within the front housing for remote release, labelled REM1 and REM2. REM1 is intended for push-button release where the lock will open for the normal set time. REM2 is intended for use where the lock needs to be released for a longer period. When a switch or relay connected to REM2 is closed, the lock will open for 30 minutes after which the lock will revert to normal operation. Refer to  Installation Instructions for further information.

The App

Manage with the C3 Smart App
The lock can be managed with the C3 Smart App by any Bluetooth-compatible smartphone. The App is available on the Apple App Store for Apple devices or Google Play™ for Android™ devices by searching for C3 Smart.

Device Compatibility
The C3 Smart App is compatible with iOS 12+ and Android OS 12+.

Install + Sign Up

  1. Install the C3 Smart App on your device.
  2. Once installed, open C3 Smart and select Sign Up.
  3. The account creation process includes email confirmation. Once the account has been created and the email address verified, sign in to the App.
  4. To add a new lock, select the  +  icon on the Locks screen.Codelocks-Support-CL4500-Series-Electronic-Smart-Lock-Fig-1
  5. Enter the lock DIN and a name for your lock. We recommend choosing a meaningful name. Note:  The lock DIN is case-sensitive.
  6. In the App, touch the ‘tick’ icon and then immediately, on the lock, enter the following program:
    • Master Code  •  00  •  1  • •

    • Example:   #12345678  •  00  •  1  • •
    • Note:  If you have changed your Master Code, substitute the code used in the example with your code.
  7. The lock will now pair with your phone.

Factory Reset

Restore the lock to factory default (when the Master Code is unknown).

  1. Remove battery
  2. Press and hold 0
  3. Replace battery
  4. Release 0
  5. Press 0 three times


Change the Master Code

  • Note: The Master Code is 8 digits in length

    Master Code  •  01  •  New Master Code  •  New Master Code  •

  • Example: #12345678  •  01  •  87654321  •  87654321  • •

  • Result:  The Master Code has been changed to 87654321

Change the Sub-Master Code

  • Note: The Sub-Master Code is 8 digits in length

    Master Code  •  02  •  New Sub-Master Code  •  New Sub-Master Code  •

  • Example: #12345678  •  02  •  44556677  •  44556677  • •

  • Result: The Sub-Master Code has been changed to 44556677

Delete the Sub-Master Code

Master Code  •  03  • •

  • Example: #12345678 •  03  • •
  • Result:  The Sub-Master Code has been deleted

Change the Re-lock Delay
Change the time (in seconds) for the lock to remain unlocked after successful unlocking (i.e. correct code, card or phone). The default re-lock delay is 5 seconds.

  • Note: The delay range is from 2 seconds to 30 seconds

    Master Code  •  06  •  Time <02-30>  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  06  •  10  • •

  • Result: The lock will remain open for 10 seconds after successful unlocking

Change the Locked/Unlock Status
By changing the locked/unlocked status, you can enable a visual locked status indicator.

Disable Locked Status Indicator (Default)

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.

    Master Code  •  08  •  01  • •

  • Example:  #12345678  •  08  •  01  • •

  • Result:  No locked status indicator.

Enable Locked Status Indicator

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.

    Master Code  •  08  •  02  • •

  • Example:  #12345678  •  08  •  02  • •

  • Result:  The red LED will flash every 5 seconds.

  • Note:  Battery life will be reduced by enabling the locked status indicator.

Emergency Open Cancellation
By closing the normally open REM 2 contact, the lock will open for 30 minutes. The Emergency Open Cancellation reverts the lock to normal operation after the REM 2 input has been triggered.

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.

    Master Code  •  07  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  07  • •

  • Result: The lock reverts to normal operation.

  • Note: See  Installation Instructions for REM connection.

Feature Restriction
The lock supports entry methods including code, card, phone and NetCode. By default, all methods are supported but can be disabled using the program below.

  • Note: Access via a smartphone with the C3 Smart App is not supported in standalone applications.

    Master Code  •  13  •  User Code <0-1>  •  Smart Card <0-1>  •  NetCode <0-1>

    • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  13  •  1  •  1  •  1  • •

  • Result: Code, Card and NetCode methods are all enabled.

  • Help: To enable a method, specify 1. To disable a method, specify 0.

Disable Keypad Illumination

  • Note: Keypad illumination is disabled by default.

    Master Code  •  14  •  0  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  14  •  0  • •

  • Result: Keypad illumination is disabled.

Enable Keypad Illumination by Proximity

  • The keypad will illuminate when something comes in very close proximity to the keypad.

    Master Code  •  14  •  1  •  Start Hour <08>  •  End Hour <17>  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  14  •  1  •  08  •  17  • •

  • Result: Keypad illumination by proximity is enabled from 8 am – 5 pm.

  • Note: Battery life will be reduced by enabling keypad illumination.

Enable Keypad Illumination by Button Press
The keypad will illuminate when any button is pressed.

Master Code  •  14  •  2  •  Start Hour <08>  •  End Hour <17>  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  14  •  2  •  08  •  17  • •
  • Result: Keypad illumination by button press is enabled from 8 am – 5 pm.
  • Note: Battery life will be reduced by enabling keypad illumination.

Prevent the lock from being unlocked by any method except via Master Code and Sub-Master Code.

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.

    Master Code  •  15  •  1  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  15  •  1  • •

  • Result: Lockdown is enabled. Only the Master and Sub-Master Codes can be used to open the lock.

Cancel Lockdown

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.

    Master Code  •  15  •  2  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  15  •  2  • •

  • Result: Lockdown is cancelled.

Code Free
Configures the lock to allow code-free passage where no code, card or phone is needed to open the lock. Up to 10 Code-free times can be added. Each period can be set to work on one or more specific days.

Setting Code Free Mode

  • Note: Code Free takes priority over any other setting except Lockdown.

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.

    Master Code  •  04  •  Code Free period <0-9>  •  Time Start   •  Time

    End   •  Week Pattern  • •

  • Example: #Master Code  •  04  •  0  •  0900  •  1630  •  111100  • •

  • Result: The lock will be in Code Free from 09:00 to 16:30 on Monday to Friday.

  • Help: The week pattern uses a sequence of 7 numbers (MTWTFSS) that enable (1) or disable (0) Code Free on a particular day.

Suspend or Restore Code Free
Suspends or restores Code Free Mode for specific or all Code Free Mode periods.

Suspend Specific Code Free Period

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  05  •  1  •  Code Free period <0-9>  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  05  •  1  •  0  • •
  • Result: Suspends Code Free period 0.

Restore Specific Code Free Period

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  05  •  2  •  Code Free period <0-9>  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  05  •  2  •  0  • •
  • Result: Code Free period 0 restored.

Suspend all Code Free Periods

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  05  •  3  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  05  •  3  • •
  • Result: Suspends all Code Free periods.

Restore all Code Free Periods

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  05  •  4  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  05  •  4  • •
  • Result: Restores all Code Free periods.

Date & Time

Update the Date/Time
Update the date and time on the lock. Particularly important when Code Free and Active Period options are in use.

  • Master Code  •  10  •  YYMMDD  •  HHmm  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  10  •  160122  •  1422  • •
  • Result: The date has been updated to January 22nd, 2016 and the time to 14:22.

Set Daylight Savings Time

Update the Daylight Savings Time (DST)

  • Master Code  •  11  •  Date Starts   •  Date Ends   •

  • Example: #12345678  •  11  •  160327  •  161030  • •
  • Result: DST is set to start on March 27th, 2016 and end on October 30th, 2016.

In the majority of countries where DST operates, DST is applied at 01:00. This is the default DST time on the lock but can be changed by using the program below.

Set new Daylight Saving Time

  • Master Code  •  12  •  Time   • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  12  •  02  • •
  • Result: DST will now be applied at 02:00

Clients (Users)

Add a New Client
Four different types of Clients can be created when the lock is in standalone operation: standard Code Client, one-time Code Client (where the code will be blocked after a single use), Smart Card Client (MIFARE-based smart cards) and Technician Code Client (only applicable when GuestCode is being used).

Add a Code Client

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.

    Master Code  •  20  •  1  •  Code  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  20  •  1  •  3366  • •

  • Result: The code 3366 can now be used to unlock the lock.

Add a Time Code Client

  • Master Code  •  20  •  2  •  Code   • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  20  •  2  •  7788   • •
  • Result: The code 7788 can be used to unlock the lock once only.

Add a Smart Card Client

  • Note: After entering the program below, the lock will wait for a MIFARE-based smart card to be presented over the keypad.

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.

    Master Code  •  20  •  3     • •  present MIFARE ®  card

  • Example: #12345678  •  20  •  3   • •  present MIFARE ®  card

  • Result: The smart card will be able to unlock the lock.

  • Note: Up to 150 cards can be registered.

Add a Technician Code Client

  • Note: Only applicable when the GuestCode feature is enabled.

    Master Code   •  20   •  4  •  Technician Code   • •

  • Example: #12345678   •  20     •  4   •  4499   • •

  • Result: The Technician Code Client 4499 is now enabled.

Selected Day Lock Out
This program will lock out all Clients on the specified days. Please note that if a Client has a specific Active Period, that will take priority over the selected Day Lock Out program.

Enable Selected Day Lock Out

  • Note: This program does not affect Master Codes, Sub-Master Codes or NetCodes. This program will affect Code Clients, Smart Card Clients and GuestCode Clients.
  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  29  •  Week Pattern  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  29  •  1111100  • •
  • Result: Entry is only permitted on Mondays to Fridays.
  • Help: The week pattern uses a sequence of 7 numbers (MTWTFSS) that enable (1) or disable (0) Code Free on a particular day.

Disable Selected Day Lock-Out

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  29  •  0000000   • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  29  •  0000000   • •
  • Result: Selected Day Lock Out is disabled.

Suspend and Restore Clients
Any Code Client can be suspended and restored. Smart Card Clients cannot be suspended when the lock is in standalone operation.

Suspend a Code Client

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  21  •  Code  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  21  •  1199  • •
  • Result: The code 1199 has been suspended.

Restore a Code Client

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  22  •  Code   • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  22  •  1199   • •
  • Result: The code 1199 has been restored.
  • Help: All Clients can be suspended and restored by using the lockdown programs

Deleting Clients
Any Code Client can be deleted. When the lock is being used in standalone operation, Smart Card Clients can only be deleted by deleting all Clients.

Delete a Single Code Client

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  25  •  Code  •  Code  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  25  •  1199  •  1199  • •
  • Result: The code 1199 has been deleted.

Delete all Clients

  • Master Code  •  26   • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  26   • •
  • Result: All Clients have been deleted

Active Periods
In standalone operation, specific Active Periods can only be set for Code Clients. To use Active Periods for all Client types, you will need to use the C3 Smart App. Up to 10 Active Periods can be set for each Client.

Set an Active Period for all Clients

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  27  •  ****  •  Active Period <0-9>  •  Start Time   •  End Time   •  Week Pattern  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  27  •  ****  •  0  •  1330  •  1830  •  0101000  • •
  • Result: All Clients will have access between 13:30 and 18:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.

Set an Active Period for Specific Code Client

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  27  •  Code  •  Active Period <0-9>  •  Start Time   •  End Time   •  Week Pattern  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  27  •  1199  •  0  •  0900  •  1700  •  1111100  • •
  • Result: The client with code 1199 has access between 09:00 and 17:00, Monday to Friday.

Suspend (Disable) Specific Active Period

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  28  •  1  •  Code  •  Active Period <0-9>  • •

  • Example:  #12345678  •  28  •  1  •  1199  •  0  • •
  • Result:  Suspends the first Active Period for the Client with code 1199.

Restore Specific Active Period

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  28  •  2  •  Code  •  Active Period <0-9>  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  28  •  2  •  1199  •  0  • •
  • Result: Restores the first Active Period for the Client with code 1199.

Suspend all Active Periods for Specific Code Client

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  28  •  3  •  Code  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  28  •  3  •  1199  • •
  • Result: Suspends all the Active Periods for the Client with code 1199.

Restore all Active Periods for Specific Code Client

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Master Code  •  28  •  4  •  1199  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  28  •  4  •  1199  • •
  • Result: Restores all the Active Periods for the Client with code 1199.

Suspend all Active Periods for all Clients

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Note: Includes Code and Smart Card Clients.
  • Master Code  •  28  •  5  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  28  •  5  • •
  • Result: All Active Periods suspended.

Restore all Active Periods for all Clients

  • Note: This Program is available to both the Master and Sub-Master Codes.
  • Note: Includes Code and Smart Card Clients.
  • Master Code  •  28  •  6  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  28  •  6  • •
  • Result: All Active Periods restored.

Create codes with a specific start date & time and that automatically expire after a set duration.

Block a Specific NetCode

  • Note: A specific NetCode can be manually blocked using the Master Code.
  • Master Code  •  52  •  NetCode to Block  • •

  • Example: #Master Code  •  52  •  412682  • •
  • Result: The NetCode 412682 is now blocked.

Simple access control for guest houses and B&B. The GuestCode feature allows a guest to choose a 4-digit code (GuestCode) by prefixing their chosen GuestCode with that particular lock’s GuestCode prefix. The GuestCode feature must be enabled before use.

Enable  GuestCode

  • Note: Enabling GuestCode sets the prefix for the specific lock.

    Master Code  •  60  •  748  •  748  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  60  •  748  •  748  • •

  • Result: The GuestCode feature is now enabled and the GuestCode prefix is set as 748.

Clearing a GuestCode
Before another guest can use the lock, the current GuestCode must be cleared.

  • Master Code  •  **  • •

  • Example: #12345678  •  **  • •

  • Result: The GuestCode is cleared. Or

    Technician Code  •  **  • •

  • Example: #4499  •  **  • •

  • Result: The GuestCode is cleared.


  • Incorrect Code/Card
    If 3 incorrect access attempts are made, the lock will suspend activity for 30 seconds.

  • Programming Error
    If a programming mistake is made, the keypad will flash red and the lock will revert to normal operation.

  • Battery Failure
    If the battery fails, the key override should be used to open the lock. Batteries can be replaced by opening the battery cover on the rear of the lock. Always use high-quality AA batteries and ensure that the batteries are inserted correctly. Please refer to local authority recommendations for the disposal of old batteries.

  • Important!
    After replacing the batteries, synchronise the lock with the management smartphone to reset the date and time.

  • Factory Reset
    The lock can be reset to its original factory settings. You may need to do this if the Master Code is no longer known or you no longer have management access via a smartphone. To reset the lock, you must have access to the battery compartment in the rear of the lock.

1. Remove the battery.
2. Press and hold the 0 button.
3. Replace the battery whilst continuing to hold the 0 button.
4. After the double beep, release the 0 button.
5. Press the 0 button three times.
6. If successful the Blue LEDs will burn for 7 seconds.


Regulatory Compliance
The device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, under Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used by the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
  • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

The Codelocks Control + Convenience logo and NetCode® are registered trademarks of Codelocks Ltd., registered in the United Kingdom, United States and other countries and regions. The App is available on the Apple App Store for Apple devices or Google Play™ for Android™ devices. Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.

© 2023 Codelocks Ltd.  All rights reserved. operating-instructions-16-1-2023.

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