EO Charging EO Genius 2 Charging for Business User Guide

June 1, 2024
EO Charging

EO Charging EO Genius 2 Charging for Business


  • Product: EO Cloud
  • Functionality: Control and manage OCPP charging stations
  • Features:
    • View charging network status
    • Manage charging infrastructure
    • Download network performance reports
    • Manage RFID cards and authorization
    • Add or manage users

Product Usage Instructions

  • The EO Cloud portal allows users to control and manage OCPP charging stations, providing a smart charging experience.
  • Ensure that only stations added during commissioning can be managed via the portal.

User Interface Menu Bar

  • The navigation menu on the left side of the web page provides access to five sections:
  • Cloud, Dashboard, Reports, Configuration, RFID, User Management.


  • Upon login, users land on the Dashboard page which displays charge status, filter options, a map view of sites, and a list of chargers.
  • Interact with the map view to zoom in on individual sites. Utilize filters and export charger lists into Excel.


  • Q: Can I manage charging stations not added during commissioning via the EO Cloud portal?
  • A: No, only stations added during commissioning can be managed via the EO Cloud portal.
  • Q: How can I export the charger list into Excel?
  • A: In the list view of all charging stations, apply a filter if needed and then use the export feature to save the list as an Excel file.


The EO Cloud portal allows users to control and manage their OCPP charging stations, unlocking the complete smart charging experience.
The EO Cloud portal allows users to:

  • View the latest status of their charging network.
  • Manage their existing charging infrastructure.
  • View and download network performance reports.
  • Manage RFID cards and authorisation.
  • Manage existing users or add new ones.

It’s important to note that only charging stations that have been added to the EO Cloud during commissioning can be managed via the EO Cloud portal.

It is important to note that the information in this document is subject to change without notice as the EO Cloud evolves, please download the latest version from https://www.eocharging.com/support/commercial-solutions/eo- cloud-2.


  • The EO Cloud portal is split into five sections and each one can be accessed via the navigation menu on the left side of the web page.
  • Menu items available may depend on the specific portal package you have.


  1. Dashboard view
  2. Reports
  3. Configuration
  4. RFID
  5. User Management

After a successful login to the EO Cloud portal, users are going to be presented with the Dashboard page, which also serves as a home page.


  • Users can interact with the Map View and zoom in on individual sites by clicking on the site location markers.


  • The information bar above the Map View provides key metrics related to the network status, including the number of charging stations reporting a “Fault”.
  • Clicking on the “List” button under each key metric will filter the charging stations by the selected status.
  • Below the map users will find your list of chargers covering your charging station, whether you have one or multiple sites.
  • This list view represents real-time charger activity and status.


  • Filters are available and provide various options to filter by. Applying a filter will display chargers that conform to your filter request.
  • The charger list can also be exported into Excel.
  • Columns can be added and removed as required by selecting the “Columns” filter and toggling the options “On” or “Off”.


  • Users can perform basic management of individual chargers by locating the charger in the list and selecting the “Action” command. A pop up window shows which commands are available.

Note: Selecting an action will send the command immediately without a prompt.


  • The EO Cloud offers an extensive selection of reports that focus on the network’s status and performance over time.
  • All reports can be filtered by country, site and charging station, and can display up to 3 months of data.
  • Some reports, such as the “Charging Sessions” report, also allow users to filter the data by user.



The active charge sessions report shows the correlation between the number of charging sessions and the energy consumption on site. A charging session in OCPP terms lasts until the vehicle is unplugged, not until it reaches 100% battery charge. This report can be used to highlight the underutilisation of the on-site resources. For example, if the vehicles on average only need 4 hours of charge, yet they remain plugged in for more than 8 hours every day, then that might imply that the vehicles are underutilised (only use up 20-40% of their SOC).

Data available


The historic energy consumption report gives users an overview of their network’s energy consumption metrics over a specified period.


Data available


The network utilisation report gives users a more detailed insight into their network’s performance, by tracking the average and max kW recorded during a given half-hourly block and comparing it to the current offered by the charging stations during an active session.


Data available


The charger status report shows every status change communicated from the charging station to the Cloud. Users can see what amount of time each charging station spent reporting Fault, Connectivity issues or was in use (charging, car connected or paused).


Data available


The network statistics report gives users a snapshot of their network’s key metrics, including:
All-time metrics:

  • Total energy consumed.
  • Total time spent charging.
  • Total charging sessions.
  • CO2 Saved (tonnes).
  • Distance covered (km).

Latest metrics

  • Number of sites.
  • Number of AC charging stations.
  • Number of DC charging stations.


The charging session report shows all completed charging sessions by the charging session or user if the charging session was authenticated via an RFID card.


Data available


The “Network Status” report shows a detailed look at network uptime metrics and the amount of time the network was available vs unavailable. The report is split into two sections – key uptime metrics on the left and a network status graph in the centre-right. The key metrics panel focuses on the following:

  • Uptime %: this is the total network uptime percentage, calculated from the amount of incidents raised against each charging station. For example, if an incident has taken a charging station offline, then the total duration this incident was open for is deducted from the uptime %. If no incidents are recorded against a charging station, then its uptime metric is going to be 100%.
  • Number of faults affecting the service: this is the total number of incidents raised and subsequently flagged by the support as “affecting service”, i.e. the ability of the charging station to dispense power.
  • Average resolution time: the average time an incident remained open.
  • Number of incidents: the total number of incidents raised by the system. Not all incidents affect the service of the charging stations. For example, a charging station losing connection may simply imply that the network on site has gone down, but the charging station is fully functional.

The “Network Status” graph shows the time the network spent in each status, daily. For example, on the 15th of October, the charging stations spent 50% of the time being “In Use”, 5% in “Fault” and 45% “Available.



The “Incident Report” shows a complete log of all incidents detected and raised by the EO Cloud. Each incident goes through the following phases:

  1. Triggered: this status is given to a new incident that’s been raised by the system. The EO Cloud is monitoring status changes reported by the charging stations. When a hardware fault or a network connectivity issue is reported, the EO Cloud would raise a new incident with the “Triggered” status.
  2. Acknowledged: the incident transitions from “Triggered” to “Acknowledged” status when it’s picked up by the EO support team.
  3. Resolved: once the incident has been reviewed and closed, the system assigns it the “Resolved” status.



  • The “Network Configuration” page displays detailed information about the site and individual charging station configuration.
  • New sites can be added via the “Add Site” button. Newly created sites on the left-hand panel of the “Network Configuration” page.


New charging stations can be added via the “Add Charge Point” button. Fill out all required information relating to the charge point, make sure to select the correct charger template from the drop-down list, and save your settings. Newly created charging stations will appear on the left-hand side of the “Network Configuration” page, under the “Country” and “Site panel”.
An explanation of all fields is shown below:

  • Name: this is a user-defined name, for ease of use throughout the portal and is not related to the vendor’s name.
  • Template: the applied template is used by the portal system to determine the features and functionality supported by this model of the charging station.
  • Network ID: this an internal identifier that is assigned to the charging station and is used for reporting purposes.
  • (Optional) Serial Number: the serial number of the charging station.
  • Site: this is an auto-populated field, showing the site this charging station is associated with.
  • Location: if a sub-location has been added to the site, the charging station can be associated with it. For example, “Site A” may have two sub-locations, “Car Park A” and “Car Park B”. The charging station can be associated with either one.
  • Latitude & Longitude: these are the location coordinates of the charging station. If none are provided, the charging station will be given the location of the site.

The “Plug and Charge” toggle allows users to enable charge session authentication (if set to OFF) or enable free vending mode (if set to ON).
NOTE: Charging stations are configured during commissioning by the installer.
Any subsequent changes should be reviewed by them first.


  • Users can also add new separate locations to the site. These locations can be used to associated charging stations and custom load management settings. Sub-locations can also be used as a logical separation of charging stations or load management settings, instead of as a physical one.
  • Users can create new locations, by selecting the site they wish to modify and navigating to the “Location’s tab”.



In the site configuration page, users have the option to draw an outline of the site or depot. That outline will then appear in the regional map view in the dashboard, highlighting the site and creating a more distinctive presence on the map. Users also have the option to arrange the charging station in a grid or circle shape around the site’s location, or fine-tune the location of each one, by interacting with the icons on the map directly.



  • In the Site Layout tab, users can toggle on the “Overlay editor” at the bottom of the map and start drawing the outline of the site or depot.
  • Users can add as many points and make the shape as detailed as they wish, but once the outline is completed, they can click on the “Save” button to store the outline.
  • That outline will appear in the dashboard when the site is selected.



Once the layout has been created and the charging stations added to the site, users have the option to re-arrange the charging stations in a grid or circle pattern by clicking on the “Re-centre Chargepoints” button at the bottom right corner of the map. It is also possible to drag the charging stations around the map and position the charging stations to an exact location.



  • The scheduling feature allows users to either generate a default schedule for their site, based on the tariff applied, or define a custom schedule that best suits the needs of their fleet.
  • Having a schedule on-site prevents vehicles from charging during periods of peak electricity prices.


  • If a site doesn’t have a schedule, the system can generate a draft schedule for all charging stations on site. The draft schedule takes into consideration any existing tariffs and attempts to create a continuous 8-hour charging block, during the cheapest electricity periods.


  • If a tariff hasn’t been set up against that site, the system will generate a default 8-hour schedule from 23:00 – 7:00, which on average contains the periods with cheapest electricity prices.


  • By default, the schedule generated by the system is an 8-hour continuous charging block.
  • Users can modify the default system-generated period or add additional charging blocks.
  • The minimum duration of a schedule is 15 minutes, and the maximum duration is 23 hours and 45 minutes. The start and end times can only fall on 00, :15, :30 and :45. This rule is enforced by the UI. These constraints are enforced to ensure that schedules align with the start/end times of the wholesale settlement periods, which affect tariff pricing.



  • As well as defining the time period of each schedule, users have the option to toggle on or off “Randomised Start”. When enabled the start time of each charging station is going to be offset by a random amount (in seconds) during the first 10 minutes of the schedule.
  • The “Active Schedule” column will show the configured start time, instead of the start time + randomised start offset per charger.


  • By default, the draft schedule includes all charging stations on-site, but users are free to select the devices they’d like to include in the final schedule. This can be seen in figure 22 where specific chargers have been selected as part of the schedule.
  • Users can set the Current Offered during a schedule, by double clicking on the “Current Offered” column and entering a new value as shown in Figure 22. If the new value is larger than the maximum supported output, the charging station will be set to its default max amps value (32 Amps for AC).



Users can perform the following actions related to a schedule:

  • Delete: this action clears any applied schedules to all devices on site.
  • Save draft: this action replaces the old draft profile and creates a new one. Before applying a new schedule, first save a new draft schedule. Once the draft schedule has been saved, check the new profile if it corresponds with the intended changes.
  • Apply: applies the new schedule to all selected charging stations. Any charging stations not part of the new schedule, will have their existing schedule cleared.


  • The RFID management page allows users to add new RFID tags, modify existing ones and assign RFIDs to existing portal users.





The User Management tab allows users to:

  • Create new user accounts.
  • Manage existing user accounts.
  • Assign different profiles to each user.
  • Define the level of access per user.

The “User Management” tab is only available to Tenant admin users. “Tenant” admin users can create new accounts, while “Site” level admins are only able to browse through the list of existing users, but can’t create new ones.



  • Once a new account is created, you will receive a welcome email from info@eocharging.com via the EO Cloud.



  • Tenant admin level users can also modify existing accounts by clicking on each row in the list.
  • To edit an existing account, users can directly click on the field they wish to modify. For example, to deactivate an account:


  • A user account once created cannot be deleted, but it can be deactivated.
  • Inactive accounts can be anonymised upon request sent to EO support.


There are five user profiles currently available in the EO Cloud:

  • Tenant Admin: gives users full read & write access to all features of the EO Cloud.
  • Strategy Reporting: has read only access to all EO Cloud features.
  • Site Admin: has read & write access to all EO Cloud features, except for adding new users or modifying existing ones.
  • Site Ops: has read access to all EO Cloud features and write access to RFID section.
  • Driver: can be assigned with an RFID card, but has no access to the EO Cloud.

Feature| Tenant admin| Strategy reporting| Site admin| Site ops| Driver
Dashboard| Read/write| Read| Read/write| Read/write| Off
Site configuration| Read/write| Read| Read/write| Read| Off
Charger configuration| Read/write| Read| Read/write| Read| Off
Scheduling & load management| Read/write| Read| Read/write| Read| Off
Reporting| Read| Read| Read| Read| Off
RFID Management| Read/write| Read| Read/write| Read/write| Off
Account Management| Read/write| Read| Read| Read| Off


While user profiles control the features and the level of access per feature, the scope of access determines the data each user has access to. For example, a user may have a profile “Site Admin”, which means that they have read/write access to all EO Cloud features, except for “User Management”, however, their scope of access can be limited to a single site, in which case they’ll only see data from that site. User profiles in the EO Cloud are comprised of three attributes:

  • Feature access: “Dashboard”, “Site Configuration”, “RFID Management” and “Reporting”.
  • Only these tabs are going to be visible for this type of user.
  • Access level: Full access or read only per feature.
  • Scope: the sites they have access to. All other features will show only data related to the “scope”.



There are a number of options available to users of the “Account Management” page.

  • Columns: users can add or remove columns in the list of users, to either increase or decrease the level of information that’s displayed in the table.
  • Filters: filters can be applied to the list, allowing users to narrow down the results to either first/last name or specific user profile.
  • Density: controls the spacing between entries in the table. Decreasing the density increases the spacing between entries.
  • Export: allows users to export the list of users, based on the filters applied.



This document contains information that is subject to change without notice.

The latest version of this publication can be downloaded at: https://www.eocharging.com/support/commercial-solutions/eo-cloud/OCPP.

Disclaimer: No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including, but not limited to, copying, recording, retrieving data, or computer networks without the written permission of EO Charging. EOCHARGING.COM.


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