HIGH POINT SCIENTIFIC 10 Best Things To See In The Summer Night Sky Instructions

June 2, 2024

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In The Summer Night Sky

10 Best Things To See In The Summer Night Sky

Keystone Cluster
This cluster lies approximately 26,000 light-years away and appears on the edge of naked eye visibility. While you can glimpse it with binoculars, this cluster comes alive through a telescope. Epsilon Lyrae
Through binoculars you can spot two bright components of this mulple star system. Both appear white and of equal brightness, but a telescope will reveal a secret. What do you see? Ring Nebula
Some think this nebula resembles a slightly flaened donut, but to many others, its gray color clearly gives it the appearance of a smoke ring in space. Messier 4
If you look carefully, you can spot M4 with binoculars. Turn a small telescope toward this beauful cluster and you might see something unusual.  Messier 6 & Messier 7
A low power of only 30x is all that’s needed to idenfy the buerfly paern of M6 and M7 and enjoy the cluster in its enrety. Milky Way Galaxy
The brightest stars of Sagiarius form a teapot-shaped asterism. Look above the spout of the teapot to find steam escaping the pot. This faint, gray misty patch marks the very heart of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Lagoon Nebula
Both binoculars and small telescopes show stars in both hemispheres, with the eastern half appearing brighter and more densely populated.HIGH POINT
SCIENTIFIC 10 Best Things To See In The Summer Night Sky -
Albireo Albireo
You’ll most likely need a telescope to split this star, but a modest magnificaon of about 35x is all that’s needed to see one of the most beauful sights in the sky.  Coathanger
This is one object that’s best observed with binoculars. A low powered telescope will sll fit the stars within the field of view, but with very lile room to spare. Dumbbell Nebula
It may appear rectangular, but aer a few moments the two lobes can clearly be seen. This nebula allows your imaginaon to run wild. Is it a dumbbell? Or something else?HIGH POINT - logo

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