GLP German Light YPOG 575 PRO Moving Head 575W Instruction Manual

June 17, 2024
GLP German Light

GLP German Light YPOG 575 PRO Moving Head 575W

Product Information


Description of Device
The GLP German Light Production is a lighting device that offers various functions and settings. It can be controlled through the menu field and supports DMX protocol for channel selection. The device also allows for lamp changes and provides error and information messages for troubleshooting. Safety Instructions
Before using the GLP German Light Production, please read and follow the safety instructions provided in the user manual to ensure safe operation.

The Menu Field
The menu field allows you to access different functions and settings of the GLP German Light Production. It includes options such as adjusting the DMX address, running test programs, using audio programs, turning the lamp on/off, resetting the device, inverting pan and tilt movements, accessing special functions, and more.

Adjust the DMX- Address (D001)
To adjust the DMX address, navigate to the menu field and select the option “D001”. Follow the on-screen instructions to set the desired DMX address for your device.

The Test Program (TEST)
The test program allows you to run test patterns and check the functionality of the GLP German Light Production. Select the “TEST” option in the menu field to access the test program and follow the instructions on the display.

The Audio Program (AUDI)
The audio program enables the GLP German Light Production to synchronize with audio input. Select the “AUDI” option in the menu field and follow the instructions to configure the audio program settings.

Lamp On/Off (LAMP)
To turn the lamp on or off, navigate to the menu field and select the “LAMP” option. Follow the instructions on the display to control the lamp status.

Reset (RESE)
The reset function allows you to reset the GLP German Light Production to its default settings. Select the “RESE” option in the menu field and follow the instructions on the display to perform a reset.

Running time of lamp and unit (TIME)
The running time function displays the operating time of both the lamp and the unit. Select the “TIME” option in the menu field to view the running time information.

Invert Pan Movement (RPAN)
If you want to invert the pan movement of the GLP German Light Production, select the “RPAN” option in the menu field. Follow the instructions on the display to invert the pan movement.

Invert Tilt Movement (RTLT)
To invert the tilt movement of the GLP German Light Production, select the “RTLT” option in the menu field. Follow the instructions on the display to invert the tilt movement.

Special Functions (SPEC)
The special functions menu includes various additional features and settings for advanced users. Select the “SPEC” option in the menu field to access these functions.

  • Manual Drive (MANU)
    The manual drive function allows you to manually control the movements of the GLP German Light Production. Select the “MANU” option in the special functions menu and follow the instructions on the display to enter manual drive mode.

  • Lamp On automatically (LAAU)
    The lamp on automatically function enables the GLP German Light Production to turn on the lamp automatically. Select the “LAAU” option in the special functions menu and configure the settings accordingly.

  • Lamp Off via DMX (DLOF)
    To turn off the lamp via DMX control, select the “DLOF” option in the special functions menu. Follow the instructions on the display to set up the DMX control for lamp off.

  • DMX Input (DMXI)
    The DMX input function allows you to receive DMX signals from external devices. Select the “DMXI” option in the special functions menu and configure the DMX input settings accordingly.

  • Display (DISP)
    The display function provides options for adjusting the display settings of the GLP German Light Production. Select the “DISP” option in the special functions menu to access these settings.

  • Fixture Temperature (TEMP)
    To check the temperature of the fixture, select the “TEMP” option in the special functions menu. The display will show the current temperature of the device.

  • Fan Control (FANS)
    The fan control function allows you to adjust the fan speed of the GLP German Light Production. Select the “FANS” option in the special functions menu and follow the instructions on the display to control the fan speed.

  • Adjustments and Calibrations (ADJU)
    The adjustments and calibrations menu provides options for fine-tuning and calibrating the GLP German Light Production. Select the “ADJU” option in the special functions menu to access these settings.

  • Default Settings (DFSE)
    The default settings function allows you to restore the GLP German Light Production to its factory default settings. Select the “DFSE” option in the special functions menu and follow the instructions on the display to perform a reset.

  • Feedback (FEED)
    The feedback function provides options for sending feedback or reporting issues with the GLP German Light Production. Select the “FEED” option in the special functions menu to access these options.

  • Correction of faults (EFLG)
    If there are any faults or errors with the device, select the “EFLG” option in the special functions menu. Follow the instructions on the display to correct the faults or troubleshoot the errors.

Error and Information Messages
The GLP German Light Production displays error and information messages to provide feedback on its status. Refer to the user manual for a detailed list of error and information messages and their meanings.

DMX Channel Selection (DMX Protocol)
The GLP German Light Production supports DMX protocol for channel selection. Refer to the user manual for instructions on how to select and configure DMX channels for controlling the device.

Change the Lamp
If you need to change the lamp of the GLP German Light Production, follow the instructions provided in the user manual for safe lamp replacement.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • How can I contact GLP German Light Production for customer service?
    You can contact GLP German Light Production by sending an email to or visiting their website at

Description of Device

  1. Moving Head
  2. Carrying handles
  3. LED- Display
  4. Arm
  5. Camlock system
  6. Software-Update connector
  7. Microphone- Intensity
  8. DMX- Input
  9. DMX- Output
  10. Fan (air inlet/outlet)
  11. Power On/Off
  12. Mains supply (Powercon)
  13. Fuse lamp
  14. Fuse electronics
  15. Carrying handles

Safety Instructions
The YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO is a High-Tech Product. To guarantee a smooth operation, it is necessary to keep following rules.
The manufacturer of this device will not take responsibility of damages through disregard of the information in this manual. Warranty adjustments will be cancelled.

  1. Make sure before putting into operation, that the fan and the air inlets are clean and not blocked by anything.
  2. Attention: Don’t touch the device during the operation. This can cause injuries or damages.
  3. Unplug the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO from the AC outlet before any service.
  4. It is necessary to wait at least 30 minutes after disconnecting the AC before you open the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO. Please do not touch the bulb of the lamp if you are not absolutely sure it is cold. — Danger of BURNING —
  5. Never look directly into the beam of the lamp. You risk injury of your retina and blindness.
  6. Pay attention of the maximum lamp operation time. You have to change it if the lamp shows any deformations or damages. The same is with all glass components, color filters, lenses and mirrors.
  7. To allow a secure operation, follow also the Installation guide described in chapter 2. Operating the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO without suited safety aids like Safety cables or clamps/hooks can increase the risk of an accident.
  8. The installation should be done by qualified staff only. You need to pay attention to the common rules of technology that are not explicit mentioned in this manual.
  9. Use only original spare parts. Any structural modification will cancel all warranty adjustments.
    Attention: Laser of class 3R may injure your retina after a short resi- dence time even without any optical instrument. Avoid any direct ex-posure of your eyes!

Preparation and Installation

The YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO is fully operational whether it hangs or is mounted to the wall. It can also be operated while standing on the floor. Keep a safety distance of 0.5 m towards any easy inflammable materials (decoration etc.). Install a safety wire that can hold at least 10 times the weight of the fixture. Never use the carrying handles for secondary attachment.

Pay attention to the regulations of: BGV C1 (former VBG 70) and DIN VDE 0711-217. Regulations of show laser BGV B2 (11.2001), E DIN 56912 part 6, DIN- EN 60825 part 1+2.
The installation should be done by qualified staff only.

  1. Clamps
    There are two major possibilities to mount the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO together with clamps. Camlock system or direct mounting of clamps. In both cases you have to regard a sufficient stability of the system. For installation instructions please see also printing on the backside of the case.

    • Camlock system: This system allows you a fast and efficient setup of clamps. Attach the two camlocks to designated position on the backside of the case and close the locks by turning them 90°. Verify the secure fit of the camlock system. The clamps themselves are directly attached permanently on the camlocks.

    • Use two clamps direct on the backside of the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO to moun the unit on a truss (each two opposite threads max. M10x20).

Secure the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRRO
Regardless of the rigging of the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO you have to use a stipulated safety wire. Therefore you have to thread to safety wire through to two provided holes on the backside of the fixture and connect it with the truss-support. Pay attention to a safe and proper fastening.

  1. Power supply
    Electronic ballast with:
    ~90 – 260 Volt, 50 – 60 Hz, earth contact type plug – Powercon Connected load 780W <=> 3.8 A (blind current compensation). Please see printing on the case for the right electronic supply!

  2. DMX

    • DMX 512 Standard input/output. See also printing on the case for the right pin assignment.
    • [+] = Pin 3 / [-] = Pin 2 / [Ground] = Pin 1
    • The DMX- Addressing starts at the DMX- Address [001].

The YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO electronic system is protected by two 5×20 mm fine- wire fuses.

  • Lamp: 230V / T 5A

  • Electronic: 230V / T 1A
    Please see the printing on the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO casing for more details.

    • Disconnect AC outlet before changing a fuse!
    • Use only the original declared fuse type!

The Menu Field

You’ll find the control board on the side part of the base. It allows you to make all necessary adjustments of the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO.. With the Mode- key you get into the main menu. Afterwards you can navigate through the menu with the Up/Down-keys. Push the Enter-key to get in the next menu level or to confirm your settings. Make them and set functions ON/OFF with the Up/Down- keys. Confirm and save it with the Enter-key (the display shows OK). Push the Mode-key to cancel the entry and go back to the main menu.

Adjust the DMX- Address (D001)
Right after turning on the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO you can see the current DMX- Address. If there is no DMX- Signal the display flashes.
For the address setting please follow this procedure:

  1. Switch On the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO and wait until the fixture reset has finished (‘RESE’ is flashing in the display).
  2. Press the Mode-key in order to access the main menu. Browse through the menu by pressing the Up/Down-keys until the display shows D001. Confirm by pressing the Enter-key (the decimal point is flashing)
  3. Use the Up/Down-keys to select the desired address. Confirm the setting by pressing the Enter-key (the display shows OK) or press the Mode-key to cancel.
    The DMX- Address is stored also while switching off the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO!

The DMX- Address is stored also while switching off the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO!

The Test Program (TEST)
The Test-Program allows you to run a complete self test procedure of all functions. Press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel.

The Audio Program (AUDI)

  • The Audio-menu allows you to run a stand alone audio program. This chaser can run either fast or slow. AFST: Every sound impulse on step of the chaser. Aslw: Every second sound impulse one step of the chaser.
  • Additional you can choose a basic position for this audio chaser. Use therefore either the internal manual mode or an external controller to set the desired Pan/Tilt position. Confirm this setting in the SVPT menu by pressing the Enter-key.
  • You can also set the size of the audio chaser in the SIZE menu. You have the choice between: NORM (no basic position has to bee chosen), BIG, MIDL and SMAL).
  • If you want to run the systems simultaneously, one of the YYPPOOCCss must be switched as the master. All others must be “Slave” Master = OFF. Notice: The Audio function is only working if no DMX is connected. This function can work e.g. on small events or as an emergency program.

Lamp On/Off ( LAMP)
Use the Up/Down-keys to select lamp On or lamp Off Press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel and return to the main menu. (The lamp OFF command is only working if the shutter is closed at the same time. Use an external controller or the manual drive mode, see 3.9.1)

Reset ( RESE)
Press the Enter-key to run a reset of all fixture functions (RST is shown in the display).

Running time of lamp and unit (TIME)
By this option can read out three different running times of the fixture.

Invert Pan Movement (RPAN)
This function allows you to invert the Pan movement. Use the Up/Down-keys to select invert On or Off. Press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel and return to the main menu.

Invert Tilt Movement (RTLT)
This function allows you to invert the Tilt movement. Use the Up/Down-keys to select invert On or Off. Press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel.

Special Functions (SPEC)

This menu allows you to enter further special functions of the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO.. In detail they are:

  1. Manual Drive (MANU)
    This function allows you to drive all the fixture functions manually. Select the desired function with the Up/Down-keys and confirm with Enter. Now choose the desired value with the Up/Down-keys and confirm again with Enter or cancel and return to the menu with the Mode-key.

  2. Lamp On automatically (LAAU)

    • This function enables to switch On the lamp automatically after switching
    • On the fixture. Use the Up/Down-keys to select ON if you want to switch on the lamp automatically after switching on the fixture or Off if you don’t want this function. Press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel and return to the menu.
    • If you have chosen off you have the possibility to start the lamp either via DMX or direct at the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO in the Lamp menu.
  3. Lamp Off via DMX (DLOF)

    • This function enables to switch off the lamp via DMX or not. Use the Up/Down-keys to select ON if you want to switch off the lamp via DMX or Off if you don’t want this function. Press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel and return to the menu.
    • If you have chosen off you have the possibility to switch off the lamp either direct at the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO in the Lamp menu or switch off the main switch.
  4. DMX Input (DMXI)
    Readout DMX values of each channel received by the fixture. Use the Up/Down- keys to select desired channel and press Enter to read its value.

  5. Display (DISP)
    Use this function to choose between different display indications. Use the Up /Down-keys to select desired function and press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel and return to the menu.

  6. Fixture Temperature (TEMP)
    This function allows you to read out the actual temperature of the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO. Press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel. Inside temperatures below 80°C are not critical. 80°C and more lead the lamp being switched off at a critical point. Please note for a save operation that the outside temperature should not exceed 45°C.

  7. Fan Control (FANS)
    By using this function you can choose between 4 types of fan speed operations. Use the Up/Down-keys to select desired function and press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel and return to the menu.

In addition to these settings, you can set to fan speed to minimum via DMX (Special channel, DMX value 224..229). This will last until a temperature of 90° is reached.

  1. Adjustments and Calibrations (ADJU)

    • By this function you can adjust and calibrate the positions of the different wheels and other motors. This can be necessary after a service or repair work.
    • For this function you have to entry the fixture code. This work should be done only by authorized persons.
    • Use the Up/Down-keys to select desired function and press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel and return to the menu. Use now the Up/Down-keys to set the adjustment values and confirm once more with the Enter-key or cancel with the Mode-key.
  2. Default Settings (DFSE)
    Press Enter to reset all fixture personalities (not the adjusted functions) to the default values. On the display will appear ok to indicate that the de- faults are set.

  3. Feedback (FEED)
    The YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO is provided with a automatic position correction (feedback) for the Pan and Tilt movement. Use the Up/Down-keys to select ON if you want to enable the feedback function or Off if you don’t want this function. Press Enter to confirm or Mode to cancel and return to the menu.

  4. Correction of faults (EFLG)
    (Function available for authorized persons only)

  5. **Error and Information Messages


DMX Channel Selection (DMX Protocol)

Change the Lamp

For a frictionless operation pleas read this chapter carefully and follow all instructions.

Safety Regulations

  • Pull out the main plug!
  • Wait min. 20 minutes after the last operation to cool down the fixture.
  • Don’t touch the bulb of the lamp with bare fingers (this can cause damages).
  • Before you put the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO into operation close the casing, otherwise your retina can be hurt!

Realize the Lamp Change

  1. Pull out the main plug!

  2. The lamp can be changed in a very comfortable way directly from the backside of the case without opening the head.

  3. Open the four screws (1, 2, 3 and 4) of the backside lamp sheet and remove it carefully.

  4. Remove the old or broken lamp by opening the two sidewise lamp screws.
    Attention: The glass bulb of the lamp can splinter. For that reason remove the lamp with safety gloves or some cloth.

  5. Put in the new lamp securely with a tight fit into the socket and close the two lamp screws. The lamp filler neck must not in the direction lamp or lenses. Attention: Use only the ori-ginal lamp type!

  6. Pull the lamp holder safely back in the shaft and close the four screws.

  7. The running time of the lamp LA1 can be reseed in the Time Menu.

Change a Gobo

The YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO is fitted with standard gobos (outside diameter 27 mm, image size 23 mm). You can use ether steel or glass gobos.

Safety Regulations

  • Pull out the main plug!
  • Wait min. 20 minutes after the last operation to cool down the fixture.
  • Before you put the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO into operation close the casing, otherwise your retina can be hurt!

Realize the Gobo Change

  1. Pull out the main plug!
  2. Open the upper shell of the head casing by loosening the 4 Phillips screws. Two on the front side and 2 on the back side of the head.
  3. Rotating Gobo-wheel: Remove the gobo out of the centric spring. Afterwards the gobo can be changed outside.
  4. The Gobo-clamp with the magnet must be always opposite to the “open” position. If an exchange is necessary please replace the Gobo itself inside the mounting plate. Use never two mounting plates with magnets at the same time!
  5. Fixed Gobo-wheel: Please remove the gobo directly out of the Gobo-spring.
  6. Change the desired gobo and fix it again under the spring.
  7. Close the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO in reverse order.

If you use glass gobos, the non-vaporized side must be fitted towards the lamp direction.

Maintenance and Cleaning the YPOC 575 PRO

  • It is absolutely essential that the fixture is kept clean and that dust, dirt and smoke-fluid residues must not built up on or within the fixture. Otherwise the fixture’s light-output will be significantly reduced. Regular cleaning will not only ensure the maximum light-output, but will also allow the fixture to function reliable throughout its life.
  • A soft lint-free cloth moistened with any good glass cleaning fluid is recom-mended, under no circumstances should alcohol or solvents be used!
  • The inside optical system should be maintained only by authorized persons. Please contact your local dealer.

Safety Regulations

  • Pull out the main plug!
  • Wait min. 20 minutes after the last operation to cool down the fixture.
  • Before you put the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO into operation close the casing, otherwise your retina can be hurt!

Circumference and Interval (rule-of-thumb)
The contamination of the fixture depends on the environment details. Therefore no general guidelines can be given. From this it follows that the intervals are only suggestions from our practice experience.


  1. Never let optical parts come into contact with oil or fat.
  2. Before running the fixture wait until all parts are dried up.
  3. Never clean the aspheric lens with water or other cleaners. Change the lens if it looks milky (about 1 – 2 years). For that please contact your local dealer.

Cleaning the Optical System

  1. Pull out the main plug!
  2. Wait min. 20 minutes after the last operation to cool down the fixture.
  3. Open the upper shell of the head casing by loosening the 4 Phillips screws. Two on the front side and two on the back side of the head.
  4. Do the work as explained in the list above.
  5. Before you put the YYPPOOCC 557755 PPRROO into operation close the casing, otherwise your retina can be hurt!

Technical Specification



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