Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect User Guide

June 15, 2024

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User GuideSpectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order


This user guide will describe the process of how to utilize the Neustar® portal to create orders and receive responses.
Neustar is a neutral provider of clearinghouse and directory services to the global communications and internet industries.
This document is written as a user guide for Spectrum Enterprise clients who order products electronically.
Spectrum Enterprise business rule validations
Spectrum Enterprise business rule validations are completed in the Universal Order Connect (UOC). Once ASOG and business rule validations have been completed successfully, a system-generated Acknowledgement (ACK) is sent to the carrier partner.
If an ASOG validation rule is not followed, the system triggers a list of errors which will need to resolve before you can submit your order.
Spectrum Enterprise has implemented business rule validation errors outside of ASOG.

  1. If an order is Errored (CNR-E) back to you requesting clarification or changes, you will have 60 days to respond with a SUP and provide those changes. If the order remains in Error (CNR-E) or Jeopardy with Error (CNR-F) status 60 days or longer will be canceled by Spectrum Enterprise.

  2. Variable Term Agreement (VTA) field is required for all New Install orders.
    • This determines the contract term and is necessary to process your order.

  3. All Renewal only orders should use the Activity Type of R for Record.
    • Renewal only includes– term/price change only.
    • Renewal with speed, LOS, etc. changes should come in with an Activity of C for Change Order.

  4. User required to use the Case Number (CNO) field to provide a quote number.
    • If you received a Quote shell, place the quote number on the order for faster processing.
    • If Case Number (CNO) field is blank, then we will apply rate card if applicable.

  5. A Project ID can be added to the order in the Project.
    • If you received a Project ID, include it on the order in the Project field for faster processing.
    • If Project field is blank, then we will look for a quote number in the Case Number (CNO).
    • If Case Number (CNO) field is blank, then we will apply rate card if applicable.

Important sites

Neustar Universal Order Connect Portal: https://marketplace.neustar.com/#/admin/welcome
Logging into Neustar
Navigate to the Neustar User Interface (UI) from a browser window. Enter your email address as the user ID and Password, then click Log in.

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The User Name and Password fields are case-sensitive.
The Neustar UI defaults to the Neustar Exchange window.
The Network/Access Services menu appears once the user logs in to Neustar. Select Universal Order Connect (UOC).

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Select Universal Order Connect (UOC) to submit new orders and view in-flight Access Service Requests (ASRs).

  • UOC is an ASR tool that allows bonded and non-bonded carriers to submit orders via the same tool and allows clients to receive order status.
  • Select Order Insights (OI) to access order statuses and order tracking (updates every 30 minutes).
  • OMS Analytics is a tool which will allow you to pull your own reporting. Available upon request.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Neustar

The UOC window opens with Work Queue selected as default.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Neustar

The menu bar appears at the top of the UOC user interface screen.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Neustar

Menu Description
Create Order Allows user to create an order.
Search Order Allows user to search for existing orders.
Work Queue Allows user to monitor orders via a worklist or dashboard view.
Service Allows user to monitor a service. A service shall be considered

either a circuit ID or, for trunking/ links, a two-to-six-digit code.
Admin| Allows a user designated as an administrator to perform administrative tasks.
End User| Allows user to manage end users and their associated addresses.
Bulk Order| Allows a user to download bulk templates and upload bulk orders.
Preferences| Allows a user to set user preferences to worklist or service screens.

Creating a new user
From the Neustar Exchange screen click on the Manage Users in the left panel.
Note: You can click on the icon to see the full name of each item in the left panel.

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Manage Users screen will open. Click on Add/Update Users to add one or multiple users at a time.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Creating

Enter the required information for each user. Click Add User to add multiple users at once. Select UOC under Services and then click on Add Roles to assign the users a role.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Creating

Once Role is selected, it will display above the user list to invite.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Creating

Note: Unable to select different roles with multiple users. If a user requires a different role assignment from others in the group, add them separately or edit their roles after registration completion.
Once all the roles are assigned, click Invite. An email from ‘NoReply’ will be sent to the user with a link. They will need to click the link and create a password, which will direct them to the portal.
To edit a user, click on Manage Users to get to the Manage Users screen.

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Search for user either by entering their email address or name and click on to see options.

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Here is a list of all the different role options and their descriptions

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Menu Description
OI_ADMIN_USER This user can view orders in OI, open inquiries, perform bulk

uploads and also see all users who have access to UOC. Currently, setting up users still needs to be handled by Neustar.
OI_USER| This user can view orders in OI, open inquiries and perform bulk uploads.
OI_VIEWER| This user can view orders in OI and open inquiries.

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Menu Description
UOC_View_User This user can view the Work Queue, view order detail and print

the orders.
UOC_Marketplace_View_User| This user has the same permissions as the UOC_View_User.
UOCMarketplace Default_User_New| This user has the same permissions as the UOC_Marketplace_Default_User, except for the following:
• New orders created are held for approval by a super user.
UOCMarketplace Super_User| This user has all of the permissions that the UOC_Marketplace_Default_User has, plus the following:
• Review orders needing approval to submit.
• Download order JSON.
• Order enrichment to set contact information and Service- Level Agreements (SLAs).
Preference management to set notifications.
UOC_Marketplace_DefaultUser Training| This user has the same permissions as the UOC_Marketplace_Default_User, except for the following:
• New orders submitted are held for approval by a super user.
• Supplements submitted are held for approval by a super user.
UOCMarketplace APIDeveloper User| This user has the same permissions as the UOC_Marketplace_View_User, but can also download
JSON and view the catalogs. This user cannot make any changes to catalogs.
UOCMarketplace Default_User| This user can create, update, submit and print orders, as well as perform bulk uploads. This user has access to actions in the Work Queue, except Review for Approval.

User preferences
Users are able to set the preferences on the following screens:

  • Search Order
  • WorkList
  • Service
    To configure user preferences, select Preferences from the menu bar.

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Select the screen from the Screen dropdown.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - WorkList

The screen opens with Available and Selected columns.

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Select the fields the user wishes to add or remove to/from the Selected column, then select either the > to add the field to the Selected column or select < to remove the field from the Selected column.

Icon Description
Moves all fields from the Selected column to the Available column.
Moves all fields from the Available column to the Selected column.
Moves the selected field in the Selected column up the list.
Moves the selected field in the Selected column down the list.
Moves the selected field in the Selected column to the top of the list.
Moves the selected field in the Selected column to the bottom of the list.

For Search Order and WorkList screens:

  • Select Color for SLA Missed
  • Select Color for Error Status
  • Select Color for Request No (PON) (Error Status or SLA missed)

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Click the Save button to save the changes; click Reset to clear the changes.
The changes are updated in the selected screen.
Note: Several new optional columns are available. Based on job function, users are able to add them as needed.
Creating an order
From the main screen, click on Create Order.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Creating

From the left panel, select your Order Creation Details within the dropdown.

Description for each type of order and when to use it:

Product name Product type When to use
E-Access Combination UNI to NNI Request New UNI to NNI
E-Access UNI to NNI Request Change, Record, Renewals, Disconnect
Fiber Internet Access (Charter) Dedicated Internet Service New, Change,

NNI| NNI Request| New, Change, Disconnect
WAVE| Wave Request| New, Change, Disconnect
Transport| Dedicated Port (Point to Point)| New, Change, Disconnect

All required forms for the product type will display in the right panel. Anything with an asterisk (*) next to it is a required field.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - product

Note: The required fields are not the only fields needed on an order. Other fields may become required depending on the information selected in the marked required fields.
Once all fields needed have been populated, click Validate to verify all ASOG and Spectrum Enterprise rules have been met.

  • If you have any errors, they will display at the top. By selecting an error, you will be brought to the specific field associated to that error in order to correct it.Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - ORDER CONNECT
  • If there are no validation errors after clicking the Validate button, then a “Validation Successful” message will be displayed.Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - ORDER CONNECT 1

Tips on filling out the order form
Here are some key things to consider when creating your order.
Required fields will be identified with an asterisk by the field name such as the Select Spectrum Assigned Company Code. However, fields such as Remarks may not have an asterisk by it but could be just as important to the success of your order. The more information provided, the better.

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If you are unsure of what the field is requiring, simply click on the field name for additional information. Example below displays the description of the Customer PON field.

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Adding a document to an order
To add a document to your order, scroll down to the bottom of the order during creation to the Documents Section:

  • Select Category from the dropdown.
  • Click Choose File to select a document to add.
  • Select Document Title from the options or enter a value.
  • Provide a document description.
  • Then click Upload.
    The document should appear under Attached Documents and you should receive a successful message.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -Attached

Note: More than one document can be uploaded on a single order.
To Supplement an order
From the Work Queue, locate your order from the Request No (PON) column and click on your PON name, which will be displayed as a hyperlink.

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Once you select your order and open to view status, click on Edit Order to make changes.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - upplement

Make your necessary changes, validate and then submit.
Note: Supplement field is not visible from the main panel on the order screen, but is visible in the summary panel in the left menu once submitted. Supplement type is auto-selected by the system based on the changes being made.
Cloning an order
Cloning makes an exact duplicate of an existing request and can be edited to meet the requirements of a new order.
To clone an order:

  • In the Action column on either the Work Queue or Search Order page, find an order to clone and click Clone. This will bring you to the Create Order screen.Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - upplement 2
  • On the order, you can add or change information that is unique to the new order. Be sure to check and enter all key data for the new order in the left and main panels.
  • When the order is complete, validate and submit.

Note: Best to search for existing orders in the Search Order section. This will pull up any order in the portal, regardless of current status.
Performing search
Users can perform searches by entering information in the Search side menu (Refine By). The Refine By window can be collapsed by selecting the collapsed icon (<) or expanded by selecting the expand arrow (>). Searches can be performed from the Search Order screen or the Work Queue.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Performing

Note: Worklist Search: The search bar on the top of each worklist column provides the ability to find a specific order or set of orders from the orders displayed in the Worklist main panel.
Expand the search window, if needed, by selecting the expand arrow (>), then select the dropdown by which to search and then click the Refine By button to execute the search.

Note: The search bar on the top of each worklist column provides the ability to find a specific order or set of orders from the orders displayed in the WorkList main panel.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - WorkList

Enter the name of the search, then select/populate the search criteria. Click Save when complete.

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Click the x to close the window.
To run a saved search, populate the check box next to the search from the Saved Searches dropdown, then click the Refine By button to execute the search.

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2Click Reset to clear the search.

Manage search

Creating search criteria may be helpful to quickly find updates on orders as they relate to your needs (e.g., all orders submitted by initiator, or if you want to see all install orders).
There are two ways to create a saved search.
You can save searches by selecting the criteria in the left panel and then clicking on Manage Search. The criteria selected will already be displayed on the next screen.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Manage

Start with clicking on Manage Search and selecting criteria from the next screen.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -Manage search

Once all criteria is selected, enter the name of the search in the Name text box.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -Manage search

Then click Save.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -click

A message appears when the search is saved successfully. Click the x to close the window.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -click Save

The saved search appears in the Saved Searches dropdown. Select the name to run. Then click Refine By.

The WorkList Result updates to the selected search.

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Users are able to click the header to sort the column by ascending or descending order.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -WorkList

To delete an existing search criteria, select the saved search you would like to delete from the Saved Searches dropdown. Click Manage Search and then click Delete.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -WorkList

Work queue view
There are two options to view the worklist and dashboard — Company and User. The default value set determines the view the user lands on when entering the work queue from the main navigation bar. To change the view, select the other option (either Company or User) in the left panel; the main panel will change to that option.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect

The Company view displays orders associated with all users within the domain.
The User view displays only orders that are owner-assigned to the logged-in user within the domain.
Note: Worklist Search: The search bar on the top of each worklist column provides the ability to find a specific order or set of orders from the orders displayed in the WorkList main panel.
Managing work queue
The Work Queue window opens as default when the user selects UOC from the main menu; or selects Work Queue from the menu bar.

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The Work Queue screen opens as default; utilize this screen when the user wants to find and/or monitor orders.

  • The left panel allows for refining or changing which orders display on the worklist and dashboard views.
  • The main panel displays the orders based on the left panel selections.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -Managing

Note: The Work Queue defaults to OPEN orders, which does not include Sup1 orders. In order to see cancel orders, including Sup1, users need to update Status Grouping to ALL.
Query and export work queue
The WorkList query results are able to be exported as an Excel .csv file. Perform the query by entering the criteria in the Refine By window or populating the desired fields in the WorkList Results fields.
Click the Export As CSV button.

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The spreadsheet downloads to the bottom left corner of the screen. Select the file to open.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect -CSV button

Order main panel
The main panel is used to populate the order information as well as perform actions using the action buttons.
Select the PON (hyperlink) from the order list to open the Order Main panel.

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The order opens in the UI tab selected as default. The Order Details displays in the top left pane, the Order Summary displays in the bottom left pane and the Order Timeline displays across the top.
Note: SR info is populated in the Seller Order ID field in the Order Summary (as another option to the work queue).

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - panel

Scroll down the screen to view all fields.
Order Timeline legend:

  • Green rectangle box outline = status has occurred to indicate completed.
  • Yellow rectangle box outline = status is in the future and directly after a rectangle box with a green outline to indicate pending.
  • Black rectangle box outline = future.

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If any of the following events occur, the event value displays in red font within the rectangle box:

    Red font also displays when an event is inserted into the timeline for a missed SLA; otherwise, all other events will display in blue font within the rectangle box.
    The tabs below the main panel will be helpful as well.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Timeline

Tabs Description
Universal Order Allows user to view existing order.
Product Order Allows users to view existing order in Access Service Ordering

Guide language.
Order History| After an initial order is saved or submitted, all versions and responses will be listed in descending order, with the latest on top.Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Timeline
Task list| Clients do not have access to this tab’s features.
Notes| Allows users to add information and track the history for the life of an order — not visible on the Spectrum Enterprise side.

ASR save
To save the ASR form, select the Request No (PON) to access the Universal Order screen.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - ASR

With the Universal Order screen opened, select the Print dropdown, then select the items to print. Check the Universal check box.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Universal

Scroll to the bottom of the menu and click the Done button.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Universal Order

List of possible response types
Here is a list of clarification/notification types and their descriptions. Anything in red is a negative response and may require a reply from the initiator.

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Universal Order

Email Responses

  • The order initiator will receive an email from Neustar_ASR_Response@neustar.biz after submitting their order.
  • They will continue to receive emails when the status of their order has changed and/or been updated.
  • The content in the body of the email will display general information like PON, due date and message type. You will need to log in to the portal and search the order to obtain detail information. Example of email:

Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect - Email


1. How do I know what information is needed in the field?

For additional information or explanation of the field, click on the field name and another tab will open with more details about that specific field.

2. When will UOC time out?

You will be logged off automatically after 24 hours.

3. Can a group login be used?

Logins shouldn’t be shared among multiple users. When one person is logged in, it will limit another person’s ability to navigate and perform tasks as needed. If you have any questions or need assistance with your order, please reach out to the team/person assigned to your account.

About Spectrum Enterprise
Spectrum Enterprise, a part of Charter Communications, Inc., is a national provider of scalable, fiber technology solutions serving many of America’s largest businesses and communications service providers. The broad Spectrum Enterprise portfolio includes networking and managed services solutions: Internet access, Ethernet access and networks, Voice and TV solutions. The Spectrum Enterprise team of experts works closely with clients to achieve greater business success by providing solutions designed to meet their evolving needs. For more information, visit enterprise.spectrum.com.
©2023 Charter Communications. All rights reserved. Spectrum Enterprise is a trademark of Charter Communications.
All other logos, marks, designs, and otherwise are the trademarks and intellectual property of their respective thirdparty owners.
Not all products, pricing and services are available in all areas. Pricing and actual speeds may vary. Restrictions may apply. Subject to change without notice.

Spectrum Logo enterprise.spectrum.com

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| Spectrum ENTERPRISE Non Standard Universal Order Connect [pdf] User Guide
Non Standard Universal Order Connect, Standard Universal Order Connect, Universal Order Connect, Order Connect, Connect


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