HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter User Manual

June 15, 2024

SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter


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No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.
The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or  the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided “AS IS” without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or  implied.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Address: Huawei Industrial Base
Bantian, Longgang
Shenzhen 518129
People’s Republic of China

About This Document

This document describes the SUN2000-50KTL-ZHM3 and SUN2000-50KTL-M3 (also referred to as SUN2000) in terms of their installation, electrical connections, commissioning, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Before installing  and operating the SUN2000, ensure that you are familiar with the features, functions, and safety precautions provided in this document.
Intended Audience
This document is applicable to:

  • Installers
  • Users

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description
**** Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided,

will result in death or serious injury.
| Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
| Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
****| Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal injury.

Change History

Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all changes made in earlier issues.
Issue 09 (2023-11-20)
Updated 4.3 Selecting an Installation Position.
Updated 10 Technical Specifications.
Issue 08 (2023-10-17)
Updated 4.3 Selecting an Installation Position.
Updated 8.3 Troubleshooting.
AddedK Contact Information.
AddedL Digital Power Customer Service.
Issue 07 (2023-09-14)
Updated 5.5 Installing the DC Input Power Cable.
Issue 06 (2023-08-25)
Updated 4.3 Selecting an Installation Position.
Updated 8.2 Routine Maintenance.
Updated 10 Technical Specifications.
Issue 05 (2023-02-28)
Updated 2.1 Product Introduction.
Updated 5.2 Preparing Cables.
Updated 5.6 (Optional) Installing the Smart Dongle.
Updated 10 Technical Specifications.
Issue 04 (2023-01-10)
Updated 1 Safety Information.
Updated 4.2 Tool Preparation.
Updated 5.2 Preparing Cables.
Added 5.7.5 (Optional) Connecting the Rapid Shutdown Signal Cable.
Updated 7.3.1 Grid-tied Point Control.
Updated G Rapid Shutdown.
Added J Locating Insulation Resistance Faults.
Issue 03 (2022-08-30)
Added the SUN2000-50KTL-M3 model.
Updated 2.1 Product Introduction.
Updated 10 Technical Specifications.
Updated A Grid Codes.
Added G Rapid Shutdown.
Added H NS Protection.
Issue 02 (2022-08-12)
Updated 5.2 Preparing Cables.
Updated 5.4 Connecting the AC Output Power Cable.
Updated 5.5 Installing the DC Input Power Cable.
Updated 10 Technical Specifications.
Issue 01 (2022-05-20)
This issue is the first official release.

Safety Information

Before transporting, storing, installing, operating, using, and/or maintaining the equipment, read this document, strictly follow the instructions provided herein, and follow all the safety instructions on the equipment and in this document. In this document, “equipment” refers to the products, software, components, spare parts, and/or services related to this document; “the Company” refers to the manufacturer (producer), seller, and/or service provider of the equipment; “you” refers to the entity that transports, stores, installs, operates, uses, and/or maintains the equipment.
The Danger, Warning, Caution, and Notice statements described in this document do not cover all the safety precautions. You also need to comply with relevant international, national, or regional standards and industry practices. The Company shall not be liable for any consequences that may arise due to violations of safety requirements or safety standards concerning the design, production, and usage of the equipment.
The equipment shall be used in an environment that meets the design specifications. Otherwise, the equipment may be faulty, malfunctioning, or damaged, which is not covered under the warranty. The Company shall not be liable for any property loss, personal injury, or even death caused thereby.
Comply with applicable laws, regulations, standards, and specifications during transportation, storage, installation, operation, use, and maintenance.
Do not perform reverse engineering, decompilation, disassembly, adaptation, implantation, or other derivative operations on the equipment software. Do not study the internal implementation logic of the equipment, obtain the source code of the equipment software, violate intellectual property rights, or disclose any of the performance test results of the equipment software.
The Company shall not be liable for any of the following circumstances or their consequences:

  • The equipment is damaged due to force majeure such as earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, debris flows, lightning strikes, fires, wars, armed conflicts, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other extreme weather conditions.
  • The equipment is operated beyond the conditions specified in this document.
  • The equipment is installed or used in environments that do not comply with international, national, or regional standards.
  • The equipment is installed or used by unqualified personnel.
  • You fail to follow the operation instructions and safety precautions on the product and in the document.
  • You remove or modify the product or modify the software code without authorization.
  • You or a third party authorized by you cause the equipment damage during transportation.
  • The equipment is damaged due to storage conditions that do not meet the requirements specified in the product document.
  • You fail to prepare materials and tools that comply with local laws, regulations, and related standards.
  • The equipment is damaged due to your or a third party’s negligence, intentional breach, gross negligence, or improper operations, or other reasons not related to the Company.

1.1 Personal Safety
Ensure that power is off during installation. Do not install or remove a cable with power on. Transient contact between the core of the cable and the conductor will generate electric arcs or sparks, which may cause a fire or personal injury.
Non-standard and improper operations on the energized equipment may cause fire, electric shocks, or explosion, resulting in property damage, personal injury, or even death.
Before operations, remove conductive objects such as watches, bracelets, bangles, rings, and necklaces to prevent electric shocks.
During operations, use dedicated insulated tools to prevent electric shocks or short circuits. The dielectric withstanding voltage level must comply with local laws, regulations, standards, and specifications.
During operations, wear personal protective equipment such as protective clothing, insulated shoes, goggles, safety helmets, and insulated gloves.

Figure 1-1 Personal protective equipmentHUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar
Inverter - Figure 1

General Requirements

  • Do not stop protective devices. Pay attention to the warnings, cautions, and related precautionary measures in this document and on the equipment.
  • If there is a likelihood of personal injury or equipment damage during operations, immediately stop, report the case to the supervisor, and take feasible protective measures.
  • Do not power on the equipment before it is installed or confirmed by professionals.
  • Do not touch the power supply equipment directly or with conductors such as damp objects. Before touching any conductor surface or terminal, measure the voltage at the contact point to ensure that there is no risk of electric shock.
  • Do not touch operating equipment because the enclosure is hot.
  • Do not touch a running fan with your hands, components, screws, tools, or boards. Otherwise, personal injury or equipment damage may occur.
  • In the case of a fire, immediately leave the building or the equipment area and activate the fire alarm or call emergency services. Do not enter the affected building or equipment area under any circumstances.

Personnel Requirements

  • Only professionals and trained personnel are allowed to operate the equipment.
    – Professionals: personnel who are familiar with the working principles and structure of the equipment, trained or experienced in equipmentoperations and are clear of the sources and degree of various potential hazards in  equipment installation, operation, maintenance
    – Trained personnel: personnel who are trained in technology and safety, have required experience, are aware of possible hazards on themselves in certain operations, and are able to take protective measures to minimize the hazards on themselves and other people

  • Personnel who plan to install or maintain the equipment must receive adequate training, be able to correctly perform all operations, and understand all necessary safety precautions and local relevant standards.

  • Only qualified professionals or trained personnel are allowed to install, operate, and maintain the equipment.

  • Only qualified professionals are allowed to remove safety facilities and inspect the equipment.

  • Personnel who will perform special tasks such as electrical operations, working at heights, and operations of special equipment must possess the required local qualifications.

  • Only authorized professionals are allowed to replace the equipment or components (including software).

  • Only personnel who need to work on the equipment are allowed to access the equipment.

1.2 Electrical Safety
Before connecting cables, ensure that the equipment is intact. Otherwise, electric shocks or fire may occur.
Non-standard and improper operations may result in fire or electric shocks.
Prevent foreign matter from entering the equipment during operations. Otherwise, equipment damage, load power derating, power failure, or personal injury may occur.
For the equipment that needs to be grounded, install the ground cable first when installing the equipment and remove the ground cable last when removing the equipment.
Do not route cables near the air intake or exhaust vents of the equipment.

General Requirements

  • Follow the procedures described in the document for installation, operation, and maintenance. Do not reconstruct or alter the equipment, add components, or change the installation sequence without permission.

  • Obtain approval from the national or local electric utility company before connecting the equipment to the grid.

  • Observe the power plant safety regulations, such as the operation and work ticket mechanisms.

  • Install temporary fences or warning ropes and hang “No Entry” signs around the operation area to keep unauthorized personnel away from the area.

  • Before installing or removing power cables, turn off the switches of the equipment and its upstream and downstream switches.

  • Before performing operations on the equipment, check that all tools meet the requirements and record the tools. After the operations are complete, collect all of the tools to prevent them from being left inside the equipment.

  • Before installing power cables, check that cable labels are correct and cable terminals are insulated.

  • When installing the equipment, use a torque tool of a proper measurement range to tighten the screws. When using a wrench to tighten the screws, ensure that the wrench does not tilt and the torque error does not exceed 10% of the specified value.

  • Ensure that bolts are tightened with a torque tool and marked in red and blue after double-check. Installation personnel mark tightened bolts in blue. Quality inspection personnel confirm that the bolts are tightened and then mark  them in red. (The marks must cross the edges of the bolts.)

  • If the equipment has multiple inputs, disconnect all the inputs before operating the equipment.

  • Before maintaining a downstream electrical or power distribution device, turn off the output switch on the power supply equipment.

  • During equipment maintenance, attach “Do not switch on” labels near the upstream and downstream switches or circuit breakers as well as warning signs to prevent accidental connection. The equipment can be powered on only  after troubleshooting is complete.

  • Do not open equipment panels.

  • Check equipment connections periodically, ensuring that all screws are securely tightened.

  • Only qualified professionals can replace a damaged cable.

  • Do not scrawl, damage, or block any labels or nameplates on the equipment. Promptly replace labels that have worn out.

  • Do not use solvents such as water, alcohol, or oil to clean electrical components inside or outside of the equipment.


  • Ensure that the grounding impedance of the equipment complies with local electrical standards.
  • Ensure that the equipment is connected permanently to the protective ground. Before operating the equipment, check its electrical connection to ensure that it is reliably grounded.
  • Do not work on the equipment in the absence of a properly installed ground conductor.
  • Do not damage the ground conductor.

Cabling Requirements

  • When selecting, installing, and routing cables, follow local safety regulations and rules.
  • When routing power cables, ensure that there is no coiling or twisting. Do not join or weld power cables. If necessary, use a longer cable.
  • Ensure that all cables are properly connected and insulated, and meet specifications.
  • Ensure that the slots and holes for routing cables are free from sharp edges, and that the positions where cables are routed through pipes or cable holes are equipped with cushion materials to prevent the cables from being damaged  by sharp edges or burrs.
  • Ensure that cables of the same type are bound together neatly and straight and that the cable sheath is intact. When routing cables of different types, ensure that they are away from each other without entanglement and overlapping.
  • Secure buried cables using cable supports and cable clips. Ensure that the cables in the backfill area are in close contact with the ground to prevent cable deformation or damage during backfilling.
  • If the external conditions (such as the cable layout or ambient temperature) change, verify the cable usage in accordance with the IEC-60364-5-52 or local laws and regulations. For example, check that the current-carrying capacity meets requirements.
  • When routing cables, reserve at least 30 mm clearance between the cables and heat-generating components or areas. This prevents deterioration or damage to the cable insulation layer.

1.3 Environment Requirements

Do not expose the equipment to flammable or explosive gas or smoke. Do not perform any operation on the equipment in such environments.
Do not store any flammable or explosive materials in the equipment area.
Do not place the equipment near heat sources or fire sources, such as smoke, candles, heaters, or other heating devices. Overheat may damage the equipment or cause a fire.
Install the equipment in an area far away from liquids. Do not install it under areas prone to condensation, such as under water pipes and air exhaust vents, or areas prone to water leakage, such as air conditioner vents, ventilation vents,  or feeder windows of the equipment room. Ensure that no liquid enters the equipment to prevent faults or short circuits.
To prevent damage or fire due to high temperature, ensure that the ventilation vents or heat dissipation systems are not obstructed or covered by other objects while the equipment is running.

General Requirements

  • Ensure that the equipment is stored in a clean, dry, and well ventilated area  with proper temperature and humidity and is protected from dust andcondensation.
  • Keep the installation and operating environments of the equipment within the allowed ranges. Otherwise, its performance and safety will be compromised.
  • Do not install, use, or operate outdoor equipment and cables (including but not limited to moving equipment, operating equipment and cables, inserting connectors to or removing connectors from signal ports connected to outdoor facilities, working at heights, performing outdoor installation, and opening doors) in harsh weather conditions such as lightning, rain, snow, and level 6 or stronger wind.
  • Do not install the equipment in an environment with dust, smoke, volatile or corrosive gases, infrared and other radiations, organic solvents, or salty air.
  • Do not install the equipment in an environment with conductive metal or magnetic dust.
  • Do not install the equipment in an area conducive to the growth of microorganisms such as fungus or mildew.
  • Do not install the equipment in an area with strong vibration, noise, or electromagnetic interference.
  • Ensure that the site complies with local laws, regulations, and related standards.
  • Ensure that the ground in the installation environment is solid, free from spongy or soft soil, and not prone to subsidence. The site must not be located in a low-lying land prone to water or snow accumulation, and the horizontal level of the site must be above the highest water level of that area in history.
  • Do not install the equipment in a position that may be submerged in water.
  • If the inverter is installed in a place with abundant vegetation, in addition to routine weeding, harden the ground underneath the inverter using cement or gravel (the area shall be greater than or equal to 3 m x 2.5 m).
  • Do not install the equipment outdoors in salt-affected areas because it may be corroded. A salt-affected area refers to the region within 500 m of the coast or prone to sea breeze. Regions prone to sea breeze vary with weather conditions (such as typhoons and monsoons) or terrains (such as dams and hills).
  • Before installation, operation, and maintenance, clean up any water, ice, snow, or other foreign objects on the top of the equipment.
  • When installing the equipment, ensure that the installation surface is solid enough to bear the weight of the equipment.
  • After installing the equipment, remove the packing materials such as cartons, foam, plastics, and cable ties from the equipment area.

1.4 Mechanical Safety
Ensure that all necessary tools are ready and inspected by a professional organization. Do not use tools that have signs of scratches or fail to pass the inspection or whose inspection validity period has expired. Ensure that the tools are  secure and not overloaded.
Do not drill holes into the equipment. Doing so may affect the sealing performance and electromagnetic containment of the equipment and damage components or cables inside. Metal shavings from drilling may short-circuit boards inside the equipment.
General Requirements

  • Repaint any paint scratches caused during equipment transportation or installation in a timely manner. Equipment with scratches must not be exposed for an extended period of time.
  • Do not perform operations such as arc welding and cutting on the equipment without evaluation by the Company.
  • Do not install other devices on the top of the equipment without evaluation by the Company.
  • When performing operations over the top of the equipment, take measures to protect the equipment against damage.
  • Use correct tools and operate them in the correct way.

Moving Heavy Objects

  • Be cautious to prevent injury when moving heavy objects.
    HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 3

  • If multiple persons need to move a heavy object together, determine the manpower and work division with consideration of height and other conditions to ensure that the weight is equally distributed.

  • If two persons or more move a heavy object together, ensure that the object is lifted and landed simultaneously and moved at a uniform pace under the supervision of one person.

  • Wear personal protective gears such as protective gloves and shoes when manually moving the equipment.

  • To move an object by hand, approach to the object, squat down, and then lift the object gently and stably by the force of the legs instead of your back. Do not lift it suddenly or turn your body around.

  • Do not quickly lift a heavy object above your waist. Place the object on a workbench that is half-waist high or any other appropriate place, adjust the positions of your palms, and then lift it.

  • Move a heavy object stably with balanced force at an even and low speed. Put down the object stably and slowly to prevent any collision or drop from scratching the surface of the equipment or damaging the components and cables.

  • When moving a heavy object, be aware of the workbench, slope, staircase, and slippery places. When moving a heavy object through a door, ensure that the door is wide enough to move the object and avoid bumping or injury.

  • When transferring a heavy object, move your feet instead of turning your waist around. When lifting and transferring a heavy object, ensure that your feet point to the target direction of movement.

  • When transporting the equipment using a pallet truck or forklift, ensure that the tynes are properly positioned so that the equipment does not topple. Before moving the equipment, secure it to the pallet truck or forklift using ropes.  When moving the equipment, assign dedicated personnel to take care of it.

  • Choose sea, roads in good conditions, or airplanes for transportation. Do not transport the equipment by railway. Avoid tilt or jolt during transportation.

Using Ladders

  • Use wooden or insulated ladders when you need to perform live-line working at heights.

  • Platform ladders with protective rails are preferred. Single ladders are not recommended.

  • Before using a ladder, check that it is intact and confirm its load bearing capacity. Do not overload it.

  • Ensure that the ladder is securely positioned and held firm.

  • When climbing up the ladder, keep your body stable and your center of gravity between the side rails, and do not overreach to the sides.

  • When a step ladder is used, ensure that the pull ropes are secured.

  • If a single ladder is used, the recommended angle for the ladder against the floor is 75 degrees, as shown in the following figure. A square can be used to measure the angle.

  • If a single ladder is used, ensure that the wider end of the ladder is at the bottom, and take protective measures to prevent the ladder from sliding.

  • If a single ladder is used, do not climb higher than the fourth rung of the ladder from the top.

  • If you use a single ladder to climb up to a platform, ensure that the ladder is at least 1 m higher than the platform.


  • Only trained and qualified personnel are allowed to perform hoisting operations.
  • Install temporary warning signs or fences to isolate the hoisting area.
  • Ensure that the foundation where hoisting is performed on meets the loadbearing requirements.
  • Before hoisting objects, ensure that hoisting tools are firmly secured onto a fixed object or wall that meets the load-bearing requirements.
  • During hoisting, do not stand or walk under the crane or the hoisted objects.
  • Do not drag steel ropes and hoisting tools or bump the hoisted objects against hard objects during hoisting.
  • Ensure that the angle between two hoisting ropes is no more than 90 degrees, as shown in the following figure.
  • Only trained and qualified personnel are allowed to perform hoisting operations.
  • Install temporary warning signs or fences to isolate the hoisting area.
  • Ensure that the foundation where hoisting is performed on meets the loadbearing requirements.
  • Before hoisting objects, ensure that hoisting tools are firmly secured onto a fixed object or wall that meets the load-bearing requirements.
  • During hoisting, do not stand or walk under the crane or the hoisted objects.
  • Do not drag steel ropes and hoisting tools or bump the hoisted objects against hard objects during hoisting.
  • Ensure that the angle between two hoisting ropes is no more than 90 degrees, as shown in the following figure.
    HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 7

Drilling Holes

  • Obtain consent from the customer and contractor before drilling holes.
  • Wear protective equipment such as safety goggles and protective gloves when drilling holes.
  • To avoid short circuits or other risks, do not drill holes into buried pipes or cables.
  • When drilling holes, protect the equipment from shavings. After drilling, clean up any shavings.


2.1 Product Introduction
The SUN2000 inverter is a three-phase grid-tied PV string inverter that converts the DC power generated by PV strings into AC power and feeds the power into the power grid.
This document covers the following SUN2000 models:

  • SUN2000-50KTL-ZHM3
  • SUN2000-50KTL-M3

Figure 2-1 Model description

Table 2-1 Model description

ID Meaning Value
1 Series name SUN2000: grid-tied solar inverter
2 Power class 50K: rated power of 50 kW
3 Topology TL: transformerless
4 Region ZH: China

Networking Application
The SUN2000 applies to the grid-tied systems of industrial and commercial rooftops and small ground PV plants. Typically, a grid-tied system consists of PV strings, grid-tied inverters, AC switches, and power distribution units.
Figure 2-2 Networking application – single inverter scenarioHUAWEI SUN2000
30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 9

  1. PV string
  2. SUN2000
  3. AC power distribution unit
  4. Isolation transformer
  5. Power grid

Supported Power Grid Types
The SUN2000 supports TN-S, TN-C, TN-C-S, TT, and IT power grids.
Figure 2-3 Power grid typesHUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter -
Figure 10

2.2 Appearance
Figure 2-4 Appearance

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 11

  1. LED indicator
  2. Front panel
  3. Screws for fixing the awning
  4. Communications port (COM)
  5. Hole for the DC switch locking screw
  6. DC switch (DC SWITCH)
  7. Smart Dongle port (4G/WLAN-FE) (8) DC input terminals (PV1–PV8)
  8. Ventilation valve
  9. AC output port
  10. Ground point
  11. Fan

2.3 Label Description
Enclosure Labels

2.4 Working Principles
2.4.1 Circuit Diagram
A SUN2000 can connect to a maximum of eight PV strings and has four MPPT circuits inside. Each MPPT circuit tracks the maximum power point of two PV strings. The SUN2000 converts DC power into single-phase AC power through  an inverter circuit. Surge protection is supported on both the DC and AC sides. Figure 2-5 Schematic diagramHUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter -
Figure 12

2.4.2 Working Modes
The SUN2000 can work in Standby, Operating, or Shutdown mode.
Figure 2-6 Working modesHUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure

Table 2-2 Working mode description

Working Mode Description
Standby The SUN2000 enters Standby mode when the external environment does

not meet the operating requirements. In Standby mode:
• The SUN2000 continuously performs status check and enters the Operating mode once the operating requirements are met.
• The SUN2000 enters Shutdown mode after detecting a shutdown command or a fault after startup.
Operating| In Operating mode:
• The SUN2000 converts DC power from PV strings into AC power and feeds the power to the power grid.
• The SUN2000 tracks the maximum power point to maximize the PV string output.
• If the SUN2000 detects a fault or a shutdown command, it enters the Shutdown mode.
• The SUN2000 enters Standby mode after detecting that the PV string output power is not suitable for connecting to the power grid for generating power.
Shutdown| • In Standby or Operating mode, the SUN2000 enters Shutdown mode after detecting a fault or shutdown command.
• In Shutdown mode, the SUN2000 enters Standby mode after
detecting a startup command or that the fault is rectified.

SUN2000 Storage

The following requirements should be met if the SUN2000 is not put into use directly:

  • Do not unpack the SUN2000.
  • Keep the storage temperature at –40°C to +70°C and the humidity at 5%– 95% RH.
  • Store the SUN2000 in a clean and dry place and protect it from dust and water vapor corrosion.
  • A maximum of six SUN2000s can be stacked. To avoid personal injury or device damage, stack SUN2000s with caution to prevent them from falling over.
  • During the storage period, check the SUN2000 periodically (recommended: every three months). If any rodent bites are found on the packing materials, replace the packing materials immediately.
  • If the SUN2000 has been stored for more than two years, it must be checked and tested by professionals before being put into use.


4.1 Checking Before Installation
Outer Packing Materials
Before unpacking the inverter, check the outer packing materials for damage, such as holes and cracks, and check the inverter model. If any damage is found or the inverter model is not what you requested, do not unpack the package and contact your supplier as soon as possible.
You are advised to remove the packing materials within 24 hours before installing the inverter.

Package Contents

  • After placing the equipment in the installation position, unpack it with care to prevent scratches. Keep the equipment stable during unpacking.
    After unpacking the inverter, check that the contents are intact and complete. If any damage is found or any component is missing, contact your supplier.

For details about the number of contents, see the Packing List in the packing case.

4.2 Tool Preparation

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 14HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure

4.3 Selecting an Installation Position
Basic Requirements

  • The SUN2000 is IP66-rated and can be installed indoors or outdoors.
  • Do not install the SUN2000 in a place where a person can easily be exposed to its enclosure and heat sinks, because these parts are extremely hot during operation.
  • Do not install the SUN2000 in areas with flammable or explosive materials.
  • Do not install the equipment in an area with strong vibration, noise, or electromagnetic interference.
  • If inverters are installed in a place with abundant vegetation, in addition to routine weeding, harden the ground underneath the inverters using cement or gravel (the area shall be greater than or equal to 3 m x 2.5 m).
  • Do not install the SUN2000 in a place within children’s reach.
  • The SUN2000 will be corroded in salt areas, and the salt corrosion may cause fire. Do not install the SUN2000 outdoors in salt areas. A salt area refers to the region within 500 m from the coast or prone to sea breeze. The effect from sea breeze depends on weather conditions (such as typhoon and season wind) or terrains (such as dams and hills).

The inverter shall be physically isolated from third-party wireless communications facilities and residential environments at a distance greater than 30 m.

Site Requirements

  • Do not install the inverter in noise-sensitive areas.
  • The SUN2000 should be installed in a well-ventilated environment to ensure good heat dissipation.
  • If the inverter is installed in an enclosed environment, a heat dissipation device or ventilation device shall be installed. The indoor ambient temperature must not be higher than the outdoor ambient temperature.
  • If the SUN2000 is installed in a place exposed to direct sunlight, the power may decrease as the temperature rises.
  • You are advised to install the SUN2000 in a sheltered place or install an awning over it.

Mounting Structure Requirements

  • The mounting structure where the SUN2000 is installed must be fire resistant.
  • Do not install the SUN2000 on flammable building materials.
  • The SUN2000 is heavy. Ensure that the installation surface is solid enough to bear the weight load.
  • In residential areas, do not install the SUN2000 on drywalls or walls made of similar materials which have a weak sound insulation performance because the noise generated by the SUN2000 is noticeable.

Installation Angle Requirements
The SUN2000 can be wall-mounted or support-mounted. Requirements for the installation angle:

  • Install the SUN2000 vertically or at a maximum back tilt of 15 degrees to facilitate heat dissipation.
  • Do not install the SUN2000 with a front tilt, excessive back tilt, side tilt, horizontally, or upside down.

Figure 4-1 Installation angle

Installation Space Requirements

  • Reserve enough clearance around the SUN2000 to ensure sufficient space for installation and heat dissipation.
    Figure 4-2 Installation space
    HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 17

  • When installing multiple SUN2000s, horizontal installation, support-mounted dual-track spaced installation, and support-mounted single-track dual-sided installation are recommended. Triangle installations, wall-mounted dual- track spaced installation, and support-mounted dual-track back-to-back installation are not recommended.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 18HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure

The distance between the support-mounted dual-track spaced installation and the wall shall be greater than or equal to 500 mm. If the distance is less than 500 mm, refer to the space requirements in Figure6 Wall-mounted dual- track  spaced installation (not recommended).
Figure 4-8 Support-mounted single-track dual-sided installation (recommended)HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure


  • For the support-mounted dual-track back-to-back installation, if the supports have ventilation openings, the distance between the supports shall be greater than or equal to 500 mm.
  • The installation diagrams are for reference only and are irrelevant to the SUN2000 cascading scenario.

4.4 Moving the SUN2000

  • After placing the equipment in the installation position, unpack it with care to prevent scratches. Keep the equipment stable during unpacking.
    Step 1 Lift the SUN2000 from the packing case and move it to the specified installation position.


  • Move the SUN2000 with care to prevent device damage and personal injury.
  • Do not use the wiring terminals and ports at the bottom to support any weight of the SUN2000.
  • Place a foam pad or cardboard under the SUN2000 to protect the SUN2000 enclosure from damage.

Figure 4-10 Moving the SUN2000

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 21

4.5 Installing the Mounting Bracket
Installation Precautions
Before installing the mounting bracket, remove the security Torx wrench and set it aside.

(1) Security Torx wrench
Figure 4-12 shows the dimensions of the mounting holes for the SUN2000.
Figure 4-12 Mounting bracket dimensions

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 23

4.5.1 Support-mounted Installation
Step 1 Secure the mounting bracket.
Figure 4-13 Securing the mounting bracket

You are advised to apply anti-rust paint on the hole positions for protection.
4.5.2 Wall-mounted Installation
To install the SUN2000, you need to prepare expansion bolts. M12x60 stainless steel expansion bolts are recommended.
Step 1 Determine the positions for drilling holes and mark the positions using a marker.
Step 2 Secure the mounting bracket.

Avoid drilling holes in the water pipes and cables buried in the wall.
Figure 4-14 Expansion bolt composition

  1. Bolt
  2. Nut
  3. Spring washer
  4. Flat washer
  5. Expansion sleeve


  • To prevent dust inhalation or contact with eyes, wear safety goggles and an anti-dust mask when drilling holes.
  • Clean up any dust in and around the holes using a vacuum cleaner and measure the distance between holes. If the holes are inaccurately positioned, drill holes again.
  • Level the front of the expansion sleeve with the concrete wall after removing the bolt, spring washer, and flat washer. Otherwise, the mounting bracket will not be securely installed on the concrete wall.
    HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 26

4.6 Installing a SUN2000
Step 1 (Optional) Install the locking screw for the DC switch.

  • The DC switch locking screw is used to lock the DC switch to prevent the switch from rotating.
  • For models used in Australia, install the DC switch locking screw according to local standards. The DC switch locking screw is delivered with the SUN2000.
    Figure 4-16 Installing the locking screw for the DC switch
    Step 2 Install the SUN2000 onto the mounting bracket.

Figure 4-17 Installing a SUN2000

Step 3 Tighten the nuts on both sides of the SUN2000.
Figure 4-18 Tightening the nut

Secure the screws on the sides before connecting cables.

Electrical Connections

5.1 Precautions
When exposed to sunlight, the PV arrays supply DC voltage to the inverter. Before connecting cables, ensure that all DC SWITCH on the inverter are OFF. Otherwise, the high voltage of the inverter may result in electric shocks.

  • The site must be equipped with qualified fire fighting facilities, such as fire sand and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.
  • Wear personal protective equipment and use dedicated insulated tools to avoid electric shocks or short circuits.


  • The equipment damage caused by incorrect cable connections is beyond the warranty scope.
  • Only certified electrician can perform electrical terminations.
  • Operation personnel must wear PPE when connecting cables.
  • Before connecting cables to ports, leave enough slack to reduce the tension on the cables and prevent poor cable connections.


  • Stay away from the equipment when preparing cables to prevent cable scraps from entering the equipment. Cable scraps may cause sparks and result in personal injury and equipment damage.
  • When routing PV cables whose pipe is less than 1.5 m long, the positive and negative PV string cables shall be routed in different pipes to prevent cable damage and short circuits caused by improper operations during construction.

The cable colors shown in the electrical connection diagrams provided in this section are for reference only. Select cables in accordance with local cable specifications (green-and-yellow cables are only used for protective earthing).

5.2 Preparing Cables
Figure 5-1 SUN2000 cable connections (dashed boxes indicate optional components)HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure

No. Component Description Source

B| PV string
AC switch| ● A PV string consists of PV modules connected in series.
● The SUN2000 supports the input from eight PV strings.
To ensure that the inverter can be safely disconnected from the power grid when an exception occurs, connect an AC switch to the AC side of the inverter. Select an
appropriate AC switch in
accordance with local industry standards and regulations. Huawei recommends the following switch specifications:
Recommended: a three-phase AC circuit breaker with a rated voltage greater than or equal to 500 V AC and a rated current of 125 A.| Prepared by users
Prepared by users
C| Power meter(11| The SUN2000 can connect to the DTSU666-1-4, DTSU666-HW, YDS60-80 and YDS60-C24 power meters.[21| Purchased from Huawei
D| SUN2000| Select a proper model as required.| Purchased from Huawei
E| SmartLogger| SmartLogger3000| Purchased from Huawei
F| Smart Dongle| Select a proper model as required.| Purchased from Huawei
G| Smart PV optimizer(3)| MERC-1300W-P, MERC-1100W-P| Purchased from Huawei
Note [1]: For details about meter operations, see DTSU666 HW Smart Power Sensor Quick Guide, YD560-80 Smart Power Sensor Quick Guide, YDS60-C24 Smart Power Sensor Quick Guide, DTSU666-H and DTSU666-H 250 A (50 mA) Smart Power Sensor Quick Guide and DTSU666-H 100 A and 250 A Smart Power Sensor User Manual.
Note [2]: SUN2000MC V200R023COOSPC100 and later versions can connect to DTSU666-HW and YDS60-80 power meter.
Note [3]: SUN2000MC V200R023COOSPC100 and later versions can connect to optimizers. For details about how to operate optimizers, see MERC Smart PV Optimizer User Manual.

The cable specifications must comply with local standards. Device damage caused by using cables with incorrect specifications will not be covered by the warranty.
Table 5-2 Cable description

No. Cable Type Recommended Specifications Source
1 DC input power cable Common PV cable in the industry
(Recommended model: PV1-F) •Conductor cross- sectional area: 4-6 mm2
•Cable outer diameter 5.5-9 mm Prepare d by users
2 AC
output power cable Outdoor copper-core/ aluminum-core cable •Conductor

cross- sectional area: 25- 50 mm2 outdoor copper-core cable or 35-50 mm2 outdoor aluminum-core cable(1)
•Cable outer diameter 16-38 mm| Prepare d by users
3| (Option al)
Signal cable| Two-core outdoor shielded twisted pair (recommended model: DJYP2VP2-2x2x0.75)| •Conductor cross- sectional area: 0.2- 1 mm2
•Cable outer diameter 4-11 mm| Prepare d by users
4| PE cable| Single-core outdoor copper-core cable| Conductor cross-
sectional area t 16 mm2| Prepare d by users
Note [1]: Five-core cables with a cross-sectional area of 5 x 35 mm2 or 5 x 50 mm2 are not supported.

5.3 Connecting the PE Cable

  • Ensure that the PE cable is securely connected. Otherwise, electric shocks may occur.
  • Do not connect the neutral wire to the enclosure as a PE cable. Otherwise, electric shocks may occur.


  • The PE point at the AC output port is used only as a PE equipotential point, not a substitute for the PE point on the enclosure.
  • It is recommended that silicone sealant or paint be applied around the ground terminal after the PE cable is connected.

Step 1 Crimp OT terminals.

  • Avoid scratching the core wire when stripping a cable.
  • The cavity formed after the conductor crimp strip of the OT terminal is crimped must wrap the core wires completely. The core wires must contact the OT terminal closely.
  • Wrap the wire crimping area with heat shrink tubing or PVC insulation tape. The heat shrink tubing is used as an example.
  • When using a heat gun, protect devices from being scorched.

Figure 5-2 Crimping an OT terminal

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 31

  1. Cable
  2. Core
  3. Heat shrink tubing
  4. OT terminal
  5. Crimping tool
  6. Heat gun

5.4 Connecting the AC Output Power Cable
An AC switch must be installed on the AC side of the SUN2000 to ensure that the SUN2000 can be safely disconnected from the power grid.

  • Do not connect loads between the inverter and the AC switch that directly connects to the inverter. Otherwise, the switch may trip by mistake.
  • If an AC switch is used with specifications beyond local standards, regulations, or the Company’s recommendations, the switch may fail to turn off in a timely manner in case of exceptions, causing serious faults.

Each inverter must be equipped with an AC output switch. Multiple inverters cannot connect to the same AC output switch.


  • If the external AC switch can perform earth leakage protection, the rated leakage action current should be greater than or equal to 500 mA.
  • If multiple SUN2000s connect to the general residual current device (RCD) through their respective external AC switches, the rated leakage action current of the general RCD should be greater than or equal to the number of SUN2000s multiplied by 500 mA.
  • Use a socket wrench and extension rod to connect the AC power cable. The extension rod must be longer than or equal to 100 mm.
  • Sufficient slack should be provided in the PE cable to ensure that the last cable bearing the force is the PE cable when the AC output power cable bears pulling force due to force majeure.
  • Do not install third-party devices in the AC connection box.
  • You need to prepare M8 OT terminals by yourself.
  • If the AC MBUS is used, multi-core cables are recommended, supporting a maximum communication distance of 1000 m. To use other types of AC power cables, contact the Company’s technical support.

Requirements for the OT or DT Terminal

  • If a copper cable is used, use copper wiring terminals.
  • If a copper-clad aluminum cable is used, use copper wiring terminals.
  • If an aluminum alloy cable is used, use copper-aluminum transition wiring terminals, or aluminum wiring terminals along with copper-aluminum transition spacers.


  • Do not connect aluminum wiring terminals to the AC terminal block. Otherwise the electrochemical corrosion will occur and affect the reliability of cable connections.
  • Comply with the IEC61238-1 requirements when using copper-aluminum transition wiring terminals, or aluminum wiring terminals along with copperaluminum transition spacers.
  • If copper-aluminum transition spacers are used, pay attention to the front and rear sides. Ensure that the aluminum sides of spacers are in contact with aluminum wiring terminals, and copper sides of spacers are in contact with the AC terminal block.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 33

Step 1 Remove the AC terminal box and install partition boards.
Figure 5-5 Removing the AC terminal box

Step 2 Connect the AC output power cable.


  • To avoid damaging the rubber liner, do not route a cable with a crimped OT terminal directly through it.
  • It is recommended that the length of the PE cable to be stripped be 15 mm longer than the length of other cables.
  • The cable colors in figures are for reference only. Select appropriate cables according to the local standards.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 35HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure
36HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar
Inverter - Figure 37HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid
Solar Inverter - Figure 38

5.5 Installing the DC Input Power Cable

  • Before connecting the DC input power cables, ensure that the DC voltage is within the safe range (lower than 60 V DC) and that the DC switch on the SUN2000 is OFF. Failing to do so may result in electric shocks.
  • When the SUN2000 is running, it is not allowed to work on the DC input power cables, such as connecting or disconnecting a PV string or a PV module in a PV string. Failing to do so may cause electric shocks.
  • If no PV string connects to a DC input terminal of the SUN2000, do not remove the watertight cap from the DC input terminals. Otherwise, the IP rating of the SUN2000 will be affected.

Ensure that the following conditions are met. Otherwise, the SUN2000 may be damaged, or even a fire could happen.

  • PV modules connected in series in each PV string are of the same specifications.
  • According to IEC 62548, the maximum open-circuit voltage of each PV string cannot exceed 1100 V DC at the lowest average annual dry-bulb temperature.
  • The voltage difference between MPPTs shall be less than 85 V.
  • The polarities of electric connections are correct on the DC input side. The positive and negative terminals of a PV string connect to corresponding positive and negative DC input terminals of the SUN2000.
  • If polarity of the DC input power cable is reversed and the DC switch is ON, do not turn off the DC switch immediately or remove positive and negative connectors. Wait until the solar irradiance declines at night and the PV string current reduces to below 0.5 A, and then turn off the DC switch and remove the positive and negative connectors. Correct the PV string polarity before reconnecting the PV string to the SUN2000.


  • The SUN2000 does not support power supplies other than PV strings. Since the output of the PV string connected to the SUN2000 cannot be grounded, ensure that the PV module output is well insulated to ground.
  • During the installation of PV strings and the SUN2000, the positive or negative terminals of PV strings may be short-circuited to ground if the power cable is not properly installed or routed. In this case, an AC or DC short circuit  may occur and damage the SUN2000. The caused device damage is not covered under any warranty.
  • When routing PV cables whose pipe is less than 1.5 m long, the positive and negative PV string cables shall be routed in different pipes to prevent cable damage and short circuits caused by improper operations during construction.

When the DC input is not fully configured, the DC input terminals must meet the following requirements:

  1. Distribute the DC input power cables evenly over four MPPT circuits, and connect them preferentially through MPPT1 and MPPT4.
  2. Maximize the number of connected MPPT circuits.

Number of PV Strings| Terminal Selection| Number of PV Strings| Terminal Selection
1| PV1| 2| PV1 and PV7
3| PV1, PV3 and PV7| 4| PV1, PV3, PVS and PV7
5| PV1, PV2, PV3, PV5 and PV7| 6| PV1, PV2, PV3, PVS, PV7 and PV8
7| PV1, PV2, PV3, PV4, PV5, PV7 and PV8| 8| PV1, PV2, PV3, PV4, PV5, PV6, PV7 and PV8

Step 1 Connect the DC power cable.

Use the positive and negative Amphenol Helios H4 metal terminals and DC connectors supplied with the solar inverter. Using incompatible positive and negative metal terminals and DC connectors may result in serious consequences.
The caused device damage is not covered under any warranty.

  • You are advised to use the H4TC0003 (Amphenol) crimping tool and do not use it with the positioning block. Otherwise, the metal terminals may be damaged.
  • The H4TW0001 (Amphenol) open-end wrench is recommended.
  • Cables with high rigidity, such as armored cables, are not recommended as DC input power cables, because poor contact may be caused by the bending of the cables.
  • Before assembling DC connectors, label the cable polarities correctly to ensure correct cable connections.
  • After the positive and negative connectors snap into place, pull the DC input cables back to ensure that they are connected securely.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 40

During DC input power cabling, leave at least 50 mm of slack. The axial tension on PV connectors must not exceed 80 N. Radial stress or torque must not be generated on PV connectors.

5.6 (Optional) Installing the Smart Dongle
The Smart Dongle is not provided in standard configuration.

  • 4G Smart Dongle

  • If your Smart Dongle is not equipped with a SIM card, prepare a standard SIM card (size: 25 mm x 15 mm) with the capacity greater than or equal to 64 KB.

  • When installing the SIM card, determine its installation direction based on the silk screen and arrow on the card slot.

  • Press the SIM card in place to lock it, indicating that the SIM card is correctly installed.

  • When removing the SIM card, push it inwards to eject it.

  • When reinstalling the cover of the Smart Dongle, ensure that the buckle springs back in place.
    HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 41HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure

  • WLAN-FE Smart Dongle (WLAN Communication)
    HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 43

  • WLAN-FE Smart Dongle (FE Communication)
    HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 44

Install the network cable before installing the Smart Dongle on the solar inverter.


5.7 Connecting the Signal Cable
COM Port Pin Definitions
When laying out signal cables, separate them from power cables and keep them away from strong interference sources to prevent communication interruption.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 45

Pin| Definitio n| Function| Description| Pin| Definitio n| Function| Description
1| 485A1_1| RS485 differential signal +| Used to cascade inverters or connect to the SmartLogger.| 2| 485A1_2| RS485 differential signal +| Used to cascade inverters or connect to
the SmartLogger.
3| 485B1_1| RS485 differential signal –| 4| 485B1_2| RS485 differential signal –
5| PE| Ground point on the shield layer| –| 6| PE| Ground
point on the shield layer| –
7| 485A2| RS485 differential signal +| Connects to
the RS485 signal port for controlling the power meter at the grid-tied point.| 8| DIN1| Dry contact for power grid
scheduling| –
9| 48562| RS485differential signal –| 10| DIN2
11| –| –| –| 12| DIN3
13| GND| GND| –| 14| DIN4
15| DINS| Rapid shutdown/NS protection/ OVGR| Supports functions such as rapid shutdown, NS protection, and OVGR.| 16| GND

Scenarios Where No Signal Cable Is Connected
If no signal cable is required for the SUN2000, use waterproof plugs to block the wiring holes on the signal cable connector and connect the signal cable connector to the communications port on the SUN2000 to improve the waterproof performance of the SUN2000.HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter -
Figure 46

5.7.1 Communication Modes
RS485 Communication

  • Smart Dongle networking
    HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 47

If a SUN2000 is networked using a Smart Dongle, it cannot be connected to the SmartLogger.

  • SmartLogger networking

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 48


  • If a SUN2000 is networked using the SmartLogger, it cannot be connected to a Smart Dongle.
  • It is recommended that the number of SUN2000s connected to each RS485 route be less than 30.

MBUS Communication
The MBUS is a communication mode in which communication signals are loaded to power cables through the communications board for transmission.

  • The built-in MBUS module in the SUN2000 does not need to be connected with cables.
  • In utility-scale scenarios, an isolation transformer must be connected between inverters and loads.
  • Commercial and industrial scenarios are supported only in China.

Figure 5-22 MBUS communication (utility-scale scenarios)

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 49HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure

5.7.2 (Optional) Connecting the RS485 Communications Cable to the SUN2000
Step 1 Connect the signal cable to the signal cable connector.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 51

Step 2 Connect the signal cable connector to the COM port.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 52

5.7.3 (Optional) Connecting the RS485 Communications Cable to the Power Meter
Step 1 Connect the signal cable to the signal cable connector.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 53

Step 2 Connect the signal cable connector to the COM port.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 54

5.7.4 (Optional) Connecting the Power Grid Scheduling Signal Cable
Step 1 Connect the signal cable to the signal cable connector.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 55

Step 2 Connect the signal cable connector to the COM port.
HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 56 5.7.5 (Optional) Connecting the Rapid Shutdown Signal Cable Procedure
Step 1 Connect the signal cable to the signal cable connector.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 57

Step 2 Connect the signal cable connector to the COM port.

HUAWEI SUN2000 30Kw OnGrid Solar Inverter - Figure 58


  • Wear personal protective equipment and use dedicated insulated tools to avoid electric shocks or short circuits.

6.1 Checking Before Power-On
Table 6-1 Checklist

No. Check Item Acceptance Criteria
1 SUN2000 installation The SUN2000 is installed correctly and securely.
2 Smart Dongle The Smart Dongle is installed correctly and securely.
3 Cable routing The cables are routed properly as required by the customer.
4 Cable ties Cable ties are evenly distributed and no burr exists.
5 Reliable grounding The PE cable is connected correctly and securely.
6 Switch DC switches and all the switches connecting to the SUN2000 are OFF.
7 Cable connection The AC output power cable, and DC input power cables are

connected correctly and securely.
8| Unused terminals and ports| Unused terminals and ports are locked by watertight caps.

6.2 System Power-On


  • Wear personal protective equipment and use dedicated insulated tools to avoid electric shocks or short circuits.


  • Before turning on the AC switch between the SUN2000 and the power grid, check that the AC voltage is within the specified range using a multimeter.
  • If the DC power supply is connected but the AC power supply is disconnected, the SUN2000 will report a Grid Loss alarm. The SUN2000 can start properly only after the power grid recovers.

Step 1 Turn on the AC switch between the SUN2000 and the power grid.
Step 2 (Optional) Remove the locking screw beside the DC switch.
Figure 6-1 Removing the locking screw beside the DC switch
Step 3 Turn on the DC switch at the bottom of the SUN2000.
Step 4 Observe the LED indicators to check the operating status of the SUN2000.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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