oppla 5VDC Emergency Call System Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

GPS tracking system
Instruction Manual

Product Overview

Thank you for purchasing Opplà. This device is a waterproof IPX5, innovative miniature size personal remote positioning device with built-in U-blox GPS and GSM/GPRS technology. It’s for monitoring and protecting people and property. It can be used in all  walks of life from traveling lone workers and mobile nursing staff to children and the elderly, Dementia etc.

Getting to know your device

SIM card Installation

The SIM card is not included in the package. A Micro SIM card is available from the user’s local operator.

  • Unscrew the back cover and remove the cover.
  • Insert SIM card and make sure it’s activated with credits
  • Put the cover back and tighten the screws.

Note: Before installing the SIM card, check if the SIM card has PIN code or not, if yes, please use a cell-phone to unlock the card’s PIN code.

Device Charging

For the first time use, please fully charge the battery for around 2~3 hours

Using the USB charger or using docking station to charge

  • Place the device on the docking station.
  • Connect the Micro USB side of the cable to the docking station port and connect the other end of the cable to the designated AC power source (USB/AC adaptor).
  • When charging, the RED LED (on docking station) will be blinking (solid). After fully charging, the RED LED will solid.

Switching the device on and off

  • To turn on the device: press the side power button for 1 second, all the LEDs will flash rapidly. Device can be also turned on automatically by charging via USB or put it into the docking station.
    ※ To get an initial location, use outdoors or near a window so the device may fix onto the satellites.

  • To turn off the device: press and hold the side button and SOS button together for 1 second until the LEDs off.

What do the lights mean?
Power Status LED

LED Blue ON(solid) Blue Blinking Quickly Blue Off or blinking slowly
State The device is charging Battery power is lower than 15% Device has

been fully charged or not charging


LED| Light shows a single flash rapidly every 3 seconds| Light shows a double flash rapidly every 3 seconds| Light shows a slow flash every 3 seconds| Light Solid (not flashing)
State| The device is connected to the GSMnetwork| The device is registered to the
GPRS network| The device is connecting to the GSM network| No SIM Card is detected


LED| Light shows a single flash rapidly every 3
seconds| Light shows a slow flash every 3 seconds (every1 second on and 3 seconds off)| Blue Off(when device not charging)
State| The device has a GPS positioning fix| The device has no GPS fix| The GPS chip is sleeping

Activating an SOS Alarm
Press and hold the SOS button for 3 seconds until the device vibrates, and then green light will start to flash rapidly to confirm the request. After that, an SOS Alarm “Help me!” will be sent to all authorized phone numbers and to the platform. It will also the dial the 3 authorized numbers in sequence. If the tracker fails to connect to the first number, it will call the second one. In case the second number fails to be connected as well, the system will connect to the third number. if device fails to call all 3 numbers, it will start to dial the numbers again after 5 minutes. This will continue until one of the phones answer the call.
To end the call, press the SOS button.

Making a Phone Call
To make a call, press and hold the side button for 3 seconds and you will hear a beep. The green light will flash rapidly to confirm the request, and then it will dial the second number(by default). To end the call, press the SOS button.

Configuration and Operation by SMS

  1. To Set the Authorized Number
    ※ It is not mandatory for all three of the authorized numbers to be set, however a minimum of one must always be set.
    ① Command: A1 or A1,phone number
    Note: With no spaces in the text, case-insensitive.
    Example: A1 or a1,123456789
    ※ Using your mobile phone, send A1 to the phone number of the device, it will reply: ·Set mobile number 1 OK!
    ※ To delete this number, you can send A0 to the tracker.
    ② Command: B1 or B1,phone number
    Example: B1 or b1,123456789
    The device will reply: ·Set mobile number 2 OK!
    ※ To delete this number, you can send B0
    ③ Command: C1 or C1,phone number
    Example: C1 or c1,123456789
    The device will reply: ·Set mobile number 3 OK!
    ※ To delete this number, you can send C0

  2. Incoming call control
    Command: Z0
    After send above command, device only answer the call automatically from authorized numbers. (authorized numbers mean number A, number B, number C)
    Command: Z1
    After send above command, device can answer the call automatically from all numbers.

  3. Modify the Time zone
    TZ+ +00/-00
    Note: the time must amounts be in 2 digits and at maximum 23 hours in value. “+” in the “time zone” portion of the text indicates east. The symbol “-“ in the “time zone” indicates west.
    Example: tz+02, the system will add 2 hours based on the UTC time.
    tz-02, the system will minus 2 hours based on the UTC time.
    ※ UTC time has been set as default time.

  4. User defined name in SMS content
    name1, user name
    Example: name1,Emma, the tracker will reply “Add name ok!”
    To delete name, send name0

  5. Location request
    5.1 Reply with coordinates and web link
    Command: loc
    The device will reply “GPS Info! Time: xxxxx; Lat: xxxx; Lon: xxxx; Spd: xxxxx, Altitude:xxxx Bt: xxx maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:22.647379,114.030998
    ※Put coordinates to Google earth or Google maps. Click on search button, then you will find the position fixed.
    ※Click on the link then the location can be shown directly on Google Map on your mobile phone.
    5.2 Reply with Address
    Notes: This function needs GPRS function support.
    The device will reply “Add: Donghuan 1st road, Bao’an, UK;

  6. Low battery alarm
    When the unit’s battery is less than 20%, it will send an SMS alarm “BAT: LOW!” to all authorized numbers. If battery is less than 20%, the blue light will flash rapidly to warn the user to charge the device as soon as possible.
    Command: Low1
    To turn off this function, please send Low0 the device.

  7. Command password protection
    After send above command, then it will require a password in front of all commands (except reboot and RESET!). For example 123456LOC, 123456A1 etc.
    (default password is 123456)
    Remove password protection, just simply send 123456unlock

  8. Change password
    Old password + H + new password
    Example: 123456H666666
    The password now is changed to 666666
    ※ The pre-set password won’t be erased by changing a new sim card.
    ※ Be sure keep the new password in mind, otherwise you have to ask your distributor to restore the original setting in case of losing the new password.
    ※ Make sure the new password is in 6 digits, or else the tracker can not recognize the password.

  9. Beep sound control
    After send this command, when user press SOS button, device will not make a sound beep, only vibrate.
    Command: beep0
    After send this command, when user press SOS button, device will make beep sound and also vibrate.

  10. Ringtone control
    After send this command, when device accept incoming calls, device will not make a ring sound, only vibrate.
    Command: ring1
    After send this command, when device accept incoming calls, device will make a ring sound and also vibrate.

  11. Geo-Fence Alarm
    G+X, Y, Z, xxxM/KM
    Example: G1,1,1,100M
    Notes: No spaces in between.
    X=No. of Geo fence (1~3), user can set 3 Geo fences
    Y=0 means to turn off the function
    Y=1 means to turn on the function
    Z=1 means to set alarm when the tracker enters the preset area
    Z=0 means to set alarm when the tracker breaches the district
    xxx is the preset distance to the tracker’s original place, must be 3 digitals. M means meters, KM means kilometers The device will send the message to the authorized numbers as “Geo fence alarm!+GPS info” when it enter the area you set.
    (User must set this function when the blue light is flashing rapidly.) To turn off this function, please send G1,0 or G2,0 or G3,0

  12. Over-Speed alert
    speed1,+ Speed
    Notes: The speed must be in km/h in 2 or 3 digitals. (01~255km/h)
    Example: speed1,100
    Suppose the over-speed alert that we want to set is 100km/h, when the device exceeds 100km/h, it will send the message “Over-speed! +GPS Info” to all registered phone numbers.
    To turn off this function, please send speed0 to the device.

  13. Movement Alert
    M1, xxxM/KM
    Notes: xxx must be 3 digitals. M means meters, KM means kilometers
    The tracker must be stationary when setting this function
    Example: m1,100m
    When the tracker moves beyond 100 meters, it will send an SMS alarm to all registered phone numbers.
    To turn off this function, please send M0 to the device.
    (The settings must be at least 50 meters)

  14. Listen-in (Voice wiretapping)
    A1, B1, C1 can make a silence call to the tracker, the track answers the call automatically and allows the caller to hear what is happening around the tracker.
    There is no voice indication that the call is in progress.
    To turn off this function, please send L0 to the device.

  15. No motion alarm
    V1, xx S/M/H
    Note: No spaces in between, S means seconds, M means minutes, H means hours, xx means the time you set and must be two digitals.
    Example: V1,05M
    If device detect no motion more than 5 minutes and it will send an SMS warning alarm to all registered phone numbers.
    To turn off this function, please send V0

  16. Turn off 2 LEDs
    The device will reply “LED off” and later LEDs will stop flashing, but the device is on working.
    To turn on LEDs, please send LED0

  17. To set number for side button
    X1 / X2 / X3
    Example: X1
    Side button can be configured to call which number, if set X1 means it will call number A. default setting is X2, which means to call number B.

  18. AGPS
    AGPS1, latitude, longitude
    Example: AGPS1,22.647606,114.022583
    Assisted GPS (abbreviated generally as A-GPS and less commonly as aGPS) is a system that is often able to significantly improve the startup performance or time-to-first-fix (TTFF) and improve the GPS location to be more precise, of a GPS satellite-based  positioning system.
    To turn off this function, please send AGPS0
    Very important: to be able to use AGPS function, user also need to set APN, but GPRS can be off.

  19. Fall down alarm
    For the elderly who fall and are unable to get back up on their own and this may cause a devastating consequence.
    How it works:
    The device must sense height, impact and angle etc. The height must above 1 meter, and angle change over 45 degrees. The authorized numbers will be alerted without the user pushing SOS button when the fall sensor is activated.
    Due to the daily life activities (like some sports, sit back on a coach, etc.), sometimes device may detect a fall incorrectly, this situation may cause false alarm.
    However, users can manually cancel the fall alert by pressing SOS button during its beeping.
    Very Important: Because it still has few chances for the non-detected falling down, we still strongly recommend user to press SOS button when it has emergency situation.
    Command: FL1,1 or FL1,2 or FL1,3 or FL1,4 or FL1,5 or FL1,6 or FL1,7 or FL1,8 or FL1,9
    1 equals most sensitive, 9 equals least sensitive.
    Example: FL1,1
    After send FL1, device will send SMS alarm to all registered phone numbers once detect fall.
    SMS alarm and call for fall down detection
    Command: FL2
    After send FL2, device will send SMS alarm to all registered phone numbers once detect fall. It will also dial the 3 authorized numbers in sequence.
    To turn off this function, please send FL0

  20. Outgoing Call control
    With this command, all registered numbers can receive the call from device if has SOS alarm or fall alarm.
    Command: CALL0
    With this command, all registered numbers can’t receive the call from device if has SOS alarm or fall alarm.

  21. Disable SMS alarm
    It only send alarms via GPRS to the platform and without text message to the authorized numbers.
    Enable SMS and GPRS alarms, just simply send SMS1 (default setting)

  22. Check settings
    The device will reply E.g. A+8613812345678 B13912345678 C13712345678; Speed: 0,100km/h; GEO:0,0,0; VB:1,10S; MV:1,100; LED:0; TZ:2.0; LI: 1; PS:1;
    DS:0,3M; FL:1; Bat: 95%; SMS:0;LOCK:0
    To recognize the meaning of “0” & “1”
    The number “0” implies that the function is turned off; whilst “1” indicates that the function is turned on.

  23. Reboot device
    The device will restart itself without changing any settings.

Device 5 working modes

  1. Live Tracking Mode (1)
    Command: PS0
    In this mode, Both GSM and GPS chip are always working, Battery can last 18~24 hours.

  2. Smart Power Saving Mode (2) (default working mode)
    Command: PS1
    In this mode, GPS chip is off when there is no movement or no phone usage/alarm/SMS. Battery life is not wasted when the device isn’t moving.
    GSM/GPRS chip is always working to receives calls, SMS and transmits location. The GPS chip is activated by motion, incoming calls and SMS.
    Under normal use, battery can last 3 ~ 7 days.

  3. Deep Sleeping Mode (3)
    Command: DS1 or DS1,xxM/H
    Note: xx=00~99, M=Minute, H=Hour
    Both GSM and GPS chip will be off to save power, the device is unable to receive calls or SMS. It can be only activated by movement. Once movement is detected, it will run for the set time and sleep again if no movement is detected.
    Battery can last 40 days if no movement at all.
    To turn off this function, send DS0

  4. Working mode (4)
    Command: Mode4
    In this working mode, device can always receive SMS, calls. But GPS chip only wakes up and updates location to the tracking platform if user press button or receive phone call/text message. Without press button or phone call/text message, GPS chip will always sleep.

  5. Time interval working mode (5)
    Note: xx=00~99, S=second, M=Minute, H=Hour
    Example: Mode5,10M
    Device will update location to the tracking platform every 10 minutes.
    In this working mode, device can always receive SMS, calls. And it updates location to the tracking platform according to the time you set.

Real time tracking onwww.smart-tracking.com
Our web based tracking system incorporates the TCP/IP protocol and allows users to monitor it in real time over the internet or sends an e-mail to the predefined e-mail address.

How to connect device to the platform for real time tracking via GPRS
Open the link www.smart-tracking.com in your computer and login with your user ID and password.
For more information pls contact the seller.

GPRS Settings by SMS

  1. APN setting
    In order to use the GPRS function, the user needs to setup the APN by sending SMS command.
    –What is APN? Access point name (APN) is the name used to identify a general packet radio service (GPRS) bearer service in the GSM mobile network. TheAPN defines the type of service that is provided in the packet data connection.
    ※ Make sure that the SIM card in the tracker supports the GPRS function.
    ※ The APN can be acquired from your local GSM operators.
    Command: S1, APN, user name, password
    Notes: Some access point name without user name and password, so please leave it blank.
    Example: S1,internet
    “internet” is the APN from the SIM card provider; therefore, the user must set their particular APN for their own country which the unit resides.
    After sending the command, the device will reply “Set APN OK! GPRS connecting”
    After send S1,APN, wait for a while then you will see device is online.

  2. Set GPRS Time interval by SMS
    Command: TIxxS/M/H
    The meaning of “xx”, The setting must be in 2 digitals and maximum 99 in value, which means 01~99.
    xxS is the time interval in second with range (30~99)
    xxM is the time interval in minute with range (01~99)
    xxH is the time interval in hour with range (01~99)
    Example: TI01M
    The device will reply “Set updating time interval OK!” and then device will update the time by every 1 minute on the website.

  3. Disable GPRS
    The device will reply “GPRS OFF”.

  4. Reconnect GPRS
    Reconnect the website via GPRS for real time tracking, please send S2

  5. Setting a Heartbeat Packet Reporting Interval
    The heartbeat packet function is used to keep the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection open when the interval of scheduled GPRS reporting is long.
    Command: HBxxM/H
    Note: xx=00~99, M=Minute, H=Hour, The heartbeat packet function is only available for the PS1 and PS0 working mode.
    Example: HB01H
    After send the above command, the tracker will send the GPRS heartbeat packet to the platform every 1 hour in PS1 and PS0 mode. The heartbeat function is used to keep the platform connection smooth, but GPS positioning data is invalid.
    Command: HB00M
    When the interval is 00, the heartbeat packet function is disabled.

  6. Setting reporting time interval when no movement
    When device has no movement for 5 minutes, GPS chip go to sleep. the time to send data to platform can be configured by user. (Once device detect movement, the time to send data to the platform will back to normal reporting time interval(TlxxS/M/H) )
    Command: NMxxM/H
    Note: xx=00~99, M=Minute, H=Hour
    Example: NW90M
    After send the above command, device will transmit data every 90 minutes to the platform when device no motion.

  7. Check APN & IP, Port
    The device will reply “APN: internet; Name: xxx; Password: xxxx; Port: 5050; IP: www.smart-tracking.com

  8. Change IP and Port
    IP 1,IP/domain name, port
    Example: 1P1,,5050 or IP1,www.smart- tracking.com,5050

  9. Built-in Memory
    The device built in 8Mb flash memory inside. It will store the GPS information when do not have GSM network coverage (i.e., very low population density areas, some mountainous terrain, underground areas etc). The device will transmit GPS locations to  the WEB server automatically once the GSM network is recovered.

  10. Delete stored tracking history data
    The device will stop sending the stored tracking history data to tracking platform.

Please comply with the instructions to extend the unit life:

  1. Don’t use & store the unit in dusty places.
  2. Don’t put the unit in overheated or over cooled places.
  3. Clear the unit with a piece of dry cloth. Don’t clean in chemicals, detergent.
  4. Don’t disassemble or refit the unit.
  5. Using other batteries will cause unwanted situation

Hardware Specification:

Content Specs.
Mainframe Dimension 61mm43mm16mm
Net Weight 35g
GSM Frequencies 900/1800/850/1900Mhz
GPS chip U-blox G7020 (Support AGPS)
GPS sensitivity Cold start: -148dBm  Hot start: -162dBm
GPS accuracy <2.5m
Time to First Fix Cold start 32s, Warm start 11s, Hot start 1s
Charging Voltage 5V DC
Battery Chargeable 3.7V 800mAh
Standby Current ≤2mAh
Storage Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Operation Temperature -20°C to +80°C
Humidity 5%-95% non-condensing

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