LACUNZA Calais Freestanding Stoves Instructions

June 14, 2024

LACUNZA Calais Freestanding Stoves


before suiting operation if the opiates time is outwore this ones, woeful you to contact your dealer, who will cooperate with you. In order to improve the product, the manufacturer reserves the right to make changes without notice by updating this document.

This appliance is designed to burn wood in absolutely safe conditions.

Faulty installation may have serious consequences Installation and all necessary regular maintenance operations must be performed by an authorized installer in full accordance with the specifications set out in the legislation applicable in each country and this instruction book.

General characteristics


The values indicated in the above table are based on tests performed in accordance with UNE-EN 13240 with logs with no more than 18% humidity and pressure conditions as indicated in each case.

this appliance is designed and prepared to work with the types of fuel, degree of humidity of the fuel, fuel loads, fuel load frequencies, flue draught and system of installation indicated in this Instruction Book. Failure to respect these conditions may lead to problems with the appliance (deterioration, shorter useful life, etc.) which are not covered by the Lacunza warranty.

Figure No.1 – Dimensions of the Dover / Calais series in mm


Warning to installers All local and national regulations, including all those referring to national and European standards, must be observed when installing the appliance. Installation of the appliance must be performed by an authorised installer. An incorrectly installed appliance may lead to serious incidents (fires, creation of harmful gases, deterioration of nearby fixtures, etc.). Lacunza’s liability is limited to the supply of the material and does not include installation of the appliance.

Room for installation
Ventilation of the room The appliance needs to consume oxygen (air) in order to work properly. Ensure a suitable air supply in the room in which the appliance is fitted. This quantity of oxygen is additional to the oxygen that we need in order to breathe (air renewal). In order to ensure the high quality of the air you breathe and to avoid potential accidents resulting from high concentrations of the gases produced by combustion mainly carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide), it is absolutely crucial to ensure the suitable renewal of the air in the room in which the appliance is fitted. the room must always have at least two permanent grilles or openings to the exterior in order to renew the air (one for intake and the other for extraction).

The other one low down (at less than 30 cm from the floor). Both grilles must open outdoors in order to renew the air in the room with fresh air. The air inlet grilles must be positioned so that they cannot be blocked or closed accidentally. The minimum section that each of these grilles must have depends on the nominal output of the appliance in accordance with the following table

Output of the appliance (kW)| Minimum additional section of each of the grilles (cm2 )
P 10kW| 70
10 < P 15| 90
15 < P    20| 120
20 < P 25| 150
25 < P    30| 180
30 < P 35| 210
P > 35| 240

Figure No.2 – Guideline indications for ventilation grilles

  • In the case of appliances on which it is possible to pipe air in from outdoors (appliances type BE, BF, CA, CM y CC), the specifications described in the table above are not necessary. The appliance must always be used with the door closed.
  • In rooms equipped with Controlled Mechanical Ventilation, the system extracts and renews the ambient air; in such cases, the room is at slightly low pressure and it is necessary to install a non-closable outside-air inlet with a section of at least 90 cm appliance in the room Choose a location in the room which flavours good hot-air distribution by convection and radiation.

Installation of the appliance

Floor Make sure that the base can withstand the total constructed weight of the appliance and its casing.
The apparatus should not be placed on combustible material.


  • distances Be sure to respect the appliance installation distances from combustible materials. Looking at the appliance head.
  • Bear in mind that it may even be necessary to protect non-combustible material in order to prevent breakage, deformation, etc., as a result of overheating if the non-combustible material is not designed to withstand high temberatures.

Checks before lighting for the first time

  • Make sure that the glass/es is/are not broken or damaged.
  • Make sure that the flueway is not obstructed with packing or loose parts.
  • Check the deflectors are correctly positioned
  • Make sure that the airtight joints on the flue circuit are in perfect condition.
  • Make sure that the doors close properly.
  • Make sure that all moving parts are fitted in place.

Height adjustment and levelling the appliance
The appliance must be perfectly level, horizontally and vertically, both at the front and on the sides (use a spirit level). 2.3.5. Connection to the flue The appliance must be connected to the chimney flue using special piping designed to resist the products of combustion (e.g. stainless steel, enamelled steel, etc.). To connect the flue to the socket flange, insert the piping inside the flange and seal the joint with fire sealant or fire cement to make it completely airtight. The installer must ensure that the pipe connected to the appliance is well secured and there is no chance of it coming free from its housing (e.g. as a result of dilatation due to temperature, etc.).

These are the connection instructions in order to control the ventilator system using the supplied potentiometer.


Figure No.1 – Connections to be carried out in the potentiometer

The operating temperature of the potentiometer supplied by Lacunza is from 0 to 40°C. Particular care should be taken when choosing where it will be positioned so that it is not damaged by temperatures above 40°C. Insulate the potentiometer correctly so as to avoid this problem. Read the potentiometer instruction manual.

Chimney flue

  • The chimney flue must comply with present standards on the installation of chimneys. In rooms equipped with Controlled Mechanical Ventilation, the ventilation outlet must never be connected to the flue. The appliance must always have its own chimney flue, never sharing a chimney flue with another appliance.
  • The appliance must always have its own chimney flue, never sharing a chimney flue with another appliance.

Type of flue
The flue must be made of special material designed to resist the products of combustion (e.g. stainless steel, enamelled steel, etc.). Non-central-heating appliances (without back boiler) require an insulated,  double-sleeve flue only on those sections that run outdoors or through cold areas. Single piping can be used inside the building, the heat of the gases serving to heat rooms, insulating only those sections where excess temperature may cause damage.

  • If the chimney is constructed, then it is necessary to pipe and insulate it to ensure correct updraught.
  • The diameter of the pipe must be the same as the diameter of the flue socket on the appliance over its entire length in order to ensure correct operation.
  • The flue must prevent the entry of rainwater. The flue must be clean and airtight over its entire length.
  • The flue must be at least 6m tall and the chimney cap must not hinder the free release of gases.
  1. Double-sleeve flue only on those sections that run outdoors or through cold areas. Single piping can be used inside the building, the heat of the gases serving to heat rooms, insulating only those sections where excess temperature may cause damage. If the chimney is constructed, then it is necessary to pipe and insulate it to ensure correct updraught.
  2. The diameter of the pipe must be the same as the diameter of the flue socket on the appliance over its entire length in order to ensure correct operation. The flue must prevent the entry of rainwater. The flue must be clean and airtight over its entire length. The flue must be at least 6m tall and the chimney cap must not hinder the free release of gases.
  3. Never make 90° bends due to the great loss of draught they cause, and reduce 45° bends down to an absolute minimum. Each 45° bend is equivalent to a 0.5m reduction in flue length. Horizontal flue sections should not be installed because they cut updraught a great deal. The appliance is designed to operate under controlled draught conditions.
  4. The appliance must operate at a chimney draught of between 12Pa and 15Pa. To ensure this draught, an automatic draught moderator must be installed in the flue. Uncontrolled draught operation can lead to quick damage of the appliance, which will not be covered by the warranty.
  5. The flue must not rest its weight on the appliance, as this could damage the work ton.
  6. Bear in mind that high temperatures may be reached in the flue, meaning that it is essential that insulation be enhanced in sections in which combustible material is present (wooden beams, furniture, etc.). It may even be necessary to protect non- combustible material in order to prevent breakage, deformation, etc., as a result of overheating if the material is not designed to withstand high temperatures. It must be possible to clean the entire flue, no sections being left inaccessible for cleaning purposes.

Chimney crown
The upper end of the chimney must clear the roof, the roof ridge or any obstacle located on the roof by at least 1m.

Figure No.2 – Distances between chimney crown and roof ridge.

The chimney crown must clear the highest point of any neighboring building or obstacle located within a 10m radius of the chimney outlet by more than 1m.

Figure No.3 – Distances between the chimney crown and objects within a 10m radius

The chimney crown must clear any neighbouring building or obstacle located within a radius of 10m to 20m from the chimney outlet.

Figure No.4 – Distances between the chimney crown and objects within a radius of between 10 and 20m.


  • The manufacturer accepts no liability whatsoever for damage caused to parts as a result of the improper use of non- recommended fuels, modifications made to the appliance or how it is installed.
  • Only use original replacement parts. All local and national regulations, including those referring to national and European standards, must be observed when using the appliance. Heat is diffused by radiation and convection via the front and exterior of the appliance.

This appliance must not be used as an incinerator. Do not use non-recommended fuels.

  • Use dry logs (max. 16% humidity), cut at least 2 years ago, clean of resin and stored in a sheltered, ventilated place.
  • Use hard woods with high calorie values and good ember production.
  • Large logs should be cut to useable lengths before being stored. The logs should have a maximum diameter of 150mm.
  • Finely-chopped wood produces greater heat output, but also burns more quickly.

Optimum fuels

  • Beech

Other fuels:

  • Oak, chestnut, ash, maple, birch, elm, etc.
  • Pine and eucalyptus logs are low density and produce very long flames, and may cause the parts of the appliance to wear out more quickly than normal.

• Resinous wood may mean that the appliance and the flue need to be cleaned more often.

Non-permitted fuels
All types of coal and liquid fuel.

  • Green wood”. Green or damp wood reduces the performance of the appliance and leads to soot and tar build-up on the inner walls of the flue, obstructing it.
  • Recovered wood”. The burning of treated woods railway sleepers, telegraph posts, plywood, fibreboard, pallets, etc.) quickly blocks the system (soot and tar build-up), harms the environment (pollution, smells) and may lead to deformation of the firebox due to overheating.
  • All materials which are not wood (plastic, sprav cans, etc.).
  • Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lamp fuel, paraffin, charcoal lighter fluid, ethyl alcohol or similar liquids to ignite or rekindle a fire in the equipment. Keep all such liquids away from the equipment while it is in use.
  • Green and reprocessed wood may cause chimney fires.

The graph below shows how the humidity of firewood affects its heat output

Figure No.5 – Relationship between firewood humidity and heat output.

Description of the parts of the appliance

Figure No.6 – Operating components on the appliance

  • A: Secondary air intake
    • • Al open (right)
    • • A2 closed (left)
  • B: Firebox door handle
  • C: Handle of the lower door
  • D: Potentiometer


Use of the appliance in warm weather (warm days, early hours of the afternoon on sunny days) may lead to lighting and updraught problems. Certain weather conditions, such as fog, ice, humidity entering the flue, etc., may hinder sufficient updraught in the flue and lead to suffocation. Proceed as follows in order to light the appliance satisfactorily

  • Open the firebox door(s) and open all the firebox air-intake inlets to the full.
  • Place paper or a firelighter and some wood chips in the firebox.
  • Light the paper or firelighter
  • Leave the door slightly ajar, the width of two or three fingers, for about 15 minutes until the glass warms up.
  • The first time the appliance is lit, the fire should be gentle to allow the parts of the appliance to dilate and dry.


  • The first time it is lit up, the appliance may give off smoke and strange smells.
  • This is not a cause for concern. Open an outdoor window to ventilate the room during the first few hours of operation.
  • If you notice water around the appliance, this is produced by the condensation of the moisture in the wood on lighting the fire.

This condensation will no longer appear when the appliance has been lit three or four times and has adapted to its flue. If it does not disappear, then check the flue draught (length and diameter of the flue, flue insulation, airtightness) and the humidity of the wood used.

Do not store combustible materials beneath the appliance.


  • fuel In order to load firewood, open the firebox door gently, preventing the sudden entry of air to the firebox so that smoke does not enter the room that the appliance is installed in. Perform this operation with the glove to prevent burns to the hands. The maximum height of the load shall be approximately one third of the height of the firebox. The minimum interval between loads for nominal heat output is 60 minutes. Always load with the nominal amount (see table in section 1.1). For minimum burning (e.g. at night), use thicker logs.
  • Be careful when placing logs in the firebox on appliances with vermiculite interiors. Vermiculite is a fragile material and may crack if knocked. The use of wood with non-recommended humidity levels will quickly damage the vermiculite parts.

The appliance should be operated with the door closed. For safety reasons, never close all the appliance’s combustion-air intakes. Secondary-air intake By opening this inlet, air enters the firebox via the top of the firebox door.

Keeping the secondary-air intake open helps keep the door glass cleaner for longer.

Air intake

  • By opening this inlet, air enters the combustion flame, making for more efficient and less polluting combustion because post-combustion takes place, burning the particles which were not burned in the first combustion.
  • This increases the performance of the appliance and reduces emissions.
  • In order to obtain maximum output, open all the air intake to the firebox and in order to obtain minimum output, tend towards closing them. For normal use, we recommend you leave the Secondary Intakes open 40%. In class B or BE appliances (without combustion air ducting from the street), when the appliance is not in use, the appliance-flue duct assembly may represent a heat leakage route to the street. When the appliance is not in use, it is advisable to leave the air inlet registers to the combustion chamber closed to minimise these energy losses.

Removing ash

  • Following sustained use of the appliance, it is necessary to remove the ash from the firebox. Remove the ashpit box when cold or using something to prevent yourself from getting burned (glove). Never throw hot embers into the rubbish.
  • Access the ashpit by opening the door on the appliance.

The appliance has vermiculite deflectors with a steel reinforcement that joins them together and another steel deflector above the vermiculite.

Dismantling the deflector
First extract the reinforcement. In order to do this, draw it towards the front of the appliance to release it from the vermiculite parts.


Figure No.7 – Extracting the vermiculite deflectors

The vermiculite deflectors can then be extracted as shown:

Electrical system Forced convetion
Fans Dover models have 1 double fan for the forced convection of the hot air generated around the appliance inside the shell. This air can be piped to other rooms.

IMPORTANT: This appliance is not covered by our warranty unless directly connected to the mains electricity supply in accordance with the conditions described in the relevant section.

Potentiometer operation

By means of its rotating lever, the potentiometer controls the flow of hot-air output from the appliance in two ways:


The fan automatically or manually starts working at the set speed. When the fan is working automatically (recommended), when a fire has been lit in the firebox and the thermostat reaches a temperature of approximately 50°C, the fan starts working at the power set on the potentiometer (rotating wheel) and stops automatically when the temperature drops beneath 50°C. In addition, we have the option of stopping the turbines from the Stop button, whenever we want.

The potentiometer has a remote control, which allows the same operations as the potentiometer. For more information see the potentiometer instruction manual.


Maintenance of the appliance The appliance, the flue connector piping and the flue must be cleaned regularly, particularly following long periods without use.

Clean the firebox area of ash, etc.

Inside the appliance
Clean the firebox area of ash. Clean the deflectors, where soot may build up.

It must be cleaned as often as required. How often it is cleaned depends on how much the appliance is used and the type of fuel employed.

Painted sheet-steel-cast-iron parts.
These parts should be cleaned with a brush or dry cloth. Do not dampen the parts: the steel could rust and the paint could blister and chip. Be particularly careful when cleaning the glass: the liquids used must not dampen the painted steel.

Firebox glass
To keep the glass as clean as possible for as long as possible, the secondary air register should be kept open. However, over the hours of use, the glass may become dirty. To clean it, we will use specific degreasing products or dry cleaning products for this task. The cleaning should be carried out with the glass cold and taking care not to apply the glass cleaner directly on the glass as, if

  • it comes into contact with the door’s closing cord, it may deteriorate. Put the cleaning product on the cloth.
  • Attention , never let the product drip into the lower part of the glass.
  • The accumulation of the cleaning product, with soot or ash residues, can damage the screen printing on the glass.

If we use the appliance in draught conditions higher than 15Pa or burn more wood (per hour) than those indicated in table 1.1, we will subject the appliance to working conditions higher than those designed for it. This can lead to aggressive fouling of the glass (white halo), which cannot be cleaned by the traditional method.

The vitro ceramic glass is prepared to support 700°C. Never let burning woods or combustion flame beating against the glass for prolonged periods of time. In this case, the glass would be submit to temperatures above 750°C, this could change the internal structure of the glass and make it opaque (irreversible phenomenon).

Maintenance of the chimney flue VERY IMPORTANT
In order to avoid incidents (chimney fires, etc.), it is necessary to perform maintenance and cleaning operations on a regular basis; if the appliance is used often, then the chimney and the flue connector piping must be swept several times a year. In the event of fire in the chimney, close the flue draught, close doors and windows, remove embers from the firebox, block the connection hole with damp cloths and call the fire brigade.

Important advice
Lacunza recommends that only Lacunzaauthorised replacement parts be used. Lacunza accepts no liability for any modification to the product which it has not authorised. This appliance is a heat-producing appliance and contact may lead to burns. This appliance may remain HOT for a period of time after it has gone out.



This symbol means that a qualified professional should be called to perform the operation.

LACUNZA Calais Freestanding Stoves-022


| Referencia| Denominacion| Cantidad
1| 5021110004| Puerta cajon lefiero Dover Completa| 1
2| 500000000510| Cordon piano pelos 8x2mm| 3
3| 509020000042| Cordon Negro 013mm| 3
4| 504000000067| Manilla lnox ITACA| 1
5| 504080000001| lranzu cristalhogar| 1
6| 5040000928| Potenciometro ELX AIR SC21| 1
7| 5021110008| Puerta hogar DOVER completa s/cristal| 1
8| 504080000008| | 2
9| 5045500003| SIENA 800 Subc Ventilador DOBLE| 1
10| 502050000014| Levante base ladrillo 220x110x30| 4


11 5021110005 Vermiculita lateral izdo dcho. Dover Calais 1
12 5021110007 Cristal salida de aire secundario CALAIS 1
13 5000000944 Refuerzo deflector 1
14 5040800435 Dover Calais Deflector vermiculita(unid) 2
15 5021110006 Vermiculita trasera Dover Calais 1
16 5040800434 Dover Calais Deflector superior 1

Basic breakdowns CALAIS

| Referencia| Denominacion| Cantidad
1| 5021110000| Cristal cajon lefiero Calais [/JUNTA| 1
2| 5021110001| Puerta cajon lefiero Calais Completa| 1
3| 500000000510| Cordon piano pelos 8x2mm| 3
4| 509020000042| Cordon Negro 013mm| 3
5| 504000000067| Manilla lnox ITACA| 1
6| 5021110002| Cristal puerta hogar Calais [/JUNTA| 1
7| 5021110003| Puerta hogar Calais completa s/cristal| 1
8| 504080000008| lranzu ladrillo refractario base biselado| 2
9| 5045500003| SIENA 800 Subc Ventilador DOBLE| 1
10| 502050000014| Levante base ladrillo 220x110x30| 4
11| 5021110005| Vermiculita lateral dcho. lzdo. Dover Calais| 1
12| 5040000928| Potenciometro ELX AIR SC21| 1
13| 5000000944| Refuerzo deflector| 1
14| 5040800435| Dover Calais Deflector vermiculita(unid)| 2
15| 5021110006| Vermiculita trasera Dover Calais| 1
16| 5040800434| Dover Calais Deflector superior| 1
17| 5021110007| Cristal salida de aire secundario CALAIS| 1


  • The recycling of the appliance is the exclusive responsibility of the owner, who must act in compliance with the laws in force in his country regarding safety, respect and protection of the environment. At the end of its useful life, the product must not be disposed of with urban waste. It can be delivered to the specific selective collection centers set up by the municipalities, or to retailers who offer this service.
  • The selective disposal of the product avoids possible negative consequences for the environment and for health and makes it possible to recover the materials of which it is composed, thus obtaining significant savings in terms of energy and resources. It can be disassembled (the parts are assembled with screws or rivets) and the components can be deposited in their corresponding recycling channels. The components of the appliance are: steel, cast iron, glass, insulating materials, electrical material, etc.

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