J-PARC center J-PARC Shared Car Rental Service User Manual
- June 13, 2024
- J-PARC center
Table of Contents
J-PARC Center J-PARC Shared Car Rental Service
Due to the dangers of riding rental cycles at night or in bad weather, the J PARC centre user office offers a free shared car rental service as the transportation for J PARC in the West area of Tokai Campus(Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, Tokai Dormitory and KEK Tokai building#1).
The basic rental periods:
- 9:00~13:00
- 13:00~17:00
- 17:00~9:00(the next day), 9:00~9:00(the next day) If it is available, The following reservations are also possible.
About the available area
You can only drive ‘inside the area’(mentioned below). However, there are some exceptions.
Please contact
PARC centre Uses an office
Definition of ’inside the area
Within the Tokai campus including the JAEA Nuclear Research Institute site
The West area of the Tokai campus
(Ibaraki Quantum Research Center(IQBRC),Tokai dormitory and KEK Tokai
building#1 )
Exceptions that the car is allowed to use ‘outside the area’
- driving from the accommodations(JAEA Masago dormitory and The University of Tokyo Hamon dormitory) to laboratories
- transporting experimental equipment
- procuring materials relating to experiment preparation
Definition of ‘outside the area’
Within Tokai Village and up to the cities next to Tokai Village if needed.
Reservation Procedures
Please make a reservation with the following flow.
- Send an E-mail to the J PARC centre user office with the information below. It must be at least 5 business days in advance.
- Subject: ‘Shared car rental reservation’
- Name of the person in charge of the facility
- The date of use and the preferred rental periods( ① morning ② afternoon ③ night time ④ 1 day *please refer to page2)
- The User’s office will reply whether your reservation can be made or not. If it can be made, the URL of the sending and receiving system will be attached to the e-mail.
- Download the ‘Vehicle driving registration application form’ from the system and fill it out.
- Obtain permission from the person in charge of the facility to use the shared car. The signature of the person in charge of the facility and the date of the approval are necessary in the application form. Please refer to the example entry.
- Upload *the documents(refer to P5) to the system and send the URL to the user’s office
- When you receive the approval e-mail from the Health and Safety Office(Tokai), your reservation procedure is completed successfully.
The documents to be submitted
Vehicle driving registration application form’ (with the name of the person in
charge and the approval date.
A copy (both its front and back)of the driver’s license (It will be discarded
right after confirming the expiration date.) Vehicle driving registration
application form the example entry The scheduled date of use’ can be from the
date of the reservation to the end of the fiscal year OR to the expiration
date of your driver’s license(please choose the earlier date). You do not have
to apply again until the date above if it is approved. You can make same-day
reservations from the second time. (only if you use it ‘inside the area’ which
is mentioned on page 3.)
The flow of emergency
Please inform the person in charge of the facility immediately if an accident
occurs. (Please confirm the phone number beforehand.) The flow chart is kept
in the file case.
Insurance Contents
Unlimited coverage for bodily injury, property damage and personal injury.
Receiving and returning the key
Please visit the J PARC centre user office within business hours(9:00~17:00).
During nighttime and holidays, visit the front desk of the Tokai dormitory.
Your driver’s license will be required to receive the key. Make sure to be on
time to return.
Rules of driving and reservations
- Drivers must get tested with the alcohol detector by someone in the group. (There is a record book that needs to be filled.)
- Please follow the traffic rules inside J PARC.
- Please follow the rules for entering and exiting J PARC.
- Next reservations must be after the date of the previous ones.
- Please do not occupy reservations in the same group.
- We might have to cancel the approval if there is any complaint with driving manners.
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