250VA Wiring Unicum Motors Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

250VA Wiring Unicum Motors

Product Information: Wiring Unicum Motors 250VA/450VA

The Wiring Unicum Motors 250VA/450VA is a motor control system
designed for controlling the operation of Unicum motors. It
includes various components such as a switch box, control box, push
button switches, timer unit, and jumpers.

Key Features:

  • Safe and efficient motor control system

  • Includes all necessary components for wiring and connecting the

  • Allows for precise control and direction of motor movement

  • Emergency stop feature to halt all movement

  • Limit settings for customization and fine-tuning


The Wiring Unicum Motors 250VA/450VA system consists of the
following components:

  1. Switch box
  2. Control box
  3. Push button switches
  4. Timer unit
  5. Jumpers

Usage Instructions:

  1. Show and explain the wiring book layout.

  2. Show and explain the wiring layout as per PDEV087 Issue 1 A to

  3. Show and explain the wiring list of parts and part numbers (SSW
    PUMP 12a).

  4. Show and explain the different components being used.

  5. Show the push button switch marking and the timer unit markings
    (SSW PUMP 12b).

  6. Show the position the jumpers must be for correct working.

  7. Cut and fit up the wires according to the cutting list (SSW
    PUMP 12c).

  8. Connect the assembled wires to the components for the switch

  9. Drill the switch box ready for the assembled components to
    PDEV087 Issue 1 G.

  10. Fit the components into the switch box (PDEV087 Issue 1

  11. Connect the new switch box to the test Unicum main box and test
    motor and test.

  12. If the test is successful, proceed to step 14. If the test
    fails, re-check the connections or refer to the Faults and Settings
    Form (SSW PUMP 12b).

  13. Assemble a new Unicum control box (PDEV 087 Issue 1 F).

  14. Connect a new Unicum control box to the switch box and the
    testing motor and test its functionality. Ensure the motor turns in
    the correct direction using both the open and close push buttons in
    the control box, as well as the open and close buttons on the
    switch box and fobs.

  15. Connect a new Unicum Motor to your Unicum control box, switch
    box, and test its operation. Run the motor in both open and closed
    directions using both switches and the fobs. Test the emergency
    stop feature and ensure it halts all movement until released. The
    motors should not re-start until either a switch or fob is

  16. Show how to set up and test the limit settings.

  17. If all tests are correct, disconnect the motor and switch box
    from the system.


Name: ………………………………………………… Training Date………………………………

Instructions 1 Show and explain the wiring book layout.

Understood or X

2 Show and explain the wiring layout as per PDEV087 Issue 1 A to G.

3 Show and explain the wiring list of parts and part numbers (SSW PUMP 12a).

4 Show and explain the different components being used.

5 Show the push button switch marking and the timer unit markings (SSW PUMP 12b).

6 Show the position the jumpers must be for correct working.

7 The trainee to cut and fit up the wires according to the cutting list (SSW PUMP 12c).

8 The trainee to connect the assembled wires to the components for the switch box.

9 Drill the switch box ready for the assembled components to PDEV087 Issue 1 G.

10 Explain and demonstrate how to set up the unicum fob to the controller. Please see Faults and Settings Form (SSW PUMP 12b ­ Item 2).

11 Things to check: a) Relay – The jumper is in the correct position as per the drawing (SSW PUMP 12b ­ Item 1). b) Diode – The diode is fitted between Wago2 & Wago3 as is correct as per drawing (PDEV087 Issue 1 A).

12 Fit the components into the switch box (PDEV087 Issue 1 G).

13 Connect the new switch box to the test Unicum main box and test motor and test.

14 Assuming the above test is ok carry on to 14. If test fails re-check the connections and or go to Faults and Settings Form (SSW PUMP 12b).

15 Assemble a new Unicum control box (PDEV 087 Issue 1 F).

16 Connect a new Unicum control box to switch box and the testing motor and test. Making sure the motor turns the correct way by using both the open and close push buttons in the control box, also the open and close buttons on the switch box and the fobs. All should make the cover turn the motor in the same direction.

SSW PUMP 12 (V1) 14/09/23

17 Connect a new Unicum Motor to your Unicum control box, switch box and test. Run the motor in open direction and closed direction using both switches and the fobs. Test the emergency stop works and when pressed stops all movement until its released, motors should not re-start until either a switch or fob is activated.
18 Show how to set up and test the limit settings. 19 Assuming all tests are correct, disconnect the motor and switch box from the
Unicum main box, pack ready for dispatch or use. I have received the above training and fully understand every point that was explained to me. I confirm that I will follow all manual handling procedures when using the above equipment and take all other necessary steps to ensure my own safety. I will ask for further training if I need to and will immediately inform the Supervisor or Manager if there are any issues. Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………….. (Trainee) Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………… I confirm that I have trained the afore mentioned person and that they fully understand how to use the above equipment safely and know to inform me immediately of any issues or if they require further training. I authorise this person to use the equipment detailed above. Name: ………………………………………………………………………………… (Authorised Trainer) Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………
SSW PUMP 12 (V1) 14/09/23

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