Volant PERFORMANCE 15554-D-6-1 Cold Air Intake Instruction Manual
- June 13, 2024
Table of Contents
Volant PERFORMANCE 15554-D-6-1 Cold Air Intake
Be sure to review the enclosed instructions prior to beginning the
installation process. If you have any questions about the enclosed parts or
instructions, or if you encounter a problem during installation:
CALL TECHNICAL SUPPORT : 440.891.0999 or 800.486.0999
This warranty does not extend to damaged or defect in the finish of a product or to any product, that in the opinion of Volant Performance, has been misused, damaged by accident or negligence, altered, or modified in any way, faulty installation, or installed contrary to Volant installation instructions, or repaired by an unauthorized service facility
Full warranty available on Volant.com
NEVER work on a hot engine bay. Allow time for the vehicle to cool. Always
wear eye protection when working on a vehicle.
Color instructions are available at Volant.com. Search by
kit number
Please take time to read and understand these installation instructions.
Volant recommends that the installation of this system be performed by a
qualified service center or professional installer who has the necessary
equipment, tools, and experienced personnel. However, if you decide to perform
this installation yourself, the use of an additional person may be required.
WARNING: Never work on a hot engine bay. Allow time for the vehicle to
cool. Always wear eye protection when working on a vehicle.
Recommended Tools & Supplies
- 8mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench
- Extension for Ratchet (optional)
- 10mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench
- T15 Torx Driver
- 14mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench
- Phillips Screwdriver
Please confirm that all parts are present according to the bill of materials
before beginning the installation
Bill of Materials
1. Volant Air Intake Box (412247)| 2. Volant Air Intake Duct (441329)
3. DryTech 3D Filter (5160)| 4. MAX Flow 5 Oiled Filter (5119)
5. PowerCore Filter (61513)| 6. Volant Air Intake Box Lid (652240)
Hardware Kit: 15553H-1 (5.3L engine) or 15554H-1 (6.2L engine)
H1. Quick Connect Fitting (652188) Qty 2| H2. Thread to Barb Fitting (652189)
Qty 2
H3. MAF Sensor Screws (59051214) Qty 2| H4. Lid Washer (59025122) Qty 4
H5. Lid Screw (5900) Qty 4| H6. MAF Sensor Gasket (5619754) Qty 1
H7. Box Opening Seal (56010) Qty 22.5in| H8. Ø3.5in Hose (53107) Qty 2.5in
(5.3L only)
H9. Ø4in to Ø3.5in Reducer (53310) Qty 1 (6.2L only)| H10. Short Hose (53005)
Qty 12in
H11. Long Hose (53005) Qty 14in| H12. Hose Clamp #56 (52056) Qty 2 (5.3L) or 1
H13. Hose Clamp #64 (52064) Qty 1 (6.2L Only)| H13. Vinyl Pack for Lid
(652057) (Not Shown)
Bill of Materials
If something is missing, call Volant Tech Support at 440.891.099 or Toll Free: 1.800.486.0999
Before starting any work on the vehicle, locate the vehicle’s battery and
disconnect the negative battery terminal.
This should reset the stock mass air flow data and help prevent CEL errors
- Using a 14mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench, remove the 3 bolts circled in YELLOW and remove the Fender Support. Store them in a safe location. They will be reused in Installation Step 11.
- Using a 10mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench, remove the bolt circled in GREEN. Store it in a safe location. It will be reused in Installation Step 12. Next, rotate the smaller Fender Support toward the front of the vehicle and out of your way, as shown by the GREEN arrow.
- Using a T15 Torx Driver, remove the Factory MAF Screws. These will not be reused. Next, disconnect the Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor from the Wire Harness by pulling the red clip up and then squeeze the sides of the Wire Conncetor to release it. Carefully remove the MAF Sensor and store it in a safe location. It will be reused in Installation Step 9.
- Using an 8mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench, loosen the Hose Clamp connecting the Factory Air Duct to the Factory Air Box. This will not be reused.
- Using an 8mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench, loosen the Hose Clamp connecting the Factory Air Duct to the Throttle Body. This will not be reused
- Locate the Factory Quick Connections on the rear of the Factory Air Duct. Squeeze the Grey Tabs and pull the Connections off the Factory Duct and rotate the Stock Hoses out of the way.
- Pull the Factory Duct toward the front of the vehicle to disconnect it from the Throttle Body. Next, pull the Factory Duct toward the Driver’s side to disconnect it from the Factory Air Box. Then lift the Factory Air Duct out of the vehicle.
- After the Factory Air Duct is removed, go back to the Factory Hoses. Squeeze the Grey Tabs, pull up and remove the hoses. These will not be reused.
- Using an 8mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench, remove the 4 bolts holding the Factory Air Box Lid from the Base. These will not be reused.
- Lift the Factory Air Box Lid from the Factory Air Box Base. To remove the Base, lift the right side up to release it from the Grommets, and then pull the Base toward the engine to release the base from the Fender. This will not be reused.
- Using a 10mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench, remove the 4 bolts holding the Factory Air Box Tray from the Vehicle. Store them in a safe location. 3 of the 4 screws will be reused in Installation Step 3.
- Remove the Factory Air Box Tray from the Vehicle.
This concludes the removal of the factory intake
While it is removed, now is a convenient time to clean the MAF Sensor. There
are many resources online or at your local auto parts store about how and what
to use to properly clean a MAF Sensor. Ensure the MAF Sensor is dry before
reinstalling it into the Volant Air Intake.
Install Instructions
Locate the Volant Air Intake Box and the Box Opening Seal. Starting on the bottom of the opening, press the Seal around the opening.
Excess length of the Seal can be trimmed using a knife or snips. Take care when cutting the Seal as to not cut yourself or damage the Air Intake Box. -
After the Seal is installed, install the Air Intake Box into the vehicle. This is done by sliding the Side Inlet Duct through the opening in the Fender and the Lower Inlet Scoop through the opening above the fender.
There is a hard line that goes to the Radiator. Do not force the Air Intake Box past the hard line. When everything is aligned, the Volant Intake Box will slide into place with ease. -
Align the Mounting Slots in the bottom of the Air Intake Box to the Factory Mounts. Then, locate the bolts for the Factory Air Box Mounting Tray in Removal Step 11. Hand thread 3 of the Bolts into the Factory Mounts. Make sure the Air Intake Box is close as you can get it to the Fender.
Before tightening the mounting bolts, ensure the hose shown in the oval is not under the Air Intake Box. This will hold the Volant Air Intake Box up and not in place.
Once the hose is in the correct position, use a 10mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench to secure the Air Intake Box to the vehicle. -
Locate the Volant Air Intake Duct, the 2 Hose Clamps, the 2 Thread to Barb Fittings and either the Ø4in to Ø3.5in Reducer (6.2L) or Ø3.5in Hose (5.3L) (shown). Assemble the parts to the Air Intake Duct as shown. The Thread to Barb Fittings should be tightened until they are tight and flush to the mating surface on the Air Intake Duct. The hose clamps should be loose at this time.
Next, install the assembled Air Intake Duct into the vehicle. Begin by sliding the large end into the opening in the Air Intake Box. Next, rotate and move the Air Intake Duct until the Hose or Reducer are aligned with the Throttle Body. Then slide the Hose or Reducer on to the Throttle Body and arrange the Hose Clamps as shown. On the 6.2L, the larger clamp goes on to the Throttle Body. Once everything is properly aligned, use an 8mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench to secure the Hose Clamps.
Locate the 2 Hoses and 2 Quick Connect Fittings. Press the fittings into one end of the hoses, as shown.
Insert the Quick Connector of the Long Hose onto the Valve Cover Port on the Driver’s side and the Quick Connector of the Short Hose onto the Valve Cover Port on the Passenger’s side. Once those are connected, route the hoses to the fittings in the Air Intake Duct, as shown.
Locate the MAF Sensor Gasket and install it onto the MAF Senor removed in from Removal Step 3. Next, slide the MAF Sensor and Gasket into the opening in the back of the Air Intake Duct. The Flat Side goes up and the screws will only align one way. Then locate MAF Screws from the Hardware Kit and use a Phillips Screwdriver to secure the MAF Sensor to the Air Intake Duct. Once the MAF Sensor is secured, reconnect the Wire Harness and push the Red Locking tab down.
Next, locate the Filter (DryTech 3D shown). Insert the Filter into the Air Intake Box with the open side up. Turn the smaller end toward the fender, and then slide the open end onto the Air Intake Duct. Rotate the Filter or Clamp so the bolt on the Filter Clamp is accessible and use an 8mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench to secure the Filter Clamp.
Locate the Fender Brace and 3 Bolts from Removal Step 1. Using a 14mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench, reattach the 3 bolts and the Fender Support into the vehicle in the circled in YELLOW areas. Torque them to factory specs.
Locate the smaller Fender Brace Bolt from Removal Step 1. Then rotate the Fender Support Brace back into place and secure the bolt with a 10mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench, circled in GREEN.
Locate the included Vinyl Pack and Volant Intake Lid.
The vinyl pack allows customization of the lid with a choice of Clear, Red, White, or Blue for the Volant logo on the lid. -
Using a Phillips Head Screwdriver, install the Volant Intake Lid. Start by loosely installing the upper left screw (round hole) first. The other 3 screws are in a curved slot to help with alignment.
Use a 10mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench to reconnect and tighten the negative battery terminal
This concludes the installation of your Volant Air Intake
Check that this air intake complies with your Federal, State and Local laws.
We recommend saving your stock system
Before Road Testing
- Start engine, leaving the transmission in park and/or securing the parking brake.
- Make sure to look and listen for any unusual noises. Repair problems if needed.
- Once completed it will be necessary to check periodically, after a few heat cycles, for realignment and tightening of all connections
MAXFLOW 5 Care and Cleaning
The MAXFLOW 5 Filter needs to be periodically checked for dirt build-up. Volant recommends cleaning the MAXFLOW 5 Filter at least two times a year or if you experience a sudden decrease in mileage or engine performance. A two- stage filter recharger kit with cleaner and oil is required. The Volant Filter Cleaner/Degreaser and Oil is available at Volant.com.
Quick Cleaning:
- Remove the MAXFLOW 5 Filter from the Volant Air Intake. Next, gently tap the MAXFLOW 5 Filter on a hard surface to loosen any dirt build-up and then lightly brush off any loosened dirt.
- Using Volant Filter Oil (or similar), spray a thin coating to each pleat of the filter. Allow the oil to soak in for a minimum of 20 minutes. Some pleats may need touched-up with more oil, allow the Volant Filter Oil to soak for another 20 minutes before reinstalling the MAXFLOW 5 Filter into the Volant Air Intake.
Deep Cleaning:
- Remove the MAXFLOW 5 Filter from the Volant Air Intake. Next, gently tap the MAXFLOW 5 Filter on a hard surface to loosen any dirt build-up and then lightly brush off any loosened dirt.
- Spray the MAXFLOW 5 Filter with Volant Filter Cleaner/Degreaser (or similar) and allow it to soak in for about 10 minutes. Avoid petroleum-based cleaners because they may destroy the sealing edges.
- Rinse the MAXFLOW 5 Filter with water from the inside to outside to wash away the dirt. Never use high pressure nozzles or compressed air. This may tear and/or distort the filter media and require immediate replacement.
- Allow the MAXFLOW 5 Filter to completely dry. Never apply heat or compressed air to dry the filter. Never reinstall a wet or damp filter. The MAXFLOW 5 Filter must be completely dry before applying oil.
- Using Volant Filter Oil (or similar), spray a thin coating to each pleat of the filter. Allow the oil to soak in for a minimum of 20 minutes. Some pleats may need touched-up with more oil, allow the Volant Filter Oil to soak for another 20 minutes before reinstalling the MAXFLOW 5 Filter into the Volant Air Intake.
DryTech 3D Filter Care and Cleaning
Depending on driving and environmental conditions, the DryTech 3D Filter may require cleaning. It is recommended to clean the DryTech 3D Filter at least two times a year. Also, if you experience a sudden decrease in mileage or engine performance, the filter may need to be cleaned or possibly replaced.
Quick Cleaning:
- Remove the DryTech 3D Filter from the Volant Air Intake and gently tap it on a hard surface to remove any loose dirt.
- Vacuum the loosen debris from the DryTech 3D Filter.
- Reinstall the DryTech 3D Filter into the Volant Air Intake.
Deep Cleaning:
- Remove the DryTech 3D Filter from the Volant Air Intake and gently tap it on a hard surface to remove any loose dirt.
- Vacuum the loosen debris from the DryTech 3D Filter.
- Liberally spray the DryTech 3D Filter with Volant Filter Cleaner/Degreaser (or similar) and allow it to soak in for about 10 minutes. Avoid petroleum-based cleaners because they may destroy the sealing edges.
- Rinse the DryTech 3D Filter with water from the inside to out to wash away the dirt. Never use high pressure nozzles or compressed air! They will tear and distort the filter media, which will require immediate replacement.
- Allow the DryTech 3D Filter to completely air dry. Never apply heat or compressed air to dry the filter. Never reinstall a wet or damp filter
Oiling your DryTech 3D Filter will ruin it and require immediate replacement.
PowerCore Filter Care and Cleaning
One of the great benefits of the PowerCore Filter is that it doesn’t need to
be cleaned. Depending on driving and environmental conditions, the PowerCore
Filter will eventually become weighed down with dirt after approximately
100,000 miles or 4 years. To extend the life, periodically remove the
PowerCore Filter from the Volant Air Intake and gently tap on a hard surface
with the air inlet side down and outlet side (to the Air Duct) up. This will
shake loose the dirt trapped in the flow channels within the PowerCore Filter.
Then, simply reinstall the filter into the Volant Air Intake.
If you experience a sudden decrease in mileage or engine performance, the
filter will need to be replaced.
Washing or oiling a PowerCore Filter will ruin it. Both instances require
immediate replacement!
Reference for Replacement Filters
PowerCore® is a registered tradename of Donaldson Company Inc.
INS15553-1 140 Blaze Industrial Parkway, Berea, OH 44017 P: 440.891.0999 F: 440.891.1868 15 06/08/2023 techsupport@tmgperformance.com www.volant.com
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