GLOBESTOCK GSE414G SAVER Retractable Fall Arrester Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

GLOBESTOCK GSE414G SAVER Retractable Fall Arrester


The SAVER is an item of personal protective equipment (PPE). It is a retractable type fall arrester with an integrated emergency rescue mechanism. If a user falls, the SAVER will automatically stop the user’s descent in a short distance whilst  limiting the fall arrest force on the user’s body. The SAVER also incorporates a quick-acting retrieval mechanism for emergency evacuation. The SAVER can be used in conjunction with appropriate, certified anchorages and harnesses in confined space applications.
Each of the SAVER product models covered by this manual are specified in the table below.

Model| Conformity| Max. Working Load| Min. Working Load| Lifeline Length| Lifeline & Snap Hook Material
kg| lbs| kg| lbs| m| ft
GSE414G| FprEN


EN 1496:2006

Class B



CSA Z259.2.2- 17

AS-NZS 1891.3-2020

| 141| 310| 60| 132| 14| 46| Zinc Plated Steel





Stainless Steel

GSE414P| FprEN


EN 1496:2006

Class B

| 14| 46| Synthetic lifeline, zinc

plated steel snap hook

GSE430G| 30| 98| Zinc Plated Steel
GSE425SSK| 25| 82| Stainless Steel
GSE430P| 30| 98| Synthetic lifeline, zinc

plated steel snap hook

The table below identifies the main features of the SAVER which are referred to in this manual. It should be read in conjunction with Figures 1 & 2.


A| Anchorage connection point| B| Snap hook
C| ID label| D| Crank arm
E| Foldable handle| F| Retrieval mechanism locking trigger
G| Raise and lower label| H| Lifeline
I| Visual indicator that only 1 m (3.3 ft) of lifeline remains
A| Visual load indicator not deployed| B| Visual load indicator deployed


  • WARNING These instructions must be issued to users before use of the product and retained for reference. The user must read, understand, and follow all instructions, labels, markings, and warnings supplied with this product and any products intended for use in association with it.
  • WARNING Never alter or tamper with a SAVER. Only for the fall arrest or rescue of one person. Do not use to arrest falls due to the collapse of sliding masses (e.g. grain, sand, and liquids). This equipment must not be used outside its limitations, or for any purpose other than that for which it is intended.
  • WARNING Dangers may arise by the use of combinations of items of equipment in which the safe function of one item is affected by or interferes with the safe function of another.


  • It is the responsibility of the user of this product to familiarise themselves with the content of this user manual.
  • Users must be adequately trained by a competent person in the use, inspection, and maintenance of this product.

Rescue Plan

  • Users of the SAVER must have a documented rescue plan and the means to implement it. The plan must consider the equipment in use and any specialist training required to effect prompt rescue under all foreseeable conditions.
  • The rescue must only be performed by trained and competent personnel.
  • A clear line of communication between the rescuer and the casualty must be maintained throughout the rescue process.
  • When the SAVER is used as part of the rescue system, ensure there is adequate clearance to operate the crank arm; and fall protection for the rescuer operating the SAVER.

Physical Limitations

  • The SAVER is designed for one user whose weight (including clothing, tools and any other items) is less than the maximum working load specified in Section 1 of this manual.
  • The SAVER is designed for one user whose weight (including clothing, tools and any other items) is less than the maximum working load specified in Section 1 of this manual.
  • Users with muscular, skeletal, medical, or other physical conditions which may reduce their ability to withstand fall-arrest shock or prolonged suspension should consult a doctor before use.
  • Pregnant women and minors must never use a SAVER.

Environmental Hazards

  • Consideration must be given to any environmental hazards to prevent injury to the user or damage to the equipment.
  • Environmental hazards may include; chemicals, extreme temperatures, corrosive environments, gases, power lines and edges.
  • Contact Globestock if you have any questions about the use of this equipment in the presence of any other environmental hazards.


Definitions of the markings on the SAVER product labels are provided in the table below. It must be read in conjunction with Figure 3.GLOBESTOCK-

A. Important Information

i| Minimum capacity: 60 kg (132 lb).

Maximum capacity: 141 kg (310 lb).

| ii| Minimum fall clearance: 2.4 m (7 ft 9 in).
iii| | Standard| Maximum arrest force| Average arrest force
ANSI| 1,800 lbf (8 kN)| 1,350 lbf (6 kN)
CSA| 8 kN (1,800 lbf)| 6 kN (1,350 lbf)
EN360| 6 kN| –
iv| Anchorage must conform to either:

EN 795 or ANSI Z359 or CSA Z259 or be capable of supporting a static load of 23 kN in each direction permitted by the system.


EN 795 or be capable of supporting a static load of 12 kN in each direction permitted by the system.

B. Warnings
i| Overhead anchor points only.| ii| Always avoid slack line.
iii| Suitable for one person only.| iv| Always maintain tension on the lifeline. Never allow it to retract freely into the case.
v| Maximum temperature: 54°C (130°F). Minimum temperature: -40°C (-40°F).| vi| Do not use over edges or on abrasive surfaces.
vii| Do not tamper with device.| viii| Minimise pendulum effect.
C. Pre-Use Inspections
i| Read user manual.| ii| Visually inspect before each use.
iii| Check visual load indicator.| iv| Confirm fall arrest brake.
D. ID Label
i| Date of manufacture.| ii| Serial Number.
iii| Model.| iv| Working length of lifeline.
v| Lifeline diameter.| vi| Lifeline material.
  G = Galvanised Steel        S/S = Stainless Steel         P = Polymer (synthetic)
E. Manufacturer Information


Assessing the Working Environment

  • A formal risk assessment of the working environment and the application of the SAVER must be conducted by a competent person prior to installation and use.
  • The information in this manual is for guidance purposes only. This manual does not remove the requirement for a formal risk assessment by a competent person. The risk assessment must be constantly reviewed to account for any changes to the working environment or application.

WARNING Anchor the device to prevent swing falls and impact with objects in, or adjacent to the fall path. Anchor the device such that the line will not be exposed to edges or abrasive surfaces during a fall arrest.

The SAVER can be anchored to a suitable anchor point vertically overhead the user, or to a compatible anchorage. Any anchor device used must conform to all national standards and regulations applicable.
WARNING The SAVER can only be used on overhead anchorages or compatible anchor devices which conform to all applicable national standards and regulations.

  • The SAVER can be used in conjunction with anchorages which conform to any of the following standards; EN795 or ANSI/ASSP Z359 or CSA Z259

  • The SAVER can only be used with uncertified anchorages which are capable of supporting a static load in each direction permitted by the system, of at least 12 kN (EN 795) or 23 kN (5,000 lbf) (ANSI/ASSP Z359, CSA Z259).
    WARNING When more than one personal fall arrest system is attached to a single anchorage, the minimum anchorage strength must be multiplied by the number of personal fall arrest systems attached to it.

  • Use of the SAVER with anchorages that are not approved by Globestock Limited may adversely affect the functional compatibility between system parts and the safety and reliability of the complete system.

  • Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions supplied with the anchorage to determine suitability and compatibility.

  • Contact Globestock directly if you have any doubts regarding compatibility or suitability between systems.

Anchorage Connectors

  • Any anchorage connectors (e.g. karabiners) used to connect the SAVER to any anchorage must conform to all national standards and regulations applicable.
  • The SAVER can be used in conjunction with anchorage connectors which conform to any of the following standards; EN362 or ANSI/ASSP Z359 or CSA Z259
    WARNING Only anchorage connectors which conform to EN 362 or ANSI/ASSP Z359 or CSA Z259 can be used with this product.

Pre-Use Inspection

WARNING Inspect the SAVER before every use according to the criteria below. Remove the SAVER from service and quarantine immediately if it fails any of the pre-use inspections. Consult the manufacturer or a competent person if you have any doubts about any of the inspection criteria.

Visual Inspection

  1. Inspect and confirm that the visual load indicator has not been activated. Remove the SAVER from service immediately if the load indicator is deployed.
  2. Inspect and confirm the gate locking function of the snap hook.
  3. Inspect and confirm that all product labels are present and legible.
  4. Inspect the SAVER for structural damage and corrosion. Verify that the housing attachments are tight; that there are no missing or altered parts; that there are no cracks, deformations, or deep cuts in the housing or snap hook.
  5. Inspect and confirm formal inspection record.
  6. Inspect the ferrules and thimble at the snap hook and confirm there is no evidence of cracks, distortion, corrosion, or wear in the lifeline.
  7. Inspect the entire length of the lifeline and confirm there are no kinks, bends, bird caging, changes in diameter, corrosion, or broken wires.

WARNING Always maintain tension whilst extracting the lifeline on the lifeline whilst extracting. Do not let go of lifeline, allowing it to retract freely into the case.

Test Extraction / Retraction of Lifeline and Fall Arrest Brake

  1. Inspect and confirm lifeline extraction and retraction. Pull out the full length of lifeline and allow it to retract back into the case in a controlled manner. The lifeline should retract freely with no obstructions.
  2. Confirm the fall arrest brake engages by sharply pulling down on the snap hook. The brake should engage and remain engaged until the tension is released.

Test the Retrieval Mechanism

  1. Engage the retrieval mechanism by following the instructions set out in Section 6.3 of this manual.
  2. Rotate the crank arm clockwise and confirm the lifeline extracts out of the housing. Keep tension on the lifeline for proper extraction.
  3. Rotate the crank arm anticlockwise and confirm the lifeline retracts into the housing. Keep tension on the lifeline for proper extraction.
  4. Disengage the retrieval mechanism and return the SAVER to fall arrest mode by following the instructions in Section 6.1 of this manual.

WARNING The winch mechanism on the SAVER is for rescue purposes only. Do not use this product as a material hoist.

Instructions for Use

Activating Fall Arrest Mode

  • Models: GSE414G, GSE410SSK & GSE414P
1. Hold the snap hook to stop the lifeline retracting into the unit.
2. Pull out and hold the Retrieval Mechanism Locking Trigger.
3. Pull the Crank Arm away from the SAVER housing to disengage the retrieval mechanism.
4. Release the Retrieval Mechanism Locking Trigger.
5. Confirm the fall arrest brake engages by quickly pulling down on the snap hook.  

Models: GSE430G, GSE425SSK & GSE430P

6. Pull out and hold the Retrieval Mechanism Locking Trigger.
7. Push the Crank Arm towards the SAVER housing to engage fall arrest mode. The Crank Arm can be rotated slightly to assist engagement.
8. Release the Retrieval Mechanism Locking Trigger.
9. Confirm the fall arrest brake engages by quickly pulling down on the snap hook.

WARNING Do not allow the lifeline to freely retract into the unit while it is in fall arrest mode. Always leave the SAVER in fall arrest mode when it is not being used.

Attaching to the User

  • The SAVER can only be used in conjunction with a full-body harness which conforms to all national standards and regulations applicable.
  • The SAVER can only be used with full-body harnesses which conform to;
    1. EN 361; or
    2. ANSI/ASSP Z359.11; or
    3. CSA Z259.10
  • The SAVER must only be connected to the D-ring on the front or back of the full-body harness.
  • Connect the SAVER’s snap hook directly to the fall arrest attachment point of the full-body harness. Ensure the snap hook gate is closed and locked.

WARNING Do not rely on feel or sound to verify proper snaphook engagement. Always visually check for proper engagement.

Rescuing the User After a Fall
In the event of a fall, the user will remain suspended until raised or lowered to safety. The lowering function is only intended to a lower a person over a maximum distance of 2 metres. Follow the instructions below to rescue the user.
Models: GSE414G, GSE410SSK & GSE414P

  1. Pull out and hold the Retrieval Mechanism Locking Trigger.
  2. Push the Crank Arm towards the SAVER housing to engage the retrieval mechanism. The Crank Arm can be rotated slightly to assist engagement.
  3. Release the Retrieval Mechanism Locking Trigger.
  4. Rotate the Crank Arm 180° anti-clockwise to disengage the brake mechanism.
  5. Raise or lower the user by rotating the crank arm in the appropriate direction. The user will be held by an internal brake if the operator releases the crank arm during rescue.GLOBESTOCK-GSE414G-SAVER-Retractable-Fall-Arrester-1

Models: GSE430G, GSE425SSK & GSE430P

  1. Pull out the Retrieval Mechanism Locking Trigger.
  2. Rotate the Crank Arm 180° anti-clockwise to disengage the brake mechanism.
  3. Raise or lower the user by rotating the crank arm in the appropriate direction. The user will be held by an internal brake if the operator releases the crank arm during rescue.

WARNING Rescue must be conducted safely and promptly after a fall has occurred. Always maintain tension on the line during rescue. Proceed with extreme caution when disconnecting the user from the SAVER after comple-tion of the rescue.

Fall Clearance

  • Ensure sufficient clearance exists to prevent striking an obstacle or leading edge (e.g., crossbeams and girders) during a fall.
  • Attach the SAVER to an anchor point directly above the user to mitigate the risk of a swing fall.

Minimum Clearance
The minimum clearance (MC) is the minimum distance required below the feet of a user to prevent them colliding with the ground or other obstacles in the fall path (e.g. crossbeams, girders) in the event of a fall occurring. See diagram in Figure 4.GLOBESTOCK-GSE414G-SAVER-Retractable-Fall-
WARNING Ensuring sufficient minimum clearance is critical to safety of the user of this equipment. Minimum clearance must be calculated by a competent person.

  • Minimum clearance is calculated using the formula: Minimum Clearance (MC) =
    • Maximum Arrest Distance (HAD) +
    • Vertical Displacement due to Lateral Offset (VD) +
    • Deflection and/or Displacement of Anchor Device +
    • An additional 1 metre
  • Use the table and line graph in Figures 5 and 6 to determine minimum clearance.

Pendulum Effect

  • The pendulum effect (PE) is the distance a user will swing past the vertical due to the lateral offset (VD) of the user’s work position in the event of a fall occurring. See diagram in Figure 4.
  • Additional free space will be required to prevent the user colliding with the ground or other obstacles in the fall path, due to the pendulum effect (PE).
  • Use the table and line graph in Figures 5 and 6 to determine pendulum effect (PE).GLOBESTOCK-GSE414G-SAVER-Retractable-Fall-Arrester-7

WARNING Lateral offset (B) will result in pendulum swing past the vertical and risk impact due to swinging.
WARNING The greater the angle (θ) and lateral offset (B), the more free space is required to avoid the user colliding with the ground or other obstacles in the fall path, including the pendulum effect. Pendulum effect (PE) can be greater than the original lateral offset (B) due to the initial arrest distance (HAD).

Maintenance, Storage & Transportation

  • This equipment must be stored in a manner as to preclude damage from environmental factors such as heat, light, excessive moisture, oil, chemicals and their vapours, or other degrading elements.
  • Use a suitable bag or box to prevent damage when transporting the SAVER.
  • This product has been designed and manufactured to function for at least 10 years, providing that it is used in accordance with all instructions within this manual.
  • If this product is re-sold outside the original country of destination, the reseller shall provide instructions for use, maintenance, periodic examination and repair in the language of the country in which the product is to be used.
  • The exterior of the SAVER may be wiped clean using warm water and a mild detergent. Allow the SAVER to dry naturally thoroughly before use and keep away from direct heat.

WARNING Equipment which is in need of, or is scheduled for, maintenance must be tagged “UNUSA-BLE” and removed from service immediately.
WARNING Formal inspection and recertification must be conducted in accordance with the require-ments set out in Section 7 of this manual.

Formal Inspection & Recertification

  • The SAVER must be formally inspected and recertified by a Globestock-approved service agent at least every 12 months.
  • If the SAVER has arrested a fall, it must be removed from service, marked or tagged “UNUSABLE” and returned to a Globestock approved service agent for formal inspection and recertification.
  • If the SAVER is in need of, or is scheduled for, formal inspection, it must be removed from service, marked or tagged “UNUSABLE” and returned to a Globestock-approved service agent for formal inspection and recertification.

The SAVER may require formal inspection and recertification more frequently when used in harsh environments. The information in the table below can be used as a guide to determine the required frequency of formal inspection.

Type of Use| Application Examples| Conditions of Use| Formal Inspection Frequency
Infrequent to Light| Rescue, factory maintenance| Good storage conditions, indoor or infrequent outdoor use, ambient temperature, clean environments| Annually
Moderate to Heavy| Transportation, residential construction, utilities, warehouse| Fair storage conditions, indoor and extended outdoor use, all temperatures, clean or dusty environments| Semi-annually to annually
Severe to Continuous| Rental, oil and gas, mining| Harsh storage conditions, prolonged or continuous outdoor use, all temperatures, dirty environment| Quarterly to semi-annually

WARNING Only Globestock approved service agents can formally inspect and recertify this product.
WARNING This product must undergo formal inspection and recertification whenever it arrests a fall, regardless of when it was last formally inspected and recertified.
WARNING The safety of users depends upon the continued efficiency and durability of the equipment. It is critical that all instructions in Section 7 are strictly adhered to.

A record of formal inspections should be maintained. The record should include, at a minimum, the identity of the SAVER, inspection date, name of competent person conducting the inspection and the results of that inspection. A sample inspection record can be found in section 7.1. The formal inspection and recertification of the SAVER does not replace or supersede any relevant legislative or regulatory requirements that may be in place for this type of equipment in the jurisdiction it is being used. Visit to find your nearest Globestock-approved service agent.

Sample Inspection Record| Product Code:|  |
Serial Number:|  |
Date of Manufacture:|  |
Date of Purchase:|  |
Date First Put Into Use:|  |
Date of Inspection| Name of Service Agent| Name of Inspector| Signature of Competant Person| Result of Inspection| Inspection Comments| Next Due Date for Examination
 |  |  |  | Pass| Fail|  |
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 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

Notified / Approved Bodies

EC Type Examination Certification:
SATRA Technology Europe Ltd, Bracetown Business Park
Co. Meath
D15 YN2P
Notified Body Number 2777

UKCA Type Examination Certification:
SATRA Technology Centre Wyndham Way
Telford Way
NN16 8SD
United Kingdom
Approval Body Number 0321

Ongoing Conformity (Module D) (UKCA) Personal Protective Equipment:
SGS United Kingdom Limited Rossmore Business Park,
Inward Way,
Ellesmere Port,
CH65 3EN
Approved Body Number 0120

Ongoing Conformity (Module D) (CE) Personal Protective Equipment:
SGS Fimko Ltd.
Takomotie 8,00380 Helsinki, Finland Notified Body Number 0598

Declarations Of Conformity available at

Part# 100-014-10
Globestock Ltd. reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice. All information herein is copyright protected by Globestock Ltd. 2023
+44 (0) 1691 654 966
Mile Oak Industrial Estate, Maesbury Road,
Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 8GA, UK


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