STRYTEN ENERGY E-Series AGM Batteries Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

**STRYTEN ENERGY E-Series AGM Batteries Instruction Manual



In normal use, the battery will not generate or release acid mist, and will not leak electrolyte. However, there is the possibility that under abnormal operating conditions, acid mist and leaking electrolyte could occur. Thus Stryten Energy recommends that Section 2 of these instructions entitled “SAFETY PRECAUTIONS” be reviewed thoroughly and strictly followed when working with batteries.

The safety alert symbol at left appears throughout this manual. Where the symbol appears, obey the safety message to avoidpersonal injury.



Before proceeding with the unpacking, handling, installation and operation of this sealed lead-acid storage battery, the following general information should be reviewed together with the recommended safety precautions.



Warning: Risk of fire, explosion, or burns. Do not disassemble, heat above 50 degrees Celsius or incinerate.” Batteries contain dilute (1.320 nominal specific gravity) sulfuric acid electrolyte which can cause burns and other serious injury. In the event of contact with electrolyte, flush immediately and thoroughly with water. Secure medical attention immediately.

When working with batteries, wear rubber apron and rubber gloves. Wear safety goggles or other eye protection. These will help to prevent injury if contact is made with the acid.



Batteries could generate explosive gases, which when released, can explode and cause blindness and other serious injury. If the safety vent opens while the explosive gases are being generated (e.g., in the event of a charger malfunction), these explosive gases will be released.

Keep sparks, flame and smoking materials away from the battery area and explosive gases



All installation tools should be adequately covered with vinyl electrical tape or suitable non-conducting material to minimize the possibility of shorting across connections.

Never lay tools or other metallic objects on the batteries as shorting, explosions and personal injury may result. Multi-cell systems attain high voltages; therefore, extreme caution must be exercised during installation of a battery system to prevent serious electrical burns or shock.

Loose or dirty connectors/connections can cause battery fires. Keep all connectors/ connections clean and torquesat proper values. Keep outside of batteries clean and dry.Neutralize any acid corrosion with a cloth moistened witha solution of 1 lb. of baking soda to 1 gallon of water, thenwipe off all traces of soda.

Do not move or shift racks/cabinets once installed without first disconnecting load to rack/cabinet and all inter-rack/ cabinet connections. Consult wiring diagrams for location of these connections.

Do not lift cells by terminal posts. Do not tamper with post seals, protective covers, pressure relief vents or other battery components.

Disconnect the AC and DC circuits before working on batteries or charging equipment.

Assure that personnel understand the risk of working with batteries, and are prepared and equipped to take the necessary safety precautions. These installation and operating instructions should be understood and followed. Assure that you have the necessary equipment for the work, including insulated tools, rubber gloves, rubber aprons, safety goggles and face protection.

If the foregoing precautions are not fully understood, clarification should be obtained from your nearest Stryten Energy representative. Local conditions may introduce situations not covered by Stryten Energy Safety Precautions. If so, contact the nearest Stryten Energy representative for guidance with your particular safety problem; also refer to applicable federal, state and local regulations as well as industry standards.


The symbol on the left indicates an important message. If not followed, damage to and/ or impaired performance of the battery may result


Immediately upon delivery, examine for possible damage caused in transit. Damaged packing material could indicate rough handling. Make a descriptive notation on the delivery receipt before signing. If cell or unit damage is found, request an inspection by the carrier and file a damage claim immediately. Any battery with post or seal damage should be replaced.

Within 15 days of receipt, examine all batteries for concealed damage. If damage is noted, immediately request an inspection by the carrier and file a concealed damage claim. Any delay in notifying carrier may result in loss of right to reimbursement for damages.



If the battery is not to be installed at the time of receipt, it is recommended that it be stored indoors in a cool [25°C (77°F)], clean, dry location. Do not stack pallets or possible battery damage may occur.

The storage interval between the date of shipment and the date of initial charge should not exceed six (6) months. The battery should be given a freshening charge (refer to Section 8 – Initial Charge) before the end of the above stated storage interval. Storage at elevated temperatures will result in accelerated rates of self discharge. A general rule of thumb is that for every 10°C (18°F) increase above 25°C (77°F) the time interval for freshening charge should be halved. For example, if a battery was stored at 35°C (95°F) the freshening charge time interval would be 3 months. If the battery was stored at 30°C (86°F) the freshening charge time interval would be 4.5 months. Storage beyond these periods without proper charge can result in excessive sulfation of plates which is detrimental to battery performance and life.


Prior to starting the installation of the AGM325/370/539 battery system, a review of this section is strongly recommended.

It is recommended that the battery be installed in a clean, cool, dry location. Floors should be reasonably level and able to support the battery weight. A location having an ambient temperature of 25°C (77°F) will result in optimum battery life and performance. Temperatures below 18°C (65°F) reduce battery capacity. Temperatures above 27°C (80°F) will result in a reduction of battery life. Continuous operation above 50°C (122°F) is not recommended.

A designated aisle space should be provided to permit initial installation and future service or surveillance of the batteries.


The AGM325/370/539 battery is a valve regulated battery which recombines more than 99% of generated gases. As a result, a small amount of hydrogen and oxygen can be vented to the atmosphere. Therefore, the battery should NEVER BE INSTALLED IN AN AIRTIGHT ENCLOSURE. Sufficient precautions must be taken to prevent excessive overcharge. Normal ventilation sufficient for human occupation will be adequate to avoid hazardous conditions. AGM325/370/539 batteries can be installed in close proximity to electronic equipment only when the heat generated by this equipment is removed by ventilation.

Sources of heat or cooling directed on portions of the battery can cause temperature variations within the strings resulting in cell voltage differences and eventual compromise of battery performance. Heat sources, such as heaters, sunlight or associated equipment, can cause such temperature variations. Similarly, air conditioning or outside air vents should not directly influence portions of battery string temperatures. Every effort should be made to keep temperature variations within 3°C (5°F).

The area where the battery system is to be installed should have the capability to support the weight of the battery as well as any auxiliary equipment. The total battery weight will depend on the battery size, number of batteries, as well as the configuration involved. Prior to installation, a determination should be made that the floor integrity is adequate to accommodate the battery system.

Where seismic conditions are anticipated, floor anchoring should be provided. Such anchoring is the responsibility of the use.

The voltage of each unit should be checked to insure the average cell voltage is at least 2.1 volts. If any unit has an average cell voltage lower than 2.1 volts, contact your local Stryten Energy representative for instructions.

Example: A 6 cell (12 V nominal) battery should have an open circuit voltage of at least 2.1 x 6 = 12.6 VDC.

A 3 cell (6 V nominal) battery should have an open circuit voltage of at least 2.1 x 3 = 6.3 VDC.


When installing units on a rack, start on the lower tier for stability and safety reasons. Place units on the rack so that the positive (+) of one unit is connected to the negative (-) of the next unit. Standard spacing is 12mm (1/2 inch) minimum between units.

Determine the number of units to be placed on each row. If a row of units does not fill the entire rack length, fill the remaining space with foam cell spacers in seismic installations.



Battery performance is based on the output at the battery terminals. Therefore, the shortest electrical connections between the battery system and the operating equipment should be used for maximum total system performance. A terminal plate kit should be utilized when connecting multiple cables to a battery terminal post.

DO NOT SELECT CABLE SIZE BASED ON CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY ONLY. Cable size selection should provide the lowest voltage drop possible between the battery system and operating equipment. Excessive voltage drop will reduce the desired support time of the battery system.


Where it is necessary to connect battery systems in parallel to obtain sufficient capacity, cable connections from the bus/load to each of the parallel strings is preferred rather than inter-string paralleling. The maximum number of parallel strings recommended by Stryten Energy in high rate applications is 4. High Rate applications are defined as those with loads that would discharge the battery in 60 minutes or less.

Cables should be sized to minimize voltage drop, and for proper current carrying capability. They should be as short as possible. Care should be taken to ensure the overall resistance of the connection between batteries and equipment bus are consistent between strings.

Gently clean contact surfaces only by using a brass suede brush or 3M Scotch Brite scouring pad, being careful not to remove lead plating from inter-unit connectors. Immediately after contact areas are cleaned, apply a thin coating of NOOX-ID grease to these surfaces only.

After cleaning contact surfaces, install all connectors hand tight to allow for final alignment of units. Once final alignment is made, all connections should be torqued to the value shown on the battery label.

Complete connection of units by installing the inter-tier cables and terminal plates (when required).


Battery terminal and intercell connections should be corrosion free and tight for trouble-free operation. Periodically these connections should be inspected to ensure cleanliness and integrity.


If corrosion is present, disconnect the connector from the terminal. Gently clean the affected area using a brass suede brush or 3M Scotch Brite scouring pad, being careful not to remove lead plating from interunit connectors. Apply a thin coat of NO-OX-ID grease to the cleaned contact surfaces. Reinstall connectors and retorque connections.

It is recommended that all terminals and intercell connections should be retorqued at least once every year, per specifications shown on battery label.

Maintaining electrical integrity of connectors is important, since poor connections will result in reduced battery output and, in extreme cases, may add to heating and could result in melted battery posts, circuit interruptions, or battery fires.


Visually check to see that all units are connected positive (+) to negative (-) throughout the battery string.

Measure the total open circuit voltage from positive string termination to negative string termination. The open circuit battery system voltage should be approximately 2.13 volts per cell multiplied by the number of cells per unit, multiplied by the number of units in series. If the total is less than this value by more than 10-12 volts, the possibility exists that one or more units may be incorrectly connected and all connections should be rechecked.

Example: A 24 cell (48 V nominal) battery system should have an open circuit voltage of 2.13 x 24 = 51.12 VDC.

A 12 cell (24 V nominal) battery system should have an open circuit voltage of 2.13 x 12 = 25.56 VDC.

Calculations for other configurations such as 60 cell, 180 cell, 240 cell, etc. follow the same procedure.

The positive (+) terminal of the battery should be connected to the positive (+) terminal of the charger and the negative (-) terminal of the battery to the negative (-) terminal of the charger. A terminal plate kit should be utilized when connecting multiple cables to a battery terminal post.

Electrical integrity of connections can be objectively established by measuring the resistance of each connection.

These resistances are typically in the microhm range. Meters are available which determine connection resistance in microhms. Be sure that the probes are touching only the posts to insure that the contact resistance of connector to post is included in the reading.

Resistance measurements or microhm measurements should be taken at the time of installation and annually thereafter. Initial measurements at installation become the bench mark values and should be recorded for future monitoring of electrical integrity.

It is important that the bench mark value for all similar connections be no greater than 10% or 5 microhms, whichever value is greater over the average. If any connection resistance exceeds the average by more than 10% or 5 microhms, whichever is greater, the connection should be remade so that an acceptable bench mark value is established.

Bench mark values for connection resistances should also be established for terminal plates, where used, as well as cable connections. Bench mark values should preferably be established upon installation.

All bench mark values should be recorded. Annually, all connection resistances should be remeasured. Any connection which has a resistance value 20% above its bench mark value should be corrected.


A set of pressure sensitive battery numerals and system polarity labels are supplied and should be applied at this time.

Battery numerals should be applied to a visible location on  the battery. Designate the positive terminal battery as unit#1 with succeeding units in series in ascending order.

The system polarity labels should be applied next to the positive and negative terminals of the battery string.



Batteries lose some charge during shipment as well as during the period prior to installation. A battery should be given its initial charge at installation.

Constant voltage is the only charging method allowed. Mostmodern chargers are of the constant voltage type.

Determine the maximum voltage that may be applied to the system equipment. This voltage, divided by the number of cells connected in series, will establish the maximum volts per cell (VPC) that may be used.

Please reference Table A to determine the recommended charging parameters that the batteries should undergo upon installation prior to commissioning testing. Either Profile A or Profile B may be implemented. Do not exceed the maximum current(s) shown in Section 9.3.

NOTE: Time periods listed in Table A are for temperatures from 21°C (70°F) to 32°C (90°F); for temperatures 13°C (55°F) to 20.5°C (69°F), double the number of hours. For temperatures other than 25°C (77°F) the following formula can be used to determine the recommended charge voltage per cell (VPC):

V corrected = V25°C – [(T actual – 25°C) x (.0055 V/°C)] or
V corrected = V77°F – [(T actual – 77°F) x (.003 V/°F)]

Example at 29.4°C (85°F), OCV of 12.70 V, and 24 hr. charge target:

V corrected = 2.35-0.024
= 2.326 VPC

12V Nominal Monobloc

OCV| Profile A| Profile B

12.80 V| N/A| 12 hrs at float voltage
12.60 V – 12.80 V| 24 hrs at 14.10 V or 12 hrs. at 14.40 V| 72 hrs at float voltage
12.30 V – 12.60 V| 24 hrs at 14.40 V| 168 hrs at float voltage
12.10 V – 12.30 V| 72 Hrs at 14.40 V| N/A
6V Nominal Monobloc
OCV| Profile A| Profile B
6.4 V| N/A| 12 hrs at float voltage
6.30 V – 6.40 V| 24 hrs at 7.05 V or 12 hrs. at 7.20 V| 72 hrs at float voltage
6.10 V – 6.30 V| 24 hrs at 7.20 V| 168 hrs at float voltage
6.03 V – 6.10 V| 72 Hrs at 7.20 V| N/A



In this type of operation, the battery is connected in parallel with a constant voltage charger and the critical load circuits. The charger should be capable of maintaining the required constant voltage at the battery terminals and also supply the normal load where applicable. This sustains the battery in a fully charged condition and also makes it available to assume the emergency power requirements in the event of an AC power interruption or charger failure.


Following is the float voltage range recommended for the AGM325/370/539 Battery System. Select the “volts per cell” (VPC) value within the range listed that will result in the battery series string having an average volts per cell equal to that value.

2.25 VPC to 2.30 VPC for AGM325 and AGM370
2.25 VPC to 2.35 VPC for AGM539

For temperatures other than 77°F (25°C), the following formula can be used to determine the recommended float charge voltage per cell:

V corrected = V25°C – [(T actual – 25°C) x (.0055 V/°C)] or
V corrected = V77°F – [(T actual – 77°F) x (.003 V/°F)]

Minimum float voltage (temperature corrected) is 2.21 VPC.
Temperature correction does not apply below this value.

Maximum float voltage (temperature corrected) is 2.40 VPC.
Temperature correction does not apply above this value.

Example: At 18.3°C (65°F) V corrected = 2.27 – (18.3-25) (.0055)
= 2.27 + .037
= 2.307 VPC

Modern constant voltage output charging equipment is recommended for the float charge method of operation for the batteries. This type of charger, properly adjusted to the recommended float voltages and following recommended surveillance procedures, will assist in obtaining consistent serviceability and optimum life.

After the battery has been given its initial charge (refer to Section 8), the charger should be adjusted to provide the recommended float voltages at the BATTERY TERMINALS.

Do not use float voltages higher or lower than those recommended. Reduced capacity or loss of battery life will result.

Panel and portable voltmeters used to indicate battery float voltages should be accurate at the operating voltage value. The same holds true for portable meters used to measure individual cell/battery voltages. These meters should be checked against a standard every six months and calibrated when necessary.

All batteries should be recharged as soon as possible following a discharge with constant voltage chargers. However, to recharge in the shortest period of time, raise the charger output voltage to the highest value that the connected system will permit. Do not exceed 2.40 VPC. The maximum recommended charge current for the battery is shown in the table at right.

Maximum Charging Current Table

S12V170/M12V40| 14A
S12V285/S12V300/M12V70| 25A
S12V370FL| 29A
S12V370NG/M12V90/M12V90FT| 32A
M12V105FT| 37A
S12V539FL| 47A
S12V550NG| 48A
M12V155FT/M12V155FTX| 54A
M12V180FT/M12V180FTX| 63A
S6V740NG/M6V190| 67A

If the normal connected load is constant (no emergency load connected), the following method can be used to determine the approximate state of charge of the battery. This state of charge can be identified to some degree by the amount of charging current going to the battery. When charging, the current read at the charger ammeter will be a combination of the load current plus the current necessary to charge thebattery. A condition where the current remains constant for a period of three consecutive hours would reflect pproximately 90 to 95% state of charge.

If the normal connected load is variable (e.g., telecommunications), the following method can be used to check the state of charge of the battery. With the battery on float and stabilized, measure the voltage across a pilot unit. If the voltage is stable for three consecutive hours, the battery is considered 100% charged.

Temperature has a direct effect on the life of a battery. The design life of the battery is based on an average annual temperature of 25°C (77°F). As the temperature increases above 25°C (77°F), the life of the battery decreases. The chart at right shows the effects of temperatur

Maximum Annual Average Battery Temperature| Maximum Battery Temperature| Percent Reduction in Battery Life
25°C (77°F)| 50°C (122°F)| 0%
30°C (86°F)| 50°C (122°F)| 30%
35°C (95°F)| 50°C (122°F)| 50%
40°C (104°F)| 50°C (122°F)| 66%
45°C (113°F)| 50°C (122°F)| 75%
50°C (122°F)| 50°C (122°F)| 83%

For example: If a battery has a design life of 10 years at 25°C (77°F), but the actual annual average battery temperature is35°C (95°F), the projected life of the battery is calculated to be only 5 years [10 years – (10 years X 0.50) = 5 years].

Temperature records shall be maintained by the user in accordance with the maintenance schedule published in this manual. The battery temperature shall not be allowed to exceed the maximum temperature shown above. It is important to maintain the battery temperature as close to 25°C (77°F) to achieve the optimum service life from your  battery.

Float voltage also has a direct effect on the service life of your battery. A float voltage above the recommended limits  reduces service life. The chart below shows the effects of float voltage (temperature corrected, see section 9.1) on battery life.

Temperature corrected 25ºC (77ºF) Float voltage per cell| Percent Reduction in Battery Life
Minimum| Maximum
2.25| 2.30| 0%
2.31| 2.35| 50%
2.36| 2.40| 75%

For example: A battery has a design life of 10 years, but the actual annual average float voltage is 2.33 volts per cell. The projected life of the battery is calculated to be 5 years [10 years – (10 X 0.50) = 5 years].

Voltage records shall be maintained by the user in accordance with the maintenance schedule published in this manual. To obtain the optimum service life from the battery, it is important to make sure the battery’s float voltage is within the recommended range.

Impedance, resistance and conductance testing is collectivelyknown in the industry as ohmic measurements. Each measurement is derived using a manufacturer-specific and proprietary algorithm and/or frequency. This means that one type of measurement cannot be converted or related easily to another.

“Reference” ohmic values are of dubious value because so many factors can affect the way the readings are made and displayed by the devices. Connector configuration and AC ripple as well as differences between readings of temperature and probe placement will prevent the ohmic devices from generating consistent and meaningful data. It is best for users to establish their own baseline values for their battery as specifically configured. Do not rely on reference values.

If users wish to enhance normal maintenance and recordkeeping with ohmic measurements, Stryten Energy   recommends the trending of this data over time. Use a first set of readings taken 6 months after initial charge and installation as the baseline data. Subsequent measurements should be taken using the same device over the life of   the battery. Because cell positioning within the string (connector configuration to a particular cell) can affectthe reading, always compare each cell at baseline to itself in the new data. Stand-alone ohmic data is not sufficient to justify warranty cell replacement. Responsible ohmic device manufacturers acknowledge that there is no direct relationship between percent ohmic change from baseline and battery capacity. A change from baseline of 25% or less is in the normal noise or variability range. Changes between 25% and 50% may call for additional scrutiny of the system. And an IEEE compliant discharge test is usually warranted on systems exhibiting more than a 50% change from baseline. Consult a Stryten Energy representative for specific questions about ohmic data.


Under normal operating conditions an equalizing charge is not required. An equalizing charge is a special charge given to a battery when non-uniformity in voltage has developed between units. It is given to restore all units to a fully charged condition. Use a charging voltage higher than the normal float voltage and for a specified number of hours, as determined by the voltage used.

The recharge parameters of Section 9.3 apply for this section also Non- uniformity of units may result from low float voltage due to improper adjustment of the charger or a panel voltmeter which reads an incorrect (higher) output voltage. Also, variations in unit temperatures greater than 3°C (5°F) in the series string at a given time, due to environmental conditions or battery arrangement, can cause low voltage batteries.

An equalize charge should be given when either of the following conditions exist.

A. The float voltage of the pilot unit (or any unit for quarterly readings ) is less than 2.21 VPC.

B. A recharge of the battery is required in a minimum time following an emergency discharge.


A pilot unit is selected in the series string to reflect the general condition of all units in the battery. The pilot unit should be the battery with the lowest voltage in the string following the initial charge. By measuring the pilot unit voltage, it serves as an indicator of battery condition between scheduled overall individual unit readings. A complete recorded history of the battery operation is most desirable and helpful in obtaining satisfactory performance. Good records will also show when corrective action may be required to eliminate possible charging, maintenance or

environmental problems.
The following data should be read and permanently recorded for review by supervisory personnel:
A. Upon completion of the initial charge and with the battery on float charge at the proper voltage for one week, read and record the following:

  1. Individual battery voltages
  2. Battery string terminal voltages
  3. Ambient temperature

B. Every 12 months, a complete set of readings as specified in
Paragraph A above must be done and it is recommended that all individual connections be retorqued.
C. Whenever the battery is given an equalizing charge, an additional set of readings should be taken and recorded as specified in Paragraph A above.

The suggested frequency of record taking is the absolute minimum to protect warranty. For system protection and to suit local conditions or requirements, more frequent readings (quarterly) are desirable.

Minimum Maintenance Schedule

Item| Action| Interval| Refer to Section
Installation| Initial Charge| Upon Installation| 8.0
String Voltage| Measure/Record| Every 3 Months| 9.1
Individual Voltages| Measure/Record| Every 12 Months| 9.1
Pilot Unit Voltage| Measure/Record| Every 3 Months| 11.0
Ambient Temperature| Measure/Record| Every 3 Months| 9.5
Inter-Unit Connections| Inspect/Retorque (Clean as Needed)| Every 12 Months| 7.4


Tap connections should not be used on a battery. This can reduce battery life.


An installed battery that is expected to stand idle for over 6 months should be treated as follows:

A. Give the battery an equalizing charge. Following the equalizing charge, open the connections at the battery terminals to remove charger and load from the battery.
B. Every six months, temporarily connect battery to charger and give an equalizing charge.
C. To return the battery to normal service, retorque all connections per Section 7.3 and then re-connect the battery to the charger and return the battery to float operation.
D. If the battery is standing at an elevated temperature, corrections to the time period to equalize charge should be corrected per Section 4.1.


Periodically clean unit covers to remove accumulated dust. If any unit or parts appear to be damp with electrolyte or show signs of corrosion, clean with a solution of baking soda and water or isopropyl alcohol, and re-examine within 30 days to determine if the condition re-occurs. If so, contact your local Stryten Energy representative.

Do not clean plastic parts with any solvents,detergents, mineral spirits, or spray-type cleaners other than those mentioned here as these can cause crazing or cracking of the plastic materials.


Date: ———————————
Company: ——————————
Address: ——————————
Battery location and/or number: ——————-
No. of Units: ——————–
Type: —————————
Battery: ————————–
Date New: ————————
Date Installed: ———————
Serial Number: ——————–


Charger Output: ———————-
Total Battery Voltage: —————-
Ambient Air Temperature: —————–
Panel Meter Volts: ———————–
Battery: ———————

Unit No.| Volts| Unit No.| Volts| Unit No.| Volts| Unit No.| Volts| Unit No.| Volts| Unit No.| Volts
1| | 33| | 65| | 97| | 129| | 161|
2| | 34| | 66| | 98| | 130| | 162|
3| | 35| | 67| | 99| | 131| | 163|
4| | 36| | 68| | 100| | 132| | 164|
5| | 37| | 69| | 101| | 133| | 165|
6| | 38| | 70| | 102| | 134| | 166|
7| | 39| | 71| | 103| | 135| | 167|
8| | 40| | 72| | 104| | 136| | 168|
9| | 41| | 73| | 105| | 137| | 169|
10| | 42| | 74| | 106| | 138| | 170|
11| | 43| | 75| | 107| | 139| | 171|
12| | 44| | 76| | 108| | 140| | 172|
13| | 45| | 77| | 109| | 141| | 173|
14| | 46| | 78| | 110| | 142| | 174|
15| | 47| | 79| | 111| | 143| | 175|
16| | 48| | 80| | 112| | 144| | 176|
17| | 49| | 81| | 113| | 145| | 177|
18| | 50| | 82| | 114| | 146| | 178|
19| | 51| | 83| | 115| | 147| | 179|
20| | 52| | 84| | 116| | 148| | 180|
21| | 53| | 85| | 117| | 149| | 181|
22| | 54| | 86| | 118| | 150| | 182|
23| | 55| | 87| | 119| | 151| | 183|
24| | 56| | 88| | 120| | 152| | 184|
25| | 57| | 89| | 121| | 153| | 185|
26| | 58| | 90| | 122| | 154| | 186|
27| | 59| | 91| | 123| | 155| | 187|
28| | 60| | 92| | 124| | 156| | 188|
29| | 61| | 93| | 125| | 157| | 189|
30| | 62| | 94| | 126| | 158| | 190|
31| | 63| | 95| | 127| | 159| | 191|
32| | 64| | 96| | 128| | 160| | 192|

Date| Pilot Unit Volts| Batt. Term. Volts| Air Temp
1| | |
2| | |
3| | |
4| | |
5| | |
6| | |
7| | |
8| | |
9| | |
10| | |
11| | |
12| | |

Remarks and Recommendation: ———————————————————————–

READINGS TAKEN BY: ———————————————————————————–

The Energy to Challenge

Stryten Energy helps solve the world’s most pressing energy challenges with a broad range of energy storage solutions and components across the Essential Power, Motive Power, Transportation, Military and Government sectors. Headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia, we partner with some of the world’s most recognized companies to meet the growing demand for reliable and sustainable energy storage capacity. Stryten powers everything from submarines to subcompacts, microgrids, warehouses, distribution centers, cars, trains and trucks. Our stored energy technologies include advanced lead, lithium and vanadium redox flow batteries, intelligent chargers and energy performance management software that keep people on the move and supply chains running.

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