Triple J Online Smart Plug Suitable for Google Home User Manual

June 11, 2024
Triple J Online

Smart Plug Suitable for Google Home

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User Manual
smart plug
Warm Tips:

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‘,SJU wil P-Cè<F-atscrVi!!l aregs,aoc,n code. lt youchooseemail. ycu – then crs-.e 2 passworli
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Code needed il email method

Please note: there’re two modes configurations IOuick Mode / AP Model available tor you to choose betore adding the device to app. Ouick Mode is recommended.
Quick Mode Configuration (Common) l. Make sure quick mode co nfiguration is initiated: the Indicator
light b1inks b1ue rapidly ltwice per secondl lf ~ bllnks blue slowly [once ewsy 3 seoondsLpress and hold the power button on the Smart Plug tor 6 seconds until the indicator light blinks rapidly. 2. Tap the Icon·+· on the top right corner of ·smart Lite·.
– -. -.-g:;- “I choose your device type and enter into · Add Device·.

3. Follo w the in· app instruaions to connea the Smart Plug to your W~Fl network.
l;J ~
4. Once conneaed. the App will p ro mpt the connection. and cl ick “Done·.
5. Now you can contro l the Smart Plug thro ugh Smart Life APP 6. Once the configuration Is completed successtuny, the
indicator light will turn to solid blue and the device will be added to the “Device l ist” · ·

AP Mode Configuration
l Ma”2 sure Af’ mode configu@tion is initia!ed: the indicator right blink5 bil.Ie slowly lonce fNe’Y 3 sa:ondsl tt ~ bfo, Jcs blue rapio]y ftwice per second]. P12SS and hold the pawar button on the Smart Plug tor 6 second5 until the indicaror fight blinJcs slowly ·
2. Tap thei:on”+”atthetoprighîcome-of”Smart 1ife’taband ttei select the d.”..Vice tv;>e (Electr1cal OU”Jet ]. enter 1nto me “”-dd Device” page. dict “Af’ Mode· at tJr., toe right corner ot “Add Device· tab to add devke.
8 ·05 ·

3. Follow the in-app instructions to connect the Smart Plug to your

ii ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ – – I! – – — 8 .ti. – _..
4. Ona: conneaed.the App wf P-“.l!Tlp ti’lE connection. and d ick

5. Now vou can comrol til!: Smërt ttiro.igh Smart Life APP.

6. 0na: the configura-.ion !!, completed S’TLeSSfuliy. the indicator

hght will turn to solid bl·JE and trie re,ia: wi:. be added to me

·Dev1ce lisr”.

– 06-

Please note: you can add the Smart Plug to Echo/ Google Home following this instructions below. Or the one on the app [Open Smart Life App. go to “Profile”-> “lntegration”, tap “Amazon echo ·or “Google Home· and install].

How to connect Smart Plug to Amazon Alexa

1. Launch Smart Life App, sign in your account and make sure Smart

Plug is in device list

2. Modily device name so that Alexa can easily recognize, such

as: Living Room Light, Bedroom Light, etc.

3. Minimize Smart Life App , then Launch the Alexa App and sign

in your AJexa account and make sure you have at least one Alexa

voice-controlled device lnstalled like Echo, Echo dot, etc.

4. In !he upper lelt corner of Home page, click § button to

111111 show App menu. Then clicks

In the menu.

– 07 –

= Home

6. Enable Smart Lire to 1he t t rr-eri 9g1 i’1 -,os S;rart Lli’e aa::o.n to complete the accoun.: innig.


s.Type in Smart Life In the search and click the search button



m –

8. Back to Menu by cllcklng § button, end then click button.


7. Alter linked account successtully, you can ask Alexa 10 discover

devlces. Alexa wlil show all the dlscovered devlces alter 20

9. In Smart Home page,you can group your devices for dltterent categorles. Your Smart llfe APP has been skllled wllh Alexa.


Now you can control your Smart Plug through Alexa.

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– 10 –


How to connect Smart Device to Google Home
1 launch tl>c Gooç,le Hom<, Aoo and m.xlc sure Google Home
spea_l:e< “ruaolcd Il nol pleilso ~Gooolc Home speaker
insmlo!lon inWUct,on to comokltc 1/lO tnsiall.’ltion
2. Orce GooQ1c HomO is lnslallcd. In tllO upocr len corner ot App
Homo p.)QC. dó bl.Ctc,, 10 5/’,0w App mcfU. Thcn dîck “Home Coolrol” In the) men,
· 12-

l On ‘Adel device’Pa<Jc, scroll down to flnd “Smart Ufo· and lhen click lt Sk;ln In Smart Uto APP wlth your account and paSSWO<d. Choose Smart Ufe APP In the dropdown menu to complete the account llnkfnj.

  1. –~ @-·
    o — ·- @·—
    4. Atter successful account 0nklng, In Google Home App you can
    see all the smart devlces trom your Smart Ufe App account You
    can assign rooms tor each device. – 13 –

s.Naw you can use Google Home 10 control your smart devlccs.
you can say llke:
OK Google, turn on/off wall llght OK Google, set bedroom light to red.

1· . .

-: 1


‘i . – – –


· 14·

Troubleshooting and FAO
l Whal devices can I conlrOI with the Smart Plug? You om coouol ights. fans. portable heaters. and any small ëppfiances in acrordance ,vith the Smart Plug·s specifications.

z. What should I do when I cannot turn Smart Plug on or off?

M:il2 sue vo; mob.”e ~

and the Smart Plug are connected

btnesa.-neWi-fi retwork.

Il& il2 tr>= rellCES cor.neaed to the Smart Plug are tumed on.

3. v.ta stnJd Ido wtJen device c:onfiguralioo process has faled? YoJ ccud:
· 010′ vihe!hF.1 tr,e Smart Plug i5 powered on or not · Oléd: v/reJ-e you, mo’::liJe device is cormected to 2A GHz vr…;; r,e;wor,;.

· Ol:6: -px r,ernor, ccf f ~ 1/a/re s1.ce tre rOU’Ef i5 werking

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f tre <O<J’B !!à ~

re,~ . pj<>..a-.x ,e’.e,a 2AG networ<,:

– 15 –

and then add Smart Plug . Enable the route(s broadcasting function. Configure the enoyptlon method as WPA2-PSK and authorization type as AES. or set both as auto. Wireless mode cannot be lln only. · Qieck lor W.-Ft interference or relocate the Smart Plug to another location withln the signal range. · Oiedc whether the router’s connected devices reach the amount limit Please try to turn off some device·s Wi-Fi function and configure Smart Plug again. · Check if route(s wireless MAC filtering functions In enabled. Remove the device trom filter list and make sure the reuter Is not prohibitlng Smart Plug trom connection.
· Make sure the password of your Wl-Fi network. entered in App Is correct when adding Smart Plug.
· Make sure the Smart Plug is In ready lor App-Conflguration: the indicator light is qulck blinlcing blue (twlce per second) tor -16-

quick mode confi guratio n. slow b blue (once every 3 seconds) lor AP mode contlg uration.
Repeat the App-con figuration process. Factory rese t the Smart Plug and trles to add it again.
4 . Can I control device through 2G/3G/4G cellular network.s? The Smart Plug and the mobile device are required to be under same Wi-Fi network w he n add ing the Smart Plug lor the first time. Alter successful device configuration, you can remotely control the device th rough 2G/ 3G/4G cellular network.s.
5. How can I share my device with family? Run the App Smart Life. g o to “Pro fil e” -> “Device Sharing· -> ·senr. tap “Add Sharing· . now you can share the d evice V>lith added fam ily m embers.
-17 –

6.How to reset this device? factory reset Alter Smart Plug is plugged ir.c0 a çn,,er soclr-..”!. press and hold (lo r 6 seconds) the power blr.J.Or. tor truay reset until the indicator Ught bflnks blue rapidly. lnáK:ator igh!ing pattem: · OJick b flnking blue (twice pe,- secord): O.ri rroc!e
is in itiated. · Slow blinking bue (ooc.e e,,ery 3 sro:rds)’. ;.p m : x l e ~·
is initiated .
· Solid blue: The Smart Plug is conneoed to tre W-fi ner11o”c..
· Off: The Smart Plug is sw :tched o tt and r.o w ,-H ra1;o.~
-18 –


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