Wamsler TYP 188 17 7.3 Kw Wood Burning Stove Cheap Instructions

June 9, 2024

Wamsler TYP 188 17 7.3 Kw Wood Burning Stove Cheap

Product Information

The product is a stove identified by the model number TYP 188 17 SOSA and TYP 188 17 GOR. It can use various types of fuel including hardwood, softwood, and wood briquettes according to DIN 51731. The product has a heating power of 7.3 kW and an energy efficiency class of A+. It weighs 125 kg for TYP 188 17 SOSA and 122 kg for TYP 188 17 GOR. The product is made of steel, cast iron, and magnets with glass or viewing pane.

Product Usage Instructions

Refer to the image in Bild 1 for operation instructions.

Use the appropriate type of fuel and follow the table in Table 1 for combustion air adjustment. Make sure that the ash pan is always fully inserted.

Notes on heating
Refer to the instructions in section 1.2 for heating guidelines.

Cleaning and care
To clean ceramic and glass parts, use soap and water.

For installation, follow the regulations in section 2.1 and refer to images in Bild 2, Bild 3, Bild 4, Bild 5, Bild 6, Bild 7, Bild 8, Bild 9, Bild 10, and Bild 11 as necessary.

Technical specifications
Refer to the technical specifications in section 3 for additional information regarding the product.

What to do if…
If the stove is not burning well or smoking, check if the flue gas damper and fresh air damper are closed, and adjust the combustion air regulator as necessary. Check if the wood is too moist and ensure that the maximum fuel quantity is not exceeded. If the stove is emitting a strong odor, check if the flue gas connections are sealed.

Additional Safety Instructions
Refer to the safety instructions in sections D and GB for additional safety guidelines.


Dear Customer!
Thank you for choosing our product!

By purchasing this product, you receive a guarantee for

  • good quality originating from the usage of the finest and proven materials,
  • operating security which is controlled according to German and European norms (Corresponds to the standards EN 13240 (future EN16510))
  • long life ensured by the robust structure.

In order to be able to use your new fireplace for a long time please read the following instructions manual. You will find all the necessary information in it and some additional advice.

When ordering replacement parts, Article No. and Serial No. shown on the identification plate must be quoted.


  1. The stoves are tested to EN 13240 (EN 16510) (see identification plate).
  2. For installation and for flue gas connections, the requirements of the Fire Regulations (FeuVO in Germany) apply, as well as local building regulations such as the following technical standards DIN 18896, DIN 4705, EN 13384, DIN 18160, EN 1856-2 and EN 15287. In order for the stove to function correctly the chimney to which you want to connect the stove must be in good condition.
  3. Before first use and before connecting to the chimney, you must read the Instructions for Use carefully and inform the local authority responsible for approving heating sys-tems.
  4. While installing the stove you are recommended to wear clean cotton gloves, in order to avoid leaving fingerprints which can be difficult to remove afterward.
  5. In the interests both of clean air, and of the safe functioning of the stove, the fuel quantities listed in the Instructions for Use should never be exceeded, and the doors of the stove must be shut during use to avoid the risk of overheating, which can lead to damage to the stove. Damage due to this cause is not covered by the guarantee.
  6. The stove doors must remain shut at all times while the stove is in use.
  7. Permitted fuels are:
    • Natural chopped firewood (up to 25 / 33 cm max. in length)
  8. Never use liquid fire starters. Use either special firelighters or wood shavings.
  9. Burning rubbish, fine chips, bark, coal slack, chips from planning, damp wood or wood treated with preservatives, paper, cardboard or similar is not permitted.
  10. The first time the stove is heated there may be some smoke and an unpleasant smell. Make sure that the room is well-ventilated (open windows and doors) and heated for at least an hour at the maximum nominal heat load. If the maximum temperature is not reached the first time the stove is heated, then there may be further unpleasant smells at a later date.
  11. All controls and settings must be used as indicated in the Instructions for Use. When the stove is hot, please handle only using the implements or protective gloves provided.
  12. If the stove is not working correctly, or if the chimney is not drawing properly, smoke may appear when the fire door is opened. It is very important to only open the fire door slowly, initially just a crack, then wait a few seconds before opening fully. In addition, before opening the fire door to top up the fuel, make sure that only glowing material is present: there must not be any visible flames.
  13. Do not place any flammable items in the warming drawer or on the surface of the stove.
  14. When in use, all surfaces and particularly the glass doors and handles and other controls can become very hot. Make children, young people, older people and animals aware of this danger, and keep them away from this source of heat when the stove is being used. Use the protective gloves or the implements provided. Children and young people under 16 must not use the stove unless supervised by an adult who is responsible for them.
  15. Make sure that the ash pan is always fully pushed in, until it touches the back. Never remove ashes while still hot (fire risk).
  16. Risk of deflagration!! Always open the air supply slowly to the maximum before losing the combustion chamber door! Wait a long time after opening the air supply. For the first time the fire or embers flares up, open the heating door. If you proceed according to this pattern, you can be sure that you will never have to experience a deflagration, because you have really been unburned combustion gas in the combustion chamber, you have prevented this with this option. The primary air regulator is also fully open after each fuel feed and only heard again after the fuel level according to Table 1 has been ignited.
  17. No flammable objects are placed or leaned against in the warming compartment or on /on the device. Find safety distances!
  18. Before the installation, the probable load-bearing capacity of the installation surface is to be seen. If the load-bearing capacity is insufficient, a shim should be used to distribute the load.
  19. In spring and autumn, the chimney may no longer draw correctly, so that gases produced by combustion are not completely removed. The fire chamber should then be filled with a small quantity of fuel, ideally with wood shavings, and lit under supervision, in order to stabilise the chimney draught. The grate must be clean.
  20. After each prolonged period of use for heating, have the stove checked by a profes-sional. The flues and pipes for the evacuation of fumes must also be thoroughly cleaned.
  21. If repairs or replacements are necessary, please contact your supplier with the neces-sary article numbers and serial numbers in good time. Only original WAMSLER replace-ment parts may be used.
  22. Work such as installation, setup, commissioning and services, as well as repairs, must only be carried out by qualified personnel (heating system or space heating technicians). Intervention by non-qualified persons invalidates the warranty and guarantee.
  23. As the solid fuel oven/stove draws the air required for combustion from the surrounding room, you must ensure that sufficient air can be drawn in through non-sealed windows and outside doors. It can be assumed that is this is provided by a room volume of at least 4 m³ per kW nominal heat capacity. If the volume is less than this, then air vents can be used to provide access to further air in other rooms (min. 150 cm²).
  24. You must ensure that the correct safety distance is maintained from all flammable com-ponents and materials – to the side, rear and front. These distances can be found in the Instructions for Use or the identification plate.
  25. The fire chamber must not be modified.
  26. Connection to a chimney whose functional height is less than 4 m, or if multiple stoves are installed, 5 m, is not permitted. A maximum of two other fires can be connected to the chimney which is to be connected the stove.
  27. If the chimney catches fire immediately close all doors and openings and call the fire brigade. Do not attempt to extinguish the fire yourself. Afterwards, have the chimney thoroughly checked out by a professional.
  28. Solid fuels naturally create soot, so it is always possible that the window glass will be-come dirty: this does not mean there is a malfunction.


Structure of the equipment



  • A – Door
  • B – Fume baffle
  • C – Ash baffle
  • D – Primary air control / Secondary air control
  • E – Door handle
  • F – Front cover, not opening


The equipment can be used with fuels detailed in the following. This way the “low-smoke” and trouble-free operation can be secured. Use only dry wood with moisture of a maximum 20%.

Types of fuels Heating value appr. kWh/kg

Hardwood Softwood

Wood briquette after DIN 51731

| 4,0 – 4,2

4,3 – 4,5

5,0 – 5,2

Filling quantities

  • Split billet: max. length: 25-33 cm, 1-2 billets per filling, max. 1.6 kg (≈ 2.0 kg/h)
  • Wooden briquette DIN 51731: max. 1.2 kg

Adjustment of the burning air:


Never close the one-hand air slide control completely during operation (never push the lever all the way to the right). This should only happen after the flame has gone out completely.

IT IS NOT ALLOWED to burn waste, fine chipping, bark, wood handled with preventive chemicals, furthermore paper and cardboard. For kindling, please use wood scrapings or grill starters but never use liquid auxiliaries!

The first kindling

  • At the first fire, the set-up could be a little smoke but is not dangerous, or normal In this time, please ventilate the room carefully!

Upon the first kindling, smoke and an unpleasant smell may be generated. Always ensure the proper ventilation of the room (by opening windows and doors), and heat the fireplace at maximum rated heating performance. If with the first heating, the maximum temperature is not reached, the above-mentioned effects may as well arise later on.
Open the door with the tool. Adjust the primary air regulator to Table 1. Put a coal lighter or wood wool into the fire grate, followed by wood chips. First insert small pieces of wood, and then larger ones, light them and close the door again. When the wood burns quickly and leaves sufficient glowing embers, put additional fuel on the fire. Thereafter, adjust the primary air regulator according to Table 1 („Adjustment of the burning air”). The first kindling should be performed “finely” with little fuel only, so that the parts of the fireplace be adapted to heat. During the first kindling, the generation of smell is normal.

Putting out of operation

  • Let the glowing ember burn to ashes and the fireplace get cold.
  • Empty the furnace chamber and the ash bin.
  • Close the doors and push the primary air regulator totally to the right.

Heating instructions
The fireplace should be operated only with closed furnace chamber door. Fireplaces belonging to type 1 have self-locking furnace chamber doors. These doors may be opened only for kindling, loading or when cleaning the furnace chamber (otherwise draught problems may occur with other equipment connected to the same chimney).

When opening the furnace chamber door, any incorrect handling or insufficient draught may induce smoke. Always ensure that the furnace chamber door may be opened only slowly, first just to a small extent, and then fully after a few seconds. In addition, if you intend to put additional fuel into the fire, before the opening of the door only there may be only ember bed in the burning space, i.e., no flames may be visible.

Led into the burning space in correspondence with the existing conditions, the secondary air provides for the follow-up burning of the combustible components of in the burning space. This in fact means smoke and soot-poor burning, which contributes to the protection of the environment. If you wish to commission the fireplace in a transitional period, please, please first examine the chimney draught, as it can be especially weak at high external temperatures. Towards this end, hold a burning match in the slightly opened feeding door. If the flame is not drawn significantly by the draught, then a so-called starting fire is to be set first. Towards this end, burn wood chips/wool in the fireplace or the cleaning hole of the chimney. The fire grate is to be cleaned before every kindling to ensure the proper inflow of air for burning. The ashtray is to be emptied regularly. Should the equipment be extremely hot, use the gloves provided. Please, be careful not to dispose of glowing materials into the waste bin.

Ensure that the ashtray should be fully pushed into the equipment.

In order to keep the air clean and safeguard the fireplace, do not exceed the specified maximum fuel quantity, otherwise overheating may occur, which potentially damages the equipment. Such damage is not covered by any guarantee. Only a single layer of fuel is allowable to be prepared in the fireplace. Try to reach lower heating performance only by decreasing the quantity of fuel, and not by cutting the primary air supply.

Cleaning and maintenance

After the heating season, it is recommended to clean the fireplace and the flue gas pipes carefully. Any dropping heating performance is almost always the consequence of the strong contamination of the flues. For cleaning, the grate and furnace chamber walling is to be pulled out. This way, the flues can be cleaned from the inside or – after removing the flue gas pipe – from above. After cleaning, you must be back fully mounting.Wamsler-TYP-188-17-7.3-Kw-

Following every heating season, you are advised to examine the fireplace thoroughly. If any repair or reconditioning is needed, please, contact your local dealer in a timely manner, and specify the model number and serial number of your equipment (as seen on the model plate). External surfaces may be maintained only after the fireplace cooled down, and following the first commissioning. Use cold water for cleaning, or soap, wash-ing ingredients in extraordinary cases, then wipe it dry. Before its first use, clean the ROBAX inspection glass with a wet and clean cloth, and then put a few drops of glass–ceramic cleaner onto both sides of the glass, and spread them with the use of kitchen paper tissues. It provides an invisible film on the valuable surface of the Robax glass. This film helps to keep the glass clean and facilitates regular cleaning operations. ROBAX S for slightly contaminated surfaces – a commercially available glass surface cleaning agent – may as well be used for the cleaning of the medium or strongly contaminated glass surfaces of the fireplace. Towards this end, spray small quantities of the agent to the cold surfaces, spread it, and wash it down with a wet cloth, followed by drying it with a clean, soft cloth. In case there are sticky fuel deposits on these surfaces, first scale simply them with a ceramic-plate scraper held in a flat angle, and then clean the surfaces as described above.

Cleaning of the ceramic surfaces dirt and grease are to be removed with soap and water.

Cleaning of the soapstone:
the soapstone is a natural stone, therefore minor colour differences may occur; as it is normal, they may not serve as a basis for quality complaints! To clean the soapstone from dirt and fat with water and soap, as well as small scratches, use sandpaper (grain size 240).

Under no circumstances you may use sponge, scouring, aggressive or scratching cleaning agents! If the grate is blocked so that the equipment cannot serve the intended function, the grate is to be removed for cleaning.

Potential problems and how to tackle them

Kind of operating problem Possible reasons Solution
Odour formation Curing of the applied pre- ventive lacquer.

Steaming oil remains.

| Operate the fireplace on a low heating level according to the instruction manual for a few hours. Then heat up for a maximal performance for a few hours.
Too little heating perfor- mance| ·         We chose too little per- formance

·         Chimney draught is slight

| ·         Have the heating re- quirement of the room examined by an expert

·          Chimney draught shall be at least 12 Pa, max. for a short time 15 Pa.

·         Check the tightness of your chimney and also that the doors of other fire-places leading to the same chimney are closed and sealed properly. Make sure that the chimney-clean-

ing joints are sealed properly.

 | ·         Too long and leaky smoke tube| ·         All the smoke tube joints must be well sealed and fireproof-


 | ·         Leakage at the door glass| ·         Check the sealing, close the door properly. May have to have the tightening flap re- newed.
 | ·         Usage of wet wood.| ·         Use well-dried wood only.

Actions to be in a chimney fire
A chimney fire may occur upon the improper cleaning of the chimney, the use of inappropriate fuels (e.g., excessively wet wood) or the inadequate setting of the burning air. In such cases, close the burning air at the fire, and call the fire service.

Never try to extinguish the fire with water!


For installation and for connection of flue, the requirements of the Fire Regulations (FeuVO in Germany) apply, as well as local building regulations such as the following technical standards DIN 18896, DIN 4705, EN 13384, DIN 18160, EN 1856-2 and EN 15287. Have the device installed only by a qualified specialist.
In order for your device to work properly, the chimney in which you want to see the device must be in perfect working order and in perfect working order. Can withstand loads of up to 400° C.

Place of installation
The stove draws the air required for burning from the surrounding room. You must ensure that sufficient air can be drawn in through non-sealed windows and outside doors. In addition, you must ensure that a room volume/heat capacity ratio of at least 4 m³ per kW nominal heat capacity is available. If the volume is less than this, then air vents can be used to provide access to further air supply in other rooms (connecting vents min. 150 cm²).

All combustible equipment, furniture or e.g., decoration materials which are in the close environment of the fireplace shall be protected from the heat.

Furnishings in the radiation area
Keep a minimum distance of 150 cm (A) between the front cover of the fireplace and the combustible equipment, furniture, or e.g., decoration materials.
The security distance can be lowered to 75 cm if a heat shield is put in front of the object to be protected (B) (see our example in drawing no. 2).

Furnishings outside the radiation area
The walls beside and behind the fireplace shall not be made of combustible materials and they cannot be covered by such materials, unless the distance on the sides is more than 30 cm, and the backside is more than 30 cm. Similarly, to the wooden and plastic furniture on the sides a distance of 30 cm, shall be kept (see Pic. no. 3).Wamsler-TYP-188-17-7.3-Kw-Wood-Burning-Stove-Cheap-

The floor in front of and under the fireplace
Floors made from combustible materials, such as carpets, parquet floors or cork is to be protected by a shield of non-combustible material – for example, ceramics, stone, glass or steel – placed under the fireplace so that it should reach out to 50 cm in front and 30 cm besides.

Connection of the fireplace
The connection for attaching to the chimney must be able to withstand at least 400°C.


Before connecting the stove, the local authority responsible for approving heating systems must be consulted!
Connection pieces must be firmly connected to the stove and to each other and must not leak. They must not project into the open diameter of the chimney. The connection piece between the stove and the chimney must have the same diameter as the pipe socket on the stove. Horizontal connection pieces of over 0.5 m must rise towards the chimney at an angle of 10 degrees. Any pipes which are not heat insulated or vertical must not be longer than 1 meter.

The requirements of the Fire Regulations (FeuVO) apply, as well as local building regulations such as for the chimney standards DIN 4705, DIN EN 13384, DIN 18160, and DIN EN 15287. Connection pieces must be tested to DIN EN 1856-2. Measurement X (distance from flammable construction and other materials) must be as defined by the manufacturer of the connection piece.

Fitting to a chimney with a functional height of less than 4 m, or if several stoves are being fitted, less than 5 m, is not permitted. (See: Data for chimney calculations/Chapter 3.) A maximum of two other fires can be connected to the chimney to be connected to the stove (Germany). For safety reasons, it is not permitted to use a steam extractor hood to remove air when the stove is producing heat.

Outside air intake
Oxygen or air is constantly required for the combustion process. As a rule, the air available in the installation room is sufficient (see also Chapter 2.2).

With well-sealed windows and doors, the presence of mechanical ventilation (e.g., kitchen or bathroom) or other fireplaces (including gas boilers) in the apartment, the proper air supply can be severely disturbed. If this is the case, it is possible to supply the combustion air directly from outside or from another, sufficiently ventilated room (e.g., basement). For this purpose, the wood-burning stoves offer a central air intake nozzle Ø 80 mm on the back as standard, which must be installed.

Only smooth pipes with a minimum diameter of 80 mm can be used. The airline should also have a shut-off valve near the furnace. The position “open” – “closed” must be clearly marked on the butterfly valve and must be carried out correctly. Among other things, arches must have inspection openings for the chimney sweep and be properly insulated against condensation. The line should not be longer than 4 m and not have more than 3 bends. If the line leads outdoors, it should be provided with a suitable windbreak and fly screen.

General information on the subject of room air dependent or room air independent operation:
The stove is supplied as a standard room air-dependent fireplace stove. This means that the stove draws all of the combustion air from the installation room via the central air intake on the back. A sufficient supply of combustion air (at full load approx. 25m³ / h) is absolutely necessary.

In combination with ventilation and air conditioning systems (e.g., controlled ventilation systems, fume hoods, etc.), Section 4 of the Firing Ordinance (FeuVO) is decisive in Germany. The flue gas routing must be monitored by special safety devices (e.g., via an approved differential pressure monitor) or, if a ventilation system is used, this must ensure that no negative pressures greater than 4 Pa occur in the installation room compared to the outside and that the necessary combustion air (approx. 25 m3 / h) for the fireplace.

Please always observe – in consultation with your authorized district chimney sweep -the applicable local regulations and rules. We cannot accept any liability for changes made after this manual has been printed. We reserve the right to change without notice. The above-mentioned safety devices are not a substitute for professional planning and design of an adequate combustion air supply. As part of the acceptance, the district chimney sweep must check the adequate combustion air supply/overall installation.

Choice of flue gas and air connection placement
The following steps must be observed when converting the flue gas connection: Wamsler-TYP-188-17-7.3-Kw-Wood-Burning-Stove-Cheap-

  1. Detach the rear panel of the device by unscrewing the 6 screws (pic 6). Then lift and remove the back panel.
  2. Remove the pre-punched rear opening with side cutters
  3. Remove the baffle plates (as described in paragraph 1.5 in the “Cleaning and maintenance” chapter), being careful not to damage any of the vermiculite plates;
  4. Unscrew the 4 screws on the inside of the combustion chamber (Fig. 7) with an Allen key to be able to rotate the flue gas spigot;
  5. Position the flue gas spigot so that the outlet is horizontal;
  6. Then retighten the four Allen screws and replace the baffle and baffle.
  7. Assemble the back panel and place the cover as shown in Figure 9.Wamsler-TYP-188-17-7.3-Kw-Wood-Burning-Stove-Cheap-fig-7

The following steps must be observed when converting the external air connection:

  1. Disassemble the back panel (A) by unscrewing the 6 screws (pic. 10). Then lift the back panel and take it out;
  2. Remove the rear pre-punched hole (B) with a side cutter;
  3. Fasten the external air connection (C) to the stove using the supplied nuts DIN 6923 M6 (D).
  4. Reassemble the back panel in reverse order to 1.

Installation substructure (optional):

  1. Place the base (A) in the desired location. Position the oven on top of the base. Make sure the front and sides of the oven are aligned with those of the base;
  2. Fix the base to the inner part of the oven using the screws (B) and washers (C) through the existing holes in the top of the base. Screws are included in the kit.

Technical specification

Dimensional drawings

TYP1881710 SOSA


TYP1881720 GOR



Art.No.| width (mm)| draught (mm)| height (mm)| weight netto (kg)| weight brutto (kg)
G001881710| 496| 465 / 508| 933| 125| 139
G001881720| 477| 475 / 498| 910| 122| 136

The dimension information shown is only for information! We reserve the right to make changes to the construction if these improve the technical level or the quality!


Typ 18817 SOSA / GOR
Nennwärmeleistung 7,3 kW

Heating capacity (m3)

-under favorable

-less favorable

-not favorable heating circumstances according to 18893/TAB2 DIN standard

| ****




Flue gas values:                      fuel: Flue gas stream:

Flue gas temperature spigot:

Min. pressure at nominal performance: CO (relating 13% O2):

Dust (relating 13% O2): Efficiency:

Energy efficiency class Energy efficiency index (EEI)

| wood 7 g/s

280˚C (233°C)

12 Pa

≤ 40 mg/m³

≤ 1250 mg/m³

≤ 0,10 %

≥ 81% A+ 107

All information provided by the exhaust gas values is based on EN 13240 under stationary laboratory conditions. We reserve the right to make changes that relate to technical advances and/or to an improvement in quality. We accept no liability for printing errors and changes that occur after printing.

Disposal of the device after wear

In the case of disposal of the furnace, a well-thought-out construction with screw and plug connections enables simple dismantling and good separation of the individual materials. After dismantling the heating door and fire grate, the internal parts of the combustion chamber are easily accessible and can either be removed without tools or easily unscrewed. Other add-on parts can also be completely dismantled with the help of a screwdriver, water pump pliers and an open-ended wrench set.

You can find an overview of the components of the stove here:

Material| furnace component (depending on model)| Reuse disposal
Steel, cast iron, magnets| stove body including side parts, back panels, add- on elements, cast sockets and grates, cladding and doors| scrap metal AVV 17 04 05

Pay attention to local possibilities

Stainless steel| controls/sliders, rods and handles| scrap metal AVV 17 04 07

Pay attention to local possibilities

Ceramic, natural stone| handles, cladding parts| Building rubble AVV 17 01 03 Pay attention to local possibilities
Glass Ceramic| glass pane| Building rubble AVV 17 01 03 Pay attention to local possibilities

(in contact with fire)

| combustion chamber lining, insulation/baffle plates| Not recyclable

Pay attention to local possibilities


(in contact with fire)

| combustion chamber lining, insulation/baffle plates| Not recyclable

Pay attention to local possibilities

Glass fiber sealing strips| Use on the doors and glass panes| seals as glass and ceramic fibers (artificial mineral fibers (KMF)) Pay attention to local possibilities

Haus – und Küchentechnik GmbH
Adalperostraße 86 D – 85737 Ismaning
Telefon +49 (0)89 32084-0
Telefax +49 (0)89 32084-294


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